2  {
3    "id": "BGSS_COP_2_STORY1",
4    "type": "talk_topic",
5    "dynamic_line": "I was SWAT.  By all rights I should be dead.  We were called to control \"riots\", which we all know were the first <zombie> hordes.  Fat lot of good we were.  Pretty sure we killed more civilians.  Even among my crew, morale was piss poor and we were shooting wild.  Then something hit us, something big.  Might have been a bomb, I really don't remember.  I woke up pinned underneath the SWAT van.  I couldn't see anything…   but I could hear it, <swear!>.  I could hear everything.  I spent hours, maybe days under that van, not even trying to get out.",
6    "responses": [
7      { "text": "But you did get out.", "topic": "BGSS_COP_2_STORY2" },
8      { "text": "<done_conversation_section>", "topic": "TALK_FRIEND" }
9    ]
10  },
11  {
12    "id": "BGSS_COP_2_STORY2",
13    "type": "talk_topic",
14    "dynamic_line": "Eventually yes.  It had been quiet for hours.  I was parched, injured, and terrified.  My training was maybe the only thing that kept me from freaking out.  I decided to try to pull myself out and see how bad my injuries were.  It was <very> easy.  The side of the van was torn open, and it turned out I was basically just lying under a little debris, with the ruins of the van tented around me.  I wasn't even too badly hurt.  I grabbed as much gear as I could, and I slipped out.  It was night.  I could hear fighting farther away in the city, so I went the other way.  I made it a few blocks before I ran into any <zombies>…  I ran from them.  I ran, and I ran, and I ran some more.  And here I am.",
15    "responses": [ { "text": "<done_conversation_section>", "topic": "TALK_FRIEND" }, { "text": "<end_talking>", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ]
16  }