1 use crate::{Bounds, Distance, Pt2D};
2 use aabb_quadtree::geom::{Point, Rect};
3 use aabb_quadtree::QuadTree;
4 use geo;
5 use geo::algorithm::contains::Contains;
6 use geo::prelude::{ClosestPoint, EuclideanDistance};
7 use std::collections::BTreeMap;
9 // TODO Maybe use https://crates.io/crates/spatial-join proximity maps
11 pub struct FindClosest<K> {
12     // TODO maybe any type of geo:: thing
13     geometries: BTreeMap<K, geo::LineString<f64>>,
14     quadtree: QuadTree<K>,
15 }
17 impl<K> FindClosest<K>
18 where
19     K: Clone + Ord + std::fmt::Debug,
20 {
new(bounds: &Bounds) -> FindClosest<K>21     pub fn new(bounds: &Bounds) -> FindClosest<K> {
22         FindClosest {
23             geometries: BTreeMap::new(),
24             quadtree: QuadTree::default(bounds.as_bbox()),
25         }
26     }
add(&mut self, key: K, pts: &Vec<Pt2D>)28     pub fn add(&mut self, key: K, pts: &Vec<Pt2D>) {
29         self.geometries.insert(key.clone(), pts_to_line_string(pts));
30         self.quadtree
31             .insert_with_box(key, Bounds::from(pts).as_bbox());
32     }
all_close_pts( &self, query_pt: Pt2D, max_dist_away: Distance, ) -> Vec<(K, Pt2D, Distance)>34     pub fn all_close_pts(
35         &self,
36         query_pt: Pt2D,
37         max_dist_away: Distance,
38     ) -> Vec<(K, Pt2D, Distance)> {
39         let query_geom = geo::Point::new(query_pt.x(), query_pt.y());
40         let query_bbox = Rect {
41             top_left: Point {
42                 x: (query_pt.x() - max_dist_away.inner_meters()) as f32,
43                 y: (query_pt.y() - max_dist_away.inner_meters()) as f32,
44             },
45             bottom_right: Point {
46                 x: (query_pt.x() + max_dist_away.inner_meters()) as f32,
47                 y: (query_pt.y() + max_dist_away.inner_meters()) as f32,
48             },
49         };
51         self.quadtree
52             .query(query_bbox)
53             .into_iter()
54             .filter_map(|(key, _, _)| {
55                 if let geo::Closest::SinglePoint(pt) =
56                     self.geometries[&key].closest_point(&query_geom)
57                 {
58                     let dist = Distance::meters(pt.euclidean_distance(&query_geom));
59                     if dist <= max_dist_away {
60                         Some((key.clone(), Pt2D::new(pt.x(), pt.y()), dist))
61                     } else {
62                         None
63                     }
64                 } else if self.geometries[&key].contains(&query_geom) {
65                     // TODO Yay, FindClosest has a bug. :P
66                     Some((key.clone(), query_pt, Distance::ZERO))
67                 } else {
68                     None
69                 }
70             })
71             .collect()
72     }
74     // Finds the closest point on the existing geometry to the query pt.
closest_pt(&self, query_pt: Pt2D, max_dist_away: Distance) -> Option<(K, Pt2D)>75     pub fn closest_pt(&self, query_pt: Pt2D, max_dist_away: Distance) -> Option<(K, Pt2D)> {
76         self.all_close_pts(query_pt, max_dist_away)
77             .into_iter()
78             .min_by_key(|(_, _, dist)| *dist)
79             .map(|(k, pt, _)| (k, pt))
80     }
81 }
pts_to_line_string(raw_pts: &Vec<Pt2D>) -> geo::LineString<f64>83 fn pts_to_line_string(raw_pts: &Vec<Pt2D>) -> geo::LineString<f64> {
84     let pts: Vec<geo::Point<f64>> = raw_pts
85         .iter()
86         .map(|pt| geo::Point::new(pt.x(), pt.y()))
87         .collect();
88     pts.into()
89 }