1 /*
2 	Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Feeling Software Inc.
3 	Portions of the code are:
4 	Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Sony Computer Entertainment America
6 	MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
7 */
8 /*
9 	Based on the FS Import classes:
10 	Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Feeling Software Inc
11 	Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Autodesk Media Entertainment
12 	MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
13 */
15 /**
16 	@file FCDLight.h
17 	This file contains the FCDLight class.
18 */
20 #ifndef _FCD_LIGHT_H_
21 #define _FCD_LIGHT_H_
24 #include "FCDocument/FCDTargetedEntity.h"
25 #endif // _FCD_TARGETED_ENTITY_H_
27 #include "FCDocument/FCDParameterAnimatable.h"
30 class FCDocument;
31 class FCDSceneNode;
32 class FCDAnimated;
34 /**
35 	A COLLADA light.
36 	Based on the FCDTargetedEntity class to supported aimed lights.
37 	COLLADA defines four types of native lights: point, spot, ambient and directional.
38 	These four types are fully handled by this class: make sure to check the type flag
39 	as well as which information to expect for each light type.
41 	A COLLADA ambient light has a global color, which should be added to
42 	all other lighting on all geometry.
44 	A COLLADA directional light has a global color, which should be multiplied
45 	to the cosine of the angle between the normal vector of a triangle
46 	and the direction of the light. Note that the direction will be calculated
47 	from the transforms, for each instance, and is not provided by this class.
49 	A COLLADA point light has a color which attenuates as the distance increases
50 	between the light position and the vertex being shaded. Note that the position
51 	will be calculated from the transforms, for each instance,
52 	and is not provided by this class.
54 	A COLLADA spot light is a point light which lights only the objects that
55 	appear within a specific angle, with respect to the direction of the light.
56 	Note that the position and the direction will be calculated from the
57 	transforms, for each instance, and is not provided by this class.
59 	@ingroup FCDocument
60 */
61 class FCOLLADA_EXPORT FCDLight : public FCDTargetedEntity
62 {
63 public:
64 	/** The types of lights supported by this class. */
65 	enum LightType
66 	{
67 		POINT, /**< A point light. This is the default type. */
68 		SPOT, /**< A spot light. */
69 		AMBIENT, /**< An ambient light. */
70 		DIRECTIONAL /**< A directional light. */
71 	};
73 private:
74 	DeclareObjectType(FCDTargetedEntity);
76 	// Common Light parameters
77 	DeclareParameterAnimatable(FMVector3, FUParameterQualifiers::COLOR, color, FC("Color"));
78 	DeclareParameterAnimatable(float, FUParameterQualifiers::SIMPLE, intensity, FC("Intensity")); // Non-standard COLLADA
79 	DeclareParameter(uint32, FUParameterQualifiers::SIMPLE, lightType, FC("Light Type")); // LightType
81 	// Point and spot light parameters
82 	DeclareParameterAnimatable(float, FUParameterQualifiers::SIMPLE, constantAttenuationFactor, FC("Constant Attenuation Factor"));
83 	DeclareParameterAnimatable(float, FUParameterQualifiers::SIMPLE, linearAttenuationFactor, FC("Linear Attenuation Factor"));
84 	DeclareParameterAnimatable(float, FUParameterQualifiers::SIMPLE, quadracticAttenuationFactor, FC("Quadratic Attenuation Factor"));
86 	// Spot-specific light parameters
87 	DeclareParameterAnimatable(float, FUParameterQualifiers::SIMPLE, fallOffExponent, FC("Fall-off Exponent")); // Likely to be deprecated in future versions.
88 	DeclareParameterAnimatable(float, FUParameterQualifiers::SIMPLE, fallOffAngle, FC("Inner Cone Angle"));
89 	DeclareParameterAnimatable(float, FUParameterQualifiers::SIMPLE, outerAngle, FC("Outer Cone Angle")); // Non-standard COLLADA
90 	DeclareParameterAnimatable(float, FUParameterQualifiers::SIMPLE, penumbraAngle, FC("Penumbra Angle")); // *** DEPRECATED *** Replaced with the inner/outer angle.
91 	DeclareParameterAnimatable(float, FUParameterQualifiers::SIMPLE, dropoff, FC("Drop-off"));
93 public:
94 	/** Constructor: do not use directly. Create new lights using the FCDLibrary::AddEntity function.
95 		@param document The COLLADA document that contains this light entity. */
96 	FCDLight(FCDocument* document);
98 	/** Destructor. */
99 	virtual ~FCDLight();
101 	/** Retrieves the entity type for this class. This function is part of the FCDEntity interface.
102 		@return The entity type: LIGHT. */
GetType()103 	virtual Type GetType() const { return LIGHT; }
105 	/** Checks if the light uses a DCC specific representation
106 		Currently always returns false.
107 		@deprecated Instead use: GetExtra()->GetDefaultType()->GetTechniques()
108 		@return The DCC flag. */
GetExtra()109 	DEPRECATED(3.05A, GetExtra()->GetDefaultType()->GetTechniques()) virtual bool HasMaxExtras() const { return false; }
GetExtra()110 	DEPRECATED(3.05A, GetExtra()->GetDefaultType()->GetTechniques()) virtual bool HasMayaExtras() const { return false; } /**< See above. */
112 	/** [INTERNAL] Set DCC specific flags.
113 		@deprecated Internal method, should never have been used.
114 		@param value The new flag.
115 	*/
SetHasMaxExtras(bool UNUSED (value))116 	DEPRECATED(3.05A, nothing) void SetHasMaxExtras(bool UNUSED(value)) { }
SetHasMayaExtras(bool UNUSED (value))117 	DEPRECATED(3.05A, nothing) void SetHasMayaExtras(bool UNUSED(value)) { }
119 	/** Retrieves the base color for the light. To calculate the light color,
120 		multiply the base color with the intensity.
121 		@return The base color for the light. */
GetColor()122 	FCDParameterAnimatableColor3& GetColor() { return color; }
GetColor()123 	const FCDParameterAnimatableColor3& GetColor() const { return color; } /**< See above. */
125 	/** Sets the base color for the light. To calculate the light color,
126 		multiply the base color with the intensity.
127 		@param col The base color for the light. */
SetColor(const FMVector3 & col)128 	void SetColor(const FMVector3& col) { color = col; SetDirtyFlag(); }
130 	/** Sets the base color for the light. To calculate the light color,
131 		multiply the base color with the intensity.
132 		@param r The red component for the light color.
133 		@param g The green component for the light color.
134 		@param b The blue component for the light color. */
SetColor(float r,float g,float b)135 	void SetColor(float r, float g, float b) { color = FMVector3(r, g, b); SetDirtyFlag(); }
137 	/** Retrieves the intensity of the light. To calculate the light color,
138 		multiply the base color with the intensity.
139 		@return The intensity of the light. */
GetIntensity()140 	FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetIntensity() { return intensity; }
GetIntensity()141 	const FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetIntensity() const { return intensity; } /**< See above. */
143 	/** Sets the intensity of the light. To calculate the light color,
144 		multiply the base color with the intensity.
145 		@param _intensity The intensity of the light. */
SetIntensity(float _intensity)146 	void SetIntensity(float _intensity) { intensity = _intensity; SetDirtyFlag(); }
148 	/** Retrieves the type of the light.
149 		Make sure to check the type of light before using the values, as some values
150 		may not make sense with some types of light.
151 		@return The light type. */
GetLightType()152 	LightType GetLightType() const { return (LightType) *lightType; }
154 	/** Sets the type of the light. The default type of a new light is POINT.
155 		@param type The light type. */
SetLightType(LightType type)156 	void SetLightType(LightType type) { lightType = type; SetDirtyFlag(); }
158 	/** Retrieves the constant attenuation factor for the light.
159 		This value is valid only for point and spot lights.
160 		@return The constant attenuation factor. */
GetConstantAttenuationFactor()161 	FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetConstantAttenuationFactor() { return constantAttenuationFactor; }
GetConstantAttenuationFactor()162 	const FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetConstantAttenuationFactor() const { return constantAttenuationFactor; } /**< See above. */
164 	/** Sets the constant attenuation factor for the light.
165 		This value is valid only for point and spot lights.
166 		@param factor The constant attenuation factor. */
SetConstantAttenuationFactor(float factor)167 	void SetConstantAttenuationFactor(float factor) { constantAttenuationFactor = factor; SetDirtyFlag(); }
169 	/** Retrieves the linear attenuation factor for the light.
170 		This value is valid only for point and spot lights.
171 		@return The linear attenuation factor. */
GetLinearAttenuationFactor()172 	FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetLinearAttenuationFactor() { return linearAttenuationFactor; }
GetLinearAttenuationFactor()173 	const FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetLinearAttenuationFactor() const { return linearAttenuationFactor; } /**< See above. */
175 	/** Sets the linear attenuation factor for the light.
176 		This value is valid only for point and spot lights.
177 		@param factor The linear attenuation factor. */
SetLinearAttenuationFactor(float factor)178 	void SetLinearAttenuationFactor(float factor) { linearAttenuationFactor = factor; SetDirtyFlag(); }
180 	/** Retrieves the quadratic attenuation factor for the light.
181 		This value is valid only for point and spot lights.
182 		@return The quadratic attenuation factor. */
GetQuadraticAttenuationFactor()183 	FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetQuadraticAttenuationFactor() { return quadracticAttenuationFactor; }
GetQuadraticAttenuationFactor()184 	const FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetQuadraticAttenuationFactor() const { return quadracticAttenuationFactor; } /**< See above. */
186 	/** Sets the quadratic attenuation factor for the light.
187 		This value is valid only for point and spot lights.
188 		@param factor The quadratic attenuation factor. */
SetQuadraticAttenuationFactor(float factor)189 	void SetQuadraticAttenuationFactor(float factor) { quadracticAttenuationFactor = factor; SetDirtyFlag(); }
191 	/** Retrieves the fall-off exponent for the light.
192 		This value is valid only for spot lights. It determines
193 		how fast the lighting turns off, with respect to
194 		angles greater than the fall-off angle. This results in a smooth
195 		lighting at the spot light's edges.
197 		IMPORTANT NOTE: Neither ColladaMaya or ColladaMax use this value
198 		as neither Maya or 3dsMax use this technique for soft lighting.
200 		@return The spot light fall-off exponent. */
GetFallOffExponent()201 	FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetFallOffExponent() { return fallOffExponent; }
GetFallOffExponent()202 	const FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetFallOffExponent() const { return fallOffExponent; } /**< See above. */
204 	/** Sets the fall-off exponent for the light.
205 		@see GetFallOffExponent
206 		@param exponent The spot light fall-off exponent. */
SetFallOffExponent(float exponent)207 	void SetFallOffExponent(float exponent) { fallOffExponent = exponent; SetDirtyFlag(); }
209 	/** Retrieves the fall-off angle for the light.
210 		This value is valid only for spot lights. It defines
211 		the cone of the spot light.
212 		@return The spot light fall-off angle. */
GetFallOffAngle()213 	FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetFallOffAngle() { return fallOffAngle; }
GetFallOffAngle()214 	const FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetFallOffAngle() const { return fallOffAngle; } /**< See above. */
216 	/** Sets the fall-off angle for the light.
217 		@see GetFallOffAngle
218 		@param angle The spot light fall-off angle. */
SetFallOffAngle(float angle)219 	void SetFallOffAngle(float angle) { fallOffAngle = angle; SetDirtyFlag(); }
221 	/** Retrieves the outer angle for the light.
222 		This value is valid only for spot lights. This value is used
223 		by documents exported by ColladaMax and ColladaMaya. This value should always be
224 		greater than the fall-off angle. It represents the angle at which
225 		the lighting is black. All lighting between the fall-off angle and
226 		the outer angle is a linear interpolation between the light color
227 		and black.
228 		@return The spot light outer angle. */
GetOuterAngle()229 	FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetOuterAngle() { return outerAngle; }
GetOuterAngle()230 	const FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetOuterAngle() const { return outerAngle; } /**< See above. */
232 	/** Sets the outer angle for the light.
233 		@see GetOuterAngle
234 		@param angle The spot light outer angle. */
SetOuterAngle(float angle)235 	void SetOuterAngle(float angle) { outerAngle = angle; SetDirtyFlag(); }
237 	/** Retrieves the penumbra angle for the light.
238 		This value is valid only for spot lights. The value is only used
239 		by documents exported by ColladaMaya. This value is relative to
240 		the fall-off angle and may be negative. If this value is positive,
241 		it determines the outer angle, as described above. If this value
242 		is negative, the fall-off angle is used as the outer angle and the
243 		fall-off angle + the penumbra angle is used as the full-lighting
244 		angle.
245 		This now actually does nothing but gets the value assigned in SetPenumbraAngle
246 		@deprecated Instead use: GetOuterAngle and GetFallOffAngle
247 		@see GetOuterAngle
248 		@return The spot light penumbra angle. */
GetPenumbraAngle()249 	DEPRECATED(3.05A, GetOuterAngle and GetFallOffAngle) float& GetPenumbraAngle() { return penumbraAngle; }
GetPenumbraAngle()250 	DEPRECATED(3.05A, GetOuterAngle and GetFallOffAngle) const float& GetPenumbraAngle() const { return penumbraAngle; } /**< See above. */
252 	/** Sets the penumbra angle for the light.
253 		This now actually doesn't nothing except sets a variable that you can read back with GetPenumbraAngle.
254 		@deprecated Instead use: SetOuterAngle and SetFallOffAngle, or FCDLightTools::LoadPenumbra
255 		@see GetPenumbraAngle
256 		@param angle The spot light penumbra angle. */
SetPenumbraAngle(float angle)257 	DEPRECATED(3.05A, SetOuterAngle and SetFallOffAngle) void SetPenumbraAngle(float angle) { penumbraAngle = angle; }
259 	/** Retrieves the drop-off for the light.
260 		It defines the rate at which a spot light gets dimmer from the center
261 		of the beam to outside angles.
262 		@return The drop-off for the light. */
GetDropoff()263 	FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetDropoff() { return dropoff; }
GetDropoff()264 	const FCDParameterAnimatableFloat& GetDropoff() const { return dropoff; } /**< See above. */
266 	/** Sets the drop-off for the light.
267 		@param factor The drop-off for the light. */
SetDropoff(float factor)268 	void SetDropoff(float factor) { dropoff = factor; SetDirtyFlag(); }
269 };
271 #endif // _FCD_LIGHT_H_