1 #include "chess.h"
2 #include "data.h"
3 /* last modified 08/26/15 */
4 /*
5  *******************************************************************************
6  *                                                                             *
7  *   AutoTune() is used to tune the parallel search parameters and optimize    *
8  *   them for the current hardware and a specific time per move target.  The   *
9  *   syntax of the command is                                                  *
10  *                                                                             *
11  *         autotune time accuracy                                              *
12  *                                                                             *
13  *   "time" is the target time to optimize for.  Longer time limits require    *
14  *   somewhat different tuning values, so this should be set to the typical    *
15  *   time per move.  The default is 30 seconds per move if not specified.      *
16  *                                                                             *
17  *   "accuracy" is normally set to 4.  Since SMP search results and times are  *
18  *   non-deterministic, running tests 1 time can be inaccurate.  This value is *
19  *   used to determine how many times to run each test.  If you set it to two, *
20  *   the entire test will take 1/2 as long.  Bigger numbers are better, but    *
21  *   it is easy to make the test run for hours if you go too far.  A big value *
22  *   will work best if allowed to run overnight.  Crafty will display a time   *
23  *   estimate after determining the optimal benchmark settings.  If this time  *
24  *   is excessive, a ^C will let you re-start Crafty and pick a more           *
25  *   reasonable time/accuracy setting.                                         *
26  *                                                                             *
27  *   AutoTune() will tune the primary SMP controls, namely the values set by   *
28  *   the commands smpgroup, smpmin, smpsd and smppsl.  It will NEVER change    *
29  *   smpmt (max threads), smproot (split at root) and smpaffinity.  those are  *
30  *   user choices and in general the default is optimal.  In general the       *
31  *   values have min and max settings defined in data.c (search for autotune), *
32  *   and this code will try multiple values in the given range to find an      *
33  *   optimal setting.  For some of the values, it will test each value in the  *
34  *   interval, but for values with a large range it will try reasonable        *
35  *   (again, see data.c and the "tune" array) intervals.  If desired, the      *
36  *   low/high limits can be changed along with the interval between samples,   *
37  *   by modifying the autotune data in data.c.                                 *
38  *                                                                             *
39  *   Note that this command is best used before you go to eat or something as  *
40  *   it will run a while.  If you ramp up the accuracy setting, it will take   *
41  *   multiples of accuracy times longer.  Best results are likely obtained     *
42  *   with a larger accuracy setting, but it needs to run overnight.            *
43  *                                                                             *
44  *******************************************************************************
45  */
AutoTune(int nargs,char * args[])46 void AutoTune(int nargs, char *args[]) {
47   unsigned int target_time = 3000, accuracy = 4, atstart, atend;
48   unsigned int time, current, setting[64], times[64], last_time, stageii;
49   int benchd, i, v, p, best, bestv, samples;
50   FILE *craftyrc = fopen(".craftyrc", "a");
52 /*
53  ************************************************************
54  *                                                          *
55  *  Initialize.                                             *
56  *                                                          *
57  ************************************************************
58  */
59   if (smp_max_threads < 2) {
60     Print(4095, "ERROR: smpmt must be set to > 1 for tuning to work\n");
61     fclose(craftyrc);
62     return;
63   }
64   if (nargs > 1)
65     target_time = atoi(args[1]) * 100;
66   if (nargs > 2)
67     accuracy = atoi(args[2]);
68   Print(4095, "AutoTune()  time=%s  accuracy=%d\n",
69       DisplayHHMMSS(target_time), accuracy);
70 /*
71  ************************************************************
72  *                                                          *
73  *  First task is to find the benchmark setting that will   *
74  *  run in the alotted time.  The Bench() command runs six  *
75  *  positions, so we want the command to run in no more     *
76  *  than six times the autotune time limit to average the   *
77  *  specified time per move.  We break out of the loop when *
78  *  bench takes more than 6x this time limit and use the    *
79  *  previous value which just fit inside the limit.         *
80  *                                                          *
81  ************************************************************
82  */
83   atstart = ReadClock();
84   stageii = 0;
85   for (v = 0; v < autotune_params; v++)
86     for (current = tune[v].min; current <= tune[v].max;
87         current += tune[v].increment)
88       stageii++;
89   Print(4095, "Calculating optimal benchmark setting.\n");
90   Print(4095, "Target time average = %s.\n", DisplayHHMMSS(6 * target_time));
91   Print(4095, "Estimated run time (stage I) is %s.\n",
92       DisplayHHMMSS(accuracy * 12 * target_time));
93   Print(4095, "Estimated run time (stage II) is %s.\n",
94       DisplayHHMMSS(accuracy * stageii * 4 * target_time));
95   Print(4095, "\nBegin stage I (calibration)\n");
96   last_time = 0;
97   for (benchd = -5; benchd < 10; benchd++) {
98     Print(4095, "bench %2d:", benchd);
99     time = 0;
100     for (v = 0; v < accuracy; v++)
101       time += Bench(benchd, 1);
102     time /= accuracy;
103     Print(4095, " ->%s\n", DisplayHHMMSS(time));
104     if (time > 6 * target_time)
105       break;
106     last_time = time;
107   }
108   benchd--;
109   Print(4095, "Optimal setting is " "bench %d" "\n", benchd);
110   atend = ReadClock();
111   Print(4095, "Actual runtime for Stage I: %s\n",
112       DisplayHHMMSS(atend - atstart));
113   Print(4095, "New estimated run time (stage II) is %s.\n",
114       DisplayHHMMSS(accuracy * stageii * last_time));
115   Print(4095, "\nBegin stage II (SMP testing).\n");
116   atstart = ReadClock();
117 /*
118  ************************************************************
119  *                                                          *
120  *  Next we simply take each option, one by one, and try    *
121  *  reasonable values between the min/max values as defined *
122  *  in data.c.                                              *
123  *                                                          *
124  *  The process is fairly simple, but very time-consuming.  *
125  *  We will start at the min value for a single paramenter, *
126  *  and run bench "accuracy" times and compute the average  *
127  *  of the times.  We then repeat for the next step in the  *
128  *  parameter, and continue until we try the max value that *
129  *  is allowed.  We choose the parameter value that used    *
130  *  the least amount of time which optimizes this value for *
131  *  minimum time-to-depth.                                  *
132  *                                                          *
133  ************************************************************
134  */
135   for (v = 0; v < autotune_params; v++) {
136     Print(4095, "auto-tuning %s (%d ~ %d by %d)\n", tune[v].description,
137         tune[v].min, tune[v].max, tune[v].increment);
138     current = *tune[v].parameter;
139     samples = 0;
140     if (v == 0 && tune[v].min > smp_max_threads) {
141       samples = 1;
142       times[0] = 0;
143       setting[0] = smp_max_threads;
144     } else
145       for (current = tune[v].min; current <= tune[v].max;
146           current += tune[v].increment) {
147         Print(4095, "Testing %d: ", current);
148         *tune[v].parameter = current;
149         time = 0;
150         for (p = 0; p < accuracy; p++)
151           time += Bench(benchd, 1);
152         time /= accuracy;
153         times[samples] = time;
154         setting[samples++] = current;
155         Print(4095, " ->%s\n", DisplayHHMMSS(time));
156       }
157     best = 0;
158     bestv = times[0];
159     for (i = 1; i < samples; i++)
160       if (bestv > times[i]) {
161         bestv = times[i];
162         best = i;
163       }
164     fprintf(craftyrc, "%s=%d\n", tune[v].command, setting[best]);
165     Print(4095, "adding " "%s=%d" " to .craftyrc file.\n", tune[v].command,
166         setting[best]);
167   }
168   atend = ReadClock();
169   Print(4095, "Runtime for StageII: %s\n", DisplayHHMMSS(atend - atstart));
170   fclose(craftyrc);
171 }