1 /* -*- mode: c++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
3 /*
4  Copyright (C) 2009 Chris Kenyon
6  This file is part of QuantLib, a free-software/open-source library
7  for financial quantitative analysts and developers - http://quantlib.org/
9  QuantLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  under the terms of the QuantLib license.  You should have received a
11  copy of the license along with this program; if not, please email
12  <quantlib-dev@lists.sf.net>. The license is also available online at
13  <http://quantlib.org/license.shtml>.
15  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the license for more details.
18  */
20 /*! \file yoyinflationoptionletvolatilitystructure.hpp
21     \brief yoy inflation volatility structures
22  */
24 #ifndef quantlib_yoy_optionlet_volatility_structures_hpp
25 #define quantlib_yoy_optionlet_volatility_structures_hpp
27 #include <ql/termstructures/voltermstructure.hpp>
28 #include <ql/math/interpolation.hpp>
29 #include <ql/time/calendars/target.hpp>
31 namespace QuantLib {
33     /*! Abstract interface ... no data, only results.
35         Basically used to change the BlackVariance() methods to
36         totalVariance.  Also deal with lagged observations of an index
37         with a (usually different) availability lag.
38     */
39     class YoYOptionletVolatilitySurface : public VolatilityTermStructure {
40     public:
41         //! \name Constructor
42         //! calculate the reference date based on the global evaluation date
43         YoYOptionletVolatilitySurface(Natural settlementDays,
44                                       const Calendar&,
45                                       BusinessDayConvention bdc,
46                                       const DayCounter& dc,
47                                       const Period& observationLag,
48                                       Frequency frequency,
49                                       bool indexIsInterpolated);
~YoYOptionletVolatilitySurface()51         virtual ~YoYOptionletVolatilitySurface() {}
53         //! \name Volatility (only)
54         //@{
55         //! Returns the volatility for a given maturity date and strike rate
56         //! that observes inflation, by default, with the observation lag
57         //! of the term structure.
58         //! Because inflation is highly linked to dates (for interpolation, periods, etc)
59         //! we do NOT provide a time version.
60         Volatility volatility(const Date& maturityDate,
61                               Rate strike,
62                               const Period &obsLag = Period(-1,Days),
63                               bool extrapolate = false) const;
64         //! returns the volatility for a given option tenor and strike rate
65         Volatility volatility(const Period& optionTenor,
66                               Rate strike,
67                               const Period &obsLag = Period(-1,Days),
68                               bool extrapolate = false) const;
70         //! Returns the total integrated variance for a given exercise date and strike rate.
71         /*! Total integrated variance is useful because it scales out
72          t for the optionlet pricing formulae.  Note that it is
73          called "total" because the surface does not know whether
74          it represents Black, Bachelier or Displaced Diffusion
75          variance.  These are virtual so alternate connections
76          between const vol and total var are possible.
78          Because inflation is highly linked to dates (for interpolation, periods, etc)
79          we do NOT provide a time version
80          */
81         virtual Volatility totalVariance(const Date& exerciseDate,
82                                          Rate strike,
83                                          const Period &obsLag = Period(-1,Days),
84                                          bool extrapolate = false) const;
85         //! returns the total integrated variance for a given option tenor and strike rate
86         virtual Volatility totalVariance(const Period& optionTenor,
87                                          Rate strike,
88                                          const Period &obsLag = Period(-1,Days),
89                                          bool extrapolate = false) const;
91         //! The TS observes with a lag that is usually different from the
92         //! availability lag of the index.  An inflation rate is given,
93         //! by default, for the maturity requested assuming this lag.
observationLag() const94         virtual Period observationLag() const { return observationLag_; }
frequency() const95         virtual Frequency frequency() const { return frequency_; }
indexIsInterpolated() const96         virtual bool indexIsInterpolated() const { return indexIsInterpolated_; }
97         virtual Date baseDate() const;
98         //! base date will be in the past because of observation lag
99         virtual Time timeFromBase(const Date &date,
100                                   const Period& obsLag = Period(-1,Days)) const;
101         //@}
103         //! \name Limits
104         //@{
105         //! the minimum strike for which the term structure can return vols
106         virtual Real minStrike() const = 0;
107         //! the maximum strike for which the term structure can return vols
108         virtual Real maxStrike() const = 0;
109         //@}
111         // acts as zero time value for boostrapping
baseLevel() const112         virtual Volatility baseLevel() const {
113             QL_REQUIRE(baseLevel_ != Null<Volatility>(),
114                        "Base volatility, for baseDate(), not set.");
115             return baseLevel_;
116         }
118     protected:
119         virtual void checkRange(const Date &, Rate strike, bool extrapolate) const;
120         virtual void checkRange(Time, Rate strike, bool extrapolate) const;
122         //! Implements the actual volatility surface calculation in
123         //! derived classes e.g. bilinear interpolation.  N.B. does
124         //! not derive the surface.
125         virtual Volatility volatilityImpl(Time length,
126                                           Rate strike) const = 0;
128         // acts as zero time value for boostrapping
setBaseLevel(Volatility v)129         virtual void setBaseLevel(Volatility v) { baseLevel_ = v; }
130         mutable Volatility baseLevel_;
132         // so you do not need an index
133         Period observationLag_;
134         Frequency frequency_;
135         bool indexIsInterpolated_;
136     };
139     //! Constant surface, no K or T dependence.
140     class ConstantYoYOptionletVolatility
141     : public YoYOptionletVolatilitySurface {
142     public:
143         //! \name Constructor
144         //@{
145         //! calculate the reference date based on the global evaluation date
146       ConstantYoYOptionletVolatility(Volatility v,
147                                      Natural settlementDays,
148                                      const Calendar&,
149                                      BusinessDayConvention bdc,
150                                      const DayCounter& dc,
151                                      const Period& observationLag,
152                                      Frequency frequency,
153                                      bool indexIsInterpolated,
154                                      Rate minStrike = -1.0,   // -100%
155                                      Rate maxStrike = 100.0); // +10,000%
156       //@}
~ConstantYoYOptionletVolatility()157       virtual ~ConstantYoYOptionletVolatility() {}
159       //! \name Limits
160       //@{
maxDate() const161       virtual Date maxDate() const { return Date::maxDate(); }
162       //! the minimum strike for which the term structure can return vols
minStrike() const163       virtual Real minStrike() const { return minStrike_; }
164       //! the maximum strike for which the term structure can return vols
maxStrike() const165       virtual Real maxStrike() const { return maxStrike_; }
166       //@}
168     protected:
169         //! implements the actual volatility calculation in derived classes
170         virtual Volatility volatilityImpl(Time length, Rate strike) const;
172         Volatility volatility_;
173         Rate minStrike_, maxStrike_;
174     };
178 } // namespace QuantLib
180 #endif