4This script has the responsibility to gather basic information necessary to retrieve data for reports.
5It is comprised of several steps designed to gather display preferences, database information, field
6information and filter/criteria information. The Report builder process is as follows:
8Step 1: (or script entry): displays the current listing of reports. Uses form ReportsHome.html as a UI.
9Step 2: (action=step2): After the user has selected an option, this step is followed to enter a report
10	name and the type of report it is for grouping purposes.
11Step 3: Handles the page setup information.
12Step 4: Handles the database setup and link information.
13Step 5: Handles the database field selection.
14Step 6: Handles the Criteria and filter selection.
15Export: Handled in action=step2, calls ExportReport to save report as a text file.
16Import: Handled in action=step8, calls an import function to read the setup information from a text file.
19$DirectoryLevelsDeep = 2;
20$PathPrefix = '../../';
21$PageSecurity = 2; // set security level for webERP
22// Fetch necessary include files for webERP
23require ($PathPrefix . 'includes/session.php');
25// Initialize some constants
26$ReportLanguage = 'en_US';				// default language file
27define('DBReports','reports');		// name of the databse holding the main report information (ReportID)
28define('DBRptFields','reportfields');	// name of the database holding the report fields
29define ('DefRptPath',$PathPrefix . 'companies/' . $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '/reportwriter/');	// path to default reports
30define ('MyDocPath',$PathPrefix . 'companies/' . $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '/reportwriter/');	// path to user saved documents
33// Fetch necessary include files for report creator
34require_once('../languages/' . $ReportLanguage . '/reports.php');
38$usrMsg = array(); // initialize array for return messages
40// a valid report id needs to be passed as a post field to do anything, except create new report
41if (!isset($_POST['ReportID'])) { // entered for the first time or created new report
42	$ReportID = '';
43} else {
44	$ReportID = $_POST['ReportID'];
45	if (isset($_POST['Type'])) { // then the type was passed from the previous form
46		$Type=$_POST['Type'];
47	} else { // we only have a reportid, we need to retrieve the type from thge db to set up the forms correctly
48		$sql = "SELECT reporttype FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id='".$ReportID."'";
49		$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
50		$myrow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
51		$Type = $myrow[0];
52	}
54switch ($_GET['action']) {
55	default:
56	case "step2": // entered from select an action (home) page
57		// first check to see if a report was selected (except new report and import)
58		if (!isset($_GET['action']) OR ($ReportID=='' AND $_POST['todo']<>RPT_BTN_ADDNEW AND $_POST['todo']<>RPT_BTN_IMPORT)) {
59			// skip error message if back from import was pressed
60			$DropDownString = RetrieveReports();
61			if (isset($_GET['action'])) $usrMsg[] = array('message'=>FRM_NORPT, 'level'=>'error');
62			$FormParams = PrepStep('1');
63			break;
64		}
65		switch ($_POST['todo']) {
66			case RPT_BTN_ADDNEW: // Fetch the defaults and got to select id screen
67				$ReportID = '';
68				$FormParams = PrepStep('2');
69				break;
70			case RPT_BTN_EDIT: // fetch the report information and go to the page setup screen
71				$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id='".$ReportID."'";
72				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
73				$myrow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
74				$FormParams = PrepStep('3');
75				break;
76			case RPT_BTN_RENAME: // Rename a report was selected, fetch the report name and show rename form
77				$sql = "SELECT reportname FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id='".$ReportID."'";
78				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
79				$myrow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
80				$_POST['ReportName'] = $myrow['reportname'];
81				// continue like copy was pushed
82			case RPT_BTN_COPY: // Copy a report was selected
83				$FormParams = PrepStep('2');
84				break;
85			case RPT_BTN_DEL: // after confirmation, delete the report and go to the main report admin menu
86				$sql= "DELETE FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id = ".$ReportID.";";
87				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
88				$sql= "DELETE FROM ".DBRptFields." WHERE reportid = ".$ReportID.";";
89				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
90				// reload main entry form
91			default:
92				$DropDownString = RetrieveReports();
93				$FormParams = PrepStep('1');
94				break;
95			case RPT_BTN_EXPORT:
96				ExportReport($ReportID); // We don't return from here, we exit the script
97				break;
98			case RPT_BTN_IMPORT: // show the file import form
99				$ReportName = '';
100				$FormParams = PrepStep('imp');
101				break;
102		}
103	break; // End Step 2
105	case "step3": // entered from id setup page
106		switch ($_POST['todo']) {
107			case RPT_BTN_REPLACE: // Erase the default report and copy a new one with the same name
108				if (isset($_POST['ReplaceReportID'])) { // then we need to delete the report to replace
109					$sql= "DELETE FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id = ".$_POST['ReplaceReportID'].";";
110					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
111					$sql= "DELETE FROM ".DBRptFields." WHERE reportid = ".$_POST['ReplaceReportID'].";";
112					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
113				}
114				// report has been deleted, continue to create or copy (in case 'Continue' below)
115			case RPT_BTN_CONT: // fetch the report information and go to the page setup screen
116				// input error check reportname, blank duplicate, bad characters, etc.
117				if ($_POST['ReportName']=='') { // no report name was entered, error and reload form
118					$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_NORPT, 'level'=>'error');
119					$FormParams = PrepStep('2');
120					break;
121				}
122				// check for duplicate report name
123				$sql = "SELECT id FROM ".DBReports." WHERE reportname='".addslashes($_POST['ReportName'])."';";
124				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
125				if (DB_num_rows($Result)>0) { // then we have a duplicate report name, error and reload
126					$myrow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
127					$ReplaceReportID = $myrow['id']; // save the duplicate report id
128					$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_SAVEDUP, 'level'=>'error');
129					$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_DEFDEL, 'level'=>'warn');
130					$FormParams = PrepStep('2');
131					break;
132				}
133				// Input validated perform requested operation
134				if ($ReportID=='') { // then it's a new report
135					// Check to see if a form or report to create
136					if ($_POST['NewType']=='') { // then no type selected, error and re-display form
137						$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_NORPTTYPE, 'level'=>'warn');
138						$FormParams = PrepStep('2');
139						break;
140					} elseif ($_POST['NewType']=='rpt') { // a report, read the groupname
141						$GroupName = $_POST['GroupName'];
142					} elseif ($_POST['NewType']=='frm') { // a form, set the groupname
143						$GroupName = $_POST['FormGroup'];
144					}
145					$Type = $_POST['NewType'];
146					$sql = "INSERT INTO ".DBReports." (reportname, reporttype, groupname, defaultreport)
147						VALUES ('".addslashes($_POST['ReportName'])."', '".$Type."', '".$GroupName."', '1')";
148					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
149					$ReportID = DB_Last_Insert_ID(DBReports,'id');
150					// Set some default report information: date display default choices to 'ALL'
151					if ($Type<>'frm') { // set the truncate long descriptions default
152						$sql = "INSERT INTO ".DBRptFields." (reportid, entrytype, params, displaydesc)
153							VALUES (".$ReportID.", 'trunclong', '0', '');";
154						$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
155					} else { // it's a form so write a default form break record
156						$sql = "INSERT INTO ".DBRptFields." (reportid, entrytype, params, displaydesc)
157							VALUES (".$ReportID.", 'grouplist', '', '');";
158						$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
159					}
160					$sql = "INSERT INTO ".DBRptFields." (reportid, entrytype, fieldname, displaydesc)
161						VALUES (".$ReportID.", 'dateselect', '', 'a');";
162					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
163				} else { // copy the report and all fields to the new report name
164					$OrigID = $ReportID;
165					// Set the report id to 0 to prepare to copy
166					$sql = "UPDATE ".DBReports." SET id=0 WHERE id=".$ReportID.";";
167					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
168					$sql = "INSERT INTO ".DBReports." SELECT * FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id = 0;";
169					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
170					// Fetch the id entered
171					$ReportID = DB_Last_Insert_ID(DBReports,'id');
172					// Restore original report ID from 0
173					$sql = "UPDATE ".DBReports." SET id=".$OrigID." WHERE id=0;";
174					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
175					// Set the report name and group name per the form
176					$sql = "UPDATE ".DBReports." SET
177							reportname = '" . DB_escape_string($_POST['ReportName']) . "'
178						WHERE id =".$ReportID.";";
179					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
180					// fetch the fields and duplicate
181					$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DBRptFields." WHERE reportid=".$OrigID.";";
182					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
183					while ($temp = DB_fetch_array($Result)) $field[] = $temp;
184					foreach ($field as $row) {
185						$sql = "INSERT INTO ".DBRptFields." (reportid, entrytype, seqnum, fieldname,
186								displaydesc, visible, columnbreak, params)
187							VALUES (".$ReportID.", '".$row['entrytype']."', ".$row['seqnum'].",
188								'".$row['fieldname']."', '".$row['displaydesc']."', '".$row['visible']."',
189								'".$row['columnbreak']."', '".$row['params']."');";
190						$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
191					}
192				}
193				// read back in new data for next screen (will set defaults as defined in the db)
194				$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id='".$ReportID."'";
195				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
196				$myrow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
197				$FormParams = PrepStep('3');
198				break;
200			case RPT_BTN_RENAME: // Rename a report was selected, fetch the report name and update
201				// input error check reportname, blank duplicate, bad characters, etc.
202				if ($_POST['ReportName']=='') { // no report name was entered, error and reload form
203					$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_NORPT, 'level'=>'error');
204					$FormParams = PrepStep('2');
205					break;
206				}
207				// check for duplicate report name
208				$sql = "SELECT id FROM ".DBReports." WHERE reportname='".addslashes($_POST['ReportName'])."';";
209				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
210				if (DB_num_rows($Result)>0) { // then we have a duplicate report name, error and reload
211					$myrow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
212					if ($myrow['id']<>$ReportID) { // then the report has a duplicate name to something other than itself, error
213						$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_REPDUP, 'level'=>'error');
214						$FormParams = PrepStep('2');
215						break;
216					}
217				}
218				$sql = "UPDATE ".DBReports." SET reportname='".addslashes($_POST['ReportName'])."' WHERE id=".$ReportID.";";
219				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
220				$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_UPDATED, 'level'=>'success');
221				// continue with default to return to reports home
222			case RPT_BTN_BACK:
223			default:	// bail to reports home
224				$DropDownString = RetrieveReports();
225				$FormParams = PrepStep('1');
226		}
227	break;
229	case "step4": // entered from page setup page
230		switch ($_POST['todo']) {
231			case RPT_BTN_UPDATE:
232				$success = UpdatePageFields($ReportID);
233				// read back in new data for next screen (will set defaults as defined in the db)
234				$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id='".$ReportID."'";
235				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
236				$myrow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
237				$FormParams = PrepStep('3');
238				break;
239			case RPT_BTN_CONT: // fetch the report information and go to the page setup screen
240				$success = UpdatePageFields($ReportID);
241				// read in the data for the next form
242				$sql = "SELECT table1,
243						table2, table2criteria,
244						table3, table3criteria,
245						table4, table4criteria,
246						table5, table5criteria,
247						table6, table6criteria,
248						reportname
249					FROM " . DBReports . " WHERE id='".$ReportID."'";
250				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
251				$myrow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
252				$numrows = DB_num_rows($Result);
253				$FormParams = PrepStep('4');
254				break;
255			case RPT_BTN_BACK:
256			default:	// bail to reports home
257				$DropDownString = RetrieveReports();
258				$FormParams = PrepStep('1');
259		}
260	break;
262	case "step5": // entered from dbsetup page
263		switch ($_POST['todo']) {
264			case RPT_BTN_BACK:
265				$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id='".$ReportID."'";
266				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
267				$myrow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
268				$FormParams = PrepStep('3');
269				break;
270			case RPT_BTN_UPDATE:
271			case RPT_BTN_CONT: // fetch the report information and go to the page setup screen
272				if ($_POST['Table1']) {
273					$sql = "SELECT table1 FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id='".$ReportID."'";
274					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
275					$myrow = DB_fetch_row($Result);
276					if ($myrow[0] != $_POST['Table1']) {
277						unset($_POST['Table2']); unset($_POST['Table2Criteria']);
278						unset($_POST['Table3']); unset($_POST['Table3Criteria']);
279						unset($_POST['Table4']); unset($_POST['Table4Criteria']);
280						unset($_POST['Table5']); unset($_POST['Table5Criteria']);
281						unset($_POST['Table6']); unset($_POST['Table6Criteria']);
282					}
283				}
284				$success = UpdateDBFields($ReportID);
285				if (!$success OR $_POST['todo']==RPT_BTN_UPDATE) {
286					// update fields and stay on this form
287					if (!$success) $usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_DUPDB, 'level'=>'error');
288					// read back in new data for next screen (will set defaults as defined in the db)
289					$sql = "SELECT table1,
290							table2, table2criteria,
291							table3, table3criteria,
292							table4, table4criteria,
293							table5, table5criteria,
294							table6, table6criteria,
295							reportname
296						FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id='".$ReportID."'";
297					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
298					$myrow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
299					$FormParams = PrepStep('4');
300					break;
301				}
302				// read in fields and continue to next form
303				$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
304				$FieldListings = RetrieveFields('fieldlist');
305				$FormParams = PrepStep('5');
306				break;
307			default:	// bail to reports home
308				$DropDownString = RetrieveReports();
309				$FormParams = PrepStep('1');
310		}
311	break;
313	case "step6": // entered from field setup page
314		if (!isset($_POST['todo'])) {	// then a sequence image button was pushed
315			$SeqNum = $_POST['SeqNum']; //fetch the sequence number
316			if (isset($_POST['up_x'])) { // the shift up button was pushed, check for not at first sequence
317				if ($SeqNum<>1) $success = ChangeSequence($SeqNum, 'fieldlist', 'up');
318				$FieldListings = RetrieveFields('fieldlist');
319			} elseif (isset($_POST['dn_x'])) { // the shift down button was pushed
320				$sql = "SELECT seqnum FROM ".DBRptFields." WHERE reportid = ".$ReportID." AND entrytype = 'fieldlist';";
321				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
322				if ($SeqNum<DB_num_rows($Result)) $success = ChangeSequence($SeqNum, 'fieldlist', 'down');
323				$FieldListings = RetrieveFields('fieldlist');
324			} elseif (isset($_POST['ed_x'])) { // the sequence edit button was pushed
325				// pre fill form with the field to edit and change button name
326				$FieldListings = RetrieveFields('fieldlist');
327				$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DBRptFields."
328					WHERE reportid = ".$ReportID." AND entrytype = 'fieldlist' AND seqnum=".$SeqNum.";";
329				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
330				$FieldListings['defaults'] = DB_fetch_array($Result);
331				$FieldListings['defaults']['buttonvalue'] = RPT_BTN_CHANGE;
332			} elseif (isset($_POST['rm_x'])) { // the sequence remove button was pushed
333				$success = DeleteSequence($_POST['SeqNum'], 'fieldlist');
334				$FieldListings = RetrieveFields('fieldlist');
335			}
336			$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
337			$FormParams = PrepStep('5');
338		} else {
339			switch ($_POST['todo']) {
340				case RPT_BTN_BACK:
341					$sql = "SELECT table1,
342							table2, table2criteria,
343							table3, table3criteria,
344							table4, table4criteria,
345							table5, table5criteria,
346							table6, table6criteria,
347							reportname
348						FROM ".DBReports." WHERE id='".$ReportID."'";
349					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
350					$myrow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
351					$FormParams = PrepStep('4');
352					break;
353				case RPT_BTN_ADDNEW:
354				case RPT_BTN_CHANGE:
355					// error check input
356					$IsValidField = ValidateField($ReportID, $_POST['FieldName'], $_POST['DisplayDesc']);
357					if (!$IsValidField) { // then user entered a bad fieldname or description, error and reload
358						$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_BADFLD, 'level'=>'error');
359						// reload form with bad data entered as field defaults, ready to be editted
360						$FieldListings = RetrieveFields('fieldlist');
361						$FieldListings['defaults']['seqnum']=$_POST['SeqNum'];
362						$FieldListings['defaults']['fieldname']=$_POST['FieldName'];
363						$FieldListings['defaults']['displaydesc']=$_POST['DisplayDesc'];
364						$FieldListings['defaults']['columnbreak']=$_POST['ColumnBreak'];
365						$FieldListings['defaults']['visible']=$_POST['Visible'];
366						$FieldListings['defaults']['params']=$_POST['Params'];
367						if ($_POST['todo']==RPT_BTN_ADDNEW) { // add new so insert
368							$FieldListings['defaults']['buttonvalue'] = RPT_BTN_ADDNEW;
369						} else { // exists, so update it.
370							$FieldListings['defaults']['buttonvalue'] = RPT_BTN_CHANGE;
371						}
372						$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
373						$FormParams = PrepStep('5');
374						break;
375					}
376					if ($_POST['todo']==RPT_BTN_ADDNEW) { // add new so insert
377						$_POST['SeqNum'] = InsertSequence($_POST['SeqNum'], 'fieldlist');
378					} else { // exists, so update it.
379						$success = UpdateSequence('fieldlist');
380					}
381					if ($Type<>'frm') {
382						$FieldListings = RetrieveFields('fieldlist');
383						$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
384						$FormParams = PrepStep('5');
385						break;
386					}
387					// Go to the properties screen for the field just entered
388				case RPT_BTN_PROP: // Enter the properties of a given field
389					// see what form needs to be loaded and load based on index stored in params variable
390					$SeqNum = $_POST['SeqNum'];
391					$sql = "SELECT id, displaydesc, params FROM ".DBRptFields."
392						WHERE reportid = ".$ReportID." AND entrytype='fieldlist' AND seqnum = ".$SeqNum.";";
393					$Result = DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
394					$myrow = DB_fetch_assoc($Result);
395					$Params = unserialize($myrow['params']);
396					$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
397					$ButtonValue = RPT_BTN_ADDNEW; // default the field button to Add New for form entry
398					$FormParams = PrepStep('prop');
399					$FormParams['id'] = $myrow['id'];
400					$DisplayName = $myrow['displaydesc'];
401					break;
402				case RPT_BTN_CONT: // fetch the report information and go to the page setup screen
403					$DateListings = RetrieveFields('dateselect');
404					$DateListings = $DateListings['lists'][0]; // only need the first field
405					$TruncListings = RetrieveFields('trunclong');
406					$TruncListings = $TruncListings['lists'][0]; // only need the first field
407					$SortListings = RetrieveFields('sortlist');
408					$GroupListings = RetrieveFields('grouplist');
409					$CritListings = RetrieveFields('critlist');
410					$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
411					$FormParams = PrepStep('6');
412					break;
413				default: // bail to reports home
414					$DropDownString = RetrieveReports();
415					$FormParams = PrepStep('1');
416					break;
417			}
418		}
419	break;
421	case "step6a": // entered from properties page for fields
422		$ButtonValue = RPT_BTN_ADDNEW; // default the field button to Add New unless overidden by the edit image pressed
423		$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
424		$SeqNum = $_POST['SeqNum'];
425		// first fetch the original Params
426		$sql = "SELECT id, params FROM ".DBRptFields."
427			WHERE reportid = ".$ReportID." AND entrytype='fieldlist' AND seqnum = ".$SeqNum.";";
428		$Result = DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
429		$myrow = DB_fetch_assoc($Result);
430		$Params = unserialize($myrow['params']);
431		if (!isset($_POST['todo'])) { // then a sequence image button was pushed, we must be in form table entry
432			$success = ModFormTblEntry($Params);
433			if (!$success) { // check for errors
434				$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_BADDATA, 'level'=>'error');
435			} else { // update the database
436				$sql = "UPDATE ".DBRptFields." SET params='".serialize($Params)."' WHERE id = ".$_POST['ID'].";";
437				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
438				if ($success=='edit') { // then the edit button was pressed, change button name from Add New to Change
439					$ButtonValue = RPT_BTN_CHANGE;
440				}
441			}
442			// Update field properties
443			$FormParams = PrepStep('prop');
444			$FormParams['id'] = $myrow['id'];
445		} else {
446			// fetch the choices with the form post data
447			foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value) $Params[$key]=$value;
448			// check for what button or image was pressed
449			switch ($_POST['todo']) {
450				case RPT_BTN_CANCEL:
451					$FieldListings = RetrieveFields('fieldlist');
452					$FormParams = PrepStep('5');
453					break;
454				case RPT_BTN_ADD:
455				case RPT_BTN_REMOVE: // For the total parameters gather the list of fieldnames
456					// Process the button pushed
457					if ($_POST['todo']==RPT_BTN_REMOVE) { // the remove button was pressed
458						$Index = $_POST['FieldIndex'];
459						if ($Index<>'') $Params['Seq'] = array_merge(array_slice($Params['Seq'],0,$Index),array_slice($Params['Seq'],$Index+1));
460					} else { // it's the add button, error check
461						if ($_POST['TotalField']=='') {
462							$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_BADFLD, 'level'=>'error');
463							// reload form with bad data entered as field defaults, ready to be editted
464							$DisplayName =$_POST['DisplayName'];
465							$FormParams = PrepStep('prop');
466							$FormParams['id'] = $myrow['id'];
467							break;
468						}
469						$Params['Seq'][] = $_POST['TotalField'];
470					}
471					// Update field properties
472					$sql = "UPDATE ".DBRptFields." SET params='".serialize($Params)."' WHERE id = ".$_POST['ID'].";";
473					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
474					$Params['TotalField']='';
475					$FormParams = PrepStep('prop');
476					$FormParams['id'] = $myrow['id'];
477					break;
478				case RPT_BTN_CHANGE:
479				case RPT_BTN_ADDNEW:
480					// Error Check input, see if user entered a bad fieldname or description, error and reload
481					if ($_POST['TblField']=='' OR ($Params['index']=='Tbl' AND $_POST['TblDesc']=='')) {
482						$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_BADFLD, 'level'=>'error');
483						// reload form with bad data entered as field defaults, ready to be editted
484						if ($_POST['todo']==RPT_BTN_ADDNEW) $ButtonValue = RPT_BTN_ADDNEW;
485							else $ButtonValue = RPT_BTN_CHANGE;
486						$DisplayName =$_POST['DisplayName'];
487						$FormParams = PrepStep('prop');
488						$FormParams['id'] = $myrow['id'];
489						break;
490					}
491					if ($_POST['todo']==RPT_BTN_ADDNEW) $success = InsertFormSeq($Params,'insert');
492						else $success = InsertFormSeq($Params, 'update');
493					// continue on
494				case RPT_BTN_UPDATE:
495				case RPT_BTN_FINISH: // Enter the properties of a given field and return to the field setup screen
496					// additional processing for the image upload in the form image type
497					if ($Params['index']=='Img') {
498						$success = ImportImage();
499						if ($success['result']=='error') { // image upload failed
500							$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>$success['message'], 'level'=>'error');
501							$FormParams = PrepStep('prop');
502							$FormParams['id'] = $myrow['id'];
503							break;
504						} else {
505							$Params['filename'] = $success['filename'];
506						}
507					}
508					// reset the sequence defaults to null for Table type only
509					if ($Params['index']=='Tbl' OR $Params['index']=='TBlk') {
510						$Params['TblSeqNum'] = '';
511						$Params['TblField'] = '';
512						$Params['TblDesc'] = '';
513						$Params['Processing'] = '';
514					}
515					// Update field properties
516					$sql = "UPDATE ".DBRptFields." SET params='".serialize($Params)."' WHERE id = ".$_POST['ID'].";";
517					$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
518					// check for update errors and reload
519					if ($_POST['todo']==RPT_BTN_FINISH) { // no errors and finished so return to field setup
520						$FieldListings = RetrieveFields('fieldlist');
521						$FormParams = PrepStep('5');
522					} else { // print error message if need be and reload parameter form
523						$DisplayName =$_POST['DisplayName'];
524						$FormParams = PrepStep('prop');
525						$FormParams['id'] = $myrow['id'];
526					}
527					break;
528				default: // bail to reports home
529					$DropDownString = RetrieveReports();
530					$FormParams = PrepStep('1');
531					break;
532			}
533		}
534	break;
536	case "step7": // entered from criteria setup page
537		$OverrideDefaults = false;
538		if (!isset($_POST['todo'])) {	// then a sequence image button was pushed
539			$SeqNum = $_POST['SeqNum']; //fetch the sequence number
540			$EntryType = $_POST['EntryType']; //fetch the entry type
541			if (isset($_POST['up_x'])) { // the shift up button was pushed
542				if ($SeqNum<>1) $success = ChangeSequence($_POST['SeqNum'], $EntryType, 'up');
543			} elseif (isset($_POST['dn_x'])) { // the shift down button was pushed
544				$sql = "SELECT seqnum FROM ".DBRptFields." WHERE reportid = ".$ReportID." AND entrytype = '".$EntryType."';";
545				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
546				if ($SeqNum<DB_num_rows($Result)) $success = ChangeSequence($_POST['SeqNum'], $EntryType, 'down');
547			} elseif (isset($_POST['ed_x'])) { // the sequence edit button was pushed
548				$OverrideDefaults = true;
549				// pre fill form with the field to edit and change button name
550				$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DBRptFields."
551					WHERE reportid = ".$ReportID." AND entrytype = '".$EntryType."' AND seqnum=".$SeqNum.";";
552				$Result=DB_query($sql,'','',false,true);
553				$NewDefaults['defaults'] = DB_fetch_array($Result);
554				$NewDefaults['defaults']['buttonvalue'] = RPT_BTN_CHANGE;
555			} elseif (isset($_POST['rm_x'])) { // the sequence remove button was pushed
556				$success = DeleteSequence($_POST['SeqNum'], $EntryType);
557			}
558			$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
559				$FormParams = PrepStep('6');
560		} else {
561			switch ($_POST['todo']) {
562				case RPT_BTN_BACK:
563					$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
564					$FormParams = PrepStep('5');
565					break;
566				case RPT_BTN_ADDNEW:
567				case RPT_BTN_CHANGE:
568					$EntryType = $_POST['EntryType']; //fetch the entry type
569					// error check input
570					$IsValidField = ValidateField($ReportID, $_POST['FieldName'], $_POST['DisplayDesc']);
571					if (!$IsValidField) { // then user entered a bad fieldname or description, error and reload
572						$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_BADFLD, 'level'=>'error');
573						// reload form with bad data entered as field defaults, ready to be editted
574						$OverrideDefaults = true;
575						$NewDefaults['defaults']['seqnum']=$_POST['SeqNum'];
576						$NewDefaults['defaults']['fieldname']=$_POST['FieldName'];
577						$NewDefaults['defaults']['displaydesc']=$_POST['DisplayDesc'];
578						if (isset($_POST['Params'])) $NewDefaults['defaults']['params']=$_POST['Params'];
579						if ($_POST['todo']==RPT_BTN_ADDNEW) { // add new so insert
580							$NewDefaults['defaults']['buttonvalue'] = RPT_BTN_ADDNEW;
581						} else { // exists, so update it.
582							$NewDefaults['defaults']['buttonvalue'] = RPT_BTN_CHANGE;
583						}
584					} else { // fetch the input results and save them
585						if ($_POST['todo']==RPT_BTN_ADDNEW) { // add new so insert
586							$success = InsertSequence($_POST['SeqNum'], $EntryType);
587						} else { // record exists, so update it.
588							$success = UpdateSequence($EntryType);
589						}
590					}
591					$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
592					$FormParams = PrepStep('6');
593					break;
594				case RPT_BTN_UPDATE: // update the date and general options fields, reload form
595				case RPT_BTN_FINISH: // update fields and return to report manager screen
596				default:	// bail to reports home
597					//fetch the entry type
598					if (isset($_POST['EntryType'])) $EntryType = $_POST['EntryType']; else $EntryType = '';
599					// build date string of choices from user
600					$DateString = '';
601					for ($i=1; $i<=count($DateChoices); $i++) {
602						if (isset($_POST['DateRange'.$i])) $DateString .= $_POST['DateRange'.$i];
603					}
604					// error check input for date
605					if ($DateString=='' OR $DateString=='a') { // then the report is date independent
606						$_POST['DateField'] = ''; // clear the date field since we don't need it
607						$IsValidField = true; //
608					} else { // check the input for a valid fieldname
609						$IsValidField = ValidateField($ReportID, $_POST['DateField'], 'TestField');
610					}
611					if ($Type=='frm' AND $IsValidField) {
612						$IsValidField = ValidateField($ReportID, $_POST['FormBreakField'], 'TestField');
613					}
614					if (!$IsValidField) { // then user entered a bad fieldname or description, error and reload
615						$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>RPT_BADFLD, 'level'=>'error');
616						// reload form with bad data entered as field defaults, ready to be editted
617						$DateListings['displaydesc'] = $DateString;
618						$DateListings['params'] = $_POST['DefDate'];
619						$DateListings['fieldname'] = $_POST['DateField'];
620						if ($Type=='frm') $GroupListings['lists'][0]['fieldname'] = $_POST['FormBreakField'];
621						$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
622						$DateError = true;
623						$FormParams = PrepStep('6');
624						break;
625					} else { // fetch the input results and save them
626						$DateError = false;
627						$success = UpdateCritFields($ReportID, $DateString);
628					}
629					// read in fields for next form
630					$reportname = $_POST['ReportName'];
631					if ($_POST['todo']==RPT_BTN_FINISH) { // then finish was pressed
632						$DropDownString = RetrieveReports(); // needed to return to reports manager home
633						$FormParams = PrepStep('1');
634					} else { // update was pressed, return to criteria form
635						$FormParams = PrepStep('6');
636					}
637					break;
638			}
639		}
640		// reload fields to display form
641		$FieldListings = RetrieveFields('fieldlist'); // needed for GO Back (fields) screen
642		// Below needed to reload criteria form
643		if (!$DateError) {
644			$DateListings = RetrieveFields('dateselect');
645			$DateListings = $DateListings['lists'][0]; // only need the first field
646		}
647		$TruncListings = RetrieveFields('trunclong');
648		$TruncListings = $TruncListings['lists'][0]; // only need the first field
649		$SortListings = RetrieveFields('sortlist');
650		$GroupListings = RetrieveFields('grouplist');
651		$CritListings = RetrieveFields('critlist');
652		// override defaults used for edit of existing fields.
653		if ($OverrideDefaults) {
654			switch ($EntryType) {
655				case "sortlist":
656					$SortListings['defaults'] = $NewDefaults['defaults'];
657					$SortListings['defaults']['buttonvalue'] = $NewDefaults['defaults']['buttonvalue'];
658					break;
659				case "grouplist":
660					$GroupListings['defaults'] = $NewDefaults['defaults'];
661					$GroupListings['defaults']['buttonvalue'] = $NewDefaults['defaults']['buttonvalue'];
662					break;
663				case "critlist":
664					$CritListings['defaults'] = $NewDefaults['defaults'];
665					$CritListings['defaults']['buttonvalue'] = $NewDefaults['defaults']['buttonvalue'];
666					break;
667			}
668		}
669	break; // End Step 7
671	case "step8": // Entered from import report form
672		switch ($_POST['todo']) {
673			case RPT_BTN_IMPORT: // Error check input and import the new report
674				$success = ImportReport(trim($_POST['reportname']));
675				$usrMsg[] = array('message'=>$success['message'], 'level'=>$success['result']);
676				if ($success['result']=='error') {
677					$FormParams = PrepStep('imp');
678					break;
679				}
680				// All through and imported successfully, return to reports home page
681			case RPT_BTN_BACK:
682			default:
683				$DropDownString = RetrieveReports();
684				$FormParams = PrepStep('1');
685		}
686	break; // End Step 8
687} // end switch
689$Title = $FormParams['title']; // fetch the title for the header.php file
691include ($PathPrefix . 'includes/header.php');
692if ($usrMsg) foreach ($usrMsg as $temp) prnmsg($temp['message'],$temp['level']);
693include ($FormParams['IncludePage']);
694include ($PathPrefix . 'includes/footer.php');
695// End main body