1 #pragma once
5 #include <iosfwd>
6 #include <list>
7 #include <map>
8 #include <set>
9 #include <type_traits>
10 #include <utility>
11 #include <vector>
13 #include "character.h"
14 #include "character_id.h"
15 #include "creature.h"
16 #include "enums.h"
17 #include "game_constants.h"
18 #include "item.h"
19 #include "item_location.h"
20 #include "item_pocket.h"
21 #include "memory_fast.h"
22 #include "optional.h"
23 #include "point.h"
24 #include "ret_val.h"
25 #include "type_id.h"
27 class JsonIn;
28 class JsonObject;
29 class JsonOut;
30 class nc_color;
31 class profession;
32 class time_duration;
33 class time_point;
34 class vehicle;
36 namespace catacurses
37 {
38 class window;
39 }  // namespace catacurses
40 struct damage_unit;
41 struct dealt_projectile_attack;
42 struct trap;
44 enum action_id : int;
45 enum game_message_type : int;
46 enum class recipe_filter_flags : int;
48 nc_color encumb_color( int level );
50 /** @relates ret_val */
51 template<>
52 struct ret_val<edible_rating>::default_success : public
53     std::integral_constant<edible_rating, EDIBLE> {};
55 /** @relates ret_val */
56 template<>
57 struct ret_val<edible_rating>::default_failure : public
58     std::integral_constant<edible_rating, INEDIBLE> {};
60 struct stat_mod {
61     int strength = 0;
62     int dexterity = 0;
63     int intelligence = 0;
64     int perception = 0;
66     int speed = 0;
67 };
69 struct needs_rates {
70     float thirst = 0.0f;
71     float hunger = 0.0f;
72     float fatigue = 0.0f;
73     float recovery = 0.0f;
74     float kcal = 0.0f;
75 };
77 class player : public Character
78 {
79     public:
80         player();
81         player( const player & ) = delete;
82         player( player && );
83         ~player() override;
84         player &operator=( const player & ) = delete;
85         player &operator=( player && );
87         /** Calls Character::normalize()
88          *  normalizes HP and body temperature
89          */
91         void normalize() override;
93         bool is_player() const override {
94             return true;
95         }
96         player *as_player() override {
97             return this;
98         }
99         const player *as_player() const override {
100             return this;
101         }
103         bool is_npc() const override {
104             return false;    // Overloaded for NPCs in npc.h
105         }
107         // populate variables, inventory items, and misc from json object
108         virtual void deserialize( JsonIn &jsin ) = 0;
110         // by default save all contained info
111         virtual void serialize( JsonOut &jsout ) const = 0;
113         /** Handles and displays detailed character info for the '@' screen */
114         void disp_info();
116         /**Estimate effect duration based on player relevant skill*/
117         time_duration estimate_effect_dur( const skill_id &relevant_skill, const efftype_id &effect,
118                                            const time_duration &error_magnitude,
119                                            int threshold, const Creature &target ) const;
121         /** Resets movement points and applies other non-idempotent changes */
122         void process_turn() override;
123         /** Calculates the various speed bonuses we will get from mutations, etc. */
124         void recalc_speed_bonus();
126         /** Called when a player triggers a trap, returns true if they don't set it off */
127         bool avoid_trap( const tripoint &pos, const trap &tr ) const override;
129         void pause(); // '.' command; pauses & resets recoil
131         // melee.cpp
133         /** Returns true if a gun misfires, jams, or has other problems, else returns false */
134         bool handle_gun_damage( item &it );
136         /** Get maximum recoil penalty due to vehicle motion */
137         double recoil_vehicle() const;
139         /** Current total maximum recoil penalty from all sources */
140         double recoil_total() const;
142         /** How many moves does it take to aim gun to the target accuracy. */
143         int gun_engagement_moves( const item &gun, int target = 0, int start = MAX_RECOIL ) const;
145         /**
146          *  Fires a gun or auxiliary gunmod (ignoring any current mode)
147          *  @param target where the first shot is aimed at (may vary for later shots)
148          *  @param shots maximum number of shots to fire (less may be fired in some circumstances)
149          *  @return number of shots actually fired
150          */
152         int fire_gun( const tripoint &target, int shots = 1 );
153         /**
154          *  Fires a gun or auxiliary gunmod (ignoring any current mode)
155          *  @param target where the first shot is aimed at (may vary for later shots)
156          *  @param shots maximum number of shots to fire (less may be fired in some circumstances)
157          *  @param gun item to fire (which does not necessary have to be in the players possession)
158          *  @return number of shots actually fired
159          */
160         int fire_gun( const tripoint &target, int shots, item &gun );
162         /**
163          * Checks both the neighborhoods of from and to for climbable surfaces,
164          * returns move cost of climbing from `from` to `to`.
165          * 0 means climbing is not possible.
166          * Return value can depend on the orientation of the terrain.
167          */
168         int climbing_cost( const tripoint &from, const tripoint &to ) const;
170         // ranged.cpp
171         /** Execute a throw */
172         dealt_projectile_attack throw_item( const tripoint &target, const item &to_throw,
173                                             const cata::optional<tripoint> &blind_throw_from_pos = cata::nullopt );
175         /**
176          * Check if a given body part is immune to a given damage type
177          *
178          * This function checks whether a given body part cannot be damaged by a given
179          * damage_unit.  Note that this refers only to reduction of hp on that part. It
180          * does not account for clothing damage, pain, status effects, etc.
181          *
182          * @param bp: Body part to perform the check on
183          * @param dam: Type of damage to check for
184          * @returns true if given damage can not reduce hp of given body part
185          */
186         bool immune_to( const bodypart_id &bp, damage_unit dam ) const;
187         /** Modifies a pain value by player traits before passing it to Creature::mod_pain() */
188         void mod_pain( int npain ) override;
189         /** Sets new intensity of pain an reacts to it */
190         void set_pain( int npain ) override;
191         /** Returns perceived pain (reduced with painkillers)*/
192         int get_perceived_pain() const override;
194         /** Knocks the player to a specified tile */
195         void knock_back_to( const tripoint &to ) override;
197         /** Returns multiplier on fall damage at low velocity (knockback/pit/1 z-level, not 5 z-levels) */
198         float fall_damage_mod() const override;
199         /** Deals falling/collision damage with terrain/creature at pos */
200         int impact( int force, const tripoint &pos ) override;
202         /** Returns overall % of HP remaining */
203         int hp_percentage() const override;
205         /** Returns list of rc items in player inventory. **/
206         std::list<item *> get_radio_items();
208         /** Siphons fuel (if available) from the specified vehicle into container or
209          * similar via @ref game::handle_liquid. May start a player activity.
210          */
211         void siphon( vehicle &veh, const itype_id &desired_liquid );
213         /** Used for eating object at a location. Removes item if all of it was consumed.
214         *   @returns trinary enum NONE, SOME or ALL amount consumed.
215         */
216         trinary consume( item_location loc, bool force = false );
218         /** Used for eating a particular item that doesn't need to be in inventory.
219          *  @returns trinary enum NONE, SOME or ALL (doesn't remove).
220          */
221         trinary consume( item &target, bool force = false );
223         int get_lift_assist() const;
225         bool list_ammo( const item &base, std::vector<item::reload_option> &ammo_list,
226                         bool empty = true ) const;
227         /**
228          * Select suitable ammo with which to reload the item
229          * @param base Item to select ammo for
230          * @param prompt force display of the menu even if only one choice
231          * @param empty allow selection of empty magazines
232          */
233         item::reload_option select_ammo( const item &base, bool prompt = false,
234                                          bool empty = true ) const;
236         /** Select ammo from the provided options */
237         item::reload_option select_ammo( const item &base, std::vector<item::reload_option> opts ) const;
239         /** returns players strength adjusted by any traits that affect strength during lifting jobs */
240         int get_lift_str() const;
242         /** Check player strong enough to lift an object unaided by equipment (jacks, levers etc) */
243         template <typename T> bool can_lift( const T &obj ) const;
244         /**
245          * Check player capable of taking off an item.
246          * @param it Thing to be taken off
247          */
248         ret_val<bool> can_takeoff( const item &it, const std::list<item> *res = nullptr );
250         /**
251          * Attempt to mend an item (fix any current faults)
252          * @param obj Object to mend
253          * @param interactive if true prompts player when multiple faults, otherwise mends the first
254          */
255         void mend_item( item_location &&obj, bool interactive = true );
257         /** Wear item; returns false on fail. If interactive is false, don't alert the player or drain moves on completion. */
258         cata::optional<std::list<item>::iterator>
259         wear( int pos, bool interactive = true );
261         /** Wear item; returns false on fail. If interactive is false, don't alert the player or drain moves on completion.
262         * @param item_wear item_location of item to be worn.
263         * @param interactive Alert player and drain moves if true.
264         */
265         cata::optional<std::list<item>::iterator>
266         wear( item_location item_wear, bool interactive = true );
268         /** Takes off an item, returning false on fail. The taken off item is processed in the interact */
269         bool takeoff( item &it, std::list<item> *res = nullptr );
270         bool takeoff( int pos );
272         /**
273          * Try to wield a contained item consuming moves proportional to weapon skill and volume.
274          * @param container Container containing the item to be wielded
275          * @param internal_item reference to contained item to wield.
276          * @param penalties Whether item volume and temporary effects (e.g. GRABBED, DOWNED) should be considered.
277          * @param base_cost Cost due to storage type.
278          */
279         bool wield_contents( item &container, item *internal_item = nullptr, bool penalties = true,
280                              int base_cost = INVENTORY_HANDLING_PENALTY );
281         /**
282          * Stores an item inside another consuming moves proportional to weapon skill and volume
283          * @param container Container in which to store the item
284          * @param put Item to add to the container
285          * @param penalties Whether item volume and temporary effects (e.g. GRABBED, DOWNED) should be considered.
286          * @param base_cost Cost due to storage type.
287          */
288         void store( item &container, item &put, bool penalties = true,
289                     int base_cost = INVENTORY_HANDLING_PENALTY,
290                     item_pocket::pocket_type pk_type = item_pocket::pocket_type::CONTAINER );
291         /** Draws the UI and handles player input for the armor re-ordering window */
292         void sort_armor();
293         /** Uses a tool */
294         void use( int inventory_position );
295         /** Uses a tool at location */
296         void use( item_location loc, int pre_obtain_moves = -1 );
297         /** Uses the current wielded weapon */
298         void use_wielded();
300         /** Reassign letter. */
301         void reassign_item( item &it, int invlet );
303         /**
304          * Starts activity to remove gunmod after unloading any contained ammo.
305          * Returns true on success (activity has been started)
306          */
307         bool gunmod_remove( item &gun, item &mod );
309         /** Starts activity to install gunmod having warned user about any risk of failure or irremovable mods s*/
310         void gunmod_add( item &gun, item &mod );
312         /** @return Odds for success (pair.first) and gunmod damage (pair.second) */
313         std::pair<int, int> gunmod_installation_odds( const item &gun, const item &mod ) const;
315         /** Starts activity to install toolmod */
316         void toolmod_add( item_location tool, item_location mod );
318         /** Handles sleep attempts by the player, starts ACT_TRY_SLEEP activity */
319         void try_to_sleep( const time_duration &dur );
321         //returns true if the warning is now beyond final and results in hostility.
322         bool add_faction_warning( const faction_id &id );
323         int current_warnings_fac( const faction_id &id );
324         bool beyond_final_warning( const faction_id &id );
325         /** Returns the effect of pain on stats */
326         stat_mod get_pain_penalty() const;
327         int kcal_speed_penalty() const;
328         /** Returns the penalty to speed from thirst */
329         static int thirst_speed_penalty( int thirst );
331         void on_worn_item_transform( const item &old_it, const item &new_it );
333         void process_items();
335         // ---------------VALUES-----------------
336         tripoint view_offset;
337         // Relative direction of a grab, add to posx, posy to get the coordinates of the grabbed thing.
338         tripoint grab_point;
339         int volume = 0;
340         const profession *prof;
342         bool random_start_location = true;
343         start_location_id start_location;
345         weak_ptr_fast<Creature> last_target;
346         cata::optional<tripoint> last_target_pos;
347         // Save favorite ammo location
348         item_location ammo_location;
349         int scent = 0;
350         int cash = 0;
351         int movecounter = 0;
353         bool manual_examine = false;
354         vproto_id starting_vehicle;
355         std::vector<mtype_id> starting_pets;
357         std::set<character_id> follower_ids;
358         void mod_stat( const std::string &stat, float modifier ) override;
360         void set_underwater( bool );
361         bool is_hallucination() const override;
362         void environmental_revert_effect();
364         //message related stuff
365         using Character::add_msg_if_player;
366         void add_msg_if_player( const std::string &msg ) const override;
367         void add_msg_if_player( const game_message_params &params, const std::string &msg ) const override;
368         using Character::add_msg_player_or_npc;
369         void add_msg_player_or_npc( const std::string &player_msg,
370                                     const std::string &npc_str ) const override;
371         void add_msg_player_or_npc( const game_message_params &params, const std::string &player_msg,
372                                     const std::string &npc_msg ) const override;
373         using Character::add_msg_player_or_say;
374         void add_msg_player_or_say( const std::string &player_msg,
375                                     const std::string &npc_speech ) const override;
376         void add_msg_player_or_say( const game_message_params &params, const std::string &player_msg,
377                                     const std::string &npc_speech ) const override;
379         /** Search surrounding squares for traps (and maybe other things in the future). */
380         void search_surroundings();
381         // formats and prints encumbrance info to specified window
382         void print_encumbrance( const catacurses::window &win, int line = -1,
383                                 const item *selected_clothing = nullptr ) const;
385         using Character::query_yn;
386         bool query_yn( const std::string &mes ) const override;
388     protected:
390         void store( JsonOut &json ) const;
391         void load( const JsonObject &data );
393     private:
395         /** warnings from a faction about bad behavior */
396         std::map<faction_id, std::pair<int, time_point>> warning_record;
398 };
400 extern template bool player::can_lift<item>( const item &obj ) const;
401 extern template bool player::can_lift<vehicle>( const vehicle &obj ) const;
403 #endif // CATA_SRC_PLAYER_H