1Visit the C-Dogs SDL Homepage!
2	http://cxong.github.io/cdogs-sdl/
4Ronny Wester
5	That's me! I designed and coded this game and I did all the graphics too
6Lucas Martin-King
7	He procrastinated about releasing C-Dogs SDL! ...and cleaned up after Jeremy
8Jeremy Chin
9	He did all the hard porting work! ;)
10Cong Xu
11	Enhancements and new features
12Tobias Johansson
13	Made the Android port
14Clemens Hackenberg
15	Testing and bug reports, campaigns
16David Knight
17	Made the GCW-Zero port
18Justin Jacobs
19	Made the emscripten port
21	Gun descriptions, testing, campaigns
22Vadim Barkov
23	Automatic Windows and macOS deployment
25	Travis CI deployment
27Joey Lau
28	My love. Although I had to alter the knife rating to survive the dogfights ;-)
29Jan-Olof Hendig
30	A friend with whom I've spent far too much time on the phone far too late
31Joakim Johansson
32	Friend and colleague. We keep each other sane...or is it the other way around?
33Victor Putz
34	Kindred spirit and a great guy to brainstorm with
35Ken Gorley
36	Found the 1st bug in the release: didn't work with a single joystick
37Adrian Stacey
38	Most helpful in tracking down the vsync bug
39Antti Hukkanen
40	Helped locate a bug when using maximum number of characters in a mission
41Tim McEvoy
42	Instrumental in getting the 1.05 crash bug fixed
43Daniel Jansson
44	Friend and fellow aikido instructor
45Chilok Lau
46	Joey's brother and a relentless game-player
47Niklas Wester
48	My LITTLE brother...yeah, I know he is taller...mumble, grumble...
49Anneli Löfgren
50	My mother. Hi Ma! Sorry, no launcher this time...
51Otto Chrons
52	Author of the DSMI sound and music library
53Ethan Brodsky
54	Author of free SB stuff. Helped me out when I got started
55Tech support at DPT
56	The best support staff I've ever come across. Kudos!
57Cyberdogs fans wherever
58	Thanks! Without your support this program would never have come about