2/* Definition of the PurchOrder class to hold all the information for a purchase order and delivery
6Class PurchOrder {
8	var $LineItems; /*array of objects of class LineDetails using the product id as the pointer */
9	var $CurrCode;
10	var $CurrDecimalPlaces;
11	var $ExRate;
12	var $Initiator;
13	var $DeliveryDate;
14	var $RequisitionNo;
15	var $DelAdd1;
16	var $DelAdd2;
17	var $DelAdd3;
18	var $DelAdd4;
19	var $DelAdd5;
20	var $DelAdd6;
21	var $Tel;
22	var $SuppDelAdd1;
23	var $SuppDelAdd2;
24	var $SuppDelAdd3;
25	var $SuppDelAdd4;
26	var $SuppDelAdd5;
27	var $SuppDelAdd6;
28	var $SupplierContact;
29	var $SuppTel;
30	var $Comments;
31	var $Location;
32	var $Managed;
33	var $SupplierID;
34	var $SupplierName;
35	var $Orig_OrderDate;
36	var $OrderNo; /*Only used for modification of existing orders otherwise only established when order committed */
37	var $LinesOnOrder;
38	var $PrintedPurchaseOrder;
39	var $DatePurchaseOrderPrinted;
40	var $Total;
41	var $GLLink; /*Is the GL link to stock activated only checked when order initiated or reading in for modification */
42	var $Version;
43	var $Status;
44	var $StatusComments;
45	var $AllowPrintPO;
46	var $Revised;
47	var $DeliveryBy;
48	var $PaymentTerms;
49	var $Contact;
50	var $Port;
52	function __construct(){
53	/*Constructor function initialises a new purchase order object */
54		$this->LineItems = array();
55		$this->total=0;
56		$this->LinesOnOrder=0;
57	}
59	function PurchOrder() {
60		self::__construct();
61	}
63	function add_to_order($LineNo,
64						$StockID,
65						$Serialised,
66						$Controlled,
67						$Qty,
68						$ItemDescr,
69						$Price,
70						$UOM,
71						$GLCode,
72						$ReqDelDate,
73						$ShiptRef,
74						$Completed,
75						$JobRef,
76						$QtyInv=0,
77						$QtyRecd=0,
78						$GLActName='',
79						$DecimalPlaces=2,
80						$SuppliersUnit,
81						$ConversionFactor=1,
82						$LeadTime=1,
83						$Suppliers_PartNo='',
84						$AssetID=0){
86		if ($Qty!=0 && isset($Qty)){
88			$this->LineItems[$LineNo] = new LineDetails($LineNo,
89													$StockID,
90													$Serialised,
91													$Controlled,
92													$Qty,
93													$ItemDescr,
94													$Price,
95													$UOM,
96													$GLCode,
97													$ReqDelDate,
98													$ShiptRef,
99													$Completed,
100													$JobRef,
101													$QtyInv,
102													$QtyRecd,
103													$GLActName,
104													$DecimalPlaces,
105													$SuppliersUnit,
106													$ConversionFactor,
107													$LeadTime,
108													$Suppliers_PartNo,
109													$AssetID);
110			$this->LinesOnOrder++;
111			Return 1;
112		}
113		Return 0;
114	}
116	function update_order_item($LineNo,
117								$Qty,
118								$Price,
119								$ItemDescription,
120								$GLCode,
121								$GLAccountName,
122								$ReqDelDate,
123								$ShiptRef,
124								$JobRef ,
125								$SuppliersUnit,
126								$ConversionFactor,
127								$Suppliers_PartNo){
129			$this->LineItems[$LineNo]->ItemDescription = $ItemDescription;
130			$this->LineItems[$LineNo]->Quantity = $Qty;
131			$this->LineItems[$LineNo]->Price = $Price;
132			$this->LineItems[$LineNo]->GLCode = $GLCode;
133			$this->LineItems[$LineNo]->GLAccountName = $GLAccountName;
134			$this->LineItems[$LineNo]->ReqDelDate = $ReqDelDate;
135			$this->LineItems[$LineNo]->ShiptRef = $ShiptRef;
136			$this->LineItems[$LineNo]->JobRef = $JobRef;
137			$this->LineItems[$LineNo]->SuppliersUnit = $SuppliersUnit;
138			$this->LineItems[$LineNo]->ConversionFactor = $ConversionFactor;
139			$this->LineItems[$LineNo]->Suppliers_PartNo = $Suppliers_PartNo;
140	}
142	function remove_from_order(&$LineNo){
143		 $this->LineItems[$LineNo]->Deleted = True;
144	}
147	function Any_Already_Received(){
148		/* Checks if there have been deliveries or invoiced entered against any of the line items */
149		if (count($this->LineItems)>0){
150		   foreach ($this->LineItems as $OrderedItems) {
151			if ($OrderedItems->QtyReceived !=0 OR $OrderedItems->QtyInv !=0){
152				return 1;
153			}
154		   }
155		}
156		return 0;
157	}
159	function Any_Lines_On_A_Shipment(){
160		/* Checks if any of the line items are on a shipment */
161		if (count($this->LineItems)>0){
162		   foreach ($this->LineItems as $OrderedItems) {
163			if ($OrderedItems->ShiptRef !=''){
164				return $OrderedItems->ShiptRef;
165			}
166		   }
167		}
168		return 0;
169	}
170	function Some_Already_Received($LineNo){
171		/* Checks if there have been deliveries or amounts invoiced against a specific line item */
172		if (count($this->LineItems)>0 and isset($this->LineItems[$LineNo])){
173		   if ($this->LineItems[$LineNo]->QtyReceived !=0 or $this->LineItems[$LineNo]->QtyInv !=0){
174			return 1;
175		   }
176		}
177		return 0;
178	}
180	function Order_Value() {
181		$TotalValue=0;
182		foreach ($this->LineItems as $OrderedItems) {
183			if ($OrderedItems->Deleted == False){
184				$TotalValue += ($OrderedItems->Price)*($OrderedItems->Quantity);
185			}
186		}
187		return $TotalValue;
188	}
190	function AllLinesReceived(){
191		foreach ($this->LineItems as $OrderedItems) {
192			if (($OrderedItems->QtyReceived + $OrderedItems->ReceiveQty) < $OrderedItems->Quantity){
193				return 0;
194			}
195		}
196		return 1; //all lines must be fully received
197	}
199	function SomethingReceived(){
200		foreach ($this->LineItems as $OrderedItems) {
201			if ($OrderedItems->ReceiveQty !=0){
202				return 1;
203			}
204		}
205		return 0; //nowt received
206	}
208} /* end of class defintion */
210Class LineDetails {
211/* PurchOrderDetails */
212	Var $LineNo;
213	Var $PODetailRec;
214	Var $StockID;
215	Var $ItemDescription;
216	Var $DecimalPlaces;
217	Var $GLCode;
218	Var $GLActName;
219	Var $Quantity;
220	Var $Price;
221	Var $Units;
222	Var $ReqDelDate;
223	Var $QtyInv;
224	Var $QtyReceived;
225	Var $StandardCost;
226	var $ShiptRef;
227	var $Completed;
228	Var $JobRef;
229	var $ConversionFactor;
230	var $SuppliersUnit;
231	Var $Suppliers_PartNo;
232	Var $LeadTime;
233	Var $ReceiveQty; //this receipt of stock
234	Var $Deleted;
235	Var $Controlled;
236	Var $Serialised;
237	Var $SerialItems;  /*An array holding the batch/serial numbers and quantities in each batch*/
238	Var $AssetID;
240	function __construct (	$LineNo,
241						$StockItem,
242						$Serialised,
243						$Controlled,
244						$Qty,
245						$ItemDescr,
246						$Price,
247						$UOM,
248						$GLCode,
249						$ReqDelDate,
250						$ShiptRef =0,
251						$Completed,
252						$JobRef,
253						$QtyInv,
254						$QtyRecd,
255						$GLActName,
256						$DecimalPlaces,
257						$SuppliersUnit,
258						$ConversionFactor,
259						$LeadTime,
260						$Suppliers_PartNo,
261						$AssetID)	{
263	/* Constructor function to add a new LineDetail object with passed params */
264		$this->LineNo = $LineNo;
265		$this->StockID =$StockItem;
266		$this->Controlled = $Controlled;
267		$this->Serialised = $Serialised;
268		$this->DecimalPlaces=$DecimalPlaces;
269		$this->ItemDescription = $ItemDescr;
270		$this->Quantity = $Qty;
271		$this->ReqDelDate = $ReqDelDate;
272		$this->Price = $Price;
273		$this->Units = $UOM;
274		$this->QtyReceived = $QtyRecd;
275		$this->QtyInv = $QtyInv;
276		$this->GLCode = $GLCode;
277		$this->JobRef = $JobRef;
278		$this->SuppliersUnit = $SuppliersUnit;
279		$this->ConversionFactor = $ConversionFactor;
280		$this->Suppliers_PartNo = $Suppliers_PartNo;
281		$this->LeadTime = $LeadTime;
282		if (is_numeric($ShiptRef)){
283			$this->ShiptRef = $ShiptRef;
284		} else {
285			$this->ShiptRef = 0;
286		}
287		$this->Completed = $Completed;
288		$this->GLActName = $GLActName;
289		$this->ReceiveQty = 0;	/*initialise these last two only */
290		$this->StandardCost = 0;
291		$this->Deleted = false;
292		$this->SerialItems = array(); /*if Controlled then need to populate this later */
293		$this->SerialItemsValid=false;
294		$this->AssetID = $AssetID;
296	}
297	function LineDetails($LineNo,
298						$StockItem,
299						$Serialised,
300						$Controlled,
301						$Qty,
302						$ItemDescr,
303						$Price,
304						$UOM,
305						$GLCode,
306						$ReqDelDate,
307						$ShiptRef =0,
308						$Completed,
309						$JobRef,
310						$QtyInv,
311						$QtyRecd,
312						$GLActName,
313						$DecimalPlaces,
314						$SuppliersUnit,
315						$ConversionFactor,
316						$LeadTime,
317						$Suppliers_PartNo,
318						$AssetID) {
319		self::__construct($LineNo,
320						$StockItem,
321						$Serialised,
322						$Controlled,
323						$Qty,
324						$ItemDescr,
325						$Price,
326						$UOM,
327						$GLCode,
328						$ReqDelDate,
329						$ShiptRef =0,
330						$Completed,
331						$JobRef,
332						$QtyInv,
333						$QtyRecd,
334						$GLActName,
335						$DecimalPlaces,
336						$SuppliersUnit,
337						$ConversionFactor,
338						$LeadTime,
339						$Suppliers_PartNo,
340						$AssetID);
341	}