1# JSON Flags
3- [JSON Flags](#json-flags)
4  - [Notes](#notes)
5  - [Inheritance](#inheritance)
6  - [TODO](#todo)
7  - [Ammo](#ammo)
8    - [Ammo type](#ammo-type)
9    - [Effects](#effects)
10  - [Armor](#armor)
11    - [Covers](#covers)
12    - [Flags](#flags)
13  - [Bionics](#bionics)
14  - [Books](#books)
15    - [Use actions](#use-actions)
16  - [Character - (Bionic/Mutation)](#character)
17  - [Comestibles](#comestibles)
18    - [Comestible type](#comestible-type)
19    - [Addiction type](#addiction-type)
20    - [Use action](#use-action)
21    - [Flags](#flags-1)
22  - [Furniture and Terrain](#furniture-and-terrain)
23    - [Flags](#flags-2)
24    - [Examine Actions](#examine-actions)
25    - [Fungal Conversions Only](#fungal-conversions-only)
26    - [Furniture Only](#furniture-only)
27  - [Generic](#generic)
28    - [Flags](#flags-3)
29  - [Guns](#guns)
30    - [Firing modes](#firing-modes)
31  - [Magazines](#magazines)
32  - [MAP SPECIALS](#map-specials)
33  - [Material Phases](#material-phases)
34  - [Melee](#melee)
35    - [Flags](#flags-4)
36  - [Monster Groups](#monster-groups)
37    - [Seasons](#seasons)
38    - [Time of day](#time-of-day)
39  - [Monsters](#monsters)
40    - [Anger, Fear and Placation Triggers](#anger-fear-and-placation-triggers)
41    - [Categories](#categories)
42    - [Death Functions](#death-functions)
43    - [Flags](#flags-5)
44    - [Monster Defense and Attacks](#monster-defense-and-attacks)
45    - [Sizes](#sizes)
46    - [Special attacks](#special-attacks)
47  - [Mutations](#mutations)
48      - [Flags](#flags-6)
49    - [Categories](#categories-1)
50  - [Overmap](#overmap)
51    - [Overmap connections](#overmap-connections)
52    - [Overmap specials](#overmap-specials)
53      - [Flags](#flags-7)
54    - [Overmap terrains](#overmap-terrains)
55      - [Flags](#flags-8)
56  - [Recipes](#recipes)
57    - [Categories](#categories-2)
58    - [Flags](#flags-9)
59  - [Scenarios](#scenarios)
60    - [Flags](#flags-10)
61      - [Season Flags](#season-flags)
62  - [Skills](#skills)
63    - [Tags](#tags)
64  - [Techniques](#techniques)
65  - [Tools](#tools)
66    - [Flags](#flags-11)
67    - [Flags that apply to items](#flags-that-apply-to-items)
68  - [Vehicle Parts](#vehicle-parts)
69    - [Flags](#flags-12)
70    - [Fuel types](#fuel-types)
71  - [Faults](#faults)
72    - [Flags](#flags-13)
73    - [Parameters](#parameters)
75## Notes
77- Some flags (items, effects, vehicle parts) have to be defined in `flags.json` or `vp_flags.json` (with type: `json_flag`) to work correctly.
78- Many of the flags intended for one category or item type, can be used in other categories or item types. Experiment to see where else flags can be used.
79- Offensive and defensive flags can be used on any item type that can be wielded.
82## Inheritance
84When an item is crafted, it can inherit flags from the components that were used to craft it. This requires that the flag to be inherited has the `"craft_inherit": true` entry. If you don't want a particular item to inherit flags when crafted, specify the member delete_flags, which is an array of strings. Flags specified there will be removed from the resultant item upon crafting. This will override flag inheritance, but will not delete flags that are part of the item type itself.
87## TODO
89- Descriptions for `Special attacks` under `Monsters` could stand to be more descriptive of exactly what the attack does.
90- `Ammo effects` under `Ammo` need more descriptive details, and some need to be double-checked for accuracy.
93## Ammo
95### Ammo type
97These are handled through `ammo_types.json`.  You can tag a weapon with these to have it chamber existing ammo, or make your own ammo there.  The first column in this list is the tag's "id", the internal identifier DDA uses to track the tag, and the second is a brief description of the ammo tagged.  Use the id to search for ammo listings, as ids are constant throughout DDA's code.  Happy chambering!  :-)
99- ```120mm``` 120mm HEAT
100- ```12mm``` 12mm
101- ```20x66mm``` 20x66mm Shot (and relatives)
102- ```223``` .223 Remington (and 5.56 NATO)
103- ```22``` .22LR (and relatives)
104- ```3006``` 30.06
105- ```300``` .300 WinMag
106- ```308``` .308 Winchester (and relatives)
107- ```32``` .32 ACP
108- ```36paper``` .36 cap & ball
109- ```38``` .38 Special
110- ```40``` 10mm
111- ```40mm``` 40mm Grenade
112- ```44``` .44 Magnum
113- ```44paper``` .44 cap & ball
114- ```454``` .454 Casull
115- ```45``` .45 ACP (and relatives)
116- ```46``` 46mm
117- ```500``` .500 Magnum
118- ```50``` .50 BMG
119- ```57``` 57mm
120- ```5x50``` 5x50 Dart
121- ```66mm``` 66mm HEAT
122- ```700nx``` .700 Nitro Express
123- ```762R``` 7.62x54mm
124- ```762``` 7.62x39mm
125- ```762x25``` 7.62x25mm
126- ```84x246mm``` 84x246mm HE
127- ```8x40mm``` 8mm Caseless
128- ```9mm``` 9x19mm Luger (and relatives)
129- ```9x18``` 9x18mm
130- ```BB``` BB
131- ```RPG-7``` RPG-7
132- ```UPS``` UPS charges
133- ```ammo_flintlock``` Flintlock ammo
134- ```ampoule``` Ampoule
135- ```arrow``` Arrow
136- ```battery``` Battery
137- ```blunderbuss``` Blunderbuss
138- ```bolt``` Bolt
139- ```charcoal``` Charcoal
140- ```components``` Components
141- ```dart``` Dart
142- ```diesel``` Diesel
143- ```fish_bait``` Fish bait
144- ```fishspear``` Speargun spear
145- ```fusion``` Laser Pack
146- ```gasoline``` Gasoline
147- ```homebrew_rocket``` homebrew rocket
148- ```lamp_oil``` Lamp oil
149- ```laser_capacitor``` Charge
150- ```m235``` M235 TPA (66mm Incendiary Rocket)
151- ```metal_rail``` Rebar Rail
152- ```money``` Cents
153- ```muscle``` Muscle
154- ```nail``` Nail
155- ```pebble``` Pebble
156- ```plasma``` Plasma
157- ```plutonium``` Plutonium Cell
158- ```rebreather_filter``` Rebreather filter
159- ```shot``` Shotshell
160- ```signal_flare``` Signal Flare
161- ```tape``` Duct tape
162- ```thread``` Thread
163- ```thrown``` Thrown
164- ```unfinished_char``` Semi-charred fuel
165- ```water``` Water
167### Effects
169- ```ACIDBOMB``` Leaves a pool of acid on detonation.
170- ```BEANBAG``` Stuns the target.
171- ```BLACKPOWDER``` May clog up the gun with blackpowder fouling, which will also cause rust.
172- ```BLINDS_EYES``` Blinds the target if it hits the head (ranged projectiles can't actually hit the eyes at the moment).
173- ```BOUNCE``` Inflicts target with `bounced` effect and rebounds to a nearby target without this effect.
174- ```COOKOFF``` Explodes when lit on fire.
175- ```CUSTOM_EXPLOSION``` Explosion as specified in ```"explosion"``` field of used ammo. See `JSON_INFO.md`.
176- ```DRAW_AS_LINE``` Doesn't go through regular bullet animation; instead draws a line and the bullet on its end for one frame.
177- ```EXPLOSIVE_BIG``` Large explosion without any shrapnel.
178- ```EXPLOSIVE_HUGE``` Huge explosion without any shrapnel.
179- ```EXPLOSIVE``` Explodes without any shrapnel.
180- ```FLAME``` Very small explosion that lights fires.
181- ```FLARE``` Lights the target on fire.
182- ```FLASHBANG``` Blinds and deafens nearby targets.
183- ```FRAG``` Small explosion that spreads shrapnel.
184- ```INCENDIARY``` Lights target on fire.
185- ```LARGE_BEANBAG``` Heavily stuns the target.
186- ```LASER``` Creates a trail of laser (the field type)
187- ```LIGHTNING``` Creates a trail of lightning.
188- ```MININUKE_MOD``` Small thermo-nuclear detonation that leaves behind radioactive fallout.
189- ```MUZZLE_SMOKE``` Generate a small cloud of smoke at the source.
190- ```NAPALM``` Explosion that spreads fire.
191- ```NEVER_MISFIRES``` Firing ammo without this flag may trigger a misfiring, this is independent of the weapon flags.
192- ```NOGIB``` Prevents overkill damage on the target (target won't explode into gibs, see also the monster flag NOGIB).
193- ```NO_PENETRATE_OBSTACLES``` Prevents a projectile from going through a tile with obstacles, such as chainlink fences or dressers.
194- ```TANGLE``` When this projectile hits a target, it has a chance to tangle them up and immobilise them.
195- ```NO_EMBED``` When an item would be spawned from the projectile, it will always be spawned on the ground rather than in a monster's inventory. Implied for active thrown items. Doesn't do anything on projectiles that do not drop items.
196- ```NO_ITEM_DAMAGE``` Will not damage items on the map even when it otherwise would try to.
197- ```PLASMA``` Creates a trail of superheated plasma.
198- ```RECOVER_[X]``` Has a (X-1/X) chance to create a single charge of the used ammo at the point of impact.
199- ```RECYCLED``` (For handmade ammo) causes the gun to misfire sometimes; this is independent of the weapon flags.
200- ```SHOT``` Multiple smaller pellets; less effective against armor but increases chance to hit and no point-blank penalty
201- ```SMOKE_BIG``` Generates a large cloud of smoke at the target.
202- ```SMOKE``` Generates a cloud of smoke at the target.
203- ```STREAM_BIG``` Leaves a trail of intense fire fields.
204- ```STREAM``` Leaves a trail of fire fields.
205- ```TRAIL``` Creates a trail of smoke.
206- ```WIDE``` Prevents `HARDTOSHOOT` monster flag from having any effect. Implied by ```SHOT``` or liquid ammo.
207- ```NON_FOULING``` This ammo does not cause dirtying or blackpowder fouling on the gun when fired.
210## Armor
212### Covers
214- ```ARMS``` ... same as ```ARM_L``` and ```ARM_R```
215- ```ARM_L```
216- ```ARM_R```
217- ```EYES```
218- ```FEET``` ... same as ```FOOT_L``` and ```FOOT_R```
219- ```FOOT_L```
220- ```FOOT_R```
221- ```HANDS``` ... same as ```HAND_L``` and ```HAND_R```
222- ```HAND_L```
223- ```HAND_R```
224- ```HEAD```
225- ```LEGS``` ... same as ```LEG_L``` and ```LEG_R```
226- ```LEG_L```
227- ```LEG_R```
228- ```MOUTH```
229- ```TORSO```
231### Flags
233Some armor flags, such as `WATCH` and `ALARMCLOCK` are compatible with other item types. Experiment to find which flags work elsewhere.
235- ```ACTIVE_CLOAKING``` While active, drains UPS to provide invisibility.
236- ```ALARMCLOCK``` Has an alarm-clock feature.
237- ```ALLOWS_NATURAL_ATTACKS``` Doesn't prevent any natural attacks or similar benefits from mutations, fingertip razors, etc., like most items covering the relevant body part would.
238- ```AURA``` This item goes in the outer aura layer, intended for metaphysical effects.
239- ```BAROMETER``` This gear is equipped with an accurate barometer (which is used to measure atmospheric pressure).
240- ```BELTED``` Layer for backpacks and things worn over outerwear.
241- ```BLIND``` Blinds the wearer while worn, and provides nominal protection v. flashbang flashes.
242- ```BLOCK_WHILE_WORN``` Allows worn armor or shields to be used for blocking attacks.
243- ```BULLET_IMMNUE``` Wearing an item with this flag makes you immune to bullet damage
244- ```CLIMATE_CONTROL``` This piece of clothing has climate control of some sort, keeping you warmer or cooler depending on ambient and bodily temperature.
245- ```COLLAR``` This piece of clothing has a wide collar that can keep your mouth warm.
246- ```DEAF``` Makes the player deaf.
247- ```MUTE``` Makes the player mute.
248- ```ELECTRIC_IMMUNE``` This gear completely protects you from electric discharges.
249- ```FANCY``` Wearing this clothing gives a morale bonus if the player has the `Stylish` trait.
250- ```FIX_FARSIGHT``` This gear corrects farsightedness.
251- ```FIX_NEARSIGHT``` This gear corrects nearsightedness.
252- ```FLOTATION``` Prevents the player from drowning in deep water. Also prevents diving underwater.
253- ```FRAGILE``` This gear is less resistant to damage than normal.
254- ```HELMET_COMPAT``` Items that are not SKINTIGHT or OVERSIZE but can be worn with a helmet.
255- ```HOOD``` Allow this clothing to conditionally cover the head, for additional warmth or water protection., if the player's head isn't encumbered
256- ```HYGROMETER``` This gear is equipped with an accurate hygrometer (which is used to measure humidity).
257- ```NO_TAKEOFF``` Item with that flag can't be taken off.
258- ```NO_QUICKDRAW``` Don't offer to draw items from this holster when the fire key is pressed whilst the players hands are empty
259- ```ONLY_ONE``` You can wear only one.
260- ```OUTER```  Outer garment layer.
261- ```OVERSIZE``` Can always be worn no matter what encumbrance/mutations/bionics/etc., but prevents any other clothing being worn over this.
262- ```PARTIAL_DEAF``` Reduces the volume of sounds to a safe level.
263- ```PERSONAL``` This item goes in the personal aura layer, intended for metaphysical effects.
264- ```POCKETS``` Increases warmth for hands if the player's hands are cold and the player is wielding nothing.
265- ```POWERARMOR_COMPATIBLE``` Makes item compatible with power armor despite other parameters causing failure.
266- ```PSYSHIELD_PARTIAL``` 25% chance to protect against fear_paralyze monster attack when worn.
267- ```RAD_PROOF``` This piece of clothing completely protects you from radiation.
268- ```RAD_RESIST``` This piece of clothing partially protects you from radiation.
269- ```RAINPROOF``` Prevents the covered body-part(s) from getting wet in the rain.
270- ```REQUIRES_BALANCE``` Gear that requires a certain balance to be steady with. If the player is hit while wearing, they have a chance to be downed.
271- ```RESTRICT_HANDS``` Prevents the player from wielding a weapon two-handed, forcing one-handed use if the weapon permits it.
272- ```ROLLER_ONE``` A less stable and slower version of ROLLER_QUAD, still allows the player to move faster than walking speed.
273- ```ROLLER_QUAD```The medium choice between ROLLER_INLINE and ROLLER_ONE, while it is more stable, and moves faster, it also has a harsher non-flat terrain penalty then ROLLER_ONE.
274- ```ROLLER_INLINE``` Faster, but less stable overall, the penalty for non-flat terrain is even harsher.
275- ```SEMITANGIBLE``` Prevents the item from participating in the encumbrance system when worn.
276- ```SKINTIGHT``` Undergarment layer.
277- ```SLOWS_MOVEMENT``` This piece of clothing multiplies move cost by 1.1.
278- ```SLOWS_THIRST``` This piece of clothing multiplies the rate at which the player grows thirsty by 0.70.
279- ```STURDY``` This clothing is a lot more resistant to damage than normal.
280- ```SUN_GLASSES``` Prevents glaring when in sunlight.
281- ```SUPER_FANCY``` Gives an additional moral bonus over `FANCY` if the player has the `Stylish` trait.
282- ```SWIM_GOGGLES``` Allows you to see much further under water.
283- ```THERMOMETER``` This gear is equipped with an accurate thermometer (which is used to measure temperature).
284- ```VARSIZE``` Can be made to fit via tailoring.
285- ```WAIST``` Layer for belts other things worn on the waist.
286- ```WATCH``` Acts as a watch and allows the player to see actual time.
287- ```WATERPROOF``` Prevents the covered body-part(s) from getting wet in any circumstance.
288- ```WATER_FRIENDLY``` Prevents the item from making the body part count as unfriendly to water and thus reducing morale from being wet.
291## Bionics
293- ```BIONIC_ARMOR_INTERFACE``` This bionic can provide power to powered armor.
294- ```BIONIC_FAULTY``` This bionic is a "faulty" bionic.
295- ```BIONIC_GUN``` This bionic is a gun bionic and activating it will fire it.  Prevents all other activation effects.
296- ```BIONIC_NPC_USABLE``` The NPC AI knows how to use this CBM and it can be installed on an NPC.
297- ```BIONIC_POWER_SOURCE``` This bionic is a power source bionic.
298- ```BIONIC_SLEEP_FRIENDLY``` This bionic won't prompt the user to turn it off if they try to sleep while it's active.
299- ```BIONIC_TOGGLED``` This bionic only has a function when activated, else it causes it's effect every turn.
300- ```BIONIC_WEAPON``` This bionic is a weapon bionic and activating it will create (or destroy) bionic's fake_item in user's hands.  Prevents all other activation effects.
301- ```BIONIC_SHOCKPROOF``` This bionic can't be incapacitated by electrical attacks.
304## Books
306- ```INSPIRATIONAL``` Reading this book grants bonus morale to characters with the SPIRITUAL trait.
308### Use actions
310- ```ACIDBOMB_ACT``` Get rid of it or you'll end up like that guy in Robocop.
311- ```ACIDBOMB``` Pull the pin on an acid bomb.
312- ```AUTOCLAVE``` Sterilize one CBM by autoclaving it.
313- ```ARROW_FLAMABLE``` Light your arrow and let fly.
314- ```BELL``` Ring the bell.
315- ```BOLTCUTTERS``` Use your town key to gain access anywhere.
316- ```BREAK_STICK``` Breaks long branch into two.
317- ```C4``` Arm the C4.
318- ```CABLE_ATTACH``` This item is a cable spool. Use it to try to attach to a vehicle.
319- ```CAN_GOO``` Release a little blob buddy.
320- ```CAPTURE_MONSTER_ACT``` Capture and encapsulate a monster. The associated action is also used for releasing it.
321- ```CARVER_OFF``` Turn the carver on.
322- ```CARVER_ON``` Turn the carver off.
323- ```CHAINSAW_OFF``` Turn the chainsaw on.
324- ```CHAINSAW_ON``` Turn the chainsaw off.
325- ```COMBATSAW_OFF``` Turn the combat-saw on.
326- ```COMBATSAW_ON``` Turn the combat-saw off
327- ```CROWBAR``` Pry open doors, windows, man-hole covers and many other things that need prying.
328- ```DIG``` Clear rubble.
329- ```DIRECTIONAL_ANTENNA``` Find the source of a signal with your radio.
330- ```DIVE_TANK``` Use compressed air tank to breathe.
331- ```DOG_WHISTLE``` Dogs hate this thing; your dog seems pretty cool with it though.
332- ```DOLLCHAT``` That creepy doll just keeps on talking.
333- ```ELEC_CHAINSAW_OFF``` Turn the electric chainsaw on.
334- ```ELEC_CHAINSAW_ON``` Turn the electric chainsaw off.
335- ```EXTINGUISHER``` Put out fires.
336- ```FIRECRACKER_ACT``` The saddest Fourth of July.
337- ```FIRECRACKER_PACK_ACT``` Keep the change you filthy animal.
338- ```FIRECRACKER_PACK``` Light an entire packet of firecrackers.
339- ```FIRECRACKER``` Light a singular firecracker.
340- ```FLASHBANG``` Pull the pin on a flashbang.
341- ```GEIGER``` Detect local radiation levels.
342- ```GRANADE_ACT``` Assaults enemies with source code fixes?
343- ```GRANADE``` Pull the pin on Granade.
344- ```GRENADE``` Pull the pin on a grenade.
345- ```HACKSAW``` Cut metal into chunks.
346- ```HAMMER``` Pry boards off of windows, doors and fences.
347- ```HEATPACK``` Activate the heatpack and get warm.
348- ```HEAT_FOOD``` Heat food around fires.
349- ```HOTPLATE``` Use the hotplate.
350- ```JACKHAMMER``` Bust down walls and other constructions.
351- ```JET_INJECTOR``` Inject some jet drugs right into your veins.
352- ```LAW``` Unpack the LAW for firing.
353- ```LIGHTSTRIP``` Activates the lightstrip.
354- ```LUMBER``` Cut logs into planks.
355- ```MAKEMOUND``` Make a mound of dirt.
356- ```MANHACK``` Activate a manhack.
357- ```MATCHBOMB``` Light the matchbomb.
358- ```MILITARYMAP``` Learn of local military installations, and show roads.
359- ```MININUKE``` Set the timer and run. Or hit with a hammer (not really).
360- ```MOLOTOV_LIT``` Throw it, but don't drop it.
361- ```MOLOTOV``` Light the Molotov cocktail.
362- ```MOP``` Mop up the mess.
363- ```MP3_ON``` Turn the mp3 player off.
364- ```MP3``` Turn the mp3 player on.
365- ```NOISE_EMITTER_OFF``` Turn the noise emitter on.
366- ```NOISE_EMITTER_ON``` Turn the noise emitter off.
367- ```NONE``` Do nothing.
368- ```PACK_CBM``` Put CBM in special autoclave pouch so that they stay sterile once sterilized.
369- ```PHEROMONE``` Makes zombies ignore you.
370- ```PICK_LOCK``` Pick a lock on a door. Speed and success chance are determined by skill, 'LOCKPICK' item quality and 'PERFECT_LOCKPICK' item flag
371- ```PICKAXE``` Does nothing but berate you for having it (I'm serious).
372- ```PLACE_RANDOMLY``` This is very much like the flag in the manhack iuse, it prevents the item from querying the player as to where they want the monster unloaded to, and instead chooses randomly.
373- ```PORTABLE_GAME``` Play games.
374- ```PORTAL``` Create portal traps.
375- ```RADIO_OFF``` Turn the radio on.
376- ```RADIO_ON``` Turn the radio off.
377- ```RAG``` Stop the bleeding.
378- ```RESTAURANTMAP``` Learn of local eateries, and show roads.
379- ```ROADMAP``` Learn of local common points-of-interest and show roads.
380- ```SCISSORS``` Cut up clothing.
381- ```SEED``` Asks if you are sure that you want to eat the seed. As it is better to plant seeds.
382- ```SEW``` Sew clothing.
383- ```SHELTER``` Put up a full-blown shelter.
384- ```SHOCKTONFA_OFF``` Turn the shocktonfa on.
385- ```SHOCKTONFA_ON``` Turn the shocktonfa off.
386- ```SIPHON``` Siphon liquids out of vehicle.
387- ```SMOKEBOMB_ACT``` This may be a good way to hide as a smoker.
388- ```SMOKEBOMB``` Pull the pin on a smoke bomb.
389- ```SOLARPACK_OFF``` Fold solar backpack array.
390- ```SOLARPACK``` Unfold solar backpack array.
391- ```SOLDER_WELD``` Solder or weld items, or cauterize wounds.
392- ```SPRAY_CAN``` Graffiti the town.
393- ```SURVIVORMAP``` Learn of local points-of-interest that can help you survive, and show roads.
394- ```TAZER``` Shock someone or something.
395- ```TELEPORT``` Teleport.
396- ```TORCH``` Light a torch.
397- ```TOURISTMAP``` Learn of local points-of-interest that a tourist would like to visit, and show roads.
398- ```TOWEL``` Dry your character using the item as towel.
399- ```TOW_ATTACH``` This is a tow cable, activate it to attach it to a vehicle.
400- ```TURRET``` Activate a turret.
401- ```WASH_ALL_ITEMS``` Wash items with FILTHY flag.
402- ```WASH_HARD_ITEMS``` Wash hard items with FILTHY flag.
403- ```WASH_SOFT_ITEMS``` Wash soft items with FILTHY flag.
404- ```WATER_PURIFIER``` Purify water.
407## Comestibles
409### Comestible type
411- ```DRINK```
412- ```FOOD```
413- ```MED```
415### Addiction type
417- ```alcohol```
418- ```amphetamine```
419- ```caffeine```
420- ```cocaine```
421- ```crack```
422- ```nicotine```
423- ```opiate```
424- ```sleeping pill```
426### Use action
428- ```ALCOHOL_STRONG``` Greatly increases drunkenness. Adds disease `drunk`.
429- ```ALCOHOL_WEAK``` Slightly increases drunkenness. Adds disease `drunk`
430- ```ALCOHOL``` Increases drunkenness. Adds disease `drunk`.
431- ```ANTIBIOTIC``` Helps fight infections. Removes disease `infected` and adds disease `recover`.
432- ```BANDAGE``` Stop bleeding.
433- ```BIRDFOOD``` Makes a small bird friendly.
434- ```BLECH``` Causes vomiting.
435- ```BLECH_BECAUSE_UNCLEAN``` Causes warning.
436- ```CATFOOD``` Makes a cat friendly.
437- ```CATTLEFODDER``` Makes a large herbivore friendly.
438- ```CHEW``` Displays message "You chew your %s", but otherwise does nothing.
439- ```CIG``` Alleviates nicotine cravings. Adds disease `cig`.
440- ```COKE``` Decreases hunger. Adds disease `high`.
441- ```CRACK``` Decreases hunger. Adds disease `high`.
442- ```DISINFECTANT``` Prevents infections.
443- ```DOGFOOD``` Makes a dog friendly.
444- ```FIRSTAID``` Heal.
445- ```FLUMED``` Adds disease `took_flumed`.
446- ```FLUSLEEP``` Adds disease `took_flumed` and increases fatigue.
447- ```FUNGICIDE``` Kills fungus and spores. Removes diseases `fungus` and `spores`.
448- ```HALLU``` Adds disease `hallu`.
449- ```HONEYCOMB``` Spawns wax.
450- ```INHALER``` Removes disease `asthma`.
451- ```IODINE``` Adds disease `iodine`.
452- ```MARLOSS``` "As you eat the berry, you have a near-religious experience, feeling at one with your surroundings..."
453- ```METH``` Adds disease `meth`
454- ```NONE``` "You can't do anything of interest with your [x]."
455- ```PKILL``` Reduces pain. Adds disease `pkill[n]` where `[n]` is the level of flag `PKILL_[n]` used on this comestible.
456- ```PLANTBLECH``` Causes vomiting if player does not contain plant mutations
457- ```POISON``` Adds diseases `poison` and `foodpoison`.
458- ```PROZAC``` Adds disease `took_prozac` if not currently present, otherwise acts as a minor stimulant. Rarely has the `took_prozac_bad` adverse effect.
459- ```PURIFIER``` Removes negative mutations.
460- ```SEWAGE``` Causes vomiting and a chance to mutate.
461- ```SLEEP``` Greatly increases fatigue.
462- ```THORAZINE``` Removes diseases `hallu`, `visuals`, `high`. Additionally removes disease `formication` if disease `dermatik` isn't also present. Has a chance of a negative reaction which increases fatigue.
463- ```VACCINE``` Greatly increases health.
464- ```VITAMINS``` Increases healthiness (not to be confused with HP)
465- ```WEED``` Makes you roll with Cheech & Chong. Adds disease `weed_high`.
466- ```XANAX``` Alleviates anxiety. Adds disease `took_xanax`.
468### Flags
470- ```ACID``` when consumed using the BLECH function, penalties are reduced if acidproof.
471- ```CARNIVORE_OK``` Can be eaten by characters with the Carnivore mutation.
472- ```CANT_HEAL_EVERYONE``` This med can't be used by everyone, it require a special mutation. See `can_heal_with` in mutation.
473- ```EATEN_COLD``` Morale bonus for eating cold.
474- ```EATEN_HOT``` Morale bonus for eating hot.
475- ```EDIBLE_FROZEN``` Being frozen doesn't prevent eating it. No morale bonus.
476- ```INEDIBLE``` Inedible by default, enabled to eat when in conjunction with (mutation threshold) flags: BIRD, CATTLE.
477- ```FERTILIZER``` Works as fertilizer for farming, of if this consumed with the PLANTBLECH function penalties will be reversed for plants.
478- ```FREEZERBURN``` First thaw is MUSHY, second is rotten
479- ```FUNGAL_VECTOR``` Will give a fungal infection when consumed.
480- ```HIDDEN_HALLU``` ... Food causes hallucinations, visible only with a certain survival skill level.
481- ```HIDDEN_POISON``` ... Food displays as poisonous with a certain survival skill level. Note that this doesn't make items poisonous on its own, consider adding `"use_action": [ "POISON" ]` as well, or using `FORAGE_POISON` instead.
482- ```MELTS``` Provides half fun unless frozen. Edible when frozen.
483- ```MILLABLE``` Can be placed inside a mill, to turn into flour.
484- ```MYCUS_OK``` Can be eaten by post-threshold Mycus characters. Only applies to mycus fruits by default.
485- ```NEGATIVE_MONOTONY_OK``` Allows ```negative_monotony``` property to lower comestible fun to negative values.
486- ```NO_INGEST``` Administered by some means other than oral intake.
487- ```PKILL_1``` Minor painkiller.
488- ```PKILL_2``` Moderate painkiller.
489- ```PKILL_3``` Heavy painkiller.
490- ```PKILL_4``` "You shoot up."
491- ```PKILL_L``` Slow-release painkiller.
492- ```RAW``` Reduces kcal by 25%, until cooked (that is, used in a recipe that requires a heat source). Should be added to *all* uncooked food, unless that food derives more than 50% of its calories from sugars (i.e. many fruits, some veggies) or fats (i.e. butchered fat, coconut). TODO: Make a unit test for these criteria after fat/protein/carbs are added.
493- ```SMOKABLE``` Accepted by smoking rack.
494- ```SMOKED``` Not accepted by smoking rack (product of smoking).
495- ```USE_EAT_VERB``` "You drink your %s." or "You eat your %s."
496- ```USE_ON_NPC``` Can be used on NPCs (not necessarily by them).
497- ```ZOOM``` Zoom items can increase your overmap sight range.
499## Furniture and Terrain
501List of known flags, used in both `terrain.json` and `furniture.json`.
503### Flags
505- ```ALARMED``` Sets off an alarm if smashed.
506- ```ALIGN_WORKBENCH``` (only for furniture) A hint to the tiles display that the sprite for this furniture should face toward any adjacent tile with a workbench quality.
507- ```ALLOW_FIELD_EFFECT``` Apply field effects to items inside ```SEALED``` terrain/furniture.
508- ```AUTO_WALL_SYMBOL``` (only for terrain) The symbol of this terrain will be one of the line drawings (corner, T-intersection, straight line etc.) depending on the adjacent terrains.
510    Example: `-` and `|` are both terrain with the `CONNECT_TO_WALL` flag. `O` does not have the flag, while `X` and `Y` have the `AUTO_WALL_SYMBOL` flag.
512    `X` terrain will be drawn as a T-intersection (connected to west, south and east), `Y` will be drawn as horizontal line (going from west to east, no connection to south).
513    ```
514    -X-    -Y-
515     |      O
516    ```
521- ```BARRICADABLE_DOOR``` Door that can be barricaded.
523- ```BARRICADABLE_WINDOW``` Window that can be barricaded.
524- ```BASHABLE``` Players + Monsters can bash this.
525- ```BLOCK_WIND``` This terrain will block the effects of wind.
526- ```BURROWABLE``` Burrowing monsters can travel under this terrain, while most others can't (e.g. graboid will traverse under the chain link fence, while ordinary zombie will be stopped by it).
527- ```BUTCHER_EQ``` Butcher's equipment - required for full butchery of corpses.
528- ```CAN_SIT``` Furniture the player can sit on. Player sitting near furniture with the "FLAT_SURF" tag will get mood bonus for eating.
529- ```CHIP``` Used in construction menu to determine if wall can have paint chipped off.
530- ```COLLAPSES``` Has a roof that can collapse.
531- ```CONNECT_TO_WALL``` (only for terrain) This flag has been superseded by the JSON entry `connects_to`, but is retained for backward compatibility.
532- ```CONSOLE``` Used as a computer.
533- ```CONTAINER``` Items on this square are hidden until looted by the player.
534- ```DECONSTRUCT``` Can be deconstructed.
535- ```DEEP_WATER``` This is water that can submerge the player
536- ```DESTROY_ITEM``` Items that land here are destroyed. See also `NOITEM`
537- ```DIFFICULT_Z``` Most zombies will not be able to follow you up this terrain ( i.e a ladder )
538- ```DIGGABLE_CAN_DEEPEN``` Diggable location can be dug again to make deeper (e.g. shallow pit to deep pit).
539- ```DIGGABLE``` Digging monsters, seeding monster, digging with shovel, etc.
540- ```DOOR``` Can be opened (used for NPC path-finding).
541- ```EASY_DECONSTRUCT``` Player can deconstruct this without tools.
542- ```FIRE_CONTAINER``` Stops fire from spreading (brazier, wood stove, etc.)
543- ```FLAMMABLE_ASH``` Burns to ash rather than rubble.
544- ```FLAMMABLE_HARD``` Harder to light on fire, but still possible.
545- ```FLAMMABLE``` Can be lit on fire.
546- ```FLAT_SURF``` Furniture or terrain with a flat hard surface (e.g. table, but not chair; tree stump, etc.).
547- ```FLAT``` Player can build and move furniture on.
548- ```FORAGE_HALLU``` This item can be found with the `HIDDEN_HALLU` flag when found through foraging.
549- ```FORAGE_POISION``` This item can be found with the `HIDDEN_POISON` flag when found through foraging.
550- ```GOES_DOWN``` Can use <kbd>></kbd> to go down a level.
551- ```GOES_UP``` Can use <kbd><</kbd> to go up a level.
552- ```GROWTH_SEED``` This plant is in its seed stage of growth.
553- ```GROWTH_SEEDLING``` This plant is in its seedling stage of growth.
554- ```GROWTH_MATURE``` This plant is in a mature stage of a growth.
555- ```GROWTH_HARVEST``` This plant is ready for harvest.
556- ```HARVESTED``` Marks the harvested version of a terrain type (e.g. harvesting an apple tree turns it into a harvested tree, which later becomes an apple tree again).
557- ```HIDE_PLACE``` Creatures on this tile can't be seen by creatures not standing on adjacent tiles
558- ```INDOORS``` Has a roof over it; blocks rain, sunlight, etc.
559- ```LADDER``` This piece of furniture that makes climbing easy (works only with z-level mode).
560- ```LIQUIDCONT``` Furniture that contains liquid, allows for contents to be accessed in some checks even if `SEALED`.
561- ```LIQUID``` Blocks movement, but isn't a wall (lava, water, etc.)
562- ```MINEABLE``` Can be mined with a pickaxe/jackhammer.
563- ```MOUNTABLE``` Suitable for guns with the `MOUNTED_GUN` flag.
564- ```NOCOLLIDE``` Feature that simply doesn't collide with vehicles at all.
565- ```NOITEM``` Items cannot be added here but may overflow to adjacent tiles. See also `DESTROY_ITEM`
566- ```NO_FLOOR``` Things should fall when placed on this tile
567- ```NO_PICKUP_ON_EXAMINE``` Examining this tile (<kbd>e</kbd> by default) won't open Pick Up menu even if there are items here.
568- ```NO_SIGHT``` Creature on this tile have their sight reduced to one tile
569- ```NO_SCENT``` This tile cannot have scent values, which prevents scent diffusion through this tile
570- ```NO_SHOOT``` Terrain with this flag cannot be damaged by ranged attacks, and ranged attacks will not pass through it.
571- ```NO_SPOIL``` Items placed in this tile do not spoil.
572- ```OPENCLOSE_INSIDE``` If it's a door (with an 'open' or 'close' field), it can only be opened or closed if you're inside.
573- ```PAINFUL``` May cause a small amount of pain.
574- ```PERMEABLE``` Permeable for gases.
575- ```PICKABLE``` This terrain/furniture could be picked with lockpicks.
576- ```PLACE_ITEM``` Valid terrain for `place_item()` to put items on.
577- ```PLANT``` A 'furniture' that grows and fruits.
578- ```PLANTABLE``` This terrain or furniture can have seeds planted in it.
579- ```PLOWABLE``` Terrain can be plowed.
580- ```RAMP_END```
581- ```RAMP``` Can be used to move up a z-level
582- ```REDUCE_SCENT``` Reduces scent diffusion (not total amount of scent in area); only works if also bashable.
583- ```ROAD``` Flat and hard enough to drive or skate (with rollerblades) on.
584- ```ROUGH``` May hurt the player's feet.
585- ```RUG``` Enables the `Remove Carpet` Construction entry.
586- ```SALT_WATER``` Source of salt water (works for terrains with examine action "water_source").
587- ```SEALED``` Can't use <kbd>e</kbd> to retrieve items; must smash them open first.
588- ```SEEN_FROM_ABOVE``` Visible from a higher level (provided the tile above has no floor)
589- ```SHALLOW_WATER``` This is water that is not deep enough to submerge the player.
590- ```SHARP``` May do minor damage to players/monsters passing through it.
591- ```SHORT``` Feature too short to collide with vehicle protrusions. (mirrors, blades).
592- ```SIGN``` Show written message on examine.
593- ```SMALL_PASSAGE``` This terrain or furniture is too small for large or huge creatures to pass through.
594- ```SUN_ROOF_ABOVE``` This furniture (terrain is not supported currently) has a "fake roof" above, that blocks sunlight. Special hack for #44421, to be removed later.
595- ```SUPPORTS_ROOF``` Used as a boundary for roof construction.
596- ```SUPPRESS_SMOKE``` Prevents smoke from fires; used by ventilated wood stoves, etc.
597- ```SWIMMABLE``` Player and monsters can swim through it.
598- ```THIN_OBSTACLE``` Passable by players and monsters; vehicles destroy it.
599- ```TINY``` Feature too short to collide with vehicle undercarriage. Vehicles drive over them with no damage, unless a wheel hits them.
600- ```TRANSPARENT``` Players and monsters can see through/past it. Also sets ter_t.transparent.
601- ```UNSTABLE``` Walking here cause the bouldering effect on the character.
602- ```USABLE_FIRE``` This terrain or furniture counts as a nearby fire for crafting.
603- ```WALL``` This terrain is an upright obstacle. Used for fungal conversion, and also implies `CONNECT_TO_WALL`.
604- ```WINDOW``` This terrain is a window, though it may be closed, broken, or covered up.  Used by teh tiles code to align furniture sprites away from the window.
605- ```WORKOUT_LEGS``` This furniture is for training your legs. Needed for checks like `is_limb_broken()`.
606- ```WORKOUT_ARMS``` This furniture is for training your arms. Needed for checks like `is_limb_broken()`.
608### Examine Actions
610- ```aggie_plant``` Harvest plants.
611- ```autodoc``` Brings the autodoc consoles menu. Needs the ```AUTODOC``` flag to function properly and an adjacent furniture with the ```AUTODOC_COUCH``` flag.
612- ```autoclave_empty``` Start the autoclave cycle if it contains filthy CBM, and the player has enough water.
613- ```autoclave_full``` Check on the progress of the cycle, and collect sterile CBM once cycle is completed.
614- ```bars``` Take advantage of AMORPHOUS and slip through the bars.
615- ```bulletin_board``` Use this to arrange tasks for your faction camp.
616- ```cardreader``` Use the cardreader with a valid card, or attempt to hack.
617- ```chainfence``` Hop over the chain fence.
618- ```controls_gate``` Controls the attached gate.
619- ```dirtmound``` Plant seeds and plants.
620- ```elevator``` Use the elevator to change floors.
621- ```fault``` Displays descriptive message, but otherwise unused.
622- ```flower_poppy``` Pick the mutated poppy.
623- ```fswitch``` Flip the switch and the rocks will shift.
624- ```fungus``` Release spores as the terrain crumbles away.
625- ```gaspump``` Use the gas-pump.
626- ```locked_object``` Locked, but can be pried open. Adding 'PICKABLE' flag allows opening with a lockpick as well. Prying/lockpicking results are hardcoded.
627- ```locked_object_pickable``` Locked, but can be opened with a lockpick. Requires 'PICKABLE' flag, lockpicking results are hardcoded.
628- ```none``` None
629- ```pedestal_temple``` Opens the temple if you have a petrified eye.
630- ```pedestal_wyrm``` Spawn wyrms.
631- ```pit_covered``` Uncover the pit.
632- ```pit``` Cover the pit if you have some planks of wood.
633- ```portable_structure``` Take down a tent or similar portable structure.
634- ```recycle_compactor``` Compress pure metal objects into basic shapes.
635- ```rubble``` Clear up the rubble if you have a shovel.
636- ```safe``` Attempt to crack the safe.
637- ```shelter``` Take down the shelter.
638- ```shrub_marloss``` Pick a marloss bush.
639- ```shrub_wildveggies``` Pick a wild veggies shrub.
640- ```slot_machine``` Gamble.
641- ```toilet``` Either drink or get water out of the toilet.
642- ```water_source``` Drink or get water from a water source.
644### Fungal Conversions Only
646- ```FLOWER``` This furniture is a flower.
647- ```FUNGUS``` Fungal covered.
648- ```ORGANIC``` This furniture is partly organic.
649- ```SHRUB``` This terrain is a shrub.
650- ```TREE``` This terrain is a tree.
651- ```YOUNG``` This terrain is a young tree.
653### Furniture Only
655- ```AUTODOC``` This furniture can be an autodoc console, it also needs the ```autodoc``` examine action.
656- ```AUTODOC_COUCH``` This furniture can be a couch for a furniture with the ```autodoc``` examine action.
657- ```BLOCKSDOOR``` This will boost map terrain's resistance to bashing if `str_*_blocked` is set (see `map_bash_info`)
660## Generic
662These flags can be applied via JSON item definition to most items.  Not to be confused with the set of flags listed under Tools > Flags that apply to items, which cannot be assigned via JSON.
664### Flags
666- ```BIONIC_NPC_USABLE``` ... Safe CBMs that NPCs can use without extensive NPC rewrites to utilize toggle CBMs.
667- ```BIONIC_TOGGLED``` ... This bionic only has a function when activated, instead of causing its effect every turn.
668- ```BIONIC_POWER_SOURCE``` ... This bionic is a source of bionic power.
669- ```BIONIC_SHOCKPROOF``` ... This bionic can't be incapacitated by electrical attacks.
670- ```BIONIC_FAULTY``` ... This bionic is a "faulty" bionic.
671- ```BIONIC_WEAPON``` ... This bionic is a weapon bionic and activating it will create (or destroy) its fake_item in the user's hands. Prevents all other activation effects.
672- ```BIONIC_ARMOR_INTERFACE``` ... This bionic can provide power to powered armor.
673- ```BIONIC_SLEEP_FRIENDLY``` ... This bionic won't provide a warning if the player tries to sleep while it's active.
674- ```BIONIC_GUN``` ... This bionic is a gun bionic and activating it will fire it. Prevents all other activation effects.
675- ```CORPSE``` ... Flag used to spawn various human corpses during the mapgen.
676- ```DANGEROUS``` ... NPCs will not accept this item. Explosion iuse actor implies this flag. Implies "NPC_THROW_NOW".
677- ```DETERGENT``` ... This item can be used as a detergent in a washing machine.
678- ```DURABLE_MELEE``` ... Item is made to hit stuff and it does it well, so it's considered to be a lot tougher than other weapons made of the same materials.
679- ```FAKE_MILL``` ... Item is a fake item, to denote a partially milled product by @ref Item::process_fake_mill, where conditions for its removal are set.
680- ```FAKE_SMOKE``` ... Item is a fake item generating smoke, recognizable by @ref item::process_fake_smoke, where conditions for its removal are set.
681- ```FIREWOOD``` ... This item can serve as a firewood. Items with this flag are sorted out to "Loot: Wood" zone
682- ```FRAGILE_MELEE``` ... Fragile items that fall apart easily when used as a weapon due to poor construction quality and will break into components when broken.
683- ```GAS_DISCOUNT``` ... Discount cards for the automated gas stations.
684- ```IS_PET_ARMOR``` ... Is armor for a pet monster, not armor for a person
685- ```LEAK_ALWAYS``` ... Leaks (may be combined with "RADIOACTIVE").
686- ```LEAK_DAM``` ... Leaks when damaged (may be combined with "RADIOACTIVE").
687- ```NEEDS_UNFOLD``` ... Has an additional time penalty upon wielding. For melee weapons and guns this is offset by the relevant skill. Stacks with "SLOW_WIELD".
688- ```NO_PACKED``` ... This item is not protected against contamination and won't stay sterile.  Only applies to CBMs.
689- ```NO_REPAIR``` ... Prevents repairing of this item even if otherwise suitable tools exist.
690- ```NO_SALVAGE``` ... Item cannot be broken down through a salvage process. Best used when something should not be able to be broken down (i.e. base components like leather patches).
691- ```NO_STERILE``` ... This item is not sterile.  Only applies to CBMs.
692- ```NPC_ACTIVATE``` ... NPCs can activate this item as an alternative attack. Currently done by throwing it right after activation. Implied by "BOMB".
693- ```NPC_ALT_ATTACK``` ... Shouldn't be set directly. Implied by "NPC_ACTIVATE" and "NPC_THROWN".
694- ```NPC_THROWN``` ... NPCs will throw this item (without activating it first) as an alternative attack.
695- ```NPC_THROW_NOW``` ... NPCs will try to throw this item away, preferably at enemies. Implies "TRADER_AVOID" and "NPC_THROWN".
696- ```PERFECT_LOCKPICK``` ... Item is a perfect lockpick. Takes only 5 seconds to pick a lock and never fails, but using it grants only a small amount of lock picking xp. The item should have "LOCKPICK" quality of at least 1.
697- ```PSEUDO``` ... Used internally to mark items that are referred to in the crafting inventory but are not actually items. They can be used as tools, but not as components. Implies "TRADER_AVOID".
698- ```RADIOACTIVE``` ... Is radioactive (can be used with LEAK_*).
699- ```RAIN_PROTECT``` ... Protects from sunlight and from rain, when wielded.
700- ```REDUCED_BASHING``` ... Gunmod flag; reduces the item's bashing damage by 50%.
701- ```REDUCED_WEIGHT``` ... Gunmod flag; reduces the item's base weight by 25%.
702- ```REQUIRES_TINDER``` ... Requires tinder to be present on the tile this item tries to start a fire on.
703- ```SLEEP_AID``` ... This item helps in sleeping.
704- ```SLEEP_AID_CONTAINER``` ... This item allows sleep aids inside of it to help in sleeping. (E.g. this is a pillowcase).
705- ```SLEEP_IGNORE``` ... This item is not shown as before-sleep warning.
706- ```SLOW_WIELD``` ... Has an additional time penalty upon wielding. For melee weapons and guns this is offset by the relevant skill. Stacks with "NEEDS_UNFOLD".
707- ```TACK``` ... Item can be used as tack for a mount.
708- ```TARDIS``` ... Container item with this flag bypasses internal checks for pocket data, so inside it could be bigger than on the outside, and could hold items that otherwise won't fit its dimensions.
709- ```TIE_UP``` ... Item can be used to tie up a creature.
710- ```TINDER``` ... This item can be used as tinder for lighting a fire with a REQUIRES_TINDER flagged firestarter.
711- ```TRADER_AVOID``` ... NPCs will not start with this item. Use this for active items (e.g. flashlight (on)), dangerous items (e.g. active bomb), fake items or unusual items (e.g. unique quest item).
712- ```TRADER_KEEP``` ... NPCs will not trade this item away under any circumstances.
713- ```TRADER_KEEP_EQUIPPED``` ... NPCs will only trade this item if they aren't currently wearing or wielding it.
714- ```UNBREAKABLE_MELEE``` ... Never gets damaged when used as melee weapon.
715- ```UNRECOVERABLE``` ... Cannot be recovered from a disassembly.
716- ```ZERO_WEIGHT``` Normally items with zero weight will generate an error.
717  Use this flag to indicate that zero weight is intentional and suppress that
718  error.
721## Guns
723- ```BACKBLAST``` Causes a small explosion behind the person firing the weapon. Currently not implemented?
724- ```BIPOD``` Handling bonus only applies on MOUNTABLE map/vehicle tiles. Does not include wield time penalty (see SLOW_WIELD).
725- ```CHARGE``` Has to be charged to fire. Higher charges do more damage.
726- ```COLLAPSIBLE_STOCK``` Reduces weapon volume proportional to the base size of the gun (excluding any mods). Does not include wield time penalty (see NEEDS_UNFOLD).
727- ```CONSUMABLE``` Makes a gunpart have a chance to get damaged depending on ammo fired, and definable fields 'consume_chance' and 'consume_divisor'.
728- ```DISABLE_SIGHTS``` Prevents use of the base weapon sights
729- ```FIRE_TWOHAND``` Gun can only be fired if player has two free hands.
730- ```IRREMOVABLE``` Makes so that the gunmod cannot be removed.
731- ```MECH_BAT```    This is an exotic battery designed to power military mechs.
732- ```MOUNTED_GUN``` Gun can only be used on terrain / furniture with the "MOUNTABLE" flag.
733- ```NEVER_JAMS``` Never malfunctions.
734- ```NO_UNLOAD``` Cannot be unloaded.
735- ```PRIMITIVE_RANGED_WEAPON``` Allows using non-gunsmith tools to repair (but not reinforce) it.
736- ```PUMP_ACTION``` Gun has a rails on its pump action, allowing to install only mods with PUMP_RAIL_COMPATIBLE flag on underbarrel slot.
737- ```PUMP_RAIL_COMPATIBLE``` Mod can be installed on underbarrel slot of guns with rails on their pump action.
738- ```RELOAD_AND_SHOOT``` Firing automatically reloads and then shoots.
739- ```RELOAD_EJECT``` Ejects shell from gun on reload instead of when fired.
740- ```RELOAD_ONE``` Only reloads one round at a time.
741- ```STR_DRAW``` Range with this weapon is reduced unless character has at least twice the required minimum strength
742- ```STR_RELOAD``` Reload speed is affected by strength.
743- ```UNDERWATER_GUN``` Gun is optimized for usage underwater, does perform badly outside of water.
744- ```WATERPROOF_GUN``` Gun does not rust and can be used underwater.
745- ```NON_FOULING``` Gun does not become dirty or blackpowder fouled.
747### Firing modes
749- ```MELEE``` Melee attack using properties of the gun or auxiliary gunmod
750- ```NPC_AVOID``` NPC's will not attempt to use this mode
751- ```SIMULTANEOUS``` All rounds fired concurrently (not sequentially) with recoil added only once (at the end)
754## Magazines
756- ```MAG_BULKY``` Can be stashed in an appropriate oversize ammo pouch (intended for bulky or awkwardly shaped magazines)
757- ```MAG_COMPACT``` Can be stashed in an appropriate ammo pouch (intended for compact magazines)
758- ```MAG_DESTROY``` Magazine is destroyed when the last round is consumed (intended for ammo belts). Has precedence over MAG_EJECT.
759- ```MAG_EJECT``` Magazine is ejected from the gun/tool when the last round is consumed
760- ```SPEEDLOADER``` Acts like a magazine, except it transfers rounds to the target gun instead of being inserted into it.
765- ```mx_bandits_block``` ...  Road block made by bandits from tree logs.
766- ```mx_burned_ground``` ... Fire has ravaged this place.
767- ```mx_point_burned_ground``` ... Fire has ravaged this place. (partial application)
768- ```mx_casings``` ... Several types of spent casings (solitary, groups, entire overmap tile)
769- ```mx_clay_deposit``` ... A small surface clay deposit.
770- ```mx_clearcut``` ... All trees become stumps.
771- ```mx_collegekids``` ... Corpses and items.
772- ```mx_corpses``` ... Up to 5 corpses with everyday loot.
773- ```mx_crater``` ... Crater with rubble (and radioactivity).
774- ```mx_drugdeal``` ... Corpses and some drugs.
775- ```mx_dead_vegetation``` ... Kills all plants. (aftermath of acid rain etc.)
776- ```mx_point_dead_vegetation``` ... Kills all plants. (aftermath of acid rain etc.) (partial application)
777- ```mx_grove``` ... All trees and shrubs become a single species of tree.
778- ```mx_grave``` ... A grave in the open field, with a corpse and some everyday loot.
779- ```mx_helicopter``` ... Metal wreckage and some items.
780- ```mx_jabberwock``` ... A *chance* of a jabberwock.
781- ```mx_looters``` ... Up to 5 bandits spawn in the building.
782- ```mx_marloss_pilgrimage``` A sect of people worshiping fungaloids.
783- ```mx_mayhem``` ... Several types of road mayhem (firefights, crashed cars etc).
784- ```mx_military``` ... Corpses and some military items.
785- ```mx_minefield``` ... A military roadblock at the entry of the bridges with landmines scattered in the front of it.
786- ```mx_null``` ... No special at all.
787- ```mx_pond``` ... A small pond.
788- ```mx_portal_in``` ... Another portal to neither space.
789- ```mx_portal``` ... Portal to neither space, with several types of surrounding environment.
790- ```mx_roadblock``` ... Roadblock furniture with turrets and some cars.
791- ```mx_roadworks``` ... Partially closed damaged road with chance of work equipment and utility vehicles.
792- ```mx_science``` ... Corpses and some scientist items.
793- ```mx_shia``` ... A *chance* of Shia, if Crazy Catalcysm is enabled.
794- ```mx_shrubbery``` ... All trees and shrubs become a single species of shrub.
795- ```mx_spider``` ... A big spider web, complete with spiders and eggs.
796- ```mx_supplydrop``` ... Crates with some military items in it.
797- ```mx_reed``` ... Extra water vegetation.
800## Material Phases
802- ```GAS```
803- ```LIQUID```
804- ```NULL```
805- ```PLASMA```
806- ```SOLID```
809## Melee
811### Flags
813- ```ALWAYS_TWOHAND``` Item is always wielded with two hands. Without this, the items volume and weight are used to calculate this.
814- ```DIAMOND``` Diamond coating adds 30% bonus to cutting and piercing damage
815- ```MESSY``` Creates more mess when pulping
816- ```NO_CVD``` Item can never be used with a CVD machine
817- ```NO_RELOAD``` Item can never be reloaded (even if has a valid ammo type).
818- ```NO_UNWIELD``` Cannot unwield this item. Fake weapons and tools produced by bionics should have this flag. Such items support unwield as a special case.
819- ```POLEARM``` Item is clumsy up close and does 70% of normal damage against adjacent targets.  Should be paired with REACH_ATTACK.  Simple reach piercing weapons like spears should not get this flag.
820- ```REACH_ATTACK``` Allows performing a reach attack.
821- ```SHEATH_KNIFE``` Item can be sheathed in a knife sheath, it applicable to small/medium knives (with volume not bigger than 2)
822- ```SHEATH_SWORD``` Item can be sheathed in a sword scabbard
823- ```SPEAR``` When making reach attacks intervening THIN_OBSTACLE terrain is not an obstacle.  Should be paired with REACH_ATTACK.
824- ```UNARMED_WEAPON``` Wielding this item still counts as unarmed combat.
825- ```WHIP``` Has a chance of disarming the opponent.
828## Monster Groups
830The condition flags limit when monsters can spawn.
832### Seasons
834Multiple season conditions will be combined together so that any of those conditions become valid time of year spawn times.
836- ```AUTUMN```
837- ```SPRING```
838- ```SUMMER```
839- ```WINTER```
841### Time of day
843Multiple time of day conditions will be combined together so that any of those conditions become valid time of day spawn times.
845- ```DAWN```
846- ```DAY```
847- ```DUSK```
848- ```NIGHT```
851## Monsters
853Flags used to describe monsters and define their properties and abilities.
855### Anger, Fear and Placation Triggers
857- ```FIRE``` There's a fire nearby.
858- ```FRIEND_ATTACKED``` A monster of the same type was attacked.
859- ```FRIEND_DIED``` A monster of the same type died.
860- ```HURT``` The monster is hurt.
861- ```MEAT``` Meat or a corpse is nearby. - Currently nonfunctional!
862- ```NULL``` Source use only?
863- ```PLAYER_CLOSE``` The player gets within a few tiles distance.
864- ```PLAYER_WEAK``` The player is hurt.
865- ```SOUND``` Heard a sound.
866- ```STALK``` Increases if already angry at the player.
868### Categories
870- ```CLASSIC``` Only monsters we expect in a classic zombie movie.
871- ```NULL``` No category.
872- ```WILDLIFE``` Natural animals.
874### Death Functions
876Multiple death functions can be used. Not all combinations make sense.
878- ```ACID``` Acid instead of a body. not the same as the ACID_BLOOD flag. In most cases you want both.
879- ```AMIGARA``` Removes hypnosis if the last one.
880- ```BLOBSPLIT``` Creates more blobs.
881- ```BOOMER``` Explodes in vomit.
882- ```BROKEN``` Spawns a broken robot item; its id is calculated like this: the prefix "mon_" is removed from the monster id, than the prefix "broken_" is added. Example: mon_eyebot -> broken_eyebot
883- ```DISAPPEAR``` Hallucination disappears.
884- ```DISINTEGRATE``` Falls apart.
885- ```EXPLODE``` Damaging explosion.
886- ```FIREBALL``` 10 percent chance to explode in a fireball.
887- ```FLAME_EXPLOSION``` guaranteed to explode and starts fires.
888- ```FUNGUS``` Explodes in spores.
889- ```GAMEOVER``` Game over man! Game over! Defense mode.
890- ```GUILT``` Morale penalty. There is also a flag with a similar effect.
891- ```KILL_BREATHERS``` All breathers die.
892- ```KILL_VINES``` Kill all nearby vines.
893- ```MELT``` Normal death, but melts.
894- ```NORMAL``` Drop a body, leave gibs.
895- ```RATKING``` Cure verminitis.
896- ```SMOKEBURST``` Explode like a huge smoke bomb.
897- ```THING``` Turn into a full thing.
898- ```TRIFFID_HEART``` Destroys all roots.
899- ```VINE_CUT``` Kill adjacent vine if it's cut.
900- ```WORM``` Spawns 2 half-worms
902### Flags
904Other monster flags.
906- ```ABSORBS_SPLITS``` Consumes objects it moves over, and if it absorbs enough it will split into a copy.
907- ```ABSORBS``` Consumes objects it moves over. (Modders use this).
908- ```ACIDPROOF``` Immune to acid.
909- ```ACIDTRAIL``` Leaves a trail of acid.
910- ```ACID_BLOOD``` Makes monster bleed acid. Fun stuff! Does not automatically dissolve in a pool of acid on death.
911- ```ANIMAL``` Is an _animal_ for purposes of the `Animal Empathy` trait.
912- ```AQUATIC``` Confined to water.
913- ```ARTHROPOD_BLOOD``` Forces monster to bleed hemolymph.
914- ```ATTACKMON``` Attacks other monsters.
915- ```BADVENOM``` Attack may **severely** poison the player.
916- ```BASHES``` Bashes down doors.
917- ```BILE_BLOOD``` Makes monster bleed bile.
918- ```BIRDFOOD``` Becomes friendly / tamed with bird food.
919- ```BONES``` May produce bones and sinews when butchered.
920- ```BORES``` Tunnels through just about anything (15x bash multiplier: dark wyrms' bash skill 12->180)
921- ```CAN_DIG``` Can dig _and_ walk.
922- ```CAN_OPEN_DOORS``` Can open doors on its path.
923- ```CANPLAY``` This creature can be played with if it's a pet.
924- ```CATFOOD``` Becomes friendly / tamed with cat food.
925- ```CATTLEFODDER``` Becomes friendly / tamed with cattle fodder.
926- ```CBM_CIV``` May produce a common and a power CBM when butchered.
927- ```CBM_OP``` May produce a CBM or two from 'bionics_op' item group when butchered.
928- ```CBM_POWER``` May produce a power CBM when butchered, independent of other CBMs.
929- ```CBM_SCI``` May produce a CBM from 'bionics_sci' item group when butchered.
930- ```CBM_SUBS``` May produce a CBM or two from bionics_subs and a power CBM when butchered.
931- ```CBM_TECH``` May produce a CBM or two from 'bionics_tech' item group and a power CBM when butchered.
932- ```CHITIN``` May produce chitin when butchered.
933- ```CLIMBS``` Can climb over fences or similar obstacles quickly.
934- ```COLDPROOF``` Immune to cold damage.
935- ```CURRENT``` this water is flowing.
936- ```DESTROYS``` Bashes down walls and more. (2.5x bash multiplier, where base is the critter's max melee bashing)
937- ```DIGS``` Digs through the ground.
938- ```DOGFOOD``` Becomes friendly / tamed with dog food.
939- ```DRIPS_GASOLINE``` Occasionally drips gasoline on move.
940- ```DRIPS_NAPALM``` Occasionally drips napalm on move.
941- ```ELECTRIC``` Shocks unarmed attackers.
942- ```ELECTRONIC``` e.g. A Robot; affected by emp blasts and other stuff.
943- ```FAT``` May produce fat when butchered.
944- ```FILTHY``` Any clothing it drops will be filthy.  The squeamish trait prevents wearing clothing with this flag, one can't craft anything from filthy components, and wearing filthy clothes may result in infection if hit in melee.
945- ```FIREPROOF``` Immune to fire.
946- ```FIREY``` Burns stuff and is immune to fire.
947- ```FISHABLE``` It is fishable.
948- ```FLAMMABLE``` Monster catches fire, burns, and spreads fire to nearby objects.
949- ```FLIES``` Can fly (over water, etc.)
950- ```FUR``` May produce fur when butchered.
951- ```GOODHEARING``` Pursues sounds more than most monsters.
952- ```GRABS``` Its attacks may grab you!
953- ```GROUP_BASH``` Gets help from monsters around it when bashing.
954- ```GROUP_MORALE``` More courageous when near friends.
955- ```GUILT``` You feel guilty for killing it.
956- ```HARDTOSHOOT``` It's one size smaller for ranged attacks, no less then MS_TINY
957- ```HEARS``` It can hear you.
958- ```HIT_AND_RUN``` Flee for several turns after a melee attack.
959- ```INSECTICIDEPROOF``` It's immune to insecticide even though it's made of bug flesh ("iflesh").
960- ```HUMAN``` It's a live human, as long as it's alive.
961- ```CONSOLE_DESPAWN``` Despawns when a nearby console is properly hacked.
962- ```IMMOBILE``` Doesn't move (e.g. turrets)
963- ```ID_CARD_DESPAWN``` Despawns when a science ID card is used on a nearby console
964- ```INTERIOR_AMMO``` Monster contains ammo inside itself, no need to load on launch. Prevents ammo from being dropped on disable.
965- ```KEENNOSE``` Keen sense of smell.
966- ```LARVA``` Creature is a larva. Currently used for gib and blood handling.
967- ```LEATHER``` May produce leather when butchered.
968- ```LOUDMOVES``` Makes move noises as if ~2 sizes louder, even if flying.
969- ```MECH_RECON_VISION``` This mech grants you night-vision and enhanced overmap sight radius when piloted.
970- ```MECH_DEFENSIVE``` This mech can protect you thoroughly when piloted.
971- ```MILITARY_MECH``` Is a military-grade mech.
972- ```MILKABLE``` Produces milk when milked.
973- ```NIGHT_INVISIBILITY``` Monster becomes invisible if it's more than one tile away and the lighting on its tile is LL_LOW or less. Visibility is not affected by night vision.
974- ```NOT_HALLUCINATION``` This monster does not appear while the player is hallucinating.
975- ```NOGIB``` Does not leave gibs / meat chunks when killed with huge damage.
976- ```NOHEAD``` Headshots not allowed!
977- ```NO_BREATHE``` Creature can't drown and is unharmed by gas, smoke or poison.
978- ```NO_BREED``` Creature doesn't reproduce even though it has reproduction data - useful when using copy-from to make child versions of adult creatures
979- ```PAY_BOT``` Creature can be turned into a pet for a limited time in exchange of e-money.
980- ```PET_MOUNTABLE``` Creature can be ridden or attached to an harness.
981- ```PET_HARNESSABLE```Creature can be attached to an harness.
982- ```NULL``` Source use only.
983- ```PACIFIST``` Monster will never do melee attacks.
984- ```PARALYZE``` Attack may paralyze the player with venom.
985- ```PLASTIC``` Absorbs physical damage to a great degree.
986- ```POISON``` Poisonous to eat.
987- ```PUSH_MON``` Can push creatures out of its way.
988- ```QUEEN``` When it dies, local populations start to die off too.
989- ```RANGED_ATTACKER``` Monster has any sort of ranged attack.
990- ```REVIVES``` Monster corpse will revive after a short period of time.
991- ```RIDEABLE_MECH``` This monster is a mech suit that can be piloted.
992- ```SEES``` It can see you (and will run/follow).
993- ```SHEARABLE``` This monster can be sheared for wool.
994- ```SLUDGEPROOF``` Ignores the effect of sludge trails.
995- ```SLUDGETRAIL``` Causes the monster to leave a sludge trap trail when moving.
996- ```SMELLS``` It can smell you.
997- ```STUMBLES``` Stumbles in its movement.
998- ```SUNDEATH``` Dies in full sunlight.
999- ```SWARMS``` Groups together and forms loose packs.
1000- ```SWIMS``` Treats water as 50 movement point terrain.
1001- ```VENOM``` Attack may poison the player.
1002- ```VERMIN``` Obsolete flag for inconsequential monsters, now prevents loading.
1003- ```WARM``` Warm blooded.
1004- ```WEBWALK``` Doesn't destroy webs and won't get caught in them.
1005- ```WOOL``` May produce wool when butchered.
1007### Monster Defense and Attacks
1009- ```ACIDSPLASH``` Splashes acid on the attacker
1010- ```NONE``` No special attack-back
1011- ```ZAPBACK``` Shocks attacker on hit
1013### Sizes
1015Monster physical sizes.
1017- ```HUGE``` Tank
1018- ```LARGE``` Cow
1019- ```MEDIUM``` Human
1020- ```SMALL``` Dog
1021- ```TINY``` Squirrel
1023### Special attacks
1025Some special attacks are also valid use actions for tools and weapons.
1026See `monsters.json` for examples on how to use these attacks.
1027Also see `monster_attacks.json` for more special attacks, for example, impale and scratch.
1029- ```ABSORB_MEAT``` Absorbs adjacent meat items (maximal absorbable item volume depends on the monster's volume), regenerating health in the process.
1030- ```ACID_ACCURATE``` Shoots acid that is accurate at long ranges, but less so up close.
1031- ```ACID_BARF``` Barfs corroding, blinding acid.
1032- ```ACID``` Spits acid.
1033- ```ANTQUEEN``` Hatches/grows: `egg > ant > soldier`.
1034- ```BIO_OP_BIOJUTSU``` Attack with any of the below martial art attacks.
1035- ```BIO_OP_TAKEDOWN``` Takedown attack, bashes either the target's head or torso and inflicts `downed`.
1036- ```BIO_OP_DISARM``` Disarming attack, does no damage.
1037- ```BIO_OP_IMPALE``` Stabbing attack, deals heavy damage and has a chance to cause bleeding .
1038- ```BITE``` Bite attack that can cause deep infected wounds if the target is `grabbed` at the same time.
1039- ```BOOMER_GLOW``` Spit glowing bile.
1040- ```BOOMER``` Spit bile.
1041- ```BRANDISH``` Brandish a knife at the player.
1042- ```BREATHE``` Spawns a `breather` - `breather hub` only!
1043- ```CALLBLOBS``` Calls 2/3 of nearby blobs to defend this monster, and sends 1/3 of nearby blobs after the player.
1044- ```CHICKENBOT``` LEGACY - Robot can attack with tazer, M4, or MGL depending on distance.
1045- ```COPBOT``` Cop-bot warns then tazes the player.
1046- ```DANCE``` Monster dances.
1047- ```DARKMAN``` Can cause darkness and wraiths to spawn.
1048- ```DERMATIK_GROWTH``` Dermatik larva grows into an adult - obsoleted by them using `age_grow`.
1049- ```DERMATIK``` Attempts to lay dermatik eggs in the player.
1050- ```DISAPPEAR``` Hallucination (or other unusual monster) disappears.
1051- ```DOGTHING``` The dog _thing_ spawns into a tentacle dog.
1052- ```EAT_CROP``` The monster eats an adjacent planted crop.
1053- ```EAT_FOOD``` The monster eats an adjacent non-seed food item (apart from their own eggs and food with fun < -20).
1054- ```EVOLVE_KILL_STRIKE``` Damages the target's torso (damage scales with monster's melee dice), if it succeeds in killing a fleshy target the monster will upgrade to its next evolution.
1055- ```FEAR_PARALYZE``` Paralyze the player with fear.
1056- ```FLAMETHROWER``` Shoots a stream of fire.
1057- ```FLESH_GOLEM``` Attack the player with 5-10 bash, has a chance to inflict `downed` if the attack connects. Also roars menacingly for some reason.
1058- ```FLESH_TENDRIL``` Spawns gangrenous impalers or crawlers, pulls targets close when 4 > range > 1, either flings or grabs them when adjacent.
1059- ```FORMBLOB``` Attacks a neighboring tile, effect depends on the tile's inhabitant: spawns small slimes depending on its speed if empty, slimes players/NPCs, speeds up friendly slimes, heals brain slimes, converts nonfriendly flesh/veggy non-huge monsters to slimes of appropriate size.  Decreases in size if it did any of those and its current speed is below a threshold.
1060- ```FRAG_TUR``` MGL fires frag rounds.
1061- ```FUNGAL_TRAIL``` Spreads fungal terrain.
1062- ```FUNGUS_BIG_BLOSSOM``` Spreads fire suppressing fungal haze.
1063- ```FUNGUS_BRISTLE``` Perform barbed tendril attack that can cause fungal infections.
1064- ```FUNGUS_CORPORATE``` Used solely by Crazy Cataclysm. This will cause runtime errors if used without, and spawns SpOreos on top of the creature.
1065- ```FUNGUS_FORTIFY``` Grows fungal hedgerows, and advances player on the mycus threshold path.
1066- ```FUNGUS_GROWTH``` Grows a young fungaloid into an adult.
1067- ```FUNGUS_HAZE``` Spawns fungal fields.
1068- ```FUNGUS_INJECT``` Perform needle attack that can cause fungal infections.
1069- ```FUNGUS_SPROUT``` Grows a fungal wall.
1070- ```FUNGUS``` Releases fungal spores and attempts to infect the player.
1071- ```GENERATOR``` Regenerates health, humms.
1072- ```GENE_STING``` Shoot a dart at the player that causes a mutation if it connects.
1073- ```GRAB_DRAG``` GRAB the target, and drag it around - dragging is resistable depending on the size difference and the melee dice of the attacker.
1074- ```GRAB``` Grabs the player, slowing on hit, making movement and dodging impossible and blocking harder.
1075- ```GROWPLANTS``` Spawns underbrush, or promotes it to `> young tree > tree`. Can destroy bashable terrain or do damage if it hits something.
1076- ```GROW_VINE``` Grows creeper vines.
1077- ```GRENADIER``` Deploys tear gas/pacification/flashbang/c4 hacks from its ammo.
1078- ```GRENADIER_ELITE``` Deploys grenade/flashbang/c4/mininuke hacks from its ammo.
1079- ```HOWL``` "an ear-piercing howl!"
1080- ```IMPALE``` Stabbing attack agains the target's torso, with a chance to down (superseded by the JSON-defined `impale` attack)
1081- ```JACKSON``` Converts zombies into zombie dancers (until its death).
1082- ```KAMIKAZE``` Detonates its defined ammo after a countdown (calculated automatically to hopefully almost catch up to a running player).
1083- ```LASER``` Laser turret fires.
1084- ```LEAP``` leap away to an unobstructed tile.
1085- ```LEECH_SPAWNER``` Spawns root runners or root drones, low chance of upgrading itself into a leech stalk.
1086- ```LONGSWIPE``` Claw attack with 3-10 cut damage, which can even hit 3 tiles away. If targeting an adjacent enemy it always hits the head and causes heavy bleeding.
1087- ```LUNGE``` Perform a jumping attack from some distance away, which can down the target.
1088- ```MON_LEECH_EVOLUTION``` Evolves a leech plant into a leech blossom if no other blossoms are in sight.
1089- ```MULTI_ROBOT``` Robot can attack with tazer, flamethrower, M4, MGL, or 120mm cannon depending on distance.
1090- ```NONE``` No special attack.
1091- ```PARA_STING``` Shoot a paralyzing dart at the player.
1092- ```PARROT``` Parrots the speech defined in `speech.json`, picks one of the lines randomly. "speaker" points to a monster id.
1093- ```PARROT_AT_DANGER``` Performs the same function as PARROT, but only if the creature sees an angry monster from a hostile faction.
1094- ```PAID_BOT```  For creature with PAY_BOT flag, removes the ally status when the pet effect runs out.
1095- ```PHOTOGRAPH``` Photograph the player. Causes a robot attack?
1096- ```PLANT``` Fungal spores take seed and grow into a fungaloid.
1097- ```PULL_METAL_WEAPON``` Pulls any weapon that's made of iron or steel from the player's hand.
1098- ```RANGED_PULL``` Pulls targets towards attacker from 3 tiles range, dodgable but not resistable.
1099- ```RATKING``` Inflicts disease `rat`
1100- ```RATTLE``` "a sibilant rattling sound!"
1101- ```RESURRECT``` Revives the dead--again.
1102- ```RIFLE_TUR``` Rifle turret fires.
1103- ```RIOTBOT``` Sprays teargas or relaxation gas, can handcuff players, and can use a blinding flash.
1104- ```SCIENCE``` Various science/technology related attacks (e.g. manhacks, radioactive beams, etc.)
1105- ```SEARCHLIGHT``` Tracks targets with a searchlight.
1106- ```SHOCKING_REVEAL``` Shoots bolts of lightning, and reveals a SHOCKING FACT! Very fourth-wall breaking. Used solely by Crazy Cataclysm.
1107- ```SHOCKSTORM``` Shoots bolts of lightning.
1108- ```SHRIEK_ALERT``` "a very terrible shriek!" - louder than for SHRIEK
1109- ```SHRIEK_STUN``` "a stunning shriek!", causes a small bash, can cause a stun.
1110- ```SHRIEK``` "a terrible shriek!"
1111- ```SLIMESPRING``` Can provide a morale boost to the player, and cure bite and bleed effects.
1112- ```SMASH``` Smashes the target for massive damage, sending it flying for a number of tiles equal to `("melee_dice" * "melee_dice_sides" * 3) / 10`.
1113- ```SPIT_SAP``` Spit sap (acid damage, 12 range).
1114- ```STARE``` Stare at the player and inflict ramping debuffs (`taint>tindrift`).
1115- ```STRETCH_ATTACK``` Ranged (3 tiles) piercing attack, doing 5-10 damage.
1116- ```STRETCH_BITE``` Ranged (3 tiles) bite attack, doing stab damage and potentially infecting without grabbing.
1117- ```SUICIDE``` Dies after attacking.
1118- ```TAZER``` Shock the player.
1119- ```TENTACLE``` Lashes a tentacle at an enemy, doing bash damage at 3 tiles range.
1120- ```TINDALOS_TELEPORT``` Spawns afterimages, teleports to corners nearer to its target.
1121- ```TRIFFID_GROWTH``` Young triffid grows into an adult.
1122- ```TRIFFID_HEARTBEAT``` Grows and crumbles root walls around the player, and spawns more monsters.
1123- ```UPGRADE``` Upgrades one of the non-hostile surrounding monsters, gets angry if it finds no targets to upgrade.
1124- ```VINE``` Attacks with vine.
1125- ```ZOMBIE_FUSE``` Absorbs an adjacent creature, healing and becoming less likely to fuse for 10 days.
1128## Mutations
1130#### Flags
1132- ```UNARMED_BONUS``` You get a bonus to unarmed bash and cut damage equal to unarmed_skill/2 up to 4.
1134### Categories
1136These branches are also the valid entries for the categories of `dreams` in `dreams.json`
1138- ```MUTCAT_ALPHA``` "You feel...better. Somehow."
1139- ```MUTCAT_BEAST``` "Your heart races and you see blood for a moment."
1140- ```MUTCAT_BIRD``` "Your body lightens and you long for the sky."
1141- ```MUTCAT_CATTLE``` "Your mind and body slow down. You feel peaceful."
1142- ```MUTCAT_CEPHALOPOD``` "Your mind is overcome by images of eldritch horrors...and then they pass."
1143- ```MUTCAT_CHIMERA``` "You need to roar, bask, bite, and flap. NOW."
1144- ```MUTCAT_ELFA``` "Nature is becoming one with you..."
1145- ```MUTCAT_FISH``` "You are overcome by an overwhelming longing for the ocean."
1146- ```MUTCAT_INSECT``` "You hear buzzing, and feel your body harden."
1147- ```MUTCAT_LIZARD``` "For a heartbeat, your body cools down."
1148- ```MUTCAT_MEDICAL``` "Your can feel the blood rushing through your veins and a strange, medicated feeling washes over your senses."
1149- ```MUTCAT_PLANT``` "You feel much closer to nature."
1150- ```MUTCAT_RAPTOR``` "Mmm...sweet bloody flavor...tastes like victory."
1151- ```MUTCAT_RAT``` "You feel a momentary nausea."
1152- ```MUTCAT_SLIME``` "Your body loses all rigidity for a moment."
1153- ```MUTCAT_SPIDER``` "You feel insidious."
1154- ```MUTCAT_TROGLOBITE``` "You yearn for a cool, dark place to hide."
1157## Overmap
1159### Overmap connections
1161- ```ORTHOGONAL``` The connection generally prefers straight lines, avoids turning wherever possible.
1163### Overmap specials
1165#### Flags
1167- ```BEE``` Location is related to bees. Used to classify location.
1168- ```BLOB``` Location should "blob" outward from the defined location with a chance to be placed in adjacent locations.
1169- ```CLASSIC``` Location is allowed when classic zombies are enabled.
1170- ```FARM```
1171- ```FUNGAL``` Location is related to fungi. Used to classify location.
1172- ```LAKE``` Location is is placed on a lake and will be ignored for placement if the overmap doesn't contain any lake terrain.
1173- ```MI-GO``` Location is related to mi-go.
1174- ```TRIFFID``` Location is related to triffids. Used to classify location.
1175- ```UNIQUE``` Location is unique and will only occur once per overmap. `occurrences` is overridden to define a percent chance (e.g. `"occurrences" : [75, 100]` is 75%)
1176- ```URBAN```
1177- ```WILDERNESS```
1179### Overmap terrains
1181#### Flags
1183- ```KNOWN_DOWN``` There's a known way down.
1184- ```KNOWN_UP``` There's a known way up.
1185- ```LINEAR``` For roads etc, which use ID_straight, ID_curved, ID_tee, ID_four_way.
1186- ```NO_ROTATE``` The terrain can't be rotated (ID_north, ID_east, ID_south, and ID_west instances will NOT be generated, just ID).
1187- ```RIVER``` It's a river tile.
1188- ```SIDEWALK``` Has sidewalks on the sides adjacent to roads.
1189- ```LAKE``` Consider this location to be a valid lake terrain for mapgen purposes.
1190- ```LAKE_SHORE``` Consider this location to be a valid lake shore terrain for mapgen purposes.
1191- ```SOURCE_FUEL``` For NPC AI, this location may contain fuel for looting.
1192- ```SOURCE_FOOD``` For NPC AI, this location may contain food for looting.
1193- ```SOURCE_FARMING``` For NPC AI, this location may contain useful farming supplies for looting.
1194- ```SOURCE_FABRICATION``` For NPC AI, this location may contain fabrication tools and components for looting.
1195- ```SOURCE_GUN``` For NPC AI, this location may contain guns for looting.
1196- ```SOURCE_AMMO``` For NPC AI, this location may contain ammo for looting.
1197- ```SOURCE_BOOKS``` For NPC AI, this location may contain books for looting.
1198- ```SOURCE_WEAPON``` For NPC AI, this location may contain weapons for looting.
1199- ```SOURCE_FORAGE``` For NPC AI, this location may contain plants to forage.
1200- ```SOURCE_COOKING``` For NPC AI, this location may contain useful tools and ingredients to aid in cooking.
1201- ```SOURCE_TAILORING``` For NPC AI, this location may contain useful tools for tailoring.
1202- ```SOURCE_DRINK``` For NPC AI, this location may contain drink for looting.
1203- ```SOURCE_VEHICLES``` For NPC AI, this location may contain vehicles/parts/vehicle tools, to loot.
1204- ```SOURCE_ELECTRONICS``` For NPC AI, this location may contain useful electronics to loot.
1205- ```SOURCE_CONSTRUCTION``` For NPC AI, this location may contain useful tools/components for construction.
1206- ```SOURCE_CHEMISTRY``` For NPC AI, this location may contain useful chemistry tools/components.
1207- ```SOURCE_CLOTHING``` For NPC AI, this location may contain useful clothing to loot.
1208- ```SOURCE_SAFETY``` For NPC AI, this location may be safe/sheltered and a good place for a base.
1209- ```SOURCE_ANIMALS``` For NPC AI, this location may contain useful animals for farming/riding.
1210- ```SOURCE_MEDICINE``` For NPC AI, this location may contain useful medicines for looting.
1211- ```SOURCE_LUXURY``` For NPC AI, this location may contain valuable/feel-good items to sell/keep.
1212- ```SOURCE_PEOPLE``` For NPC AI, this location may have other survivors.
1213- ```RISK_HIGH``` For NPC AI, this location has a high risk associated with it - labs/superstores etc.
1214- ```RISK_LOW``` For NPC AI, this location is secluded and remote, and appears to be safe.
1215- ```GENERIC_LOOT``` This is a place that may contain any of the above, but at a lower frequency - usually a house.
1217## Recipes
1219### Categories
1221- ```CC_AMMO```
1222- ```CC_ARMOR```
1223- ```CC_CHEM```
1224- ```CC_DRINK```
1225- ```CC_ELECTRONIC```
1226- ```CC_FOOD```
1227- ```CC_MISC```
1228- ```CC_WEAPON```
1230### Flags
1232- ```ALLOW_ROTTEN``` Explicitly allow rotten components when crafting non-perishables.
1233- ```BLIND_EASY``` Easy to craft with little to no light.
1234- ```BLIND_HARD``` Possible to craft with little to no light, but difficult.
1235- ```SECRET``` Not automatically learned at character creation time based on high skill levels.
1236- ```UNCRAFT_BY_QUANTITY``` Suppresses the per-charge handling of uncraft recipes.
1237- ```UNCRAFT_LIQUIDS_CONTAINED``` Spawn liquid items in its default container.
1238- ```UNCRAFT_SINGLE_CHARGE``` Lists returned amounts for one charge of an item that is counted by charges.
1239- ```NEED_FULL_MAGAZINE``` If this recipe requires magazines, it needs one that is full.
1240- ```FULL_MAGAZINE``` Crafted or deconstructed items from this recipe will have fully-charged magazines.
1243## Scenarios
1245### Flags
1247- ```BAD_DAY``` Player starts the game drunk, depressed and sick with the flu.
1248- ```CHALLENGE``` Game won't choose this scenario in random game types.
1249- ```CITY_START``` Scenario is available only when city size value in world options is more than 0.
1250- ```FIRE_START``` Player starts the game with fire nearby.
1251- ```HELI_CRASH``` Player starts the game with various limbs wounds.
1252- ```INFECTED``` Player starts the game infected.
1253- ```FUNGAL_INFECTION``` Player starts the game with a fungal infection.
1254- ```LONE_START``` If starting NPC spawn option is switched to "Scenario-based", this scenario won't spawn a fellow NPC on game start.
1255- ```SUR_START``` Surrounded start, zombies outside the starting location.
1257#### Profession Flags
1259- ```SCEN_ONLY``` Profession can be chosen only as part of the appropriate scenario.
1261#### Starting Location Flags
1263- ```ALLOW_OUTSIDE``` Allows placing player outside of building, useful for outdoor start.
1264- ```BOARDED``` Start in boarded building (windows and doors are boarded, movable furniture is moved to windows and doors).
1266## Skills
1268### Tags
1270- ```combat_skill``` The skill is considered a combat skill. It's affected by "PACIFIST", "PRED1", "PRED2", "PRED3", and "PRED4" traits.
1271- ```contextual_skill``` The skill is abstract, it depends on context (an indirect item to which it's applied). Neither player nor NPCs can possess it.
1274## Techniques
1276Techniques may be used by tools, armors, weapons and anything else that can be wielded.
1278- See contents of `data/json/techniques.json`.
1279- Techniques are also used with martial arts styles, see `data/json/martialarts.json`.
1282## Tools
1284### Flags
1286Melee flags are fully compatible with tool flags, and vice versa.
1288- ```ACT_ON_RANGED_HIT```  The item should activate when thrown or fired, then immediately get processed if it spawns on the ground.
1289- ```ALLOWS_REMOTE_USE``` This item can be activated or reloaded from adjacent tile without picking it up.
1290- ```BELT_CLIP``` The item can be clipped or hooked on to a belt loop of the appropriate size (belt loops are limited by their max_volume and max_weight properties)
1291- ```BOMB``` It can be a remote controlled bomb.
1292- ```CABLE_SPOOL``` This item is a cable spool and must be processed as such. It has an internal "state" variable which may be in the states "attach_first" or "pay_out_cable" -- in the latter case, set its charges to `max_charges - dist(here, point(vars["source_x"], vars["source_y"]))`. If this results in 0 or a negative number, set its state back to "attach_first".
1293- ```CANNIBALISM``` The item is a food that contains human flesh, and applies all applicable effects when consumed.
1294- ```CHARGEDIM``` If illuminated, light intensity fades with charge, starting at 20% charge left.
1295- ```DIG_TOOL``` If wielded, digs thorough terrain like rock and walls, as player walks into them. If item also has ```POWERED``` flag, then it digs faster, but uses up the item's ammo as if activating it.
1296- ```FIRESTARTER``` Item will start fire with some difficulty.
1297- ```FIRE``` Item will start a fire immediately.
1298- ```FISH_GOOD``` When used for fishing, it's a good tool (requires that the matching use_action has been set).
1299- ```FISH_POOR``` When used for fishing, it's a poor tool (requires that the matching use_action has been set).
1300- ```HAS_RECIPE``` Used by the E-Ink tablet to indicates it's currently showing a recipe.
1301- ```IS_UPS``` Item is Unified Power Supply. Used in active item processing
1302- ```LIGHT_[X]``` Illuminates the area with light intensity `[X]` where `[X]` is an intensity value. (e.x. `LIGHT_4` or `LIGHT_100`). Note: this flags sets `itype::light_emission` field and then is removed (can't be found using `has_flag`);
1303- ```MC_MOBILE```, ```MC_RANDOM_STUFF```, ```MC_SCIENCE_STUFF```, ```MC_USED```, ```MC_HAS_DATA``` Memory card related flags, see `iuse.cpp`
1304- ```NO_DROP``` Item should never exist on map tile as a discrete item (must be contained by another item)
1305- ```NO_UNLOAD``` Cannot be unloaded.
1306- ```POWERED``` If turned ON, item uses its own source of power, instead of relying on power of the user
1307- ```RADIOCARITEM``` Item can be put into a remote controlled car.
1308- ```RADIOSIGNAL_1``` Activated per radio signal 1.
1309- ```RADIOSIGNAL_2``` Activated per radio signal 2.
1310- ```RADIOSIGNAL_3``` Activated per radio signal 3.
1311- ```RADIO_ACTIVATION``` Activated by a remote control (also requires RADIOSIGNAL*).
1312- ```RADIO_CONTAINER``` It's a container of something that is radio controlled.
1313- ```RADIO_MODABLE``` Indicates the item can be made into a radio-activated item.
1314- ```RADIO_MOD``` The item has been made into a radio-activated item.
1315- ```RECHARGE``` Gain charges when placed in a cargo area with a recharge station.
1316- ```SAFECRACK``` This item can be used to unlock safes.
1317- ```USES_BIONIC_POWER``` The item has no charges of its own, and runs off of the player's bionic power.
1318- ```USE_UPS``` Item is charges from an UPS / it uses the charges of an UPS instead of its own.
1319- ```WATER_EXTINGUISH``` Is extinguishable in water or under precipitation. Converts items (requires "reverts_to" or use_action "transform" to be set).
1320- ```WET``` Item is wet and will slowly dry off (e.g. towel).
1321- ```WIND_EXTINGUISH``` This item will be extinguished by the wind.
1322- ```WRITE_MESSAGE``` This item could be used to write messages on signs.
1324### Flags that apply to items
1326These flags **do not apply to item types**.
1328Those flags are added by the game code to specific items (for example, that specific thingamabob, not *all* thingamabob).  These flags are **not** assigned in JSON by content contributors, they are set programmatically.
1330- ```COLD``` Item is cold (see EATEN_COLD).
1331- ```DIRTY``` Item (liquid) was dropped on the ground and is now irreparably dirty.
1332- ```FIELD_DRESS_FAILED``` Corpse was damaged by unskillful field dressing. Affects butcher results.
1333- ```FIELD_DRESS``` Corpse was field dressed. Affects butcher results.
1334- ```FIT``` Reduces encumbrance by one.
1335- ```FROZEN``` Item is frozen solid (used by freezer).
1336- ```HIDDEN_ITEM``` This item cannot be seen in AIM.
1337- ```HOT``` Item is hot (see EATEN_HOT).
1338- ```LITCIG``` Marks a lit smoking item (cigarette, joint etc.).
1339- ```MUSHY``` FREEZERBURN item was frozen and is now mushy and tasteless and will go bad after freezing again.
1340- ```NO_PARASITES``` Invalidates parasites count set in food->type->comestible->parasites
1341- ```QUARTERED``` Corpse was quartered into parts. Affects butcher results, weight, volume.
1342- ```REVIVE_SPECIAL``` ... Corpses revives when the player is nearby.
1343- ```USE_UPS``` The tool has the UPS mod and is charged from an UPS.
1344- ```WARM``` A hidden flag used to track an item's journey to/from hot, buffers between HOT and cold.
1345- ```WET``` Item is wet and will slowly dry off (e.g. towel).
1348## Vehicle Parts
1350### Flags
1352- ```ADVANCED_PLANTER``` This planter doesn't spill seeds and avoids damaging itself on non-diggable surfaces.
1353- ```AIRCRAFT_REPAIRABLE_NOPROF``` Allows the player to safely remove part from an aircraft without any proficiency.
1354- ```AUTOPILOT``` This part will enable a vehicle to have a simple autopilot.
1355- ```AISLE_LIGHT```
1356- ```AISLE``` Player can move over this part with less speed penalty than normal.
1357- ```ALTERNATOR``` Recharges batteries installed on the vehicle. Can only be installed on a part with ```E_ALTERNATOR``` flag.
1358- ```ANCHOR_POINT``` Allows secure seatbelt attachment.
1359- ```ANIMAL_CTRL``` Can harness an animal, need HARNESS_bodytype flag to specify bodytype of animal.
1360- ```ARMOR``` Protects the other vehicle parts it's installed over during collisions.
1361- ```ATOMIC_LIGHT```
1362- ```BATTERY_MOUNT```
1363- ```BED``` A bed where the player can sleep.
1364- ```BEEPER``` Generates noise when the vehicle moves backward.
1365- ```BELTABLE``` Seatbelt can be attached to this part.
1366- ```BIKE_RACK_VEH``` Can be used to merge an adjacent single tile wide vehicle, or split a single tile wide vehicle off into its own vehicle.
1367- ```BOARDABLE``` The player can safely move over or stand on this part while the vehicle is moving.
1368- ```CAMERA_CONTROL```
1369- ```CAMERA```
1370- ```CAPTURE_MOSNTER_VEH``` Can be used to capture monsters when mounted on a vehicle.
1371- ```CARGO_LOCKING``` This cargo area is inaccessible to NPCs. Can only be installed on a part with ```LOCKABLE_CARGO``` flag.
1372- ```CARGO``` Cargo holding area.
1373- ```CHIMES``` Generates continuous noise when used.
1374- ```CIRCLE_LIGHT``` Projects a circular radius of light when turned on.
1375- ```CONE_LIGHT``` Projects a cone of light when turned on.
1376- ```CONTROLS``` Can be used to control the vehicle.
1377- ```CONTROL_ANIMAL``` These controls can only be used to control a vehicle pulled by an animal (e.g., reins and other tack).
1378- ```COOLER``` There is a separate command to toggle this part.
1379- ```COVERED``` Prevents items in cargo parts from emitting any light.
1380- ```CTRL_ELECTRONIC``` Controls electrical and electronic systems of the vehicle.
1381- ```CURTAIN``` Can be installed over a part flagged with ```WINDOW```, and functions the same as blinds found on windows in buildings.
1383- ```DOME_LIGHT```
1384- ```DOOR_MOTOR``` Can only be installed on a part with ```OPENABLE``` flag.
1385- ```ENGINE``` Is an engine and contributes towards vehicle mechanical power.
1386- ```EVENTURN``` Only on during even turns.
1387- ```EXTRA_DRAG``` tells the vehicle that the part exerts engine power reduction.
1388- ```E_ALTERNATOR``` Is an engine that can power an alternator.
1389- ```E_COLD_START``` Is an engine that starts much slower in cold weather.
1390- ```E_COMBUSTION``` Is an engine that burns its fuel and can backfire or explode when damaged.
1391- ```E_HEATER``` Is an engine and has a heater to warm internal vehicle items when on.
1392- ```E_HIGHER_SKILL``` Is an engine that is more difficult to install as more engines are installed.
1393- ```E_STARTS_INSTANTLY``` Is an engine that starts instantly, like food pedals.
1394- ```FLAT_SURF``` Part with a flat hard surface (e.g. table).
1395- ```FOLDABLE```
1396- ```FREEZER``` Can freeze items in below zero degrees Celsius temperature.
1397- ```FRIDGE``` Can refrigerate items.
1398- ```FUNNEL```
1399- ```HALF_CIRCLE_LIGHT``` Projects a directed half-circular radius of light when turned on.
1400- ```HARNESS_bodytype``` Replace bodytype with `any` to accept any type, or with the targeted type.
1401- ```HORN``` Generates noise when used.
1402- ```INITIAL_PART``` When starting a new vehicle via the construction menu, this vehicle part will be the initial part of the vehicle (if the used item matches the item required for this part). The items of parts with this flag are automatically added as component to the vehicle start construction.
1403- ```INTERNAL``` Can only be installed on a part with ```CARGO``` flag.
1404- ```LOCKABLE_CARGO``` Cargo containers that are able to have a lock installed.
1405- ```MUFFLER``` Muffles the noise a vehicle makes while running.
1406- ```MULTISQUARE``` Causes this part and any adjacent parts with the same ID to act as a singular part.
1407- ```MUSCLE_ARMS``` Power of the engine with such flag depends on player's strength (it's less effective than ```MUSCLE_LEGS```).
1408- ```MUSCLE_LEGS``` Power of the engine with such flag depends on player's strength.
1409- ```NAILABLE``` Attached with nails
1411- ```NOINSTALL``` Cannot be installed.
1412- ```NO_INSTALL_PLAYER``` Cannot be installed by a player, but can be installed on vehicles.
1413- ```NO_MODIFY_VEHICLE``` Installing a part with this flag on a vehicle will mean that it can no longer be modified. Parts with this flag should not be installable by players.
1414- ```NO_UNINSTALL``` Cannot be uninstalled
1415- ```NO_REPAIR``` Cannot be repaired
1416- ```NO_JACK```
1417- ```OBSTACLE``` Cannot walk through part, unless the part is also ```OPENABLE```.
1418- ```ODDTURN``` Only on during odd turns.
1419- ```ON_CONTROLS``` Can only be installed on a part with ```CONTROLS``` flag.
1420- ```ON_ROOF``` - Parts with this flag could only be installed on a roof (parts with ```ROOF``` flag).
1421- ```OPAQUE``` Cannot be seen through.
1422- ```OPENABLE``` Can be opened or closed.
1423- ```OPENCLOSE_INSIDE```  Can be opened or closed, but only from inside the vehicle.
1424- ```OVER``` Can be mounted over other parts.
1425- ```PERPETUAL``` If paired with REACTOR, part produces electrical power without consuming fuel.
1426- ```PLANTER``` Plants seeds into tilled dirt, spilling them when the terrain underneath is unsuitable. It is damaged by running it over non-```DIGGABLE``` surfaces.
1427- ```PLOW``` Tills the soil underneath the part while active. Takes damage from unsuitable terrain at a level proportional to the speed of the vehicle.
1428- ```POWER_TRANSFER``` Transmits power to and from an attached thingy (probably a vehicle).
1429- ```PROTRUSION``` Part sticks out so no other parts can be installed over it.
1430- ```REACTOR``` When enabled, part consumes fuel to generate epower.
1431- ```REAPER``` Cuts down mature crops, depositing them on the square.
1432- ```RECHARGE``` Recharge items with the same flag. ( Currently only the rechargeable battery mod. )
1434- ```REVERSIBLE``` Removal has identical requirements to installation but is twice as quick
1435- ```ROOF``` Covers a section of the vehicle. Areas of the vehicle that have a roof and roofs on surrounding sections, are considered inside. Otherwise they're outside.
1436- ```SCOOP``` Pulls items from underneath the vehicle to the cargo space of the part. Also mops up liquids.
1437- ```SEATBELT``` Helps prevent the player from being ejected from the vehicle during an accident. Can only be installed on a part with ```BELTABLE``` flag.
1438- ```SEAT``` A seat where the player can sit or sleep.
1439- ```SECURITY```
1440- ```SHARP``` Striking a monster with this part does cutting damage instead of bashing damage, and prevents stunning the monster.
1441- ```SHOCK_ABSORBER``` This part protects non-frame parts on the same tile from shock damage from collisions.  It doesn't provide protect against direct impacts or other attacks.
1442- ```SIMPLE_PART``` This part can be installed or removed from that otherwise prevent modification.
1443- ```SMASH_REMOVE``` When you remove this part, instead of getting the item back, you will get the bash results.
1444- ```SOLAR_PANEL``` Recharges vehicle batteries when exposed to sunlight. Has a 1 in 4 chance of being broken on car generation.
1445- ```SPACE_HEATER``` There is separate command to toggle this part.
1446- ```STABLE``` Similar to `WHEEL`, but if the vehicle is only a 1x1 section, this single wheel counts as enough wheels.
1447- ```STEERABLE``` This wheel is steerable.
1448- ```STEREO```
1449- ```TRANSFORM_TERRAIN``` Transform terrain (using rules defined in ```transform_terrain```).
1450- ```TOOL_NONE``` Can be removed/installed without any tools
1451- ```TOOL_SCREWDRIVER``` Attached with screws, can be removed/installed with a screwdriver
1452- ```TOOL_WRENCH``` Attached with bolts, can be removed/installed with a wrench
1453- ```TRACKED``` Contributes to steering effectiveness but doesn't count as a steering axle for install difficulty and still contributes to drag for the center of steering calculation.
1454- ```TRACK``` Allows the vehicle installed on, to be marked and tracked on map.
1455- ```TURRET_CONTROLS``` If part with this flag is installed over the turret, it allows to set said turret's targeting mode to full auto. Can only be installed on a part with ```TURRET``` flag.
1456- ```TURRET_MOUNT``` Parts with this flag are suitable for installing turrets.
1457- ```TURRET``` Is a weapon turret. Can only be installed on a part with ```TURRET_MOUNT``` flag.
1458- ```UNMOUNT_ON_DAMAGE``` Part breaks off the vehicle when destroyed by damage. Item is new and typically undamaged.
1459- ```UNMOUNT_ON_MOVE``` Dismount this part when the vehicle moves. Doesn't drop the part, unless you give it special handling.
1460- ```VARIABLE_SIZE``` Has 'bigness' for power, wheel radius, etc.
1461- ```VISION```
1462- ```WASHING_MACHINE``` Can be used to wash filthy clothes en masse.
1463- ```DISHWASHER``` Can be used to wash filthy non-soft items en masse.
1464- ```WATER_WHEEL``` Recharges vehicle batteries when in flowing water.
1465- ```WATER_WHEEL``` Recharges vehicle batteries when submerged in moving water.
1466- ```WHEEL``` Counts as a wheel in wheel calculations.
1467- ```WIDE_CONE_LIGHT``` Projects a wide cone of light when turned on.
1468- ```WINDOW``` Can see through this part and can install curtains over it.
1469- ```WIND_POWERED``` This engine is powered by wind ( sails etc ).
1470- ```WIND_TURBINE``` Recharges vehicle batteries when exposed to wind.
1471- ```WORKBENCH``` Can craft at this part, must be paired with a workbench json entry.
1472- ```NEEDS_WINDOW``` Can only be installed on a part with ```WINDOW``` flag.
1473- ```NEEDS_WHEEL_MOUNT_LIGHT``` Can only be installed on a part with ```WHEEL_MOUNT_LIGHT``` flag.
1474- ```NEEDS_WHEEL_MOUNT_MEDIUM``` Can only be installed on a part with ```WHEEL_MOUNT_MEDIUM``` flag.
1475- ```NEEDS_WHEEL_MOUNT_HEAVY``` Can only be installed on a part with ```WHEEL_MOUNT_HEAVY``` flag.
1477### Vehicle parts requiring other vehicle parts
1479The requirement for other vehicle parts is defined for a json flag by setting ```requires_flag``` for the flag. ```requires_flag``` is the other flag that a part with this flag requires.
1482### Fuel types
1484- ```NULL``` None
1485- ```battery``` Electrifying.
1486- ```diesel``` Refined dino.
1487- ```gasoline``` Refined dino.
1488- ```plasma``` Superheated.
1489- ```plutonium``` 1.21 Gigawatts!
1490- ```water``` Clean.
1491- ```wind``` Wind powered.
1493### Faults
1495#### Flags
1497General fault flag:
1498- ```SILENT``` Makes the "faulty " text NOT appear next to item on general UI. Otherwise the fault works the same.
1500Vehicle fault flags:
1501- ```NO_ALTERNATOR_CHARGE``` The alternator connected to this engine does not work.
1502- ```BAD_COLD_START``` The engine starts as if the temperature was 20 F colder. Does not stack with multiples of itself.
1503- ```IMMOBILIZER``` Prevents engine from starting and makes it beep.
1504- ```BAD_FUEL_PUMP``` Prevents engine from starting and makes it stutter.
1505- ```BAD_STARTER``` Prevents engine from starting and makes click noise.
1506- ```DOUBLE_FUEL_CONSUMPTION``` Doubles fuel consumption of the engine. Does not stack with multiples of itself.
1507- ```EXTRA_EXHAUST``` Makes the engine emit more exhaust smoke. Does not stack with multiples of itself.
1508- ```REDUCE_ENG_POWER``` Multiplies engine power by 0.6. Does not stack with multiples of itself.
1509- ```ENG_BACKFIRE``` Causes the engine to backfire as if it had zero hp.
1511Gun fault flags:
1512- ```BLACKPOWDER_FOULING_DAMAGE``` Causes the gun to take random acid damage over time.
1513- ```NO_DIRTYING``` Prevents the gun from receiving `fault_gun_dirt` fault.
1514- ```JAMMED_GUN``` Stops burst fire. Adds delay on next shot.
1515- ```UNLUBRICATED``` Randomly causes screeching noise when firing and applies damage when that happens.
1516- ```BAD_CYCLING``` One in 16 chance that the gun fails to cycle when fired resulting in `fault_gun_chamber_spent` fault.
1518#### Parameters
1520- ```turns_into``` Causes this fault to apply to the item just mended.
1521- ```also_mends``` Causes this fault to be mended (in addition to fault selected) once that fault is mended.
1523## Character
1525- ```HEATPROOF``` Immune to very hot temperatures.
1526- ```NO_DISEASE``` This mutation grants immunity to diseases.
1527- ```NO_THIRST``` Your thirst is not modified by food or drinks.
1528- ```NO_RADIATION``` This mutation grants immunity to radiations.
1529- ```NO_MINIMAL_HEALING``` This mutation disables the minimal healing of 1 hp a day.
1530- ```SUPER_HEARING``` You can hear much better than a normal person.
1531- ```IMMUNE_HEARING_DAMAGE``` Immune to hearing damage from loud sounds.
1532- ```DEAF``` Makes you deaf.
1533- ```BLIND``` Makes you blind.
1534- ```EYE_MEMBRANE``` Lets you see underwater.
1535- ```NO_SCENT``` You have no scent.
1536- ```STOP_SLEEP_DEPRIVATION``` Stops Sleep Deprivation while awake and boosts it while sleeping.
1537- ```GLARE_RESIST``` Protect your eyes from glare like sunglasses.
1538- ```NIGHT_VISION``` You can see in the dark.
1539- ```INFRARED``` You can see infrared, aka heat vision.
1540- ```ELECTRIC_IMMUNE``` You are immune to electric damage.
1541- ```COLD_IMMUNE``` You are immune to cold damage.
1542- ```BIO_IMMUNE``` You are immune to biological damage.
1543- ```BASH_IMMUNE``` You are immune to bashing damage.
1544- ```CUT_IMMUNE``` You are immune to cutting damage.
1545- ```STAB_IMMUNE``` You are immune to stabbing damage.
1546- ```ACID_IMMUNE``` You are immune to acid damage.
1547- ```BULLET_IMMUNE``` You are immune to bullet damage.
1548- ```WATCH``` You always know what time it is.
1549- ```ALARMCLOCK``` You always can set alarms.
1550- ```PARAIMMUNE``` You are immune to parasites.
1551- ```IMMUNE_SPOIL``` You are immune to negative outcomes from spoiled food.