1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //            Copyright (C) 2004-2010 by The Allacrost Project
3 //                         All Rights Reserved
4 //
5 // This code is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2. It is free software
6 // and you may modify it and/or redistribute it under the terms of this license.
7 // See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for details.
8 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 /** ****************************************************************************
11 *** \file    sprites.h
12 *** \author  Dale Ma, dalema22@gmail.com
13 *** \brief   Header file for editor sprite code.
14 *** *****************************************************************************/
16 #ifndef __SPRITES_HEADER__
17 #define __SPRITES_HEADER__
19 #include "utils.h"
20 #include "defs.h"
21 #include "video.h"
23 #include <QRectF>
24 #include <QPointF>
26 namespace hoa_editor {
28 // *********************** SPRITE CONSTANTS **************************
30 /** \name Map Sprite Speeds
31 *** \brief Common speeds for sprite movement.
32 *** These values are the time (in milliseconds) that it takes a sprite to walk
33 *** the distance of one map grid (16 pixels).
34 **/
35 //@{
36 const float VERY_SLOW_SPEED = 225.0f;
37 const float SLOW_SPEED      = 190.0f;
38 const float NORMAL_SPEED    = 150.0f;
39 const float FAST_SPEED      = 110.0f;
40 const float VERY_FAST_SPEED = 75.0f;
41 //@}
43 /** \name Position Transferring Factors
44 *** \breif Position transfering factor from game to editor
45 **/
46 //@{
47 const float X_POS_FACTOR = 2.0f;
48 const float Y_POS_FACTOR = 2.0f;
49 //@}
51 /** \name Map Object Type Constants
52 *** These constants are used to identify the type of map object or sprite.
53 **/
54 //@{
55 const uint8 PHYSICAL_TYPE = 0;
56 const uint8 VIRTUAL_TYPE = 1;
57 const uint8 SPRITE_TYPE = 2;
58 const uint8 ENEMY_TYPE = 3;
59 const uint8 TREASURE_TYPE = 4;
60 //@}
62 /** \name Sprite Direction Constants
63 *** \brief Constants used for setting and determining sprite directions
64 *** Sprites are allowed to travel in eight different directions, however the sprite itself
65 *** can only be facing one of four ways: north, south, east, or west. Because of this, it
66 *** is possible to travel, for instance, northwest facing north <i>or</i> northwest facing west.
67 *** The "NW_NORTH" constant means that the sprite is traveling to the northwest and is
68 *** facing towards the north.
69 ***
70 *** \note The set of "FACING_DIRECTION" and "MOVING_DIRECTION" constants are only meant to be
71 *** used as shorthands. You shouldn't assign the MapSprite#direction member to any of these values.
72 **/
73 //@{
74 const uint16 NORTH     = 0x0001;
75 const uint16 SOUTH     = 0x0002;
76 const uint16 WEST      = 0x0004;
77 const uint16 EAST      = 0x0008;
78 const uint16 NW_NORTH  = 0x0010;
79 const uint16 NW_WEST   = 0x0020;
80 const uint16 NE_NORTH  = 0x0040;
81 const uint16 NE_EAST   = 0x0080;
82 const uint16 SW_SOUTH  = 0x0100;
83 const uint16 SW_WEST   = 0x0200;
84 const uint16 SE_SOUTH  = 0x0400;
85 const uint16 SE_EAST   = 0x0800;
87 const uint16 NORTHWEST = NW_NORTH | NW_WEST;
88 const uint16 NORTHEAST = NE_NORTH | NE_EAST;
89 const uint16 SOUTHWEST = SW_SOUTH | SW_WEST;
90 const uint16 SOUTHEAST = SE_SOUTH | SE_EAST;
94 const uint16 FACING_WEST = WEST | NW_WEST | SW_WEST;
95 const uint16 FACING_EAST = EAST | NE_EAST | SE_EAST;
99 //@}
101 /** \name Map Sprite Animation Constants
102 *** These constants are used to index the MapSprite#animations vector to display the correct
103 *** animation. The first 8 entries in this vector always represent the same sets of animations
104 *** for each map sprite.
105 **/
106 //@{
107 const uint32 ANIM_STANDING_SOUTH = 0;
108 const uint32 ANIM_STANDING_NORTH = 1;
109 const uint32 ANIM_STANDING_WEST  = 2;
110 const uint32 ANIM_STANDING_EAST  = 3;
111 const uint32 ANIM_WALKING_SOUTH  = 4;
112 const uint32 ANIM_WALKING_NORTH  = 5;
113 const uint32 ANIM_WALKING_WEST   = 6;
114 const uint32 ANIM_WALKING_EAST   = 7;
115 const uint32 ANIM_RUNNING_SOUTH  = 8;
116 const uint32 ANIM_RUNNING_NORTH  = 9;
117 const uint32 ANIM_RUNNING_WEST   = 10;
118 const uint32 ANIM_RUNNING_EAST   = 11;
119 //@}
121 /** ****************************************************************************
122 *** \brief An invisible and possible mobile sprite on a map
123 ***
124 *** The VirtualSprite is a special type of MapObject because it has no physical
125 *** form (no image). Virtual sprites may be manipulated to move around on the screen,
126 *** or they may remain stationary. VirtualSprites do take collision detection into account
127 *** by default, unless the no_collision member is set to true. Here are some examples of
128 *** where virtual sprites may be of use:
129 ***
130 *** - As a mobile focusing point for the map camera
131 *** - As an impassible map location for ground objects in a specific context only
132 *** - To set impassible locations for objects in the sky layer
133 *** ***************************************************************************/
134 class VirtualSprite {
135 public:
136 	/** \brief A bit-mask for the sprite's draw orientation and direction vector.
137 	*** This member determines both where to move the sprite (8 directions) and
138 	*** which way the sprite is facing (4 directions). See the Sprite Directions
139 	*** series of constants for the values that this member may be set to.
140 	**/
141 	uint16 direction;
143 	//! \brief The speed at which the sprite moves around the map.
144 	float movement_speed;
146 	/** \brief Set to true when the sprite is currently moving.
147 	*** \note This does not necessarily mean that the sprite actually is moving, but rather that
148 	*** the sprite is <i>trying</i> to move in a certain direction.
149 	**/
150 	bool moving;
152 	//! \brief Set to true when the sprite is running rather than just walking
153 	bool is_running;
155 	//! \brief Set to selected in the editor
156 	bool is_selected;
158 	/** \brief When set to true, indicates that the object exists on the sky object layer (default = false).
159 	*** This member is necessary for collision detection purposes. When a sprite needs to detect
160 	*** if it has encountered a collision, that collision must be examined with other objects on
161 	*** the appropriate layer (the ground or sky layer).
162 	**/
163 	bool sky_object;
165 	//! \brief The name of the sprite, as seen by the player in the game.
166 	hoa_utils::ustring name;
168 	//! \brief A pointer to the face portrait of the sprite, as seen in dialogues and menus.
169 	hoa_video::StillImage* face_portrait;
171 	//! \brief Set to false if the sprite contains dialogue that has not been seen by the player
172 	//bool seen_all_dialogue;
174 	//! \brief True is sprite contains active dialogue.
175 	//bool has_active_dialogue;
177 	/** \brief An index to the actions vector, representing the current sprite action being performed.
178 	*** A negative value indicates that the sprite is taking no action. If the sprite has no entries
179 	*** in its actions vector, this member should remain negative, otherwise a segmentation fault
180 	*** will occur.
181 	**/
182 	int8 current_action;
184 	// TODO: change how forced action work
185 	//int8 forced_action;
187 	//! \brief A container for all of the actions this sprite performs.
188 	//std::vector<SpriteAction*> actions;
190 	/** \name Saved state attributes
191 	*** These attributes are used to save and load the state of a VirtualSprite
192 	**/
193 	//@{
194 	//! \brief This indicates if a state was saved or not.
195 	bool _saved;
196 	uint16 _saved_direction;
197 	float _saved_movement_speed;
198 	bool _saved_moving;
199 	hoa_utils::ustring _saved_name;
200 	//int8 _saved_current_action;
201 	//@}
203 	//! \brief This vector contains all the dialogues of the sprite
204 	//std::vector<MapDialogue*> dialogues;
206 	/** \brief An index to the dialogues vector, representing the current sprite dialogue to
207 	*** display when talked to by the player. A negative value indicates that the sprite has no dialogue.
208 	*** \note If the sprite has no entries in its dialogues vector, this member should remain negative,
209 	*** otherwise a segmentation fault will occur.
210 	**/
211 	//int16 _current_dialogue;
213 	//! \brief Indicates if the icon indicating that there is a dialogue available should be drawn or not.
214 	//bool _show_dialogue_icon;
216 	//! \brief Used to fade the dialogue icon according to distance
217 	//hoa_video::Color _dialogue_icon_color;
219 	/** \brief An identification number for the object as it is represented in the map file.
220 	*** Player sprites are assigned object ids from 5000 and above. Technically this means that
221 	*** a map can have no more than 5000 objects that are not player sprites, but no map should
222 	*** need to contain that many objects in the first place. Objects with an ID less than zero
223 	*** are invalid.
224 	**/
225 	int16 object_id;
227 	/** \brief The map context that the object currently resides in.
228 	*** Context helps to determine where an object "resides". For example, inside of a house or
229 	*** outside of a house. The context member determines if the object should be drawn or not,
230 	*** since objects are only drawn if they are in the same context as the map's camera.
231 	*** Objects can only interact with one another if they both reside in the same context.
232 	***
233 	*** \note The default value for this member is -1. A negative context indicates that the
234 	*** object is invalid and it does not exist anywhere. Objects with a negative context are never
235 	*** drawn to the screen. A value equal to zero indicates that the object is "always in
236 	*** context", meaning that the object will be drawn regardless of the current context. An
237 	*** example of where this is useful is a bridge, which shouldn't simply disappear because the
238 	*** player walks inside a nearby home.
239 	**/
240 	uint32 context;
242 	/** \brief Coordinates for the object's origin/position.
243 	*** The origin of every map object is the bottom center point of the object. These
244 	*** origin coordinates are used to determine where the object is on the map as well
245 	*** as where the objects collision rectangle lies.
246 	***
247 	*** The position coordinates are described by an integer (position) and a float (offset).
248 	*** The position coordinates point to the map grid tile that the object currently occupies
249 	*** and may range from 0 to the number of columns or rows of grid tiles on the map. The
250 	*** offset member will always range from 0.0f and 1.0f to indicate the exact position of
251 	*** the object within that tile.
252 	**/
253 	//@{
254 	uint16 x_position, y_position;
255 	float x_offset, y_offset;
256 	//@}
258 	/** \brief The half-width and height of the image, in map grid coordinates.
259 	*** The half_width member is indeed just that: half the width of the object's image. We keep
260 	*** the half width rather than the full width because the origin of the object is its bottom
261 	*** center, and it is more convenient to store only half the sprite's width as a result.
262 	***
263 	*** \note These members assume that the object retains the same width and height regardless
264 	*** of the current animation or image being drawn. If the object's image changes size, the
265 	*** API user must remember to change these values accordingly.
266 	**/
267 	float img_half_width, img_height;
269 	/** \brief Determines the collision rectangle for the object.
270 	*** The collision area determines what portion of the map object may not be overlapped
271 	*** by other objects or unwalkable regions of the map. The x and y coordinates are
272 	*** relative to the origin, so an x value of 0.5f means that the collision rectangle
273 	*** extends the length of 1/2 of a tile from the origin on both sides, and a y value
274 	*** of 1.0f means that the collision area exists from the origin to 1 tile's length
275 	*** above.
276 	***
277 	*** \note These members should always be positive. Setting these members to zero does *not*
278 	*** eliminate collision detection for the object, and therefore they should usually never
279 	*** be zero.
280 	**/
281 	float coll_half_width, coll_height;
283 	//! \brief When set to false, the Update() function will do nothing (default = true).
284 	bool updatable;
286 	//! \brief When set to false, the Draw() function will do nothing (default = true).
287 	bool visible;
289 	/** \brief When set to true, the object will not be examined for collision detection (default = false).
290 	*** Setting this member to true really has two effects. First, the object may exist anywhere on
291 	*** the map, including where the collision rectangles of other objects are located. Second, the
292 	*** object is ignored when other objects are performing their collision detection. This property
293 	*** is useful for virtual objects or objects with an image but no "physical form" (i.e. ghosts
294 	*** that other sprites may walk through). Note that while this member is set to true, the object's
295 	*** collision rectangle members are ignored.
296 	**/
297 	bool no_collision;
299 	/** \brief When set to true, objects in the ground object layer will be drawn after the pass objects
300 	*** \note This member is only checked for objects that exist in the ground layer. It has no meaning
301 	*** for objects in the pass or sky layers.
302 	**/
303 	bool draw_on_second_pass;
305 	// -------------------- Public methods
307 	VirtualSprite();
309 	~VirtualSprite();
311 	//! \brief Updates the virtual object's position if it is moving, otherwise does nothing.
312 	virtual void Update();
314 	//! \brief Draws a dialogue icon over the virtual sprite if it has to.
315 	virtual void Draw();
317 	//! \brief Draws the selection image
318 	virtual void DrawSelection()=0;
320 	/** \name Lua Access Functions
321 	*** These functions are specifically written for Lua binding, to enable Lua to access the
322 	*** members of this class.
323 	**/
324 	//@{
325 	/** \note This method takes into account the current direction when setting the new direction
326 	*** in the case of diagonal movement. For example, if the sprite is currently facing north
327 	*** and this function indicates that the sprite should move northwest, it will face north
328 	*** during the northwest movement.
329 	**/
330 	void SetDirection(uint16 dir);
SetMovementSpeed(float speed)332 	void SetMovementSpeed(float speed)
333 		{ movement_speed = speed; }
GetDirection()335 	uint16 GetDirection() const
336 		{ return direction; }
GetMovementSpeed()338 	float GetMovementSpeed() const
339 		{ return movement_speed; }
341 	void SetFacePortrait(std::string pn);
342 	//@}
344 	/** \brief This method will save the state of a sprite.
345 	*** Attributes saved: direction, speed, moving state, name, current action.
346 	**/
347 	virtual void SaveState();
349 	/** \brief This method will load the saved state of a sprite.
350 	*** Attributes loaded: direction, speed, moving state, name, current action.
351 	*** \return false if there was no saved state, true otherwise.
352 	**/
353 	virtual bool LoadState();
355 	//! \brief Examines all dialogue owned by the sprite and sets the appropriate value of VirtualSprite#seen_all_dialogue
356 	//void UpdateSeenDialogue();
358 	//! \brief Examines all dialogue owned by the sprite and sets the appropriate value of VirtualSprite#has_active_dialogue
359 	//void UpdateActiveDialogue();
361 	/** \name Dialogue control methods
362 	*** These methods are used to add and control which dialogue should the sprite speak.
363 	**/
364 	//@{
365 	//void AddDialogue(MapDialogue* md);
367 	//bool HasDialogue() const
368 		//{ if(dialogues.size() > 0) return has_active_dialogue; else return false; }
370 	//MapDialogue* GetCurrentDialogue() const
371 		//{ return dialogues[_current_dialogue]; }
373 	//void SetDialogue(const int16 dialogue)
374 		//{ if (static_cast<uint16>(dialogue) >= dialogues.size()) return; else _current_dialogue = dialogue; }
376 	//void NextDialogue()
377 		//{ do { _current_dialogue++; if (static_cast<uint16>(_current_dialogue) >= dialogues.size()) _current_dialogue = 0; }
378 		//	while (dialogues[_current_dialogue]->IsActive() == false); }
380 	//int16 GetNumDialogues() const
381 		//{ return dialogues.size(); }
383 	//void ShowDialogueIcon(bool state)
384 		//{ _show_dialogue_icon = state; }
386 	//bool IsShowingDialogueIcon() const
387 		//{ return _show_dialogue_icon; }
388 	//@}
390 	/** \brief Adds a new action for the sprite to process onto the end of the sprite's action list
391 	*** \param act A pointer to the instantiated SpriteAction object to use
392 	**/
393 	//void AddAction(SpriteAction* act)
394 		//{ act->SetSprite(this); actions.push_back(act); }
396 	/** \brief This static class function returns the opposite direction of the direction given in parameter.
397 	*** \note This is mostly used as an helper function to make sprites face each other.
398 	**/
399 	static uint16 CalculateOppositeDirection(const uint16 direction);
401 	/** \brief Computes the full floating-point location coordinates of the object
402 	*** \return The full x or y coordinate location of the object
403 	***
404 	*** Since an object's position is stored as an integer component and an offset component, this
405 	*** method simply returns a single floating point value representing the full x and y positions
406 	*** of the object in a single variable.
407 	**/
408 	//@{
ComputeXLocation()409 	float ComputeXLocation() const
410 		{ return (static_cast<float>(x_position) + x_offset); }
ComputeYLocation()412 	float ComputeYLocation() const
413 		{ return (static_cast<float>(y_position) + y_offset); }
ComputeDrawXLocation()415 	float ComputeDrawXLocation() const
416 		{ return (static_cast<float>(x_position) - img_half_width) / X_POS_FACTOR + x_offset; }
ComputeDrawYLocation()418 	float ComputeDrawYLocation() const
419 		{ return (static_cast<float>(y_position) - img_height) / Y_POS_FACTOR + y_offset; }
ComputeHoverArea()421 	QRectF ComputeHoverArea() const
422 		{ return QRectF(ComputeDrawXLocation(), ComputeDrawYLocation(), img_half_width, img_height/2); }
IsInHoverArea(float x,float y)424 	bool IsInHoverArea(float x, float y) const
425 	{ return ComputeHoverArea().contains( QPointF(x,y) ); }
426 	//@}
428 	/** \brief Sets the sprite's direction to a random value
429 	*** This function is used mostly for the ActionRandomMove class.
430 	**/
431 	void SetRandomDirection();
433 	void SetObjectID(int16 id = 0)
434 		{ object_id = id; }
SetContext(uint32 ctxt)436 	void SetContext(uint32 ctxt)
437 		{ context = ctxt; }
SetXPosition(uint16 x,float offset)439 	void SetXPosition(uint16 x, float offset)
440 		{ x_position = x; x_offset = offset; }
SetYPosition(uint16 y,float offset)442 	void SetYPosition(uint16 y, float offset)
443 		{ y_position = y; y_offset = offset; }
SetImgHalfWidth(float width)445 	void SetImgHalfWidth(float width)
446 		{ img_half_width = width; }
SetImgHeight(float height)448 	void SetImgHeight(float height)
449 		{ img_height = height; }
SetCollHalfWidth(float collision)451 	void SetCollHalfWidth(float collision)
452 		{ coll_half_width = collision; }
SetCollHeight(float collision)454 	void SetCollHeight(float collision)
455 		{ coll_height = collision; }
SetUpdatable(bool update)457 	void SetUpdatable(bool update)
458 		{ updatable = update; }
SetVisible(bool vis)460 	void SetVisible(bool vis)
461 		{ visible = vis; }
SetNoCollision(bool coll)463 	void SetNoCollision(bool coll)
464 		{ no_collision = coll; }
SetDrawOnSecondPass(bool pass)466 	void SetDrawOnSecondPass(bool pass)
467 		{ draw_on_second_pass = pass; }
GetObjectID()469 	int16 GetObjectID() const
470 		{ return object_id; }
GetContext()472 	uint32 GetContext() const
473 		{ return context; }
GetXPosition(uint16 & x,float & offset)475 	void GetXPosition(uint16 &x, float &offset) const
476 		{ x = x_position; offset = x_offset; }
GetYPosition(uint16 & y,float & offset)478 	void GetYPosition(uint16 &y, float &offset) const
479 		{ y = y_position; offset = y_offset; }
GetImgHalfWidth()481 	float GetImgHalfWidth() const
482 		{ return img_half_width; }
GetImgHeight()484 	float GetImgHeight() const
485 		{ return img_height; }
GetCollHalfWidth()487 	float GetCollHalfWidth() const
488 		{ return coll_half_width; }
GetCollHeight()490 	float GetCollHeight() const
491 		{ return coll_height; }
IsUpdatable()493 	bool IsUpdatable() const
494 		{ return updatable; }
IsVisible()496 	bool IsVisible() const
497 		{ return visible; }
IsNoCollision()499 	bool IsNoCollision() const
500 		{ return no_collision; }
IsDrawOnSecondPass()502 	bool IsDrawOnSecondPass() const
503 		{ return draw_on_second_pass; }
GetType()505 	uint8 GetType() const
506 		{ return _object_type; }
508 protected:
509 	//! \brief This holds the the type of sprite this is.
510 	uint8 _object_type;
512 	//! \brief Selected image for sprite has been selected
513 	hoa_video::StillImage _selected_image;
515 }; // class VirtualSprite : public MapObject
518 /** ****************************************************************************
519 *** \brief A mobile map object with which the player can interact with.
520 ***
521 *** Map sprites are animate, mobile, living map objects. Although there is
522 *** but this single class to represent all the map sprites in the game, they can
523 *** divided into types such as NPCs, friendly creatures, and enemies. The fact
524 *** that there is only one class for representing several sprite types is the
525 *** reason why many of the class members are pointers. For example, we don't
526 *** need dialogue for a dog sprite.
527 *** ***************************************************************************/
528 class MapSprite : public VirtualSprite {
529 public:
530 	//! \brief Holds the previous value of VirtualSprite#moving from the last call to MapSprite#Update().
531 	bool was_moving;
533 	//! \brief Set to true if the sprite has running animations loaded
534 	bool has_running_anim;
536 	/** \brief The sound that will play when the sprite walks.
537 	*** This member references the MapMode#_map_sounds vector as the sound to play. If this member
538 	*** is less than zero, no sound is played when the object is walking.
539 	**/
540 	int8 walk_sound;
542 	//! \brief The index to the animations vector containing the current sprite image to display
543 	uint8 current_animation;
545 	/** \brief A vector containing all the sprite's various animations.
546 	*** The first four entries in this vector are the walking animation frames.
547 	*** They are ordered from index 0 to 3 as: down, up, left, right. Additional
548 	*** animations may follow.
549 	**/
550 	std::vector<hoa_video::AnimatedImage> animations;
552 	/** \name Saved state attributes
553 	*** These attributes are used to save and load the state of a VirtualSprite
554 	**/
555 	//@{
556 	//bool _saved_was_moving;
557 	//int8 _saved_walk_sound;
558 	//uint8 _saved_current_animation;
559 	//@}
561 	// -------------------------------- Methods --------------------------------
563 	MapSprite();
565 	~MapSprite();
567 	/** \brief Loads the image containing the standard animations for the sprite
568 	*** \param filename The name of the image file holding the standard walking animations
569 	*** \return False if there was a problem loading the sprite.
570 	**/
571 	bool LoadStandardAnimations(std::string filename);
573 	/** \brief Loads the image containing the running animations for the sprite
574 	*** \param filename The name of the image file
575 	*** \return False if the animations were not created successfully.
576 	**/
577 	bool LoadRunningAnimations(std::string filename);
579 	//! \brief Updates the sprite's position and state.
580 	virtual void Update();
582 	//! \brief Draws the sprite frame in the appropriate position on the screen, if it is visible.
583 	virtual void Draw();
585 	//! \brief Draws the selection image
586 	virtual void DrawSelection();
588 	/** \name Lua Access Functions
589 	*** These functions are specifically written for Lua binding, to enable Lua to access the
590 	*** members of this class.
591 	**/
592 	//@{
SetName(std::string na)593 	void SetName(std::string na)
594 		{ name = hoa_utils::MakeUnicodeString(na); }
SetWalkSound(int8 sound)596 	void SetWalkSound(int8 sound)
597 		{ walk_sound = sound; }
SetCurrentAnimation(uint8 anim)599 	void SetCurrentAnimation(uint8 anim)
600 		{ current_animation = anim; }
GetWalkSound()602 	int8 GetWalkSound() const
603 		{ return walk_sound; }
GetCurrentAnimation()605 	uint8 GetCurrentAnimation() const
606 		{ return current_animation; }
607 	//@}
609 	/** \brief This method will save the state of a sprite.
610 	*** Attributes saved: direction, speed, moving state, name, current action,
611 	*** current animation, current walk sound.
612 	**/
613 	//virtual void SaveState();
615 	/** \brief This method will load the saved state of a sprite.
616 	*** Attributes loaded: direction, speed, moving state, name, current action,
617 	*** current animation, current walk sound.
618 	*** \return false if there was no saved state, true otherwise.
619 	**/
620 	//virtual bool LoadState();
621 }; // class MapSprite : public VirtualSprite
623 } // namespace hoa_map
625 #endif // __SPRITES_HEADER__