2include('includes/DefineCartItemClass.php'); //must be before header.php
5include($PathPrefix .'includes/CountriesArray.php');
6include($PathPrefix .'includes/LanguagesArray.php');
10if (mb_strlen($_SESSION['ItemDescriptionLanguages'])>0){
11	$LanguagesAvailable = explode(',',$_SESSION['ItemDescriptionLanguages']);
12	$LanguagesAvailable[] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['language_id'];
13	unset($LanguagesAvailable[array_search('',$LanguagesAvailable)]);
14} else {
15	$LanguagesAvailable =array();
16	$LanguagesAvailable[] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['language_id'];
19$Title = _('Account Details');
21if (isset($_POST['DeliveryAsPerBilling'])){
22	$_POST['DeliveryAddress1']=$_POST['Address1'];
23	$_POST['DeliveryAddress2']=$_POST['Address2'];
24	$_POST['DeliveryAddress3']=$_POST['Address3'];
25	$_POST['DeliveryAddress4']=$_POST['Address4'];
26	$_POST['DeliveryAddress5']=$_POST['Address5'];
27	$_POST['DeliveryAddress6']=$_POST['Address6'];
30if (isset($_POST['Register'])){
31	//Validation
32	$InputError=0; // always hope/assume the best
33	$i=0; //error counter
34	$CheckEmailResult = DB_query("SELECT email FROM www_users WHERE email='" . $_POST['UserEmail'] ."' AND customerid<>''");
35	if (DB_num_rows($CheckEmailResult)>0 AND (!isset($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) OR $_SESSION['LoggedIn']==false)){
36		$InputError = 1;
37		message_log( _('You have already registered this email address on the system please login to use your existing account'),'error');
38		$Errors[$i] = 'UserEmail';
39		$i++;
40		//include('includes/Login.php');
41		header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $RootPath . '/index.php');
42	} elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['UserEmail']) < 5 OR !IsEmailAddress($_POST['UserEmail'])) {
43		$InputError = 1;
44		message_log( _('The email address does not appear to be in a valid email address format'),'error');
45		$Errors[$i] = 'UserEmail';
46		$i++;
47	} elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['Password']) < 5) {
48		$InputError = 1;
49		message_log( _('The password must contain at least five characters'),'error');
50		$Errors[$i] = 'Password';
51		$i++;
52	} elseif ($_POST['Password']!= $_POST['ConfirmPassword']) {
53		$InputError = 1;
54		message_log( _('The password and the confirmation do not match'),'error');
55		$Errors[$i] = 'Password';
56		$i++;
57		$Errors[$i] = 'ConfirmPassword';
58		$i++;
59	} elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['ContactName']) < 3) {
60		$InputError = 1;
61		message_log( _('The contact name must be entered'),'error');
62		$Errors[$i] = 'ContactName';
63		$i++;
64	} elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['Address1']) <2) {
65		$InputError = 1;
66		message_log( _('The building/street address entered is too short to be valid. At least 2 characters are required'),'error');
67		$Errors[$i] = 'Address1';
68		$i++;
69	} elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['Address2']) <4) {
70		$InputError = 1;
71		message_log( _('The street address entered is too short to be valid'),'error');
72		$Errors[$i] = 'Address1';
73		$i++;
74	} elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['Address4']) <4) {
75		$InputError = 1;
76		message_log( _('The city entered is too short to be valid'),'error');
77		$Errors[$i] = 'Address4';
78		$i++;
79	} elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['Phone']) <5) {
80		$InputError = 1;
81		message_log( _('The phone number for the billing address is too short to be valid'),'error');
82		$Errors[$i] = 'Phone';
83		$i++;
84	} elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['DeliveryAddress1']) <3) {
85		$InputError = 1;
86		message_log( _('The delivery street address is too short to be valid'),'error');
87		$Errors[$i] = 'DeliveryAddress1';
88		$i++;
89	} elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['DeliveryAddress4']) <3) {
90		$InputError = 1;
91		message_log( _('The delivery city address is too short to be valid'),'error');
92		$Errors[$i] = 'DeliveryAddress4';
93		$i++;
94	}
96	if ($InputError==0){ //no errors identified
97		if (mb_strlen($_POST['CompanyName']) <3) {
98			$CustomerName = $_POST['ContactName'];
99		} else {
100			$CustomerName = $_POST['CompanyName'];
101		}
102		if (!isset($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) OR $_SESSION['LoggedIn']==false){ //customer is not logged in so setting up a new customer
103			do {
104				$CustomerCode = CreateWebCustomerCode(GetNextSequenceNo(500));
105				$CheckDoesntExistResult = DB_query("SELECT count(*) FROM debtorsmaster WHERE debtorno='" . $CustomerCode . "'");
106				$CheckDoesntExistRow = DB_fetch_row($CheckDoesntExistResult);
107			} while ($CheckDoesntExistRow[0]==1);
109			$SQL = "INSERT INTO debtorsmaster (debtorno,
110											name,
111											address1,
112											address2,
113											address3,
114											address4,
115											address5,
116											address6,
117											currcode,
118											clientsince,
119											holdreason,
120											paymentterms,
121											salestype,
122											typeid,
123											creditlimit,
124											language_id,
125											taxref)
126								VALUES ('" . $CustomerCode ."',
127										'" . $CustomerName ."',
128										'" . $_POST['Address1'] ."',
129										'" . $_POST['Address2'] ."',
130										'" . $_POST['Address3'] . "',
131										'" . $_POST['Address4'] . "',
132										'" . $_POST['Address5'] . "',
133										'" . $_POST['Address6'] . "',
134										'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['currcode'] . "',
135										'" . Date('Y-m-d H-i-s') . "',
136										'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['holdreason'] . "',
137										'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['paymentterms'] . "',
138										'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['salestype'] . "',
139										'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['typeid'] . "',
140										'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['creditlimit'] . "',
141										'" . $_POST['Language'] . "',
142										'" . $_POST['TaxRef'] . "')";
144			$ErrMsg = _('This customer could not be added because');
145			$result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg);
146			//Now add the customer branch record
147			$SQL = "INSERT INTO custbranch (branchcode,
148											debtorno,
149											brname,
150											braddress1,
151											braddress2,
152											braddress3,
153											braddress4,
154											braddress5,
155											braddress6,
156											brpostaddr1,
157											brpostaddr2,
158											brpostaddr3,
159											brpostaddr4,
160											brpostaddr5,
161											brpostaddr6,
162											salesman,
163											phoneno,
164											contactname,
165											area,
166											email,
167											taxgroupid,
168											defaultlocation,
169											defaultshipvia)
170									VALUES ('" . $CustomerCode . "',
171										'" . $CustomerCode . "',
172										'" . $CustomerName . "',
173										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress1'] . "',
174										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress2'] . "',
175										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress3'] . "',
176										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress4'] . "',
177										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress5'] . "',
178										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress6'] . "',
179										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress1'] . "',
180										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress2'] . "',
181										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress3'] . "',
182										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress4'] . "',
183										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress5'] . "',
184										'" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress6'] . "',
185										'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['salesman'] . "',
186										'" . $_POST['Phone'] . "',
187										'" . $_POST['ContactName'] . "',
188										'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['area'] . "',
189										'" . $_POST['UserEmail'] . "',
190										'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['taxgroupid'] . "',
191										'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['defaultlocation'] . "',
192										'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['defaultshipvia'] . "' )";
193			$ErrMsg = _('This customer branch could not be added because');
194			$result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg);
196			$SQL = "INSERT INTO www_users (userid,
197											realname,
198											customerid,
199											branchcode,
200											password,
201											phone,
202											email,
203											pagesize,
204											fullaccess,
205											defaultlocation,
206											modulesallowed,
207											displayrecordsmax,
208											theme,
209											language)
210										VALUES ('" . $CustomerCode . "',
211												'" . $_POST['ContactName'] ."',
212												'" . $CustomerCode ."',
213												'" . $CustomerCode ."',
214												'" . password_hash($_POST['Password'],PASSWORD_DEFAULT) ."',
215												'" . $_POST['Phone'] . "',
216												'" . $_POST['UserEmail'] ."',
217												'A4',
218												'7',
219												'" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['defaultlocation'] ."',
220												'1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0',
221												'30',
222												'" . $_SESSION['DefaultTheme'] ."',
223												'" . $_POST['Language'] ."')";
225			$ErrMsg = _('The user could not be added because');
226			$DbgMsg = _('The SQL that was used to insert the new user and failed was');
227			$result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg);
228			message_log( _('Successfully registered'),'success');
230			$MailTo = $_POST['UserEmail'] . ', ' . $_SESSION['ShopManagerEmail'];
232			$headers = 'From: ' . $_SESSION['ShopName'] . " <" . strip_tags($_SESSION['ShopManagerEmail']) . ">\r\n";
233			$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_SESSION['ShopName'] . " <". strip_tags($_SESSION['ShopManagerEmail']) . ">\r\n";
234			$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
235			$headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n";
237			$MailSubject = $_SESSION['ShopName'] . ' ' . _('Confirmation of Registration');
239			$MailMessage = '
240				<html>
241				<head>
242					<title>' . $MailSubject . '</title>
243				</head>
244				<body>
245				<br />
246				<h2>' . $MailSubject . '</h2>
247				<p>' . _('Thanks for registering as a') . ' ' . $_SESSION['ShopName'] . ' ' . _('customer') . '.</p>
248				<br />
249				<p>' . _('The details that we have on record for you are as follows') . ':</p>
250					<table>
251						<tr>
252							<td> <b>' . _('Login Email') . ':</b></td>
253							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['UserEmail']) . '</td>
254						</tr>
255						<tr>
256							<td> <b>' . _('Primary Contact') . ':</b></td>
257							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['ContactName']) . '</td>
258						</tr>
259						<tr>
260							<td> <b>' . _('Phone') . ':</b></td>
261							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['Phone']) . '</td>
262						</tr>
263						<tr>
264							<td> <b>' . _('Delivery Building') . ':</b></td>
265							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['DeliveryAddress1']) . '</td>
266						</tr>
267						<tr>
268							<td> <b>' . _('Delivery Street') . ':</b></td>
269							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['DeliveryAddress2']) . '</td>
270						</tr>
271						<tr>
272							<td> <b>' . _('Delivery Suburb') . ':</b></td>
273							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['DeliveryAddress3']) . '</td>
274						</tr>
275						<tr>
276							<td> <b>' . _('Delivery City') . ':</b></td>
277							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['DeliveryAddress4']) . '</td>
278						</tr>
279						<tr>
280							<td> <b>' . _('Delivery ZIP') . ':</b></td>
281							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['DeliveryAddress5']) . '</td>
282						</tr>
283						<tr>
284							<td> <b>' . _('Delivery Country') . ':</b></td>
285							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['DeliveryAddress6']) . '</td>
286						</tr>
287						<tr>
288							<td> <b>' . _('Postal Address 1 ') . ':</b></td>
289							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['Address1']) . '</td>
290						</tr>
291						<tr>
292							<td> <b>' . _('Postal Address 2 ') . ':</b></td>
293							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['Address2']) . '</td>
294						</tr>
295						<tr>
296							<td> <b>' . _('Postal Address 3 ') . ':</b></td>
297							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['Address3']) . '</td>
298						</tr>
299						<tr>
300							<td> <b>' . _('Postal Address 4 ') . ':</b></td>
301							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['Address4']) . '</td>
302						</tr>
303						<tr>
304							<td> <b>' . _('Postal Address 5 ') . ':</b></td>
305							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['Address5']) . '</td>
306						</tr>
307						<tr>
308							<td> <b>' . _('Postal Address Country') . ':</b></td>
309							<td>' . DB_escape_string($_POST['Address6']) . '</td>
310						</tr>
311						</table>
312						<br/>
313						<br/>
314						<p>' . _('We look forward to doing business with you') . '
315						</p>
316						<br/>
317						<p><i>' . $_SESSION['ShopName'] . '</i></p>
318						<p><a href="' . 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $RootPath . '">' . _('Click to go to') . ' ' . $_SESSION['ShopName'] . '</a></p>
319					</body>
320				</html>';
322			$result = mail( $MailTo, $MailSubject, $MailMessage, $headers );
324		} //end of adding new customer
325			else { //modifying an existing customer
327			$SQL = "UPDATE debtorsmaster SET name =  '" . $CustomerName ."',
328											address1='" . $_POST['Address1'] ."',
329											address2='" . $_POST['Address2'] ."',
330											address3='" . $_POST['Address3'] . "',
331											address4='" . $_POST['Address4'] . "',
332											address5='" . $_POST['Address5'] . "',
333											address6='" . $_POST['Address6'] . "',
334											currcode='" . $_POST['CurrCode'] . "',
335											language_id='" . $_POST['Language'] . "',
336											taxref='" . $_POST['TaxRef'] . "'
337					WHERE debtorno='" . $_SESSION['ShopDebtorNo'] ."'";
340			$ErrMsg = _('This customer could not be updated because');
341			$result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg);
342			//Now add the customer branch record
343			$SQL = "UPDATE custbranch SET	brname   = '" . $CustomerName ."',
344											braddress1='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress1'] . "',
345											braddress2='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress2'] . "',
346											braddress3='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress3'] . "',
347											braddress4='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress4'] . "',
348											braddress5='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress5'] . "',
349											braddress6='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress6'] . "',
350											brpostaddr1='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress1'] . "',
351											brpostaddr2='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress2'] . "',
352											brpostaddr3='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress3'] . "',
353											brpostaddr4='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress4'] . "',
354											brpostaddr5='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress5'] . "',
355											brpostaddr6='" . $_POST['DeliveryAddress6'] . "',
356											phoneno   ='" . $_POST['Phone'] . "',
357											contactname='" . $_POST['ContactName'] . "',
358											email     ='" . $_POST['UserEmail'] ."'
359					WHERE debtorno='" . $_SESSION['ShopDebtorNo'] ."'
360					AND branchcode='" . $_SESSION['ShopBranchCode']  . "'";
362			$ErrMsg = _('This customer branch could not be updated because');
363			$result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg);
365			$SQL = "UPDATE www_users SET realname = '" . $_POST['ContactName'] . "',
366										password = '" . password_hash($_POST['Password'],PASSWORD_DEFAULT) . "',
367										phone ='" . $_POST['Phone'] . "',
368										email='" . $_POST['UserEmail'] . "',
369										language='" . $_POST['Language'] . "'
370					WHERE email='" . $_SESSION['UsersEmail'] . "'
371					AND customerid='" . $_SESSION['ShopDebtorNo'] . "'
372					AND branchcode='" . $_SESSION['ShopBranchCode'] . "'";
374			$ErrMsg = _('The user could not be updated because');
375			$DbgMsg = _('The SQL that was used to update the user and failed was');
376			$result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg);
377			message_log( _('Successfully updated your details'),'success');
378		}
380 		include('includes/Login.php');
381		if (count($_SESSION['ShoppingCart'])>0) { //then head directly to checkout
382			header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $RootPath . '/Checkout.php');
383		} else { //go back to browsing
384			header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $RootPath . '/index.php');
385		}
386 		exit();
387 	} // end if there were no input errors
388} //end if registering new customer details
394	jQuery(document).ready(function() {
395			/* Focus on user name input field*/
396		jQuery('#RegistrationForm').validate({
397			rules: {
398				UserEmail: {
399					email:true,
400					minlength: 7
401				},
402				Password: {
403					minlength: 5
404				},
405				ConfirmPassword: {
406					equalTo: '#Password',
407					minlength: 5
408				},
409				ContactName: {
410					minlength: 3
411				},
412				Address1: {
413					minlength: 2
414				},
415				Address2: {
416					minlength: 4
417				},
418				Address4: {
419					minlength: 4
420				},
421				Address5: {
422					minlength: 3
423				},
424				Phone: {
425					minlength: 6
426				},
427				DeliveryAddress1: {
428					minlength: 4
429				},
430				DeliveryAddress5: {
431					minlength: 3
432				}
433			}, //end rules
434			messages : {
435				UserEmail: {
436					required: "<?php echo _('An email address is required') ?>",
437					email: "<?php echo _('The email address must be a valid email address') ?>",
438					minlength: "<?php echo _('The email address is expected to 5 characters or more long') ?>"
439				},
440				Password: {
441					required: "<?php echo _('A password is required') ?>",
442					minlength: "<?php echo _('The password is expected to 5 characters or more long') ?>"
443				},
444				ConfirmPassword: {
445					required: "<?php echo _('The confirmation password must be entered') ?>",
446					equalTo: "<?php echo _('The confrimation password and the password fields must be identical') ?>",
447					minlength: "<?php echo _('The confirmation password is expected to 5 characters or more long') ?>"
448				},
449				ContactName: {
450					required: "<?php echo _('The contact name must be entered') ?>",
451					minlength: "<?php echo _('The contact name is expected to 3 characters or more long') ?>"
452				},
453				Address1: {
454					required: "<?php echo _('The billing building address or number must be entered') ?>",
455					minlength: "<?php echo _('The billing building address or number is expected to 2 characters or more long') ?>"
456				},
457				Address2: {
458					required: "<?php echo _('The billing street address must be entered') ?>",
459					minlength: "<?php echo _('The billing street address is expected to 4 characters or more long') ?>"
460				},
461				Address4: {
462					required: "<?php echo _('The billing address city must be entered') ?>",
463					minlength: "<?php echo _('The billing address city is expected to 4 characters or more long') ?>"
464				},
465				Address5: {
466					required: "<?php echo _('The billing address zip code must be entered') ?>",
467					minlength: "<?php echo _('The billing address zip code is expected to 3 characters or more long') ?>"
468				},
469				Phone: {
470					required: "<?php echo _('The phone number must be entered') ?>",
471					minlength: "<?php echo _('The phone must be at least 5 digits long') ?>",
472					digits: "<?php echo _('The phone number can only contain digits') ?>",
473				},
474				DeliveryAddress1: {
475					required: "<?php echo _('The delivery street address must be entered') ?>",
476					minlength: "<?php echo _('The delivery street address is expected to 4 characters or more long') ?>"
477				},
478				DeliveryAddress4: {
479					required: "<?php echo _('The delivery city must be entered') ?>",
480					minlength: "<?php echo _('The delivery city is expected to 3 characters or more long') ?>"
481				},
482				DeliveryAddress5: {
483					required: "<?php echo _('The delivery zip code must be entered') ?>",
484					minlength: "<?php echo _('The delivery zip code is expected to 3 characters or more long') ?>"
485				}
486			}, //end messages
487			errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
488				error.insertAfter(element);
489				error.wrap('<p>');
490			} // end errorPlacement
491		}); //end validation
493		jQuery('#TermsAndConditions').click(function() {
494			jQuery('#content_block').html('<?php echo '<h1>' . _('Terms and Conditions') . '</h1>' . html_entity_decode($_SESSION['ShopTermsConditions']) ?>');
495			return false;
496		});
497		jQuery('#AboutUs').click(function(){
498			jQuery('#content_block').html('<?php echo '<h1>' . _('About Us') . '</h1>' . html_entity_decode($_SESSION['ShopAboutUs']) ?>');
499			return false;
500		});
501		jQuery('#PrivacyPolicy').click(function(){
502			jQuery('#content_block').html('<?php echo '<h1>' . _('Privacy Policy') . '</h1>' . html_entity_decode($_SESSION['ShopPrivacyStatement']) ?>');
503			return false;
504		});
505		jQuery('#ContactUs').click(function(){
506			jQuery('#content_block').html('<?php echo '<h1>' . _('Contact Details') . '</h1>' . html_entity_decode($_SESSION['ShopContactUs']) ?>');
507			return false;
508		});
509		jQuery('#FreightPolicy').click(function(){
510			jQuery('#content_block').html('<?php echo '<h1>' . _('Freight Policy') . '</h1>' . html_entity_decode($_SESSION['ShopFreightPolicy']) ?>');
511			return false;
512		});
513		jQuery('#cart_summary').click(function(){
514			jQuery('#content_block').load('index.php?Page=ShoppingCart' + ' #content_block');
515			return false;
516		});
517		jQuery('#DeliveryAsPerBilling').click(function(){
518			jQuery('#DeliveryAddress1').val(jQuery('#Address1').val());
519			jQuery('#DeliveryAddress2').val(jQuery('#Address2').val());
520			jQuery('#DeliveryAddress3').val(jQuery('#Address3').val());
521			jQuery('#DeliveryAddress4').val(jQuery('#Address4').val());
522			jQuery('#DeliveryAddress5').val(jQuery('#Address5').val());
523			jQuery('#DeliveryAddress6').val(jQuery('#Address6').val());
524			return false;
525		});
526		jQuery('#Phone').bind('input', function() {
527			jQuery(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^+()\-\s0-9]/gi, ''));
528		});
529		jQuery('#Currency').change(function(){
530			var QueryString = 'FormID=' + jQuery('#SearchForm :hidden').val() + '&CurrCode=' + jQuery('#Currency').val();
531			jQuery.post('index.php',QueryString,function(data) {
532							var content_block = jQuery(data).filter( '#content_block' );
533							var cart_summary = jQuery(data).filter( '#cart_summary' );
534							jQuery('#content_block').html(content_block.html());
535							jQuery('#cart_summary').html(cart_summary.html());
536						});
537		});
538	});
547echo'<div class="column_main">';
548if (!isset($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) OR $_SESSION['LoggedIn']==false){ //customer is not logged in so setting up a new customer
549	echo '<h1>' . _('Register') . '</h1>';
550} else { //updating an existing customer
551	echo '<h1>' . _('Update Your Account Details') . '</h1>';
553echo'<div id="register">
554		<form id="RegistrationForm" method="post" action="'. htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">
555		<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="' . $_SESSION['FormID'] . '" />';
557if (isset($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) AND $_SESSION['LoggedIn']==true){ // need to get the user details for modification
558	$_POST['UserEmail'] = $_SESSION['UsersEmail'] ;
559	$_POST['ContactName'] = $_SESSION['UsersRealName'];
560	$_POST['CompanyName'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['name'];
561	$_POST['Address1'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['address1'];
562	$_POST['Address2'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['address2'];
563	$_POST['Address3'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['address3'];
564	$_POST['Address4'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['address4'];
565	$_POST['Address5'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['address5'];
566	$_POST['Address6'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['address6'];
567	$_POST['Phone'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['phoneno'];
568	$_POST['DeliveryAddress1'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['braddress1'];
569	$_POST['DeliveryAddress2'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['braddress2'];
570	$_POST['DeliveryAddress3'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['braddress3'];
571	$_POST['DeliveryAddress4'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['braddress4'];
572	$_POST['DeliveryAddress5'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['braddress5'];
573	$_POST['DeliveryAddress6'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['braddress6'];
574	$_POST['Language'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['language_id'];
575	$_POST['CurrCode'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['currcode'];
576	$_POST['TaxRef'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['taxref'];
577	$_POST['ConfirmPassword'] = '';
578	$_POST['Password'] = '';
579} else {
580	if (!isset($_POST['UserEmail'])){ //user is not logged in so default all entries to blanks
581		 $_POST['Password'] = '';
582		 $_POST['ConfirmPassword'] = '';
583		 $_POST['UserEmail'] = '';
584		 $_POST['ContactName'] = '';
585		 $_POST['CompanyName'] = '';
586		 $_POST['Address1'] = '';
587		 $_POST['Address2'] = '';
588		 $_POST['Address3'] = '';
589		 $_POST['Address4'] = '';
590		 $_POST['Address5'] = '';
591		 $_POST['Address6'] = $CountriesArray[$_SESSION['CountryOfOperation']];
592		 $_POST['Phone'] = '';
593		 $_POST['DeliveryAddress1'] = '';
594		 $_POST['DeliveryAddress2'] = '';
595		 $_POST['DeliveryAddress3'] = '';
596		 $_POST['DeliveryAddress4'] = '';
597		 $_POST['DeliveryAddress5'] = '';
598		 $_POST['DeliveryAddress6'] = $CountriesArray[$_SESSION['CountryOfOperation']];;
599		 $_POST['Language'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['language_id'];
600		 $_POST['CurrCode'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['currcode'];
601		  $_POST['TaxRef'] = '';
602	}
606echo '<div class="row">
607<div class="row-left">' . _('Email') . ':</div>
608	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="1" type="email" required="required" autofocus="autofocus" class="required ' . (in_array('UserEmail',$Errors) ?  'error' : '' ) . '" name="UserEmail" size="30" maxlength="30"  value="' . $_POST['UserEmail'] . '" /></div>
611<div class="row">
612	<div class="row-left">' . _('Password') . ':</div>
613	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="2" id="Password" type="password" required class="required ' . (in_array('Password',$Errors) ?  'error' : '' ) . '" name="Password" size="15" maxlength="15"  value="' . $_POST['Password'] . '" /></div>
616<div class="row">
617	<div class="row-left">' . _('Confirm Password') . ':</div>
618	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="3" type="password" required class="required ' . (in_array('ConfirmPassword',$Errors) ?  'error' : '' ) . '" name="ConfirmPassword" size="15" maxlength="15"  value="' . $_POST['ConfirmPassword'] . '"/></div>
621<div class="row">
622	<div class="row-left">' . _('Contact Name') . ':</div>
623	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="4" type="text" required class="required ' . (in_array('ContactName',$Errors) ?  'error' : '' ) . '" name="ContactName" size="30" maxlength="30"  value="' . $_POST['ContactName'] . '" /></div>
626<div class="row">
627	<div class="row-left">' . _('Company Name') . ':</div>
628	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="5" type="text" ' . (in_array('CompanyName',$Errors) ?  'class="error"' : '' ) . ' name="CompanyName" size="30" maxlength="30"  value="' . $_POST['CompanyName'] . '" /></div>
631<div class="row">
632	<div class="row-left">' . _('Billing Address - Number/Street') . ':</div>
633	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="6" id="Address1" type="text" required class="required ' . (in_array('Address1',$Errors) ?  'error' : '' ) . '" name="Address1" size="30" maxlength="30"  value="' . $_POST['Address1'] . '" /></div>
636<div class="row">
637	<div class="row-left">' . _('Billing Address - Street') . ':</div>
638	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="7" type="text" id="Address2" name="Address2" required class="required ' . (in_array('Address2',$Errors) ?  'error' : '' ) . '" size="30" maxlength="30"  value="' . $_POST['Address2'] . '" /></div>
641<div class="row">
642	<div class="row-left">' . _('Billing Address - Suburb') . ':</div>
643	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="8"  id="Address3" type="text" ' . (in_array('Address3',$Errors) ?  'class="error"' : '' ) . ' name="Address3" size="20" maxlength="20"  value="' . $_POST['Address3'] . '" /></div>
646<div class="row">
647	<div class="row-left">' . _('Billing Address - City') . ':</div>
648	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="9" id="Address4" type="text" class="required' . (in_array('Address4',$Errors) ?  ' error' : '' ) . '" name="Address4" size="20" maxlength="20"  value="' . $_POST['Address4'] . '" /></div>
651<div class="row">
652	<div class="row-left">' . _('Billing Address - ZIP') . ':</div>
653	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="10" id="Address5" type="text" class="required' . (in_array('Address5',$Errors) ?  ' error' : '' ) . '" name="Address5" size="10" maxlength="10"  value="' . $_POST['Address5'] . '" /></div>
656<div class="row">
657	<div class="row-left">' . _('VAT No.') . ':</div>
658	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="11" id="TaxRef" type="text" name="TaxRef" size="16" maxlength="16"  value="' . $_POST['TaxRef'] . '" /></div>
662<div class="row">
663	<div class="row-left">' . _('Country') . ':</div>
664	<div><select tabindex="12" id="Address6" name="Address6" ' . (in_array('Address6',$Errors) ?  'class="error"' : '' ) . ' >';
666foreach ($CountriesArray as $CountryName){
667	if (isset($_POST['Address6']) AND (strtoupper($_POST['Address6']) == strtoupper($CountryName))){
668		echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $CountryName . '">' . $CountryName .'</option>';
669	} else {
670		echo '<option value="' . $CountryName . '">' . $CountryName .'</option>';
671	}
673echo '</select></div>
676<div class="row">
677	<input id="DeliveryAsPerBilling" tabindex="13" class="button" type="submit" title="' . _('Click this button to make the delivery details the same as the billing address') . '" name="DeliveryAsPerBilling" value="' . _('Delivery Address As Billing Address') . '" />
679<div class="row">
680	<div class="row-left">' . _('Delivery Address - Number/Street') . ':</div>
681	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="14"  id="DeliveryAddress1" type="text" class="required' . (in_array('DeliveryAddress1',$Errors) ?  ' error' : '' ) . '" name="DeliveryAddress1" size="30" maxlength="30"  value="' . $_POST['DeliveryAddress1'] . '" /></div>
684<div class="row">
685	<div class="row-left">' . _('Delivery Address - Street') . ':</div>
686	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="15" id="DeliveryAddress2" type="text" name="DeliveryAddress2" ' . (in_array('DeliveryAddress2',$Errors) ?  'class="error"' : '' ) . ' size="30" maxlength="30"  value="' . $_POST['DeliveryAddress2'] . '" /></div>
689<div class="row">
690	<div class="row-left">' . _('Delivery Address - Suburb') . ':</div>
691	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="16" id="DeliveryAddress3" type="text" ' . (in_array('Address3',$Errors) ?  'class="error"' : '' ) . ' name="DeliveryAddress3" size="20" maxlength="20" value="' . $_POST['DeliveryAddress3'] . '" /></div>
694<div class="row">
695	<div class="row-left">' . _('Delivery Address - City') . ':</div>
696	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="17" id="DeliveryAddress4" type="text" name="DeliveryAddress4"  class="required' . (in_array('DeliveryAddress4',$Errors) ?  ' error' : '' ) . '" size="20" maxlength="20" value="' . $_POST['DeliveryAddress4'] . '" /></div>
699<div class="row">
700	<div class="row-left">' . _('Delivery Address - ZIP') . ':</div>
701	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="18" id="DeliveryAddress5" type="text" name="DeliveryAddress5"  class="required' . (in_array('DeliveryAddress5',$Errors) ?  ' error' : '' ) . '" size="10" maxlength="10" value="' . $_POST['DeliveryAddress5'] . '" /></div>
704<div class="row">
705	<div class="row-left">' . _('Country') . ':</div>
706	<div class="row-right"><select tabindex="19" id="DeliveryAddress6" name="DeliveryAddress6" ' . (in_array('Address6',$Errors) ?  'class="error"' : '' ) . ' >';
707			foreach ($CountriesArray as $CountryEntry => $CountryName){
708				if (isset($_POST['DeliveryAddress6']) AND (strtoupper($_POST['DeliveryAddress6']) == strtoupper($CountryName))){
709					echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $CountryName . '">' . $CountryName .'</option>';
710				} else {
711					echo '<option value="' . $CountryName . '">' . $CountryName .'</option>';
712				}
713			}
714					echo '</select></div>
717<div class="row">
718	<div class="row-left">' . _('Billing Currency') . ':</div>
719	<div class="row-right"><select tabindex="20" ' . (in_array('CurrCode',$Errors) ?  'class="error"' : '' ) . ' name="CurrCode">';
720	$CurrenciesResult = DB_query("SELECT currabrev FROM currencies WHERE webcart=1");
721	while ($CurrRow = DB_fetch_array($CurrenciesResult)){
722		echo '<option ';
723		if ($_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['currcode']==$CurrRow['currabrev']){
724			echo 'selected="selected" ';
725		}
726			echo 'value="' . $CurrRow['currabrev'] . '">' . $CurrRow['currabrev'] . '</option>';
727		}
729	echo '</select></div>
732<input type="hidden"  name="Language" value="en_GB.utf8" />
734<div class="row">
735	<div class="row-left">' . _('Phone') . ':</div>
736	<div class="row-right"><input tabindex="21" id="Phone" type="tel" pattern="[0-9+\-\s()]*" class="required ' . (in_array('Phone',$Errors) ?  'error' : '' ) . '" name="Phone" size="20" maxlength="20"  value="' . $_POST['Phone'] . '" /></div>
739<div class="row">
740	<input tabindex="22" class="button" type="submit" name="Register" value="' . ((isset($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) AND $_SESSION['LoggedIn']==true)?_('Update Details'):_('Register')) . '" />
742</form><!-- End of RegistrationForm -->
743</div><!-- End of register <div> -->
744</div><!-- End of column main <div> -->';
746echo '</div>'; //end content_inner
747echo '</div>'; //end content_block
748include ('includes/footer.php');