4 class QuaZipDirPrivate;
6 #include "quazip.h"
7 #include "quazipfileinfo.h"
8 #include <QDir>
9 #include <QList>
10 #include <QSharedDataPointer>
12 /// Provides ZIP archive navigation.
13 /**
14 * This class is modelled after QDir, and is designed to provide similar
15 * features for ZIP archives.
16 *
17 * The only significant difference from QDir is that the root path is not
18 * '/', but an empty string since that's how the file paths are stored in
19 * the archive. However, QuaZipDir understands the paths starting with
20 * '/'. It is important in a few places:
21 *
22 * - In the cd() function.
23 * - In the constructor.
24 * - In the exists() function.
25 *
26 * Note that since ZIP uses '/' on all platforms, the '\' separator is
27 * not supported.
28 */
29 class QUAZIP_EXPORT QuaZipDir
30 {
31 private:
32     QSharedDataPointer<QuaZipDirPrivate> d;
33 public:
34     /// The copy constructor.
35     QuaZipDir(const QuaZipDir &that);
36     /// Constructs a QuaZipDir instance pointing to the specified directory.
37     /**
38        If \a dir is not specified, points to the root of the archive.
39        The same happens if the \a dir is &quot;/&quot;.
40      */
41     QuaZipDir(QuaZip *zip, const QString &dir = QString());
42     /// Destructor.
43     ~QuaZipDir();
44     /// The assignment operator.
45     bool operator==(const QuaZipDir &that);
46     /// operator!=
47     /**
48       \return \c true if either this and \a that use different QuaZip
49       instances or if they point to different directories.
50       */
51     inline bool operator!=(const QuaZipDir &that)
52     {
53         return !operator==(that);
54     }
55     /// operator==
56     /**
57       \return \c true if both this and \a that use the same QuaZip
58       instance and point to the same directory.
59       */
60     QuaZipDir& operator=(const QuaZipDir &that);
61     /// Returns the name of the entry at the specified position.
62     QString operator[](int pos) const;
63     /// Returns the current case sensitivity mode.
64     QuaZip::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity() const;
65     /// Changes the 'current' directory.
66     /**
67       * If the path starts with '/', it is interpreted as an absolute
68       * path from the root of the archive. Otherwise, it is interpreted
69       * as a path relative to the current directory as was set by the
70       * previous cd() or the constructor.
71       *
72       * Note that the subsequent path() call will not return a path
73       * starting with '/' in all cases.
74       */
75     bool cd(const QString &dirName);
76     /// Goes up.
77     bool cdUp();
78     /// Returns the number of entries in the directory.
79     unsigned int count() const;
80     /// Returns the current directory name.
81     /**
82       The name doesn't include the path.
83       */
84     QString dirName() const;
85     /// Returns the list of the entries in the directory.
86     /**
87       \param nameFilters The list of file patterns to list, uses the same
88       syntax as QDir.
89       \param filters The entry type filters, only Files and Dirs are
90       accepted.
91       \param sort Sorting mode (not supported yet).
92       */
93     QList<QuaZipFileInfo> entryInfoList(const QStringList &nameFilters,
94                                         QDir::Filters filters = QDir::NoFilter,
95                                         QDir::SortFlags sort = QDir::NoSort) const;
96     /// Returns the list of the entries in the directory.
97     /**
98       \overload
100       The same as entryInfoList(QStringList(), filters, sort).
101       */
102     QList<QuaZipFileInfo> entryInfoList(QDir::Filters filters = QDir::NoFilter,
103                                         QDir::SortFlags sort = QDir::NoSort) const;
104     /// Returns the list of the entry names in the directory.
105     /**
106       The same as entryInfoList(nameFilters, filters, sort), but only
107       returns entry names.
108       */
109     QStringList entryList(const QStringList &nameFilters,
110                           QDir::Filters filters = QDir::NoFilter,
111                           QDir::SortFlags sort = QDir::NoSort) const;
112     /// Returns the list of the entry names in the directory.
113     /**
114       \overload
116       The same as entryList(QStringList(), filters, sort).
117       */
118     QStringList entryList(QDir::Filters filters = QDir::NoFilter,
119                           QDir::SortFlags sort = QDir::NoSort) const;
120     /// Returns \c true if the entry with the specified name exists.
121     /**
122       The &quot;..&quot; is considered to exist if the current directory
123       is not root. The &quot;.&quot; and &quot;/&quot; are considered to
124       always exist. Paths starting with &quot;/&quot; are relative to
125       the archive root, other paths are relative to the current dir.
126       */
127     bool exists(const QString &fileName) const;
128     /// Return \c true if the directory pointed by this QuaZipDir exists.
129     bool exists() const;
130     /// Returns the full path to the specified file.
131     /**
132       Doesn't check if the file actually exists.
133       */
134     QString filePath(const QString &fileName) const;
135     /// Returns the default filter.
136     QDir::Filters filter();
137     /// Returns if the QuaZipDir points to the root of the archive.
138     /**
139       Not that the root path is the empty string, not '/'.
140      */
141     bool isRoot() const;
142     /// Return the default name filter.
143     QStringList nameFilters() const;
144     /// Returns the path to the current dir.
145     /**
146       The path never starts with '/', and the root path is an empty
147       string.
148       */
149     QString path() const;
150     /// Returns the path to the specified file relative to the current dir.
151     QString relativeFilePath(const QString &fileName) const;
152     /// Sets the default case sensitivity mode.
153     void setCaseSensitivity(QuaZip::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity);
154     /// Sets the default filter.
155     void setFilter(QDir::Filters filters);
156     /// Sets the default name filter.
157     void setNameFilters(const QStringList &nameFilters);
158     /// Goes to the specified path.
159     /**
160       The difference from cd() is that this function never checks if the
161       path actually exists and doesn't use relative paths, so it's
162       possible to go to the root directory with setPath(&quot;&quot;).
164       Note that this function still chops the trailing and/or leading
165       '/' and treats a single '/' as the root path (path() will still
166       return an empty string).
167       */
168     void setPath(const QString &path);
169     /// Sets the default sorting mode.
170     void setSorting(QDir::SortFlags sort);
171     /// Returns the default sorting mode.
172     QDir::SortFlags sorting() const;
173 };
175 #endif // QUAZIP_QUAZIPDIR_H