2  {
3    "id": "gas_chloramine",
4    "type": "AMMO",
5    "name": { "str_sp": "sprayable toxic gas" },
6    "description": "A hazardous mixture made from household cleaners, improvised for use in a chemical thrower.  Best be used with some kind of mask or mouth protection.",
7    "weight": "3 g",
8    "volume": "250 ml",
9    "price": 3500,
10    "price_postapoc": 500,
11    "material": [ "water" ],
12    "symbol": "=",
13    "color": "green",
14    "container": "bottle_plastic",
15    "sealed": false,
16    "phase": "liquid",
17    "ammo_type": "chemical_spray",
18    "range": 4,
19    "count": 100,
20    "effects": [ "TOXICGAS", "NEVER_MISFIRES", "JET" ]
21  },
22  {
23    "id": "gas_fungicidal",
24    "type": "AMMO",
25    "name": { "str_sp": "sprayable fungicide" },
26    "description": "Fungicide enhanced with sulfur to create sprayable anti-fungal ammo for the chemical thrower.  Best be used with some kind of mask or mouth protection.",
27    "weight": "3 g",
28    "volume": "250 ml",
29    "price": 600,
30    "price_postapoc": 500,
31    "material": [ "water" ],
32    "symbol": "=",
33    "color": "yellow",
34    "container": "bottle_plastic",
35    "sealed": false,
36    "phase": "liquid",
37    "ammo_type": "chemical_spray",
38    "range": 4,
39    "count": 100,
41  },
42  {
43    "id": "gas_insecticidal",
44    "type": "AMMO",
45    "name": { "str_sp": "sprayable insecticide" },
46    "description": "Strong sprayable insecticide ammo for the chemical thrower.  Best be used with some kind of mask or mouth protection.",
47    "weight": "3 g",
48    "volume": "250 ml",
49    "price": 500,
50    "price_postapoc": 500,
51    "material": [ "water" ],
52    "symbol": "=",
53    "color": "yellow",
54    "container": "bottle_plastic",
55    "sealed": false,
56    "phase": "liquid",
57    "ammo_type": "chemical_spray",
58    "range": 4,
59    "count": 100,
61  }