3 * Created by PhpStorm.
4 * User: thomasleviandier
5 * Date: 2018-12-20
6 * Time: 16:44
7 */
9namespace PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\CLDR;
11use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Exception\LocalizationException;
14 * CLDR Currency entity. This is an immutable data object.
15 *
16 * This class represents the immutable object of CLDR data for a specific currency, translated in a given language.
17 * It is the only data object visible and handleable by "outside" code (meaning non-CLDR code).
18 * CLDR Locale objects aggregate multiple CLDR Currency instances (available currencies), and return this class when
19 * asked for a given currency.
20 */
21interface CurrencyInterface
23    public const SYMBOL_TYPE_NARROW = 'narrow';
24    public const DISPLAY_NAME_COUNT_DEFAULT = 'default';
25    public const SYMBOL_TYPE_DEFAULT = 'default';
26    public const DISPLAY_NAME_COUNT_ONE = 'one';
27    public const DISPLAY_NAME_COUNT_OTHER = 'other';
29    /**
30     * Get the ISO code of this currency.
31     *
32     * @return string
33     *                The currency's ISO 4217 code
34     */
35    public function getIsoCode();
37    /**
38     * Get the numeric ISO code of this currency.
39     *
40     * @return string
41     *                The currency's ISO 4217 numeric code
42     */
43    public function getNumericIsoCode();
45    /**
46     * Get the number of decimal digits to display when formatting a price with this currency.
47     *
48     * @return int
49     *             The number of decimal digits to display
50     */
51    public function getDecimalDigits();
53    /**
54     * Get the display name for the passed count context.
55     *
56     * @param string $countContext
57     *                             The count context
58     *                             "default" = talking about the currency (e.g.: "used currency is Euro")
59     *                             "one"     = talking about one unit of this currency (e.g.: "one euro")
60     *                             "other"   = talking about several units of this currency (e.g.: "ten euros")
61     *
62     * @return string
63     *                The wanted display name
64     */
65    public function getDisplayName($countContext = self::DISPLAY_NAME_COUNT_DEFAULT);
67    /**
68     * Get the symbol of this currency. Narrow symbol is returned by default.
69     *
70     * @param string $type
71     *                     Possible value: "default" ("$") and "narrow" ("US$")
72     *
73     * @return string
74     *                The currency's symbol
75     *
76     * @throws LocalizationException
77     *                               When an invalid symbol type is passed
78     */
79    public function getSymbol($type = self::SYMBOL_TYPE_NARROW);