2  {
3    "type": "AMMO",
4    "id": "84x246mm_he",
5    "price": 70000,
6    "price_postapoc": 12000,
8    "//": "Milspec ammo such as grenades and rockets: not available to the general public, so Expensive.",
9    "name": { "str": "84x246mm HE rocket" },
10    "symbol": "=",
11    "color": "dark_gray",
12    "description": "A 84x246mm High Explosive anti-personnel round for the Carl Gustav M3 recoilless rifle.  Designed to be highly effective against personnel.",
13    "material": [ "steel", "powder" ],
14    "volume": "1250 ml",
15    "longest_side": "246 mm",
16    "weight": "3200 g",
17    "ammo_type": "84x246mm",
18    "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 60, "armor_penetration": 10 },
19    "range": 120,
20    "dispersion": 60,
21    "recoil": 45,
22    "count": 4,
23    "stack_size": 1,
24    "effects": [ "COOKOFF", "EXPLOSIVE_84x246HE", "NEVER_MISFIRES" ]
25  },
26  {
27    "type": "AMMO",
28    "id": "84x246mm_hedp",
29    "copy-from": "84x246mm_he",
30    "price": 70000,
31    "price_postapoc": 12000,
32    "name": { "str": "84x246mm HEDP rocket" },
33    "description": "A 84x246mm High Explosive Dual Purpose anti-materiel round for the Carl Gustav M3 recoilless rifle.  Designed to be highly effective against vehicles and structures.",
34    "volume": "1500 ml",
35    "weight": "3300 g",
36    "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 1000, "armor_penetration": 225 },
37    "range": 100,
38    "dispersion": 75,
39    "recoil": 60,
40    "effects": [ "COOKOFF", "EXPLOSIVE_84x246HEDP", "NEVER_MISFIRES" ]
41  },
42  {
43    "type": "AMMO",
44    "id": "84x246mm_smoke",
45    "copy-from": "84x246mm_he",
46    "price": 45000,
47    "price_postapoc": 12000,
48    "name": { "str": "84x246mm smoke rocket" },
49    "description": "A 84x246mm smoke marker round for the Carl Gustav M3 recoilless rifle.  Commonly used for signaling, target designation, and for screening troop movements.",
50    "volume": "1500 ml",
51    "weight": "3100 g",
52    "range": 140,
53    "dispersion": 30,
54    "extend": { "effects": [ "SMOKE_BIG" ] },
55    "delete": { "effects": [ "EXPLOSIVE_BIG", "FRAG" ] }
56  }