1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
3import logging
4from lxml import etree
5import os
6import unittest
7import time
9import pytz
10import werkzeug
11import werkzeug.routing
12import werkzeug.utils
14from functools import partial
16import odoo
17from odoo import api, models
18from odoo import registry, SUPERUSER_ID
19from odoo.http import request
20from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
21from odoo.osv.expression import FALSE_DOMAIN
22from odoo.addons.http_routing.models.ir_http import ModelConverter, _guess_mimetype
23from odoo.addons.portal.controllers.portal import _build_url_w_params
25logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
28def sitemap_qs2dom(qs, route, field='name'):
29    """ Convert a query_string (can contains a path) to a domain"""
30    dom = []
31    if qs and qs.lower() not in route:
32        needles = qs.strip('/').split('/')
33        # needles will be altered and keep only element which one is not in route
34        # diff(from=['shop', 'product'], to=['shop', 'product', 'product']) => to=['product']
35        unittest.util.unorderable_list_difference(route.strip('/').split('/'), needles)
36        if len(needles) == 1:
37            dom = [(field, 'ilike', needles[0])]
38        else:
39            dom = FALSE_DOMAIN
40    return dom
43def get_request_website():
44    """ Return the website set on `request` if called in a frontend context
45    (website=True on route).
46    This method can typically be used to check if we are in the frontend.
48    This method is easy to mock during python tests to simulate frontend
49    context, rather than mocking every method accessing request.website.
51    Don't import directly the method or it won't be mocked during tests, do:
52    ```
53    from odoo.addons.website.models import ir_http
54    my_var = ir_http.get_request_website()
55    ```
56    """
57    return request and getattr(request, 'website', False) or False
60class Http(models.AbstractModel):
61    _inherit = 'ir.http'
63    @classmethod
64    def routing_map(cls, key=None):
65        key = key or (request and request.website_routing)
66        return super(Http, cls).routing_map(key=key)
68    @classmethod
69    def clear_caches(cls):
70        super(Http, cls)._clear_routing_map()
71        return super(Http, cls).clear_caches()
73    @classmethod
74    def _slug_matching(cls, adapter, endpoint, **kw):
75        for arg in kw:
76            if isinstance(kw[arg], models.BaseModel):
77                kw[arg] = kw[arg].with_context(slug_matching=True)
78        qs = request.httprequest.query_string.decode('utf-8')
79        try:
80            return adapter.build(endpoint, kw) + (qs and '?%s' % qs or '')
81        except odoo.exceptions.MissingError:
82            raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound()
84    @classmethod
85    def _match(cls, path_info, key=None):
86        key = key or (request and request.website_routing)
87        return super(Http, cls)._match(path_info, key=key)
89    @classmethod
90    def _generate_routing_rules(cls, modules, converters):
91        website_id = request.website_routing
92        logger.debug("_generate_routing_rules for website: %s", website_id)
93        domain = [('redirect_type', 'in', ('308', '404')), '|', ('website_id', '=', False), ('website_id', '=', website_id)]
95        rewrites = dict([(x.url_from, x) for x in request.env['website.rewrite'].sudo().search(domain)])
96        cls._rewrite_len[website_id] = len(rewrites)
98        for url, endpoint, routing in super(Http, cls)._generate_routing_rules(modules, converters):
99            routing = dict(routing)
100            if url in rewrites:
101                rewrite = rewrites[url]
102                url_to = rewrite.url_to
103                if rewrite.redirect_type == '308':
104                    logger.debug('Add rule %s for %s' % (url_to, website_id))
105                    yield url_to, endpoint, routing  # yield new url
107                    if url != url_to:
108                        logger.debug('Redirect from %s to %s for website %s' % (url, url_to, website_id))
109                        _slug_matching = partial(cls._slug_matching, endpoint=endpoint)
110                        routing['redirect_to'] = _slug_matching
111                        yield url, endpoint, routing  # yield original redirected to new url
112                elif rewrite.redirect_type == '404':
113                    logger.debug('Return 404 for %s for website %s' % (url, website_id))
114                    continue
115            else:
116                yield url, endpoint, routing
118    @classmethod
119    def _get_converters(cls):
120        """ Get the converters list for custom url pattern werkzeug need to
121            match Rule. This override adds the website ones.
122        """
123        return dict(
124            super(Http, cls)._get_converters(),
125            model=ModelConverter,
126        )
128    @classmethod
129    def _auth_method_public(cls):
130        """ If no user logged, set the public user of current website, or default
131            public user as request uid.
132            After this method `request.env` can be called, since the `request.uid` is
133            set. The `env` lazy property of `request` will be correct.
134        """
135        if not request.session.uid:
136            env = api.Environment(request.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, request.context)
137            website = env['website'].get_current_website()
138            request.uid = website and website._get_cached('user_id')
140        if not request.uid:
141            super(Http, cls)._auth_method_public()
143    @classmethod
144    def _register_website_track(cls, response):
145        if getattr(response, 'status_code', 0) != 200:
146            return False
148        template = False
149        if hasattr(response, 'qcontext'):  # classic response
150            main_object = response.qcontext.get('main_object')
151            website_page = getattr(main_object, '_name', False) == 'website.page' and main_object
152            template = response.qcontext.get('response_template')
153        elif hasattr(response, '_cached_page'):
154            website_page, template = response._cached_page, response._cached_template
156        view = template and request.env['website'].get_template(template)
157        if view and view.track:
158            request.env['website.visitor']._handle_webpage_dispatch(response, website_page)
160        return False
162    @classmethod
163    def _dispatch(cls):
164        """
165        In case of rerouting for translate (e.g. when visiting odoo.com/fr_BE/),
166        _dispatch calls reroute() that returns _dispatch with altered request properties.
167        The second _dispatch will continue until end of process. When second _dispatch is finished, the first _dispatch
168        call receive the new altered request and continue.
169        At the end, 2 calls of _dispatch (and this override) are made with exact same request properties, instead of one.
170        As the response has not been sent back to the client, the visitor cookie does not exist yet when second _dispatch call
171        is treated in _handle_webpage_dispatch, leading to create 2 visitors with exact same properties.
172        To avoid this, we check if, !!! before calling super !!!, we are in a rerouting request. If not, it means that we are
173        handling the original request, in which we should create the visitor. We ignore every other rerouting requests.
174        """
175        is_rerouting = hasattr(request, 'routing_iteration')
177        if request.session.db:
178            reg = registry(request.session.db)
179            with reg.cursor() as cr:
180                env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
181                request.website_routing = env['website'].get_current_website().id
183        response = super(Http, cls)._dispatch()
185        if not is_rerouting:
186            cls._register_website_track(response)
187        return response
189    @classmethod
190    def _add_dispatch_parameters(cls, func):
192        # DEPRECATED for /website/force/<website_id> - remove me in master~saas-14.4
193        # Force website with query string paramater, typically set from website selector in frontend navbar and inside tests
194        force_website_id = request.httprequest.args.get('fw')
195        if (force_website_id and request.session.get('force_website_id') != force_website_id
196                and request.env.user.has_group('website.group_multi_website')
197                and request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_publisher')):
198            request.env['website']._force_website(request.httprequest.args.get('fw'))
200        context = {}
201        if not request.context.get('tz'):
202            context['tz'] = request.session.get('geoip', {}).get('time_zone')
203            try:
204                pytz.timezone(context['tz'] or '')
205            except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
206                context.pop('tz')
208        request.website = request.env['website'].get_current_website()  # can use `request.env` since auth methods are called
209        context['website_id'] = request.website.id
210        # This is mainly to avoid access errors in website controllers where there is no
211        # context (eg: /shop), and it's not going to propagate to the global context of the tab
212        # If the company of the website is not in the allowed companies of the user, set the main
213        # company of the user.
214        website_company_id = request.website._get_cached('company_id')
215        if website_company_id in request.env.user.company_ids.ids:
216            context['allowed_company_ids'] = [website_company_id]
217        else:
218            context['allowed_company_ids'] = request.env.user.company_id.ids
220        # modify bound context
221        request.context = dict(request.context, **context)
223        super(Http, cls)._add_dispatch_parameters(func)
225        if request.routing_iteration == 1:
226            request.website = request.website.with_context(request.context)
228    @classmethod
229    def _get_frontend_langs(cls):
230        if get_request_website():
231            return [code for code, *_ in request.env['res.lang'].get_available()]
232        else:
233            return super()._get_frontend_langs()
235    @classmethod
236    def _get_default_lang(cls):
237        if getattr(request, 'website', False):
238            return request.env['res.lang'].browse(request.website._get_cached('default_lang_id'))
239        return super(Http, cls)._get_default_lang()
241    @classmethod
242    def _get_translation_frontend_modules_name(cls):
243        mods = super(Http, cls)._get_translation_frontend_modules_name()
244        installed = request.registry._init_modules | set(odoo.conf.server_wide_modules)
245        return mods + [mod for mod in installed if mod.startswith('website')]
247    @classmethod
248    def _serve_page(cls):
249        req_page = request.httprequest.path
250        page_domain = [('url', '=', req_page)] + request.website.website_domain()
252        published_domain = page_domain
253        # specific page first
254        page = request.env['website.page'].sudo().search(published_domain, order='website_id asc', limit=1)
256        # redirect withtout trailing /
257        if not page and req_page != "/" and req_page.endswith("/"):
258            return request.redirect(req_page[:-1])
260        if page:
261            # prefetch all menus (it will prefetch website.page too)
262            request.website.menu_id
264        if page and (request.website.is_publisher() or page.is_visible):
265            need_to_cache = False
266            cache_key = page._get_cache_key(request)
267            if (
268                page.cache_time  # cache > 0
269                and request.httprequest.method == "GET"
270                and request.env.user._is_public()    # only cache for unlogged user
271                and 'nocache' not in request.params  # allow bypass cache / debug
272                and not request.session.debug
273                and len(cache_key) and cache_key[-1] is not None  # nocache via expr
274            ):
275                need_to_cache = True
276                try:
277                    r = page._get_cache_response(cache_key)
278                    if r['time'] + page.cache_time > time.time():
279                        response = werkzeug.Response(r['content'], mimetype=r['contenttype'])
280                        response._cached_template = r['template']
281                        response._cached_page = page
282                        return response
283                except KeyError:
284                    pass
286            _, ext = os.path.splitext(req_page)
287            response = request.render(page.view_id.id, {
288                'deletable': True,
289                'main_object': page,
290            }, mimetype=_guess_mimetype(ext))
292            if need_to_cache and response.status_code == 200:
293                r = response.render()
294                page._set_cache_response(cache_key, {
295                    'content': r,
296                    'contenttype': response.headers['Content-Type'],
297                    'time': time.time(),
298                    'template': getattr(response, 'qcontext', {}).get('response_template')
299                })
300            return response
301        return False
303    @classmethod
304    def _serve_redirect(cls):
305        req_page = request.httprequest.path
306        domain = [
307            ('redirect_type', 'in', ('301', '302')),
308            # trailing / could have been removed by server_page
309            '|', ('url_from', '=', req_page.rstrip('/')), ('url_from', '=', req_page + '/')
310        ]
311        domain += request.website.website_domain()
312        return request.env['website.rewrite'].sudo().search(domain, limit=1)
314    @classmethod
315    def _serve_fallback(cls, exception):
316        # serve attachment before
317        parent = super(Http, cls)._serve_fallback(exception)
318        if parent:  # attachment
319            return parent
320        if not request.is_frontend:
321            return False
322        website_page = cls._serve_page()
323        if website_page:
324            return website_page
326        redirect = cls._serve_redirect()
327        if redirect:
328            return request.redirect(_build_url_w_params(redirect.url_to, request.params), code=redirect.redirect_type)
330        return False
332    @classmethod
333    def _get_exception_code_values(cls, exception):
334        code, values = super(Http, cls)._get_exception_code_values(exception)
335        if isinstance(exception, werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound) and request.website.is_publisher():
336            code = 'page_404'
337            values['path'] = request.httprequest.path[1:]
338        if isinstance(exception, werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden) and \
339           exception.description == "website_visibility_password_required":
340            code = 'protected_403'
341            values['path'] = request.httprequest.path
342        return (code, values)
344    @classmethod
345    def _get_values_500_error(cls, env, values, exception):
346        View = env["ir.ui.view"]
347        values = super(Http, cls)._get_values_500_error(env, values, exception)
348        if 'qweb_exception' in values:
349            try:
350                # exception.name might be int, string
351                exception_template = int(exception.name)
352            except ValueError:
353                exception_template = exception.name
354            view = View._view_obj(exception_template)
355            if exception.html and exception.html in view.arch:
356                values['view'] = view
357            else:
358                # There might be 2 cases where the exception code can't be found
359                # in the view, either the error is in a child view or the code
360                # contains branding (<div t-att-data="request.browse('ok')"/>).
361                et = etree.fromstring(view.with_context(inherit_branding=False).read_combined(['arch'])['arch'])
362                node = et.xpath(exception.path)
363                line = node is not None and etree.tostring(node[0], encoding='unicode')
364                if line:
365                    values['view'] = View._views_get(exception_template).filtered(
366                        lambda v: line in v.arch
367                    )
368                    values['view'] = values['view'] and values['view'][0]
369        # Needed to show reset template on translated pages (`_prepare_qcontext` will set it for main lang)
370        values['editable'] = request.uid and request.website.is_publisher()
371        return values
373    @classmethod
374    def _get_error_html(cls, env, code, values):
375        if code in ('page_404', 'protected_403'):
376            return code.split('_')[1], env['ir.ui.view']._render_template('website.%s' % code, values)
377        return super(Http, cls)._get_error_html(env, code, values)
379    def binary_content(self, xmlid=None, model='ir.attachment', id=None, field='datas',
380                       unique=False, filename=None, filename_field='name', download=False,
381                       mimetype=None, default_mimetype='application/octet-stream',
382                       access_token=None):
383        obj = None
384        if xmlid:
385            obj = self._xmlid_to_obj(self.env, xmlid)
386        elif id and model in self.env:
387            obj = self.env[model].browse(int(id))
388        if obj and 'website_published' in obj._fields:
389            if self.env[obj._name].sudo().search([('id', '=', obj.id), ('website_published', '=', True)]):
390                self = self.sudo()
391        return super(Http, self).binary_content(
392            xmlid=xmlid, model=model, id=id, field=field, unique=unique, filename=filename,
393            filename_field=filename_field, download=download, mimetype=mimetype,
394            default_mimetype=default_mimetype, access_token=access_token)
396    @classmethod
397    def _xmlid_to_obj(cls, env, xmlid):
398        website_id = env['website'].get_current_website()
399        if website_id and website_id.theme_id:
400            domain = [('key', '=', xmlid), ('website_id', '=', website_id.id)]
401            Attachment = env['ir.attachment']
402            if request.env.user.share:
403                domain.append(('public', '=', True))
404                Attachment = Attachment.sudo()
405            obj = Attachment.search(domain)
406            if obj:
407                return obj[0]
409        return super(Http, cls)._xmlid_to_obj(env, xmlid)
411    @api.model
412    def get_frontend_session_info(self):
413        session_info = super(Http, self).get_frontend_session_info()
414        session_info.update({
415            'is_website_user': request.env.user.id == request.website.user_id.id,
416        })
417        if request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_publisher'):
418            session_info.update({
419                'website_id': request.website.id,
420                'website_company_id': request.website._get_cached('company_id'),
421            })
422        return session_info
425class ModelConverter(ModelConverter):
427    def to_url(self, value):
428        if value.env.context.get('slug_matching'):
429            return value.env.context.get('_converter_value', str(value.id))
430        return super().to_url(value)
432    def generate(self, uid, dom=None, args=None):
433        Model = request.env[self.model].with_user(uid)
434        # Allow to current_website_id directly in route domain
435        args.update(current_website_id=request.env['website'].get_current_website().id)
436        domain = safe_eval(self.domain, (args or {}).copy())
437        if dom:
438            domain += dom
439        for record in Model.search(domain):
440            # return record so URL will be the real endpoint URL as the record will go through `slug()`
441            # the same way as endpoint URL is retrieved during dispatch (301 redirect), see `to_url()` from ModelConverter
442            yield record