2  {
3    "abstract": "book_nonf_hard_arch_tpl",
4    "type": "BOOK",
5    "name": { "str": "archery skill training abstract" },
6    "description": "template for heavy books that confer archery skill training",
7    "weight": "1454 g",
8    "volume": "1250 ml",
9    "price": 2000,
10    "price_postapoc": 500,
11    "material": [ "paper", "cardboard" ],
12    "symbol": "?",
13    "looks_like": "story_book",
14    "color": "green",
15    "intelligence": 7,
16    "skill": "archery",
17    "time": "20 m"
18  },
19  {
20    "id": "book_archery",
21    "type": "BOOK",
22    "name": { "str": "Lessons for the Novice Bowhunter", "str_pl": "copies of Lessons for the Novice Bowhunter" },
23    "description": "This hefty paperback book contains all the information needed for novice archers to get started hunting with a variety of bows and crossbows.",
24    "max_level": 2,
25    "copy-from": "book_nonf_hard_arch_tpl",
26    "relative": { "price": 100, "price_postapoc": 2500 }
27  },
28  {
29    "id": "manual_archery",
30    "type": "BOOK",
31    "name": { "str": "Zen and the Art of Archery", "str_pl": "copies of Zen and the Art of Archery" },
32    "description": "This massive book contains a wealth of vital information for the novice archer.",
33    "max_level": 3,
34    "copy-from": "book_nonf_hard_arch_tpl"
35  },
36  {
37    "id": "mag_archery",
38    "type": "BOOK",
39    "name": { "str": "Archery for Kids", "str_pl": "issues of Archery for Kids" },
40    "description": "Will you be able to place the arrow right into the bullseye?  It is not that easy, but once you know how it's done, you will have a lot of fun with archery.",
41    "weight": "60 g",
42    "volume": "250 ml",
43    "price": 480,
44    "price_postapoc": 250,
45    "material": [ "paper" ],
46    "symbol": "?",
47    "color": "pink",
48    "skill": "archery",
49    "max_level": 1,
50    "intelligence": 2,
51    "time": "7 m",
52    "fun": 1
53  }