2  {
4    "type": "talk_topic",
5    "responses": [
6      { "text": "Another survivor!  We should travel together.", "topic": "TALK_SUGGEST_FOLLOW" },
7      { "text": "What are you doing?", "topic": "TALK_DESCRIBE_MISSION" },
8      { "text": "Can I do anything for you?", "topic": "TALK_MISSION_LIST" },
9      {
10        "text": "Care to trade?",
11        "topic": "TRADE_HALLU",
12        "condition": { "npc_has_trait": "HALLUCINATION" },
13        "switch": true,
14        "default": false
15      },
16      { "text": "Care to trade?", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "start_trade", "switch": true, "default": false }
17    ]
18  },
19  {
21    "type": "talk_topic",
22    "responses": [
23      {
24        "text": "&Put away weapon.",
25        "topic": "TALK_STRANGER_NEUTRAL",
26        "effect": "player_weapon_away",
27        "opinion": { "trust": 2, "fear": -2 },
28        "condition": "u_can_stow_weapon"
29      },
30      {
31        "text": "&Drop weapon.",
32        "topic": "TALK_STRANGER_NEUTRAL",
33        "effect": "player_weapon_drop",
34        "opinion": { "trust": 4, "fear": -3 },
35        "condition": "u_has_weapon"
36      },
37      {
38        "text": "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you",
39        "trial": { "type": "PERSUADE", "difficulty": 50, "mod": [ [ "BRAVERY", 2 ], [ "FEAR", -2 ], [ "TRUST", 2 ] ] },
40        "success": { "topic": "TALK_STRANGER_NEUTRAL", "effect": "stranger_neutral", "opinion": { "trust": 1, "fear": -1 } },
41        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "flee" }
42      }
43    ]
44  },
45  {
46    "id": [
52    ],
53    "type": "talk_topic",
54    "responses": [
55      {
56        "text": "Drop your weapon!",
57        "condition": "npc_has_weapon",
58        "trial": { "type": "INTIMIDATE", "difficulty": 30 },
59        "success": { "topic": "TALK_WEAPON_DROPPED", "effect": "drop_weapon", "opinion": { "trust": 4, "fear": -3 } },
60        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
61      },
62      {
63        "text": "Get out of here or I'll kill you.",
64        "trial": { "type": "INTIMIDATE", "difficulty": 20 },
65        "success": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "flee" },
66        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
67      }
68    ]
69  },
70  {
72    "type": "talk_topic",
73    "dynamic_line": "Hey there, <name_g>.",
74    "responses": [ { "text": "Bye.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ]
75  },
76  {
78    "type": "talk_topic",
79    "dynamic_line": "Hello there.",
80    "responses": [ { "text": "Bye.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ]
81  },
82  {
83    "id": "TALK_STRANGER_WARY",
84    "type": "talk_topic",
85    "dynamic_line": "Okay, no sudden movements…",
86    "responses": [ { "text": "Bye.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ]
87  },
88  {
90    "type": "talk_topic",
91    "dynamic_line": "Keep your distance!",
92    "responses": [ { "text": "Bye.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ]
93  },
94  {
96    "type": "talk_topic",
97    "dynamic_line": { "u_has_weapon": "<drop_it>", "no": "This is my territory, <name_b>." },
98    "responses": [
99      { "text": "&Drop weapon.", "topic": "TALK_DEMAND_LEAVE", "condition": "u_has_weapon", "effect": "player_weapon_drop" },
100      {
101        "text": "Calm down.  I'm not going to hurt you.",
102        "trial": {
103          "type": "PERSUADE",
104          "difficulty": 30,
105          "mod": [ [ "BRAVERY", 1 ], [ "AGGRESSION", -3 ], [ "ALTRUISM", 2 ], [ "FEAR", -2 ], [ "TRUST", 3 ] ]
106        },
107        "success": { "topic": "TALK_STRANGER_WARY", "effect": "stranger_neutral", "opinion": { "trust": 1, "fear": -1 } },
108        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
109      },
110      {
111        "text": "Screw you, no.",
112        "trial": {
113          "type": "INTIMIDATE",
114          "difficulty": 25,
115          "mod": [ [ "BRAVERY", 1 ], [ "AGGRESSION", -3 ], [ "ALTRUISM", 2 ], [ "FEAR", -2 ], [ "TRUST", 3 ] ]
116        },
117        "success": { "topic": "TALK_STRANGER_SCARED", "effect": "stranger_neutral", "opinion": { "trust": -2, "fear": 1, "anger": 1 } },
118        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
119      }
120    ]
121  },
122  {
123    "id": "TALK_MUG",
124    "type": "talk_topic",
125    "dynamic_line": { "u_has_weapon": "<drop_it>", "no": "<hands_up>" },
126    "responses": [
127      {
128        "text": "Calm down.  I'm not going to hurt you.",
129        "trial": {
130          "type": "PERSUADE",
131          "difficulty": 35,
132          "mod": [ [ "BRAVERY", 1 ], [ "AGGRESSION", -3 ], [ "ALTRUISM", 2 ], [ "FEAR", -2 ], [ "TRUST", 3 ] ]
133        },
134        "success": { "topic": "TALK_STRANGER_WARY", "effect": "stranger_neutral", "opinion": { "trust": 1, "fear": -1 } },
135        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
136      },
137      {
138        "text": "Screw you, no.",
139        "trial": {
140          "type": "INTIMIDATE",
141          "difficulty": 30,
142          "mod": [ [ "BRAVERY", 1 ], [ "AGGRESSION", -3 ], [ "ALTRUISM", 2 ], [ "FEAR", -2 ], [ "TRUST", 3 ] ]
143        },
144        "success": { "topic": "TALK_STRANGER_SCARED", "effect": "stranger_neutral", "opinion": { "trust": -2, "fear": 1, "anger": 1 } },
145        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
146      },
147      { "text": "&Drop weapon.", "topic": "TALK_MUG", "condition": "u_has_weapon", "effect": "player_weapon_drop" },
148      {
149        "text": "&Put hands up.",
150        "topic": "TALK_DONE",
151        "condition": { "not": "u_has_weapon" },
152        "effect": "start_mugging"
153      }
154    ]
155  },
156  {
157    "id": "TALK_WEAPON_DROPPED",
158    "type": "talk_topic",
159    "dynamic_line": { "npc_male": "*drops his weapon.", "no": "*drops her weapon." },
160    "responses": [
161      {
162        "text": "Now get out of here",
163        "topic": "TALK_DONE",
164        "effect": "flee",
165        "opinion": { "trust": -1, "fear": -2, "anger": -2 }
166      }
167    ]
168  },
169  {
170    "id": "TALK_DEMAND_LEAVE",
171    "type": "talk_topic",
172    "dynamic_line": "Now get out of here, before I kill you.",
173    "responses": [ { "text": "Okay, I'm going.", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "player_leaving", "opinion": { "fear": -1 } } ]
174  }