1 /***************************************************************************
2  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 S. MANKOWSKI stephane@mankowski.fr
3  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 G. DE BURE support@mankowski.fr
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
5  ***************************************************************************/
6 /** @file
7 * This file implements classes SKGServices.
8 *
9 * @author Stephane MANKOWSKI / Guillaume DE BURE
10  */
11 #include "skgservices.h"
13 #include <kaboutdata.h>
14 #include <kiconloader.h>
15 #include <kio/filecopyjob.h>
16 #include <klocalizedstring.h>
17 #ifndef Q_OS_WIN
18 #include <sys/time.h>
19 #endif
21 #include <qapplication.h>
22 #include <qca.h>
23 #include <qdom.h>
24 #include <qfile.h>
25 #include <qlocale.h>
26 #include <qmath.h>
27 #include <qregularexpression.h>
28 #include <qsavefile.h>
29 #include <qscriptengine.h>
30 #include <qsqldatabase.h>
31 #include <qsqldriver.h>
32 #include <qsqlerror.h>
33 #include <qsqlquery.h>
34 #include <qsqlrecord.h>
35 #include <qstandardpaths.h>
36 #include <qtemporaryfile.h>
37 #include <qvariant.h>
39 #include "skgdocument.h"
40 #include "skgtraces.h"
42 #define SQLCIPHERHEARDER "SQLCipher format"
44 int SKGServices::SKGSqlTraces = (SKGServices::getEnvVariable(QStringLiteral("SKGTRACESQL")).isEmpty() ? -1 : SKGServices::stringToInt(SKGServices::getEnvVariable(QStringLiteral("SKGTRACESQL"))));
46 SKGError SKGServices::m_lastCallbackError;
searchCriteriasToWhereClause(const SKGServices::SKGSearchCriteriaList & iSearchCriterias,const QStringList & iAttributes,const SKGDocument * iDocument,bool iForDisplay)48 QString SKGServices::searchCriteriasToWhereClause(const SKGServices::SKGSearchCriteriaList& iSearchCriterias, const QStringList& iAttributes, const SKGDocument* iDocument, bool iForDisplay)
49 {
50     QString whereclause;
51     int nbCriterias = iSearchCriterias.count();
52     int nbAttributes = iAttributes.count();
53     for (int i = 0; i < nbCriterias; ++i) {
54         SKGSearchCriteria criteria = iSearchCriterias.at(i);
55         QString subWhereClause;
57         int nbWords = criteria.words.count();
58         for (int w = 0; w < nbWords; ++w) {
59             QString subWhereClause2;
61             QString word = criteria.words[w].toLower();
62             QString att;
63             QString op(':');
64             bool modeStartWith = true;
66             // Check if the word follows the format attribute:value
67             int pos = word.indexOf(QStringLiteral(":"));
68             int pos2 = word.indexOf(QStringLiteral("<="));
69             int pos3 = word.indexOf(QStringLiteral(">="));
70             int pos4 = word.indexOf(QStringLiteral("="));
71             int pos5 = word.indexOf(QStringLiteral("<"));
72             int pos6 = word.indexOf(QStringLiteral(">"));
73             int pos7 = word.indexOf(QStringLiteral("#"));
74             int opLength = 1;
75             if (pos2 != -1 && (pos2 < pos || pos == -1)) {
76                 pos = pos2;
77                 opLength = 2;
78             }
79             if (pos3 != -1 && (pos3 < pos || pos == -1)) {
80                 pos = pos3;
81                 opLength = 2;
82             }
83             if (pos4 != -1 && (pos4 < pos || pos == -1)) {
84                 pos = pos4;
85             }
86             if (pos5 != -1 && (pos5 < pos || pos == -1)) {
87                 pos = pos5;
88             }
89             if (pos6 != -1 && (pos6 < pos || pos == -1)) {
90                 pos = pos6;
91             }
92             if (pos7 != -1 && (pos7 < pos || pos == -1)) {
93                 pos = pos7;
94             }
96             if (pos != -1) {
97                 att = word.left(pos);
98                 if (att.endsWith(QStringLiteral("."))) {
99                     modeStartWith = false;
100                     att = att.left(att.count() - 1);
101                 }
102                 op = word.mid(pos, opLength);
103                 word = word.right(word.count() - pos - op.count());
104             }
106             word = SKGServices::stringToSqlString(word);
108             for (int j = 0; j < nbAttributes; ++j) {
109                 QString attDatabase = iAttributes.at(j);
110                 QString attForComparison = (iDocument != nullptr ? iDocument->getDisplay(attDatabase) : attDatabase).toLower();
111                 if (att.isEmpty() ||
112                     (modeStartWith && attForComparison.startsWith(att)) ||
113                     (!modeStartWith && attForComparison.compare(att, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)) {
114                     if (iForDisplay) {
115                         QString n = attForComparison + op + word;
116                         if (subWhereClause2.isEmpty()) {
117                             subWhereClause2 = n;
118                         } else {
119                             subWhereClause2 = i18nc("Logical condition", "%1 or %2", subWhereClause2, n);
120                         }
121                     } else {
122                         if (!subWhereClause2.isEmpty()) {
123                             subWhereClause2 = subWhereClause2 % " OR ";
124                         }
126                         if (attDatabase.startsWith(QLatin1String("p_"))) {
127                             // Case property
128                             QString propName = attDatabase.right(attDatabase.length() - 2);
129                             if (op == QStringLiteral(":")) {
130                                 subWhereClause2 = subWhereClause2 % "i_PROPPNAME='" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(propName) % "' AND (lower(i_PROPVALUE) LIKE '%" % word % "%')";
131                             } else if (op == QStringLiteral("#")) {
132                                 subWhereClause2 = subWhereClause2 % "i_PROPPNAME='" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(propName) % "' AND REGEXP('" % word % "',i_PROPVALUE)";
133                             } else {
134                                 attDatabase = "i_PROPPNAME='" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(propName) % "' AND i_PROPVALUE";
135                                 subWhereClause2 = subWhereClause2 % attDatabase % op % word;
136                             }
137                         } else {
138                             // Case normal attribute
139                             if (op == QStringLiteral(":")) {
140                                 subWhereClause2 = subWhereClause2 % "lower(" % attDatabase % ") LIKE '%" % word % "%'";
141                             } else if (op == QStringLiteral("#")) {
142                                 subWhereClause2 = subWhereClause2 % "REGEXP('" % word % "'," % attDatabase % ")";
143                             } else {
144                                 if (attDatabase.startsWith(QLatin1String("f_")) || attDatabase.startsWith(QLatin1String("i_"))) {
145                                     subWhereClause2 = subWhereClause2 % attDatabase % op % word;
146                                 } else {
147                                     subWhereClause2 = subWhereClause2 % "lower(" % attDatabase % ")" % op % "'" % word % "'";
148                                 }
149                             }
150                         }
151                     }
152                 }
153             }
154             if (iForDisplay) {
155                 if (!subWhereClause2.isEmpty()) {
156                     if (subWhereClause.isEmpty()) {
157                         subWhereClause = subWhereClause2;
158                     } else {
159                         subWhereClause = i18nc("Logical condition", "(%1) and (%2)", subWhereClause, subWhereClause2);
160                     }
161                 }
162             } else {
163                 if (!subWhereClause2.isEmpty()) {
164                     if (!subWhereClause.isEmpty()) {
165                         subWhereClause = subWhereClause % " AND ";
166                     }
167                     subWhereClause = subWhereClause % "(" % subWhereClause2 % ")";
168                 } else {
169                     subWhereClause = QStringLiteral("1=0");
170                 }
171             }
172         }
173         if (iForDisplay) {
174             if (!subWhereClause.isEmpty()) {
175                 if (criteria.mode == '+') {
176                     if (whereclause.isEmpty()) {
177                         whereclause = subWhereClause;
178                     } else {
179                         whereclause = i18nc("Logical condition", "(%1) and (%2)", whereclause, subWhereClause);
180                     }
181                 } else if (criteria.mode == '-') {
182                     if (subWhereClause.isEmpty()) {
183                         whereclause = i18nc("Logical condition", "not (%1)", subWhereClause);
184                     } else {
185                         whereclause = i18nc("Logical condition", "(%1) and not (%2)", whereclause, subWhereClause);
186                     }
187                 }
188             }
189         } else {
190             if (!subWhereClause.isEmpty()) {
191                 if (criteria.mode == '+') {
192                     if (!whereclause.isEmpty()) {
193                         whereclause = whereclause % " OR ";
194                     }
195                     whereclause = whereclause % "(" % subWhereClause % ")";
196                 } else if (criteria.mode == '-') {
197                     if (!whereclause.isEmpty()) {
198                         whereclause = whereclause % " AND NOT";
199                     } else {
200                         whereclause = QStringLiteral("NOT");
201                     }
202                     whereclause = whereclause % "(" % subWhereClause % ")";
203                 }
204             }
205         }
206     }
207     return whereclause;
208 }
stringToSearchCriterias(const QString & iString)210 SKGServices::SKGSearchCriteriaList SKGServices::stringToSearchCriterias(const QString& iString)
211 {
212     SKGServices::SKGSearchCriteriaList output;
214     QStringList words = SKGServices::splitCSVLine(iString, ' ', true);
216     int nbwords = words.count();
217     output.reserve(nbwords);
219     SKGServices::SKGSearchCriteria criteria;
220     criteria.mode = '+';
221     bool atLeastOnePlus = false;
222     for (int i = 0; i < nbwords; ++i) {
223         QString word = words.at(i);
224         bool isWordStartingByPlus = word.startsWith(QLatin1String("+"));
225         bool isWordStartingByLess = word.startsWith(QLatin1String("-"));
226         if (isWordStartingByPlus || isWordStartingByLess) {
227             QChar nextChar;
228             if (word.count() > 1) {
229                 nextChar = word[1];
230             }
231             if (nextChar < '0' || nextChar > '9') {
232                 word = word.right(word.length() - 1);
233                 if (Q_LIKELY(i != 0)) {
234                     if (criteria.mode == '-') {
235                         output.push_back(criteria);
236                     } else {
237                         output.push_front(criteria);
238                         atLeastOnePlus = true;
239                     }
240                 }
241                 criteria.words.clear();
242                 criteria.mode = (isWordStartingByPlus ? '+' : '-');
243             }
244         }
245         criteria.words.push_back(word);
246     }
247     if (criteria.mode == '-') {
248         output.push_back(criteria);
249     } else {
250         output.push_front(criteria);
251         atLeastOnePlus = true;
252     }
254     if (!atLeastOnePlus) {
255         // Add a '+' always true
256         SKGServices::SKGSearchCriteria criteria2;
257         criteria2.mode = '+';
258         criteria2.words.push_back(QLatin1String(""));
259         output.push_front(criteria2);
260     }
262     return output;
263 }
getEnvVariable(const QString & iAttribute)265 QString SKGServices::getEnvVariable(const QString& iAttribute)
266 {
267     return QString::fromUtf8(qgetenv(iAttribute.toUtf8().constData()));
268 }
intToString(qlonglong iNumber)270 QString SKGServices::intToString(qlonglong iNumber)
271 {
272     QString output;
273     output.setNum(iNumber);
274     return output;
275 }
stringToInt(const QString & iNumber)277 qlonglong SKGServices::stringToInt(const QString& iNumber)
278 {
279     if (Q_UNLIKELY(iNumber.isEmpty())) {
280         return 0;
281     }
283     bool ok;
284     qlonglong output = iNumber.toLongLong(&ok);
285     if (Q_LIKELY(!ok)) {
286         SKGTRACE << "WARNING: SKGServices::stringToInt(" << iNumber << ") failed" << SKGENDL;
287     }
289     return output;
290 }
stringToSqlString(const QString & iString)292 QString SKGServices::stringToSqlString(const QString& iString)
293 {
294     QString output;
296     for (const auto& c : iString) {
297         if (c.isPrint() || c == QChar('\n')) {
298             output.append(QChar(c));
299         }
300     }
302     output.replace('\'', QStringLiteral("''"));
303     return output;
304 }
stringToHtml(const QString & iString)306 QString SKGServices::stringToHtml(const QString& iString)
307 {
308     QString output = iString;
309     output.replace('&', QStringLiteral("&amp;"));  // Must be done first
310     output.replace('<', QStringLiteral("&lt;"));
311     output.replace('>', QStringLiteral("&gt;"));
312     output.replace('"', QStringLiteral("&quot;"));
314     return output;
315 }
htmlToString(const QString & iString)317 QString SKGServices::htmlToString(const QString& iString)
318 {
319     QString output = iString;
320     output.replace(QStringLiteral("&lt;"), QStringLiteral("<"));
321     output.replace(QStringLiteral("&gt;"), QStringLiteral(">"));
322     output.replace(QStringLiteral("&quot;"), QStringLiteral("\""));
323     output.replace(QStringLiteral("&amp;"), QStringLiteral("&"));
325     return output;
326 }
stringsToCsv(const QStringList & iList,QChar iSeparator)328 QString SKGServices::stringsToCsv(const QStringList& iList, QChar iSeparator)
329 {
330     QString output;
331     int nb = iList.count();
332     for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
333         output.append(SKGServices::stringToCsv(iList.at(i)));
334         if (Q_LIKELY(i < nb - 1)) {
335             output.append(iSeparator);
336         }
337     }
339     return output;
340 }
stringToCsv(const QString & iNumber)342 QString SKGServices::stringToCsv(const QString& iNumber)
343 {
344     QString output = iNumber;
345     output.replace('"', QStringLiteral("#SKGDOUBLECOTE#"));
346     output.replace(QStringLiteral("#SKGDOUBLECOTE#"), QStringLiteral("\"\""));
347     output = '"' % output % '"';
348     return output;
349 }
stringToDouble(const QString & iNumber)351 double SKGServices::stringToDouble(const QString& iNumber)
352 {
353     if (Q_UNLIKELY(iNumber.isEmpty() || iNumber == QStringLiteral("nan"))) {
354         return 0;
355     }
356     if (Q_UNLIKELY(iNumber == QStringLiteral("inf"))) {
357         return 1e300;
358     }
359     if (Q_UNLIKELY(iNumber == QStringLiteral("-inf"))) {
360         return -1e300;
361     }
362     QString number = iNumber;
363     number.remove(QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("[^0-9-+/eE,.]")));
364     if (number.contains(QStringLiteral("/"))) {
365         // Use script engine
366         QScriptEngine myEngine;
367         QScriptValue result = myEngine.evaluate(number);
368         if (result.isNumber()) {
369             return result.toNumber();
370         }
371     }
373     bool ok;
374     double output = number.toDouble(&ok);
375     if (Q_LIKELY(!ok)) {
376         QString tmp = number;
377         tmp.replace(',', '.');
378         if (tmp.count('.') > 1) {
379             tmp.remove(tmp.indexOf('.'), 1);
380         }
381         output = tmp.toDouble(&ok);
382         if (Q_LIKELY(!ok)) {
383             QString tmp2 = number;
384             tmp2.replace('.', ',');
385             if (tmp2.count(',') > 1) {
386                 tmp2.remove(tmp2.indexOf(','), 1);
387             }
388             output = tmp2.toDouble(&ok);
389             if (!ok) {
390                 QString tmp3 = number;
391                 tmp3.remove(',');
392                 output = tmp3.toDouble(&ok);
393             }
394         }
395     }
396     if (Q_LIKELY(!ok)) {
397         SKGTRACE << "WARNING: SKGServices::stringToDouble(" << iNumber << ") failed" << SKGENDL;
398     }
399     return output;
400 }
doubleToString(double iNumber)402 QString SKGServices::doubleToString(double iNumber)
403 {
404     QString output;
405     output.setNum(iNumber, 'g', 10);
406     return output;
407 }
getNextString(const QString & iString)409 QString SKGServices::getNextString(const QString& iString)
410 {
411     QString output = iString;
412     bool ok;
413     qlonglong val = output.toLongLong(&ok);
414     if (Q_LIKELY(ok)) {
415         // This is a int
416         output = SKGServices::intToString(val + 1);
417     } else {
418         // This is a string
419         output = QLatin1String("");
420     }
421     return output;
422 }
dateToPeriod(QDate iDate,const QString & iPeriod)424 QString SKGServices::dateToPeriod(QDate iDate, const QString& iPeriod)
425 {
426     QString period;
427     if (iPeriod == QStringLiteral("D")) {
428         // Day
429         period = iDate.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd"));
430     } else if (iPeriod == QStringLiteral("W")) {
431         // Week
432         period = iDate.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-W")) % SKGServices::intToString(iDate.weekNumber()).rightJustified(2, '0');
433     } else if (iPeriod == QStringLiteral("M")) {
434         // Month
435         period = iDate.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM"));
436     } else if (iPeriod == QStringLiteral("Q")) {
437         // Quarter
438         period = iDate.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-Q")) % (iDate.month() <= 3 ? '1' : (iDate.month() <= 6 ? '2' : (iDate.month() <= 9 ? '3' : '4')));
439     } else if (iPeriod == QStringLiteral("S")) {
440         // Semester
441         period = iDate.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-S")) % (iDate.month() <= 6 ? '1' : '2');
442     } else if (iPeriod == QStringLiteral("Y")) {
443         // Year
444         period = iDate.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy"));
445     }
446     return period;
447 }
timeToString(const QDateTime & iDateTime)449 QString SKGServices::timeToString(const QDateTime& iDateTime)
450 {
451     QDateTime d = iDateTime;
452     if (Q_UNLIKELY(!d.isValid())) {
453         d = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
454     }
455     return d.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
456 }
dateToSqlString(QDate iDate)458 QString SKGServices::dateToSqlString(QDate iDate)
459 {
460 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0)
461     return dateToSqlString(QDateTime(iDate));
462 #else
463     return dateToSqlString(iDate.startOfDay());
464 #endif
465 }
dateToSqlString(const QDateTime & iDateTime)467 QString SKGServices::dateToSqlString(const QDateTime& iDateTime)
468 {
469     QDateTime d = iDateTime;
470     if (Q_UNLIKELY(!d.isValid())) {
471         d = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
472     }
473     return d.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd"));
474 }
nbWorkingDays(QDate iFrom,QDate iTo)476 int SKGServices::nbWorkingDays(QDate iFrom, QDate iTo)
477 {
478     int nb = 0;
479     QDate min = (iFrom < iTo ? iFrom : iTo);
480     QDate max = (iFrom < iTo ? iTo : iFrom);
482     while (min != max) {
483         if (min.dayOfWeek() <= 5) {
484             ++nb;
485         }
486         min = min.addDays(1);
487     }
488     if (nb == 0) {
489         nb = 1;
490     }
491     return nb;
492 }
stringToTime(const QString & iDateString)494 QDateTime SKGServices::stringToTime(const QString& iDateString)
495 {
496     QDateTime output = QDateTime::fromString(iDateString, QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
497     if (Q_UNLIKELY(!output.isValid())) {
498         output = QDateTime::fromString(iDateString, QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd"));
499     }
501     return output;
502 }
partialStringToDate(const QString & iDateString,bool iFixupBackward)504 QDate SKGServices::partialStringToDate(const QString& iDateString, bool iFixupBackward)
505 {
506     QDate result;
507     QStringList items = iDateString.split('/');
508     int size = items.count();
509     bool ok = false;
511     if (size == 1) {
512         int dayCount = items.at(0).toInt(&ok);
514         result = QDate(QDate::currentDate().year(), QDate::currentDate().month(), dayCount);
516         if (iFixupBackward) {
517             if (result > QDate::currentDate()) {
518                 result = result.addMonths(-1);
519             }
520         } else {
521             if (result < QDate::currentDate()) {
522                 result = result.addMonths(1);
523             }
524         }
525     } else if (size == 2) {
526         int dayCount = items.at(0).toInt(&ok);
527         int monthCount = items.at(1).toInt(&ok);
529         result = QDate(QDate::currentDate().year(), monthCount, dayCount);
531         if (iFixupBackward) {
532             if (result > QDate::currentDate()) {
533                 result = result.addYears(-1);
534             }
535         } else {
536             if (result < QDate::currentDate()) {
537                 result = result.addYears(1);
538             }
539         }
540     } else if (size == 3) {
541         int dayCount = items.at(0).toInt(&ok);
542         int monthCount = items.at(1).toInt(&ok);
543         int yearCount = items.at(2).toInt(&ok);
544         int lengthYear = items.at(2).count();
546         result = QDate(QDate::currentDate().year(), monthCount, dayCount);
548         if (lengthYear < 4) {
549             auto y = static_cast<int>(result.year() / qPow(10, lengthYear)) * qPow(10, lengthYear) + yearCount;
550             if (y > result.year() && iFixupBackward) {
551                 y = y - qPow(10, lengthYear);
552             } else if (y < result.year() && !iFixupBackward) {
553                 y = y + qPow(10, lengthYear);
554             }
555             result = result.addYears(y - result.year());
556         } else {
557             result = result.addYears(yearCount - result.year());
558         }
559     }
561     if (!ok) {
562         result = QDate();
563     }
564     return result;
565 }
splitCSVLine(const QString & iString,QChar iSeparator,bool iCoteDefineBlock)567 QStringList SKGServices::splitCSVLine(const QString& iString, QChar iSeparator, bool iCoteDefineBlock)
568 {
569     return splitCSVLine(iString, iSeparator, iCoteDefineBlock, nullptr);
570 }
splitCSVLine(const QString & iString,QChar iSeparator,bool iCoteDefineBlock,QChar * oRealSeparator)572 QStringList SKGServices::splitCSVLine(const QString& iString, QChar iSeparator, bool iCoteDefineBlock, QChar* oRealSeparator)
573 {
574     QStringList items;
575     QString item;
576     bool isInBlock = false;
577     QChar realSeparator = iSeparator;
579     QChar cote = ' ';  // Not yet defined
580     int nb = iString.length();
581     items.reserve(nb);
582     for (int pos = 0; pos < nb; ++pos) {
583         QChar c = iString.at(pos);
584         if (isInBlock) {
585             if (c == cote) {
586                 if (pos < nb - 1 && iString.at(pos + 1) == cote) {
587                     ++pos;  // separator escaped
588                 } else {
589                     items.push_back(item);
590                     item.clear();
591                     isInBlock = false;
592                     // 320112 vvvv
593                     // Reset the block character to autorize mix
594                     cote = ' ';
595                     // 320112 ^^^^
597                     if (realSeparator != ' ') while (pos < nb - 1 && iString.at(pos + 1) == ' ') {
598                             ++pos;
599                         }
600                     ++pos;
601                     if (pos < nb) {
602                         realSeparator = iString.at(pos);    // To get the real separator
603                     }
604                 }
605             }
607             if (isInBlock) {
608                 item += c;
609             }
610         } else  if ((c == '\"' || c == '\'') && item.trimmed().isEmpty() && iCoteDefineBlock) {
611             if (cote == ' ') {
612                 cote = c;    // Set the real cote char
613             }
614             isInBlock = true;
615             item.clear();
616         } else  if (QString(c) == realSeparator) {
617             items.push_back(item);
618             item.clear();
619             isInBlock = false;
620             // 320112 vvvv
621             // Reset the block character to autorize mix
622             cote = ' ';
623             // 320112 ^^^^
624         } else {
625             item += c;
626         }
627     }
629     if (!item.isEmpty() || (nb > 0 && iString.at(nb - 1) == realSeparator)) {
630         items.push_back(item);
631     }
633     if (oRealSeparator != nullptr) {
634         *oRealSeparator = realSeparator;
635     }
637     if (isInBlock) {
638         items.clear();
639     }
641     return items;
642 }
getDateFormat(const QStringList & iDates)644 QString SKGServices::getDateFormat(const QStringList& iDates)
645 {
647     bool f_YYYY_MM_DD = true;
648     bool f_YYYYMMDD = true;
649     bool f_DDMMYYYY = true;
650     bool f_MMDDYYYY = true;
651     bool f_MM_DD_YY = true;
652     bool f_DD_MM_YY = true;
653     bool f_MM_DD_YYYY = true;
654     bool f_DD_MM_YYYY = true;
655     bool f_DDMMMYYYY = true;
656     bool f_DD_MMM_YY = true;
657     bool f_DD_MMM_YYYY = true;
659     // Build regexp
660     QRegularExpression rx(QStringLiteral("(.+)-(.+)-(.+)"));
662     // Check all dates
663     int nb = iDates.count();
664     for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
665         QString val = iDates.at(i).trimmed();
666         if (val.count() > 10) {
667             auto l = SKGServices::splitCSVLine(val, ' ');
668             val = l[0];
669         }
670         if (!val.isEmpty()) {
671             val = val.replace(' ', '0');
672             val = val.replace('\\', '-');
673             val = val.replace('/', '-');
674             val = val.replace('.', '-');
675             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("'20"), QStringLiteral("-20"));
676             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("' "), QStringLiteral("-200"));
677             val = val.replace('\'', QStringLiteral("-20"));
678             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-90"), QStringLiteral("-1990"));
679             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-91"), QStringLiteral("-1991"));
680             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-92"), QStringLiteral("-1992"));
681             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-93"), QStringLiteral("-1993"));
682             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-94"), QStringLiteral("-1994"));
683             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-95"), QStringLiteral("-1995"));
684             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-96"), QStringLiteral("-1996"));
685             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-97"), QStringLiteral("-1997"));
686             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-98"), QStringLiteral("-1998"));
687             val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-99"), QStringLiteral("-1999"));
688             auto match = rx.match(val);
689             if (!match.hasMatch()) {
690                 f_YYYY_MM_DD = false;
691                 f_MM_DD_YY = false;
692                 f_DD_MM_YY = false;
693                 f_MM_DD_YYYY = false;
694                 f_DD_MM_YYYY = false;
695                 f_DD_MMM_YY = false;
696                 f_DD_MMM_YYYY = false;
698                 if (val.length() == 8) {
699                     auto left2 = SKGServices::stringToInt(val.left(2));
700                     if (left2 > 12) {
701                         f_MMDDYYYY = false;
702                     }
703                     if (left2 > 31) {
704                         f_DDMMYYYY = false;
705                     }
707                     auto mid2 = SKGServices::stringToInt(val.mid(2, 2));
708                     if (mid2 > 12) {
709                         f_DDMMYYYY = false;
710                     }
711                     if (mid2 > 31) {
712                         f_MMDDYYYY = false;
713                     }
715                     auto mid4 = SKGServices::stringToInt(val.mid(4, 2));
716                     if (mid4 > 12) {
717                         f_YYYYMMDD = false;
718                     }
720                     auto right2 = SKGServices::stringToInt(val.right(2));
721                     if (right2 > 31) {
722                         f_YYYYMMDD = false;
723                     }
725                     f_DDMMMYYYY = false;
726                 } else if (val.length() == 9) {
727                     f_MMDDYYYY = false;
728                     f_DDMMYYYY = false;
729                     f_YYYYMMDD = false;
730                 } else {
731                     f_MMDDYYYY = false;
732                     f_DDMMYYYY = false;
733                     f_YYYYMMDD = false;
734                     f_DDMMMYYYY = false;
735                 }
736             } else {
737                 f_YYYYMMDD = false;
738                 f_DDMMYYYY = false;
739                 f_MMDDYYYY = false;
740                 f_DDMMMYYYY = false;
742                 QString v1 = match.captured(1);
743                 QString v2 = match.captured(2);
744                 QString v3 = match.captured(3);
746                 if (SKGServices::stringToInt(v1) > 12) {
747                     f_MM_DD_YY = false;
748                     f_MM_DD_YYYY = false;
749                 }
751                 if (SKGServices::stringToInt(v2) > 12) {
752                     f_DD_MM_YY = false;
753                     f_DD_MM_YYYY = false;
754                 }
756                 if (v2.length() > 2) {
757                     f_MM_DD_YY = false;
758                     f_MM_DD_YYYY = false;
759                     f_DD_MM_YY = false;
760                     f_DD_MM_YYYY = false;
761                     f_YYYY_MM_DD = false;
762                 }
764                 if (v2.length() != 3) {
765                     f_DD_MMM_YYYY = false;
766                     f_DD_MMM_YY = false;
767                 }
769                 if (SKGServices::stringToInt(v1) > 31 || SKGServices::stringToInt(v2) > 31) {
770                     f_MM_DD_YY = false;
771                     f_MM_DD_YYYY = false;
772                     f_DD_MM_YY = false;
773                     f_DD_MM_YYYY = false;
774                 }
776                 if (SKGServices::stringToInt(v3) > 31) {
777                     f_YYYY_MM_DD = false;
778                 }
780                 if (v1.length() == 4) {
781                     f_MM_DD_YY = false;
782                     f_DD_MM_YY = false;
783                     f_MM_DD_YYYY = false;
784                     f_DD_MM_YYYY = false;
785                 } else {
786                     // To be more permissive and support mix of date: f_YYYY_MM_DD = false;
787                 }
789                 if (v3.length() == 4) {
790                     f_YYYY_MM_DD = false;
791                     f_MM_DD_YY = false;
792                     f_DD_MM_YY = false;
793                 } else {
794                     // To be more permissive and support mix of date: f_MM_DD_YYYY = false;
795                     // To be more permissive and support mix of date: f_DD_MM_YYYY = false;
796                 }
797             }
798         }
799     }
801     if (f_YYYYMMDD) {
802         return QStringLiteral("YYYYMMDD");
803     }
804     if (f_MMDDYYYY) {
805         return QStringLiteral("MMDDYYYY");
806     }
807     if (f_DDMMYYYY) {
808         return QStringLiteral("DDMMYYYY");
809     }
810     if (f_DD_MM_YY && f_MM_DD_YY) {
811         QString sFormat = QLocale().dateFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat);
812         if (sFormat.startsWith(QLatin1String("%m")) || sFormat.startsWith(QLatin1String("%n"))) {
813             return QStringLiteral("MM-DD-YY");
814         }
815         return QStringLiteral("DD-MM-YY");
816     }
817     if (f_MM_DD_YY) {
818         return QStringLiteral("MM-DD-YY");
819     }
820     if (f_DD_MM_YY) {
821         return QStringLiteral("DD-MM-YY");
822     }
823     if (f_DD_MM_YYYY && f_MM_DD_YYYY) {
824         QString sFormat = QLocale().dateFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat);
825         if (sFormat.startsWith(QLatin1String("%m")) || sFormat.startsWith(QLatin1String("%n"))) {
826             return QStringLiteral("MM-DD-YYYY");
827         }
828         return QStringLiteral("DD-MM-YYYY");
829     }
830     if (f_MM_DD_YYYY) {
831         return QStringLiteral("MM-DD-YYYY");
832     }
833     if (f_DD_MM_YYYY) {
834         return QStringLiteral("DD-MM-YYYY");
835     }
836     if (f_YYYY_MM_DD) {
837         return QStringLiteral("YYYY-MM-DD");
838     }
839     if (f_DDMMMYYYY) {
840         return QStringLiteral("DDMMMYYYY");
841     }
842     if (f_DD_MMM_YY) {
843         return QStringLiteral("DD-MMM-YY");
844     }
845     if (f_DD_MMM_YYYY) {
846         return QStringLiteral("DD-MMM-YYYY");
847     }
849     return QLatin1String("");
850 }
toPercentageString(double iAmount,int iNbDecimal)852 QString SKGServices::toPercentageString(double iAmount, int iNbDecimal)
853 {
854     return toCurrencyString(iAmount, QString(), iNbDecimal) % " %";
855 }
toCurrencyString(double iAmount,const QString & iSymbol,int iNbDecimal)857 QString SKGServices::toCurrencyString(double iAmount, const QString& iSymbol, int iNbDecimal)
858 {
859     if (iSymbol == QStringLiteral("%")) {
860         return toPercentageString(iAmount, iNbDecimal);
861     }
862     return QLocale::system().toCurrencyString(iAmount, iSymbol.isEmpty() ? QStringLiteral(" ") : iSymbol, iNbDecimal).trimmed();
863 }
dateToSqlString(const QString & iDate,const QString & iFormat)865 QString SKGServices::dateToSqlString(const QString& iDate, const QString& iFormat)
866 {
867     QString input = iDate;
868     if (input.count() > 10) {
869         auto l = SKGServices::splitCSVLine(input, ' ');
870         input = l[0];
871     }
873     QString format = QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd");
874     QString YYYY = QStringLiteral("0000");
875     QString MM = QStringLiteral("00");
876     QString DD = QStringLiteral("00");
877     if (iFormat == QStringLiteral("YYYYMMDD")) {
878         YYYY = input.mid(0, 4);
879         MM = input.mid(4, 2);
880         DD = input.mid(6, 2);
881     } else if (iFormat == QStringLiteral("DDMMYYYY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("DDMMYY")) {
882         YYYY = input.mid(4, 4);
883         MM = input.mid(2, 2);
884         DD = input.mid(0, 2);
885     } else if (iFormat == QStringLiteral("DDMMMYYYY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("DDMMMYY")) {
886         YYYY = input.mid(5, 4);
887         MM = input.mid(2, 3);
888         DD = input.mid(0, 2);
889         format = QStringLiteral("yyyy-MMM-dd");
890     } else if (iFormat == QStringLiteral("MMDDYYYY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("MMDDYY")) {
891         YYYY = input.mid(4, 4);
892         MM = input.mid(0, 2);
893         DD = input.mid(2, 2);
895     } else {
896         QString val = input;
897         val = val.replace(' ', '0');
898         val = val.replace('\\', '-');
899         val = val.replace('/', '-');
900         val = val.replace('.', '-');
901         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("'20"), QStringLiteral("-20"));
902         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("' "), QStringLiteral("-200"));
903         val = val.replace('\'', QStringLiteral("-20"));
904         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-90"), QStringLiteral("-1990"));
905         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-91"), QStringLiteral("-1991"));
906         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-92"), QStringLiteral("-1992"));
907         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-93"), QStringLiteral("-1993"));
908         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-94"), QStringLiteral("-1994"));
909         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-95"), QStringLiteral("-1995"));
910         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-96"), QStringLiteral("-1996"));
911         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-97"), QStringLiteral("-1997"));
912         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-98"), QStringLiteral("-1998"));
913         val = val.replace(QStringLiteral("-99"), QStringLiteral("-1999"));
914         QRegularExpression rx(QStringLiteral("(.+)-(.+)-(.+)"));
915         auto match = rx.match(val);
916         if (match.hasMatch()) {
917             QString v1 = match.captured(1);
918             QString v2 = match.captured(2);
919             QString v3 = match.captured(3);
920             if (iFormat == QStringLiteral("YYYY-MM-DD")) {
921                 YYYY = v1;
922                 MM = v2;
923                 DD = v3;
924             } else if (iFormat == QStringLiteral("MM/DD/YY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("MM-DD-YY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("MM/DD/YYYY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("MM-DD-YYYY")) {
925                 MM = v1;
926                 DD = v2;
927                 YYYY = v3;
928             } else if (iFormat == QStringLiteral("DD/MM/YY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("DD-MM-YY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("DD/MM/YYYY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("DD-MM-YYYY")) {
929                 DD = v1;
930                 MM = v2;
931                 YYYY = v3;
932             } else if (iFormat == QStringLiteral("DD/MMM/YY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("DD-MMM-YY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("DD/MMM/YYYY") || iFormat == QStringLiteral("DD-MMM-YYYY")) {
933                 DD = v1;
934                 MM = v2;
935                 YYYY = v3;
936                 format = QStringLiteral("yyyy-MMM-dd");
937             }
938         }
939     }
941     if (MM.length() == 1) {
942         MM = '0' % MM;
943     }
944     if (DD.length() == 1) {
945         DD = '0' % DD;
946     }
947     if (YYYY.length() == 1) {
948         YYYY = '0' % YYYY;
949     }
950     if (YYYY.length() == 2) {
951         if (stringToInt(YYYY) > 70) {
952             YYYY = "19" % YYYY;
953         } else {
954             YYYY = "20" % YYYY;
955         }
956     }
958     QString date = YYYY % '-' % MM % '-' % DD;
959     date.replace(' ', '0');
960     return dateToSqlString(QDateTime::fromString(date, format));
961 }
getPeriodWhereClause(const QString & iPeriod,const QString & iDateAttribute,const QString & iComparator)963 QString SKGServices::getPeriodWhereClause(const QString& iPeriod, const QString& iDateAttribute, const QString& iComparator)
964 {
965     QString output = QStringLiteral("1=0");
966     if (iPeriod == QStringLiteral("ALL")) {
967         output = QStringLiteral("1=1");
968     } else if (iPeriod.length() == 4) {
969         // 2014
970         output = "STRFTIME('%Y'," + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iDateAttribute) + ")" + iComparator + "'" + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iPeriod) + '\'';
971     } else if (iPeriod.length() == 7 && iPeriod[4] == '-') {
972         if (iPeriod[5] == 'S') {
973             // 2014-S1
974             output = "STRFTIME('%Y'," + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iDateAttribute) + ")||'-S'||(CASE WHEN STRFTIME('%m'," + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iDateAttribute) + ")<='06' THEN '1' ELSE '2' END)" + iComparator + "'" + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iPeriod) + '\'';
975         } else if (iPeriod[5] == 'Q') {
976             // 2014-Q1
977             output = "STRFTIME('%Y'," + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iDateAttribute) + ")||'-Q'||(CASE WHEN STRFTIME('%m'," + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iDateAttribute) + ")<='03' THEN '1' WHEN STRFTIME('%m'," + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iDateAttribute) + ")<='06' THEN '2' WHEN STRFTIME('%m'," + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iDateAttribute) + ")<='09' THEN '3' ELSE '4' END)" + iComparator + "'" + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iPeriod) + '\'';
978         } else {
979             // 2014-07
980             output = "STRFTIME('%Y-%m'," + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iDateAttribute) + ")" + iComparator + "'" + SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iPeriod) + '\'';
981         }
982     }
983     if (iComparator == QStringLiteral("<") || iComparator == QStringLiteral("<=")) {
984         output = "(" + output + " OR " + iDateAttribute + "='0000-00-00')";
985     }
986     return output;
987 }
periodToDate(const QString & iPeriod)989 QDate SKGServices::periodToDate(const QString& iPeriod)
990 {
991     QDate output;
993     if (iPeriod == QStringLiteral("ALL")) {
994         output = QDate::currentDate();
995     } else if (iPeriod.length() == 4) {
996         // 2014
997         output = QDate::fromString(iPeriod, QStringLiteral("yyyy")).addYears(1).addDays(-1);
998     } else if (iPeriod.length() == 7) {
999         if (iPeriod[5] == 'S') {
1000             // 2014-S1
1001             output = QDate::fromString(iPeriod, QStringLiteral("yyyy-SM"));
1002             output = output.addMonths(output.month() * 6 - output.month());  // convert semester in month
1003             output = output.addMonths(1).addDays(-1);
1004         } else if (iPeriod[5] == 'Q') {
1005             // 2014-Q1
1006             output = QDate::fromString(iPeriod, QStringLiteral("yyyy-QM"));
1007             output = output.addMonths(output.month() * 3 - output.month());  // convert quarter in month
1008             output = output.addMonths(1).addDays(-1);
1009         } else {
1010             // 2014-07
1011             output = QDate::fromString(iPeriod, QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM")).addMonths(1).addDays(-1);
1012         }
1013     }
1014     return output;
1015 }
getNeighboringPeriod(const QString & iPeriod,int iDelta)1017 QString SKGServices::getNeighboringPeriod(const QString& iPeriod, int iDelta)
1018 {
1019     QString output = QStringLiteral("1=0");
1020     if (iPeriod.length() == 4) {
1021         // 2014
1022         QDate date = QDate::fromString(iPeriod, QStringLiteral("yyyy")).addYears(iDelta);
1023         output = date.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy"));
1024     } else if (iPeriod.length() == 7) {
1025         if (iPeriod[5] == 'S') {
1026             // 2014-S1
1027             QDate date2 = QDate::fromString(iPeriod, QStringLiteral("yyyy-SM"));
1028             date2 = date2.addMonths(date2.month() * 6 - date2.month());  // convert semester in month
1029             date2 = date2.addMonths(6 * iDelta);
1030             output = date2.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-S")) % (date2.month() <= 6 ? '1' : '2');
1031         } else if (iPeriod[5] == 'Q') {
1032             // 2014-Q1
1033             QDate date2 = QDate::fromString(iPeriod, QStringLiteral("yyyy-QM"));
1034             date2 = date2.addMonths(date2.month() * 3 - date2.month());  // convert quarter in month
1035             date2 = date2.addMonths(3 * iDelta);
1036             output = date2.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-Q")) % (date2.month() <= 3 ? '1' : (date2.month() <= 6 ? '2' : (date2.month() <= 9 ? '3' : '4')));
1037         } else {
1038             // 2014-07
1039             QDate date2 = QDate::fromString(iPeriod, QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM")).addMonths(iDelta);
1040             output = date2.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM"));
1041         }
1042     }
1043     return output;
1044 }
tableToDump(const SKGStringListList & iTable,SKGServices::DumpMode iMode)1046 QStringList SKGServices::tableToDump(const SKGStringListList& iTable, SKGServices::DumpMode iMode)
1047 {
1049     // initialisation
1050     QStringList oResult;
1052     // Compute max size of each column
1053     int* maxSizes = nullptr;
1054     int nbMaxSizes = 0;
1055     if (iMode == DUMP_TEXT) {
1056         int nb = iTable.count();
1057         for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
1058             const QStringList& line = iTable.at(i);
1059             int nb2 = line.size();
1061             if (maxSizes == nullptr) {
1062                 nbMaxSizes = nb2;
1063                 maxSizes = new int[nbMaxSizes];
1064                 for (int j = 0; j < nbMaxSizes; ++j) {
1065                     maxSizes[j] = 0;
1066                 }
1067             }
1069             for (int j = 0; j < nb2; ++j) {
1070                 const QString& s = line.at(j);
1071                 if (j < nbMaxSizes && s.length() > maxSizes[j]) {
1072                     maxSizes[j] = s.length();
1073                 }
1074             }
1075         }
1076     }
1078     // dump
1079     int nb = iTable.count();
1080     oResult.reserve(nb);
1081     for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
1082         QString lineFormated;
1083         if (iMode == DUMP_TEXT) {
1084             lineFormated = QStringLiteral("| ");
1085         }
1087         const QStringList& line = iTable.at(i);
1088         int nb2 = line.size();
1089         for (int j = 0; j < nb2; ++j) {
1090             QString s = line.at(j);
1091             s.remove('\n');
1093             if (iMode == DUMP_CSV) {
1094                 if (j > 0) {
1095                     lineFormated += ';';
1096                 }
1097                 lineFormated += stringToCsv(s);
1098             } else if (maxSizes != nullptr) {
1099                 if (j < nbMaxSizes) {
1100                     s = s.leftJustified(maxSizes[j], ' ');
1101                 }
1102                 lineFormated += s % " | ";
1103             }
1104         }
1105         oResult.push_back(lineFormated);
1106     }
1108     // delete
1109     if (maxSizes != nullptr) {
1110         delete [] maxSizes;
1111         maxSizes = nullptr;
1112     }
1114     return oResult;
1115 }
getRealTable(const QString & iTable)1117 QString SKGServices::getRealTable(const QString& iTable)
1118 {
1119     QString output = iTable;
1120     if (output.length() > 2 && output.startsWith(QLatin1String("v_"))) {
1121         output = output.mid(2, output.length() - 2);
1123         int pos = output.indexOf(QStringLiteral("_"));
1124         if (pos != -1) {
1125             output = output.left(pos);
1126         }
1127     }
1129     return output;
1130 }
downloadToStream(const QUrl & iSourceUrl,QByteArray & oStream)1132 SKGError SKGServices::downloadToStream(const QUrl& iSourceUrl, QByteArray& oStream)
1133 {
1134     SKGError err;
1135     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1136     QString tmpFile;
1137     if (iSourceUrl.isLocalFile()) {
1138         tmpFile = iSourceUrl.toLocalFile();
1139     } else {
1140         err = download(iSourceUrl, tmpFile);
1141     }
1142     IFOK(err) {
1143         // Open file
1144         QFile file(tmpFile);
1145         if (Q_UNLIKELY(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))) {
1146             err.setReturnCode(ERR_FAIL).setMessage(i18nc("An information message", "Open file '%1' failed", tmpFile));
1147         } else {
1148             oStream = file.readAll();
1150             // close file
1151             file.close();
1152         }
1153         if (!iSourceUrl.isLocalFile()) {
1154             QFile(tmpFile).remove();
1155         }
1156     }
1157     return err;
1158 }
download(const QUrl & iSourceUrl,QString & oTemporaryFile)1160 SKGError SKGServices::download(const QUrl& iSourceUrl, QString& oTemporaryFile)
1161 {
1162     SKGError err;
1163     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1164     QTemporaryFile tmpFile;
1165     tmpFile.setAutoRemove(false);
1166     if (tmpFile.open()) {
1167         err = upload(iSourceUrl, QUrl::fromLocalFile(tmpFile.fileName()));
1168         IFOK(err) oTemporaryFile = tmpFile.fileName();
1169     }
1170     return err;
1171 }
upload(const QUrl & iSourceUrl,const QUrl & iDescUrl)1173 SKGError SKGServices::upload(const QUrl& iSourceUrl, const QUrl& iDescUrl)
1174 {
1175     SKGError err;
1176     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1177     if (iDescUrl != iSourceUrl) {
1178         if (iDescUrl.isLocalFile() && iSourceUrl.isLocalFile()) {
1179             QFile(iDescUrl.toLocalFile()).remove();
1180             if (!QFile::copy(iSourceUrl.toLocalFile(), iDescUrl.toLocalFile())) {
1181                 err = SKGError(ERR_ABORT, i18nc("Error message", "Impossible to copy '%1' to '%2'", iSourceUrl.toDisplayString(), iDescUrl.toDisplayString()));
1182             }
1183         } else {
1184             KIO::FileCopyJob* getJob = KIO::file_copy(iSourceUrl, iDescUrl, -1, KIO::Overwrite | KIO::HideProgressInfo);
1185             if (!getJob->exec()) {
1186                 err.setReturnCode(ERR_ABORT).setMessage(getJob->errorString());
1187                 err.addError(ERR_ABORT, i18nc("Error message", "Impossible to copy '%1' to '%2'", iSourceUrl.toDisplayString(), iDescUrl.toDisplayString()));
1188             }
1189         }
1190     }
1191     return err;
1192 }
cryptFile(const QString & iFileSource,const QString & iFileTarget,const QString & iPassword,bool iEncrypt,const QString & iHeaderFile,bool & oModeSQLCipher)1194 SKGError SKGServices::cryptFile(const QString& iFileSource, const QString& iFileTarget, const QString& iPassword, bool iEncrypt, const QString& iHeaderFile, bool& oModeSQLCipher)
1195 {
1196     SKGError err;
1197     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1198     SKGTRACEL(10) << "Input parameter [iFileSource]=[" << iFileSource << ']' << SKGENDL;
1199     SKGTRACEL(10) << "Input parameter [iFileTarget]=[" << iFileTarget << ']' << SKGENDL;
1200     SKGTRACEL(10) << "Input parameter [iPassword]  =[" << iPassword << ']' << SKGENDL;
1201     SKGTRACEL(10) << "Input parameter [iHeaderFile]=[" << iHeaderFile << ']' << SKGENDL;
1203     oModeSQLCipher = false;
1205     // Read document
1206     QByteArray input;
1207     QByteArray uba;
1208     err = downloadToStream(QUrl::fromUserInput(iFileSource), input);
1209     IFOK(err) {
1210         bool isFileEncrypted = (input.startsWith(QByteArray((iHeaderFile % "_ENCRYPT").toLatin1())));
1211         bool sqliteMode = (input.left(15) == "SQLite format 3");
1212         SKGTRACEL(10) << "isFileEncrypted=[" << static_cast<unsigned int>(isFileEncrypted) << ']' << SKGENDL;
1214         // !!!!! Remove Cipher encryption to remove security hole (thank you to Vincent P) !!!!!
1215         // Only in sqlcipher mode. WARNING: in sqlite mode the issue is still there => add a message to push people to swith in sqlcipher mode
1216         if (iEncrypt && !sqliteMode) {
1217             // The input file is a sqlcipher file and we must save it
1218             // We just have to add a new header to the input file
1219             uba.reserve(input.length() + iHeaderFile.length() + 11);
1220             uba.append(iHeaderFile.toLatin1());
1221             uba.append(!iPassword.isEmpty() ? "_ENCRYPTE3-" : "_DECRYPTE3-");
1222             uba.append(input);
1223             oModeSQLCipher = true;
1224         } else if (!iEncrypt && input.startsWith(QByteArray((iHeaderFile % "_ENCRYPTE3-").toLatin1()))) {
1225             // This check is done to improve performances
1226             if (iPassword.isEmpty() || iPassword == QStringLiteral("DEFAULTPASSWORD")) {
1227                 err = SKGError(ERR_ENCRYPTION, i18nc("Error message", "Wrong password"));
1228             } else {
1229                 // The input file encrypter with the new mode
1230                 // We just have to remove the header
1231                 if (!iHeaderFile.isEmpty() && input.startsWith(iHeaderFile.toLatin1())) {
1232                     input = input.right(input.length() - iHeaderFile.length() - 11);
1233                 }
1234                 uba = input;
1235                 oModeSQLCipher = true;
1236             }
1237         } else {
1238             // WARNING: This part is not really secured but is kept for compatibility
1239             SKGTRACEL(10) << "Mode not secured" << SKGENDL;
1240             QCA::Initializer init;
1241             QCA::SymmetricKey key(QByteArray("skrooge"));
1243             SKGTRACEL(10) << "QCA::Initializer done" << SKGENDL;
1244             if (!iPassword.isEmpty() && !QCA::isSupported("aes128-ecb")) {
1245                 // Set error message
1246                 err.setReturnCode(ERR_INSTALL);  // To avoid password request
1247                 err.setMessage(i18nc("An error message about encryption", "AES128 encryption is not supported (%1). Please install qca-ossl.", QCA::supportedFeatures().join(QStringLiteral(","))));
1248             } else {
1249                 QCA::Cipher* cipher = nullptr;
1251                 QCA::InitializationVector iv(iPassword.toLatin1());
1253                 // Create a 128 bit AES cipher object using Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode
1254                 if ((isFileEncrypted || iEncrypt) && !iPassword.isEmpty()) {
1255                     cipher = new QCA::Cipher(QStringLiteral("aes128"), QCA::Cipher::CBC,
1256                                              // use Default padding, which is equivalent to PKCS7 for CBC
1257                                              QCA::Cipher::DefaultPadding,
1258                                              iEncrypt ? QCA::Encode : QCA::Decode,
1259                                              key, iv);
1260                 }
1262                 // BUG 249955 vvv
1263                 if ((cipher == nullptr) && isFileEncrypted) {
1264                     err = SKGError(ERR_ENCRYPTION, i18nc("Error message about encrypting a file", "Encryption failed"));
1265                 }
1266                 // BUG 249955 ^^^
1268                 // Suppress header
1269                 SKGTRACEL(10) << "input=[" << input.left(50) << "...]" << SKGENDL;
1270                 if (!iHeaderFile.isEmpty() && input.startsWith(iHeaderFile.toLatin1())) {
1271                     input = input.right(input.length() - iHeaderFile.length() - 11);
1272                 }
1273                 SKGTRACEL(10) << "input without header=[" << input.left(50) << "...]" << SKGENDL;
1275                 QCA::SecureArray u;
1276                 if (cipher != nullptr) {
1277                     if (!err) {
1278                         // Process encryption or decryption
1279                         u = cipher->process(input);
1281                         // We need to check if that update() call worked.
1282                         if (!cipher->ok()) {
1283                             err = SKGError(ERR_UNEXPECTED, i18nc("Error message about encrypting a file", "Encryption failed"));
1284                         } else {
1285                             uba = u.toByteArray();
1286                         }
1287                     }
1288                 } else {
1289                     uba = input;
1290                 }
1292                 IFOK(err) {
1293                     // Check if decryption is OK
1294                     SKGTRACEL(10) << "output 1=[" << uba.left(50) << "...]" << SKGENDL;
1295                     if (!iEncrypt) {
1296                         if (!uba.startsWith(QByteArray("SQLite format 3"))) {
1297                             if (!uba.startsWith(SQLCIPHERHEARDER)) {
1298                                 if (isFileEncrypted) {
1299                                     err = SKGError(ERR_ENCRYPTION, i18nc("Error message", "Wrong password"));
1300                                 } else {
1301                                     oModeSQLCipher = true;
1302                                 }
1303                             } else {
1304                                 uba = uba.right(uba.length() - QStringLiteral(SQLCIPHERHEARDER).length());
1305                                 oModeSQLCipher = true;
1306                             }
1307                         }
1308                     }
1309                 }
1311                 IFOK(err) {
1312                     // Add headers
1313                     if (iEncrypt && !iHeaderFile.isEmpty()) {
1314                         QByteArray h = (iHeaderFile % (cipher != nullptr ? "_ENCRYPTED-" : "_DECRYPTED-")).toLatin1();
1315                         uba = uba.insert(0, h);
1316                     }
1317                 }
1319                 delete cipher;
1320                 cipher = nullptr;
1321             }
1322         }
1323         SKGTRACEL(10) << "output 2=[" << uba.left(50) << "...]" << SKGENDL;
1325         // output the results of that stage
1326         IFOK(err) {
1327             SKGTRACEIN(10, "SKGServices::cryptFile-save file")
1328             QSaveFile fileOutput(iFileTarget);
1329             if (!fileOutput.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
1330                 err = SKGError(ERR_WRITEACCESS, i18nc("Error message: writing a file failed", "Write file '%1' failed", iFileTarget));
1331             } else {
1332                 // Write document
1333                 fileOutput.write(uba);
1335                 // Close the file
1336                 if (!fileOutput.commit()) {
1337                     IFOK(err) {
1338                         err = SKGError(ERR_WRITEACCESS, i18nc("Error message: writing a file failed", "Write file '%1' failed", iFileTarget));
1339                     }
1340                 }
1341             }
1342         }
1343     }
1344     SKGTRACEL(10) << "Output parameter [oModeSQLCipher]=[" << static_cast<unsigned int>(oModeSQLCipher) << ']' << SKGENDL;
1345     return err;
1346 }
copySqliteDatabaseToXml(const QSqlDatabase & iDb,QDomDocument & oDocument)1348 SKGError SKGServices::copySqliteDatabaseToXml(const QSqlDatabase& iDb, QDomDocument& oDocument)
1349 {
1350     SKGError err;
1351     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1352     oDocument = QDomDocument(QStringLiteral("SKGML"));
1353     QDomElement document = oDocument.createElement(QStringLiteral("document"));
1354     oDocument.appendChild(document);
1356     // Copy the tables
1357     QStringList listTables = iDb.tables();
1358     int nb = listTables.count();
1359     for (int i = 0; !err && i < nb; ++i) {
1360         const QString& tableName = listTables.at(i);
1361         if (!tableName.startsWith(QLatin1String("sqlite_")) && !tableName.startsWith(QLatin1String("vm_"))) {
1362             QDomElement table = oDocument.createElement(QStringLiteral("table"));
1363             document.appendChild(table);
1364             table.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("name"), tableName);
1366             SKGStringListList listRows;
1367             err = SKGServices::executeSelectSqliteOrder(iDb, "SELECT * FROM " % tableName, listRows);
1368             int nbRows = listRows.count();
1369             if (nbRows != 0) {
1370                 const QStringList& titles = listRows.at(0);
1371                 for (int j = 1; !err && j < nbRows; ++j) {  // Forget title
1372                     const QStringList& values = listRows.at(j);
1374                     QDomElement row = oDocument.createElement(QStringLiteral("row"));
1375                     table.appendChild(row);
1377                     int nbVals = values.count();
1378                     for (int k = 0; k < nbVals; ++k) {
1379                         row.setAttribute(titles.at(k), values.at(k));
1380                     }
1381                 }
1382             }
1383         }
1384     }
1385     return err;
1386 }
copySqliteDatabase(const QSqlDatabase & iFileDb,const QSqlDatabase & iMemoryDb,bool iFromFileToMemory,const QString & iPassword)1388 SKGError SKGServices::copySqliteDatabase(const QSqlDatabase& iFileDb, const QSqlDatabase& iMemoryDb, bool iFromFileToMemory, const QString& iPassword)
1389 {
1390     SKGError err;
1391     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1392     SKGTRACEL(20) << "Input parameter [iFileDb]=[" << iFileDb.databaseName() << ']' << SKGENDL;
1393     SKGTRACEL(20) << "Input parameter [iMemoryDb]=[" << iMemoryDb.databaseName() << ']' << SKGENDL;
1394     SKGTRACEL(10) << "Input parameter [iFromFileToMemory]=[" << (iFromFileToMemory ? "FILE->MEMORY" : "MEMORY->FILE") << ']' << SKGENDL;
1396     QString dbFileName = iFileDb.databaseName();
1397     // Copy the tables
1398     SKGStringListList listTables;
1399     int nb = 0;
1400     IFOK(err) {
1401         err = SKGServices::executeSelectSqliteOrder((iFromFileToMemory ? iFileDb : iMemoryDb),
1402                 QStringLiteral("SELECT sql, tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND sql NOT NULL and name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'"),
1403                 listTables);
1405         nb = listTables.count();
1406         for (int i = 1; !err && i < nb; ++i) {  // Forget header
1407             QString val = listTables.at(i).at(0);
1408             err = SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder((iFromFileToMemory ? iMemoryDb : iFileDb), val);
1409         }
1410     }
1411     // Attach db
1412     IFOK(err) {
1413         QString add;
1414         if (!iPassword.isEmpty()) {
1415             add = " KEY '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iPassword) % "'";
1416         }
1417         err = SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder(iMemoryDb, "ATTACH DATABASE '" % dbFileName % "' as source" % add);
1418     }
1420     // Copy records
1421     IFOK(err) {
1422         err = SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder(iMemoryDb, QStringLiteral("BEGIN"));
1423         IFOK(err) {
1424             for (int i = 1; !err && i < nb; ++i) {  // Forget header
1425                 QString val = listTables.at(i).at(1);
1426                 if (iFromFileToMemory)  {
1427                     err = SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder(iMemoryDb, "insert into main." % val % " select * from source." % val);
1428                 } else {
1429                     err = SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder(iMemoryDb, "insert into source." % val % " select * from main." % val);
1430                 }
1431             }
1432         }
1433         SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder(iMemoryDb, QStringLiteral("COMMIT"));
1434     }
1436     // Detach
1437     {
1438         SKGError err2 = SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder(iMemoryDb, QStringLiteral("DETACH DATABASE source"));
1439         if (!err && err2) {
1440             err = err2;
1441         }
1442     }
1444     // Optimization
1445     IFOK(err) {
1446         QStringList optimization;
1447         optimization << QStringLiteral("PRAGMA case_sensitive_like=true")
1448                      << QStringLiteral("PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY")
1449                      << QStringLiteral("PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY")
1450                      // << QStringLiteral("PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE")
1451                      << QStringLiteral("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF")
1452                      << QStringLiteral("PRAGMA recursive_triggers=true");
1453         err = SKGServices::executeSqliteOrders(iFromFileToMemory ? iMemoryDb : iFileDb, optimization);
1454     }
1456     // Copy the indexes
1457     IFOK(err) {
1458         SKGStringListList listSqlOrder;
1459         err = SKGServices::executeSelectSqliteOrder((iFromFileToMemory ? iFileDb : iMemoryDb),
1460                 QStringLiteral("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index' AND sql NOT NULL and name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'"),
1461                 listSqlOrder);
1463         int nb2 = listSqlOrder.count();
1464         for (int i = 1; !err && i < nb2; ++i) {  // Forget header
1465             QString val = listSqlOrder.at(i).at(0);
1466             err = SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder((iFromFileToMemory ? iMemoryDb : iFileDb), val);
1467         }
1468     }
1470     // Copy the views
1471     IFOK(err) {
1472         SKGStringListList listSqlOrder;
1473         err = SKGServices::executeSelectSqliteOrder((iFromFileToMemory ? iFileDb : iMemoryDb),
1474                 QStringLiteral("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='view' AND sql NOT NULL and name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'"),
1475                 listSqlOrder);
1477         int nb2 = listSqlOrder.count();
1478         for (int i = 1; !err && i < nb2; ++i) {  // Forget header
1479             QString val = listSqlOrder.at(i).at(0);
1480             err = SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder((iFromFileToMemory ? iMemoryDb : iFileDb), val);
1481         }
1482     }
1484     // Copy the triggers, must be done after the views
1485     IFOK(err) {
1486         SKGStringListList listSqlOrder;
1487         err = SKGServices::executeSelectSqliteOrder((iFromFileToMemory ? iFileDb : iMemoryDb),
1488                 QStringLiteral("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='trigger' AND sql NOT NULL and name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'"),
1489                 listSqlOrder);
1491         int nb2 = listSqlOrder.count();
1492         for (int i = 1; !err && i < nb2; ++i) {  // Forget header
1493             QString val = listSqlOrder.at(i).at(0);
1494             err = SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder((iFromFileToMemory ? iMemoryDb : iFileDb), val);
1495         }
1496     }
1498     // Check if created file exists
1499     if (!err && !iFromFileToMemory && !QFile(dbFileName).exists()) {
1500         err.setReturnCode(ERR_FAIL).setMessage(i18nc("An error message: creating a file failed", "Creation file '%1' failed", dbFileName));
1501     }
1502     IFKO(err) {
1503         err.addError(SQLLITEERROR + ERR_FAIL, i18nc("Error message: something failed", "%1 failed", QStringLiteral("SKGServices::copySqliteDatabase()")));
1504     }
1505     return err;
1506 }
executeSqliteOrders(const QSqlDatabase & iDb,const QStringList & iSqlOrders)1508 SKGError SKGServices::executeSqliteOrders(const QSqlDatabase& iDb, const QStringList& iSqlOrders)
1509 {
1510     SKGError err;
1511     _SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1512     int nb = iSqlOrders.count();
1513     for (int i = 0; !err && i < nb; ++i) {
1514         err = executeSqliteOrder(iDb, iSqlOrders.at(i));
1515     }
1516     return err;
1517 }
executeSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase & iDb,const QString & iSqlOrder,const QMap<QString,QVariant> & iBind,int * iLastId)1519 SKGError SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase& iDb, const QString& iSqlOrder, const QMap<QString, QVariant>& iBind, int* iLastId)
1520 {
1521     SKGError err;
1522     _SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1523     SKGTRACEL(20) << "Input parameter [iSqlOrder]=[" << iSqlOrder << ']' << SKGENDL;
1525     QSqlQuery query(QString(), iDb);
1526     query.setForwardOnly(true);
1528     double elapse = 0;
1529     if (SKGServices::SKGSqlTraces != -1) {
1530         elapse = SKGServices::getMicroTime();
1531     }
1533     // Prepare sql order
1534     bool prep = query.prepare(iSqlOrder);
1536     // Bind values
1537     QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> i(iBind);
1538     while (i.hasNext()) {
1539         i.next();
1540         query.bindValue(i.key(), i.value());
1541     }
1543     if (!prep || !query.exec()) {
1544         QSqlError sqlError = query.lastError();
1545         if (sqlError.nativeErrorCode().toInt() != 19 /*SQLITE_CONSTRAINT*/ && iSqlOrder != QStringLiteral("SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master") /*Test password*/) {
1546             SKGTRACE << "WARNING: " << iSqlOrder << SKGENDL;
1547             SKGTRACE << "         returns :" << sqlError.text() << SKGENDL;
1548         }
1550         err = SKGError(SQLLITEERROR + sqlError.nativeErrorCode().toInt(), iSqlOrder);
1551         err.addError(SQLLITEERROR + sqlError.nativeErrorCode().toInt(), sqlError.text());
1553         if (sqlError.nativeErrorCode().toInt() == 19 && iSqlOrder.startsWith(QLatin1String("INSERT "))) {
1554             err.addError(ERR_FAIL, i18nc("Error message", "Creation failed. The object already exists."));
1555         }
1556     } else {
1557         if (iLastId != nullptr) {
1558             *iLastId = query.lastInsertId().toInt();
1559         }
1560     }
1561     if (SKGServices::SKGSqlTraces != -1) {
1562         elapse = SKGServices::getMicroTime() - elapse;
1563         if (elapse >= SKGServices::SKGSqlTraces) {
1564             SKGTRACE << "executeSqliteOrder :" << iSqlOrder << " TIME=" << elapse << " ms" << SKGENDL;
1565         }
1566     }
1567     return err;
1568 }
executeSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase & iDb,const QString & iSqlOrder,int * iLastId)1570 SKGError SKGServices::executeSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase& iDb, const QString& iSqlOrder, int* iLastId)
1571 {
1572     return executeSqliteOrder(iDb, iSqlOrder, QMap< QString, QVariant >(), iLastId);
1573 }
dumpSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase & iDb,const QString & iSqlOrder,SKGServices::DumpMode iMode)1575 SKGError SKGServices::dumpSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase& iDb, const QString& iSqlOrder, SKGServices::DumpMode iMode)
1576 {
1577     return dumpSelectSqliteOrder(iDb, iSqlOrder, nullptr, iMode);
1578 }
dumpSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase & iDb,const QString & iSqlOrder,QTextStream * oStream,SKGServices::DumpMode iMode)1580 SKGError SKGServices::dumpSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase& iDb, const QString& iSqlOrder, QTextStream* oStream, SKGServices::DumpMode iMode)
1581 {
1582     SKGError err;
1583     _SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1584     SKGTRACEL(20) << "Input parameter [iSqlOrder]=[" << iSqlOrder << ']' << SKGENDL;
1586     // initialisation
1587     QStringList oResult;
1588     err = SKGServices::dumpSelectSqliteOrder(iDb, iSqlOrder, oResult, iMode);
1589     IFOK(err) {
1590         // dump
1591         int nb = oResult.size();
1592         for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
1593             if (oStream == nullptr) {
1594                 SKGTRACESUITE << oResult.at(i) << SKGENDL;
1595             } else {
1596                 *oStream << oResult.at(i) << SKGENDL;
1597             }
1598         }
1599     }
1600     return err;
1601 }
dumpSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase & iDb,const QString & iSqlOrder,QString & oResult,SKGServices::DumpMode iMode)1603 SKGError SKGServices::dumpSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase& iDb, const QString& iSqlOrder, QString& oResult, SKGServices::DumpMode iMode)
1604 {
1605     SKGError err;
1606     _SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1607     // initialisation
1608     oResult = QLatin1String("");
1610     QStringList oResultTmp;
1611     err = SKGServices::dumpSelectSqliteOrder(iDb, iSqlOrder, oResultTmp, iMode);
1612     IFOK(err) {
1613         // dump
1614         int nb = oResultTmp.size();
1615         for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
1616             oResult += oResultTmp.at(i) % '\n';
1617         }
1618     }
1619     return err;
1620 }
dumpSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase & iDb,const QString & iSqlOrder,QStringList & oResult,SKGServices::DumpMode iMode)1622 SKGError SKGServices::dumpSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase& iDb, const QString& iSqlOrder, QStringList& oResult, SKGServices::DumpMode iMode)
1623 {
1624     SKGError err;
1625     _SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1627     // Execution of sql order
1628     SKGStringListList oResultTmp;
1629     err = executeSelectSqliteOrder(iDb, iSqlOrder, oResultTmp);
1630     IFOK(err) oResult = tableToDump(oResultTmp, iMode);
1631     return err;
1632 }
executeSingleSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase & iDb,const QString & iSqlOrder,QString & oResult)1634 SKGError SKGServices::executeSingleSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase& iDb, const QString& iSqlOrder, QString& oResult)
1635 {
1636     SKGStringListList result;
1637     SKGError err = executeSelectSqliteOrder(iDb, iSqlOrder, result);
1638     oResult = result.value(1).value(0);
1639     return err;
1640 }
executeSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase & iDb,const QString & iSqlOrder,SKGStringListList & oResult)1642 SKGError SKGServices::executeSelectSqliteOrder(const QSqlDatabase& iDb, const QString& iSqlOrder, SKGStringListList& oResult)
1643 {
1644     SKGError err;
1645     _SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
1646     // initialisation
1647     oResult.clear();
1649     QSqlQuery query(QString(), iDb);
1650     query.setForwardOnly(true);
1651     double elapse = 0;
1652     if (SKGServices::SKGSqlTraces != -1) {
1653         elapse = SKGServices::getMicroTime();
1654     }
1656     if (!query.exec(iSqlOrder)) {
1657         QSqlError sqlError = query.lastError();
1658         if (qApp->thread() == QThread::currentThread()) {
1659             SKGTRACE << "WARNING: " << iSqlOrder << SKGENDL;
1660             SKGTRACE << "         returns :" << sqlError.text() << SKGENDL;
1661         }
1662         err = SKGError(SQLLITEERROR + sqlError.nativeErrorCode().toInt(), iSqlOrder);
1663         err.addError(SQLLITEERROR + sqlError.nativeErrorCode().toInt(), sqlError.text());
1664     } else {
1665         double elapse1 = 0;
1666         if (SKGServices::SKGSqlTraces != -1) {
1667             elapse1 = SKGServices::getMicroTime() - elapse;
1668         }
1670         // Addition of column names
1671         QSqlRecord rec = query.record();
1672         QStringList line;
1673         int index = 0;
1674         while (index != -1) {
1675             QString val = rec.fieldName(index);
1676             if (!val.isEmpty()) {
1677                 line.push_back(val);
1678                 ++index;
1679             } else {
1680                 index = -1;
1681             }
1682         }
1683         oResult.push_back(line);
1685         // Addition of rows
1686         while (query.next()) {
1687             QStringList line2;
1688             int index2 = 0;
1689             while (index2 != -1) {
1690                 QVariant val = query.value(index2);
1691                 if (val.isValid()) {
1692                     line2.push_back(val.toString());
1693                     ++index2;
1694                 } else {
1695                     index2 = -1;
1696                 }
1697             }
1698             oResult.push_back(line2);
1699         }
1700         if (SKGServices::SKGSqlTraces != -1) {
1701             double elapse2 = SKGServices::getMicroTime() - elapse;
1702             if (elapse1 >= SKGServices::SKGSqlTraces) {
1703                 SKGTRACE << "executeSqliteOrder:" << iSqlOrder << " TIME=" << elapse1 << " ms,  (with fetch):" << elapse2 << " ms" << SKGENDL;
1704             }
1705         }
1706     }
1707     return err;
1708 }
readPropertyFile(const QString & iFileName,QHash<QString,QString> & oProperties)1710 SKGError SKGServices::readPropertyFile(const QString& iFileName, QHash< QString, QString >& oProperties)
1711 {
1712     SKGError err;
1713     oProperties.clear();
1715     // Open file
1716     QFile file(iFileName);
1717     if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
1718         err = SKGError(ERR_FAIL, i18nc("An erro message", "Open file '%1' failed", iFileName));
1719     } else {
1720         // Read file
1721         QTextStream stream(&file);
1722         while (!stream.atEnd() && !err) {
1723             // Read line
1724             QString line = stream.readLine().trimmed();
1725             if (!line.isEmpty() && !line.startsWith(QLatin1String("#"))) {
1726                 int pos = line.indexOf(QStringLiteral("="));
1727                 if (pos != -1) {
1728                     oProperties[line.left(pos).trimmed().toLower()] = line.right(line.count() - pos - 1);
1729                 }
1730             }
1731         }
1733         // close file
1734         file.close();
1735     }
1736     return err;
1737 }
getMicroTime()1739 double SKGServices::getMicroTime()
1740 {
1741 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
1742     return static_cast<double>(GetTickCount());
1743 #else
1744     struct timeval tv {};
1745     struct timezone tz {};
1747     // get time
1748     gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
1750     // return time
1751     return (static_cast<double>(1000.0 * tv.tv_sec)) + (static_cast<double>(tv.tv_usec / 1000));
1752 #endif
1753 }
getBase100Table(const SKGStringListList & iTable)1755 SKGStringListList SKGServices::getBase100Table(const SKGStringListList& iTable)
1756 {
1759     // Build history
1760     SKGStringListList output;
1761     int nblines = iTable.count();
1762     int nbCols = 0;
1763     if (nblines != 0) {
1764         nbCols = iTable.at(0).count();
1765     }
1767     output.reserve(nblines + 1);
1768     output.push_back(iTable.at(0));
1770     // Create table
1771     for (int i = 1; i < nblines; ++i) {
1772         QStringList newLine;
1773         newLine.reserve(nbCols + 1);
1774         newLine.push_back(iTable.at(i).at(0));
1776         double valInitial = 0;
1778         for (int j = 1; j < nbCols; ++j) {
1779             double val = SKGServices::stringToDouble(iTable.at(i).at(j));
1780             if (j == 1) {
1781                 valInitial = val;
1782                 val = 100.0;
1783             } else {
1784                 if (valInitial != 0.0) {
1785                     val = 100.0 * val / valInitial;
1786                 }
1787             }
1788             newLine.push_back(SKGServices::doubleToString(val));
1789         }
1790         output.push_back(newLine);
1791     }
1793     return output;
1794 }
getPercentTable(const SKGStringListList & iTable,bool iOfColumns,bool iAbsolute)1796 SKGStringListList SKGServices::getPercentTable(const SKGStringListList& iTable, bool iOfColumns, bool iAbsolute)
1797 {
1800     // Build history
1801     SKGStringListList output;
1802     int nblines = iTable.count();
1803     int nbCols = 0;
1804     if (nblines != 0) {
1805         nbCols = iTable.at(0).count();
1806     }
1808     output.reserve(nblines + 1);
1809     output.push_back(iTable.at(0));
1811     // Compute sums
1812     QList<double> sums;
1813     if (iOfColumns) {
1814         // Compute sum of columns
1815         sums.reserve(nbCols);
1816         for (int j = 1; j < nbCols; ++j) {
1817             // Compute sum
1818             double sum = 0;
1819             for (int i = 1; i < nblines; ++i) {
1820                 double v = SKGServices::stringToDouble(iTable.at(i).at(j));
1821                 sum += (iAbsolute ? qAbs(v) : v);
1822             }
1824             sums.push_back(sum);
1825         }
1826     } else {
1827         // Compute sum of lines
1828         sums.reserve(nblines);
1829         for (int j = 1; j < nblines; ++j) {
1830             // Compute sum
1831             double sum = 0;
1832             for (int i = 1; i < nbCols; ++i) {
1833                 double v = SKGServices::stringToDouble(iTable.at(j).at(i));
1834                 sum += (iAbsolute ? qAbs(v) : v);
1835             }
1837             sums.push_back(sum);
1838         }
1839     }
1841     // Create table
1842     for (int i = 1; i < nblines; ++i) {
1843         QStringList newLine;
1844         newLine.reserve(nbCols + 1);
1845         newLine.push_back(iTable.at(i).at(0));
1847         for (int j = 1; j < nbCols; ++j) {
1848             double val = SKGServices::stringToDouble(iTable.at(i).at(j));
1849             val = (iAbsolute ? qAbs(val) : val);
1850             double sum = (iOfColumns ? sums.at(j - 1) : sums.at(i - 1));
1851             newLine.push_back(SKGServices::doubleToString(sum == 0.0 ? 0.0 : 100.0 * val / sum));
1852         }
1853         output.push_back(newLine);
1854     }
1856     return output;
1857 }
getHistorizedTable(const SKGStringListList & iTable)1859 SKGStringListList SKGServices::getHistorizedTable(const SKGStringListList& iTable)
1860 {
1863     // Build history
1864     SKGStringListList output;
1865     int nblines = iTable.count();
1866     int nbCols = 0;
1867     if (nblines != 0) {
1868         nbCols = iTable.at(0).count();
1869     }
1871     output.reserve(nblines + 1);
1872     output.push_back(iTable.at(0));
1873     for (int i = 1; i < nblines; ++i) {
1874         QStringList newLine;
1875         newLine.reserve(nbCols + 1);
1876         newLine.push_back(iTable.at(i).at(0));
1878         double sum = 0;
1879         for (int j = 1; j < nbCols; ++j) {
1880             sum += SKGServices::stringToDouble(iTable.at(i).at(j));
1881             newLine.push_back(SKGServices::doubleToString(sum));
1882         }
1883         output.push_back(newLine);
1884     }
1886     return output;
1887 }
encodeForUrl(const QString & iString)1889 QString SKGServices::encodeForUrl(const QString& iString)
1890 {
1891     return QUrl::toPercentEncoding(iString);
1892 }
fromTheme(const QString & iName,const QStringList & iOverlays)1894 QIcon SKGServices::fromTheme(const QString& iName, const QStringList& iOverlays)
1895 {
1896     QIcon output;
1897     if (!iOverlays.isEmpty()) {
1898         output = KDE::icon(iName, iOverlays);
1899     } else {
1900         output = KDE::icon(iName);
1901     }
1902     if (output.isNull() && !iName.isEmpty()) {
1903         static QHash<QString, QString> alternatives;
1904         if (alternatives.count() == 0) {
1905             // Build alternatives
1906             alternatives[QStringLiteral("arrow-down")] = QStringLiteral("go-down");
1907             alternatives[QStringLiteral("arrow-right")] = QStringLiteral("go-next");
1908             alternatives[QStringLiteral("arrow-up")] = QStringLiteral("go-up");
1909             alternatives[QStringLiteral("arrow-down-double")] = QStringLiteral("go-down");
1910             alternatives[QStringLiteral("arrow-up-double")] = QStringLiteral("go-up");
1911             alternatives[QStringLiteral("bookmark")] = QStringLiteral("bookmark-new");
1912             alternatives[QStringLiteral("bookmarks")] = QStringLiteral("bookmark-new");
1913             alternatives[QStringLiteral("checkbox")] = QStringLiteral("emblem-symbolic-link");
1914             alternatives[QStringLiteral("chronometer")] = QStringLiteral("appointment");
1915             alternatives[QStringLiteral("configure")] = QStringLiteral("preferences-desktop");
1916             alternatives[QStringLiteral("dashboard-show")] = QStringLiteral("user-desktop");
1917             alternatives[QStringLiteral("dialog-cancel")] = QStringLiteral("process-stop");
1918             alternatives[QStringLiteral("dialog-close")] = QStringLiteral("process-stop");
1919             alternatives[QStringLiteral("dialog-ok")] = QLatin1String("");
1920             alternatives[QStringLiteral("download-later")] = QStringLiteral("internet-services");
1921             alternatives[QStringLiteral("download")] = QStringLiteral("internet-services");
1922             alternatives[QStringLiteral("draw-freehand")] = QStringLiteral("accessories-text-editor");
1923             alternatives[QStringLiteral("edit-guides")] = QStringLiteral("text-x-generic");
1924             alternatives[QStringLiteral("edit-rename")] = QStringLiteral("accessories-text-editor");
1925             alternatives[QStringLiteral("emblem-locked")] = QStringLiteral("lock");
1926             alternatives[QStringLiteral("exchange-positions")] = QLatin1String("");
1927             alternatives[QStringLiteral("format-fill-color")] = QLatin1String("");
1928             alternatives[QStringLiteral("games-solve")] = QStringLiteral("application-certificate");
1929             alternatives[QStringLiteral("get-hot-new-stuff")] = QStringLiteral("applications-other");
1930             alternatives[QStringLiteral("irc-operator")] = QLatin1String("");
1931             alternatives[QStringLiteral("ktip")] = QStringLiteral("dialog-information");
1932             alternatives[QStringLiteral("labplot-xy-plot-two-axes-centered-origin")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1933             alternatives[QStringLiteral("layer-visible-off")] = QLatin1String("");
1934             alternatives[QStringLiteral("layer-visible-on")] = QLatin1String("");
1935             alternatives[QStringLiteral("merge")] = QLatin1String("");
1936             alternatives[QStringLiteral("office-chart-area")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1937             alternatives[QStringLiteral("office-chart-area-stacked")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1938             alternatives[QStringLiteral("office-chart-bar-percentage")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1939             alternatives[QStringLiteral("office-chart-bar")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1940             alternatives[QStringLiteral("office-chart-bar-stacked")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1941             alternatives[QStringLiteral("office-chart-line")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1942             alternatives[QStringLiteral("office-chart-line-stacked")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1943             alternatives[QStringLiteral("office-chart-pie")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1944             alternatives[QStringLiteral("office-chart-ring")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1945             alternatives[QStringLiteral("map-flat")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1946             alternatives[QStringLiteral("office-chart-scatter")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1947             alternatives[QStringLiteral("preview")] = QStringLiteral("document-print-preview");
1948             alternatives[QStringLiteral("quickopen")] = QStringLiteral("emblem-symbolic-link");
1949             alternatives[QStringLiteral("run-build-configure")] = QStringLiteral("media-playback-start");
1950             alternatives[QStringLiteral("run-build")] = QStringLiteral("media-playback-start");
1951             alternatives[QStringLiteral("show-menu")] = QStringLiteral("applications-system");
1952             alternatives[QStringLiteral("skrooge_category")] = QStringLiteral("folder-open");
1953             alternatives[QStringLiteral("split")] = QStringLiteral("edit-cut");
1954             alternatives[QStringLiteral("taxes-finances")] = QStringLiteral("fonts");
1955             alternatives[QStringLiteral("tools-wizard")] = QStringLiteral("applications-other");
1956             alternatives[QStringLiteral("user-group-properties")] = QStringLiteral("system-users");
1957             alternatives[QStringLiteral("user-properties")] = QStringLiteral("document-properties");
1958             alternatives[QStringLiteral("utilities-file-archiver")] = QStringLiteral("package-x-generic");
1959             alternatives[QStringLiteral("vcs-conflicting")] = QStringLiteral("dialog-warning");
1960             alternatives[QStringLiteral("vcs-normal")] = QStringLiteral("dialog-information");
1961             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-bank-account-checking")] = QStringLiteral("go-home");
1962             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-bank-account")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-address-book");
1963             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-bank-account-savings")] = QStringLiteral("go-home");
1964             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-bank")] = QStringLiteral("go-home");
1965             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-calendar-journal")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-calendar");
1966             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-calendar-month")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-calendar");
1967             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-calendar")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-calendar");
1968             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-calendar-week")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-calendar");
1969             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-calendar-whatsnext")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-calendar");
1970             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-categories")] = QStringLiteral("folder-open");
1971             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-categories-expenditures")] = QStringLiteral("face-sad");
1972             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-categories-incomes")] = QStringLiteral("face-smile");
1973             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-file-columns")] = QStringLiteral("go-home");
1974             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-financial-list")] = QStringLiteral("go-home");
1975             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-investment")] = QStringLiteral("go-home");
1976             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-list-details")] = QStringLiteral("go-home");
1977             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-list-text")] = QStringLiteral("go-home");
1978             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-pim-calendar")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1979             alternatives[QStringLiteral("view-statistics")] = QStringLiteral("x-office-spreadsheet");
1980             alternatives[QStringLiteral("window-duplicate")] = QStringLiteral("edit-copy");
1981             alternatives[QStringLiteral("zoom-fit-width")] = QStringLiteral("media-playback-stop");
1982             alternatives[QStringLiteral("smallclock")] = QLatin1String("");
1983             alternatives[QStringLiteral("edit_undo")] = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
1984             alternatives[QStringLiteral("nextuntranslated")] = QStringLiteral("debug-execute-to-cursor");
1985             alternatives[QStringLiteral("format-precision-less")] = QStringLiteral("visibility");
1986             alternatives[QStringLiteral("format-indent-more")] = QStringLiteral("go-next");
1987             alternatives[QStringLiteral("format-indent-less")] = QStringLiteral("go-previous");
1988             alternatives[QStringLiteral("crosshairs")] = QStringLiteral("emblem-symbolic-link");
1989         }
1990         bool alternativeEmpty = false;
1991         if (alternatives.contains(iName)) {
1992             auto alternative = alternatives.value(iName);
1993             alternativeEmpty = (alternative.isEmpty());
1994             if (!alternativeEmpty) {
1995                 if (!iOverlays.isEmpty()) {
1996                     output = KDE::icon(alternative, iOverlays);
1997                 } else {
1998                     output = KDE::icon(alternative);
1999                 }
2000             }
2001         }
2002         if (output.isNull() && !alternativeEmpty) {
2003             SKGTRACE << "WARNING: Icon [" << iName << "] not found" << SKGENDL;
2004             output = KDE::icon(QStringLiteral("script-error"));
2005             if (output.isNull()) {
2006                 output = KDE::icon(QStringLiteral("image-missing"));
2007             }
2008         }
2009     }
2010     return output;
2011 }
getMajorVersion(const QString & iVersion)2013 QString SKGServices::getMajorVersion(const QString& iVersion)
2014 {
2015     QString output = iVersion;
2016     int pos = output.indexOf('.');
2017     if (pos != -1) {
2018         pos = output.indexOf('.', pos + 1);
2019         if (pos != -1) {
2020             output = output.left(pos);
2021         }
2022     }
2023     return output;
2024 }
getFullPathCommandLine(const QString & iCommandLine)2026 QString SKGServices::getFullPathCommandLine(const QString& iCommandLine)
2027 {
2028     QString output = iCommandLine;
2029     if (!output.isEmpty()) {
2030         auto pathWords = SKGServices::splitCSVLine(output, QLatin1Char(' '));
2031         QString fullpath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, qApp->applicationName() % "/" % pathWords.at(0));
2032         if (!fullpath.isEmpty()) {
2033             pathWords[0] = fullpath;
2034             output = pathWords.join(QLatin1Char(' '));
2035         }
2036     }
2037     return output;
2038 }