1# Rust Image Release Notes
3Rust image aims to be a pure-Rust implementation of various popular image formats. Accompanying reading/write support, rust image provides basic imaging processing function. See `README.md` for further details.
5## Known issues
6 - Images with *n* bit/channel (*n ≠ 8*) are not well supported but basic
7     support for 16-bit is available and implemented for PNG.
8 - Not all Interlaced (progressive) or animated images are well supported.
9 - The color space information of pixels is not clearly communicated.
11## Changes
13### Version 0.23.4
15- Improved the performance of decoding animated gifs
16- Added `crop_imm` which functions like `crop` but on a shared reference
17- The gif `DisposalMethod::Any` is treated as `Keep`, consistent with browsers
18- Most errors no longer allocate a string, instead implement Display.
19- Add some implementations of `Error::source`
21### Version 0.23.3
23- Added `ColorType::has_alpha` to facilitate lossless conversion
24- Recognize extended WebP formats for decoding
25- Added decoding and encoding for the `farbfeld` format
26- Export named iterator types created from various `ImageBuffer` methods
27- Error in jpeg encoder for images larger than 65536 pixels, fixes panic
29### Version 0.23.2
31- The dependency on `jpeg-decoder` now reflects minimum requirements.
33### Version 0.23.1
35- Fix cmyk_to_rgb (jpeg) causing off by one rounding errors.
36- A number of performance improvements for jpeg (encode and decode), bmp, vp8
37- Added more details to errors for many formats
39### Version 0.23.0
41This major release intends to improve the interface with regards to handling of
42color format data and errors for both decoding and encoding. This necessitated
43many breaking changes anyways so it was used to improve the compliance to the
44interface guidelines such as outstanding renaming.
46It is not yet perfect with regards to color spaces but it was designed mainly
47as an improvement over the current interface with regards to in-memory color
48formats, first. We'll get to color spaces in a later major version.
50- Heavily reworked `ColorType`:
51  - This type is now used for denoting formats for which we support operations
52      on buffers in these memory representations. Particularly, all channels in
53      pixel types are assumed to be an integer number of bytes (In terms of the
54      Rust type system, these are `Sized` and one can crate slices of channel
55      values).
56  - An `ExtendedColorType` is used to express more generic color formats for
57      which the library has limited support but can be converted/scaled/mapped
58      into a `ColorType` buffer. This operation might be fallible but, for
59      example, includes sources with 1/2/4-bit components.
60  - Both types are non-exhaustive to add more formats in a minor release.
61  - A work-in-progress (#1085) will further separate the color model from the
62      specific channel instantiation, e.g. both `8-bit RGB` and `16-bit BGR`
63      are instantiations of `RGB` color model.
64- Heavily rework `ImageError`:
65  - The top-level enum type now serves to differentiate cause with multiple
66      opaque representations for the actual error. These are no longer simple
67      Strings but contains useful types. Third-party decoders that have no
68      variant in `ImageFormat` have also been considered.
69  - Support for `Error::source` that can be downcast to an error from a
70      matching version of the underlying decoders. Note that the version is not
71      part of the stable interface guarantees, this should not be relied upon
72      for correctness and only be used as an optimization.
73  - Added image format indications to errors.
74  - The error values produced by decoder will be upgraded incrementally. See
75      something that still produces plain old String messages? Feel free to
76      send a PR.
77- Reworked the `ImageDecoder` trait:
78  - `read_image` takes an output buffer argument instead of allocating all
79      memory on its own.
80  - The return type of `dimensions` now aligns with `GenericImage` sizes.
81  - The `colortype` method was renamed to `color_type` for conformity.
82- The enums `ColorType`, `DynamicImage`, `imageops::FilterType`, `ImageFormat`
83  no longer re-export all of their variants in the top-level of the crate. This
84  removes the growing pollution in the documentation and usage. You can still
85  insert the equivalent statement on your own:
86  `use image::ImageFormat::{self, *};`
87- The result of `encode` operations is now uniformly an `ImageResult<()>`.
88- Removed public converters from some `tiff`, `png`, `gif`, `jpeg` types,
89  mainly such as error conversion. This allows upgrading the dependency across
90  major versions without a major release in `image` itself.
91- On that note, the public interface of `gif` encoder no longer takes a
92  `gif::Frame` but rather deals with `image::Frame` only. If you require to
93  specify the disposal method, transparency, etc. then you may want to wait
94  with upgrading but (see next change).
95- The `gif` encoder now errors on invalid dimensions or unsupported color
96  formats. It would previously silently reinterpret bytes as RGB/RGBA.
97- The capitalization of  `ImageFormat` and other enum variants has been
98  adjusted to adhere to the API guidelines. These variants are now spelled
99  `Gif`, `Png`, etc. The same change has been made to the name of types such as
100  `HDRDecoder`.
101- The `Progress` type has finally received public accessor method. Strange that
102  no one reported them missing.
103- Introduced `PixelDensity` and `PixelDensityUnit` to store DPI information in
104  formats that support encoding this form of meta data (e.g. in `jpeg`).
106### Version 0.22.5
108- Added `GenericImage::copy_within`, specialized for `ImageBuffer`
109- Fixed decoding of interlaced `gif` files
110- Prepare for future compatibility of array `IntoIterator` in example code
112### Version 0.22.4
114- Added in-place variants for flip and rotate operations.
115- The bmp encoder now checks if dimensions are valid for the format. It would
116  previously write a subset or panic.
117- Removed deprecated implementations of `Error::description`
118- Added `DynamicImage::into_*` which convert without an additional allocation.
119- The PNG encoder errors on unsupported color types where it had previously
120  silently swapped color channels.
121- Enabled saving images as `gif` with `save_buffer`.
123### Version 0.22.3
125- Added a new module `io` containing a configurable `Reader`. It can replace
126  the bunch of free functions: `image::{load_*, open, image_dimensions}` while
127  enabling new combinations such as `open` but with format deduced from content
128  instead of file path.
129- Fixed `const_err` lint in the macro expanded implementations of `Pixel`. This
130  can only affect your crate if `image` is used as a path dependency.
132### Version 0.22.2
134- Undeprecate `unsafe` trait accessors. Further evaluation showed that their
135  deprecation should be delayed until trait `impl` specialization is available.
136- Fixed magic bytes used to detect `tiff` images.
137- Added `DynamicImage::from_decoder`.
138- Fixed a bug in the `PNGReader` that caused an infinite loop.
139- Added `ColorType::{bits_per_pixel, num_components}`.
140- Added `ImageFormat::from_path`, same format deduction as the `open` method.
141- Fixed a panic in the gif decoder.
142- Aligned background color handling of `gif` to web browser implementations.
143- Fixed handling of partial frames in animated `gif`.
144- Removed unused direct `lzw` dependency, an indirect dependency in `tiff`.
146### Version 0.22.1
148- Fixed build without no features enabled
150### Version 0.22
152- The required Rust version is now `1.34.2`.
153- Note the website and blog: [image-rs.org][1] and [blog.image-rs.org][2]
154- `PixelMut` now only on `ImageBuffer` and removed from `GenericImage`
155  interface. Prefer iterating manually in the generic case.
156- Replaced an unsafe interface in the hdr decoder with a safe variant.
157- Support loading 2-bit BMP images
158- Add method to save an `ImageBuffer`/`DynamicImage` with specified format
159- Update tiff to `0.3` with a writer
160- Update png to `0.15`, fixes reading of interlaced sub-byte pixels
161- Always use custom struct for `ImageDecoder::Reader`
162- Added `apply_without_alpha` and `map_without_alpha` to `Pixel` trait
163- Pixel information now with associated constants instead of static methods
164- Changed color structs to tuple types with single component. Improves
165  ergonomics of destructuring assignment and construction.
166- Add lifetime parameter on `ImageDecoder` trait.
167- Remove unecessary `'static` bounds on affine operations
168- Add function to retrieve image dimensions without loading full image
169- Allow different image types in overlay and replace
170- Iterators over rows of `ImageBuffer`, mutable variants
172[1]: https://www.image-rs.org
173[2]: https://blog.image-rs.org
175### Version 0.21.2
177- Fixed a variety of crashes and opaque errors in webp
178- Updated the png limits to be less restrictive
179- Reworked even more `unsafe` operations into safe alternatives
180- Derived Debug on FilterType and Deref on Pixel
181- Removed a restriction on DXT to always require power of two dimensions
182- Change the encoding of RGBA in bmp using bitfields
183- Corrected various urls
185### Version 0.21.1
187- A fairly important bugfix backport
188- Fixed a potentially memory safety issue in the hdr and tiff decoders, see #885
189- See [the full advisory](docs/2019-04-23-memory-unsafety.md) for an analysis
190- Fixes `ImageBuffer` index calculation for very, very large images
191- Fix some crashes while parsing specific incomplete pnm images
192- Added comprehensive fuzzing for the pam image types
194### Version 0.21
196- Updated README to use `GenericImageView`
197- Removed outdated version number from CHANGES
198- Compiles now with wasm-unknown-emscripten target
199- Restructured `ImageDecoder` trait
200- Updated README with a more colorful example for the Julia fractal
201- Use Rust 1.24.1 as minimum supported version
202- Support for loading GIF frames one at a time with `animation::Frames`
203- The TGA decoder now recognizes 32 bpp as RGBA(8)
204- Fixed `to_bgra` document comment
205- Added release test script
206- Removed unsafe code blocks several places
207- Fixed overlay overflow bug issues with documented proofs
209### Version 0.20
211- Clippy lint pass
212- Updated num-rational dependency
213- Added BGRA and BGR color types
214- Improved performance of image resizing
215- Improved PBM decoding
216- PNM P4 decoding now returns bits instead of bytes
217- Fixed move of overlapping buffers in BMP decoder
218- Fixed some document comments
219- `GenericImage` and `GenericImageView` is now object-safe
220- Moved TIFF code to its own library
221- Fixed README examples
222- Fixed ordering of interpolated parameters in TIFF decode error string
223- Thumbnail now handles upscaling
224- GIF encoding for multiple frames
225- Improved subimages API
226- Cargo fmt fixes
228### Version 0.19
230- Fixed panic when blending with alpha zero.
231- Made `save` consistent.
232- Consistent size calculation.
233- Fixed bug in `apply_with_alpha`.
234- Implemented `TGADecoder::read_scanline`.
235- Use deprecated attribute for `pixels_mut`.
236- Fixed bug in JPEG grayscale encoding.
237- Fixed multi image TIFF.
238- PNM encoder.
239- Added `#[derive(Hash)]` for `ColorType`.
240- Use `num-derive` for `#[derive(FromPrimitive)]`.
241- Added `into_frames` implementation for GIF.
242- Made rayon an optional dependency.
243- Fixed issue where resizing image did not give exact width/height.
244- Improved downscale.
245- Added a way to expose options when saving files.
246- Fixed some compiler warnings.
247- Switched to lzw crate instead of using built-in version.
248- Added `ExactSizeIterator` implementations to buffer structs.
249- Added `resize_to_fill` method.
250- DXT encoding support.
251- Applied clippy suggestions.
253### Version 0.4
254 - Various improvements.
255 - Additional supported image formats (BMP and ICO).
256 - GIF and PNG codec moved into separate crates.
258### Version 0.3
259 - Replace `std::old_io` with `std::io`.
261### Version 0.2
262 - Support for interlaced PNG images.
263 - Writing support for GIF images (full color and paletted).
264 - Color quantizer that converts 32bit images to paletted including the alpha channel.
265 - Initial support for reading TGA images.
266 - Reading support for TIFF images (packbits and FAX compression not supported).
267 - Various bug fixes and improvements.
269### Version 0.1
270- Initial release
271- Basic reading support for png, jpeg, gif, ppm and webp.
272- Basic writing support for png and jpeg.
273- A collection of basic imaging processing function like `blur` or `invert`