1 /**
2  * \file generate.h
3  * \brief Dungeon generation.
4 */
7 #ifndef GENERATE_H
8 #define GENERATE_H
10 #include "monster.h"
12 #if  __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L
13 #define ROOM_LOG  if (OPT(player, cheat_room)) msg
14 #else
15 #define ROOM_LOG(...) if (OPT(player, cheat_room)) msg(__VA_ARGS__);
16 #endif
18 /**
19  * Dungeon allocation places and types, used with alloc_object().
20  */
21 enum
22 {
23 	SET_CORR = 0x01, /*!< Hallway */
24 	SET_ROOM = 0x02, /*!< Room */
25 	SET_BOTH = 0x03 /*!< Anywhere */
26 };
28 enum
29 {
30 	TYP_RUBBLE,	/*!< Rubble */
31 	TYP_TRAP,	/*!< Trap */
32 	TYP_GOLD,	/*!< Gold */
33 	TYP_OBJECT,	/*!< Object */
34 	TYP_GOOD,	/*!< Good object */
35 	TYP_GREAT	/*!< Great object */
36 };
38 /**
39  * Monster base for a pit
40  */
41 struct pit_monster_profile {
42     struct pit_monster_profile *next;
44     struct monster_base *base;
45 };
47 /**
48  * Monster color for a pit
49  */
50 struct pit_color_profile {
51     struct pit_color_profile *next;
53     byte color;
54 };
56 /**
57  * Monster forbidden from a pit
58  */
59 struct pit_forbidden_monster {
60     struct pit_forbidden_monster *next;
62     struct monster_race *race;
63 };
65 /**
66  * Profile for choosing monsters for pits, nests or other themed areas
67  */
68 struct pit_profile {
69     struct pit_profile *next; /*!< Pointer to next pit profile */
71     int pit_idx;              /**< Index in pit_info */
72     const char *name;
73     int room_type;            /**< Is this a pit or a nest? */
74     int ave;                  /**< Level where this pit is most common */
75     int rarity;               /**< How unusual this pit is */
76     int obj_rarity;           /**< How rare objects are in this pit */
77     bitflag flags[RF_SIZE];   /**< Required flags */
78     bitflag forbidden_flags[RF_SIZE];         /**< Forbidden flags */
79 	int freq_innate;          /**< Minimum innate frequency */
80     bitflag spell_flags[RSF_SIZE];            /**< Required spell flags */
81     bitflag forbidden_spell_flags[RSF_SIZE];  /**< Forbidden spell flags */
82     struct pit_monster_profile *bases;     /**< List of vaild monster bases */
83     struct pit_color_profile *colors;      /**< List of valid monster colors */
84     struct pit_forbidden_monster *forbidden_monsters; /**< Forbidden monsters */
85 };
87 extern struct pit_profile *pit_info;
90 /**
91  * Structure to hold all "dungeon generation" data
92  */
93 struct dun_data {
94     /*!< The profile used to generate the level */
95     const struct cave_profile *profile;
97     /*!< Array of centers of rooms */
98     int cent_n;
99     struct loc *cent;
101     /*!< Array of possible door locations */
102     int door_n;
103     struct loc *door;
105     /*!< Array of wall piercing locations */
106     int wall_n;
107     struct loc *wall;
109     /*!< Array of tunnel grids */
110     int tunn_n;
111     struct loc *tunn;
113 	/*!< Number of grids in each block (vertically) */
114 	int block_hgt;
116 	/*!< Number of grids in each block (horizontally) */
117 	int block_wid;
119     /*!< Number of blocks along each axis */
120     int row_blocks;
121     int col_blocks;
123     /*!< Array of which blocks are used */
124     bool **room_map;
126     /*!< Number of pits/nests on the level */
127     int pit_num;
129 	/*!< Current pit profile in use */
130 	struct pit_profile *pit_type;
132 	/*!< Info for connecting to persistent levels */
133 	struct connector *join;
134 };
137 struct tunnel_profile {
138     const char *name;
139     int rnd; /*!< % chance of choosing random direction */
140     int chg; /*!< % chance of changing direction */
141     int con; /*!< % chance of extra tunneling */
142     int pen; /*!< % chance of placing doors at room entrances */
143     int jct; /*!< % chance of doors at tunnel junctions */
144 };
146 struct streamer_profile {
147     const char *name;
148     int den; /*!< Density of streamers */
149     int rng; /*!< Width of streamers */
150     int mag; /*!< Number of magma streamers */
151     int mc;  /*!< 1/chance of treasure per magma */
152     int qua; /*!< Number of quartz streamers */
153     int qc;  /*!< 1/chance of treasure per quartz */
154 };
156 /*
157  * cave_builder is a function pointer which builds a level.
158  */
159 typedef struct chunk * (*cave_builder) (struct player *p, int h, int w);
162 struct cave_profile {
163 	struct cave_profile *next;
165     const char *name;
166     cave_builder builder;	/*!< Function used to build the level */
167 	int block_size;			/*!< Default height and width of dungeon blocks */
168     int dun_rooms;			/*!< Number of rooms to attempt */
169     int dun_unusual;		/*!< Level/chance of unusual room */
170     int max_rarity;			/*!< Max number of room generation rarity levels */
171     int n_room_profiles;	/*!< Number of room profiles */
172     struct tunnel_profile tun;		/*!< Used to build tunnels */
173     struct streamer_profile str;	/*!< Used to build mineral streamers*/
174     struct room_profile *room_profiles;	/*!< Used to build rooms */
175     int min_level;			/*!< Shallowest level to use this profile */
176     int alloc;				/*!< Allocation weight for this profile */
177 };
180 /**
181  * room_builder is a function pointer which builds rooms in the cave given
182  * anchor coordinates.
183  */
184 typedef bool (*room_builder) (struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
187 /**
188  * This tracks information needed to generate the room, including the room's
189  * name and the function used to build it.
190  */
191 struct room_profile {
192 	struct room_profile *next;
194     const char *name;
195     room_builder builder;	/*!< Function used to build fixed size rooms */
196 	int rating;				/*!< Extra control for template rooms */
197     int height, width;		/*!< Space required in grids */
198     int level;				/*!< Minimum dungeon level */
199     bool pit;				/*!< Whether this room is a pit/nest or not */
200     int rarity;				/*!< How unusual this room is */
201     int cutoff;				/*!< Upper limit of 1-100 roll for room gen */
202 };
205 /*
206  * Information about vault generation
207  */
208 struct vault {
209     struct vault *next; /*!< Pointer to next vault template */
211     char *name;         /*!< Vault name */
212     char *text;         /*!< Grid by grid description of vault layout */
214     char *typ;			/*!< Vault type */
216     byte rat;			/*!< Vault rating */
218     byte hgt;			/*!< Vault height */
219     byte wid;			/*!< Vault width */
221     byte min_lev;		/*!< Minimum allowable level, if specified. */
222     byte max_lev;		/*!< Maximum allowable level, if specified. */
223 };
227 /**
228  * Information about template room generation
229  */
230 struct room_template {
231     struct room_template *next; /*!< Pointer to next room template */
233     char *name;         /*!< Room name */
234     char *text;         /*!< Grid by grid description of room layout */
236     byte typ;			/*!< Room type */
238     byte rat;			/*!< Room rating */
240     byte hgt;			/*!< Room height */
241     byte wid;			/*!< Room width */
242     byte dor;           /*!< Random door options */
243     byte tval;			/*!< tval for objects in this room */
244 };
246 extern struct dun_data *dun;
247 extern struct vault *vaults;
248 extern struct room_template *room_templates;
250 /* gen-cave.c */
251 struct chunk *town_gen(struct player *p, int min_height, int min_width);
252 struct chunk *classic_gen(struct player *p, int min_height, int min_width);
253 struct chunk *labyrinth_gen(struct player *p, int min_height, int min_width);
254 void ensure_connectedness(struct chunk *c);
255 struct chunk *cavern_gen(struct player *p, int min_height, int min_width);
256 struct chunk *modified_gen(struct player *p, int min_height, int min_width);
257 struct chunk *moria_gen(struct player *p, int min_height, int min_width);
258 struct chunk *hard_centre_gen(struct player *p, int min_height, int min_width);
259 struct chunk *lair_gen(struct player *p, int min_height, int min_width);
260 struct chunk *gauntlet_gen(struct player *p, int min_height, int min_width);
261 struct chunk *arena_gen(struct player *p, int min_height, int min_width);
263 /* gen-chunk.c */
264 struct chunk *chunk_write(struct chunk *c);
265 void chunk_list_add(struct chunk *c);
266 bool chunk_list_remove(char *name);
267 struct chunk *chunk_find_name(char *name);
268 bool chunk_find(struct chunk *c);
269 struct chunk *chunk_find_adjacent(struct player *p, bool above);
270 bool chunk_copy(struct chunk *dest, struct chunk *source, int y0, int x0,
271 				int rotate, bool reflect);
273 void chunk_validate_objects(struct chunk *c);
276 /* gen-room.c */
277 void fill_rectangle(struct chunk *c, int y1, int x1, int y2, int x2, int feat,
278 					int flag);
279 void generate_mark(struct chunk *c, int y1, int x1, int y2, int x2, int flag);
280 void draw_rectangle(struct chunk *c, int y1, int x1, int y2, int x2, int feat,
281 					int flag);
282 void set_marked_granite(struct chunk *c, struct loc grid, int flag);
283 extern bool generate_starburst_room(struct chunk *c, int y1, int x1, int y2,
284 									int x2, bool light, int feat,
285 									bool special_ok);
287 struct vault *random_vault(int depth, const char *typ);
288 bool build_vault(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, struct vault *v);
290 bool build_staircase(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
291 bool build_simple(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
292 bool build_circular(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
293 bool build_overlap(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
294 bool build_crossed(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
295 bool build_large(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
296 bool mon_pit_hook(struct monster_race *race);
297 void set_pit_type(int depth, int type);
298 bool build_nest(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
299 bool build_pit(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
300 bool build_template(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
301 bool build_interesting(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
302 bool build_lesser_vault(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
303 bool build_medium_vault(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
304 bool build_greater_vault(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
305 bool build_moria(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
306 bool build_room_of_chambers(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
307 bool build_huge(struct chunk *c, struct loc centre, int rating);
308 bool room_build(struct chunk *c, int by0, int bx0, struct room_profile profile,
309 	bool finds_own_space);
312 /* gen-util.c */
313 extern byte get_angle_to_grid[41][41];
315 int grid_to_i(struct loc grid, int w);
316 void i_to_grid(int i, int w, struct loc *grid);
317 void shuffle(int *arr, int n);
318 bool cave_find(struct chunk *c, struct loc *grid, square_predicate pred);
319 bool find_empty(struct chunk *c, struct loc *grid);
320 bool find_empty_range(struct chunk *c, struct loc *grid, struct loc top_left,
321 					  struct loc bottom_right);
322 bool find_nearby_grid(struct chunk *c, struct loc *grid, struct loc centre,
323 					  int yd, int xd);
324 void correct_dir(struct loc *offset, struct loc grid1, struct loc grid2);
325 void rand_dir(struct loc *offset);
326 void new_player_spot(struct chunk *c, struct player *p);
327 void place_object(struct chunk *c, struct loc grid, int level, bool good,
328 				  bool great, byte origin, int tval);
329 void place_gold(struct chunk *c, struct loc grid, int level, byte origin);
330 void place_secret_door(struct chunk *c, struct loc grid);
331 void place_closed_door(struct chunk *c, struct loc grid);
332 void place_random_door(struct chunk *c, struct loc grid);
333 void place_random_stairs(struct chunk *c, struct loc grid);
334 void alloc_stairs(struct chunk *c, int feat, int num);
335 void vault_objects(struct chunk *c, struct loc grid, int depth, int num);
336 void vault_traps(struct chunk *c, struct loc grid, int yd, int xd, int num);
337 void vault_monsters(struct chunk *c, struct loc grid, int depth, int num);
338 void alloc_objects(struct chunk *c, int set, int typ, int num, int depth, byte origin);
339 bool alloc_object(struct chunk *c, int set, int typ, int depth, byte origin);
340 void dump_level_simple(const char *basefilename, const char *title,
341 	struct chunk *c);
342 void dump_level(ang_file *fo, const char *title, struct chunk *c, int **dist);
343 void dump_level_header(ang_file *fo, const char *title);
344 void dump_level_body(ang_file *fo, const char *title, struct chunk *c,
345 	int **dist);
346 void dump_level_footer(ang_file *fo);
348 /* gen-monster.c */
349 bool mon_restrict(const char *monster_type, int depth, bool unique_ok);
350 void spread_monsters(struct chunk *c, const char *type, int depth, int num,
351 					 int y0, int x0, int dy, int dx, byte origin);
352 void get_vault_monsters(struct chunk *c, char racial_symbol[], char *vault_type,
353 						const char *data, int y1, int y2, int x1, int x2);
354 void get_chamber_monsters(struct chunk *c, int y1, int x1, int y2, int x2, char *name, int area);
357 #endif /* !GENERATE_H */