1 #include "chess.h"
2 #include "data.h"
3 /* last modified 08/28/16 */
4 /*
5  *******************************************************************************
6  *                                                                             *
7  *   HashProbe() is used to retrieve entries from the transposition table so   *
8  *   this sub-tree won't have to be searched again if we reach a position that *
9  *   has been searched previously.  A transposition table position contains    *
10  *   the following data packed into 128 bits with each item taking the number  *
11  *   of bits given in the table below:                                         *
12  *                                                                             *
13  *     shr  bits   name   description                                          *
14  *      55    9    age    search id to identify old trans/ref entries.         *
15  *      53    2    type   0->value is worthless; 1-> value represents a        *
16  *                        fail-low bound; 2-> value represents a fail-high     *
17  *                        bound; 3-> value is an exact score.                  *
18  *      32   21    move   best move from the current position, according to    *
19  *                        the search at the time this position was stored.     *
20  *      17   15    draft  the depth of the search below this position, which   *
21  *                        is used to see if we can use this entry at the       *
22  *                        current position.                                    *
23  *       0   17    value  unsigned integer value of this position + 65536.     *
24  *                        this might be a good score or search bound.          *
25  *       0   64    key    64 bit hash signature, used to verify that this      *
26  *                        entry goes with the current board position.          *
27  *                                                                             *
28  *   The underlying scheme here is that we use a "bucket" of N entries.  In    *
29  *   HashProbe() we simply compare against each of the four entries for a      *
30  *   match.  Each "bucket" is carefully aligned to a 64-byte boundary so that  *
31  *   the bucket fits into a single cache line for efficiency.  The bucket size *
32  *   (N) is currently set to 4.                                                *
33  *                                                                             *
34  *   Crafty uses the lockless hashing approach to avoid lock overhead in the   *
35  *   hash table accessing (reading or writing).  What we do is store the key   *
36  *   and the information in two successive writes to memory.  But since there  *
37  *   is nothing that prevents another CPU from interlacing its writes with     *
38  *   ours, we want to make sure that the bound/draft/etc really goes with the  *
39  *   key.  Consider thread 1 trying to store A1 and A2 in two successive 64    *
40  *   words, while thread 2 is trying to store B1 and B2.  Since the two cpus   *
41  *   are fully independent, we could end up with {A1,A2}, {A1,B2}, {B1,A2} or  *
42  *   {B1,B2}.  The two cases with one word of entry A and one word of entry B  *
43  *   are problematic since the information part does not belong with the       *
44  *   signature part, and a hash hit (signature match) will retrieve data that  *
45  *   does not match the position.  Let's assume that the first word is the     *
46  *   signature (A1 or B1) and the second word is the data (A2 or B2).  What we *
47  *   do is store A1^A2 (exclusive-or the two parts) in the 1 (key) slot of the *
48  *   entry, and store A2 in the data part.  Now, before we try to compare the  *
49  *   signatures, we have to "un-corrupt" the stored signature by again using   *
50  *   xor, since A1^A2^A2 gives us the original A1 signature again.  But if we  *
51  *   store A1^A2, and the data part gets replaced by B2, then we try to match  *
52  *   against A1^A2^B2 and that won't match unless we are lucky and A2 == B2    *
53  *   which means the match is OK anyway.  This eliminates the need to lock the *
54  *   hash table while storing the two values, which would be a big performance *
55  *   hit since hash entries are probed/stored in almost every node of the tree *
56  *   except for the quiescence search.                                         *
57  *                                                                             *
58  *******************************************************************************
59  */
HashProbe(TREE * RESTRICT tree,int ply,int depth,int side,int alpha,int beta,int * value)60 int HashProbe(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int ply, int depth, int side, int alpha,
61     int beta, int *value) {
62   HASH_ENTRY *htable;
63   HPATH_ENTRY *ptable;
64   uint64_t word1, word2, temp_hashkey;
65   int type, draft, avoid_null = 0, val, entry, i;
67 /*
68  ************************************************************
69  *                                                          *
70  *  All we have to do is loop through four entries to see   *
71  *  if there is a signature match.  There can only be one   *
72  *  instance of any single signature, so the first match is *
73  *  all we need.                                            *
74  *                                                          *
75  ************************************************************
76  */
77   tree->hash_move[ply] = 0;
78   temp_hashkey = (side) ? HashKey : ~HashKey;
79   htable = hash_table + (temp_hashkey & hash_mask);
80   for (entry = 0; entry < 4; entry++) {
81     word1 = htable[entry].word1;
82     word2 = htable[entry].word2 ^ word1;
83     if (word2 == temp_hashkey)
84       break;
85   }
86 /*
87  ************************************************************
88  *                                                          *
89  *  If we found a match, we have to verify that the draft   *
90  *  is at least equal to the current depth, if not higher,  *
91  *  and that the bound/score will let us terminate the      *
92  *  search early.                                           *
93  *                                                          *
94  *  We also return an "avoid_null" status if the matched    *
95  *  entry does not have enough draft to terminate the       *
96  *  current search but does have enough draft to prove that *
97  *  a null-move search would not fail high.  This avoids    *
98  *  the null-move search overhead in positions where it is  *
99  *  simply a waste of time to try it.                       *
100  *                                                          *
101  *  If this is an EXACT entry, we are going to store the PV *
102  *  in a safe place so that if we get a hit on this entry,  *
103  *  we can recover the PV and see the complete path rather  *
104  *  rather than one that is incomplete.                     *
105  *                                                          *
106  *  One other issue is to update the age field if we get a  *
107  *  hit on an old position, so that it won't be replaced    *
108  *  just because it came from a previous search.            *
109  *                                                          *
110  ************************************************************
111  */
112   if (entry < 4) {
113     val = (word1 & 0x1ffff) - 65536;
114     draft = (word1 >> 17) & 0x7fff;
115     tree->hash_move[ply] = (word1 >> 32) & 0x1fffff;
116     type = (word1 >> 53) & 3;
117     if ((type & UPPER) &&
118         depth - null_depth - depth / null_divisor - 1 <= draft && val < beta)
119       avoid_null = AVOID_NULL_MOVE;
120     if (depth <= draft) {
121       if (val > 32000)
122         val -= ply - 1;
123       else if (val < -32000)
124         val += ply - 1;
125       *value = val;
126 /*
127  ************************************************************
128  *                                                          *
129  *  We have three types of results.  An EXACT entry was     *
130  *  stored when val > alpha and val < beta, and represents  *
131  *  an exact score.  An UPPER entry was stored when val <   *
132  *  alpha, which represents an upper bound with the score   *
133  *  likely being even lower.  A LOWER entry was stored when *
134  *  val > beta, which represents alower bound with the      *
135  *  score likely being even higher.                         *
136  *                                                          *
137  *  For EXACT entries, we save the path from the position   *
138  *  to the terminal node that produced the backed-up score  *
139  *  so that we can complete the PV if we get a hash hit on  *
140  *  this entry.                                             *
141  *                                                          *
142  ************************************************************
143  */
144       switch (type) {
145         case EXACT:
146           if (val > alpha && val < beta) {
147             if (word1 >> 55 != transposition_age) {
148               word1 = (word1 & 0x007fffffffffffffull) | ((uint64_t)
149                   transposition_age << 55);
150               htable[entry].word1 = word1;
151               htable[entry].word2 = word1 ^ word2;
152             }
153             SavePV(tree, ply, 1);
154             ptable = hash_path + (temp_hashkey & hash_path_mask);
155             for (entry = 0; entry < 16; entry++)
156               if (ptable[entry].path_sig == temp_hashkey) {
157                 for (i = ply;
158                     i < Min(MAXPLY - 1, ptable[entry].hash_pathl + ply); i++)
159                   tree->pv[ply - 1].path[i] =
160                       ptable[entry].hash_path_moves[i - ply];
161                 if (ptable[entry].hash_pathl + ply < MAXPLY - 1)
162                   tree->pv[ply - 1].pathh = 0;
163                 tree->pv[ply - 1].pathl =
164                     Min(MAXPLY - 1, ply + ptable[entry].hash_pathl);
165                 ptable[entry].hash_path_age = transposition_age;
166                 break;
167               }
168           }
169           return HASH_HIT;
170         case UPPER:
171           if (val <= alpha) {
172             if (word1 >> 55 != transposition_age) {
173               word1 = (word1 & 0x007fffffffffffffull) | ((uint64_t)
174                   transposition_age << 55);
175               htable[entry].word1 = word1;
176               htable[entry].word2 = word1 ^ word2;
177             }
178             return HASH_HIT;
179           }
180           break;
181         case LOWER:
182           if (val >= beta) {
183             if (word1 >> 55 != transposition_age) {
184               word1 = (word1 & 0x007fffffffffffffull) | ((uint64_t)
185                   transposition_age << 55);
186               htable[entry].word1 = word1;
187               htable[entry].word2 = word1 ^ word2;
188             }
189             return HASH_HIT;
190           }
191           break;
192       }
193     }
194     return avoid_null;
195   }
196   return HASH_MISS;
197 }
199 /* last modified 02/12/16 */
200 /*
201  *******************************************************************************
202  *                                                                             *
203  *   HashStore() is used to store entries into the transposition table so that *
204  *   this sub-tree won't have to be searched again if the same position is     *
205  *   reached.  We basically store three types of entries:                      *
206  *                                                                             *
207  *     (1) EXACT.  This entry is stored when we complete a search at some ply  *
208  *          and end up with a score that is greater than alpha and less than   *
209  *          beta, which is an exact score, which also has a best move to try   *
210  *          if we encounter this position again.                               *
211  *                                                                             *
212  *     (2) LOWER.  This entry is stored when we complete a search at some ply  *
213  *          and end up with a score that is greater than or equal to beta.  We *
214  *          know know that this score should be at least equal to beta and may *
215  *          well be even higher.  So this entry represents a lower bound on    *
216  *          the score for this node, and we also have a good move to try since *
217  *          it caused the cutoff, although we do not know if it is the best    *
218  *          move or not since not all moves were search.                       *
219  *                                                                             *
220  *     (3) UPPER.  This entry is stored when we complete a search at some ply  *
221  *          and end up with a score that is less than or equal to alpha.  We   *
222  *          know know that this score should be at least equal to alpha and    *
223  *          may well be even lower.  So this entry represents an upper bound   *
224  *          on the score for this node.  We have no idea about which move is   *
225  *          best in this position since they all failed low, so we store a     *
226  *          best move of zero.                                                 *
227  *                                                                             *
228  *   For storing, we may require three passes.  We make our first pass looking *
229  *   for an entry that matches the current hash signature.  If we find a match *
230  *   then we are constrained to overwrite that entry regardless of any other   *
231  *   considerations.  The second pass looks for entries stored in previous     *
232  *   searches (not iterations) and chooses the one with the shallowest draft,  *
233  *   if one is found;  Otherwise we make a final pass over the bucket and      *
234  *   choose the entry with the shallowest draft, period.                       *
235  *                                                                             *
236  *******************************************************************************
237  */
HashStore(TREE * RESTRICT tree,int ply,int depth,int side,int type,int value,int bestmove)238 void HashStore(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int ply, int depth, int side, int type,
239     int value, int bestmove) {
240   HASH_ENTRY *htable, *replace = 0;
241   HPATH_ENTRY *ptable;
242   uint64_t word1, temp_hashkey;
243   int entry, draft, age, replace_draft, i, j;
245 /*
246  ************************************************************
247  *                                                          *
248  *  "Fill in the blank" and build a table entry from        *
249  *  current search information.                             *
250  *                                                          *
251  ************************************************************
252  */
253   word1 = transposition_age;
254   word1 = (word1 << 2) | type;
255   if (value > 32000)
256     value += ply - 1;
257   else if (value < -32000)
258     value -= ply - 1;
259   word1 = (word1 << 21) | bestmove;
260   word1 = (word1 << 15) | depth;
261   word1 = (word1 << 17) | (value + 65536);
262   temp_hashkey = (side) ? HashKey : ~HashKey;
263 /*
264  ************************************************************
265  *                                                          *
266  *  Now we search for an entry to overwrite in three        *
267  *  passes.                                                 *
268  *                                                          *
269  *  Pass 1:  If any signature in the table matches the      *
270  *    current signature, we are going to overwrite this     *
271  *    entry, period.  It might seem worthwhile to check the *
272  *    draft and not overwrite if the table draft is greater *
273  *    than the current remaining depth, but after you think *
274  *    about it, this is a bad idea.  If the draft is        *
275  *    greater than or equal the current remaining depth,    *
276  *    then we should never get here unless the stored bound *
277  *    or score is unusable because of the current alpha/    *
278  *    beta window.  So we are overwriting to avoid losing   *
279  *    the current result.                                   *
280  *                                                          *
281  *  Pass 2:  If any of the entries come from a previous     *
282  *    search (not iteration) then we choose the entry from  *
283  *    this set that has the smallest draft, since it is the *
284  *    least potentially usable result.                      *
285  *                                                          *
286  *  Pass 3:  If neither of the above two found an entry to  *
287  *    overwrite, we simply choose the entry from the bucket *
288  *    with the smallest draft and overwrite that.           *
289  *                                                          *
290  ************************************************************
291  */
292   htable = hash_table + (temp_hashkey & hash_mask);
293   for (entry = 0; entry < 4; entry++) {
294     if (temp_hashkey == (htable[entry].word1 ^ htable[entry].word2)) {
295       replace = htable + entry;
296       break;
297     }
298   }
299   if (!replace) {
300     replace_draft = 99999;
301     for (entry = 0; entry < 4; entry++) {
302       age = htable[entry].word1 >> 55;
303       draft = (htable[entry].word1 >> 17) & 0x7fff;
304       if (age != transposition_age && replace_draft > draft) {
305         replace = htable + entry;
306         replace_draft = draft;
307       }
308     }
309     if (!replace) {
310       for (entry = 0; entry < 4; entry++) {
311         draft = (htable[entry].word1 >> 17) & 0x7fff;
312         if (replace_draft > draft) {
313           replace = htable + entry;
314           replace_draft = draft;
315         }
316       }
317     }
318   }
319 /*
320  ************************************************************
321  *                                                          *
322  *  Now that we know which entry to replace, we simply      *
323  *  stuff the values and exit.  Note that the two 64 bit    *
324  *  words are xor'ed together and stored as the signature   *
325  *  for the "lockless-hash" approach.                       *
326  *                                                          *
327  ************************************************************
328  */
329   replace->word1 = word1;
330   replace->word2 = temp_hashkey ^ word1;
331 /*
332  ************************************************************
333  *                                                          *
334  *  If this is an EXACT entry, we are going to store the PV *
335  *  in a safe place so that if we get a hit on this entry,  *
336  *  we can recover the PV and see the complete path rather  *
337  *  rather than one that is incomplete.                     *
338  *                                                          *
339  ************************************************************
340  */
341   if (type == EXACT) {
342     ptable = hash_path + (temp_hashkey & hash_path_mask);
343     for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, ptable++) {
344       if (ptable->path_sig == temp_hashkey ||
345           transposition_age != ptable->hash_path_age) {
346         for (j = ply; j < tree->pv[ply - 1].pathl; j++)
347           ptable->hash_path_moves[j - ply] = tree->pv[ply - 1].path[j];
348         ptable->hash_pathl = tree->pv[ply - 1].pathl - ply;
349         ptable->path_sig = temp_hashkey;
350         ptable->hash_path_age = transposition_age;
351         break;
352       }
353     }
354   }
355 }
357 /* last modified 09/16/14 */
358 /*
359  *******************************************************************************
360  *                                                                             *
361  *   HashStorePV() is called by Iterate() to insert the PV moves so they will  *
362  *   be searched before any other moves.  Normally the PV moves would be in    *
363  *   the table, but on occasion they can be overwritten, particularly the ones *
364  *   that are a significant distance from the root since those table entries   *
365  *   will have a low draft.                                                    *
366  *                                                                             *
367  *******************************************************************************
368  */
HashStorePV(TREE * RESTRICT tree,int side,int ply)369 void HashStorePV(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int side, int ply) {
370   HASH_ENTRY *htable, *replace;
371   uint64_t temp_hashkey, word1;
372   int entry, draft, replace_draft, age;
374 /*
375  ************************************************************
376  *                                                          *
377  *  First, compute the initial hash address and the fake    *
378  *  entry we will store if we don't find a valid match      *
379  *  already in the table.                                   *
380  *                                                          *
381  ************************************************************
382  */
383   temp_hashkey = (side) ? HashKey : ~HashKey;
384   word1 = transposition_age;
385   word1 = (word1 << 2) | WORTHLESS;
386   word1 = (word1 << 21) | tree->pv[0].path[ply];
387   word1 = (word1 << 32) | 65536;
388 /*
389  ************************************************************
390  *                                                          *
391  *  Now we search for an entry to overwrite in three        *
392  *  passes.                                                 *
393  *                                                          *
394  *  Pass 1:  If any signature in the table matches the      *
395  *    current signature, we are going to overwrite this     *
396  *    entry, period.  It might seem worthwhile to check the *
397  *    draft and not overwrite if the table draft is greater *
398  *    than the current remaining depth, but after you think *
399  *    about it, this is a bad idea.  If the draft is        *
400  *    greater than or equal the current remaining depth,    *
401  *    then we should never get here unless the stored bound *
402  *    or score is unusable because of the current alpha/    *
403  *    beta window.  So we are overwriting to avoid losing   *
404  *    the current result.                                   *
405  *                                                          *
406  *  Pass 2:  If any of the entries come from a previous     *
407  *    search (not iteration) then we choose the entry from  *
408  *    this set that has the smallest draft, since it is the *
409  *    least potentially usable result.                      *
410  *                                                          *
411  *  Pass 3:  If neither of the above two found an entry to  *
412  *    overwrite, we simply choose the entry from the bucket *
413  *    with the smallest draft and overwrite that.           *
414  *                                                          *
415  ************************************************************
416  */
417   htable = hash_table + (temp_hashkey & hash_mask);
418   for (entry = 0; entry < 4; entry++) {
419     if ((htable[entry].word2 ^ htable[entry].word1) == temp_hashkey) {
420       htable[entry].word1 &= ~((uint64_t) 0x1fffff << 32);
421       htable[entry].word1 |= (uint64_t) tree->pv[0].path[ply] << 32;
422       htable[entry].word2 = temp_hashkey ^ htable[entry].word1;
423       break;
424     }
425   }
426   if (entry == 4) {
427     replace = 0;
428     replace_draft = 99999;
429     for (entry = 0; entry < 4; entry++) {
430       age = htable[entry].word1 >> 55;
431       draft = (htable[entry].word1 >> 17) & 0x7fff;
432       if (age != transposition_age && replace_draft > draft) {
433         replace = htable + entry;
434         replace_draft = draft;
435       }
436     }
437     if (!replace) {
438       for (entry = 0; entry < 4; entry++) {
439         draft = (htable[entry].word1 >> 17) & 0x7fff;
440         if (replace_draft > draft) {
441           replace = htable + entry;
442           replace_draft = draft;
443         }
444       }
445     }
446     replace->word1 = word1;
447     replace->word2 = temp_hashkey ^ word1;
448   }
449 }