2 * Copyright since 2007 PrestaShop SA and Contributors
3 * PrestaShop is an International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
4 *
6 *
7 * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
8 * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.md.
9 * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
10 * https://opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0
11 * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
12 * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
13 * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
14 *
16 *
17 * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
18 * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
19 * needs please refer to https://devdocs.prestashop.com/ for more information.
20 *
21 * @author    PrestaShop SA and Contributors <contact@prestashop.com>
22 * @copyright Since 2007 PrestaShop SA and Contributors
23 * @license   https://opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0 Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
24 *}
25<div id="calendar" class="panel">
26	<form action="{$action|escape}" method="post" id="calendar_form" name="calendar_form" class="form-inline">
27		<div class="row">
28			<div class="col-lg-6">
29				<div class="btn-group">
30					<button type="submit" name="submitDateDay" class="btn btn-default submitDateDay">{$translations.Day}</button>
31					<button type="submit" name="submitDateMonth" class="btn btn-default submitDateMonth">{$translations.Month}</button>
32					<button type="submit" name="submitDateYear" class="btn btn-default submitDateYear">{$translations.Year}</button>
33					<button type="submit" name="submitDateDayPrev" class="btn btn-default submitDateDayPrev">{$translations.Day}-1</button>
34					<button type="submit" name="submitDateMonthPrev" class="btn btn-default submitDateMonthPrev">{$translations.Month}-1</button>
35					<button type="submit" name="submitDateYearPrev" class="btn btn-default submitDateYearPrev">{$translations.Year}-1</button>
36				</div>
37			</div>
38			<div class="col-lg-6">
39				<div class="row">
40					<div class="col-md-8">
41						<div class="row">
42							<div class="col-xs-6">
43								<div class="input-group">
44									<label class="input-group-addon">{if isset($translations.From)}{$translations.From}{else}{l s='From:' d='Admin.Global'}{/if}</label>
45									<input type="text" name="datepickerFrom" id="datepickerFrom" value="{$datepickerFrom|escape}" class="datepicker  form-control">
46								</div>
47							</div>
48							<div class="col-xs-6">
49								<div class="input-group">
50									<label class="input-group-addon">{if isset($translations.To)}{$translations.To}{else}{l s='From:' d='Admin.Global'}{/if}</label>
51									<input type="text" name="datepickerTo" id="datepickerTo" value="{$datepickerTo|escape}" class="datepicker  form-control">
52								</div>
53							</div>
54						</div>
55					</div>
56					<div class="col-md-4">
57						<div class="row">
58							<button type="submit" name="submitDatePicker" id="submitDatePicker" class="btn btn-default"><i class="icon-save"></i> {l s='Save' d='Admin.Actions'}</button>
59						</div>
60					</div>
61				</div>
62			</div>
63		</div>
64	</form>
66<script type="text/javascript">
67	$(document).ready(function() {
68		if ($("form#calendar_form .datepicker").length > 0)
69			$("form#calendar_form .datepicker").datepicker({
70				prevText: '',
71				nextText: '',
72				dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'
73			});
74	});