2  {
3    "id": "combatnail",
4    "type": "AMMO",
5    "name": { "str": "flechette" },
6    "copy-from": "nail",
7    "description": "A tiny steel dart.  Can be fired from a nail gun or similar weapon or used when crafting ammunition",
8    "material": [ "steel" ],
9    "symbol": "=",
10    "color": "dark_gray",
11    "range": 6,
12    "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 6, "armor_penetration": 3 },
13    "dispersion": 90,
14    "proportional": { "price": 3.0 }
15  },
16  {
17    "id": "nail",
18    "type": "AMMO",
19    "category": "spare_parts",
20    "name": { "str": "nail" },
21    "description": "A pin-shaped piece of iron, can be used to construct various things with a hammer.",
22    "weight": "4 g",
23    "volume": "250 ml",
24    "price": 1000,
25    "price_postapoc": 250,
26    "material": [ "iron" ],
27    "symbol": "=",
28    "color": "cyan",
29    "count": 100,
30    "stack_size": 100,
31    "ammo_type": "nail",
32    "range": 3,
33    "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 3, "armor_penetration": 1 },
34    "dispersion": 180,
35    "effects": [ "NON_FOULING" ]
36  }