1Amoebax 0.2.1
4- Fixed the problem of players not being centered on tournament's grid in
5  GP2X.
6- Fixed the problem of the tournament's players selection was a bit off
7  in GP2X.
8- Fixed the problem of amoebas going down the grid in GP2X's two players mode.
9- Fixed the problem with the amoebas in the queue being updated incorrectly
10  in GP2X's two players mode.
12Amoebax 0.2.0
15- Added demo mode.
16- Fade effect between screens.
17- The game does not start right away.  It shows a "Ready?" followed by a
18  "Go!!" for a short period of time.
19- The normal mode can be played either as Kim or as Tom.
20- The main amoeba of the falling pair (the amoeba that does not rotate) is now
21  visibly different by a glowing silhouette.
22- Smooth rotating animations for the falling pair of amoebas and
23  animation for the queued amoebas.
24- Smooth movement for the pairs waiting on the left/right side of the grid.
25- The game now is over when the 3rd column is filled, not when the other
26  columns are filled.
27- The groups near the top of the grid makes chains now before checking if the
28  game is over.
29- Fixed the way the score and opponent's ghost amoebas are computed to give
30  more importance to the steps rather the number of removed amoebas.
31- Implemented the Options menu.
32- The keyboard controls are configurable.
33- When there is a fatal error the game now shows a platform-specific
34  message/alert box instead of dying silently.  On GNU/Linux and GP2X it just
35  shows the error at the console.
36- Added joystick support. Both players can use a joystick to play.
37- Added new levels (5) in the Training Mode.
38- Balanced the opponents' difficulty.
39- Added new musics, one for each opponent plus the previous for the training
40  and menu.
41- Added sound effects for winning and losing a game.
43Amoebax 0.1.2
46- Added the tournament mode.
47- Added the two human players mode for GP2X.
48- Fixed the problem of red and orange amoebas being too similar.
49- Fixed the problem while playing with the last opponent.
50- Fixed the problem with amoebas not properly join together.
51- High scores are now also stored for normal and tournament modes.
53Amoebax 0.1.1
56- Added normal mode with six A.I. players.
57- Substituted placeholder graphics with sweet new graphics.
58- Fixed some minor bugs.
60Amoebax 0.1.0
63- Initial release.