1 //! For each interface, display the number of bytes sent and received, along with a data rate
main()3 fn main() {
4     let delay = std::time::Duration::from_secs(2);
6     let mut prev_stats = procfs::net::dev_status().unwrap();
7     let mut prev_now = std::time::Instant::now();
8     loop {
9         std::thread::sleep(delay);
10         let now = std::time::Instant::now();
11         let dev_stats = procfs::net::dev_status().unwrap();
13         // calculate diffs from previous
14         let dt = (now - prev_now).as_millis() as f32 / 1000.0;
16         let mut stats: Vec<_> = dev_stats.values().collect();
17         stats.sort_by_key(|s| &s.name);
18         println!();
19         println!(
20             "{:>16}: {:<20}               {:<20} ",
21             "Interface", "bytes recv", "bytes sent"
22         );
23         println!(
24             "{:>16}  {:<20}               {:<20}",
25             "================", "====================", "===================="
26         );
27         for stat in stats {
28             println!(
29                 "{:>16}: {:<20}  {:>6.1} kbps  {:<20}  {:>6.1} kbps ",
30                 stat.name,
31                 stat.recv_bytes,
32                 (stat.recv_bytes - prev_stats.get(&stat.name).unwrap().recv_bytes) as f32
33                     / dt
34                     / 1000.0,
35                 stat.sent_bytes,
36                 (stat.sent_bytes - prev_stats.get(&stat.name).unwrap().sent_bytes) as f32
37                     / dt
38                     / 1000.0
39             );
40         }
42         prev_stats = dev_stats;
43         prev_now = now;
44     }
45 }