1 #include "chess.h"
2 #include "data.h"
3 #if defined(UNIX)
4 #  include <unistd.h>
5 #  include <pwd.h>
6 #  include <sys/types.h>
7 #endif
8 #include <signal.h>
9 #if defined(SYZYGY)
10 #  include "tbprobe.h"
11 #endif
12 /* last modified 08/03/16 */
13 /*
14  *******************************************************************************
15  *                                                                             *
16  *  Crafty, copyright 1996-2016 by Robert M. Hyatt, Ph.D.                      *
17  *                                                                             *
18  *  Crafty is a team project consisting of the following members.  These are   *
19  *  the people involved in the continuing development of this program, there   *
20  *  are no particular members responsible for any specific aspect of Crafty,   *
21  *  although R. Hyatt wrote 99%+ of the existing code, excepting the Magic .   *
22  *  move stuff by Pradu Kaanan, syzygy code written by Ronald de Man, and the  *
23  *  epd stuff written by S. Edwards.                                           *
24  *                                                                             *
25  *     Robert Hyatt, Pelham, AL.                                               *
26  *     Mike Byrne, Pen Argyl, PA.                                              *
27  *     Tracy Riegle, Hershey, PA.                                              *
28  *     Peter Skinner, Edmonton, AB  Canada.                                    *
29  *                                                                             *
30  *  All rights reserved.  No part of this program may be reproduced in any     *
31  *  form or by any means, for other than your personal use, without the        *
32  *  express written permission of the authors.  This program may not be used   *
33  *  in whole, nor in part, to enter any computer chess competition without     *
34  *  written permission from the authors.  Such permission will include the     *
35  *  requirement that the program be entered under the name "Crafty" so that    *
36  *  the program's ancestry will be known.                                      *
37  *                                                                             *
38  *  Copies of the source must contain the original copyright notice intact.    *
39  *                                                                             *
40  *  Any changes made to this software must also be made public to comply with  *
41  *  the original intent of this software distribution project.  These          *
42  *  restrictions apply whether the distribution is being done for free or as   *
43  *  part or all of a commercial product.  The authors retain sole ownership    *
44  *  and copyright on this program except for 'personal use' explained below.   *
45  *                                                                             *
46  *  Personal use includes any use you make of the program yourself, either by  *
47  *  playing games with it yourself, or allowing others to play it on your      *
48  *  machine,  and requires that if others use the program, it must be clearly  *
49  *  identified as "Crafty" to anyone playing it (on a chess server as one      *
50  *  example).  Personal use does not allow anyone to enter this into a chess   *
51  *  tournament where other program authors are invited to participate.  IE you *
52  *  can do your own local tournament, with Crafty + other programs, since this *
53  *  is for your personal enjoyment.  But you may not enter Crafty into an      *
54  *  event where it will be in competition with other programs/programmers      *
55  *  without permission as stated previously.                                   *
56  *                                                                             *
57  *  Crafty is the "son" (direct descendent) of Cray Blitz.  it is designed     *
58  *  totally around the bit-board data structure for reasons of speed of ex-    *
59  *  ecution, ease of adding new knowledge, and a *significantly* cleaner       *
60  *  overall design.  it is written totally in ANSI C with some few UNIX system *
61  *  calls required for I/O, etc.                                               *
62  *                                                                             *
63  *  main() is the driver for the chess program.  Its primary function is to    *
64  *  cycle between asking the user for a move and calling for a tree search     *
65  *  to produce a move for the program.  After accepting an input string from   *
66  *  the user, this string is first passed to Option() which checks to see if   *
67  *  it is a command to the program.  If Option() returns a non-zero result,    *
68  *  the input was a command and was executed, otherwise the input should be    *
69  *  passed to input() for conversion to the internal move format.              *
70  *                                                                             *
71  *  The following diagram shows how bit numbers / squares match up in Crafty's *
72  *  bitboard arrays.  Note that bit zero (LSB) corresponds to square A, which  *
73  *  makes this a mental challenge to take a 64 bit value and visualize it as   *
74  *  chess board, since the files are reversed.  This was done for the          *
75  *  following reasons:  (1) bit 0 needs to be the LSB, and bit 63 needs to be  *
76  *  the MSB so that the Intel BSF/BSR instructions return the proper square    *
77  *  number without any remapping.  (2) the lower 3 bits (file number) are now  *
78  *  0 for A, 1 for B, ..., 7 for H.  The upper 3 bits (rank number) are then   *
79  *  0 for rank 1, 1 for rank 2, ..., 7 for rank 8.                             *
80  *                                                                             *
81  *  A8 B8 C8 D8 E8 F8 G8 H8                                                    *
82  *  A7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 G7 H7                                                    *
83  *  A6 B6 C6 D6 E6 F6 G6 H6                                                    *
84  *  A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 H5                                                    *
85  *  A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 H4                                                    *
86  *  A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 H3                                                    *
87  *  A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2                                                    *
88  *  A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1                                                    *
89  *                                                                             *
90  *  56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63                                                    *
91  *  48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55                                                    *
92  *  40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47                                                    *
93  *  32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39                                                    *
94  *  24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31                                                    *
95  *  16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23                                                    *
96  *   8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15                                                    *
97  *   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7                                                    *
98  *                                                                             *
99  *  version  description                                                       *
100  *                                                                             *
101  *    1.0    First version of the bit-board program to play a legitimate game  *
102  *           even though significant features are missing:  transposition      *
103  *           table, sophisticated scoring, etc.                                *
104  *                                                                             *
105  *    1.1    Added the minimal window search.  At each ply in the tree, the    *
106  *           first branch is searched with the normal alpha/beta window, while *
107  *           remaining nodes are searched with value/value+1 which was         *
108  *           returned from searching the first branch.  If such a search       *
109  *           returns the upper bound, this position is once again searched     *
110  *           with the normal window.                                           *
111  *                                                                             *
112  *    1.2    Added the classic null-move search.  The program searches the     *
113  *           sub-tree below the null move (typically) one play shallower than  *
114  *           the normal search, saving a lot of time.                          *
115  *                                                                             *
116  *    1.3    Added the transposition table support.  This also includes the    *
117  *           code in Iterate() necessary to propagate the principal variation  *
118  *           from one iteration to the next to improve move ordering.          *
119  *                                                                             *
120  *    1.4    Modified the transposition table to use three tables, one for 64  *
121  *           bits of white entry, one for 64 bits of black entry, and one with *
122  *           the remaining 32 bits of white and black entry combined into one  *
123  *           64 bit word.  Eliminated the "bit fields" since they seemed to be *
124  *           erratic on most compilers and made portability nearly impossible. *
125  *                                                                             *
126  *    1.5    Pawn scoring added.  This required three additions to the code:   *
127  *           (1) InitializePawnMasks() which produces the necessary masks to   *
128  *           let us efficiently detect isolated, backward, passed, etc. pawns; *
129  *           (2) a pawn hash table to store recently computed pawn scores so   *
130  *           it won't be too expensive to do complex analysis;  (3) Evaluate() *
131  *           now evaluates pawns if the current pawn position is not in the    *
132  *           pawn hash table.                                                  *
133  *                                                                             *
134  *    1.6    Piece scoring added, although it is not yet complete.  Also, the  *
135  *           search now uses the familiar zero-width window search for all but *
136  *           the first move at the root, in order to reduce the size of the    *
137  *           tree to a nearly optimal size.  This means that a move that is    *
138  *           only one point better than the first move will "fail high" and    *
139  *           have to be re-searched a second time to get the true value.  If   *
140  *           the new best move is significantly better, it may have to be      *
141  *           searched a third time to increase the window enough to return the *
142  *           score.                                                            *
143  *                                                                             *
144  *    1.7    Replaced the old "killer" move ordering heuristic with the newer  *
145  *           "history" ordering heuristic.   This version uses the 12-bit key  *
146  *           formed by <from><to> to index into the history table.             *
147  *                                                                             *
148  *    1.8    Added pondering for both PC and UNIX-based machines.  Also other  *
149  *           improvements include the old Cray Blitz algorithm that takes the  *
150  *           P.V. returned by the tree search, and "extends" it by looking up  *
151  *           positions in the transposition table, which improves move         *
152  *           ordering significantly.  Repetitions are now handled correctly.   *
153  *                                                                             *
154  *    1.9    Added an opening book with flags to control which moves are       *
155  *           selected for play.  The book maintenance code is stubbed directly *
156  *           into the program, so that no additional executables are needed.   *
157  *                                                                             *
158  *    1.10   Added king safety + hashing (as done in the old Cray Blitz).      *
159  *           Nothing novel other than the use of bit-masks to speed up some of *
160  *           the tests.                                                        *
161  *                                                                             *
162  *    1.11   Additional evaluation knowledge plus log_file so that program     *
163  *           saves a record of the game statistics for later analysis.  Added  *
164  *           the "annotate" command to make the program analyze a game or part *
165  *           of a game for testing/debugging.                                  *
166  *                                                                             *
167  *    1.12   Added ICS (Internet Chess Server) support for Xboard support so   *
168  *           that Crafty can play on ICS in an automated manner.  Added new    *
169  *           commands to be compatible with Xboard.  Crafty also has a new     *
170  *           command-line interface that allows options to be entered on the   *
171  *           command-line directly, ie:  "crafty alarm=off verbose=2" will     *
172  *           start the program, set the move alarm off, and set verbose to     *
173  *           2.  This allows an "alias" to easily customize the program.       *
174  *                                                                             *
175  *    1.13   Added time-control logic to the program.  It now monitors how     *
176  *           much time both it and its opponent uses when thinking about a     *
177  *           move to make.  When pondering, it only times itself from the      *
178  *           point that a move is actually entered.                            *
179  *                                                                             *
180  *    1.14   Added the piece/square tables to the program to move static       *
181  *           scoring to the root of the tree since it never changes (things    *
182  *           like centralization of pieces, etc.)  also some minor tuning of   *
183  *           numbers to bring positional score "swings" down some.             *
184  *                                                                             *
185  *    1.15   Added edit so that positions can be altered (and so ICS games     *
186  *           can be resumed after they are adjourned).  Also added a "force"   *
187  *           command to force the program to play a different move than the    *
188  *           search selected.  Search timing allocation slightly altered to    *
189  *           improve ICS performance.                                          *
190  *                                                                             *
191  *    1.16   Significant adjustments to evaluation weights to bring positional *
192  *           scores down to below a pawn for "normal" positions.  Some small   *
193  *           "tweaks" to king safety as well to keep the king safer.           *
194  *                                                                             *
195  *    1.17   Added "development" evaluation routine to encourage development   *
196  *           and castling before starting on any tactical "sorties."  Also     *
197  *           repaired many "bugs" in evaluation routines.                      *
198  *                                                                             *
199  *    1.18   Added the famous Cray Blitz "square of the king" passed pawn      *
200  *           evaluation routine.  This will evaluate positions where one       *
201  *           side has passed pawns and the other side has no pieces, to see    *
202  *           if the pawn can outrun the defending king and promote.  Note that *
203  *           this is ridiculously fast because it only requires one AND        *
204  *           to declare that a pawn can't be caught!                           *
205  *                                                                             *
206  *    2.0    initial version preparing for search extension additions.  This   *
207  *           version has a new "next_evasion()" routine that is called when    *
208  *           the king is in check.  It generates sensible (nearly all are      *
209  *           legal) moves which include capturing the checking piece (if there *
210  *           is only one), moving the king (but not along the checking ray),   *
211  *           and interpositions that block the checking ray (if there is only  *
212  *           one checking piece.                                               *
213  *                                                                             *
214  *    2.1    Search is now broken down into three cleanly-defined phases:      *
215  *           (1) basic full-width search [Search()]; (2) extended tactical     *
216  *           search [extend()] which includes winning/even captures and then   *
217  *           passed pawn pushes to the 6th or 7th rank (if the pawn pushes     *
218  *           are safe);  (3) normal quiescence search [Quiesce()] which only   *
219  *           includes captures that appear to gain material.                   *
220  *                                                                             *
221  *    2.2    King safety code re-written and cleaned up.  Crafty was giving    *
222  *           multiple penalties which was causing the king safety score to be  *
223  *           extremely large (and unstable.)  Now, if it finds something wrong *
224  *           with king safety, it only penalizes a weakness once.              *
225  *                                                                             *
226  *    2.3    King safety code modified further, penalties were significant     *
227  *           enough to cause search anomolies.  Modified rook scoring to avoid *
228  *           having the rook trapped in the corner when the king is forced to  *
229  *           move rather than castle, and to keep the rook in a position to be *
230  *           able to reach open files in one move, which avoids getting them   *
231  *           into awkward positions where they become almost worthless.        *
232  *                                                                             *
233  *    2.4    King safety code completely rewritten.  It now analyzes "defects" *
234  *           in the king safety field and counts them as appropriate.  These   *
235  *           defects are then summed up and used as an index into a vector of  *
236  *           of values that turns them into a score in a non-linear fashion.   *
237  *           Increasing defects quickly "ramp up" the score to about 1/3+ of   *
238  *           a pawn, then additional faults slowly increase the penalty.       *
239  *                                                                             *
240  *    2.5    First check extensions added.  In the extension search (stage     *
241  *           between full-width and captures-only, up to two checking moves    *
242  *           can be included, if there are checks in the full-width part of    *
243  *           the search.  If only one check occurs in the full-width, then     *
244  *           only one check will be included in the extension phase of the     *
245  *           selective search.                                                 *
246  *                                                                             *
247  *    2.6    Evaluation modifications attempting to cure Crafty's frantic      *
248  *           effort to develop all its pieces without giving a lot of regard   *
249  *           to the resulting position until after the pieces are out.         *
250  *                                                                             *
251  *    2.7    New evaluation code to handle the "outside passed pawn" concept.  *
252  *           Crafty now understands that a passed pawn on the side away from   *
253  *           the rest of the pawns is a winning advantage due to decoying the  *
254  *           king away from the pawns to prevent the passer from promoting.    *
255  *           The advantage increases as material is removed from the board.    *
256  *                                                                             *
257  *    3.0    The 3.* series of versions will primarily be performance en-      *
258  *           hancements.  The first version (3.0) has a highly modified        *
259  *           version of MakeMove() that tries to do no unnecessary work.  It   *
260  *           is about 25% faster than old version of MakeMove() which makes    *
261  *           Crafty roughly 10% faster.  Also calls to Mask() have been        *
262  *           replaced by constants (which are replaced by calls to Mask() on   *
263  *           the Crays for speed) to eliminate function calls.                 *
264  *                                                                             *
265  *    3.1    Significantly modified king safety again, to better detect and    *
266  *           react to king-side attacks.  Crafty now uses the recursive null-  *
267  *           move search to depth-2 instead of depth-1, which results in       *
268  *           slightly improved speed.                                          *
269  *                                                                             *
270  *    3.2    Null-move restored to depth-1.  Depth-2 proved unsafe as Crafty   *
271  *           was overlooking tactical moves, particularly against itself,      *
272  *           which lost several "won" games.                                   *
273  *                                                                             *
274  *    3.3    Additional king-safety work.  Crafty now uses the king-safety     *
275  *           evaluation routines to compare king safety for both sides.  If    *
276  *           one side is "in distress" pieces are attracted to that king in    *
277  *           "big hurry" to either attack or defend.                           *
278  *                                                                             *
279  *    3.4    "Threat extensions" added.  Simply, this is a null-move search    *
280  *           used to determine if a move is good only because it is a horizon  *
281  *           effect type move.  We do a null move search after a move fails    *
282  *           high anywhere in the tree.  The window is normally lowered by 1.5 *
283  *           pawns, the idea being that if the fail-high move happens in a     *
284  *           position that fails "really low" with a null move, then this move *
285  *           might be a horizon move.  To test this, re-search this move with  *
286  *           the depth increased by one.                                       *
287  *                                                                             *
288  *    3.5    50-move rule implemented.  A count of moves since the last pawn   *
289  *           move or capture is kept as part of the position[] structure.  It  *
290  *           is updated by MakeMove().  When this number reaches 100 (which    *
291  *           in plies is 50 moves) Repeat() will return the draw indication    *
292  *           immediately, just as though the position was a repetition draw.   *
293  *                                                                             *
294  *    3.6    Search extensions cleaned up to avoid excessive extensions which  *
295  *           produced some wild variations, but which was also slowing things  *
296  *           down excessively.                                                 *
297  *                                                                             *
298  *    3.7    Endgame strategy added.  Two specifics: KBN vs K has a piece/sq   *
299  *           table that will drive the losing king to the correct corner.  For *
300  *           positions with no pawns, scoring is altered to drive the losing   *
301  *           king to the edge and corner for mating purposes.                  *
302  *                                                                             *
303  *    3.8    Hashing strategy modified.  Crafty now stores search value or     *
304  *           bound, *and* positional evaluation in the transposition table.    *
305  *           This avoids about 10-15% of the "long" evaluations during the     *
306  *           middlegame, and avoids >75% of them in endgames.                  *
307  *                                                                             *
308  *    4.0    Evaluation units changed to "millipawns" where a pawn is now      *
309  *           1000 rather than the prior 100 units.  This provides more         *
310  *           "resolution" in the evaluation and will let Crafty have large     *
311  *           positional bonuses for significant things, without having the     *
312  *           small positional advantages add up and cause problems.  V3.8      *
313  *           exhibited a propensity to "sac the exchange" frequently because   *
314  *           of this.  It is hoped that this is a thing of the past now.       *
315  *           Also, the "one legal reply to check" algorithm is now being used. *
316  *           In short, if one side has only one legal reply to a checking move *
317  *           then the other side is free to check again on the next ply. this  *
318  *           only applies in the "extension" search, and allows some checks    *
319  *           that extend() would normally not follow.                          *
320  *                                                                             *
321  *    4.1    Extension search modified.  It now "tracks" the basic iteration   *
322  *           search depth up to some user-set limit (default=6).  For shallow  *
323  *           depths, this speeds things up, while at deeper depths it lets the *
324  *           program analyze forcing moves somewhat deeper.                    *
325  *                                                                             *
326  *    4.2    Extension search modified.  Fixed a problem where successive      *
327  *           passed-pawn pushes were not extended correctly by extend() code.  *
328  *           Threat-extension margin was wrong after changing the value of a   *
329  *           pawn to 1000, it is now back to 1.5 pawns.                        *
330  *                                                                             *
331  *    4.3    Hash scoring "repaired."  As the piece/square tables changed, the *
332  *           transposition table (positional evaluation component) along with  *
333  *           the pawn and king-safety hash tables prevented the changes from   *
334  *           affecting the score, since the hashed scores were based on the    *
335  *           old piece/square table values.  Now, when any piece/square table  *
336  *           is modified, the affected hash tables are cleared of evaluation   *
337  *           information.                                                      *
338  *                                                                             *
339  *    4.4    Piece/square tables simplified, king tropism scoring moved to     *
340  *           Evaluate() where it is computed dynamically now as it should be.  *
341  *                                                                             *
342  *    4.5    Book move selection algorithm replaced.  Crafty now counts the    *
343  *           number of times each book move was played as the book file is     *
344  *           created.  Since these moves come (typically) from GM games, the   *
345  *           more frequently a move appears, the more likely it is to lead to  *
346  *           a sound position.  Crafty then enumerates all possible book moves *
347  *           for the current position, computes a probability distribution for *
348  *           each move so that Crafty will select a move proportional to the   *
349  *           number of times it was played in GM games (for example, if e4 was *
350  *           played 55% of the time, then Crafty will play e4 55% of the time) *
351  *           although the special case of moves played too infrequently is     *
352  *           handled by letting the operator set a minimum threshold (say 5)   *
353  *           Crafty won't play moves that are not popular (or are outright     *
354  *           blunders as the case may be.)  Pushing a passed pawn to the 7th   *
355  *           rank in the basic search [Search() module] now extends the search *
356  *           by two plies unless we have extended this ply already (usually a  *
357  *           check evasion) or unless we have extended the whole line to more  *
358  *           than twice the nominal iteration depth.                           *
359  *                                                                             *
360  *    5.0    Selective search extensions removed.  With the extensions now in  *
361  *           the basic full-width search, these became more a waste of time    *
362  *           than anything useful, and removing them simplifies things quite   *
363  *           a bit.                                                            *
364  *                                                                             *
365  *    5.1    Pondering logic now has a "puzzling" feature that is used when    *
366  *           the search has no move to ponder.  It does a short search to find *
367  *           a move and then ponders that move, permanently eliminating the    *
368  *           "idle" time when it has nothing to ponder.                        *
369  *                                                                             *
370  *    5.2    Evaluation terms scaled down to prevent positional scores from    *
371  *           reaching the point that sacrificing material to avoid simple      *
372  *           positional difficulties begins to look attractive.                *
373  *                                                                             *
374  *    5.3    Performance improvement produced by avoiding calls to MakeMove()  *
375  *           when the attack information is not needed.  Since the first test  *
376  *           done in Quiesce() is to see if the material score is so bad that  *
377  *           a normal evaluation and/or further search is futile, this test    *
378  *           has been moved to inside the loop *before* Quiesce() is           *
379  *           recursively called, avoiding the MakeMove() work only to          *
380  *           discover that the resulting position won't be searched further.   *
381  *                                                                             *
382  *    5.4    New SEE() function that now understands indirect attacks through  *
383  *           the primary attacking piece(s).  This corrects a lot of sloppy    *
384  *           move ordering as well as make the "futility" cutoffs added in     *
385  *           in version 5.3 much more reliable.                                *
386  *                                                                             *
387  *    5.5    Checks are now back in the quiescence search.  Crafty now stores  *
388  *           a negative "draft" in the transposition table rather than forcing *
389  *           any depth < 0 to be zero.  The null-move search now searches the  *
390  *           null-move to depth-1 (R=1) rather than depth-2 (R=2) which seemed *
391  *           to cause some tactical oversights in the search.                  *
392  *                                                                             *
393  *    5.6    Improved move ordering by using the old "killer move" idea.  An   *
394  *           additional advantage is that the killers can be tried before      *
395  *           generating any moves (after the captures.)  Quiescence now only   *
396  *           includes "safe" checks (using SEE() to determine if it is a safe  *
397  *           checking move.                                                    *
398  *                                                                             *
399  *    5.7    King safety now "hates" a pawn at b3/g3 (white) or b6/g6 (black)  *
400  *           to try and avoid the resulting mate threats.                      *
401  *                                                                             *
402  *    5.8    EvaluateOutsidePassedPawns() fixed to correctly evaluate those    *
403  *           positions where both sides have outside passed pawns.  Before     *
404  *           this fix, it only evaluated positions where one side had a passed *
405  *           pawn, which overlooked those won/lost positions where both sides  *
406  *           have passed pawns but one is "distant" or "outside" the other.    *
407  *                                                                             *
408  *    5.9    Removed "futility" forward pruning.  Exhaustive testing has       *
409  *           proved that this causes significant tactical oversights.          *
410  *                                                                             *
411  *    5.10   Added code to handle king and pawn vs king, which understands     *
412  *           the cases where the pawn can't outrun the king, but has to be     *
413  *           assisted along by the king.                                       *
414  *                                                                             *
415  *    5.11   Two king-safety changes.  (1) The program's king safety score is  *
416  *           now "doubled" to make it much less likely that it will try to win *
417  *           a pawn but destroy it's king-side.  (2) The attack threshold has  *
418  *           been lowered which is used to key the program that it is now      *
419  *           necessary to move pieces to defend the king-side, in an effort to *
420  *           protect a king-side that is deemed somewhat unsafe.               *
421  *                                                                             *
422  *    5.12   Improved null-move code by computing the Knuth/Moore node type    *
423  *           and then only trying null-moves at type 2 nodes.  This has        *
424  *           resulted in a 2x speedup in test positions.                       *
425  *                                                                             *
426  *    5.13   Optimization to avoid doing a call to MakeMove() if it can be     *
427  *           avoided by noting that the move is not good enough to bring the   *
428  *           score up to an acceptable level.                                  *
429  *                                                                             *
430  *    5.14   Artificially isolated pawns recognized now, so that Crafty won't  *
431  *           push a pawn so far it can't be defended.  Also, the bonus for a   *
432  *           outside passed pawn was nearly doubled.                           *
433  *                                                                             *
434  *    5.15   Passed pawns supported by a king, or connected passed pawns now   *
435  *           get a large bonus as they advance.  Minor fix to the ICC resume   *
436  *           feature to try to avoid losing games on time.                     *
437  *                                                                             *
438  *    6.0    Converted to rotated bitboards to make attack generation *much*   *
439  *           faster.  MakeMove() now can look up the attack bit vectors        *
440  *           rather than computing them which is significantly faster.         *
441  *                                                                             *
442  *    6.1    Added a "hung piece" term to Evaluate() which penalizes the side  *
443  *           to move if a piece is attacked by a lesser piece, or a piece is   *
444  *           attacked and not defended at all.  Additionally, a new scoring    *
445  *           term was added to detect a weak back rank (where the king does    *
446  *           not attack an empty square on the 2nd rank, and there are no      *
447  *           horizontally sliding pieces [rook or queen] on the first rank to  *
448  *           guard against back-rank mates.                                    *
449  *                                                                             *
450  *    6.2    Modified the "futility" cutoff to (a) emulate the way the program *
451  *           normally searches, but avoiding MakeMove() calls when possible,   *
452  *           and (2) not searching a move near the horizon if the material     *
453  *           score is hopeless.                                                *
454  *                                                                             *
455  *    6.3    Null-move code moved from NextMove() directly into Search().      *
456  *           this results is a "cleaner" implementation, as well as fixing an  *
457  *           error in the node type, caused by Search() thinking that after    *
458  *           the first move tried fails to cause a cutoff, that suddenly this  *
459  *           node is a type=3 node (Knuth and Moore).  This bug would then     *
460  *           introduce null-moves into later nodes that are a waste of time.   *
461  *                                                                             *
462  *    6.4    Pawn scoring modified.  Passed pawns were scored low enough that  *
463  *           Crafty would let the opponent create one in the endgame (as long  *
464  *           as it wasn't an "outside" passed pawn).  This required adjusting  *
465  *           isolated pawns as well.  All "weak" pawns (pawns on open files    *
466  *           that aren't defended by a pawn) are not penalized so much if      *
467  *           there aren't any rooks/queens to attack on the file.              *
468  *                                                                             *
469  *    7.0    Removed the to.attack and from.attack bitboards.  These are now   *
470  *           computed as needed, using the rotated bitboards.  Hung piece      *
471  *           stuff removed due to lack of any verified benefit.                *
472  *                                                                             *
473  *    7.1    Modified next.c and nextc.c so that they check "mvv_lva_ordering" *
474  *           to determine which capture ordering strategy to use.  Note that   *
475  *           setting this to "1" (default at present) disables the forward     *
476  *           pruning in quiescence search that wants to cull losing captures.  *
477  *                                                                             *
478  *    7.2    Major clean-up of MakeMove() using macros to make it easier to    *
479  *           read and understand.  Ditto for other modules as well.  Fixed a   *
480  *           bug in Evaluate() where bishop scoring failed in endgame          *
481  *           situations, and discouraged king centralization.                  *
482  *                                                                             *
483  *    7.3    Evaluate() is no longer called if material is too far outside the *
484  *           current alpha/beta window.  The time-consuming part of Evaluate() *
485  *           is no longer done if the major scoring contributors in Evaluate() *
486  *           haven't pulled the score within the alpha/beta window, and the    *
487  *           remainder of Evaluate() can't possible accomplish this either.    *
488  *           Gross error in EvaluatePawns() fixed, which would "forget" all    *
489  *           of the pawn scoring done up to the point where doubled white      *
490  *           pawns were found.  Error was xx=+ rather than xx+=, which had     *
491  *           an extremely harmful effect on pawn structure evaluation.         *
492  *                                                                             *
493  *    7.4    Performance improvements produced by elimination of bit-fields.   *
494  *           This was accomplished by hand-coding the necessary ANDs, ORs, and *
495  *           SHIFTs necessary to accomplish the same thing, only faster.       *
496  *                                                                             *
497  *    7.5    Repetition code modified.  It could store at replist[-1] which    *
498  *           clobbered the long long word just in front of this array.         *
499  *                                                                             *
500  *    7.6    Null move search now searches with R=2, unless within 3 plies     *
501  *           of the quiescence search, then it searches nulls with R=1.        *
502  *                                                                             *
503  *    8.0    Re-vamp of evaluation, bringing scores back down so that Crafty   *
504  *           will stop sacrificing the exchange, or a piece for two pawns just *
505  *           it thinks it has lots of positional compensation.  The next few   *
506  *           versions are going to be tuning or coding modifications to eval.  *
507  *                                                                             *
508  *    8.1    Futility() re-written to be more efficient, as well as to stop    *
509  *           tossing moves out based on the +/- 2 pawn window, which was too   *
510  *           speculative.  It still saves roughly 20% in speed over the same   *
511  *           searches without futility, but seems to have *no* harmful effects *
512  *           in tests run to date.                                             *
513  *                                                                             *
514  *    8.2    Futility() removed once and for all.  Since MakeMove() is so      *
515  *           fast after the new attack generation algorithm, this was actually *
516  *           slower than not using it.                                         *
517  *                                                                             *
518  *    8.3    EvaluatePawns() weak pawn analysis bug fixed.  Other minor        *
519  *           performance enhancements and cleanup.                             *
520  *                                                                             *
521  *    8.4    Dynamic "king tropism" evaluation term now used, which varies     *
522  *           based on how exposed the target king is.  The more exposed, the   *
523  *           larger the bonus for placing pieces near the king.  New "analyze" *
524  *           feature that complements the "annotate" feature that Crafty has   *
525  *           had for a while.  Annotate is used to play over moves that are    *
526  *           either in the current game history, or have been read in using    *
527  *           the "read <filename>" command.  Analyze, on the other hand, will  *
528  *           immediately begin searching the current position.  Each time the  *
529  *           operator enters a move, it will make that move on the board, and  *
530  *           then search the resulting position for the other side.  In effect *
531  *           this gives a running commentary on a "game in progress".  These   *
532  *           moves can be pumped into Crafty in many ways so that "on the fly" *
533  *           analysis of a game-in-progress is possible.                       *
534  *                                                                             *
535  *    8.5    More cleanup.  Pawn promotions were searched twice, thanks to the *
536  *           killer moves, although often they resulted in no search overhead  *
537  *           due to transposition table hits the second time around.  Other    *
538  *           minor fixes, including one serious "undefined variable" in        *
539  *           Evaluate() that caused grief in endings.                          *
540  *                                                                             *
541  *    8.6    New book file structure.  It is no longer necessary to enter the  *
542  *           "number of records" as Crafty now uses a new compressed hashing   *
543  *           technique so that the book has no empty space in it, and the size *
544  *           is computed "on the fly" producing a smaller book without the     *
545  *           user having to compute the size.  Tweaks to Evaluate() to cure    *
546  *           minor irritating habits.                                          *
547  *                                                                             *
548  *    8.7    Repaired optimization made in null-move search, that forgot to    *
549  *           clear "EnPassant_Target".  A double pawn push, followed by a null *
550  *           left the side on move "very confused" and would let it play an    *
551  *           illegal enpassant capture in the tree. Sort.<n> files are now     *
552  *           removed after book.bin is created.  Also, minor change to book    *
553  *           format makes it incompatible with older book versions, but also   *
554  *           allows book lines to be as long as desired, and the book size to  *
555  *           reach any reasonable size.  Dynamic king tropism replaced by a    *
556  *           dynamic computation, but with a static king tropism score, rather *
557  *           than a score based on king exposure.  There was simply too much   *
558  *           interaction, although this may prove workable later.              *
559  *                                                                             *
560  *    8.8    Tweaks to passed pawn scoring.  Scores were too low, making       *
561  *           Crafty "ignore" them too much.                                    *
562  *                                                                             *
563  *    8.9    Internal iterative deepening is now used in those rare positions  *
564  *           where a PV node has no hash move to search.  This does a shallow  *
565  *           search to depth-2 to find a good move for ordering.               *
566  *                                                                             *
567  *    8.10   Internal interative deepening modified to handle cases where lots *
568  *           of tactics make the deepening search fail high or low, and        *
569  *           occasionally end up with no move to try.  This produced a "bad    *
570  *           move from hash table" error.                                      *
571  *                                                                             *
572  *    8.11   Minor bug in internal iterative deepening fixed.  Also, macros    *
573  *           for accessing the "position" data structure are now used to make  *
574  *           things a little more readable.                                    *
575  *                                                                             *
576  *    8.12   Fixed minor bugs in quiescence checks, which let Crafty include   *
577  *           more checks than intended (default quiescence_checks=2, but the   *
578  *           comparison was <= before including a check, which made it include *
579  *           three.  Additionally, a hashed check was *always* tried, even if  *
580  *           quiescence_checks had already been satisfied.  Pawn scoring also  *
581  *           had a bug, in that there was a "crack" between opening and middle *
582  *           game, where Crafty would conclude that it was in an endgame, and  *
583  *           adjust the pawn advance scores accordingly, sometimes causing an  *
584  *           odd a4/a5/etc move "out of the blue."  Minor bug in next_capture  *
585  *           was pruning even exchanges very early in quiescence search.  That *
586  *           has now been removed, so only losing exchanges are pruned.        *
587  *                                                                             *
588  *    8.13   NextCapture() now *always* tries checking moves if the move at    *
589  *           the previous ply was a null-move.  This avoids letting the null   *
590  *           move hide some serious mating threats.  A minor bug where Crafty  *
591  *           could draw by repetition after announcing a mate.  This was a     *
592  *           result of finding a mate score in hash table, and, after the      *
593  *           search iteration completed, the mate score would terminate the    *
594  *           search completely.  Now, the search won't terminate until it      *
595  *           finds a mate shorter than the previous search did.  Minor eval    *
596  *           tweaks and bugfixes as well.                                      *
597  *                                                                             *
598  *    8.14   Checks after null moves discontinued.  Worked in some cases, but, *
599  *           in general made the tree larger for nothing.  Eval tweaks to stop *
600  *           sacs that resulted in connected passed pawns, often at the        *
601  *           expense of a minor piece for a pawn or two, which usually lost.   *
602  *           Mobility coeffecient increased for all pieces.  Asymmetric king   *
603  *           safety discontinued.  King safety for both sides is now equally   *
604  *           important.  King safety is now also proportional to the number of *
605  *           pieces the other side has, so that a disrupted king-side will     *
606  *           encourage trading pieces to reduce attacking chances.             *
607  *                                                                             *
608  *    8.15   Weak pawn scoring modified further.  The changes are designed to  *
609  *           cause Crafty to keep pawns "mobile" where they can advance,       *
610  *           rather than letting them become blocked or locked.                *
611  *                                                                             *
612  *    8.16   Still more weak pawn modifications.  In addition, there is no     *
613  *           "rook on half-open file" any longer.  If there are only enemy     *
614  *           pawns on the file, and the most advanced one is weak, then the    *
615  *           file is treated as though it were open.  Technical error in the   *
616  *           EvaluateDevelopment() code that caused screwey evaluations is     *
617  *           fixed, making Crafty more likely to castle.  :)  Book() now       *
618  *           verifies that the current position is in book, before trying any  *
619  *           moves to see if the resulting positions are in book.  This avoids *
620  *           something like e4 e5 Bb5 a6 Nf3 from causing Crafty to play Nc6   *
621  *           which takes it back into book, rather than axb5 winning a piece.  *
622  *           This will occasionally backfire and prevent Crafty from trans-    *
623  *           posing back into book, but seems safer at present.                *
624  *                                                                             *
625  *    8.17   Piece values changed somewhat, to avoid Crafty's propensity to    *
626  *           make unfavorable trades.  An example:  Crafty is faced with the   *
627  *           loss of a pawn.  Instead, it trades the queen for a rook and      *
628  *           bishop, which used to be the same as losing a pawn.  This is not  *
629  *           so good, and often would result in a slow loss.  This version     *
630  *           also implements several "user-supplied" patches to make Crafty    *
631  *           compile cleanly on various machines.  In addition, you no longer  *
632  *           have to continually modify types.h for different configurations.  *
633  *           the Makefile now supplies a -D<target> to the compiler.  You need *
634  *           to edit Makefile and set "target" to the appropriate value from   *
635  *           the list provided.  Then, when getting a new version, save your   *
636  *           Makefile, extract the new source, copy in your makefile and you   *
637  *           will be ready, except for those rare occasions where I add a new  *
638  *           source module.  Other changes are performance tweaks.  One is a   *
639  *           simple trick to order captures while avoiding SEE() if possible.  *
640  *           If the captured piece is more valuable than the capturing piece,  *
641  *           we can simply use the difference (pessimistic value) rather than  *
642  *           calling SEE() since this pessimistic value is still > 0.  Other   *
643  *           tweaks to the various Next_*() routines to avoid a little un-     *
644  *           necessary work.                                                   *
645  *                                                                             *
646  *    8.18   Book move selection algorithm changed.  Note that this is highly  *
647  *           speculative, but when best book play is selected, Crafty will     *
648  *           use the books.bin file as always.  If there is no move in books,  *
649  *           Crafty reverts to book.bin, but now finds all known book moves    *
650  *           and puts them into the root move list.  It then does a fairly     *
651  *           short search, only considering these moves, and it will play the  *
652  *           best one so long as the evaluation is acceptable.  If not, it     *
653  *           simply returns as though there was no book move, and executes a   *
654  *           search as it normally would.  The book hashing algorithm was also *
655  *           modified so that the 64-bit hash key is slightly different from   *
656  *           the real hash key.  In effect, the upper 16 bits are only set as  *
657  *           a result of the side-not-to-move's pieces.  This means that for a *
658  *           given position, all the book moves will be in the same "cluster"  *
659  *           which makes the book dramatically faster, since one seek and read *
660  *           produces all the possible book moves (plus some others too, since *
661  *           the upper 16 bits are not unique enough.)  A significant speed    *
662  *           improvement is noticable, particularly with a 60mb opening book.  *
663  *           Crafty now understands (if that's the right word) that endings    *
664  *           with bishops of opposite colors are to be avoided.  When such an  *
665  *           ending is encountered, the total score is simply divided by two   *
666  *           to make the ending look more drawish.                             *
667  *                                                                             *
668  *    8.19   Book selection algorithm further modified, so that the result of  *
669  *           each game in the GM database is known.  Now Crafty will not play  *
670  *           a move from book, if all games were lost by the side on move,     *
671  *           hopefully avoiding many blunders.  Crafty now understands how to  *
672  *           attack if both players castle on opposite sides, by encouraging   *
673  *           pawn advances against the kings.  Other minor modifications to    *
674  *           the eval values.                                                  *
675  *                                                                             *
676  *    8.20   PVS search finally implemented fully.  Problems several months    *
677  *           ago prevented doing the PVS search along the PV itself.  This is  *
678  *           therefore quite a bit faster, now that it's fully implemented and *
679  *           working properly.  Elapsed time code modified so that Crafty now  *
680  *           uses gettimeofday() to get fractions of a second elapsed time.    *
681  *           Slight modification time allocation algorithm to avoid using too  *
682  *           much time early in the game.                                      *
683  *                                                                             *
684  *    8.21   Courtesy of Mark Bromley, Crafty may run significantly faster on  *
685  *           your machine.  There are some options in the Makefile that will   *
686  *           eliminate many of the large attack computation long longs, which  *
687  *           helps prevent cache thrashing.  On some machines this will be     *
688  *           slower, on others 20% (or maybe more) faster.  You'll have to     *
689  *           try -DCOMPACT_ATTACKS, and if that's faster, then it's time to    *
690  *           try -DUSE_SPLIT_SHIFTS which may help even more.  Finally, if you *
691  *           are running on a supersparc processor, you can use the fastattack *
692  *           assembly module fastattack.s and get another big boost.  (Attack  *
693  *           function is largest compute user in Crafty at present.) Serious   *
694  *           search problem fixed.  It turns out that Crafty uses the hash     *
695  *           table to pass PV moves from one iteration to the next, but for    *
696  *           moves at the root of the tree the hash table has no effect, so a  *
697  *           special case was added to RootMoveList to check the list of moves *
698  *           and if one matches the PV move, move it to the front of the list. *
699  *           This turned out to be critical because after completing a search, *
700  *           (say to 9 plies) Crafty makes its move, then chops the first two  *
701  *           moves off of the PV and then passes that to iterate to start a    *
702  *           search.  This search starts at lastdepth-1 (8 in this case) since *
703  *           the n-2 search was already done.  The "bug" showed up however, in *
704  *           that RootMoveList() was not checking for the PV move correctly,   *
705  *           which meant the root moves were ordered by static eval and static *
706  *           exchange evaluation.  Normally not a serious problem, just that   *
707  *           move ordering is not so good.  However, suppose that the opponent *
708  *           takes a real long time to make a move (say 30 seconds) so that    *
709  *           Crafty completes a 10 ply search.  It then starts the next search *
710  *           at depth=9, but with the wrong move first.  If the target time is *
711  *           not large enough to let it resolve this wrong move and get to the *
712  *           other moves on the list, Crafty is "confused" into playing this   *
713  *           move knowing absolutely nothing about it.  The result is that it  *
714  *           can play a blunder easily.  The circumstances leading to this are *
715  *           not common, but in a 60 move game, once is enough.  PV was pretty *
716  *           well mis-handled in carrying moves from one search to another     *
717  *           (not from one iteration to another, but from one complete search  *
718  *           to another) and has been fixed.  A cute glitch concerning storing *
719  *           PV from one iteration to another was also fixed, where the score  *
720  *           stored was confusing the following search.                        *
721  *                                                                             *
722  *    8.22   EPD support (courtesy of Steven Edwards [thanks]) is now standard *
723  *           in Crafty.  For porting, I'll provide a small test run which can  *
724  *           be used to validate Crafty once it's been compiled.               *
725  *                                                                             *
726  *    8.23   Cleanup/speedup in hashing.  ProbeTransRef() and StoreTransRef()  *
727  *           now carefully cast the boolean operations to the most efficient   *
728  *           size to avoid 64bit operations when only the right 32 bits are    *
729  *           significant. Repeat() code completely re-written to maintain two  *
730  *           repetition lists, one for each side.  Quiesce() now handles the   *
731  *           repetition check a little different, being careful to not call it *
732  *           when it's unimportant, but calling it when repetitions are        *
733  *           possible.                                                         *
734  *                                                                             *
735  *    8.24   Tweaks for king tropism to encourage pieces to collect near the   *
736  *           king, or to encourage driving them away when being attacked.  A   *
737  *           modification to Evaluate() to address the problem where Crafty    *
738  *           is forced to play Kf1 or Kf8, blocking the rook in and getting    *
739  *           into tactical difficulties as a result.  Book problem fixed where *
740  *           Bookup was attempting to group moves with a common ancestor       *
741  *           position together.  Unfortunately, captures were separated from   *
742  *           this group, meaning capture moves in the book could never be      *
743  *           played.  If a capture was the only move in book, it sort of       *
744  *           worked because Crafty would drop out of book (not finding the     *
745  *           capture) and then the search would "save" it.  However, if there  *
746  *           was a non-capture alternative, it would be forced to play it,     *
747  *           making it play gambits, and, often, bad ones.  Tablebase support  *
748  *           is now in.  The tablebase files can be downloaded from the ftp    *
749  *           machine at chess.onenet.net, pub/chess/TB.  Currently, Steven     *
750  *           Edwards has all interesting 4 piece endings done.  To make this   *
751  *           work, compile with -DTABLEBASES, and create a TB directory where  *
752  *           Crafty is run, and locate the tablebase files in that directory.  *
753  *           If you are running under UNIX, TB can be a symbolic or hard link  *
754  *           to a directory anywhere you want.                                 *
755  *                                                                             *
756  *    8.25   Minor repair on draw by repetition.  Modified how books.bin was   *
757  *           being used.  Now, a move in books.bin has its flags merged with   *
758  *           the corresponding move from book.bin, but if the move does not    *
759  *           exist in book.bin, it is still kept as a book move.  Repetitions  *
760  *           are now counted as a draw if they occur two times, period.  The   *
761  *           last approach was causing problems due to hashing, since the hash *
762  *           approach used in Crafty is fairly efficient and frequently will   *
763  *           carry scores across several searches.  This resulted in Crafty    *
764  *           stumbling into a draw by repetition without knowing.  The con-    *
765  *           figuration switch HAS-64BITS has been cleaned up and should be    *
766  *           set for any 64bit architecture now, not just for Cray machines.   *
767  *                                                                             *
768  *    8.26   New search extension added, the well-known "one legal response to *
769  *           check" idea.  If there's only one legal move when in check, we    *
770  *           extend two plies rather than one, since this is a very forcing    *
771  *           move.  Also, when one side has less than a rook, and the other    *
772  *           has passed pawns, pushing these pawns to the 6th or 7th rank      *
773  *           will extend the search one ply, where in normal positions, we     *
774  *           only extend when a pawn reaches the 7th rank.                     *
775  *                                                                             *
776  *    9.0    Minor constraint added to most extensions:  we no longer extend   *
777  *           if the side on move is either significantly ahead or behind,      *
778  *           depending on the extension.  For example, getting out of check    *
779  *           won't extend if the side on move is a rook behind, since it's     *
780  *           already lost anyway.  We don't extend on passed pawn pushes if    *
781  *           the side on move is ahead a rook, since he's already winning.     *
782  *           minor adjustments for efficiency as well.  The next few versions  *
783  *           in this series will have module names in these comments           *
784  *           indicating which modules have been "cleaned" up.  This is an      *
785  *           effort at optimizing, although it is currently directed at a line *
786  *           by line analysis within modules, rather than major changes that   *
787  *           effect more global ideas.  This type of optimization will come at *
788  *           a later point in time.                                            *
789  *                                                                             *
790  *    9.1    NextMove(), NextCapture() and NextEvasion() were re-structured    *
791  *           to eliminate unnecessary testing and speed them up significantly. *
792  *           EvaluateTrades() was completely removed, since Crafty already has *
793  *           positional scores that encourage/discourage trading based on the  *
794  *           status of the game.  EvaluateTempo() was evaluated to be a        *
795  *           failure and was removed completely.                               *
796  *                                                                             *
797  *    9.2    Quiesce()) and Search() were modified to be more efficient.  In   *
798  *           addition, the null-move search was relaxed so that it always does *
799  *           a search to depth-R, even if close to the end of the tree.        *
800  *                                                                             *
801  *    9.3    Check() is no longer used to make sure a position is legal after  *
802  *           MakeMove() called, but before Search() is called recursively.  We *
803  *           now use the same approach as Cray Blitz, we make a move and then  *
804  *           capture the king at the next ply to prove the position is not a   *
805  *           valid move.  If the side-on-move is already in check, we use      *
806  *           NextEvasion() which only generates legal moves anyway, so this    *
807  *           basically eliminates 1/2 of the calls to Check(), a big win.      *
808  *           This resulted in modifications to Search(), Quiesce(), and        *
809  *           QuiesceFull().  Connected passed pawns on 6th-7th no longer       *
810  *           trigger search extensions.  Solved some problems like Win at      *
811  *           Chess #2, but overall was a loser.                                *
812  *                                                                             *
813  *    9.4    Lookup now checks the transposition table entry and then informs  *
814  *           Search() when it appears that a null move is useless.  This is    *
815  *           found when the draft is too low to use the position, but it is at *
816  *           least as deep as a null-move search would go, and the position    *
817  *           did not cause a fail-high when it was stored.  King-safety was    *
818  *           modified again.  The issue here is which king should attract the  *
819  *           pieces, and for several months the answer has been the king that  *
820  *           is most exposed attracts *all* pieces.  This has been changed to  *
821  *           always attract one side's pieces to the other king.  Crafty's     *
822  *           asymmetric king-safety was making it overly-defensive, even when  *
823  *           the opponent's king was more exposed.  This should cure that and  *
824  *           result in more aggressive play.                                   *
825  *                                                                             *
826  *    9.5    "Vestigial code" (left over from who-knows-when) removed from     *
827  *           Evaluate().  This code used an undefined variable when there was  *
828  *           no bishop or knight left on the board, and could add in a penalty *
829  *           on random occasions.  Quiescence checks removed completely to see *
830  *           how this works, since checks extend the normal search significant *
831  *           amounts in any case.  QuiesceFull() removed and merged into       *
832  *           Quiesce() which is faster and smaller.  First impression: faster, *
833  *           simpler, better.  The benefit of no quiescence checks is that the *
834  *           exhaustive search goes deeper to find positional gains, rather    *
835  *           than following checks excessively.  No noticable loss in tactical *
836  *           strength (so far).                                                *
837  *                                                                             *
838  *    9.6    legal move test re-inserted in Search() since null-moves could    *
839  *           make it overlook the fact that a move was illegal.  New assembly  *
840  *           code for X86 improves performance about 1/3, very similarly to    *
841  *           the results obtained with the sparc-20 assembly code.  This was   *
842  *           contributed by Eugene Nalimov and is a welcome addition.          *
843  *                                                                             *
844  *    9.7    Optimizations continuing.  Minor bug in pawn evaluation repaired. *
845  *           Crafty looked at most advanced white pawn, but least-advanced     *
846  *           black pawn on a file when doing its weak pawn evaluation.  The    *
847  *           history heuristic was slightly broken, in that it was supposed to *
848  *           be incrementing the history count by depth*depth, but this was    *
849  *           somehow changed to 7*depth, which was not as good.  Assembly      *
850  *           language interface fixed to cleanly make Crafty on all target     *
851  *           architectures.                                                    *
852  *                                                                             *
853  *    9.8    The first change was to borrow a time-allocation idea from Cray   *
854  *           Blitz.  Essentially, when Crafty notices it has used the normal   *
855  *           time allotment, rather than exiting the search immediately, it    *
856  *           will wait until it selects the next move at the root of the tree. *
857  *           The intent of this is that if it has started searching a move     *
858  *           that is going to be better than the best found so far, this will  *
859  *           take more time, while a worse move will fail low quickly.  Crafty *
860  *           simply spends more time to give this move a chance to fail high   *
861  *           or else quickly fail low.  A fairly serious bug, that's been      *
862  *           around for a long time, has finally been found/fixed.  In simple  *
863  *           terms, if the "noise" level was set too high, it could make       *
864  *           Crafty actually play a bad move.  The more likely effect was to   *
865  *           see "bad move hashed" messages and the first few lines of output  *
866  *           from the search often looked funny.  The bug was "noise" was used *
867  *           as a limit, until that many nodes had been searched, no output    *
868  *           would be produced.  Unfortunately, on a fail-high condition, the  *
869  *           same code that produced the "++  Nh5" message also placed the     *
870  *           fail-high move in the PV.  Failing to do this meant that the      *
871  *           search could fail high, but not play the move it found.  Most     *
872  *           often this happened in very fast games, or near the end of long   *
873  *           zero-increment games.  It now always saves this move as it should *
874  *           regardless of whether it prints the message or not.               *
875  *                                                                             *
876  *    9.9    Interface to Xboard changed from -ics to -xboard, so that -ics    *
877  *           can be used with the custom interface.  Additional code to        *
878  *           communicate with custom interface added.  Search() extensions are *
879  *           restricted so that there can not be more than one extension at a  *
880  *           node, rather than the two or (on occasion) more of the last       *
881  *           version.                                                          *
882  *                                                                             *
883  *    9.10   Converted to Ken Thompson's "Belle" hash table algorithm.  Simply *
884  *           put, each side has two tables, one that has entries replaced on a *
885  *           depth-priority only, the other is an "always replace" table, but  *
886  *           is twice as big.  This allows "deep" entries to be kept along     *
887  *           with entries close to search point.  Basically, when the depth-   *
888  *           priority table gets a position stored in it, the displaced        *
889  *           position is moved to the always-replace table.  If the position   *
890  *           can not replace the depth-priority entry, it always overwrites    *
891  *           the other always-replace entry.  However, a position is never put *
892  *           in both tables at the same time.                                  *
893  *                                                                             *
894  *    9.11   Bug in Search() that could result in the "draft" being recorded   *
895  *           incorrectly in the hash table.  Caused by passing depth, which    *
896  *           could be one or two plies more than it should be due to the last  *
897  *           move extending the search.  Repeat() completely removed from      *
898  *           Quiesce() since only capture moves are included, and it's         *
899  *           impossible to repeat a position once a capture has been made.     *
900  *                                                                             *
901  *    9.12   optimizations: history.c, other minor modifications.              *
902  *                                                                             *
903  *    9.13   EvaluatePawns() modified significantly to simplify and be more    *
904  *           accurate as well.  Pawns on open files are now not directly       *
905  *           penalized if they are weak, rather the penalty is added when the  *
906  *           rooks are evaluated.  Pawn hashing modified to add more info to   *
907  *           the data that is hashed.  King safety scores toned down almost    *
908  *           50% although it is still asymmetric.                              *
909  *                                                                             *
910  *    9.14   EvaluatePawns() modified further so that it now does the same     *
911  *           computations for king safety as the old EvaluateKingSafety*()     *
912  *           modules did, only it produces four values, two for each king,     *
913  *           for each side of the board (king or queen-side).  This is now     *
914  *           hashed with the rest of the pawn scoring, resulting in less       *
915  *           hashing and computation, and more hits for king-safety too.  King *
916  *           safety modified further.  Asymmetric scoring was accidentally     *
917  *           disabled several versions ago, this is now enabled again.         *
918  *                                                                             *
919  *    9.15   Evaluate() now attempts to recognize the case where a knight is   *
920  *           trapped on one of the four corner squares, much like a bishop     *
921  *           trapped at a2/a7/h2/h7.  If a knight is on a corner square, and   *
922  *           neither of the two potential flight squares are safe (checked by  *
923  *           SEE()) then a large penalty is given.  This was done to avoid     *
924  *           positions where Crafty would give up a piece to fork the king and *
925  *           rook at (say) c7, and pick up the rook at a8 and think it was an  *
926  *           exchange ahead, when often the knight was trapped and it was      *
927  *           two pieces for a rook and pawn (or worse.)  Two timing bugs fixed *
928  *           in this version:  (1) nodes_per_second was getting clobbered at   *
929  *           the end of iterate, which would then corrupt the value stored in  *
930  *           nodes_between_time_checks and occasionally make Crafty not check  *
931  *           the time very often and use more time than intended; (2) the      *
932  *           "don't stop searching after time is out, until the current move   *
933  *           at the root of the tree has been searched" also would let Crafty  *
934  *           use time unnecessarily.                                           *
935  *                                                                             *
936  *    9.16   Significant changes to the way MakeMove() operates.  Rather than  *
937  *           copying the large position[ply] structure around, the piece       *
938  *           location bitmaps and the array of which piece is on which square  *
939  *           are now simple global variables.  This means that there is now an *
940  *           UnmakeMove() function that must be used to restore these after a  *
941  *           a move has been made.  The benefit is that we avoid copying 10    *
942  *           bitmaps for piece locations when typically only one is changed,   *
943  *           Ditto for the which piece is on which square array which is 64    *
944  *           bytes long.  The result is much less memory traffic, with the     *
945  *           probability that the bitmaps now stay in cache all the time. The  *
946  *           EvaluatePawns() code now has an exponential-type penalty for      *
947  *           isolated pawns, but it penalizes the difference between white and *
948  *           black isolated pawns in this manner.  King evaluation now         *
949  *           evaluates cases where the king moves toward one of the rooks and  *
950  *           traps it in either corner.                                        *
951  *                                                                             *
952  *    9.17   Xboard compatibility version!  Now supports, so far as I know,    *
953  *           the complete xboard interface, including hint, show thinking,     *
954  *           taking back moves, "move now" and so forth.  Additionally, Crafty *
955  *           now works with standard xboard.  Notice that this means that a    *
956  *           ^C (interrupt) will no long terminate Crafty, because xboard uses *
957  *           this to implement the "move now" facility.  This should also      *
958  *           work with winboard and allow pondering, since there is now a      *
959  *           special windows version of CheckInput() that knows how to check   *
960  *           Win95 or WinNT pipes when talking with winboard.                  *
961  *                                                                             *
962  *    9.18   Xboard compatibility update.  "force" (gnu) mode was broken, so   *
963  *           that reading in a PGN file (via xboard) would break.  Now, Crafty *
964  *           can track the game perfectly as xboard reads the moves in.  King  *
965  *           safety modified to discourage g3/g6 type moves without the bishop *
966  *           to defend the weak squares.  Significant other changes to the     *
967  *           Evaluate() procedure and its derivatives.  Very nasty trans/ref   *
968  *           bug fixed.  Been there since transposition tables added.  When    *
969  *           storing a mate score, it has to be adjusted since it's backed up  *
970  *           as "mate in n plies from root" but when storing, it must be saved *
971  *           as "mate in n plies from current position".  Trivial, really, but *
972  *           I overlooked one important fact:  mate scores can also be upper   *
973  *           or lower search bounds, and I was correcting them in the same way *
974  *           which is an error.  The effect was that Crafty would often find a *
975  *           mate in 2, fail high on a move that should not fail high, and end *
976  *           up making a move that would mate in 3.  In particularly bad cases *
977  *           this would make the search oscillate back and forth and draw a    *
978  *           won position.  The fix was to only adjust the score if it's a     *
979  *           score, not if it's a bound.  The "age" field of the trans/ref     *
980  *           table was expanded to 3 bits.  Iterate now increments a counter   *
981  *           modulo 8, and this counter is stored in the 3 ID bits of the      *
982  *           trans/ref table.  If they are == the transposition_id counter,    *
983  *           we know that this is a position stored during the current search. *
984  *           If not, it's an "old" position.  This avoids the necessity of     *
985  *           stepping through each entry in the trans/ref table (at the begin- *
986  *           ning of a search) to set the age bit.  Much faster in blitz games *
987  *           as stepping through the trans/ref table, entry by entry, would    *
988  *           blow out cache.  This idea was borrowed from Cray Blitz, which    *
989  *           used this same technique for many years.                          *
990  *                                                                             *
991  *    9.19   New evaluation code for passed pawns.  Crafty now gives a large   *
992  *           bonus for two or more connected passed pawns, once they reach the *
993  *           sixth rank, when the opponent has less than a queen remaining.    *
994  *           this will probably be tuned as experience produces the special    *
995  *           cases that "break" it.  Such things as the king too far away or   *
996  *           the amount of enemy material left might be used to further im-    *
997  *           prove the evaluation.                                             *
998  *                                                                             *
999  *    9.20   Bug in SetBoard() fixed.  Validity checks for castling status and *
1000  *           en passant status was broken for castle status.  It was checking  *
1001  *           the wrong rook to match castling status, and would therefore not  *
1002  *           accept some valid positions, including #8 in Win At Chess suite.  *
1003  *           Minor repetition bug fixed, where Crafty would recognize that a   *
1004  *           three-fold repetition had occurred, but would not claim it when   *
1005  *           playing on a chess server.  Crafty now does not immediately re-   *
1006  *           search the first move when it fails low.  Rather, it behaves like *
1007  *           Cray Blitz, and searches all moves.  If all fail low, Crafty will *
1008  *           then relax (lower) alpha and search the complete list again.      *
1009  *           This is a simple gamble that there is another move that will      *
1010  *           "save the day" so that we avoid the overhead of finding out just  *
1011  *           how bad the first move is, only to have more overhead when a good *
1012  *           move fails high.  Minor repetition bug fixed.  When running test  *
1013  *           suites of problems, SetBoard() neglected to put the starting      *
1014  *           position in the repetition list, which would occasionally waste   *
1015  *           time.  One notable case was Win At Chess #8, where Crafty would   *
1016  *           find Nf7+ Kg8 Nh6+ Kh8 (repeating the original position) followed *
1017  *           by Rf7 (the correct move, but 4 tempi behind.)  Display() bug     *
1018  *           fixed.  Crafty now displays the current board position, rather    *
1019  *           than the position that has been modified by a search in progress. *
1020  *           Castling evaluation modified including a bug in the black side    *
1021  *           that would tend to make Crafty not castle queen-side as black if  *
1022  *           the king-side was shredded.  Minor bug in Book(). If the book was *
1023  *           turned off (which is done automatically when using the test com-  *
1024  *           mand since several of the Win At Chess positions are from games   *
1025  *           in Crafty's large opening book) Book() would still try to read    *
1026  *           the file and then use the data from the uninitialized buffer.     *
1027  *           This would, on occasion, cause Crafty to crash in the middle of   *
1028  *           a test suite run.                                                 *
1029  *                                                                             *
1030  *    9.21   Castling evaluation has been significantly modified to handle the *
1031  *           following three cases better:                                     *
1032  *           (a) One side can castle at the root of the tree, but can not      *
1033  *           castle at a tip position.  If the move that gave up the right to  *
1034  *           castle was *not* a castle move, penalize the score.               *
1035  *           (b) One side can castle short or long at the root, but has al-    *
1036  *           ready castled by the time the search reaches a tip position.      *
1037  *           Here the goal is to make sure the player castled to the "better"  *
1038  *           side by comparing king safety where the king really is, to king   *
1039  *           safety had the king castled to the other side.  If the latter is  *
1040  *           "safer" then penalize the current position by the "difference"    *
1041  *           in king safety to encourage that side to delay castling.  This is *
1042  *           a problem when Crafty can castle kingside *now*, but the kingside *
1043  *           has been disrupted somehow.  If the search is not deep enough to  *
1044  *           see clearing out the queenside and castling long, then it will    *
1045  *           often castle short rather than not castle at all.  This fix will  *
1046  *           make it delay, develop the queenside, and castle to a safer king  *
1047  *           shelter, unless tactics force it to castle short.                 *
1048  *           (c) One side can castle short or long at the root, but can only   *
1049  *           castle one way at a tip position, because a rook has been moved.  *
1050  *           If the remaining castle option is worse than castling to the side *
1051  *           where the rook was moved, then we penalize the rook move to keep  *
1052  *           castling to that side open as an option.                          *
1053  *                                                                             *
1054  *    9.22   More castling evaluation changes, to tune how/when Crafty chooses *
1055  *           to castle.  Bugs in Option() where certain commands could be ex-  *
1056  *           ecuted while a search was in progress.  If these commands did     *
1057  *           anything to the board position, It would break Crafty badly.      *
1058  *           All that was needed was to check for an active search before some *
1059  *           commands were attempted, and if a search was in progress, return  *
1060  *           to abort the search then re-try the command.  When playing games  *
1061  *           with computers (primarily a chess-server consideration) Crafty is *
1062  *           now defaulting to "book random 0" to use a short search to help   *
1063  *           avoid some ugly book lines on occasion.  In this version, *all*   *
1064  *           positional scores were divided by 2 to reduce the liklihood that  *
1065  *           Crafty would sacrifice material and make up the loss with some    *
1066  *           sort of positional gain that was often only temporary.  Note that *
1067  *           king safety scores were not reduced while doing this.  New book   *
1068  *           random options:  0=search, 1=most popular move, 2=move that       *
1069  *           produces best positional value, 3=choose from most frequently     *
1070  *           played moves, 4=emulate GM frequency of move selection, 5=use     *
1071  *           sqrt() on frequencies to give more randomness, 6=random.  For     *
1072  *           now, computers get book_random=1, while GM's now get 4 (same as   *
1073  *           before), everyone else gets 5.  Until now, there has been no      *
1074  *           penalty for doubled/tripled pawns.  It now exists.  Also, if the  *
1075  *           king stands on E1/E8, then the king-side king safety term is used *
1076  *           to discourage disrupting the king-side pawns before castling.     *
1077  *           Crafty now has a start-up initialization file (as most Unix       *
1078  *           programs do).  This file is named ".craftyrc" if the macro UNIX   *
1079  *           is defined, otherwise a "dossy" filename "crafty.rc" is used.     *
1080  *           Crafty opens this file and executes every command in it as though *
1081  *           they were typed by the operator.  The last command *must* be      *
1082  *           "exit" to revert input back to STDIN.                             *
1083  *                                                                             *
1084  *    9.23   More evaluation tuning, including the complete removal of the     *
1085  *           mobility term for rooks/queens.  Since rooks already have lots    *
1086  *           of scoring terms like open files, connected, etc, mobility is     *
1087  *           redundant at times and often misleading.  The queen's mobility    *
1088  *           is so variable it is nearly like introducing a few random points  *
1089  *           at various places in the search.  Minor Xboard compatibility bug  *
1090  *           fixed where you could not load a game file, then have Crafty play *
1091  *           by clicking the "machine white" or "machine black" options.       *
1092  *                                                                             *
1093  *    9.24   Minor bug in Quiesce() repaired.  When several mate-in-1 moves    *
1094  *           were available at the root, Crafty always took the last one,      *
1095  *           which was often an under-promotion to a rook rather than to a     *
1096  *           queen.  It looked silly and has been fixed so that it will play   *
1097  *           the first mate-in-1, not the last.  RootMoveList() went to great  *
1098  *           pains to make sure that promotion to queen occurs before rook.    *
1099  *           Bug in EvaluateOutsidePassedPawns() would fail to recognize that  *
1100  *           one side had an outside passer, unless both sides had at least    *
1101  *           one passer, which failed on most cases seen in real games.        *
1102  *           Minor "tweak" to move ordering.  GenerateMoves() now uses the     *
1103  *           LSB() function to enumerate white moves, while still using MSB()  *
1104  *           for black moves.  This has the effect of moving pieces toward     *
1105  *           your opponent before moving them away.  A severe oversight        *
1106  *           regarding the use of "!" (as in wtm=!wtm) was found and corrected *
1107  *           to speed things up some.  !wtm was replaced by wtm^1 (actually,   *
1108  *           a macro Flip(wtm) is used to make it more readable) which         *
1109  *           resulted in significant speedup on the sparc, but a more modest   *
1110  *           improvement on the pentium.                                       *
1111  *                                                                             *
1112  *    9.25   Minor bug in Book() fixed where it was possible for Crafty to     *
1113  *           play a book move that was hardly ever played.  Minor change to    *
1114  *           time utilization to use a little more time "up front".  Tuned     *
1115  *           piece/square tables to improve development some.  Saw Crafty lose *
1116  *           an occasional game because (for example) the bishop at c1 or c8   *
1117  *           had not moved, but the king had already castled, which turned the *
1118  *           EvaluateDevelopment() module "off".  first[ply] removed, since it *
1119  *           was redundant with last[ply-1].  The original intent was to save  *
1120  *           a subscript math operation, but the compilers are quite good with *
1121  *           the "strength-reduction" optimization, making referencing a value *
1122  *           by first[ply] or last[ply-1] exactly the same number of cycles.   *
1123  *           Passed pawn scores increased.  The reduction done to reduce all   *
1124  *           scores seemed to make Crafty less attentive to passed pawns and   *
1125  *           the threats they incur.  Minor bug in Book() fixed, the variable  *
1126  *           min_percent_played was inoperative due to incorrect test on the   *
1127  *           book_status[n] value.  Pawn rams now scored a little differently, *
1128  *           so that pawn rams on Crafty's side of the board are much worse    *
1129  *           than rams elsewhere.  This avoids positional binds where, for ex- *
1130  *           ample Crafty would like black with pawns at e6 d5 c6, white with  *
1131  *           pawns at e5 and c5.  Black has a protected passed pawn at d5 for  *
1132  *           sure, but the cramp makes it easy for white to attack black, and  *
1133  *           makes it difficult for black to defend because the black pawns    *
1134  *           block the position badly.  King safety tweaked up about 30%, due  *
1135  *           to using nearly symmetrical scoring, the values had gotten too    *
1136  *           small and were not overriding minor positional things.            *
1137  *                                                                             *
1138  *    9.26   Minor bug fixes in time allocation.  This mainly affects Crafty   *
1139  *           as it plays on a chess server.  The problem is, simply, that the  *
1140  *           current internal timing resolution is 1/10 of a second, kept in   *
1141  *           an integer variable.  .5 seconds is stored as 5, for example.     *
1142  *           This became a problem when the target time for a search dropped   *
1143  *           below .3 seconds, because the "easy move" code would terminate    *
1144  *           the search after 1/3 of the target time elapsed if there were no  *
1145  *           fail lows or PV changes.  Unfortunately, 2 divided by 3 (.2 secs  *
1146  *           /3) is "zero" which would let the search quickly exit, possibly   *
1147  *           without producing a PV with a move for Crafty to play.  Crafty    *
1148  *           would play the first PV move anyway, which was likely the PV move *
1149  *           from the last search.  This would corrupt the board information,  *
1150  *           often produce the error "illegal move" when the opponent tried to *
1151  *           move, or, on occasion, blow Crafty up.  On a chess server, Crafty *
1152  *           would simply flag and lose.  After this fix, I played several     *
1153  *           hundred games with a time control of 100 moves in 1 second and    *
1154  *           there were no failures.  Before the fix, this time control could  *
1155  *           not result in a single completed game.  If you don't run Crafty   *
1156  *           on a chess server, this version is not important, probably. a     *
1157  *           minor fix for move input, so that moves like e2e4 will always be  *
1158  *           accepted, where before they would sometimes be flagged as errors. *
1159  *                                                                             *
1160  *    9.27   This version has an interesting modification to NextCapture().    *
1161  *           Quiesce() now passes alpha to NextCapture() and if a capture      *
1162  *           appears to win material, but doesn't bring the score up to the    *
1163  *           value of alpha, the capture is ignored.  In effect, if we are so  *
1164  *           far behind that a capture still leaves us below alpha, then there *
1165  *           is nothing to gain by searching the capture because our opponent  *
1166  *           can simply stand pat at the next ply leaving the score very bad.  *
1167  *           One exception is if the previous ply was in check, we simply look *
1168  *           for any safe-looking capture just in case it leads to mate.  Bad  *
1169  *           book bug with book random=1 or 2 fixed (this is set when playing  *
1170  *           a computer).  This bug would cause Crafty to play an illegal move *
1171  *           and bust wide open with illegal move errors, bad move hashed, and *
1172  *           other things.  Book randomness also quite a bit better now.       *
1173  *                                                                             *
1174  *    9.28   Piece/square table added for rooks.  Primary purpose is to dis-   *
1175  *           courage rooks moving to the edge of the board but in front of     *
1176  *           pawns, where it is easy to trap it.  Crafty now understands the   *
1177  *           concept of blockading a passed pawn to prevent it from advancing. *
1178  *           it always understood that advancing one was good, which would     *
1179  *           tend to encourage blockading, but it would also often ignore the  *
1180  *           pawn and let it advance a little here, a little there, until it   *
1181  *           suddenly realized that it was a real problem.  The command to set *
1182  *           the size of the hash table has been modified.  This command is    *
1183  *           now "hash n", "hash nK" or "hash nM" to set the hash table to one *
1184  *           of bytes, Kbytes, or Mbytes.  Note that if the size is not an     *
1185  *           exact multiple of what Crafty needs, it silently reduces the size *
1186  *           to an optimum value as close to the suggested size as possible.   *
1187  *           Trade bonus/penalty is now back in, after having been removed     *
1188  *           when the new UnmakeMove() code was added.  Crafty tries to trade  *
1189  *           pawns but not pieces when behind, and tries to trade pieces but   *
1190  *           not pawns when ahead.  EvaluateDraws() now understands that rook  *
1191  *           pawns + the wrong bishop is a draw.  Minor adjustment to the      *
1192  *           quiescence-search pruning introduced in 9.27, to avoid excluding  *
1193  *           captures that didn't lose material, but looked bad because the    *
1194  *           positional score was low.  Slightly increased the values of the   *
1195  *           pieces relative to that of a pawn to discourage the tendency to   *
1196  *           trade a piece for two or three pawns plus some positional plusses *
1197  *           that often would slowly vanish.  Null-move search modified to try *
1198  *           null-moves, even after captures.  This seems to hurt some prob-   *
1199  *           lem positions, but speeds up others significantly.  Seems better  *
1200  *           but needs close watching.  EvaluateDraws() call moved to the top  *
1201  *           of Evaluate() to check for absolute draws first.  Quiesce() now   *
1202  *           always calls Evaluate() which checks for draws before trying the  *
1203  *           early exit tests to make sure that draws are picked up first.     *
1204  *           EvaluateDraws() substantially re-written to get rid of lots of    *
1205  *           unnecessary instructions, and to also detect RP+B of wrong color  *
1206  *           even if the losing side has a pawn of its own.  Crafty would      *
1207  *           often refuse to capture that last pawn to avoid reaching an end-  *
1208  *           game it knew was drawn.                                           *
1209  *                                                                             *
1210  *    9.29   New time.c as contributed by Mike Byrne.  Basically makes Crafty  *
1211  *           use more time up front, which is a method of anticipating that    *
1212  *           Crafty will predict/ponder pretty well and save time later on     *
1213  *           anyway.  InCheck() is never called in Quiesce() now.  As a        *
1214  *           result, Crafty won't recognize mates in the q-search.  This has   *
1215  *           speeded the code up with no visible penalty, other than it will   *
1216  *           occasionally find a win of material rather than a mate score, but *
1217  *           this has not affected the problem suite results in a measurable   *
1218  *           way, other than Crafty is now about 10% faster in average type    *
1219  *           position, and much faster in others.  The latest epd code from    *
1220  *           Steven Edwards is a part of this version, which includes updated  *
1221  *           tablebase access code.                                            *
1222  *                                                                             *
1223  *   10.0    New time.c with a "monitoring feature" that has two distinct      *
1224  *           functions:  (1) monitor Crafty's time remaining and if it is too  *
1225  *           far behind the opponent, force it to speed up, or if it is well   *
1226  *           ahead on time, slow down some;  (2) if opponent starts moving     *
1227  *           quickly, Crafty will speed up as well to avoid getting too far    *
1228  *           behind.  EvaluateDraws() modified to detect that if one side has  *
1229  *           insufficient material to win, the score can never favor that side *
1230  *           which will make Crafty avoid trading into an ending where it has  *
1231  *           KNN vs KB for example, where KNN seems to be ahead.               *
1232  *                                                                             *
1233  *   10.1    New book.c.  Crafty now counts wins, losses and draws for each    *
1234  *           possible book move and can use these to play a move that had a    *
1235  *           high percentage of wins, vs the old approach of playing a move    *
1236  *           just because it was played a lot in the past.                     *
1237  *                                                                             *
1238  *   10.2    Evaluation tuning.  Rook on 7th, connected rooks on 7th, etc.,    *
1239  *           are now more valuable.  Crafty was mistakenly evaluating this     *
1240  *           too weakly.  Book() changed so that the list of moves is first    *
1241  *           sorted based on winning percentages, but then, after selecting    *
1242  *           the sub-set of this group, the list is re-sorted based on the     *
1243  *           raw total games won so that the most popular opening is still the *
1244  *           most likely to be played.                                         *
1245  *                                                                             *
1246  *   10.3    Timer resolution changed to 1/100th of a second units, with all   *
1247  *           timing variables conforming to this, so that it is unnecessary    *
1248  *           to multiply by some constant to convert one type of timing info   *
1249  *           to the standard resolution.  Bug in evaluate.c fixed.  Trapped    *
1250  *           rook (rook at h1, king at g1 for example) code had a bad sub-     *
1251  *           script that caused erroneous detection of a trapped rook when     *
1252  *           there was none.                                                   *
1253  *                                                                             *
1254  *   10.4    Quiesce() no longer checks for time exceeded, nor does it do any  *
1255  *           hashing whatsoever, which makes it significantly faster, while    *
1256  *           making the trees only marginally bigger.                          *
1257  *                                                                             *
1258  *   10.5    Quiesce() now calls GenerateCaptures() to generate capture moves. *
1259  *           This new move generator module is significantly faster, which     *
1260  *           speeds the quiescence search up somewhat.                         *
1261  *                                                                             *
1262  *   10.6    CastleStatus is now handled slightly differently.  The right two  *
1263  *           bits still indicate whether or not that side can castle to either *
1264  *           side, and 0 -> no castling at all, but now, <0 means that no      *
1265  *           castling can be done, and that castling rights were lost by       *
1266  *           making a move that was not castling.  This helps in Evaluate()    *
1267  *           by eliminating a loop to see if one side castled normally or had  *
1268  *           to give up the right to castle for another (bad) reason.  This is *
1269  *           simply an efficiency issue, and doesn't affect play or anything   *
1270  *           at all other than to make the search faster.                      *
1271  *                                                                             *
1272  *   10.7    NextMove() now doesn't try history moves forever, rather it will  *
1273  *           try the five most popular history moves and if it hasn't gotten a *
1274  *           cutoff by then, simply tries the rest of the moves without the    *
1275  *           history testing, which is much faster.                            *
1276  *                                                                             *
1277  *   10.8    Book() now "puzzles" differently.  In puzzling, it is trying to   *
1278  *           find a move for the opponent.  Since a book move by the opponent  *
1279  *           will produce an instant move, puzzle now enumerates the set of    *
1280  *           legal opponent moves, and from this set, removes the set of known *
1281  *           book moves and then does a quick search to choose the best.  We   *
1282  *           then ponder this move just in case the opponent drops out of book *
1283  *           and uses a normal search to find a move.  Crafty now penalizes    *
1284  *           a pawn that advances, leaving its neighbors behind where both     *
1285  *           the advancing pawn, and the ones being left behind become weaker. *
1286  *           the opening phase of the game has been modified to "stay active"  *
1287  *           until all minor pieces are developed and Crafty has castled, to   *
1288  *           keep EvaluateDevelopment() active monitoring development.  Minor  *
1289  *           change to DrawScore() so that when playing a computer, it will    *
1290  *           return "default_draw_score" under all circumstances rather than   *
1291  *           adjusting this downward, which makes Crafty accept positional     *
1292  *           weaknesses rather than repeat a position.                         *
1293  *                                                                             *
1294  *   10.9    Evaluate() now handles king safety slightly differently, and      *
1295  *           increases the penalty for an exposed king quite a bit when there  *
1296  *           is lots of material present, but scales this increase down as the *
1297  *           material comes off.  This seems to help when attacking or getting *
1298  *           attacked.  Since Quiesce() no longer probes the hash table, the   *
1299  *           idea of storing static evaluations there became worthless and was *
1300  *           burning cycles that were wasted.  This has been removed. Check    *
1301  *           extensions relaxed slightly so that if ply is < iteration+10 it   *
1302  *           will allow the extension.  Old limit was 2*iteration.  Connected  *
1303  *           passed pawns on 6th now evaluated differently.  They get a 1 pawn *
1304  *           bonus, then if material is less than a queen, another 1 pawn      *
1305  *           bonus, and if not greater than a rook is left, and the king can't *
1306  *           reach the queening square of either of the two pawns, 3 more      *
1307  *           more pawns are added in for the equivalent of + a rook.           *
1308  *                                                                             *
1309  *   10.10   Evaluate() modified.  King safety was slightly broken, in that    *
1310  *           an uncastled king did not get a penalty for open center files.    *
1311  *           new evaluation term for controlling the "absolute 7th rank", a    *
1312  *           concept from "My System".                                         *
1313  *                                                                             *
1314  *   10.11   Lazy evaluation implemented.  Now as the Evaluate() code is ex-   *
1315  *           ecuted, Crafty will "bail out" when it becomes obvious that the   *
1316  *           remainder of the evaluation can't bring the score back inside the *
1317  *           alpha/beta window, saving time.                                   *
1318  *                                                                             *
1319  *   10.12   More Jakarta time control commands added so operator can set the  *
1320  *           time accurately if something crashes, and so the operator can set *
1321  *           a "cushion" to compensate for operator inattention.  "Easy" is    *
1322  *           more carefully qualified to be a recapture, or else a move that   *
1323  *           preserves the score, rather than one that appears to win material *
1324  *           as was done in the past.  King safety tweaked a little so that if *
1325  *           one side gives up the right to castle, and could castle to a safe *
1326  *           position, the penalty for giving up the right is substantially    *
1327  *           larger than before.  A minor bug also made it more likely for     *
1328  *           black to give up the right to castle than for white.              *
1329  *                                                                             *
1330  *   10.13   Modifications to Book() so that when using "book random 0" mode   *
1331  *           (planned for Jakarta) and the search value indicates that we are  *
1332  *           losing a pawn, we return "out of book" to search *all* the moves, *
1333  *           Not just the moves that are "in book."  This hopefully avoids     *
1334  *           some book lines that lose (gambit) material unsoundly.            *
1335  *                                                                             *
1336  *   10.14   Final timing modifications.  Puzzling/booking searches now take   *
1337  *           1/30th of the normal time, rather than 1/10th.  New command       *
1338  *           "mode=tournament" makes Crafty assess DRAW as "0" and also makes  *
1339  *           it prompt the operator for time corrections as required by WMCCC  *
1340  *           rules.                                                            *
1341  *                                                                             *
1342  *   10.15   Evaluate() tuning to reduce development bonuses, which were able  *
1343  *           to overwhelm other scores and lead to poor positions.             *
1344  *                                                                             *
1345  *   10.16   "Lazy" (early exit) caused some problems in Evaluate() since so   *
1346  *           many scores are very large.  Scaled this back significantly and   *
1347  *           also EvaluateOutsidePassedPawns() could double the score if one   *
1348  *           side had passers on both sides.  This was fixed.                  *
1349  *                                                                             *
1350  *   10.17   Crafty's Book() facility has been significantly modified to be    *
1351  *           more understandable.  book random <n> has the following options:  *
1352  *           (0) do a search on set of book moves; (1) choose from moves that  *
1353  *           are played most frequently; (2) choose from moves with best win   *
1354  *           ratio; (3) choose from moves with best static evaluation; and     *
1355  *           (4) choose completely randomly.  book width <n> can be used to    *
1356  *           control how large the "set" of moves will be, with the moves in   *
1357  *           the "set" being the best (according to the criteria chosen) from  *
1358  *           the known book moves.  Minor tweak to Search() so that it extends *
1359  *           passed pawn pushes to the 6th or 7th rank if the move is safe,    *
1360  *           and this is an endgame.                                           *
1361  *                                                                             *
1362  *   10.18   New annotate command produces a much nicer analysis file and also *
1363  *           lets you exert control over what has to happen to trigger a com-  *
1364  *           ment among other things.  AKA Crafty/Jakarta version.             *
1365  *                                                                             *
1366  *   11.1    Fractional depth allows fractional ply increments.  The reso-     *
1367  *           lution is 1/4 of a ply, so all of the older "depth++" lines now   *
1368  *           read depth+=PLY, where #define PLY 4 is used everywhere.  This    *
1369  *           gives added flexibility in that some things can increment the     *
1370  *           depth by < 1 ply, so that it takes two such things before the     *
1371  *           search actually extends one ply deeper.  Crafty now has full PGN  *
1372  *           support.  A series of pgn commands (pgn Event 14th WMCCC) allow   *
1373  *           the PGN tags to be defined, when Crafty reads or annotates a PGN  *
1374  *           file it reads and parses the headers and will display the info    *
1375  *           in the annotation (.can) file or in the file you specify when you *
1376  *           execute a "savegame <filename>" command.                          *
1377  *                                                                             *
1378  *   11.2    Fractional ply increments now implemented.  11.1 added the basic  *
1379  *           fractional ply extension capabilities, but this version now uses  *
1380  *           them in Search().  There are several fractional ply extensions    *
1381  *           being used, all are #defined in types.h to make playing with them *
1382  *           somewhat easier.  One advantage is that now all extensions are    *
1383  *           3/4 of a ply, which means the first time any extension is hit, it *
1384  *           has no effect, but the next three extensions will result in an    *
1385  *           additional ply, followed by another ply where the extension does  *
1386  *           nothing, followed by ...  This allowed me to remove the limit on  *
1387  *           how deep in the tree the extensions were allowed, and also seems  *
1388  *           to not extend as much unless there's "something" going on.  When  *
1389  *           the position gets interesting, these kick in.  Asymmetric king    *
1390  *           safety is back in.  Crafty's king safety is a little more im-     *
1391  *           portant than the opponent's now to help avoid getting its king-   *
1392  *           side shredded to win a pawn.  A new term, ROOK_ON_7TH_WITH_PAWN   *
1393  *           to help Crafty understand how dangerous a rook on the 7th is if   *
1394  *           it is supported by a pawn.  It is difficult to drive off and the  *
1395  *           pawn provides additional threats as well.                         *
1396  *                                                                             *
1397  *   11.3    King safety modifications.  One fairly serious bug is that Crafty *
1398  *           considered that king safety became unimportant when the total     *
1399  *           pieces dropped below 16 material points.  Note that this was      *
1400  *           pieces only, not pieces and pawns, which left plenty of material  *
1401  *           on the board to attack with.  As a result, Crafty would often     *
1402  *           allow its king-side to be weakened because it was either in an    *
1403  *           endgame, or close to an endgame.  *Incorrectly*, it turns out. :) *
1404  *           Going back to a very old Crafty idea, king tropism is now tied to *
1405  *           how exposed each king is, with pieces being attracted to the most *
1406  *           exposed king for attack/defense.                                  *
1407  *                                                                             *
1408  *   11.4    Tuning on outside passed pawn code.  Values were not large enough *
1409  *           and didn't emphasize how strong such a pawn is.  General passed   *
1410  *           pawn value increased as well.  Minor bug in edit that would let   *
1411  *           Crafty flag in some wild games was fixed.  Basically, edit has no *
1412  *           way to know if castling is legal, and has to assume if a rook and *
1413  *           king are on the original squares, castling is o.k.  For wild2     *
1414  *           games in particular, this can fail because castling is illegal    *
1415  *           (by the rules for wild 2) while it might be that rooks and king   *
1416  *           are randomly configured to make it look possible.  Crafty would   *
1417  *           then try o-o or o-o-o and flag when the move was rejected as      *
1418  *           illegal.  richard Lloyd suggested a speed-up for the annotate     *
1419  *           command which I'm using temporarily.  Crafty now searches all     *
1420  *           legal moves in a position, and if the best move matches the game  *
1421  *           move, the second search of just the move played is not needed.  I *
1422  *           was searching just the game move first, which was a waste of time *
1423  *           in many positions.  I'll resume this later, because I want to see *
1424  *           these values:  (1) score for move actually played; (2) score for  *
1425  *           the rest of the moves only, not including the move actually       *
1426  *           played, to see how often a player finds a move that is the *only* *
1427  *           good move in a position.                                          *
1428  *                                                                             *
1429  *   11.5    More fractional ply extension tuning.  A few positions could blow *
1430  *           up the search and go well beyond 63 plies, the max that Crafty    *
1431  *           can handle.  Now, extensions are limited to no more than one ply  *
1432  *           of extensions for every ply of search.  Note that "in check" is   *
1433  *           extended on the checking move ply, not on the out of check ply,   *
1434  *           so that one-reply-to-check still extends further.  Minor changes  *
1435  *           to time.c to further help on long fast games.  Another important  *
1436  *           timing bug repaired.  If Crafty started an iteration, and failed  *
1437  *           high on the first move, it would not terminate the search until   *
1438  *           this move was resolved and a score returned.  This could waste a  *
1439  *           lot of time in already won positions.  Interesting bug in the     *
1440  *           capture search pruning fixed.  At times, a piece would be hung,   *
1441  *           but the qsearch would refuse to try the capture because it would  *
1442  *           not bring the score back to above alpha.  Unfortunately, taking   *
1443  *           the piece could let passed pawns race in undisturbed which would  *
1444  *           affect the score.  This pruning is turned off when there are not  *
1445  *           at least two pieces left on the board.  Another bug in the move   *
1446  *           generator produced pawn promotions twice, once when captures were *
1447  *           generated, then again when the rest of the moves are produced.    *
1448  *           this was also repaired.  Small book now will work.  The Bookup()  *
1449  *           code now assumes white *and* black won in the absence of a valid  *
1450  *           PGN Result tag, so that the small book will work correctly.       *
1451  *                                                                             *
1452  *   11.6    Modifications to time allocation in a further attempt to make     *
1453  *           Crafty speed up if time gets short, to avoid flagging.  It is now *
1454  *           *very* difficult to flag this thing.  :)  Minor evaluation tweaks *
1455  *           and a fix to Quiesce() to speed it up again after a couple of bad *
1456  *           fixes slowed things down.                                         *
1457  *                                                                             *
1458  *   11.7    Minor modification to Evaluate().  Rooks behind a passed pawn are *
1459  *           good, but two rooks behind the pawn don't help if the pawn is     *
1460  *           blockaded and can't move, unless the two rooks are not the same   *
1461  *           color as the pawn.                                                *
1462  *                                                                             *
1463  *   11.8    First stage of "book learning" implemented.  Crafty monitors the  *
1464  *           search evaluation for the first 10 moves out of book.  It then    *
1465  *           computes a "learn value" if it thinks this set of values shows    *
1466  *           that the book line played was very good or very bad.  This value  *
1467  *           is added to a "learn count" for each move in the set of book      *
1468  *           moves it played, with the last move getting the full learn value, *
1469  *           and moves closer to the start of the game getting a smaller       *
1470  *           percentage.  (See learn.c for more details).  These values are    *
1471  *           used by Book() to help in selecting/avoiding book lines.  Crafty  *
1472  *           produces a "book.lrn" file that synthesizes this information into *
1473  *           a portable format that will be used by other Crafty programs,     *
1474  *           once the necessary code is added later on.                        *
1475  *                                                                             *
1476  *   11.9    An age-old problem caused by null-move searching was eliminated   *
1477  *           in this version.  Often the null-move can cause a move to fail    *
1478  *           high when it should not, but then the move will fail low on the   *
1479  *           re-search when beta is relaxed.  This would, on occasion, result  *
1480  *           in Crafty playing a bad move for no reason.  Now, if a fail high  *
1481  *           is followed by a fail-low, the fail high condition is ignored.    *
1482  *           This can be wrong, but with null-move pruning, it can also be     *
1483  *           even "more wrong" to accept a fail high move after it fails low   *
1484  *           due to a null-move failure, than it would be right to accept the  *
1485  *           fail high/fail low that is caused by trans/ref table anomalies.   *
1486  *                                                                             *
1487  *   11.10   Crafty is now using the Kent, et. al, "razoring" algorithm, which *
1488  *           simply eliminates the last ply of full-width searching and goes   *
1489  *           directly to the capture search if the move before the last full-  *
1490  *           width ply is uninteresting, and the Material eval is 1.5 pawns    *
1491  *           below alpha.  It's a "modest futility" idea that doesn't give up  *
1492  *           on the uninteresting move, but only tries captures after the move *
1493  *           is played in the tree.  Net result is 20-30% average faster times *
1494  *           to reach the same depth.  Minor mod to book.lrn to include Black, *
1495  *           White and Date PGN tags just for reference.  Next learning mod is *
1496  *           another "book random n" option, n=3.  This will use the "learned" *
1497  *           score to order book moves, *if* any of them are > 0.  What this   *
1498  *           does is to encourage Crafty to follow opening lines that have     *
1499  *           been good, even if the learn count hasn't reached the current     *
1500  *           threshold of 1,000.  This makes learning "activate" faster.  This *
1501  *           has one hole in it, in that once Crafty learns that one move has  *
1502  *           produced a positive learn value, it will keep playing that move   *
1503  *           (since no others will yet have a positive value) until it finally *
1504  *           loses enough to take the learn value below zero.  This will be    *
1505  *           taken care of in the next version, hopefully.                     *
1506  *                                                                             *
1507  *   11.11   New "book random 4" mode that simply takes *all* learning scores  *
1508  *           for the set of legal book moves, translates them so that the      *
1509  *           worst value is +1 (by adding -Min(all_scores)+1 to every learn    *
1510  *           value) and then squaring the result.  This encourages Crafty to   *
1511  *           follow book lines that it has learned to be good, while still     *
1512  *           letting it try openings that it has not yet tried (learn value    *
1513  *           =0) and even lets it try (albeit rarely) moves that it has        *
1514  *           learned to be bad.  Minor evaluation tweaking for king placement  *
1515  *           in endgames to encourage penetration in the center rather than on *
1516  *           a wing where the king might get too far from the "action."        *
1517  *                                                                             *
1518  *   11.12   LearnFunction() now keeps positional score, rather than using a   *
1519  *           constant value for scores < PAWN_VALUE, to improve learning       *
1520  *           accuracy.  Book learn <filename> [clear] command implemented to   *
1521  *           import learning files from other Crafty programs.                 *
1522  *                                                                             *
1523  *   11.13   Endgame threshold lowered to the other side having a queen or     *
1524  *           less (9) rather than (13) points.  Queen+bishop can be very       *
1525  *           dangerous to the king for example, or two rooks and a bishop.     *
1526  *           Learning "curve" modified.  It was accidentally left in a sort    *
1527  *           of "geometric" shape, with the last move getting the full learn   *
1528  *           value, the next one back getting 1/2, the next 1/3, etc.  Now     *
1529  *           it is uniformly distributed from front to back.  If there are 20  *
1530  *           moves, the last gets the full value, the next gets 19/20, etc..   *
1531  *           Also the "percentage played" was hosed and is fixed.              *
1532  *                                                                             *
1533  *   11.14   Minor modification to book learn 4 code so that when you start    *
1534  *           off with *no* learned data, Book() won't exclude moves from the   *
1535  *           possible set of opening moves just because one was not played     *
1536  *           very often.  Due to the lack of "ordering" info in this case, it  *
1537  *           would often discover the second or third move in the list had not *
1538  *           been played very often and cull the rest of the list thinking it  *
1539  *           was ordered by the number of times it was played.  This code      *
1540  *           contains all of Frank's xboard patches so that analyze mode and   *
1541  *           so forth works cleanly.  A new book random option <5> modifies    *
1542  *           the probability of playing a move by letting the popularity of a  *
1543  *           move affect the learned-value sorting algorithm somewhat. Minor   *
1544  *           adjustment in pawn ram asymmetric term to simply count rams and   *
1545  *           not be too concerned about which half of the board they are on.   *
1546  *           adjustment to weak pawn code.  Also increased bonus for king      *
1547  *           tropism to attract pieces toward enemy king to improve attacking. *
1548  *           code that detects drawn K+RP+wrong bishop had a bug in that on    *
1549  *           occasion, the defending king might not be able to reach the       *
1550  *           queening square before the opposing king blocks it out.  This     *
1551  *           would let some positions look like draws when they were not. King *
1552  *           safety now uses square(7-distance(piece,king)) as one multiplier  *
1553  *           to really encourage pieces to get closer to the king.  In cases   *
1554  *           whre one king is exposed, all pieces are attracted to that king   *
1555  *           to attack or defend.   This is turned off during the opening.     *
1556  *           minor 50-move rule draw change to fix a bug, in that the game is  *
1557  *           not necessarily a draw after 50 moves by both sides, because one  *
1558  *           side might be mated by the 50th move by the other side.  This     *
1559  *           occurred in a game Crafty vs Ferret, and now works correctly.     *
1560  *                                                                             *
1561  *   11.15   Modified LearnBook() so that when Crafty terminates, or resigns,  *
1562  *           or sees a mate, it will force LearnBook() to execute the learning *
1563  *           analysis even if 10 moves have not been made sine leaving the     *
1564  *           book.  Crafty now trusts large positive evals less when learning  *
1565  *           about an opening, since such evals are often the result of the    *
1566  *           opponent's blunder, rather than a really  good opening line.      *
1567  *           second learning stage implemented.  Crafty maintains a permanent  *
1568  *           hash file that it uses to store positions where the search value  *
1569  *           (at the root of the tree) suddenly drop, and then it "seeds" the  *
1570  *           real transposition table with these values at the start of each   *
1571  *           of each search so that information is available earlier the next  *
1572  *           time this game is played.  Position.bin has the raw binary data   *
1573  *           this uses, while position.lrn has the "importable" data.  New     *
1574  *           import <filename> [clear] command imports all learning data now,  *
1575  *           eliminating the old book learn command.  LearnFunction() modified *
1576  *           to handle "trusted" values (negative scores, because we are sure  *
1577  *           that Crafty won't make an outright blunder very often) and        *
1578  *           "untrusted" values (positive values often caused by the opponent  *
1579  *           hanging a piece.  Trusted values are scaled up if the opponent is *
1580  *           weaker than Crafty since a weaker opponent forcing a negative     *
1581  *           eval means the position must really be bad, and are scaled down   *
1582  *           somewhat if the opponent is stronger than Crafty (from the rating *
1583  *           information from ICC or the operator using the rating command.)   *
1584  *           Untrusted values are scaled down harshly, unless the opponent is  *
1585  *           much stronger than Crafty, since it is unlikely such an opponent  *
1586  *           would really blunder, while weaker opponents drastically scale    *
1587  *           untrusted value (which is positive, remember) down.  minor depth  *
1588  *           problem fixed in learning code.  The depth used in LearnFunction  *
1589  *           was not the depth for the search that produced the "learn value"  *
1590  *           the LearnBook() chooses, it was the depth for the search last     *
1591  *           done.  Now, in addition to the 10 last search values, I store the *
1592  *           depth for each as well.  When a particular search value is used   *
1593  *           to "learn", the corresponding (correct) depth is also now used.   *
1594  *           These learn values are now limited to +6000/-6000 because in one  *
1595  *           book line, Crafty discovered it was getting mated in 2 moves at   *
1596  *           the end of the book line which was 30 moves deep.  If you try to  *
1597  *           distribute a "mate score" as the learned value, it will instantly *
1598  *           make every move for the last 26 moves look too bad to play.  This *
1599  *           is not desirable, rather the last few moves should be unplayable, *
1600  *           but other moves further back should be o.k.  Another bug that let *
1601  *           Crafty overlook the above mate also fixed.  The search value was  *
1602  *           not correct if Crafty got mated, which would avoid learning in    *
1603  *           that case.  This has been fixed, although it was obviously a rare *
1604  *           problem anyway.  Minor draw bug fixed, where Crafty would offer   *
1605  *           a draw when time was way low, caused by the resolution change a   *
1606  *           few months back, and also it would offer a draw after the         *
1607  *           opponent moved, even if he made a blunder.  It now only offers a  *
1608  *           draw after moving to make sure it's reasonable.  Crafty now won't *
1609  *           resign if there is a deep mate, such as a mate in 10+, because we *
1610  *           want to be sure that the opponent can demonstrate making progress *
1611  *           before we toss in the towel.  LearnBook() now learns on all games *
1612  *           played.  The old algorithm had a serious problem in that negative *
1613  *           scores were trusted fully, positive scores were treated with low  *
1614  *           confidence, and scores near zero were ignored totally.  The net   *
1615  *           result was that learning values became more and more negative as  *
1616  *           games were played.  Now equal positions are also factored in to   *
1617  *           the learning equation to help pull some of these negative values  *
1618  *           back up.  Book() now excludes moves that have not been played     *
1619  *           many times (if there is at least one move that has) for book      *
1620  *           random = 2, 3 and 4.  This stops some of the silly moves.         *
1621  *           position learning is turned off after 15 moves have passed since  *
1622  *           leaving book, to avoid learning things that won't be useful at a  *
1623  *           later time.  Hashing changed slightly to include "permanent"      *
1624  *           entries so that the learned stuff can be copied into the hash     *
1625  *           table with some confidence that it will stay there long enough to *
1626  *           be used.                                                          *
1627  *                                                                             *
1628  *   11.16   King tropism toned down a little to not be quite so intent on     *
1629  *           closeness to the kings, so that other positional ideas don't get  *
1630  *           "lost" in the eval.  Back to normal piece values (1,3,3,5,9) for  *
1631  *           a while.  Optimizations in Quiesce() speeded things up about 2%.  *
1632  *           Pawns pushed toward the king are not so valuable any more so that *
1633  *           Crafty won't prefer to hold on to them rather than trading to     *
1634  *           open a file(s) on the enemy king.  BookLearn() call was moved in  *
1635  *           Resign() so that it first learns, then resigns, so that it won't  *
1636  *           get zapped by a SIGTERM right in the middle of learning when      *
1637  *           xboard realizes the game is over.  Edit/setboard logic modified   *
1638  *           so that it is now possible to back up, and move forward in a game *
1639  *           that was set up via these commands.                               *
1640  *                                                                             *
1641  *   11.17   EvaluatePawns() modified to eliminate "loose pawn" penalty which  *
1642  *           was not particularly effective and produced pawn scores that were *
1643  *           sometimes misleading.  Several optimizations dealing with cache   *
1644  *           efficiency, primarily changing int's to signed char's so that     *
1645  *           multiple values fit into a cache line together, to eliminate some *
1646  *           cache thrashing.  PopCnt() no longer used to recognize that we    *
1647  *           have reached an endgame database, there's now a counter for the   *
1648  *           total number of pieces on the board, as it's much faster to inc   *
1649  *           and dec that value rather than count 1 bits.  Tweaks to MakeMove  *
1650  *           and UnmakeMove to make things a couple of percent faster, but a   *
1651  *           whole lot cleaner.  Ditto for SEE and Quiesce.  More speed, and   *
1652  *           cleaner code.  Outside passed pawn scored scaled down except when *
1653  *           the opponent has no pieces at all.  "Lazy eval" cleaned up.  We   *
1654  *           now have two early exits, one before king safety and one after    *
1655  *           king safety.  There are two saved values so we have an idea of    *
1656  *           how large the positional scores have gotten to make this work.    *
1657  *           Bug in passed pawn code was evaluating black passed pawns as less *
1658  *           valuable than white.  Fixed and passed pawn scores increased      *
1659  *           slightly.  Isolated pawn scoring modified so the penalty is pro-  *
1660  *           portional to the number of isolani each side has, rather than the *
1661  *           old approach of penalizing the "excess" isolani one side has over *
1662  *           the other side.  Seems to be more accurate, but we'll see.  Fixed *
1663  *           a rather gross bug in ValidateMove() related to the way castling  *
1664  *           status not only indicates whether castling is legal or not, but   *
1665  *           if it's not, whether that side castled or move the king/rooks.    *
1666  *           this let ValidateMove() fail to correctly detect that a castling  *
1667  *           move from the hash table might be invalid, which could wreck the  *
1668  *           search easily.  This was an oversight from the new status code.   *
1669  *           Serious book bug fixed.  Bookup() was not counting wins and       *
1670  *           losses correctly, a bug introduced to make small.pgn work. Minor  *
1671  *           bug in the "trapped bishop" (a2/h2/a7/h7) code fixed.  Minor bug  *
1672  *           in SEE() also fixed (early exit that was not safe in rare cases.) *
1673  *                                                                             *
1674  *   11.18   EvaluatePawns() modified to recognize that if there are two white *
1675  *           pawns "rammed" by black pawns at (say) c4/c5 and e4/e5, then any  *
1676  *           pawns on the d-file are also effectively rammed as well since     *
1677  *           there is no hope for advancing it.  Auto232 automatic play code   *
1678  *           seems to be working, finally.  The problem was Crafty delayed     *
1679  *           echoing the move back to auto232, if the predicted move was the   *
1680  *           move played by the opponent.  Auto232 gave Crafty 3 seconds and   *
1681  *           then said "too late, you must be hung."  Outpost knight scoring   *
1682  *           modified to produce scores between 0 and .2 pawns.  A knight was  *
1683  *           getting too valuable, which caused some confusion in the scoring. *
1684  *                                                                             *
1685  *   11.19   Slight reduction in the value of passed pawns, as they were       *
1686  *           getting pretty large.  Cleaned up annotate.c to get rid of code   *
1687  *           that didn't work out.  Annotate now gives the PV for the move     *
1688  *           actually played as well as the move Crafty suggests is best.      *
1689  *           Crafty now has a reasonable "trade" bonus that kicks in when it   *
1690  *           has 20 points of material (or less) and is ahead or behind at     *
1691  *           least 2 pawns.  This trade bonus ranges from 0 to 1000 (one pawn) *
1692  *           and encourages the side that is winning to trade, while the side  *
1693  *           that is losing is encouraged to avoid trades.  More minor tweaks  *
1694  *           for auto232 including trying a delay of 100ms before sending      *
1695  *           a move.  New annotate command gives the option to get more than   *
1696  *           one suggested best move displayed, as well as fixes a few bugs    *
1697  *           in the older code.  Fix to bishop + wrong rook pawn code to also  *
1698  *           recognize the RP + no pieces is just as bad if the king can reach *
1699  *           the queening square first.                                        *
1700  *                                                                             *
1701  *   11.20   Cleanup to annotate command.  It now won't predict that one side  *
1702  *           will follow a book line that only resulted in losses.  Also a     *
1703  *           couple of glitches in annotate where it was possible for a move   *
1704  *           to take an exhorbitant amount of time if the best move was a      *
1705  *           book move, but there were no other possible book moves.  The      *
1706  *           trade bonus now includes trade pawns if behind, but not if ahead  *
1707  *           as well as now considering being ahead or behind only one pawn    *
1708  *           rather than the two pawns used previously in 11.19.               *
1709  *                                                                             *
1710  *   11.21   Additional bug fix in annotate command that would fail if there   *
1711  *           was only one legal move to search.  Passed pawn values now have   *
1712  *           an added evaluation component based on material on the board, so  *
1713  *           that they become more valuable as material is traded.             *
1714  *                                                                             *
1715  *   11.22   Test command modified.  Test <filename> [N] (where N is optional  *
1716  *           and defaults to 99) will terminate a test position after N con-   *
1717  *           secutive iterations have had the correct solution.  Bug in        *
1718  *           Quiesce() fixed, which would incorrectly prune (or fail to prune) *
1719  *           some captures, due to using "Material" which is computed with     *
1720  *           respect to white-to-move.  This was fixed many versions ago, but  *
1721  *           the fix was somehow lost.  Fix to EvaluateDraws that mistakenly   *
1722  *           declared some endings drawn when there were rookpawns on both     *
1723  *           sides of the board, and the king could get in front of one. Minor *
1724  *           fix to Repeat() that was checking one too many entries.  No       *
1725  *           harmful effect other than one extra iteration in the loop that    *
1726  *           would make "purify/purity" fail as well as slow things down 1% or *
1727  *           so.                                                               *
1728  *                                                                             *
1729  *   11.23   logpath=, bookpath= and tbpath= command line options added to     *
1730  *           direct logs, books and tb files to the indicated path.  These     *
1731  *           only work as command line options, and can't be used in normal    *
1732  *           places since the files are already opened and in use.  A bug in   *
1733  *           Evaluate() would call EvaluatePawns() when there were no pawns,   *
1734  *           breaking things on many systems.                                  *
1735  *                                                                             *
1736  *   12.0    Rewrite of Input/Output routines.  Crafty no longer relies on the *
1737  *           C library buffered I/O routine scanf() for input.  This made it   *
1738  *           basically impossible to determine when to read data from the key- *
1739  *           board, which made xboard/winboard difficult to interface with.    *
1740  *           Now Crafty does its own I/O using read(), which is actually much  *
1741  *           cleaner and easier.  Minor bug where a fail high in very short    *
1742  *           time controls might not get played...                             *
1743  *                                                                             *
1744  *   12.1    Clean-up of Main().  The code had gotten so obtuse with the       *
1745  *           pondering call, plus handling Option() plus move input, that it   *
1746  *           was nearly impossible to follow.  It is now *much* cleaner and    *
1747  *           easier to understand/follow.                                      *
1748  *                                                                             *
1749  *   12.2    Continued cleanup of I/O, particularly the way main() is          *
1750  *           structured, to make it more understandable.  Rewritten time.c     *
1751  *           to make it more readable and understandable, not to mention       *
1752  *           easier to modify.  Fixed a timing problem where Crafty could be   *
1753  *           pondering, and the predicted move is made followed immediately by *
1754  *           "force", caused when the opponent makes a move and loses on time, *
1755  *           or makes a move and resigns.  This would leave the engine state   *
1756  *           somewhat confused, and would result in the "new" command not      *
1757  *           reinitializing things at all, which would hang Crafty on xboard   *
1758  *           or winboard.                                                      *
1759  *                                                                             *
1760  *   12.3    Modified piece values somewhat to increase their worth relative   *
1761  *           to a pawn, to try to stop the tendency to sac a piece for 3 pawns *
1762  *           and get into trouble for doing so.  Minor fixes in NewGame() that *
1763  *           caused odd problems, such as learning positions after 1. e4.  The *
1764  *           position.lrn/.bin files were growing faster than they should.     *
1765  *           Other minor tweaks to fix a few broken commands in Option().      *
1766  *           Slight reduction in trade bonus to match slightly less valuable   *
1767  *           pawns.                                                            *
1768  *                                                                             *
1769  *   12.4    Added ABSearch() macro, which makes Search() much easier to read  *
1770  *           by doing the test to call Search() or Quiesce() in the macro      *
1771  *           where it is hidden from sight.  Bugs in the way the log files     *
1772  *           were closed and then used caused crashed with log=off.            *
1773  *                                                                             *
1774  *   12.5    Development bonus for central pawns added to combat the h4/a3     *
1775  *           sort of openings that would get Crafty into trouble.  It now will *
1776  *           try to seize the center if the opponent dallies around.           *
1777  *                                                                             *
1778  *   12.6    Bug in EvaluateDraws() that would erroneously decide that a KNP   *
1779  *           vs K was drawn if the pawn was a rook pawn and the king could get *
1780  *           in front of it, which was wrong.  Another minor bug would use     *
1781  *           EvaluateMate() when only a simple exchange ahead, which would     *
1782  *           result in sometimes giving up a pawn to reach such a position.    *
1783  *           Minor bug in SetBoard() would incorrectly reset many important    *
1784  *           game state variables if the initial position was set to anything  *
1785  *           other than the normal starting position, such as wild 7.  This    *
1786  *           would make learning add odd PV's to the .lrn file.  Development   *
1787  *           bonus modified to penalize moving the queen before minor pieces,  *
1788  *           and not moving minor pieces at all.  It is now possible to build  *
1789  *           a "wild 7" book, by first typing "wild 7", and then typing the    *
1790  *           normal book create command.  Crafty will remember to reset to the *
1791  *           "wild 7" position at the start of each book line.  Note that it   *
1792  *           is not possible to have both wild 7 book lines *and* regular book *
1793  *           lines in the same book.                                           *
1794  *                                                                             *
1795  *   12.7    Failsoft added, so that scores can now be returned outside the    *
1796  *           alpha/beta window.  Minor null-move threat detection added where  *
1797  *           a mate in 1 score, returned by a null-move search, causes a one   *
1798  *           ply search extension, since a mate in one is a serious threat.    *
1799  *           razoring is now disabled if there is *any* sort of extension in   *
1800  *           the search preceeding the point where razoring would be applied,  *
1801  *           to avoid razoring taking away one ply from a search that was ex-  *
1802  *           tended (for good reasons) earlier.  Fail-soft discarded, due to   *
1803  *           no advantages at all, and a slight slowdown in speed.  Rewrite of *
1804  *           pawn hashing, plus a rewrite of the weak pawn scoring code to     *
1805  *           make it significantly more accurate, while going a little slower  *
1806  *           (but since hashing hits 99% of the time, the slower speed is not  *
1807  *           noticable at all.)  Evaluation tweaking as well.                  *
1808  *                                                                             *
1809  *   12.8    Continued work on weak pawn analysis, as well as a few minor      *
1810  *           changes to clean the code up.                                     *
1811  *                                                                             *
1812  *   13.0    Preparation for the Paris WMCCC version starts here.  First new   *
1813  *           thing is the blocked pawn evaluation code.  This recognizes when  *
1814  *           a pawn is immobolized and when a pawn has lever potential, but    *
1815  *           is disabled if playing a computer opponent.  Passed pawn scoring  *
1816  *           modified to eliminate duplicate bonuses that were added in        *
1817  *           EvaluatePawns as well as EvaluatePassedPawns.  Trade bonus code   *
1818  *           rewritten to reflect trades made based on the material when the   *
1819  *           search begins.  This means that some things have to be cleared in *
1820  *           the hash table after a capture is really made on the board, but   *
1821  *           prevents the eval from looking so odd near the end of a game.     *
1822  *           minor bug with book random 0 fixed.  If there was only one book   *
1823  *           move, the search could blow up.                                   *
1824  *                                                                             *
1825  *   13.1    All positional scores reduced by 1/4, in an attempt to balance    *
1826  *           things a little better.  Also more modifications to the weak and  *
1827  *           blocked pawn code.  Added evaluation code to help with KRP vs KR, *
1828  *           so that the pawn won't be advanced too far before the king comes  *
1829  *           to its aid.  Ditto for defending, it knows that once the king is  *
1830  *           in front of the pawn, it is a draw.                               *
1831  *                                                                             *
1832  *   13.2    Blocked pawn scoring changed slightly to not check too far to see *
1833  *           if a pawn can advance.  Also pawns on center squares are weighted *
1834  *           more heavily to encourage keeping them there, or trying to get    *
1835  *           rid of them if the opponent has some there.  Discovered that      *
1836  *           somehow, the two lines of code that add in bonuses for passed     *
1837  *           pawns were deleted as I cleaned up and moved code around.  These  *
1838  *           were reinserted (missing from 13.0 on).                           *
1839  *                                                                             *
1840  *   13.3    Modified tablebase code to support 5 piece endings.  There is now *
1841  *           a configuration option (see Makefile) to specify 3, 4 or 5 piece  *
1842  *           endgame databases.  More evaluation tuning.                       *
1843  *                                                                             *
1844  *   13.4    Modified null-move search.  If there is more than a rook left for *
1845  *           the side on move, null is always tried, as before.  If there is   *
1846  *           a rook or less left, the null move is only tried within 5 plies   *
1847  *           of the leaf positions, so that as the search progresses deeper,   *
1848  *           null-move errors are at least moved away from the root.  Many     *
1849  *           evaluation changes, particularly to king safety and evaluating    *
1850  *           castling to one side while the other side is safer.  Also it now  *
1851  *           handles pre-castled positions better.                             *
1852  *                                                                             *
1853  *   13.5    "From-to" display patch from Jason added.  This shows the from    *
1854  *           and to squares on a small diagram, oriented to whether Crafty is  *
1855  *           playing black or white.  The intent is to minimize operator       *
1856  *           errors when playing black and the board coordinates are reversed. *
1857  *           More eval changes.                                                *
1858  *                                                                             *
1859  *   13.6    Weak pawns on open files now add value to the opponent's rooks    *
1860  *           since they are the pieces that will primarily use an open file to *
1861  *           attack a weak pawn.                                               *
1862  *                                                                             *
1863  *   13.7    Minor eval tweaks, plus fixes for the CR/LF file reading problems *
1864  *           in windows NT.                                                    *
1865  *                                                                             *
1866  *   13.8    Adjustments to book.c, primarily preventing Crafty from playing   *
1867  *           lines that had very few games in the file, because those are      *
1868  *           often quite weak players.  Minor fix to InputMoves() so that a    *
1869  *           move like bxc3 can *never* be interpreted as a bishop move.  A    *
1870  *           bishop move must use an uppercase B, as in Bxc3.  Bug in the      *
1871  *           king safety for white only was not checking for open opponent     *
1872  *           files on the king correctly.                                      *
1873  *                                                                             *
1874  *   13.9    Minor adjustment to time allocation to allow "operator time" to   *
1875  *           affect time per move.  This is set by "operator <n>" where <n> is *
1876  *           time in seconds per move that should be "reserved" to allow the   *
1877  *           operator some typing/bookkeeping time.  New command "book         *
1878  *           trigger <n>" added so that in tournament mode, when choosing a    *
1879  *           book line, Crafty will revert to book random 0 if the least       *
1880  *           popular move was played fewer times than <n>.  This is an attempt *
1881  *           to avoid trusting narrow book lines too much while still allowing *
1882  *           adequate randomness.  If the least frequently played move in the  *
1883  *           set of book moves was played fewer times than this, then a search *
1884  *           over all the book moves is done.  If the best one doesn't look    *
1885  *           so hot, Crafty drops out of book and searches *all* legal moves   *
1886  *           instead.                                                          *
1887  *                                                                             *
1888  *   13.10   Minor adjustments.  This is the gold Paris version that is going  *
1889  *           with Jason.  Any changes made during the event will be included   *
1890  *           in the next version.                                              *
1891  *                                                                             *
1892  *   14.0    Major eval modification to return to centipawn evaluation, rather *
1893  *           then millipawns.  This reduces the resolution, but makes it a lot *
1894  *           easier to understand evaluation changes.  Significant eval mods   *
1895  *           regarding king safety and large positional bonuses, where the ad- *
1896  *           vantage is not pretty solid.  Note that old book learning will    *
1897  *           not work now, since the evals are wrong.  Old position learning   *
1898  *           must be deleted completely.  See the read.me file for details on  *
1899  *           what must be done about book learning results.  New egtb=n option *
1900  *           to replace the older -DTABLEBASES=n Makefile option, so that the  *
1901  *           tablebases can be enabled or disabled without recompiling.        *
1902  *                                                                             *
1903  *   14.1    Glitch in EvaluateDevelopment() was producing some grossly large  *
1904  *           positional scores.  Also there were problems with where the       *
1905  *           PreEvaluate() procedure were called, so that it could be called   *
1906  *           *after* doing RootMoveslist(), but before starting a search.  This*
1907  *           caused minor problems with hashing scores.  One case was that it  *
1908  *           was possible for a "test suite" to produce slightly different     *
1909  *           scores than the same position run in normal mode.  This has been  *
1910  *           corrected.  St=n command now supports fractional times to .01     *
1911  *           second resolution.                                                *
1912  *                                                                             *
1913  *   14.2    MATE reduced to 32768, which makes all scores now fit into 16     *
1914  *           bits.  Added code to EvaluatePawns() to detect the Stonewall      *
1915  *           pawn formation and not like it as black.  Also it detects a       *
1916  *           reversed Stonewall formation (for black) and doesn't like it as   *
1917  *           white.  EvaluateOutsidePassedPawns() removed.  Functionality is   *
1918  *           incorporated in EvaluatePawns() and is hashed, which speeds the   *
1919  *           evaluation up a bit.  King safety is now fully symmetric and is   *
1920  *           folded into individual piece scoring to encourage pieces to       *
1921  *           attack an unsafe king.                                            *
1922  *                                                                             *
1923  *   14.3    Minor adjustments to the king safety code for detecting attacks   *
1924  *           initiated by pushing kingside pawns.  Flip/flop commands added to *
1925  *           mirror the board either horizontally or vertically to check for   *
1926  *           symmetry bugs in the evaluation.  Other eval tuning changes.      *
1927  *                                                                             *
1928  *   14.4    Queen value increased to stop trading queen for two rooks.  Book  *
1929  *           learning slightly modified to react quicker.  Also scores are now *
1930  *           stored in the book file as floats to get rid of an annoying trun- *
1931  *           cation problem that was dragging scores toward zero.  The book    *
1932  *           file now has a "version" so that old book versions won't cause    *
1933  *           problems due to incorrect formats.  Null-move mated threat ex-    *
1934  *           tension was modified.  If null-move search fails high, I fail     *
1935  *           high as always, if it fails low, and it says I get mated in N     *
1936  *           moves, I extend all moves at this ply, since something is going   *
1937  *           on.  I also carry this threat extension into the hash table since *
1938  *           a hash entry can say "don't do null move, it will fail low."  I   *
1939  *           now have a flag that says not only will null-move fail low, it    *
1940  *           fails to "mated in N" so this ply needs extending even without a  *
1941  *           null-move search to tell it so.  Book learning greatly modified   *
1942  *           in the way it "distributes" the learned values, in an effort to   *
1943  *           make learning happen faster.  I now construct a sort of "tree"    *
1944  *           so I know how many book alternatives Crafty had at each move it   *
1945  *           at each book move it played.  I then assign the whole learn value *
1946  *           to all moves below the last book move where there was a choice,   *
1947  *           and also assign the whole learn value to the move where there     *
1948  *           was a choice.  I then divide the learn value by the number of     *
1949  *           choices and assign this to each book move (working backward once  *
1950  *           again) until the next point where there were choices.  This makes *
1951  *           sure that if there is a choice, and it is bad, it won't be played *
1952  *           again, even if this choice was at move 2, and the remainder of    *
1953  *           the book line was completely forced.  All in an effort to learn   *
1954  *           more quickly.                                                     *
1955  *                                                                             *
1956  *   14.5    annotate bug fixed where if there was only one legal move, the    *
1957  *           annotation would stop with no warning.  Bookup() now produces a   *
1958  *           more useful error message, giving the exact line number in the    *
1959  *           input file where the error occurred, to make fixing them easier.  *
1960  *           If you are playing without a book.bin, 14.4 would crash in the    *
1961  *           book learning code.  This is now caught and avoided.  Bookup()    *
1962  *           now knows how to skip analysis in PGN files, so you can use such  *
1963  *           files to create your opening book, without having problems.  It   *
1964  *           understands that nesting () {} characters "hides" the stuff in-   *
1965  *           side them, as well as accepting non-standard PGN comments that    *
1966  *           are inside [].  Annotate() now will annotate a PGN file with      *
1967  *           multiple games, although it will use the same options for all of  *
1968  *           the games.  PGN headers are preserved in the .can file.  Annotate *
1969  *           now will recognize the first move in a comment (move) or {move}   *
1970  *           and will search that move and give analysis for it in addition to *
1971  *           the normal output.                                                *
1972  *                                                                             *
1973  *   14.6    Minor change to book random 4 (use learned value.)  if all the    *
1974  *           learned values are 0, then use the book random 3 option instead.  *
1975  *           Bug in 50-move counter fixed.  Learn() could cause this to be set *
1976  *           to a value that didn't really reflect the 50-move status, and     *
1977  *           cause games to be drawn when they should not be.  Modified the    *
1978  *           "Mercilous" attack code to recognize a new variation he worked    *
1979  *           out that sacrifices a N, R and B for a mating attack.  No more.   *
1980  *                                                                             *
1981  *   14.7    "Verbose" command removed and replaced by a new "display" command *
1982  *           that sets display options.  Use "help display" for more info on   *
1983  *           how this works.  The "mercilous" attack scoring is only turned on *
1984  *           when playing "mercilous".  But there is a new "special" list that *
1985  *           you can add players too if you want, and this special scoring is  *
1986  *           turned on for them as well.                                       *
1987  *                                                                             *
1988  *   14.8    New scoring term to penalize unbalanced trades.  IE if Crafty has *
1989  *           to lose a pawn, it would often trade a knight for two pawns in-   *
1990  *           stead, which is actually worse.  This new term prevents this sort *
1991  *           of trades.                                                        *
1992  *                                                                             *
1993  *   14.9    "Mercilous" attack code modified to handle a new wrinkle he (and  *
1994  *           one other player) found.                                          *
1995  *                                                                             *
1996  *   14.10   New "bench" command runs a test and gives a benchmark comparison  *
1997  *           for Crafty and compares this to a P6/200 base machine.  Minor bug *
1998  *           disabled the "dynamic draw score" and fixed it at zero, even if   *
1999  *           the opponent was much weaker (rating) or behind on time.  Also    *
2000  *           draw_score was not reset to 0 at start of each new game, possibly *
2001  *           leaving it at +.20 after playing a higher-rated opponent.         *
2002  *                                                                             *
2003  *   14.11   Release to make mercilous attack detection code the default, to   *
2004  *           prevent the rash of mercilous attacks on the chess servers.       *
2005  *                                                                             *
2006  *   14.12   Modified tuning of evaluation.  Scores were reduced in the past,  *
2007  *           to discourage the piece for two pawns sort of trades, but since   *
2008  *           this was basically solved in 14.8, scores are going "back up".    *
2009  *           Particularly passed pawn scores.  Crafty now accepts draw offers  *
2010  *           if the last search result was <= the current result returned by   *
2011  *           DrawScore().  It also honors draw requests via xboard when        *
2012  *           against a human opponent as well, and will flag the game as over. *
2013  *           Minor modification to annotate.c to display move numbers in the   *
2014  *           PV's to match the PV output format used everywhere else in        *
2015  *           Crafty.  A new type of learning, based on results, has been added *
2016  *           and is optional (learn=7 now enables every type of learning.)     *
2017  *           this type of learning uses the win/lose game result to flag an    *
2018  *           opening that leads to a lost game as "never" play again.  The     *
2019  *           book move selection logic has been modified.  There are four com- *
2020  *           ponents used in choosing book moves:  frequency of play; win/lose *
2021  *           ratio; static evaluation; and learned score.  There are four      *
2022  *           weights that can be modified with the bookw command, that control *
2023  *           how these 4 values are used to choose book moves.  Each weight is *
2024  *           a floating point value between 0 and 1, and controls how much the *
2025  *           corresponding term factors in to move selection.                  *
2026  *                                                                             *
2027  *   14.13   Fixed a book parsing bug that now requires a [Site "xxx"] tag in  *
2028  *           any book file between lines for the "minplay" option of book      *
2029  *           create to work properly.                                          *
2030  *                                                                             *
2031  *   15.0    This is the first version to support a parallel search using      *
2032  *           multiple processors on a shared-memory machinel.  This version    *
2033  *           uses the "PVS" algorithm (Principal Variation Search) that is an  *
2034  *           early form of "Young Brothers Wait".  This is not the final       *
2035  *           search algorithm that will be used, but it is relatively easy to  *
2036  *           implement, so that the massive data structure changes can be de-  *
2037  *           bugged before getting too fancy.  The major performance problem   *
2038  *           with this approach is that all processors work together at a node *
2039  *           and when one finishes, it has to wait until all others finish     *
2040  *           before it can start doing anything more.  This adds up to a       *
2041  *           significant amount of time and really prevents good speedups on   *
2042  *           multiprocessor machines.  This restriction will be eliminanted in *
2043  *           future versions, but it makes debugging much simpler for the      *
2044  *           first version.  After much agonizing, I finally chose to write my *
2045  *           own "spinlock" macros to avoid using the pthread_mutex_lock stuff *
2046  *           that is terribly inefficient due to its trying to be cute and     *
2047  *           yield the processor rather than spinning, when the lock is al-    *
2048  *           ready set.  i'd rather spin than context-switch.                  *
2049  *                                                                             *
2050  *   15.1    This version actually unleashes the full design of the parallel   *
2051  *           search, which lets threads split away from the "pack" when        *
2052  *           they become idle, and they may then jump in and help another      *
2053  *           busy thread.  This eliminates the significant delays that         *
2054  *           occur near the end of a search at a given ply.  Now as those pro- *
2055  *           cessors drop out of the search at that ply, they are reused at    *
2056  *           other locations in the tree without any significant delays.       *
2057  *                                                                             *
2058  *   15.2    WinNT support added.  Also fixed a small bug in Interrupt() that  *
2059  *           could let it exit with "busy" set so that it would ignore all     *
2060  *           input from that point forward, hanging the game up.  Added a new  *
2061  *           "draw accept" and "draw decline" option to enable/disable Crafty  *
2062  *           accepting draw offers if it is even or behind.  Turned on by      *
2063  *           an IM/GM opponent automatically.  Thread pools now being used to  *
2064  *           avoid the overhead of creating/destroying threads at a high rate  *
2065  *           rate of speed.  It is now quite easy to keep N processors busy.   *
2066  *                                                                             *
2067  *   15.3    CPU time accounting modified to correctly measure the actual time *
2068  *           spent in a parallel search, as well as to modify the way Crafty   *
2069  *           handles time management in an SMP environment.  A couple of bugs  *
2070  *           fixed in book.c, affecting which moves were played.  Also veri-   *
2071  *           fied that this version will play any ! move in books.bin, even if *
2072  *           it was not played in the games used to build the main book.bin    *
2073  *           file.                                                             *
2074  *                                                                             *
2075  *   15.4    This version will terminate threads once the root position is in  *
2076  *           a database, to avoid burning cpu cycles that are not useful.  A   *
2077  *           flag "done" is part of each thread block now.  When a thread goes *
2078  *           to select another move to search, and there are no more left, it  *
2079  *           sets "done" in the parent task thread block so that no other pro- *
2080  *           cessors will attempt to "join the party" at that block since no   *
2081  *           work remains to be done.  Book selection logic modified so that   *
2082  *           frequency data is "squared" to improve probabilities.  Also, the  *
2083  *           frequency data is used to cull moves, in that if a move was not   *
2084  *           played 1/10th of the number of times that the "most popular" move *
2085  *           was played, then that move is eliminated from consideration.      *
2086  *                                                                             *
2087  *   15.5    Changes to "volatile" variables to enhance compiler optimization  *
2088  *           in places where it is safe.  Added a function ThreadStop() that   *
2089  *           works better at stopping threads when a fail high condition       *
2090  *           occurs at any nodes.  It always stopped all sibling threads at    *
2091  *           the node in question, but failed to stop threads that might be    *
2092  *           working somewhere below the fail-high node.  ThreadStop() will    *
2093  *           recursively call itself to stop all of those threads. Significant *
2094  *           increase in king centralization (endgame) scoring to encourage    *
2095  *           the king to come out and fight rather than stay back and get      *
2096  *           squeezed to death.  Minor change to queen/king tropism to only    *
2097  *           conside the file distance, not ranks also.  Bug in interrupt.c    *
2098  *           fixed.  This bug would, on very rare occasion, let Crafty read in *
2099  *           a move, but another thread could read on top of this and lose the *
2100  *           move.  Xboard would then watch the game end with a <flag>.        *
2101  *                                                                             *
2102  *   15.6    Ugly repetition draw bug (SMP only) fixed.  I carefully copied    *
2103  *           the repetition list from parent to child, but also copied the     *
2104  *           repetition list pointer...  which remained pointing at the parent *
2105  *           repetition list.  Which failed, of course.                        *
2106  *                                                                             *
2107  *   15.7    Problem in passing PV's back up the search fixed.  The old bug of *
2108  *           a fail high/fail low was not completely handled, so that if the   *
2109  *           *last* move on a search failed high, then low, the PV could be    *
2110  *           broken or wrong, causing Crafty to make the wrong move, or else   *
2111  *           break something when the bogus PV was used.  Piece/square tables  *
2112  *           now only have the _w version initialized in data.c, to eliminate  *
2113  *           the second copy which often caused errors.  Initialize() now will *
2114  *           copy the _w tables to the _b tables (reflected of course.)        *
2115  *                                                                             *
2116  *   15.8    trade bonus modified to not kick in until one side is two pawns   *
2117  *           ahead or behind, so that trading toward a draw is not so common.  *
2118  *           Fixed a whisper bug that would cause Crafty to whisper nonsense   *
2119  *           if it left book, then got back in book.  It also now whispers the *
2120  *           book move it played, rather than the move it would play if the    *
2121  *           opponent played the expected book move, which was confusing.      *
2122  *                                                                             *
2123  *   15.9    Bug in positions with one legal move would abort the search after *
2124  *           a 4 ply search, as it should, but it was possible that the result *
2125  *           from the aborted search could be "kept" which would often make    *
2126  *           Crafty just "sit and wait" and flag on a chess server.            *
2127  *                                                                             *
2128  *   15.10   Fixed "draw" command to reject draw offers if opponent has < ten  *
2129  *           seconds left and no increment is being used.  Fixed glitch in     *
2130  *           LearnResult() that would crash Crafty if no book was being used,  *
2131  *           and it decides to resign.  Modified trade bonus code to eliminate *
2132  *           a hashing inconsistency.  Minor glitch in "show thinking" would   *
2133  *           show bad value if score was mate.  Added Tim Mann's new xboard/   *
2134  *           winboard "result" command and modified the output from Crafty to  *
2135  *           tell xboard when a game is over, using the new result format that *
2136  *           Tim now expects.  Note that this is xboard 3.6.9, and earlier     *
2137  *           versions will *not* work correctly (ok on servers, but not when   *
2138  *           you play yourself) as the game won't end correctly due to the     *
2139  *           change in game-end message format between the engine and xboard.  *
2140  *                                                                             *
2141  *   15.11   Modified SMP code to not start a parallel search at a node until  *
2142  *           "N" (N=2 at present) moves have been search.  N was 1, and when   *
2143  *           move ordering breaks down the size of the tree gets larger.  This *
2144  *           controls that much better.  Fixed an ugly learning bug.  If the   *
2145  *           last move actually in the game history was legal for the other    *
2146  *           side, after playing it for the correct side, it could be played   *
2147  *           a second time, which would break things after learning was done.  *
2148  *           An example was Rxd4 for white, where black can respond with Rxd4. *
2149  *           Changes for the new 3.6.10 xboard/winboard are also included as   *
2150  *           well as a fix to get book moves displayed in analysis window as   *
2151  *           it used to be done.                                               *
2152  *                                                                             *
2153  *   15.12   "The" SMP repetition bug was finally found and fixed.  CopyToSMP  *
2154  *           was setting the thread-specific rephead_* variable *wrong* which  *
2155  *           broke so many things it was not funny.  Evaluation tuning in this *
2156  *           version as well to try to "center" values in a range of -X to +X  *
2157  *           rather than 0 to 2X.  Trade bonus had a bug in the pawn part that *
2158  *           not only encouraged trading pawns when it should be doing the     *
2159  *           opposite, but the way it was written actually made it look bad to *
2160  *           win a pawn.  More minor xboard/winboard compatibility bugs fixed  *
2161  *           so that games end when they should.  DrawScore() had a quirk that *
2162  *           caused some problems, in that it didn't know what to do with non- *
2163  *           zero draw scores, and could return a value with the wrong sign at *
2164  *           times.  It is now passed a flag, "Crafty_is_white" to fix this.   *
2165  *           Modification so that Crafty can handle the "FEN" PGN tag and set  *
2166  *           the board to the correct position when it is found.  Xboard       *
2167  *           options "hard" and "easy" now enable and disable pondering.       *
2168  *                                                                             *
2169  *   15.13   Modification to "bad trade" code to avoid any sort of unbalanced  *
2170  *           trades, like knight/bishop for 2-3 pawns, or two pieces for a     *
2171  *           rook and pawn.  More new xboard/winboard fixes for Illegal move   *
2172  *           messages and other engine interface changes made recently.  Minor *
2173  *           change to null move search, to always search with the alpha/beta  *
2174  *           window of (beta-1,beta) rather than (alpha,beta), which is very   *
2175  *           slightly more efficient.                                          *
2176  *                                                                             *
2177  *   15.14   Rewrite of ReadPGN() to correctly handle nesting of various sorts *
2178  *           of comments.  This will now correctly parse wall.pgn, except for  *
2179  *           promotion moves with no promotion piece specified.  The book      *
2180  *           create code also now correctly reports when you run out of disk   *
2181  *           space and this should work under any system to let you know when  *
2182  *           you run out of space.                                             *
2183  *                                                                             *
2184  *   15.15   Major modifications to Book() and Bookup().  Bookup() now needs   *
2185  *           1/2 the temp space to build a book that it used to need (even     *
2186  *           less under windows).  Also, a book position is now 16 bytes in-   *
2187  *           stead of 20 (or 24 under windows) further reducing the space      *
2188  *           requirements.  The "win/lose/draw" counts are no longer absolute, *
2189  *           rather they are relative so they can be stored in one byte. A new *
2190  *           method for setting "!" moves in books.bin is included in this     *
2191  *           version.  For any move in the input file used to make books.bin,  *
2192  *           you can add a {play nn%} string, which says to play this move nn% *
2193  *           of the time, regardless of how frequently it was played in the    *
2194  *           big book file.  For example, e4 {play 50%} says to play e4 50% of *
2195  *           the time.  Note two things here:  (1) If the percentages for all  *
2196  *           of white's first moves add up to a number > 100, then the         *
2197  *           percentage played is taken as is, but all will be treated as if   *
2198  *           they sum to 100 (ie if there are three first moves, each with a   *
2199  *           percentage of 50%, they will behave as though they are all 33%    *
2200  *           moves).  (2) For any moves not marked with a % (assuming at least *
2201  *           one move *is* marked with a percent) then such moves will use the *
2202  *           remaining percentage left over applied to them equally. Note that *
2203  *           using the % *and* the ! flags together slightly changes things,   *
2204  *           because normally only the set of ! moves will be considered, and  *
2205  *           within that set, any with % specified will have that percent used *
2206  *           as expected.  But if you have some moves with !, then a percent   *
2207  *           on any of the *other* moves won't do a thing, because only the !  *
2208  *           moves will be included in the set to choose from.                 *
2209  *                                                                             *
2210  *   15.16   Bug in the king tropism code, particularly for white pieces that  *
2211  *           want to be close to the black king, fixed in this version.  New   *
2212  *           History() function that handles all history/killer cases, rather  *
2213  *           than the old 2-function approach.  Ugly Repeat() bug fixed in     *
2214  *           CopyToChild().  This was not copying the complete replist due to  *
2215  *           a ply>>2 rather than ply>>1 counter.                              *
2216  *                                                                             *
2217  *   15.17   Adjustments to "aggressiveness" to slightly tone it down.  Minor  *
2218  *           fix to avoid the odd case of whispering one move and playing an-  *
2219  *           other, caused by a fail-high/fail-low overwriting the pv[1] stuff *
2220  *           and then Iterate() printing that rather than pv[0] which is the   *
2221  *           correct one.  New LegalMove() function that strengthens the test  *
2222  *           for legality at the root, so that it is impossible to ponder a    *
2223  *           move that looks legal, but isn't.  Modifications to king safety   *
2224  *           to better handle half-open files around the king as well as open  *
2225  *           files.  EGTB "swindler" added.  If the position is drawn at the   *
2226  *           root of the tree, then all losing moves are excluded from the     *
2227  *           move list and the remainder are searched normally with the EGTB   *
2228  *           databases disabled, in an effort to give the opponent a chance to *
2229  *           go wrong and lose.  Fixed "mode tournament" and "book random 0"   *
2230  *           so that they will work correctly with xboard/winboard, and can    *
2231  *           even be used to play bullet games on a server if desired. Minor   *
2232  *           fix to attempt to work around a non-standard I/O problem on the   *
2233  *           Macintosh platform dealing with '\r' as a record terminator       *
2234  *           rather than the industry/POSIX-standard \n terminator character.  *
2235  *                                                                             *
2236  *   15.18   Fix to the "material balance" evaluation term so that it will not *
2237  *           like two pieces for a rook (plus pawn) nor will it like trading a *
2238  *           piece for multiple pawns.  A rather gross bug in the repetition   *
2239  *           code (dealing with 50 move rule) could overwrite random places in *
2240  *           memory when the 50 move rule approached, because the arrays were  *
2241  *           not long enough to hold 50 moves, plus allow the search to go     *
2242  *           beyond the 50-move rule (which is legal and optional) and then    *
2243  *           output moves (which uses ply=65 data structures).  This let the   *
2244  *           repetition (50-move-rule part) overwrite things by storing well   *
2245  *           beyond the end of the repetition list for either side.  Minor fix *
2246  *           to EGTB "swindle" code.  It now only tries the searches if it is  *
2247  *           the side with swindling chances.  Ie it is pointless to try for   *
2248  *           a swindle in KRP vs KR if you don't have the P.  :)  Some very    *
2249  *           substantial changes to evaluate.c to get things back into some    *
2250  *           form of synch with each other.                                    *
2251  *                                                                             *
2252  *   15.19   More evaluation changes.  Slight change to the Lock() facility    *
2253  *           as it is used to lock the hash table.  Modifications to the book  *
2254  *           selection logic so that any move in books.bin that is not in the  *
2255  *           regular book.bin file still can be played, and will be played if  *
2256  *           it has a {play xxx%} or ! option.  New option added to the book   *
2257  *           create command to allow the creation of a better book.  This      *
2258  *           option lets you specify a percentage that says "exclude a book    *
2259  *           move it if didn't win xx% as many games as it lost.  IE, if the   *
2260  *           book move has 100 losses, and you use 50% for the new option, the *
2261  *           move will only be included if there are at least 50 wins.  This   *
2262  *           allows culling lines that only lost, for example.  New bad trade  *
2263  *           scoring that is simpler.  If one side has one extra minor piece   *
2264  *           and major pieces are equal, the other side has traded a minor for *
2265  *           pawns and made a mistake.  If major pieces are not matched, and   *
2266  *           one side has two or more extra minors, we have seen either a rook *
2267  *           for two minor pieces (bad) or a queen for three minor pieces (bad *
2268  *           also).  Horrible bug in initializing min_thread_depth, which is   *
2269  *           supposed to control thrashing.  The SMP search won't split the    *
2270  *           tree within "min_thread_depth" of the leaf positions.  Due to a   *
2271  *           gross bug, however, this was initialized to "2", and would have   *
2272  *           been the right value except that a ply in Crafty is 4.  The       *
2273  *           mtmin command that adjusts this correctly multiplied it by 4,     *
2274  *           but in data.c, it was left at "2" which lets the search split way *
2275  *           too deeply and can cause thrashing.  It now correctly defaults to *
2276  *           120 (2*PLY) as planned.  Crafty now *only* supports               *
2277  *           winboard/xboard 4.0 or higher, by sending the string "move xxx"   *
2278  *           to indicate its move.  This was done to eliminate older xboard    *
2279  *           versions that had some incompatibilities with Crafty that were    *
2280  *           causing lots of questions/problems.  Xboard 4.0 works perfectly   *
2281  *           and is the only recommended GUI now.                              *
2282  *                                                                             *
2283  *   15.20   New evaluation term to ensure that pawns are put on squares of    *
2284  *           the opposite color as the bishop in endings where one side only   *
2285  *           has a single bishop.  Another new evaluation term to favor        *
2286  *           bishops over knights in endings with pawns on both sides of the   *
2287  *           board.  Search extensions now constrained so that when doing an   *
2288  *           N-ply search, the first 2N plies can extend normally, but beyond  *
2289  *           that the extensions are reduced by one-half.  This eliminates a   *
2290  *           few tree explosions that wasted lots of time but didn't produce   *
2291  *           any useful results.  This version solves 299/300 of the Win at    *
2292  *           Chess positions on a single-cpu pentium pro 200mhz machine now.   *
2293  *           New evaluation term to reward "pawn duos" (two pawns side by side *
2294  *           which gives them the most flexibility in advancing.  A change to  *
2295  *           the bishops of opposite color to not just consider B vs B drawish *
2296  *           when the B's are on opposite colors, but to also consider other   *
2297  *           positons like RB vs RB drawish with opposite B's.                 *
2298  *                                                                             *
2299  *   16.0    Hash functions renamed to ProbeTransRef() and StoreTransRef().    *
2300  *           The store functions (2) were combined to eliminate some duplicate *
2301  *           code and shrink the cache footprint a bit.  Adjustment to "losing *
2302  *           the right to castle" so that the penalty is much less if this is  *
2303  *           done when trading queens, since a king in the center becomes less *
2304  *           of a problem there. Several eval tweaks.  Support for Eugene      *
2305  *           Nalimov's new endgame databases that reduce the size by 50%.      *
2306  *           Added a new cache=xxx command to set the tablebase cache (more    *
2307  *           memory means less I/O of course).  The "egtb" command now has two *
2308  *           uses.  If you enter egtb=0, you can disable tablebases for        *
2309  *           testing.  Otherwise, you just add "egtb" to your command line or  *
2310  *           .craftyrc file and Crafty automatically recognizes the files that *
2311  *           are present and sets up to probe them properly.  Added an eval    *
2312  *           term to catch a closed position with pawns at e4/d3/c4 and then   *
2313  *           avoiding the temptation to castle into an attack.  Most of the    *
2314  *           evaluation discontinuities have been removed, using the two new   *
2315  *           macros ScaleToMaterial() and InverseScaleToMaterial().  Scale()   *
2316  *           is used to reduce scores as material is removed from the board,   *
2317  *           while InverseScale() is used to increase the score as material    *
2318  *           is removed.  This removed a few ugly effects of things happening  *
2319  *           right around the EG_MAT threshold.                                *
2320  *                                                                             *
2321  *   16.1    Bug in EGTBProbe() which used the wrong variable to access the    *
2322  *           enpassant target square was fixed.  The cache=x command now       *
2323  *           checks for a failed malloc() and reverts to the default cache     *
2324  *           size to avoid crashes.  Major eval tuning changes.  Cache bug     *
2325  *           would do an extra malloc() and if it is done after the "egtb"     *
2326  *           command it would crash.  Analyze mode now turns off the "swindle" *
2327  *           mode.                                                             *
2328  *                                                                             *
2329  *   16.2    More evaluation changes, specifically to bring king safety down   *
2330  *           to reasonable levels.  Support for the DGT electronic chess board *
2331  *           is now included (but only works in text mode, not in conjunction  *
2332  *           with xboard/winboard yet.  Fix to StoreTransRef() that corrected  *
2333  *           a problem with moving an entry from tablea to tableb, but to the  *
2334  *           wrong address 50% of the time (thanks to J. Wesley Cleveland).    *
2335  *                                                                             *
2336  *   16.3    Performance tweaks plus a few evaluation changes.  An oversight   *
2337  *           would let Crafty play a move like exd5 when cxd5 was playable.    *
2338  *           IE it didn't follow the general rule "capture toward the center." *
2339  *           this has been fixed.  King safety ramped up just a bit.           *
2340  *                                                                             *
2341  *   16.4    Search extension fixed.  One-reply was being triggered when there *
2342  *           was only one capture to look at as well, which was wrong.  Minor  *
2343  *           fix to king safety in Evaluate().  Adjustments to preeval to fix  *
2344  *           some "space" problems caused by not wanting to advance pawns at   *
2345  *           all, plus some piece/square pawn values that were too large near  *
2346  *           the opponent's king position.  New swindle on*off command allows  *
2347  *           the user to disable "swindle mode" so that Crafty will report     *
2348  *           tablebase draws as draws.  Swindle mode is now disabled auto-     *
2349  *           matically in analysis or annotate modes.  DrawScore() now returns *
2350  *           a draw score that is not nearly so negative when playing humans.  *
2351  *           The score was a bit large (-.66 and -.33) so that this could tend *
2352  *           to force Crafty into losing rather than drawn positions at times. *
2353  *           EGTB probe code now monitors how the probes are affecting the nps *
2354  *           and modifies the probe depth to control this.  IE it adjusts the  *
2355  *           max depth of probes to attempt to keep the NPS at around 50% or   *
2356  *           thereabouts of the nominal NPS rate.  Fixed a nasty bug in the    *
2357  *           EGTB 'throttle' code.  It was possible that the EGTB_mindepth     *
2358  *           could get set to something more than 4 plies, then the next       *
2359  *           search starts off already in a tablebase ending, but with this    *
2360  *           probe limit, it wouldn't probe yet Iterate() would terminate the  *
2361  *           search after a couple of plies.  And the move chosen could draw.  *
2362  *           New code submitted by George Barrett, which adds a new command    *
2363  *           "html on".  Using this will cause the annotate command to produce *
2364  *           a game.html file (rather than game.can) which includes nice board *
2365  *           displays (bitmapped images) everywhere Crafty suggests a          *
2366  *           different move.  You will need to download the bitmaps directory  *
2367  *           files to make this work.  Note that html on enables this or you   *
2368  *           will get normal annotation output in the .can file.  Final        *
2369  *           hashing changes made.  Now crafty has only two hash tables, the   *
2370  *           'depth preferred' and 'always store' tables, but not one for each *
2371  *           side.                                                             *
2372  *                                                                             *
2373  *   16.5    Minor glitch in internal iterative deepening code (in search.c)   *
2374  *           could sometimes produce an invalid move.  Crafty now probes the   *
2375  *           hash table to find the best move which works in all cases.        *
2376  *           Interesting tablebase bug fixed.  By probing at ply=2, the        *
2377  *           search could overlook a repetition/50 move draw, and turn a won   *
2378  *           position into a draw.  Crafty now only probes at ply > 2, to      *
2379  *           let the Repeat() function have a chance.  Added code by Dan       *
2380  *           Corbitt to add environment variables for the tablebases, books,   *
2381  *           logfiles and the .craftyrc file paths.  The environment variables *
2382  *           CRAFTY_TB_PATH, CRAFTY_BOOK_PATH, CRAFTY_LOG_PATH and             *
2383  *           CRAFTY_RC_PATH should point to where these files are located and  *
2384  *           offer an alternative to specifying them on the command line.      *
2385  *           Final version of the EGTB code is included in this version.  This *
2386  *           allows Crafty to use either compressed (using Andrew Kadatch's    *
2387  *           compressor, _not_ zip or gzip) or non-compressed tablebases.  It  *
2388  *           will use non-compressed files when available, and will also use   *
2389  *           compressed files that are available so long as there is no non-   *
2390  *           compressed version of the same file.  It is allowable to mix and  *
2391  *           match as you see fit, but with all of the files compressed, the   *
2392  *           savings is tremendous, roughly a factor of 5 in space reduction.  *
2393  *                                                                             *
2394  *   16.6    Major rewrite of king-safety pawn shelter code to emphasize open  *
2395  *           files (and half-open files) moreso than just pawns that have been *
2396  *           moved.  Dynamic EGTB probe depth removed.  This caused far too    *
2397  *           many search inconsistencies.  A fairly serious SMP bug that could *
2398  *           produce a few hash glitches was found.  Rewrite of the 'king-     *
2399  *           tropism' code completed.  Now the pieces that are 'crowding' the  *
2400  *           king get a bigger bonus if there are more of them.  Ie it is more *
2401  *           than twice as good if we have two pieces close to the king, while *
2402  *           before this was purely 'linear'.  Minor fix to book.c to cure an  *
2403  *           annotate command bug that would produce odd output in multi-game  *
2404  *           PGN files.                                                        *
2405  *                                                                             *
2406  *   16.7    Minor bug in 'book create' command would produce wrong line num-  *
2407  *           bers if you used two book create commands without restarting      *
2408  *           Crafty between uses.  Replaced "ls" command with a !cmd shell     *
2409  *           escape to allow _any_ command to be executed by a shell. Change   *
2410  *           to bishop scoring to avoid a bonus for a bishop pair _and_ a good *
2411  *           bishop sitting at g2/g7/etc to fill a pawn hole.  If the bishop   *
2412  *           fills that hole, the bishop pair score is reduced by 1/2 to avoid *
2413  *           scores getting too large.  Another ugly SMP bug fixed.  It was    *
2414  *           for the CopyFromSMP() function to fail because Search() put the   *
2415  *           _wrong_ value into tree->value.  The "don't castle into an unsafe *
2416  *           king position" code was scaled up a bit as it wasn't quite up to  *
2417  *           detecting all cases of this problem.  The parallel search has     *
2418  *           been modified so that it can now split the tree at the root, as   *
2419  *           well as at deeper nodes.  This has improved the parallel search   *
2420  *           efficiency noticably while also making the code a bit more        *
2421  *           complex.  This uses an an adaptive algorithm that pays close      *
2422  *           attention to the node count for each root move.  If one (or more) *
2423  *           moves below the best move have high node counts (indicating that  *
2424  *           these moves might become new 'best' moves) then these moves are   *
2425  *           flagged as "don't search in parallel" so that all such moves are  *
2426  *           searched one by one, using all processors so that a new best move *
2427  *           if found faster.  Positional scores were scaled back 50% and the  *
2428  *           king safety code was again modified to incorporate pawn storms,   *
2429  *           which was intentionally ignored in the last major revision.  Many *
2430  *           other scoring terms have been modified as well to attempt to      *
2431  *           bring the scores back closer to something reasonable.             *
2432  *                                                                             *
2433  *   16.8    Bug in evaluate.c (improper editing) broke the scoring for white  *
2434  *           rooks on open files (among other things.)  New twist on null-     *
2435  *           move search...  Crafty now uses R=3 near the root of the tree,    *
2436  *           and R=2 near the top.  It also uses null-move so long as there is *
2437  *           a single piece on the board, but when material drops to a rook or *
2438  *           less, null move is turned off and only used in the last 7 plies   *
2439  *           to push the zugzwang errors far enough off that they can be       *
2440  *           avoided, hopefully.                                               *
2441  *                                                                             *
2442  *   16.9    Tuning to king safety.  King in center of board was way too high  *
2443  *           which made the bonus for castling way too big.  More fine-tuning  *
2444  *           on the new 'tropism' code (that tries to coordinate piece attacks *
2445  *           on the king).  It understands closeness and (now) open files for  *
2446  *           the rooks/queens.  Modified blocked center pawn code so that an   *
2447  *           'outpost' in front of an unmoved D/E pawn is made even stronger   *
2448  *           since it restrains that pawn and cramps the opponent.             *
2449  *                                                                             *
2450  *   16.10   All scores are back to 16.6 values except for king safety, as     *
2451  *           these values played well.  King safety is quite a bit different   *
2452  *           and now has two fine-tuning paramaters that can be set in the     *
2453  *           crafty.rc file (try help ksafety for more details, or see the new *
2454  *           crafty.doc for more details.  Suffice it to say that you can now  *
2455  *           tune it to be aggressive or passive as you wish.                  *
2456  *                                                                             *
2457  *   16.11   Adjustment to king safety asymmetry to make Crafty a bit more     *
2458  *           cautious about starting a king-side attack.  New "ksafe tropism"  *
2459  *           command allows the tropism scores (pulling pieces toward opponent *
2460  *           king) to be adjusted up or down (up is more aggressive).          *
2461  *                                                                             *
2462  *   16.12   evaluation adjustment options changed.  The new command to modify *
2463  *           this stuff is "evaluation option value".  For example, to change  *
2464  *           the asymmetry scoring for king safety, you now use "evaluation    *
2465  *           asymmetry 120".  See "help evaluation" for more details.  There   *
2466  *           is a new "bscale" option to adjust the scores for 'blocked' type  *
2467  *           positions, and I added a new "blockers_list" so that players that *
2468  *           continually try to lock things up to get easy draws can be better *
2469  *           handled automatically.  The command is "list B +name".  There are *
2470  *           other adjustable evaluation scaling parameters now (again, use    *
2471  *           "help evaluation" to see the options.)                            *
2472  *                                                                             *
2473  *   16.13   Bug in Evaluate() fixed.  King safety could produce impossibly    *
2474  *           large scores due to negative subscript values.  Minor change to   *
2475  *           root.c to allow partial tablebase sets while avoiding the ugly    *
2476  *           potential draw problem.  This was supplied by Tim Hoooebeek and   *
2477  *           seems to work ok for those wanting to have files like kpk with-   *
2478  *           out the corresponding promotion files.                            *
2479  *                                                                             *
2480  *   16.14   Bug in Evaluate() fixed.  King safety could produce impossibly    *
2481  *           large scores due to a subscript two (2) larger than expected for  *
2482  *           max values.  A couple of other minor tweaks to rook on 7th as     *
2483  *           well.  Setboard now validates enpassant target square to be sure  *
2484  *           that an enpassant capture is physically possible, and that the    *
2485  *           target square is on the right rank with pawns in the right place. *
2486  *                                                                             *
2487  *   16.15   Bug in EGTBProbe() usage fixed.  It was possible to call this     *
2488  *           function before tablebases were initialized, or when there were   *
2489  *           more than 3 pieces on one side, which would break a subscript.    *
2490  *                                                                             *
2491  *   16.16   Changes to the way EvaluatePassedPawn() works.  It now does a     *
2492  *           reasonable job of penalizing blockaded passed pawns.  Also a bug  *
2493  *           in king scoring used a variable set from the previous call to the *
2494  *           Evaluate() procedure, which could produce bizarre effects.  A few *
2495  *           minor eval glitches that caused asymmetric scores unintentionally *
2496  *           were removed.                                                     *
2497  *                                                                             *
2498  *   16.17   Minor "hole" in SMP code fixed.  It was possible that a move      *
2499  *           displayed as the best in Output() would not get played.           *
2500  *           Very subtle timing issue dealing with the search timing out and   *
2501  *           forgetting to copy the best move back to the right data area.     *
2502  *           Minor fixes to the modified -USE_ATTACK_FUNCTIONS option that     *
2503  *           was broken when the And()/Or()/ShiftX() macros were replaced by   *
2504  *           their direct bitwise operator replacements.                       *
2505  *                                                                             *
2506  *   16.18   Adjustments to king tropism scoring terms (these attract pieces   *
2507  *           toward the opponent king in a coordinated way).  The scoring term *
2508  *           that kept the queen from going to the opposite side of the board  *
2509  *           was not working well which would also cause attacking problems.   *
2510  *           Razoring code has been disabled, as it neither helps or hurts on  *
2511  *           tactical tests, and it creates a few hashing problems that are    *
2512  *           annoying.  Bug in StoreTransRefPV() that would store the PV into  *
2513  *           the hash table, but possibly in the wrong table entry, which      *
2514  *           could stuff a bad move in a hash entry, or overwrite a key entry  *
2515  *           that could have been useful later.  Book random 0 was slightly    *
2516  *           wrong as it could not ignore book moves if the search said that   *
2517  *           the score was bad.  Also the search would not time-out properly   *
2518  *           on a forced move, it would use the entire time alotted which was  *
2519  *           a big waste of time when there was only one legal move to make.   *
2520  *           A very interesting bug was found in storing mate bounds in the    *
2521  *           hash table, one I had not heard of before.  Another change to     *
2522  *           Iterate() to make it avoid exiting as soon as a mate is found, so *
2523  *           that it can find the shortest mate possible.                      *
2524  *                                                                             *
2525  *   16.19   Savepos now pads each rank to 8 characters so that programs that  *
2526  *           don't handle abbreviated FEN will be able to parse Crafty's FEN   *
2527  *           output without problems.  Threads are no longer started and       *
2528  *           stopped before after searches that seem to not need multiple      *
2529  *           threads (such as when the starting position is in the databases   *
2530  *           or whatever) because in fast games, it can start and stop them    *
2531  *           after each search, due to puzzling for a ponder move, and this is *
2532  *           simply to inefficient to deal with, and burning the extra cpus is *
2533  *           only bad if the machine is used for other purposes.  And when the *
2534  *           machine is not dedicated to chess only, the SMP search is very    *
2535  *           poor anyway.  New lockless hashing (written by Tim Mann) added    *
2536  *           to improve SMP performance.  New eval term that handles various   *
2537  *           types of candidate passed pawns, most commonly the result of a    *
2538  *           position where one side has an offside majority that later turns  *
2539  *           into an outside passed pawn.  New EGTBPV() procedure added.  This *
2540  *           code will print the entire PV of a tablebase mating line.  If it  *
2541  *           given an option of ! (command is "egtb !") it will add a ! to any *
2542  *           move where there is only one optimal choice.  Crafty will now     *
2543  *           automatically display the EGTB PV if you give it a setboard FEN   *
2544  *           command, or if you just give it a raw FEN string (the setboard    *
2545  *           command is now optional except in test suites).  This version now *
2546  *           supports the 6 piece database files.  To include this support,    *
2547  *           you need to -DEGTB6 when compiling everything.  The majority code *
2548  *           has been temporarily removed so that this version can be released *
2549  *           to get the 6 piece ending stuff out.                              *
2550  *                                                                             *
2551  *   17.0    Connected passed pawn scoring modified so that connected passers  *
2552  *           don't get any sort of bonus, except for those cases where the     *
2553  *           opponent has a rook or more.  This will avoid liking positions    *
2554  *           where Crafty has two connected passers on the d/e files, and the  *
2555  *           opponent has passers on the b/g files.  The split passers win if  *
2556  *           all pieces are traded, while the connected passers are better     *
2557  *           when pieces are present.  A new scoring term evaluates the        *
2558  *           "split" passers similar to outside passers, this at the request   *
2559  *           (make that demand) of GM Roman Dzindzichashvili. Book() now finds *
2560  *           the most popular move as the move to ponder.  This eliminated all *
2561  *           'puzzling' searches which result in clearing the hash tables two  *
2562  *           times for every book move, which can slow it down when a large    *
2563  *           hash table is used.  New book option for playing against computer *
2564  *           opponents was written for this version.  Crafty now supports two  *
2565  *           "books.bin" type files, books.bin and bookc.bin (the bookc create *
2566  *           command can be used to make bookc.bin).  Bookc will only be used  *
2567  *           when Crafty is playing a computer.  This is supplied by xboard or *
2568  *           winboard when playing on a server, or can be included int the     *
2569  *           crafty.rc/.craftyrc file when playing directly.  Bookc.bin will   *
2570  *           be used when playing a computer only, and should be used to avoid *
2571  *           unsound lines that are fine against humans, but not against other *
2572  *           computers.  If you don't use a bookc.bin, it will use the normal  *
2573  *           books.bin as always.  If you use both, it will only use bookc.bin *
2574  *           in games that have been started and then given the 'computer'     *
2575  *           command.  Minor adjustment to EGTB probe code so that it will     *
2576  *           always probe TBs at ply=2 (if the right number of pieces are on   *
2577  *           the board) but won't probe beyond ply=2 unless the move at the    *
2578  *           previous ply was a capture/promotion and the total pieces drops   *
2579  *           into the proper range for TB probes.  This makes the 6 piece      *
2580  *           files far more efficient as before it would continuously probe    *
2581  *           after reaching 6 piece endings, even if it didn't have the right  *
2582  *           file.  now after the capture that takes us to a 6 piece ending    *
2583  *           we probe one time...  and if there is no hit we don't probe at    *
2584  *           the next node (or any successors) unless there is another capture *
2585  *           or promotion that might take us to a database we have.  The book  *
2586  *           (binary) format has once again been modified, meaning that to use *
2587  *           16.20 and beyond the book.bin/books.bin files must be re-built    *
2588  *           from the raw PGN input.  This new format includes an entry for    *
2589  *           the CAP project score, so that deep searches can be used to guide *
2590  *           opening book lines.  A new weight (bookw CAP) controls how much   *
2591  *           this affects book move ordering/selection.  A new import command  *
2592  *           will take the raw CAPS data and merge it into the book.bin after  *
2593  *           the file has been built.  Serious bug in SetBoard() would leave   *
2594  *           old EP status set in test suites.  This has been fixed.  Outpost  *
2595  *           knight code was modified so that a knight in a hole is good, a    *
2596  *           knight in a hole supported by a pawn is better, supported by two  *
2597  *           pawns is still better, and if the opponent has no knights or a    *
2598  *           bishop that can attack this knight it is even better.  The out-   *
2599  *           post bonus for a bishop was removed.  A pretty serious parallel   *
2600  *           search bug surfaced.  In non-parallel searches, Crafty _always_   *
2601  *           completed the current ply=1 move after the time limit is reached, *
2602  *           just to be sure that this move isn't going to become a new best   *
2603  *           move.  However, when parallel searching, this was broken, and at  *
2604  *           the moment time runs out, the search would be stopped if the      *
2605  *           parallel split was done at the root of the tree, which means that *
2606  *           where the search would normally find a new best move, it would    *
2607  *           not.  This has been fixed.  New "store <val>" command can be used *
2608  *           to make "position learning" remember the current position and the *
2609  *           score (val) you supply.  This is useful in analyze mode to move   *
2610  *           into the game, then let Crafty know that the current position is  *
2611  *           either lost or won (with a specific score).                       *
2612  *                                                                             *
2613  *   17.1    Book structure fixed, since compilers can't quite agree on how    *
2614  *           structures ought to be aligned, for reasons not clear to me.  A   *
2615  *           serious eval bug that could produce gross scores when one side    *
2616  *           had two queens was fixed.                                         *
2617  *                                                                             *
2618  *   17.2    Isolated pawn scoring tweaked a bit, plus a couple of bugs in the *
2619  *           way EvaluateDevelopment() was called were fixed.                  *
2620  *                                                                             *
2621  *   17.3    Passed pawn scores increased somewhat to improve endgame play.    *
2622  *                                                                             *
2623  *   17.4    Minor bug with "black" command (extra line from unknown origin)   *
2624  *           would make "black" command fail to do anything.  Minor tweaks to  *
2625  *           passed pawn scoring again...  And a slight performance improve-   *
2626  *           ment in how EvaluateKingSafety() is called.  Code for "bk"        *
2627  *           from xboard was somehow lost.  It now provides a book hint.       *
2628  *                                                                             *
2629  *   17.5    Rewrite of outside passed pawn/pawn majority code.  It is now     *
2630  *           much faster by using pre-computed bitmaps to recognize the right  *
2631  *           patterns.                                                         *
2632  *                                                                             *
2633  *   17.6    Minor fix in interrupt.c, which screwed up handling some commands *
2634  *           while pondering.  Minor fix to score for weak back rank.  Score   *
2635  *           was in units of 'defects' but should have been in units of        *
2636  *           "centipawns".   Minor bug in "drawn.c" could mis-classify some    *
2637  *           positions as drawn when they were not.                            *
2638  *                                                                             *
2639  *   17.7    Repair to DrawScore() logic to stop the occasional backward sign  *
2640  *           that could create some funny-looking scores (-20 and +20 for      *
2641  *           example).  Minor fix to majority code to recognize the advantage  *
2642  *           of having a majority when the opponent has no passers or majority *
2643  *           even if the candidate in the majority is not an 'outside' passer  *
2644  *           candidate.  Minor change to passed pawns so that a protected      *
2645  *           passed pawn is not considered a winning advantage if the          *
2646  *           opponent has two or more passed pawns.  But in input_status       *
2647  *           would cause an infinite loop if you reset a game to a position    *
2648  *           that was in book, after searching a position that was not in      *
2649  *           the book.  Bug in position learning fixed also.  This was caused  *
2650  *           by the new hashing scheme Tim Mann introduced to avoid locking    *
2651  *           the hash table.  I completed the changes he suggested, but forgot *
2652  *           about how it might affect the position learning since it is also  *
2653  *           hash-based.  Needless to say, I broke it quite nicely, thank you. *
2654  *                                                                             *
2655  *   17.8    This is the version used in the first ICC computer chess          *
2656  *           tournament.  Crafty won with a score of 7.0/8.0 which included    *
2657  *           only 2 draws and no losses.  Changes are minimal except for a few *
2658  *           non-engine syntax changes to eliminate warnings and fix a bad bug *
2659  *           in 'bench.c' that would crash if there was no books.bin file.     *
2660  *                                                                             *
2661  *   17.9    LearnPosition() called with wrong arguments from main() which     *
2662  *           effectively disabled position learning.  This was broken in 17.7  *
2663  *           but is now fixed.                                                 *
2664  *                                                                             *
2665  *   17.10   Minor change to "threat" extension now only extends if the null-  *
2666  *           move search returns "mated in 1" and not "mated in N".  This      *
2667  *           tends to shrink the trees a bit with no noticable effect in       *
2668  *           tactical strength.  EvaluatePawns() was not doing a reasonable    *
2669  *           job of recognizing blocked pawns and candidate passers.  It did   *
2670  *           not do well in recognizing that the pawn supporting a candidate   *
2671  *           could not advance far enough to help make a real passed pawn.     *
2672  *           Minor change to Repeat() to not count two-fold repeats as draws   *
2673  *           in the first two plies, which prevents some odd-looking repeats   *
2674  *           at the expense of a little inefficiency.  Ugly repetition bug     *
2675  *           fixed.  Rephead was off by one for whatever side Crafty was       *
2676  *           playing which would screw up repetition detection in some cases.  *
2677  *           Minor bug in main() that would report stalemate on some mates     *
2678  *           when the ponder score was forgotten.                              *
2679  *                                                                             *
2680  *   17.11   Fail high/low logic changed to move the ++ output into Iterate()  *
2681  *           where the -- output was already located.  (This was done for      *
2682  *           consistecy only, it was not a problem.  New function to detect    *
2683  *           draws RepetitionCheckBook() was added to count two-fold repeats   *
2684  *           as draws while in book.  This lets Crafty search to see if it     *
2685  *           wants tht draw or not, rather than just repeating blindly.  Minor *
2686  *           bug in "go"/"move" command fixed.  The command did not work if    *
2687  *           the engine was pondering.  Minor change to Evaluate() that makes  *
2688  *           BAD_TRADE code more acurate.  Minor change to pawn majority code  *
2689  *           to fix two bugs.  White pawns on g2/h2 with black pawn on h7 was  *
2690  *           not seen as a majority (outside candidate passer) but moving the  *
2691  *           black pawn to g7 made it work fine.   Also if both sides had an   *
2692  *           equal number of pawns (black pawn at a7/b7, white pawns at b2/c2  *
2693  *           the code would not notice black had an outside passer candidate   *
2694  *           since pawns were 'equal' in number.                               *
2695  *                                                                             *
2696  *   17.12   Bookup() will now create a book with all sorts of games in it, so *
2697  *           long as the various games have the FEN string to properly set the *
2698  *           initial chess board position.                                     *
2699  *                                                                             *
2700  *   17.13   Endgame evaluation problem fixed.  King scoring now dynamically   *
2701  *           chooses the right piece/square table depending on which side of   *
2702  *           the board has pawns, rather than using root pre-processing which  *
2703  *           could make some gross errors.  Glitch with majorities would make  *
2704  *           an "inside majority candidate" offset a real outside passed pawn  *
2705  *           even if the candidate would not be outside.  A suggestion by      *
2706  *           Blass Uri (CCC) was added.  This adds .01 to tablebase scores if  *
2707  *           the side on move is ahead in material, and -.01 if the side on    *
2708  *           move is behind in material (only for drawn positions.)  the       *
2709  *           intent is to favor positions where you are ahead in material      *
2710  *           rather than even in material, which gives 'swindle mode' a chance *
2711  *           to work.  Bug in EvaluateDraws() would mis-categorize some B+RP   *
2712  *           (wrong bishop) as drawn, even if the losing king could not make   *
2713  *           it to the corner square in time.                                  *
2714  *                                                                             *
2715  *   17.14   Another endgame evaluation problem fixed.  The outside passed     *
2716  *           pawn code worked well, up until the point the pawn had to be      *
2717  *           given up to decoy the other side's king away from the remainder   *
2718  *           of the pawns.  Crafty now understands the king being closer to    *
2719  *           the pawns than the enemy king, and therefore transitions from     *
2720  *           outside passer to won king-pawn ending much cleaner.  New command *
2721  *           "selective" as requested by S. Lim, which allows the user to      *
2722  *           set the min/max null move R values (default=2/3).  They can be    *
2723  *           set to 0 which disables null-move totally, or they can be set     *
2724  *           larger than the default for testing.  Minor changes to init.c     *
2725  *           sent by Eugene Nalimov to handle 64 bit pointer declarations for  *
2726  *           win64 executable compilation.  NetBSD changes included along with *
2727  *           a new Makefile that requires no editing to use for any known      *
2728  *           configuration ("make help" will explain how to use it).  This was *
2729  *           submitted by Johnny Lam.  Serious changes to the outside passed   *
2730  *           pawn code.  The evaluator now understands that outside passers    *
2731  *           on _both_ sides of the board is basically winning.  Same goes for *
2732  *           candidate passers.                                                *
2733  *                                                                             *
2734  *   18.0    Bug in EvaluateDraws() could incorrectly decide that if one side  *
2735  *           had only rook pawns in a king/pawn ending, the ending was a draw. *
2736  *           Even if the other side had pawns all over the board.  Passed pawn *
2737  *           scores increased a bit.  Minor change to "bad trade" code to turn *
2738  *           off in endings.  S list removed.  The trojan horse check is now   *
2739  *           automatically enabled when the key position is recognized at the  *
2740  *           root of the tree.  It is disabled once the key position is no     *
2741  *           longer seen at the root.  Bug in Bookup() would break if a FEN    *
2742  *           string was included in a game used for input.  SetBoard() was     *
2743  *           setting castling status incorrectly.  Internal iterative          *
2744  *           deepening bug could (on very rare occasions) cause Crafty to try  *
2745  *           to search an illegal move that would bomb the search.  This       *
2746  *           version fully supports the new xboard protocol version 2.  One    *
2747  *           other major change is that the eval is now consistently displayed *
2748  *           as +=good for white, -=good for black.  In the log file.  In the  *
2749  *           console output window.  And when whispering/kibitzing on a chess  *
2750  *           server.  This should eliminate _all_ confusion about the values   *
2751  *           that are displayed as there are now no exceptions to the above    *
2752  *           policy of any kind.  Book() was changed so that if it notices     *
2753  *           that the opponent has a "stonewall pattern" set up (IE Crafty     *
2754  *           is black, has a pawn at e7 or e6, and the opponent has pawns at   *
2755  *           d4/f4) then it won't play a castle move from book.  It will do a  *
2756  *           normal search instead and let the evaluation guide it on whether  *
2757  *           to castle or not (generally it won't unless it is forced).        *
2758  *                                                                             *
2759  *   18.1    Easy move code broken, so that no move ever appeared to be "easy" *
2760  *           even if it was the only possible recapture move to make.  A minor *
2761  *           problem in analysis mode dealing with pawn promotions was fixed.  *
2762  *           It was possible for a move like h8=Q to be rejected even though   *
2763  *           it was perfectly legal.                                           *
2764  *                                                                             *
2765  *   18.2    Minor bug in analyze mode would break the "h" command when black  *
2766  *           was on move, and show one less move for either side that had      *
2767  *           actually been played in the game.  Another bug also reversed the  *
2768  *           sign of a score whispered in analysis mode.  Recapture extension  *
2769  *           is disabled by default.  To turn it on, it is necessary to use    *
2770  *           -DRECAPTURE when compiling search.c and option.c.  LearnBook()    *
2771  *           has been modified to 'speed up' learning.  See the comments in    *
2772  *           that module to see how it was changed.  LearnResult() has been    *
2773  *           removed.  LearnBook() is now used to do the same thing, except    *
2774  *           that a good (or bad) score is used.                               *
2775  *                                                                             *
2776  *   18.3    Minor bug in "avoid_null_move" test used R=2 for the test rather  *
2777  *           than testing R=2/3 as the real null-move search uses.  The kibitz *
2778  *           for "Hello from Crafty Vx.xx" has been moved so that it works     *
2779  *           with the new xboard/winboard 4.2.2 versions.  Book learning was   *
2780  *           badly broken in the previous version and has been fixed/tested.   *
2781  *                                                                             *
2782  *   18.4    Recapture extension was left in SearchParallel() by mistake.      *
2783  *           This has now been protected by a #ifdef just like it was in       *
2784  *           Search().  Bug in Repeat() was causing problems in SMP versions.  *
2785  *           The entire repetition list code was modified to clean this up.    *
2786  *           The problem was most noticable on things like fine #70.  Bug in   *
2787  *           LearnImportBook() confused the learn value sign, due to the other *
2788  *           changes to make +=white all the time.  Opposite bishop scoring    *
2789  *           has been beefed up a bit to avoid these drawish endings.          *
2790  *                                                                             *
2791  *   18.5    Minor change to RootMove() to use Quiesce() rather than the more  *
2792  *           complicated way it was ordering with Evaluate()/EnPrise().  This  *
2793  *           is no faster, but it is simpler and eliminated the need for the   *
2794  *           EnPrise() function totally, making the code a bit smaller.  Bug   *
2795  *           in EvaluateDraws() would let it think that the bishop+wrong rook  *
2796  *           pawn endings were winnable if both kings were very close to the   *
2797  *           queening square, even with the wrong bishop.                      *
2798  *                                                                             *
2799  *   18.6    "New" no longer produces a new log.nnn/game.nnn file if no moves  *
2800  *           have actually been played.  Minor change to rook scoring gives a  *
2801  *           penalty when a rook has no horizontal (rank) mobility, to avoid   *
2802  *           moves like Ra2 protecting the pawn on b2, etc.  Glitch in the     *
2803  *           code that initializes is_outside[][] and is_outside_c[][] could   *
2804  *           cause missed outside pawn cases to happen.  This has been there   *
2805  *           a long time.                                                      *
2806  *                                                                             *
2807  *   18.7    BOOK_CLUSTER_SIZE increased to 2000 to handle making really large *
2808  *           books.  A book made without this change could produce clusters    *
2809  *           that would cause memory overwrites.                               *
2810  *                                                                             *
2811  *   18.8    Recapture extension turned back on for a while.  Changes to the   *
2812  *           evaluation code, particularly EvaluatePawns() to make it more     *
2813  *           efficient and accurate.  IE it was possible for an isolated pawn  *
2814  *           to be penalized for being isolated, weak, and blocked, which made *
2815  *           little sense.                                                     *
2816  *                                                                             *
2817  *   18.9    Book() modified to increase the responsiveness of book learning.  *
2818  *           The new code, plus the default weights for the book parameters    *
2819  *           now make Crafty learn very aggressively and repeat good opening   *
2820  *           lines and avoid bad ones.                                         *
2821  *                                                                             *
2822  *   18.10   Minor bug in book.c would let Crafty play lines that were very    *
2823  *           rarely played even though there were others that had been played  *
2824  *           far more times and were more reliable.  King safety scores ramped *
2825  *           up a bit and made more "responsive".                              *
2826  *                                                                             *
2827  *   18.11   Minor bug in EvaluateDevelopment() found by Bruce Moreland.  The  *
2828  *           pawn ram code is now disabled when playing a computer, although   *
2829  *           the normal 'blocked pawn' code is always active.  Bug in the code *
2830  *           that penalizes a rook with no horizontal mobility was fixed.  If  *
2831  *           the first rook scored had horizontal mobility, the second rook    *
2832  *           appeared to have this mobility as well, which was wrong.  Pawn    *
2833  *           hash statistics were wrong on longer searches due to an int       *
2834  *           overflow on a multiply and divide calculation.  This has been     *
2835  *           re-ordered to avoid the overflow.  For unknown reasons, epd       *
2836  *           support was disabled.  It is now enabled as it should be.  Some   *
2837  *           strange adjustements to root_alpha/root_beta were removed from    *
2838  *           searchr.c.  They were probably left-over from some sort of test.  *
2839  *                                                                             *
2840  *   18.12   Bug in EvaluateDraws() fixed to not call KBB vs KN a draw if the  *
2841  *           correct tablebase is not available.  Bishop pair scores now vary  *
2842  *           depending on how many pawns are left on the board.  A pair is not *
2843  *           worth a lot if there are 7-8 pawns left as most diagonals will be *
2844  *           blocked by pawns.  Test() modified so that it will now run using  *
2845  *           an EPD test suite with am/bm and id tags.  The old testfile for-  *
2846  *           mat will continue to work for a while, but Test() now notices the *
2847  *           EPD format and processes it correctly.  A new way of handling the *
2848  *           search extensions is in place.  With the old approach, one ply    *
2849  *           could not extend more than one full ply.  With the new approach,  *
2850  *           borrowed from Deep Blue, two consecutive plies can not extend     *
2851  *           more than two plies total.  It averages out to be the same, of    *
2852  *           course, but the effect is a bit different.  Now it is possible    *
2853  *           for a check and recapture to be applied at the same ply, where    *
2854  *           they could not before (since a check was already a full one-ply   *
2855  *           extension).  Whether this is better or not is not clear yet, but  *
2856  *           it is worth careful analysis.  EvaluateDraws() has been replaced  *
2857  *           by EvaluateWinner().  This function returns an indicator that     *
2858  *           specifices whether white, black, both or neither can win in the   *
2859  *           present position.                                                 *
2860  *                                                                             *
2861  *   18.13   Deep Blue extension limit removed and restored to one ply of      *
2862  *           extension per ply of search.  Pruning in q-search fixed so that   *
2863  *           a capture will be considered if it takes the total material on    *
2864  *           the board down to a bishop or less for the opponent, as that can  *
2865  *           greatly influence the evaluation with the EvaluateWinner() code.  *
2866  *           As the 50 move rule draws near, the hash table scores are marked  *
2867  *           as invalid every 5 moves so that hashing can't hide potential     *
2868  *           50-move-rule draws.  Lazy evaluation code modified to be more     *
2869  *           conservative, since in endgames the positional score can be a     *
2870  *           large change.  EvaluatePassedPawnRaces() fixed so that if one     *
2871  *           side has two pawns that are far enough apart, it will recognize   *
2872  *           that even though the king is "in the square" of either, it can't  *
2873  *           always stay in the square of one if it has to capture the other.  *
2874  *           Pawn hash signature restored to 64 bits after testing proved that *
2875  *           32 was producing an unacceptable number of collisions.  Search    *
2876  *           node counter is now 64 bits as well to avoid overflows.  Bug in   *
2877  *           the outside passed pawn code fixed (bad mask).                    *
2878  *                                                                             *
2879  *   18.14   Minor bug in ResignOrDraw() code caused Crafty to not offer draws *
2880  *           although it would accept them when appropriate.  Rook vs Minor    *
2881  *           is now evaluated as "neither side can win" an oversight in the    *
2882  *           EvaluateWinner() code.  Minor bug in ResignOrDraw() would fail to *
2883  *           offer draws due to the +0.01/-0.01 draw scores returned by the    *
2884  *           EGTB probe code.                                                  *
2885  *                                                                             *
2886  *   18.15   Change in endgame draw recognition to handle the case where one   *
2887  *           side appears to be in a lost ending but is stalemated.  The code  *
2888  *           now evaluates such positions as "DrawScore()" instead.  The code  *
2889  *           to accept/decline draws has been modified.  When a draw offer is  *
2890  *           received, a global variable "draw_offer_pending" is set to 1.     *
2891  *           When the search for a move for Crafty terminates, Crafty then     *
2892  *           uses this value to decide whether to accept or decline the draw.  *
2893  *           This means that the accept/decline won't happen until _after_ the *
2894  *           search has a chance to see if something good is happening that    *
2895  *           should cause the draw to be declined, closing a timing hole that  *
2896  *           used to exist that let a few "suspects" get away with draws that  *
2897  *           should not have happened (ie Crafty has - scores for a long time, *
2898  *           the opponent suddenly fails low and sees he is losing and offers  *
2899  *           a draw quickly.  Crafty would accept before doing a search and    *
2900  *           noticing that it was suddenly winning.)  minor evaluation change  *
2901  *           to notice that K+B+right RP vs K+B is not necessarily won if the  *
2902  *           weaker side has a bishop of the right color.                      *
2903  *                                                                             *
2904  *   19.0    Significant change to the search extension limits.  First, the    *
2905  *           limit of no more than 1 ply of extensions per ply has been tossed *
2906  *           out.  Now, any number of extensions are allowed in the first N    *
2907  *           plies, where N=iteration_depth of the current iteration.  After   *
2908  *           the first N plies, extensions are reduced by 50% for the next N   *
2909  *           plies.  They are then reduced by another 50% for the next N plies *
2910  *           and then completely disabled after that.  IE for a 12 ply search, *
2911  *           all extensions (even > one ply) are allowed for the first 12      *
2912  *           plies, then the extensions are reduced by 1/2 for the next 12     *
2913  *           plies, then by 1/4 for the next 12 plies, then turned off from    *
2914  *           that point forward.  Minor tweak (suggested by GCP) to reduce the *
2915  *           time limit by 1/4 for ponder=off games was done in time.c.  Fix   *
2916  *           to EvaluateWinner() to correctly realize that KR[BN] vs KRR is a  *
2917  *           draw for the KRR side if it doesn't have at least a pawn left.    *
2918  *           Minor bug in RejectBookMove() would reject all moves if the op-   *
2919  *           ponent had a stonewall-type pawn set-up.  It was supposed to only *
2920  *           reject castling into the attack.  Minor change to code in the     *
2921  *           EvaluateMaterial() function to lower the penalty for sacrificing  *
2922  *           the exchange.  it was considered just as bad as trading a rook    *
2923  *           for two pawns which was wrong.  Change to hashing code so that we *
2924  *           can now determine that a hash entry came from the EGTB so that    *
2925  *           PVs are displayed with <EGTB> when appropriate, not <EGTB> if it  *
2926  *           originally came from the EGTB but later <HT> when it was picked   *
2927  *           up from the hash table instead.  Minor changes to search/searchmp *
2928  *           to make them identical in "look" where possible, for consistency  *
2929  *           in source reading if nothing else.  If the first argument on the  *
2930  *           command-line is "xboard" or if the environment variable           *
2931  *           "CRAFTY_XBOARD" is set, Crafty sends a "feature done=0" command   *
2932  *           to tell xboard it has not yet initialized things.  Significant    *
2933  *           changes to EvaluateWinner() to recognize new cases of draws such  *
2934  *           as Q+minor+nopawns vs Q+pawns as unwinnable by the Q+minor side.  *
2935  *           Other cases were fixed/improved as well.                          *
2936  *                                                                             *
2937  *   19.1    Changes to the outside passed pawn and outside candidate pawn     *
2938  *           code to more correctly recognize when one side has a simple end-  *
2939  *           game position that is easy to win.  Futility pruning and razoring *
2940  *           (Jeremiah Penery) was added.  To endable it, you will need to add *
2941  *           -DFUTILITY to the Makefile options, otherwise it is disabled by   *
2942  *           default.  EvaluateWinner() had a bug dealing with KR vs KN or     *
2943  *           KRR vs KRN(B) that has been fixed.                                *
2944  *                                                                             *
2945  *   19.2    CCT-5 version 01/20/03.                                           *
2946  *           Changes to the LimitExtensions() macro.  The extensions are now   *
2947  *           a bit more aggressive, but after 2*iteration_depth, then they     *
2948  *           taper off smoothly so that by the time the depth reaches          *
2949  *           4*iteration_depth, the extensions are cut to zero.  Fixed bug in  *
2950  *           EvaluatePawns() that missed candidate passed pawns so that the    *
2951  *           new endgame stuff didn't work completely.  Change to hash.c to    *
2952  *           combine the two hash tables into one so that the two probed       *
2953  *           entries are adjacent in memory to be more cache friendly.  A bug  *
2954  *           in moving a replaced entry from depth-preferred to always-store   *
2955  *           caused the moved entry to go to the wrong address which would     *
2956  *           make it impossible to match later.  New hash table layout is more *
2957  *           cache-friendly by putting one entry from depth-preferred table    *
2958  *           with two entries from always-store, so that they often end up in  *
2959  *           the same cache-line.                                              *
2960  *                                                                             *
2961  *   19.3    Change to EvaluateMaterial to realize that a rook for five pawns  *
2962  *           is also likely a "bad trade."  Adaptive hash table size code was  *
2963  *           added so that the hash size is set automatically based on the     *
2964  *           estimated NPS and time per move values for a specific "level"     *
2965  *           command setting.  Repeat() rewritten.  The old code had an        *
2966  *           unexplained bug that would overlook repetitions in a parallel     *
2967  *           search in rare cases.  The old cold was complex enough that it    *
2968  *           was time to rewrite it and simplify it significantly.             *
2969  *                                                                             *
2970  *   19.4    Initial depth "seed" value changed to iteration_depth + 1/2 ply,  *
2971  *           so that fractional extensions kick in earlier rather than deeper  *
2972  *           in the search.  This performs _much_ better in tactical tests     *
2973  *           such as WAC and similar suites.  Minor book fix for a bug that    *
2974  *           could cause a crash with book=off in xboard/winboard.             *
2975  *                                                                             *
2976  *   19.5    Default draw score set to 1, because endgame table draws can be   *
2977  *           0, -.01 or +.01, which translates to -1, 0 or 1 in real scores    *
2978  *           inside Crafty.  +1 means a draw where white has extra material    *
2979  *           and that would break accepting draws with such a score.  A few    *
2980  *           NUMA-related changes.  One global variable was made thread-       *
2981  *           private to avoid cache thrashing.  Split blocks are now allocated *
2982  *           by each individual processor to make them local to the specific   *
2983  *           processor so that access is much faster.  CopyToSMP() now tries   *
2984  *           to allocate a block for a thread based on the thread's ID so that *
2985  *           the split block will be in that thread's local memory.  A few     *
2986  *           other NUMA-related changes to help scaling on NUMA machines.      *
2987  *                                                                             *
2988  *   19.6    New egtb.cpp module that cuts decompression indices memory by 50% *
2989  *           with no harmful side-effects.  Fixes to NUMA code to make SMP and *
2990  *           non-SMP windows compiles go cleanly.                              *
2991  *                                                                             *
2992  *   19.7    Changes to draw code so that Crafty will first claim a draw and   *
2993  *           then play the move, to avoid any confusion in whether the draw    *
2994  *           was made according to FIDE rules or not.  Minor bug in evaluate() *
2995  *           dealing with candidate passed pawns fixed.  A few additions to    *
2996  *           support my AMD Opteron inline assembly for MSB(), LSB()           *
2997  *           and PopCnt() procedures.                                          *
2998  *                                                                             *
2999  *   19.8    Changes to lock.h to (a) eliminate NT/alpha, since Microsoft no   *
3000  *           longer supports the alpha, which makes lock.h much more readable. *
3001  *           CLONE is no longer an option either, further simplyfying the .h   *
3002  *           files.  New mode option "match" which sets an aggressive learning *
3003  *           mode, which is now the default.  The old learning mode can be set *
3004  *           by using the command "mode normal".  Memory leak in new windows   *
3005  *           NUMA code fixed by Eugene Nalimov.  AMD fix to make the history   *
3006  *           counts thread-local rather than global (to avoid excessive cache  *
3007  *           invalidate traffic).                                              *
3008  *                                                                             *
3009  *   19.9    Two new pieces of code submitted by Alexander Wagner.  The first  *
3010  *           adds speech to Crafty for unix users.  /opt/chess/sounds needs to *
3011  *           exist and the common/sounds.tar.gz file needs to be untarred in   *
3012  *           directory.  "Speech on*off" controls it.  A new annotatet command *
3013  *           outputs the annotated file in LaTeX format for those that prefer  *
3014  *           that platform.  Lots of source reformatting to make indenting and *
3015  *           other things more consistent, using the unix "indent" utility.    *
3016  *           Singular extension (simplistic approach) has been added and needs *
3017  *           -DSINGULAR to activate it.  Once it has been compiled in, you can *
3018  *           turn it on/off by setting the singular extension depth using the  *
3019  *           ext command.  Default is on if you compile it in.  Ext/sing=0     *
3020  *           disable it.  Changes to non-COMPACT_ATTACKS code to shrink the    *
3021  *           array sizes.  This was done primarily for the Opteron where the   *
3022  *           COMPACT_ATTACKS stuff was a bit slower than the direct look-up    *
3023  *           approach.  This change reduced the table sizes by 75%.  A small   *
3024  *           change to Evaluate() to better handle the 50-move draw problem.   *
3025  *           What used to happen was when the counter hit 100 (100 plies since *
3026  *           last capture or pawn push) the score just dumped to DrawScore()   *
3027  *           instantly.  It was possible that by the time the draw was seen,   *
3028  *           it was too late to do anything to avoid it without wrecking the   *
3029  *           position.  what happens now is that once the 50-move counter      *
3030  *           reaches 80 plies (40 moves by both sides with no pawn push or     *
3031  *           capture) the score starts dropping toward DrawScore() no matter   *
3032  *           which side is winning.  Dave Slate called this a "weariness       *
3033  *           factor" in that after playing 40 moves with no progress, the      *
3034  *           evaluation shows that the program is getting "weary".  The idea   *
3035  *           is that the score starts to slip over the last 10 moves by each   *
3036  *           side to that if either can do something to reset the counter,     *
3037  *           they will do it sooner rather than later.                         *
3038  *                                                                             *
3039  *   19.10   A fix to the EvaluateWinner() code to recognize that while KRB vs *
3040  *           KR can not normally be won by the KRB side, we require that the   *
3041  *           KR side not be trapped on the edge of the board, where it can be  *
3042  *           mated.  FUTILITY code put back in.  19.9 will be the SE version   *
3043  *           for those wanting to play with it.  New "learn" command option to *
3044  *           allow the user to set the position learning parameters that are   *
3045  *           used to trigger position learning and disable position learning   *
3046  *           after the game is already lost.  The command syntax is as follows *
3047  *           "learn trigger cutoff" and are expressed as fractions of a pawn   *
3048  *           with a decimel point.  The default is learn .33 -2.0 which says   *
3049  *           to do position learning when the score drops 1/3 of a pawn, but   *
3050  *           turn it off after the score reaches -2.00 as the game is already  *
3051  *           lost and learning won't help at this point.  This is the CCT-6    *
3052  *           version exactly as played in the CCT-6 tournament.                *
3053  *                                                                             *
3054  *   19.11   A fix to the Annotate() code that could, in certain cases, fail   *
3055  *           to display N moves when asked.  This happened when there were     *
3056  *           fewer than N moves total, and on occasion it would not display    *
3057  *           all the moves that were possible, omitting the last one.  Fix to  *
3058  *           egtb.cpp to correctly set 16 bit index mode for a few of the      *
3059  *           recent 6-piece tables.                                            *
3060  *                                                                             *
3061  *   19.12   Fix to allocating split blocks that did not let all blocks get    *
3062  *           used, which would produce slow-downs on large parallel boxes      *
3063  *           (cpus > 8-16).  Change to fail-high/fail-low window adjustment.   *
3064  *           I now use the old Cray Blitz approach ("Using time wisely -       *
3065  *           revisited", JICCA) where a fail-high (or low) now adjusts the     *
3066  *           root alpha or beta bound by 1 pawn on the first fail, another two *
3067  *           pawns on the second failure, and finally relaxes the bound to     *
3068  *           +/- infinity on the third fail for the same move.  This speeds up *
3069  *           searching many fail-high/fail-low conditions, although it will    *
3070  *           occasionally cause the search to take a bit longer.               *
3071  *                                                                             *
3072  *   19.13   Fix to evaluating split passed pawns.  Code is cleaner and is not *
3073  *           applied if the opposing side has any pieces at all since a piece  *
3074  *           and the king can stop both.  New egtb.cpp that opens the tables   *
3075  *           approximately 20-25% faster is included in this version (code by  *
3076  *           Eugene Nalimov of course).                                        *
3077  *                                                                             *
3078  *   19.14   New "eval" command (eval list and eval help to start) allow a     *
3079  *           user to modify all internal evaluation values via commands that   *
3080  *           may be entered directly or via the .craftyrc/crafty.rc init file. *
3081  *           This was mainly done for the automated evaluation tuning project  *
3082  *           I am working on with Anthony Cozzie, but it will be useful for    *
3083  *           merging Mike Byrne's "personality" stuff as well.  New command    *
3084  *           "personality load/save <filename>" which saves eval and search    *
3085  *           parameters to create new personalities that can be loaded at any  *
3086  *           time.  "Crafty.cpf" is the "default" personality file that is     *
3087  *           used at start-up if it exists.  Evaluation tuning changes based   *
3088  *           on some results from the new annealing code, although all of the  *
3089  *           annealed values are not yet fully understood nor utilized yet.    *
3090  *           LearnBook() is now used to learn good and bad game results.  IE   *
3091  *           if Crafty wins with a particular opening, it will remember it as  *
3092  *           good and try it again, in addition to the previous method that    *
3093  *           would remember bad openings and avoid them.  It also now handles  *
3094  *           draws as well which can make slightly bad openings appear better. *
3095  *           Minor change to SMP code to eliminate the possibility of a shared *
3096  *           variable getting overwritten unintentionally.  Several changes to *
3097  *           evaluation weights and evaluation code as testing for the WCCC    *
3098  *           continues.  New "help" command uses a file "crafty.hlp" which now *
3099  *           contains all the help information.  This makes the help info      *
3100  *           easier to maintain and gets rid of a bunch of printf()s in the    *
3101  *           Option() source (option.c).  Rewrite of the "list" code.  Crafty  *
3102  *           now supports six lists, AK (auto-kibitz), B (blocker), C (comp),  *
3103  *           GM, IM and SP (special player).  The SP list has two extra items  *
3104  *           that can be specified to go with a player's name, namely a book   *
3105  *           filename (to replace the normal books.bin, but not book.bin) and  *
3106  *           a personality file that will be loaded each time this particular  *
3107  *           named opponent plays.  The format is available in the new help    *
3108  *           facility.  Bug fix for outside passed pawn code that would cause  *
3109  *           an outside passer to appear to be a winning advantage even if the *
3110  *           opponent has a protected passer, which easily negates the outside *
3111  *           passer's threat.                                                  *
3112  *                                                                             *
3113  *   19.15   Fix to outside passed pawn code that requires pawns on both sides *
3114  *           of the board for the side with an "outside passer" or "outside    *
3115  *           candidate" to avoid some bizarre evaluations. Sel 0/0 now works   *
3116  *           without crashing Crafty.  This would fail in previous versions as *
3117  *           the hash signature would be modified but not restored.  Slightly  *
3118  *           more conservative limit on using null-move search to head off a   *
3119  *           few notable zugzwang problems was added.  Fix to time control     *
3120  *           code to remove a hole that could cause a divide-by-zero at a time *
3121  *           control boundary.  Stonewall detection removed completely as it   *
3122  *           appears to be no longer needed.  Rook scoring changed to better   *
3123  *           evaluate "open files" by measuring mobility on them.  Complete    *
3124  *           removal of Phase() (phase.c) and references to the opening,       *
3125  *           middlegame and endgame phases as they were no longer referenced   *
3126  *           anywhere in the code.                                             *
3127  *                                                                             *
3128  *   19.16   Fix to "Trojan code" to eliminate the time limit exclusion since  *
3129  *           many users still have old and slow hardware, and the time limit   *
3130  *           was not set correctly when PreEvaluate() was called anyway.  The  *
3131  *           code to display fail-high/fail-low information was cleaned up so  *
3132  *           that the +1 or +3 now makes sense from the black side where the   *
3133  *           score is really going down (good for black) rather than showing   *
3134  *           a +3 fail high (when Crafty is black) and the score is really     *
3135  *           going to drop (get better for black).  Now the fail-high-fail-low *
3136  *           +/- sign is also relative to +=good for white like the scores     *
3137  *           have been for years.  Adjustments to pawn evaluation terms to     *
3138  *           improve the scoring balance.  "New" now terminates parallel       *
3139  *           threads (they will be re-started when needed) so that we don't    *
3140  *           burn CPU time when not actually playing a game.                   *
3141  *                                                                             *
3142  *   19.17   Changes to pawn evaluation to limit positional scores that could  *
3143  *           get a bit out of sane boundaries in some positions.               *
3144  *                                                                             *
3145  *   19.18   ProbeTransRef() no longer adjusts alpha/beta bounds if the entry  *
3146  *           is not good enough to terminate the search here.  This has helped *
3147  *           speed things up (reduced size of tree) over many test positions   *
3148  *           so either it was buggy or not worthwhile.  Regardless, it is now  *
3149  *           'gone'.  Connected passed pawns now scored as a simple pair of    *
3150  *           pawns that are better as they are advanced, the old connected     *
3151  *           passed pawns on the 6th rank special code has been removed.       *
3152  *                                                                             *
3153  *   19.19   Repeat3x() had a bug that would cause it to miss a draw claim on  *
3154  *           the 50th move, often making a strange (losing) move that would    *
3155  *           not lose if the draw is was claimed, but which would cause a loss *
3156  *           if the draw was not claimed because the piece might be instantly  *
3157  *           captured if the opponent can play a move.                         *
3158  *                                                                             *
3159  *   19.20   Bug in the EvaluateMaterial() (bad trade) code that would not     *
3160  *           penalize a single piece vs 3 pawns properly.  Now the penalty is  *
3161  *           added in unless the side with the piece has nothing else to go    *
3162  *           with it at all (no pawns or other pieces).  Pawn scoring changed, *
3163  *           doubled pawns were scored too badly because the penalties were    *
3164  *           added twice (as expected) but they were set as if they were just  *
3165  *           added once.  Eval command also had a bug in displaying the pawn   *
3166  *           evaluation parameters.  Move input changed to accept pawn         *
3167  *           promotions of the form a8Q (this is needed as ChessBase violates  *
3168  *           the PGN/SAN standard that mandates a8=Q as the proper syntax for  *
3169  *           pawn promotions.)  annoying glitch in epdglue.c that would        *
3170  *           produce the wrong score for positions with exactly one legal move *
3171  *           was fixed.  New InvalidPosition() function verifies that FEN      *
3172  *           setup positions are reasonable, without extra pawns or too many   *
3173  *           pieces total, etc.  Passed pawn to 7th search extension removed,  *
3174  *           mate threat extension tuned down to 1/2 ply.  Bug in SetBoard()   *
3175  *           fixed.  This bug made it impossible to import many epd records    *
3176  *           due to incorrectly handling the wtm flag.  This was introduced in *
3177  *           the recent changes to disallow certain types of illegal positions *
3178  *           that were impossible (more than 9 queens of one color, etc.) new  *
3179  *           eval term for space added.  This simply counts the number of      *
3180  *           squares on each rank attacked by pawns, and then multiplies by a  *
3181  *           constant that scales the attacks so that attacking ranks on the   *
3182  *           opponent's side of the board is more valuable than attacking      *
3183  *           squares on our side of the board and vice-versa.  Significant     *
3184  *           coding changes for the unix parallel search.  POSIX threads are   *
3185  *           gone, due to too many differences between vendor's implementation *
3186  *           details.  Crafty now uses SYSV shared memory to share the search  *
3187  *           data (this is exactly the same parallel search approach always    *
3188  *           used, but with a completely different implementation) and fork()  *
3189  *           to spawn processes for each CPU.  It simply became too much work  *
3190  *           to figure out what each vendor was doing about CPU time, how      *
3191  *           threads were scheduled, plus debug thread library implementations *
3192  *           that were often buggy.  There are no performance benefits to this *
3193  *           approach other than falling back to features found in all Unix    *
3194  *           implementations.  New NUMA changes to make sure that the local    *
3195  *           thread "blocks" are actually allocated on the NUMA node where     *
3196  *           the process actually runs, rather than on a remote node that      *
3197  *           will cause extra memory latency for often-used memory data.  Bug  *
3198  *           in EvaluatePawns() caused the outside passer / outside            *
3199  *           candidate bonus to be triggered when the opponent has a simple    *
3200  *           protected passed pawn.  Since the decoy value is nil with a       *
3201  *           protected passer (we can't take the supporing pawn or the passer  *
3202  *           will run) the outside candidate or passer doesn't help.  Bug in   *
3203  *           king safety caused pieces to be attracted to the opponent's king, *
3204  *           even in simple endgames, inflating/deflating the score for a      *
3205  *           feature that was pointless.  (2005 WCCC final version).           *
3206  *                                                                             *
3207  *   20.0    First in a new series.  First change is to produce an endian-     *
3208  *           independent opening book.  The format has not changed so that old *
3209  *           book.bin/books.bin files will work fine, but they may now be      *
3210  *           freely between big-endian and little-endian architectures.  This  *
3211  *           makes the binary format compatible between a PC and a Sun or HP   *
3212  *           box, for example, so that just one book.bin file is needed.       *
3213  *                                                                             *
3214  *   20.1    First step toward a complete redesign of the evaluation code in   *
3215  *           Evaluate() (evaluate.c).  This first set of changes are mainly    *
3216  *           restructuring related, an attempt to collect the various bits of  *
3217  *           evaluation code that are related to a common theme (i.e. All      *
3218  *           bishop scoring, all passed pawn scoring, etc) are not contained   *
3219  *           in one routine, with a sensible name.  This makes it much easier  *
3220  *           to find evaluation code and modify it, without having bits and    *
3221  *           pieces scattered all over the place.  Perhaps the most signifi-   *
3222  *           cant is that the current evaluation has dropped the asymmetric    *
3223  *           king safety, and later the asymmetric blocked pawn code will go   *
3224  *           as well.  To do this, I did have to make some changes in terms    *
3225  *           of the "tropism" code.  The basic idea is that white's "tropism"  *
3226  *           bonus in incremented for each white piece that attacks the black  *
3227  *           king, but it is also decrement for each black piece that attacks  *
3228  *           the black king, so that a defender offsets an attacker.  This has *
3229  *           certainly changed the "personality" of how it plays.  It is now   *
3230  *           far more aggressive, and further changes planned for the future   *
3231  *           will hopefully improve on this change.  It is playing quite a bit *
3232  *           better, but whether this aggressiveness is "over the top" remains *
3233  *           to be seen.  Fix to "won kp ending" logic.  If one king is closer *
3234  *           to the opponent's "average pawn square" than the other, by at     *
3235  *           least 2 moves, then that side is credited as having a won k+p     *
3236  *           ending. New code for time allocation testing added.  A new        *
3237  *           "timebook <factor> <moves>" command that says use "factor" extra  *
3238  *           time (factor is expressed as a percent, 100 means use 100% extra  *
3239  *           time) tapered off for "moves" out of book.  For example,          *
3240  *           "timebook 100 10" says use 100% extra time on first non-book move *
3241  *           followed by 90% extra on the next move, 80% on the next, until    *
3242  *           after 10 moves we are back to the normal time average.            *
3243  *                                                                             *
3244  *   20.2    Significant evaluation changes to try to limit positional scores  *
3245  *           so that new tuning can be accomplished.  In particular, the king  *
3246  *           safety code has been greatly simplified, now having two separate  *
3247  *           components, one for pawn structure, one for piece tropism.  A new *
3248  *           SearchControl() procedure now handles all the search extensions   *
3249  *           in one centralized place, shared by normal and parallel search    *
3250  *           code.  The plan is that eventually this piece of code will also   *
3251  *           be able to recommend search reductions as well as extensions to   *
3252  *           speed the tree traversal process significantly with a form of     *
3253  *           of forward pruning that is commonly called "search reductions".   *
3254  *                                                                             *
3255  *   20.3    Search reduction code added.  Part of this dates back to 1997     *
3256  *           when Bruce Moreland and I played with the idea of reducing the    *
3257  *           depth on the last part of the move list when it seemed to become  *
3258  *           fairly certain that no fail-high was going to happen.  That was a *
3259  *           big search speed improvement, but also risky.  Recently, several  *
3260  *           started to do this again, except they added one fairly useful     *
3261  *           constraint, that the "history value" for a specific move has to   *
3262  *           be below some threshold before a reduction can happen.  The idea  *
3263  *           is that we don't want to reduce the depth of moves that have      *
3264  *           failed high in the past, because they might fail high again if    *
3265  *           they are not reduced too much.  Tord Romstad suggested an         *
3266  *           additional improvement, namely that if a reduced move does fail   *
3267  *           high, re-search with the proper (non-reduced) depth to verify     *
3268  *           that it will fail high there as well.  All of this is included    *
3269  *           in version 20.3, but the values (reduction amount, history        *
3270  *           threshold, min depth to do a reduction) need serious testing and  *
3271  *           tuning.  The current values are simply "legal" but hardly could   *
3272  *           be considered optimal without substantial testing.  New code to   *
3273  *           "age" history counters added.  After each iteration, this code    *
3274  *           divides each counter by 2, to scale the values back, so that      *
3275  *           moves that are no longer causing fail highs will have a history   *
3276  *           value that won't prevent reduction pruning.  The "minimum depth"  *
3277  *           value indicates how much search to leave after doing a reduction  *
3278  *           in the tree.  A value of 1 ply guarantees that after a reduction  *
3279  *           is done, there will always be one full-width ply of search done   *
3280  *           after such reductions to avoid gross tactical oversights.  Tuning *
3281  *           to extensions to reduce the tree size.  The recapture extension   *
3282  *           has been completely removed, while the check extension has been   *
3283  *           left at 1.0 as in the past.  The mate threat and one-legal-reply  *
3284  *           extensions are now both set to .75 after extensive testing.  This *
3285  *           is the CCT8 version of Crafty.                                    *
3286  *                                                                             *
3287  *   20.4    History counters changed.  There is now one large history[8192]   *
3288  *           array to simplify indexing.  More importantly, these values are   *
3289  *           now limited to a max value of 32000.  During the update process,  *
3290  *           if any value reaches that limit, all values are divided by 2 to   *
3291  *           prevent deep searches from producing very large history values    *
3292  *           which would essentially disable late move reductions based on the *
3293  *           big history values.  The reduce/history=n command now uses values *
3294  *           0 <= n <= 100.  A value of 100 will cause all non-tactical moves  *
3295  *           to be reduced (most aggressive) while a value of 0 will result in *
3296  *           no moves being reduced (most conservative).  The value, loosely   *
3297  *           interpreted, means "reduce if a move fails high < n% of the time  *
3298  *           when at least one move fails high in a search."  the default is   *
3299  *           currently 50%, but further testing is needed.                     *
3300  *                                                                             *
3301  *   20.5    Old "mask" code removed and replaced by constants, since this is  *
3302  *           never intended to run on a Cray specifically any longer.  Change  *
3303  *           to "won king and pawn ending" to make it more accurate, this code *
3304  *           is used when there are nothing but pawns left, all on one side of *
3305  *           board, and one king is closer to a capturable pawn than the other *
3306  *           king is.  This is intended to help in outside passed pawn games   *
3307  *           where one side has to eventually give up the outside passer to    *
3308  *           decoy the opposing king away from the rest of the pawns.  New     *
3309  *           king safety now factors in king pawn shelter and opponent piece   *
3310  *           tropism into one score, but the score is now an arithmetic        *
3311  *           value that goes up more quickly as both indices increase, to do a *
3312  *           more accurate evaluation of safety and attacking chances.  Change *
3313  *           to bishop mobility, which now goes in units of 2 rather than 1,   *
3314  *           to increase the value of mobility somewhat.  Also mobility is now *
3315  *           'centered' in that it is computed as (squares - 6) * 2, to keep   *
3316  *           the bishop value from going way over its normal range with these  *
3317  *           new and somewhat larger numbers.                                  *
3318  *                                                                             *
3319  *   20.6    New eval code to look for bishops that are blocked in the forward *
3320  *           direction by friendly pawns.  That basically turns a bishop into  *
3321  *           a "tall pawn" since movement in the critical direction is not     *
3322  *           possible.                                                         *
3323  *                                                                             *
3324  *   20.7    Manually tuned kinf_safety[][] array values.  Modified the new    *
3325  *           bishop code to only consider the "long diagonal" if the bishop    *
3326  *           is in either 9-square corner on its own side of the board, so     *
3327  *           that the short diagonal being open won't offset the long          *
3328  *           diagonal that is blocked.  Bishop-pair bonus is now adjusted by   *
3329  *           how open or closed the center is.  If 3 of the four center pawns  *
3330  *           are gone, the center is open and the bishop pair bonus is set to  *
3331  *           the max.  If the four center pawns are locked (e4/e5/d5/d6 for    *
3332  *           example) then the bishop pair bonus is eliminated.  if the center *
3333  *           is somewhere in the middle of those extremes, then the bishop     *
3334  *           pair bonus is present but reduced.  Castling now is a bit more    *
3335  *           intelligent.  If a side has not castled, then moving either rook  *
3336  *           receives a penalty, where moving the king or the last unmoved     *
3337  *           rook receives a larger penalty.  If the king has not castled, its *
3338  *           'safety' score is based on the most safe position of the possible *
3339  *           options.  If neither rook has moved, then the score is based on   *
3340  *           the safest of the three locations, either in the center where it  *
3341  *           is, or on the safest wing.  If uncastled, this safaty is always   *
3342  *           reduced a bit to encourage castling before it becomes too late to *
3343  *           do so.  This was done to avoid a problem where the queen rook had *
3344  *           been moved, Crafty had not castled, and it pushed the kingside    *
3345  *           pawns making it unsafe to castle there, leaving the center as the *
3346  *           best place, yet had it not pushed the kingside pawns, castling    *
3347  *           would have been a better alternative.   Two new 16 word vectors,  *
3348  *           safety_vector[]/tropism_vectorp[] are used to set the edge values *
3349  *           for the king_safetyp[][] array.  Interior values are filled in    *
3350  *           based on these two vectors, making it much easier to tweak the    *
3351  *           king safety scores without pulling your hair out.                 *
3352  *                                                                             *
3353  *   20.8    When queens come off, the previous version cut the tropism scores *
3354  *           and pawn shelter scores by 1/2 each, which had the effect of      *
3355  *           dropping the overall score by 75% (the score is a geometric       *
3356  *           computation).  The safety/tropism values are now dropped, but by  *
3357  *           a smaller amount, since bishops + rooks + knights are still a     *
3358  *           dangerous threat.                                                 *
3359  *                                                                             *
3360  *   20.9    Simple lazy eval (Mike Byrne) added.  This simply avoids the more *
3361  *           expensive piece evaluations if the pawn scoring and material      *
3362  *           leave the score well outside the alpha/beta search window.  Looks *
3363  *           like a 20% speed improvement in general.                          *
3364  *                                                                             *
3365  *   20.10   Change to king safety pawn structure.  Open files around the king *
3366  *           are dangerous, but the h/g (or b/a) files are more dangerous than *
3367  *           the f-e-d-c files since they are much harder to defend against    *
3368  *           with the castled king in the way.  Modified the way the king      *
3369  *           safety matrix is computed so that at the tropism/pawnstructure    *
3370  *           values are more sane.  It currently will get the same value for   *
3371  *           array indices of 5,0, 4,1, 3,2, 2,3, 1,4, or 0,5, which is better *
3372  *           than what it was doing.  I plan to tweak this more later to make  *
3373  *           3,2 or 2,3 worse than 4,1 or 1,4 and 0,5 or 5,0, as the latter    *
3374  *           mean "unsafe king but no piece pressure" or "piece pressure but   *
3375  *           king pawn shelter is safe" whereas the middle values mean both    *
3376  *           components of an attack are present, unsafe king position and the *
3377  *           pieces are closing in.                                            *
3378  *                                                                             *
3379  *   20.11   Minor fix to late move reduction code.  Turns out it is possible  *
3380  *           to reach the block of code if (first_move) { } with status set to *
3381  *           REMAINING_MOVES (this means no captures, no killer, no hash move, *
3382  *           no history move, etc).  That would let me try a reduction, and if *
3383  *           it failed high, we would use that score as-is.  We now re-search  *
3384  *           a fail-high here just like we did in the other block of code so   *
3385  *           that a fail-high on a reduction search is never trusted.          *
3386  *                                                                             *
3387  *   20.12   Further modifications to king safety initialization code to try   *
3388  *           scale back the values a bit to control score limits.              *
3389  *                                                                             *
3390  *   20.13   Fix to bench.c to remove two file closes that would wreck the     *
3391  *           program after the bench command was finished.  Also the           *
3392  *           SMP-time-to-ply measurement was removed since it had no meaning.  *
3393  *           Old FUTILITY code re-inserted along with an extension limit       *
3394  *           modification by Mike Byrne to avoid limiting the search extension *
3395  *           on one-reply extensions only.  New lock.h submitted by Andreas    *
3396  *           Guettinger to support spinlocks on the PPC architecture (Linux).  *
3397  *           Some -D configuration options were changed so that none are       *
3398  *           needed to compile the "standard" Crafty.  Futility is normally on *
3399  *           now, and -DNOFUTILITY is required to compile it out.  The new     *
3400  *           Makefile gives the configuration options, but the only ones that  *
3401  *           would normally need setting are the SMP and CPUS= options if you  *
3402  *           have a SMP platform.                                              *
3403  *                                                                             *
3404  *   20.14   Fix to EvaluateWinningChances() to correctly evaluate KRP vs KR   *
3405  *           type endings.  Previously this was done in the wrong place and    *
3406  *           the score would favor the side with the pawn significantly, where *
3407  *           the score is now zero.  Minor bugfix to code that detects that an *
3408  *           illegal position has been set up.  It caught every possible       *
3409  *           problem except for positions with a king (or kings) missing.      *
3410  *                                                                             *
3411  *   20.15   Change to how Crafty chooses where to split.  Previously, there   *
3412  *           was a min remaining depth limit to prevent Crafty from trying to  *
3413  *           split too close to the frontier nodes.  Now that is specified as  *
3414  *           a percentage of the nominal search depth.  For example, the       *
3415  *           default value is 50%, which says that on a 16 ply search, we can  *
3416  *           split if at least 8 plies of search are left.  This provides      *
3417  *           better split overhead than a simple limit that doesn't take the   *
3418  *           actual search depth into consideration.  History data arranged to *
3419  *           be more cache friendly.  The three values for a common history    *
3420  *           index value are now stored in adjacent memory words to take       *
3421  *           advantage of pre-fetching within a cache line.  Additional        *
3422  *           tuning of the king safety matrix.                                 *
3423  *                                                                             *
3424  *   20.16   Evaluation of knights, bishops, rooks, queens and kings is now    *
3425  *           done on a 1000 point scale, then the sum is divided by 10.  This  *
3426  *           allows us to use the same hashing mechanism, but with finer       *
3427  *           tuning precision.  Minor queen eval tweak for 7th rank position.  *
3428  *                                                                             *
3429  *   20.17   New book learning, with a simplified book system.  The export     *
3430  *           files (book.lrn, position.lrn) no longer are created/used, the    *
3431  *           learn mechanism no longer touches the real chess board which      *
3432  *           could cause problems in certain xboard/winboard timing            *
3433  *           situations.  One major learning change is that we now only learn  *
3434  *           things from "Crafty's perspective".  That is, if Crafty loses a   *
3435  *           game as black, it won't think that opening is good when it plays  *
3436  *           white since it might well not understand how to win using that    *
3437  *           particular opening.  It will only "learn" on the actual moves it  *
3438  *           plays in a game.  Old "history heuristic" removed.  Testing       *
3439  *           showed that the LMR idea produced better results without the      *
3440  *           history ordering, since now more moves are reduced, but moves     *
3441  *           with good history values don't get reduced.                       *
3442  *                                                                             *
3443  *   21.0    Finally did the bit-renumbering task so that bit 0 = LSB = A1,    *
3444  *           to eliminate the 63-n translation to the numbering scheme used    *
3445  *           on the Cray architecture.  For all bit operations now, LSB=0,     *
3446  *           MSB=7, 15, 31 or 63 depending on the data size.  A few minor      *
3447  *           bugs were fixed along the way as these changes were debugged.     *
3448  *           Minor bug in EvaluateKings() where it tested for a "won ending"   *
3449  *           and used a test that was too aggressive.  This test did not get   *
3450  *           things quite right when the two kings were very close together    *
3451  *           and "opposition" prevented one king from moving closer to the     *
3452  *           pawns.                                                            *
3453  *                                                                             *
3454  *   21.1    New piece scoring from Tracy, which changes the way pieces are    *
3455  *           scored based on squares they attack.                              *
3456  *                                                                             *
3457  *   21.2    The scores are now scaled better for the transition from middle-  *
3458  *           game to end-game.  Passed pawn scores climb as material is        *
3459  *           removed from the board, to prevent them from overwhelming the     *
3460  *           middlegame king safety scores.  We do exactly the same scaling on *
3461  *           king-safety scores, but they are scaled downward as material is   *
3462  *           removed so that they "phase out" as the endgame is reached.       *
3463  *           Weak pawn code changed to more accurately identify weak pawns.    *
3464  *           These are totaled and then used to index a scoring array that     *
3465  *           penalizes the number of weak pawns on each side.  Pawn islands    *
3466  *           are now recognized and each side is penalized according to the    *
3467  *           number of islands he has, more being worse.                       *
3468  *                                                                             *
3469  *   21.3    "Magic" move generation is now used, which eliminates the rotated *
3470  *           bitboard approach completely.  Not a significant speed change,    *
3471  *           but it is far simpler overall.  Original code by Pradu Kannan as  *
3472  *           posted on CCC/Winboard forums, modified to work with Crafty.      *
3473  *                                                                             *
3474  *   21.4    Misc eval changes.  More king safety changes to include a tropism *
3475  *           distance of 1 for bishops or rooks that can slide to intercept    *
3476  *           any square surrounding the enemy king.  Reduced rook slide score  *
3477  *           by 40%.
3478  *                                                                             *
3479  *   21.5    passed pawn extension revisited.  Bad trade was giving a penalty  *
3480  *           for being down an exchange (or a bonus for being up an exchange)  *
3481  *           which was not expected behavior.  This has been fixed.  EGTB      *
3482  *           initialization was being done during the first pass over the      *
3483  *           RC file, which was too early as the rest of the engine had not    *
3484  *           been initialized.  Now the "egtb" command is the only thing that  *
3485  *           triggers initialization, and is only processed during the second  *
3486  *           pass over the RC file after paths have been properly set up.      *
3487  *           Abs() function bug fix.                                           *
3488  *                                                                             *
3489  *   21.6    Passed pawn evaluation changed with respect to distant passed     *
3490  *           pawns and distant majorities.  Now, if both have a pawn majority  *
3491  *           we check to see if one is "distant" (away from the enemy king) as *
3492  *           this represents a significant time advantage because the other    *
3493  *           side has to waste moves to reach and capture the pawn to prevent  *
3494  *           promotion.  LMR no longer uses the history counters, which proved *
3495  *           to be essentially random numbers.  LMR decisions are now based    *
3496  *           solely on static characteristics of an individual move, rather    *
3497  *           than trying to determine how the move affected the search at      *
3498  *           other points in the tree.  New wtm bonus added to evaluation.     *
3499  *           EvaluateMate() bug fixed where the score was set to a non-zero    *
3500  *           value which broke EvaluateMate() completely.  New mobility code   *
3501  *           for bishops/rooks encourages better piece placement.  Note that   *
3502  *           there are many other evaluation changes too numerous to list here *
3503  *           in detail.                                                        *
3504  *                                                                             *
3505  *   21.7    New reduce at root code added to do reductions at the root, but   *
3506  *           not on any move that has been a "best move" during the current    *
3507  *           search, unless the move drops too far in the move list.  New nice *
3508  *           mode for parallel search terminates threads while waiting on the  *
3509  *           opponent's move to avoid burning unnecessary CPU time (this nice  *
3510  *           mode is NOT the default mode however.) -DNOFUTILITY removed as    *
3511  *           futility is on by default and should not be removed.  All of the  *
3512  *           search() code has been cleaned up and streamlined a bit for more  *
3513  *           clarity when reading the code.  Nasty bug in EvaluatePawns() that *
3514  *           unfortunattely used the king squares to make a decision dealing   *
3515  *           with outside passed pawns, but the hash signature for pawns does  *
3516  *           not include king position.  This code was deemed unnecessary and  *
3517  *           was summarily removed (not summarily executed, it has had that    *
3518  *           done far too many times already).                                 *
3519  *                                                                             *
3520  *   22.0    Redesign of the data structures completed so that Crafty will no  *
3521  *           longer have duplicated code for wtm and btm cases.  This has      *
3522  *           already resulted in a rewrite of movgen(), SEE(), Make() and      *
3523  *           Unmake() and cut that code size by almost exactly 50%. The result *
3524  *           has been slightly faster speeds, but also the future benefits     *
3525  *           will be enormous by eliminating a lot of debugging caused by the  *
3526  *           duplicated code.  Timing change to avoid starting an iteration    *
3527  *           and wasting significant time.  We still search enough to get a    *
3528  *           quick fail-low, otherwise we stop and make the move and save the  *
3529  *           time we used to burn.  Massive cleanup in the macros used to      *
3530  *           access much of the data since the new [wtm] approach resulted in  *
3531  *           many old macros becoming unused.  Yet another rewrite of the code *
3532  *           that handles repetition detection.  There is an undetected bug in *
3533  *           the previous code, related to pondering and SMP, that was not     *
3534  *           obvious.  The code was completely rewritten and is now much       *
3535  *           simpler to understand, and has been verified to be bug-free with  *
3536  *           massive cluster testing.                                          *
3537  *                                                                             *
3538  *   22.1    Minor fix for CPUS=1, which would cause compile errors.  Other    *
3539  *           eval tweaks to improve scoring.  New "skill" command that can be  *
3540  *           used to "dumb down" Crafty.  "Skill <n>" where n is a number      *
3541  *           between 1 and 100.  100 is max (default) skill.  Skill 70 will    *
3542  *           drop the playing Elo by about 200 points.  Skill 50 will drop it  *
3543  *           about 400 points.  The curve is not linear, and the closer you    *
3544  *           get to 1, the lower the rating.  To use this feature, you need to *
3545  *           add -DSKILL to your Makefile options otherwise it is not included *
3546  *           in the executable.                                                *
3547  *                                                                             *
3548  *   22.2    We are now back to using POSIX threads, since all current Linux   *
3549  *           distributions now use the posix-conforming NTPL implementation    *
3550  *           which should eliminate the various compatibility issues that      *
3551  *           caused problems in the past.  This also should make the new       *
3552  *           smpnice mode work correctly for Linux and Windows since they will *
3553  *           now both use threads for the SMP search.  Fruit-like scoring      *
3554  *           (interpolation between mg and eg scores) fully implemented.  AEL  *
3555  *           pruning (Heinz 2000) also fully implemented (we had razoring and  *
3556  *           futility, but not extended futility).  "Eval" command has been    *
3557  *           removed and combined with the "personality" command so that eval  *
3558  *           parameters can be modified, in addition to some search parameters *
3559  *           that also belong in the personality data.  Mate threat extension  *
3560  *           and one legal reply to check extensions have been removed.  Tests *
3561  *           proved them to be absolutely useless, over 30,000 games for each  *
3562  *           test showed no gain and sometimes a loss in playing strength with *
3563  *           them so we followed the "simple is better" and removed them.  The *
3564  *           fractional ply code was also removed since the only extension we  *
3565  *           now use is the "give check" extension which is a whole ply.  A    *
3566  *           significant number of evaluation parameters have been changed,    *
3567  *           a few even removed as cluster testing helped us find optimal      *
3568  *           values.  There are a few new terms, with more planned.            *
3569  *                                                                             *
3570  *   22.3    Corrected a bug in analysis mode where "back n" would crash.  A   *
3571  *           bad array reference broke this during recent changes.             *
3572  *                                                                             *
3573  *   22.4    Corrected a bug in NextRootMove() that tries to calculate the NPS *
3574  *           by adding up the node counters in each used split block.  However *
3575  *           should you not use all possible threads (mt=n where n is < the    *
3576  *           max CPUS value compiled in) then all split blocks will not be     *
3577  *           properly initialized (not even allocated) which will cause a      *
3578  *           segfault instantly.  Pawn island evaluation term has also been    *
3579  *           removed as cluster testing showed that setting these values to    *
3580  *           zero produced a +14 Elo gain.  There might be a better value for  *
3581  *           them, but the old value was too high.  Further cluster testing is *
3582  *           underway to test other (but smaller than original) values to see  *
3583  *           if one of them turns out to be better than zero.  So far, no, but *
3584  *           the test has not completed.                                       *
3585  *                                                                             *
3586  *   22.5    Minor eval tweaks.  Pthread_create was called without giving it   *
3587  *           any attributes for the new thread(s) which makes them default to  *
3588  *           "joinable".  When smpnice=1 terminates threads, the threads hang  *
3589  *           around using memory expecting that the parent will join with them *
3590  *           to check the exit status.  We now set "detached" as the proper    *
3591  *           attribute so that this memory leak no longer happens.             *
3592  *                                                                             *
3593  *   22.6    Compile issue fixed which would cause the pthread_lib calls to    *
3594  *           be used in a windows compile, which was incorrect.  They are now  *
3595  *           protected by a #if defined(UNIX) && (CPUS > 1) conditional test.  *
3596  *                                                                             *
3597  *   22.7    Windows NUMA support fix to eliminate a memory leak caused by     *
3598  *           re-malloc'ing the split blocks each time a new game is started.   *
3599  *           This was not found in the previous memory leak testing as that    *
3600  *           problem was related to stopping/re-starting threads when using    *
3601  *           smpnice=1.  This is unrelated, but similar, and has been around   *
3602  *           a long time.                                                      *
3603  *                                                                             *
3604  *   22.8    Modified material imbalance fix from Tracy included.  This        *
3605  *           produced an immediate +7 Elo improvement, and additional tuning   *
3606  *           is under way.  Fix to GenerateChecks().  This code had bugs a few *
3607  *           weeks back and they were fixed, but the fixes were somehow lost   *
3608  *           during copying files among multiple machines.  The fixes are now  *
3609  *           back in and properly saved.                                       *
3610  *                                                                             *
3611  *   22.9    More eval tuning producing another +10 Elo gain.  Curmv[n] was    *
3612  *           "overloaded" in that it was used to obtain the next move for a    *
3613  *           parallel thread and was also used to pass back a "fail high" move *
3614  *           to store in a "LOWER" hash table entry.  This led to some error   *
3615  *           messages internal to Crafty that could possibly cause problems.   *
3616  *           There is now a second variable "cutmove" used to pass the move    *
3617  *           back to eliminate race conditions.  Hash.c modified extensively   *
3618  *           to improve readability as well as to eliminate duplicated code.   *
3619  *           Internal iterative deepening code removed.  No measurable benefit *
3620  *           in real game testing led to removal since it is simpler without   *
3621  *           the code.  EvaluateMaterialDynamic() also removed.  This was code *
3622  *           that implemented ideas suggested by IM Larry Kaufman, but careful *
3623  *           testing showed absolutely no effect on game results.  Again, we   *
3624  *           chose "simpler is better" and removed it, as no tuning attempts   *
3625  *           helped for this code.  Nasty pawn hashing bug fix, something that *
3626  *           has been around for years.  This was essentially the same sort of *
3627  *           bug that the "lockless hashing algorithm" addressed for the main  *
3628  *           hash table, where out-of-order memory writes could produce a hash *
3629  *           signature and the 64 bit word with score and best move which did  *
3630  *           not "go together".  The same thing happens in pawn hashing,       *
3631  *           except that an entry is 32 bytes rather than 16, giving even      *
3632  *           higher probability of an entry that contains mismatched pieces.   *
3633  *           In the best case, we just got a bad score.  In the worst case,    *
3634  *           this could cause a program crash since some of the data might be  *
3635  *           invalid, yet it can be used in ways that produce impossible array *
3636  *           subscripts that would cause (very rarely) a segmentation fault.   *
3637  *           The solution was to do the same lockless hashing algorithm where  *
3638  *           the key is XORed with the other three 64 bit words when the entry *
3639  *           is stored, then XORed with them again when we try to match.  If   *
3640  *           the entry is mismatched, the signature will not match anything    *
3641  *           and we simply will not use the bad data and do a normal pawn      *
3642  *           evaluation to compute valid values.                               *
3643  *                                                                             *
3644  *    23.0   Essentially a cleaned up 22.9 version.  Comments have been        *
3645  *           reviewed to make sure they are consistent with what is actually   *
3646  *           done in the program.  Major change is that the random numbers     *
3647  *           used to produce the Zobrist hash signature are now statically     *
3648  *           initialized which eliminates a source of compatibility issues     *
3649  *           where a different stream of random numbers is produced if an      *
3650  *           architecture has some feature that changes the generator, such    *
3651  *           as a case on an older 30/36 bit word machine.  The issue with     *
3652  *           this change is that the old binary books are not compatible and   *
3653  *           need to be re-created with the current random numbers.  The       *
3654  *           "lockless hash table" idea is back in.  It was removed because    *
3655  *           the move from the hash table is recognized as illegal when this   *
3656  *           is appropriate, and no longer causes crashes.  However, the above *
3657  *           pawn hash issue showed that this happens enough that it is better *
3658  *           to avoid any error at all, including the score, for safety.  We   *
3659  *           made a significant change to the parallel search split logic in   *
3660  *           this version.  We now use a different test to limit how near the  *
3661  *           tips we split.  This test measures how large the sub-tree is for  *
3662  *           the first move at any possible split point, and requires that     *
3663  *           this be at least some minimum number of nodes before a split can  *
3664  *           be considered at this node.  The older approach, which based this *
3665  *           decsion on remaining search depth at a node led to some cases     *
3666  *           where the parallel search overhead was excessively high, or even  *
3667  *           excessively low (when we chose to not split frequently enough).   *
3668  *           This version appears to work well on a variety of platforms, even *
3669  *           though NUMA architectures may well need additional tuning of this *
3670  *           paramenter (smpsn) as well as (smpgroup) to try to contain most   *
3671  *           splits on a single NUMA node where memory is local.  I attempted  *
3672  *           to automate this entire process, and tune for all sorts of plat-  *
3673  *           forms, but nothing worked for the general case, which leaves the  *
3674  *           current approach.  When I converted back to threads from          *
3675  *           processes, I forgot to restore the alignment for the hash/pawn-   *
3676  *           hash tables.  The normal hash table needs to be on a 16 byte      *
3677  *           boundary, which normally happens automatically, but pawn hash     *
3678  *           entries should be on a 32 byte boundary to align them properly in *
3679  *           cache to avoid splitting an entry across two cache blocks and     *
3680  *           hurting performance.  New rook/bishop cache introduced to limit   *
3681  *           overhead caused by mobility calculations.  If the ranks/files the *
3682  *           rook is on are the same as the last time we evaluated a rook on   *
3683  *           this specific square, we can reuse the mobility score with no     *
3684  *           calculation required.  The code for "rook behind passed pawns"    *
3685  *           was moved to EvaluatePassedPawns() so that it is only done when   *
3686  *           there is a passed pawn on the board, not just when rooks are      *
3687  *           present.  Book learning has been greatly cleaned up and           *
3688  *           simplified.  The old "result learning" (which used the game       *
3689  *           result to modify the book) and "book learning" (which used the    *
3690  *           first N search scores to modify the book) were redundant, since   *
3691  *           result learning would overwrite whatever book learning did.  The  *
3692  *           new approach uses the game result (if available) to update the    *
3693  *           book database when the program exits or starts a new game.  If    *
3694  *           a result is not available, it will then rely on the previous      *
3695  *           search results so that it has some idea of whether this was a     *
3696  *           good opening or not, even if the game was not completed.  Minor   *
3697  *           LMR bug in SearchRoot() could do a PVS fail-high research using   *
3698  *           the wrong depth (off by -1) because of the LMR reduction that had *
3699  *           been set.  The normal search module had this correct, but the     *
3700  *           SearchRoot() module did not.  EvaluateDevelopment() was turned    *
3701  *           off for a side after castling.  This caused a problem in that we  *
3702  *           do things like checking for a knight blocking the C-pawn in queen *
3703  *           pawn openings.  Unfortunately, the program could either block the *
3704  *           pawn and then castle, which removed the blocked pawn penalty, or  *
3705  *           it could castle first and then block the pawn, making it more     *
3706  *           difficult to develop the queen-side.  We now enable this code     *
3707  *           always and never disable it.  This disable was done years ago     *
3708  *           when the castling evaluation of Crafty would scan the move list   *
3709  *           to see if Crafty had castled, when it noticed castling was no     *
3710  *           longer possible.  Once it had castled, we disabled this to avoid  *
3711  *           the lengthy loop and the overhead it caused.  Today the test is   *
3712  *           quite cheap anyway, and I measured no speed difference with it on *
3713  *           or off, to speak of.  Now we realize that the knight in front of  *
3714  *           the C-pawn is bad and needs to either not go there, or else move  *
3715  *           out of the way.                                                   *
3716  *                                                                             *
3717  *    23.1   Xboard protocol support slightly modified so that draw results    *
3718  *           are now sent after the move that causes the draw.  They were      *
3719  *           always sent before a move if the position prior to the move was   *
3720  *           drawn, but they were also sent just before playing a move to work *
3721  *           around a xboard protocol race condition where I can send a move,  *
3722  *           and then a draw claim (xboard 'result string') and the GUI sees   *
3723  *           my move, relays it to my opponent, and gets an instant reply that *
3724  *           it then sees before my draw claim.  After making this move and    *
3725  *           forwarding it to me, it now thinks the draw claim is invalid.     *
3726  *           slight tweak to queen material value and the way our bishop pair  *
3727  *           scoring is done.  The old razoring code has been removed.  It is  *
3728  *           redundant with LMR, and it had the unwanted side-effect of        *
3729  *           reducing a few of the moves two plies.  The futility pruning has  *
3730  *           been modified to work at the last N plies.  We have an array of   *
3731  *           pruning margins (tuned on the cluster) where anytime the depth is *
3732  *           less than "pruning_depth" we try the futility test.  If the test  *
3733  *           succeeds, that move is discarded and not searched at all.  Move   *
3734  *           ordering code modified slightly to call SEE() fewer times if the  *
3735  *           goodness of the capture can still be accurately assessed without  *
3736  *           the call.  Hash table has been changed to use a bucket of 4       *
3737  *           entries similar to a 4-way set associative cache.  When a store   *
3738  *           is attempted, we replace the least useful entry (see hash.c for   *
3739  *           details).  Additionally the hash table is forced to a 64 byte     *
3740  *           boundary alignment so that a bucket aligns on the start of a      *
3741  *           cache line for efficiency.  The old approach used 3 entries per   *
3742  *           bucket, the Belle two-table approach, which caused 1/2 of the     *
3743  *           cache probes to result in two cache line reads rather than just   *
3744  *           one.  Slight modification to "time overflow" logic.  Now, if the  *
3745  *           score drops on the iteration where we reach the normal time       *
3746  *           allocation, Crafty will continue to search.  Previously the score *
3747  *           had to drop by 1/4 pawn, but cluster testing has shown that this  *
3748  *           change is better.  Final bit of old rotated bitboard logic        *
3749  *           removed.  We had two bitboards, RooksQueens and BishopsQueens     *
3750  *           that were updated in MakeMove() and UnmakeMove().  It turned out  *
3751  *           to be faster to just OR the needed piece bitboards together since *
3752  *           they were infrequently used in the new "magic" approach, which    *
3753  *           allowed me to remove them completely from the position structure  *
3754  *           and make/unmake.  Net result was a percent or two faster search   *
3755  *           overall.  Old bug fixed related to EGTB usage.  The Edwards       *
3756  *           format did not include en passant pawn captures, so it was        *
3757  *           necessary to avoid probing any position where both sides had a    *
3758  *           pawn and there was any possibility of an en passant capture (one  *
3759  *           pawn on original square, enemy pawn anywhere on either adjacent   *
3760  *           file).  The Nalimov tables consider en passant correctly, but     *
3761  *           somehow this old code was either left in iterate.c or else added  *
3762  *           back in by accident.  It is now no longer present.  Minor changes *
3763  *           (suggested by J. Cleveland on CCC) that avoids trying a null-move *
3764  *           search when remaining depth == 1, and which saves some effort by  *
3765  *           remembering, when a node fails low, the first move searched.      *
3766  *           This move then gets stored in the hash table as the "best move".  *
3767  *           While this might be wrong, it has a chance of being right and     *
3768  *           when it is good enough to cause a cutoff, we can avoid a move     *
3769  *           generation which saves a bit of time.  Fixed a significant bug in *
3770  *           EvaluateWinningChances() where it was using a global variable     *
3771  *           "wtm" which tells who is to move in the real game, not at the     *
3772  *           current position in the treee.  This value  is used for tempo     *
3773  *           calculations to determine if the losing king (in a K + rook-pawn  *
3774  *           ending (with or without wrong bishop)) can reach the queening     *
3775  *           square before the winning side's king can block acccess.  This    *
3776  *           would randomly make the tempo calculation off by one, so that the *
3777  *           score could bounce from draw to win and back as the game          *
3778  *           progresses, since about 1/2 the time the wtm  value is wrong.  I  *
3779  *           simply passed the current wtm in as a formal parameter to solve   *
3780  *           this (a good example of why having a global variable and a formal *
3781  *           argument paramenter using the same name is a bad idea.)  In this  *
3782  *           same general area, EvaluateDraws() could set the score to         *
3783  *           DrawScore, which was somewhat "iffy".  I changed this to simply   *
3784  *           determine if the side that ahead is score has any realistic       *
3785  *           winning chances.  If not, I divide the score by 10 rather than    *
3786  *           setting it to the absolute drawscore.  This has the same effect,  *
3787  *           but does let the evaluation guide the search to better moves when *
3788  *           it is convinced all of them lead to draws.  This version is about *
3789  *           +100 Elo stronger than 23.0 based on cluster testing results.     *
3790  *                                                                             *
3791  *    23.2   Two changes related to draw handling.  First, the 50-move draw    *
3792  *           rule is tricky.  It is possible that the move on the 100th ply    *
3793  *           after the last non-reversible move might not be a draw, even if   *
3794  *           it is reversible itself, because it might deliver mate.  In this  *
3795  *           specific case, the mate will end the game as a win.  This has     *
3796  *           been fixed in Crafty to match this specific rule exception.  Also *
3797  *           draws by "insufficient material" have been changed to match the   *
3798  *           FIDE rules which say that mate can't be possible, even with worst *
3799  *           possible play by the opponent.  Crafty would claim a draw in a    *
3800  *           simple KN vs KN position, which is incorrect.  Even though        *
3801  *           neither side can force mate, mate is possible and so the position *
3802  *           is not a draw by FIDE rules.  Mobility scoring changed for        *
3803  *           sliding pieces.  Now the mobility scores are pre-computed and     *
3804  *           stored in a table that is addressed by the "magic number move     *
3805  *           generation idea".  This completely eliminates the computational   *
3806  *           cost of the mobility scoring since all of the scores are pre-     *
3807  *           computed before the game starts.  This was a modest speed         *
3808  *           improvement but really made the code simpler and smaller.  Change *
3809  *           to lazy eval cutoff code to improve accuracy.  BookUP() had a     *
3810  *           minor bug that caused it to not report how many moves were not    *
3811  *           included because of the "maxply" limit.  This has been fixed also *
3812  *           so that it now reports the correct value.  New xboard "cores" and *
3813  *           "memory" command support added.  Code to malloc() both was also   *
3814  *           rewritten completely to clean it up and simplify things.  In an   *
3815  *           effort to avoid confusion, there is one caveat here.  If your     *
3816  *           .craftyrc/crafty.rc file has an option to set the number of       *
3817  *           threads (mt=n/smpnt=n), then the "cores" option from xboard is    *
3818  *           automatically disabled so that the .craftyrc option effectively   *
3819  *           overrides any potential cores setting.  If you set hash or hashp  *
3820  *           in the .craftyrc/crafty.rc file, then the "memory" option from    *
3821  *           xboard is automatically disabled, for the same reason.  In short, *
3822  *           you can let xboard set the number of threads and memory usage     *
3823  *           limit, or you can set them in your .craftyrc/crafty.rc file.  But *
3824  *           if you use the .craftyrc/crafty.rc file to set either, then the   *
3825  *           corresponding xboard command will be disabled.                    *
3826  *                                                                             *
3827  *    23.3   Null-move search restriction changed to allow null-move searches  *
3828  *           at any node where the side on move has at least one piece of any  *
3829  *           type.  Minor bug in ValidMove() fixed to catch "backward" pawn    *
3830  *           moves and flag them as illegal.  This sometimes caused an error   *
3831  *           when annotating games and annotating for both sides.  The killer  *
3832  *           move array could have "backward" moves due to flipping sides back *
3833  *           and forth, which would cause some odd PV displays.  Small change  *
3834  *           to "reduce-at-root".  We no longer reduce moves that are flagged  *
3835  *           as "do not search in parallel".  Check extension modified so that *
3836  *           if "SEE" says the check is unsafe, the extension is not done.  We *
3837  *           found this to be worth about +10 Elo.  We also now reduce any     *
3838  *           capture move that appears in the "REMAINING_MOVES" phase since    *
3839  *           they can only appear there if SEE returns a score indicating loss *
3840  *           of material.  We now reduce a bit more aggressively, reducing by` *
3841  *           2 plies once we have searched at least 4 moves at any ply.  I     *
3842  *           tried going to 3 on very late moves, but could not find any case  *
3843  *           where this was better, even limiting it to near the root or other *
3844  *           ideas.  But reducing by 2 plies after the at least 2 moves are    *
3845  *           searched was an improvement.  Minor change is that the first move *
3846  *           is never reduced.  It is possible that there is no hash move, no  *
3847  *           non-losing capture, and no killer move.  That drops us into the   *
3848  *           REMAINING_MOVES phase which could reduce the first move searched, *
3849  *           which was not intended.  Very minor tweak, but a tweak all the    *
3850  *           same.                                                             *
3851  *                                                                             *
3852  *    23.4   Bug in hash implementation fixed.  It was possible to get a hash  *
3853  *           hit at ply=2, and alter the ply=1 PV when it should be left with  *
3854  *           no change.  This could cause Crafty to display one move as best   *
3855  *           and play another move entirely.  Usually this move was OK, but it *
3856  *           could, on occasion, be an outright blunder.  This has been fixed. *
3857  *           The search.c code has been re-written to eliminate SearchRoot()   *
3858  *           entirely, which simplifies the code.  The only duplication is in  *
3859  *           SearchParallel() which would be messier to eliminate.  Ditto for  *
3860  *           quiesce.c, which now only has Quiesce() and QuiesceEvasions().    *
3861  *           The old QuiesceChecks() has been combined with Quiesce, again to  *
3862  *           eliminate duplication and simplify the code.  Stupid bug in code  *
3863  *           that handles time-out.  One place checked the wrong variable and  *
3864  *           could cause a thread to attempt to output a PV after the search   *
3865  *           was in the process of timing out.  That thread could back up an   *
3866  *           incomplete/bogus search result to the root in rare occasions,     *
3867  *           which would / could result in Crafty kibitzing one move but       *
3868  *           playing a different move.  On occasion, the move played could be  *
3869  *           a horrible blunder.  Minor bug caused StoreTransRef() to lose a   *
3870  *           best move when overwriting an old position with a null-move       *
3871  *           search result.  Minor change by Tracy to lazy evaluation cutoff   *
3872  *           to speed up evaluation somewhat.  Old "Trojan Horse" attack       *
3873  *           detection was removed.  At today's depths, it was no longer       *
3874  *           needed.  New hash idea stores the PV for an EXACT hash entry in a *
3875  *           separate hash table.  When an EXACT hit happens, this PV can be   *
3876  *           added to the incomplete PV we have so far so that we have the     *
3877  *           exact path that leads to the backed up score.  New "phash" (path  *
3878  *           hash) command to set the number of entries in this path hash      *
3879  *           table.  For longer searches, a larger table avoids path table     *
3880  *           collisions which will produce those short paths that end in <HT>. *
3881  *           If <HT> appears in too many PVs, phash should be increased.  The  *
3882  *           "Trojan Horse" code has been completely removed, which also       *
3883  *           resulted in the removal of the last bit of "pre-processing code"  *
3884  *           in preeval.c, so it has been completely removed as well.  Current *
3885  *           search depths are such that the Trojan Horse code is simply not   *
3886  *           needed any longer.  A minor bug in TimeSet() fixed where on rare  *
3887  *           occasions, near the end of a time control, time_limit could be    *
3888  *           larger than the max time allowed (absolute_time_limit).  We never *
3889  *           check against this limit until we exceed the nominal time limit.  *
3890  *           Cleanup on the draw by repetition code to greatly simplify the    *
3891  *           code as well as speed it up.                                      *
3892  *                                                                             *
3893  *    23.5   Several pieces of code cleanup, both for readability and speed.   *
3894  *           We are now using stdint.h, which lets us specific the exact size  *
3895  *           of an integer value which gets rid of the int vs long issues that *
3896  *           exist between MSVC and the rest of the world on X86_64.  We still *
3897  *           use things like "int" if we want to let the compiler choose the   *
3898  *           most efficient size, but when we need a specific number of bits,  *
3899  *           such as 64, we use a specific type (uint64_t for 64 bits).  Minor *
3900  *           change to forward pruning that does not toss out passed pawn      *
3901  *           moves if they are advanced enough (compared to remaining depth)   *
3902  *           that they might be worth searching.  Cleanup to passed pawn eval  *
3903  *           code to help efficiency and readability.  New options to the      *
3904  *           display command.  "display nothing" turns all output off except   *
3905  *           for the move Crafty chooses to play.  "display everything" will   *
3906  *           produce a veritable flood of information before it makes a move.  *
3907  *           Cleanup of personality code to fix some values that were not      *
3908  *           included, as well as clean up the formatting for simplicity.      *
3909  *                                                                             *
3910  *    23.6   Minor tweak to "adaptive hash" code + a fix to the usage warning  *
3911  *           that failed to explain how many parameters are required.  New way *
3912  *           of timing the search, replacing the old "easy move" code that was *
3913  *           simply too ineffective.  Now Crafty computes a "difficulty" level *
3914  *           after each iteration.  If the best move doesn't change, this      *
3915  *           level is reduced by 10% of the current value, until it reaches    *
3916  *           60% where it stops dropping.  If the best move changes during an  *
3917  *           iteration, it adjusts in one of two ways.  If the current         *
3918  *           difficulty level is less than 100%, it reverts to 100% + the      *
3919  *           number of different best moves minus 1 times 20%.  If the current *
3920  *           difficulty level is already >= 100% it is set to 80% of the       *
3921  *           current value + (again) the number of different best moves - 1    *
3922  *           times 20%.  Repeated changes can run this up to 180% max.  As the *
3923  *           search progresses this difficulty level represents the percentage *
3924  *           of the nominal target time limit it should use.  It still tries   *
3925  *           to complete the current iteration before quitting, so this limit  *
3926  *           is a lower bound on the time it will use.  Restored an old idea   *
3927  *           from earlier Crafty versions (and even Cray Blitz), that of       *
3928  *           trying the killers from two plies earlier in the tree, once the   *
3929  *           killers for the current ply have been tried.  Was a +10 Elo gain, *
3930  *           added to about +10 for the new time control logic.  Old fail-high *
3931  *           restriction removed.  At one point in time, a fail-high on the    *
3932  *           null-window search at the root would cause problems.  Crafty was  *
3933  *           modified so that the fail-high was ignored if the re-search       *
3934  *           failed low.  Removing this produced an 8 Elo gain.                *
3935  *                                                                             *
3936  *    23.7   Minor fix to time check code.  Was particularly broken at very    *
3937  *           low skill level settings, but it had a small impact everywhere.   *
3938  *           Some simplification with the reduction code, and how moves are    *
3939  *           counted as they are searched, which would not count any moves     *
3940  *           that were pruned, which could delay triggering reductions at a    *
3941  *           ply.  Fixed significant killer move bug that would only surface   *
3942  *           during a parallel search.  NextMove (remaining moves phase) culls *
3943  *           killer moves as it selects, because they have already been tried. *
3944  *           Unfortunately, in a parallel search, the killers could get        *
3945  *           modified by other threads, which could erroneously cause a move   *
3946  *           to be excluded that had not been searched.  I discovered this bug *
3947  *           on wac #266 where Crafty normally finds a mate at depth=11, but   *
3948  *           a parallel search would often miss the mate completely.  Minor    *
3949  *           fix to new "difficulty" time management.  It was possible for a   *
3950  *           move to look "easy" (several iterations without finding a new     *
3951  *           best move) but it could fail low at the beginning of the next     *
3952  *           iteration.  Difficulty would be reduced due to not changing the   *
3953  *           best move at previous iterations, so the search could time out    *
3954  *           quicker than expected.  Simple fix was to reset difficulty to     *
3955  *           100% on a fail low, which makes sense anyway if it was supposed   *
3956  *           to be "easy" but the score is mysteriously dropping anyway.       *
3957  *                                                                             *
3958  *    23.8   MAXPLY changed to 128, which increases the max length of the PV's *
3959  *           that can be displayed.  The hash path stuff works so well that it *
3960  *           often STILL has PVs with <HT> on the end, after 64 moves are      *
3961  *           displayed.  While this can still probably be reached, it should   *
3962  *           be much less frequent.  This does mean the search can go for 128  *
3963  *           iterations, rather than the old 64 limit, of course.  Bug in      *
3964  *           Search() that failed to update the PV on an EGTB hit, which would *
3965  *           cause the hashed PV to contain illegal moves.  When Crafty then   *
3966  *           tried to display this PV, it would promptly crash.                *
3967  *                                                                             *
3968  *    24.0   Major changes to portability/platform specific code.  Crafty now  *
3969  *           supports Unix and Windows platforms.  All the other spaghetti     *
3970  *           code has been removed, with an effort to make the code readable.  *
3971  *           Couple of bugs in EvaluateWinningChances() fixed, one in          *
3972  *           particular that makes the krp vs kr draw detection unreachable.   *
3973  *           strcpy() replaced with memmove() to fix problems with Apple OS X  *
3974  *           Mavericks where strcpy() with operands that overlap now causes an *
3975  *           application to abort on the spot.  Bug in Search() that caused an *
3976  *           inefficiency in the parallel search.  At some point the way moves *
3977  *           are counted within a ply was changed, which changed the split     *
3978  *           algorithm unintentionally.  The original intent was to search     *
3979  *           just one move and then allow splits.  The bug changed this to     *
3980  *           search TWO moves before splitting is allowed, which slowed things *
3981  *           down quite a bit.  thread[i] is now an array of structures so     *
3982  *           that the thread pointers are separated from each other to fit     *
3983  *           into separate cache blocks, this avoids excessive cache traffic   *
3984  *           since they get changed regularly and were sitting in a single     *
3985  *           cache block with 8 cpus on 64 bit architectures.  Bug in new      *
3986  *           "difficulty" time usage code would let the program run up against *
3987  *           "absolute_time_limit" before stopping the search, even if we      *
3988  *           finished an iteration using beyond the normal target.  This       *
3989  *           really burned a lot of unnecessary time.  I had previously fixed  *
3990  *           the PVS window fail high (at the root) to force such a move to be *
3991  *           played in the game.  One unfortunate oversight however was that   *
3992  *           when splitting at the root, N different processors could fail     *
3993  *           high on N different moves, and they were searching those in       *
3994  *           parallel.  I've modified this so that the PVS fail high at the    *
3995  *           root exits from Search() (after stopping other busy threads) and  *
3996  *           then returns to Iterate() which will print the fail-high notice   *
3997  *           and re-start the search with all threads searching just one fail  *
3998  *           high move to get a score quicker.  Fail-high/fail-low code clean- *
3999  *           up.  In particular, the "delta" value to increment beta or        *
4000  *           decrement alpha is now two variables, so that an early fail-low   *
4001  *           won't increment the delta value and then the subsequent (hope-    *
4002  *           fully) fail-high starts off with a bad increment and jumps beta   *
4003  *           too quickly.  All fail-highs at the root return to Iterate(),     *
4004  *           even the PVS null-window fail-highs.  This re-starts the search   *
4005  *           with all processors working on that one move to get it resolved   *
4006  *           much quicker.  Other minor fixes such as when failing low on the  *
4007  *           first move, we pop out of search and go back to Iterate() to      *
4008  *           lower alpha and start a new search.  Unfortunately, after the     *
4009  *           first move is searched, a parallel split at the root would occur, *
4010  *           only to be instantly aborted so that we could back out of Search()*
4011  *           and then re-start.  Wasted the split time unnecessarily although  *
4012  *           it was not a huge amount of time.  Another simplification to the  *
4013  *           repetition-detection code while chasing a parallel search bug     *
4014  *           was missing repetitions.                                          *
4015  *                                                                             *
4016  *    24.1   LMR reductions changed to allow a more dynamic reduction amount   *
4017  *           rather than just 1 or 2.  An array LMR_reductions[depth][moves]   *
4018  *           is initialized at start-up and sets the reduction amount for a    *
4019  *           specific depth remaining (larger reduction with more depth left)  *
4020  *           and the total moves searched at this node (again a larger         *
4021  *           reduction as more moves are searched.)  This can easily be        *
4022  *           changed with the new "lmr" command (help lmr for details).  The   *
4023  *           old "noise" stuff has been changed.  Now, rather than noise       *
4024  *           specifying the number of nodes that have to be searched before    *
4025  *           any output is displayed (PV, fail high, etc) it now specifies a   *
4026  *           time that must pass before the first output is produced.  This    *
4027  *           can still be displayed with noise=0, otherwise noise=n says no    *
4028  *           output until n seconds have passed (n can be a fraction of a      *
4029  *           second if wanted.)  I restored the old adaptive null-move code,   *
4030  *           but changed the reduction (used to be 2 to 3 depending on the     *
4031  *           depth remaining) so that it is 3 + depth / 6.  For each 6 plies   *
4032  *           of remaining depth, we reduce by another ply, with no real bound  *
4033  *           other than the max depth we can reasonably reach.  The "6" in     *
4034  *           the above can be changed with the personality command or the new  *
4035  *           null m n command.  When the changes to noise were made, Iterate() *
4036  *           was also changed so that if the search terminates for any reason  *
4037  *           and no PV was displayed, whether because the noise limit was not  *
4038  *           satisfied or this search did not produce a PV because it started  *
4039  *           at an excessively deep search depth, Crafty now always displays   *
4040  *           at least one PV in the log file to show how the game is going to  *
4041  *           continue.  One case where this was an issue was where Crafty did  *
4042  *           a LONG ponder search because the opponent took an excessive       *
4043  *           amount of time to make a move.  If it finishes (say) a 30 ply     *
4044  *           search while pondering, when the opponent moves, Crafty will move *
4045  *           instantly, but when it starts the next search, we start pondering *
4046  *           at iteration 29, which might take a long time to finish.  But we  *
4047  *           do still have the PV from the last search (the 30 ply one) and    *
4048  *           main() thoughtfully removed the first two moves (the move played  *
4049  *           and the move we are now pondering, so we always have something to *
4050  *           display, and now we no longer terminate a search with no output   *
4051  *           (PV, time, etc) at all.  Generation II of the parallel split code *
4052  *           (see Thread() in the thread.c source file comments for specifics) *
4053  *           that is a lighter-weight split/copy plus the individual threads   *
4054  *           do most of the copying rather than the thread that initiates the  *
4055  *           split.  More work on the skill command.  For each 10 units the    *
4056  *           skill level is reduced, the search speed is reduced by 50%.       *
4057  *           Additionally the null-move and LMR reduction values are also      *
4058  *           ramped down so that by the time skill drops below 10, there are   *
4059  *           no reductions left.                                               *
4060  *                                                                             *
4061  *    24.2   Bug in SetTime() fixed.  The absolute time limit was set way too  *
4062  *           large in sudden death games (games with no secondary time control *
4063  *           to add time on the clock) with an increment.  It was intended to  *
4064  *           allow the search to use up to 5x the normal target time, unless   *
4065  *           that was larger than 1/2 of the total time remaining, but some-   *
4066  *           where along the way that 5x was removed and it always set the     *
4067  *           absolute time limit to 1/2 the remaining clock, which would burn  *
4068  *           clock time way too quickly.  Complete re-factor of Search() to    *
4069  *           take the main loop and move that to a new procedure               *
4070  *           SearchMoveList() to eliminate the duplicated search code between  *
4071  *           Search() and SearchParallel() which has been replaced by          *
4072  *           SearchMoveList().  New addition to NextMove().  It was cleaned up *
4073  *           to eliminate the old NextEvasion() code since one was a sub-set   *
4074  *           of the other.  A minor change to limit the NPS impact on history  *
4075  *           ordering.  We do not do history ordering within 6 plies of a      *
4076  *           terminal node, and we only try to order 1/2 of the moves before   *
4077  *           giving up and assuming this is an ALL node where ordering does    *
4078  *           not matter.                                                       *
4079  *                                                                             *
4080  *    25.0   Complete re-factor of pawn evaluation code.  There were too many  *
4081  *           overlapping terms that made tuning difficult.  Now a pawn is      *
4082  *           classified as one specific class, there is no overlap between     *
4083  *           classes, which simplifies the code significantly.  The code is    *
4084  *           now easier to understand and modify.  In addition, the passed     *
4085  *           pawn evaluation was rewritten and consolidates all the passed     *
4086  *           pawn evaluation in one place.  The evaluation used to add a bonus *
4087  *           for rooks behind passed pawns in rook scoring, blockading some-   *
4088  *           where else, etc.  All of this was moved to the passed pawn code   *
4089  *           to make it easier to understand and modify.  A limited version of *
4090  *           late move pruning (LMP) is used in the last two plies.  Once a    *
4091  *           set number of moves have been searched with no fail high, non-    *
4092  *           interesting moves are simply skipped in a way similar to futility *
4093  *           pruning.  This version also contains a major rewrite of the       *
4094  *           parallel search code, now referred to as Generation II.  It has a *
4095  *           more lightweight split algorithm, that costs the parent MUCH less *
4096  *           effort to split the search.  The key is that now the individual   *
4097  *           "helper" threads do all the work, allocating a split block,       *
4098  *           copying the data from the parent, etc., rather than the parent    *
4099  *           doing it all.  Gen II based on the DTS "late-join" idea so that a *
4100  *           thread will try to join existing split points before it goes to   *
4101  *           the idle wait loop waiting for some other thread to split with    *
4102  *           it.  In fact, this is now the basis for the new split method      *
4103  *           where the parent simply creates a split point by allocating a     *
4104  *           split block for itself, and then continuing the search, after the *
4105  *           parent split block is marked as "joinable".  Now any idle threads *
4106  *           just "jump in" without the parent doing anything else, which      *
4107  *           means that currently idle threads will "join" this split block if *
4108  *           they are in the "wait-for-work" spin loop, and threads that be-   *
4109  *           come idle also join in exactly the same way.  This is MUCH more   *
4110  *           efficient, and also significantly reduces the number of split     *
4111  *           blocks needed during the search.  We also now pre-split the       *
4112  *           search when we are reasonably close to the root of the tree,      *
4113  *           which is called a "gratuitous split.  This leaves joinable split  *
4114  *           points laying around so that whenever a thread becomes idle, it   *
4115  *           can join in at these pre-existing split points immediately.  We   *
4116  *           now use a much more conservative approach when dealing with fail  *
4117  *           highs at the root.  Since LMR and such have introduced greater    *
4118  *           levels of search instability, we no longer trust a fail-high at   *
4119  *           the root if it fails low on the re-search.  We maintain the last  *
4120  *           score returned for every root move, along with the PV.  Either an *
4121  *           exact score or the bound score that was returned.  At the end of  *
4122  *           the iteration, we sort the root move list using the backed-up     *
4123  *           score as the sort key, and we play the move with the best score.  *
4124  *           This solves a particularly ugly issue where we get a score for    *
4125  *           the first move, then another move fails high, but then fails low  *
4126  *           and the re-search produces a score that is actually WORSE than    *
4127  *           the original best move.  We still see that, but we always play    *
4128  *           the best move now.  One other efficiency trick is that when the   *
4129  *           above happens, the search would tend to be less efficient since   *
4130  *           the best score for that fail-high/fail-low move is actually worse *
4131  *           than the best move/score found so far.  If this happens, the      *
4132  *           score is restored to the original best move score (in Search())   *
4133  *           so that we continue searching with a good lower bound, not having *
4134  *           to deal with moves that would fail high with this worse value,    *
4135  *           but not with the original best move's value.  Minor change to     *
4136  *           history counters that now rely on a "saturating counter" idea.  I *
4137  *           wanted to avoid the aging idea, and it seemed to not be so clear  *
4138  *           that preferring history moves by the depth at which they were     *
4139  *           good was the way to go.  I returned to a history counter idea I   *
4140  *           tested around 2005 but discarded, namely using a saturating       *
4141  *           counter.  The idea is that a center value (at present 1024)       *
4142  *           represents a zero score.  Decrementing it makes it worse,         *
4143  *           incrementing it makes it better.  But to make it saturate at      *
4144  *           either end, I only reduce the counter by a fraction of its        *
4145  *           distance from the saturation point so that once it gets to either *
4146  *           extreme value, it will not be modified further avoiding wrap-     *
4147  *           around.  This basic idea was originally reported by Mark Winands  *
4148  *           in 2005.  It seems to provide better results (slightly) on very   *
4149  *           deep searches.  One impetus for this was an intent to fold this   *
4150  *           into a move so that I could sort the moves rather than doing the  *
4151  *           selection approach I currently use.  However, this had a bad      *
4152  *           effect on testing, since history information is dynamic and is    *
4153  *           constantly changing, between two moves at the same ply in fact.   *
4154  *           The sort fixed the history counters to the value at the start of  *
4155  *           that ply.  This was discarded after testing, but the history      *
4156  *           counter based on the saturating counter idea seemed to be OK and  *
4157  *           was left in even though it produced minimal Elo gain during       *
4158  *           testing.  Change to the way moves are counted, to add a little    *
4159  *           more consistency to LMR.  Now Next*() returns an order number     *
4160  *           that starts with 1 and monotonically increases, this order number *
4161  *           is used for LMR and such decisions that vary things based on how  *
4162  *           far down the move list something occurs.  Root move counting was  *
4163  *           particularly problematic with parallel searching, now things are  *
4164  *           at least "more consistent".  The only negative impact is that now *
4165  *           the move counter gets incremented even for illegal moves, but     *
4166  *           testing showed this was a no-change change with one thread, and   *
4167  *           the consistency with multiple threads made it useful.  New method *
4168  *           to automatically tune SMP parameters.  The command is autotune    *
4169  *           and "help autotune" will explain how to run it.  Added the        *
4170  *           "counter-move" heuristic for move ordering (Jos Uiterwijk, JICCA) *
4171  *           which simply remembers a fail high move and the move at the       *
4172  *           previous ply.  If the hash, captures or killer moves don't result *
4173  *           in a fail high, this move is tried next.  No significant cost,    *
4174  *           seems to reduce tree size noticeably.  Added a follow-up idea     *
4175  *           based on the same idea, except we pair a move that fails high     *
4176  *           with the move two plies back, introducing a sort of "connection"  *
4177  *           between them.  This is a sort of "plan" idea where the first move *
4178  *           of the pair enables the second move to fail high.  The benefit is *
4179  *           that this introduces yet another pair of good moves that get      *
4180  *           ordered before history moves, and is therefore not subject to     *
4181  *           reduction.  I have been unable to come up with a reference for    *
4182  *           this idea, but I believe I first saw it somewhere around the time *
4183  *           Fruit showed up, I am thinking perhaps in the JICCA/JICGA.  Any   *
4184  *           reference would be appreciated.  Minor change to the way the PV   *
4185  *           and fail-hi/fail-low moves are displayed when pondering.  Crafty  *
4186  *           now adds the ponder move to the front of the PV enclosed in ( )   *
4187  *           so that it is always visible in console mode.  The depths are     *
4188  *           reaching such extreme numbers the ponder move scrolls off the top *
4189  *           of the screen when running in console mode or when "tail -f" is   *
4190  *           used to watch the log file while a game is in progress.  This is  *
4191  *           a bit trickier than you might think since Crafty displays the     *
4192  *           game move numbers in the PV.  Penalty for pawns on same color as  *
4193  *           bishop now only applies when there is one bishop.                 *
4194  *                                                                             *
4195  *    25.1   Cleanup of NextMove() plus a minor ordering bug fix that would    *
4196  *           skip counter moves at ply = 2. Added NUMA code to force the hash  *
4197  *           tables to be spread across the numa nodes as equally as possible  *
4198  *           rather than all of the data sitting on just onenode.  This makes  *
4199  *           one specific user policy important.  BEFORE you set the hash size *
4200  *           for any of the four hash tables, you should ALWAYS set the max    *
4201  *           threads limit first, so that the NUMA trick works correctly.  Of  *
4202  *           course, if you do not use -DAFFINITY this is all irrelevant.  The *
4203  *           -DNUMA option has been removed.  I no longer use any libnuma      *
4204  *           routines.  A new "smpnuma" command is now used to enable/disable  *
4205  *           NUMA mode (which really only affects how the hash tables are      *
4206  *           cleared, all the other NUMA code works just fine no matter        *
4207  *           whether this is enabled or disabled.  Fixed a bug with the xboard *
4208  *           memory command that could overflow and cause preposterous malloc  *
4209  *           requests.  Change to LMP that now enables it in the last 16 plies *
4210  *           of search depth, although only the last 8-10 plies really have    *
4211  *           a chance for this to kick in unless there are more than 100 legal *
4212  *           moves to try.  Minor change to hash path in HashStore() that made *
4213  *           it hard to store entries on the first search after the table was  *
4214  *           cleared.  Removed Nalimov DTM EGTB code and converted to SYZYGY   *
4215  *           WDL/DTC tables instead (courtesy of Ronald de Man).  This         *
4216  *           correctly handles the 50 move rule  where the Nalimov tables      *
4217  *           would walk into forced draws (by 50 move rule) while convincing   *
4218  *           the search it was winning.  Swindle mode now also activates when  *
4219  *           in a drawn ending with a material plus for the side on move, as   *
4220  *           well as when the best root move is a "cursed win" (forced win,    *
4221  *           but drawn because of the 50 move rule).  This gives the non-EGTB  *
4222  *           opponent the opportunity to turn that 50 move draw into a loss.   *
4223  *           There are some changes in the scoring output as a result of this. *
4224  *           The usual +/-MatNN scores show up for real mates, but when in     *
4225  *           EGTB endings, the scores are of the form Win or Lose with the     *
4226  *           appropriate sign correction (-Win means black is winning, +Lose   *
4227  *           means white is losing.)  Basil Falcinelli contributed to the new  *
4228  *           syzygy code used in this version.  Minor change to skill code to  *
4229  *           avoid altering search parameters since the speed reduction and    *
4230  *           randomness in the eval is more than enough to reduce the Elo.     *
4231  *           Minor change to HashProbe() where I now only update the AGE of an *
4232  *           entry that matches the current hash signature if the entry        *
4233  *           actually causes a search termination, rather than updating it     *
4234  *           each time there is a signature match.  If the search is not       *
4235  *           terminated on the spot, we have to store an entry when the search *
4236  *           ends which will also overwrite the current exact match and update *
4237  *           the age as well.  Suggested by J. Wesley Cleveland on CCC.        *
4238  *                                                                             *
4239  *    25.2   Minor bug in the fail-high / fail-low code.  Crafty is supposed   *
4240  *           to deal with the case where the first move produces a score, then *
4241  *           a later move fails high but then produces a worse score.  We are  *
4242  *           supposed to revert to the better move.  An "optimization" made    *
4243  *           this fail, but it has been fixed here.  "new" command removed as  *
4244  *           it is pretty difficult to restore everything once a game has been *
4245  *           started.  To start a new game, quit crafty and restart.  Crafty   *
4246  *           now notifies xboard/winboard to do this automatically so using    *
4247  *           those interfaces requires no changes to anything.                 *
4248  *                                                                             *
4249  *******************************************************************************
4250  */
main(int argc,char ** argv)4251 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
4252   TREE *tree;
4253   FILE *personality;
4254   int move, readstat, value = 0, i, v, result, draw_type;
4255   char announce[128];
4257 #if defined(UNIX)
4258   char path[1024];
4259   struct passwd *pwd;
4260 #else
4261   char crafty_rc_file_spec[FILENAME_MAX];
4262   SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
4263 #endif
4264 #if defined(UNIX)
4265   hardware_processors = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
4266 #else
4267   GetSystemInfo(&sysinfo);
4268   hardware_processors = sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
4269 #endif
4270 /* Collect environmental variables */
4271   char *directory_spec = getenv("CRAFTY_BOOK_PATH");
4273   if (directory_spec)
4274     strncpy(book_path, directory_spec, sizeof book_path);
4275   directory_spec = getenv("CRAFTY_LOG_PATH");
4276   if (directory_spec)
4277     strncpy(log_path, directory_spec, sizeof log_path);
4278   directory_spec = getenv("CRAFTY_TB_PATH");
4279   if (directory_spec)
4280     strncpy(tb_path, directory_spec, sizeof tb_path);
4281   directory_spec = getenv("CRAFTY_RC_PATH");
4282   if (directory_spec)
4283     strncpy(rc_path, directory_spec, sizeof rc_path);
4284   if (getenv("CRAFTY_XBOARD")) {
4285     Print(-1, "feature done=0\n");
4286     xboard_done = 0;
4287   } else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "xboard")) {
4288     Print(-1, "feature done=0\n");
4289     xboard_done = 0;
4290   }
4291 /*
4292  ************************************************************
4293  *                                                          *
4294  *  First, parse the command-line options and pick off the  *
4295  *  ones that need to be handled before any initialization  *
4296  *  is attempted (mainly path commands at present.)         *
4297  *                                                          *
4298  ************************************************************
4299  */
4300   AlignedMalloc((void *) ((void *) &tree), 2048, (size_t) sizeof(TREE));
4301   block[0] = tree;
4302   memset((void *) block[0], 0, sizeof(TREE));
4303   tree->ply = 1;
4304   input_stream = stdin;
4305   for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
4306     args[i] = (char *) malloc(256);
4307   if (argc > 1) {
4308     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
4309       if (strstr(argv[i], "path") || strstr(argv[i], "log") ||
4310           strstr(argv[1], "affinity")) {
4311         strcpy(buffer, argv[i]);
4312         result = Option(tree);
4313         if (result == 0)
4314           Print(2048, "ERROR \"%s\" is unknown command-line option\n",
4315               buffer);
4316         display = tree->position;
4317       }
4318     }
4319   }
4320 /*
4321  ************************************************************
4322  *                                                          *
4323  *  Now, read the crafty.rc/.craftyrc initialization file   *
4324  *  and process the commands that need to be handled prior  *
4325  *  to initializing things (path commands).                 *
4326  *                                                          *
4327  ************************************************************
4328  */
4329 #if defined(UNIX)
4330   input_stream = fopen(".craftyrc", "r");
4331   if (!input_stream)
4332     if ((pwd = getpwuid(getuid()))) {
4333       sprintf(path, "%s/.craftyrc", pwd->pw_dir);
4334       input_stream = fopen(path, "r");
4335     }
4336   if (input_stream)
4337 #else
4338   sprintf(crafty_rc_file_spec, "%s/crafty.rc", rc_path);
4339   if ((input_stream = fopen(crafty_rc_file_spec, "r")))
4340 #endif
4341     while (1) {
4342       readstat = Read(1, buffer);
4343       if (readstat < 0)
4344         break;
4345       if (!strstr(buffer, "path"))
4346         continue;
4347       result = Option(tree);
4348       if (result == 0)
4349         Print(2048, "ERROR \"%s\" is unknown rc-file option\n", buffer);
4350       if (input_stream == stdin)
4351         break;
4352     }
4353 /*
4354  ************************************************************
4355  *                                                          *
4356  *   Initialize all data arrays and chess board.            *
4357  *                                                          *
4358  ************************************************************
4359  */
4360   Initialize();
4361 /*
4362  ************************************************************
4363  *                                                          *
4364  *  Now, parse the command-line options and pick off the    *
4365  *  ones that need to be handled after initialization is    *
4366  *  completed.                                              *
4367  *                                                          *
4368  ************************************************************
4369  */
4370   if (argc > 1) {
4371     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
4372       if (strcmp(argv[i], "c"))
4373         if (!strstr(argv[i], "path")) {
4374           if (strlen(argv[i]) > 255)
4375             Print(-1, "ERROR ignoring token %s, 255 character max\n",
4376                 argv[i]);
4377           else {
4378             strcpy(buffer, argv[i]);
4379             Print(32, "(info) command line option \"%s\"\n", buffer);
4380             result = Option(tree);
4381             if (result == 0)
4382               Print(2048, "ERROR \"%s\" is unknown command-line option\n",
4383                   buffer);
4384           }
4385         }
4386   }
4387   display = tree->position;
4388   initialized = 1;
4389   move_actually_played = 0;
4390 /*
4391  ************************************************************
4392  *                                                          *
4393  *  Next, read the crafty.rc/.craftyrc initialization file  *
4394  *  and process the commands that need to be handled after  *
4395  *  engine initialization has been completed.               *
4396  *                                                          *
4397  ************************************************************
4398  */
4399 #if defined(UNIX)
4400   input_stream = fopen(".craftyrc", "r");
4401   if (!input_stream)
4402     if ((pwd = getpwuid(getuid()))) {
4403       sprintf(path, "%s/.craftyrc", pwd->pw_dir);
4404       input_stream = fopen(path, "r");
4405     }
4406   if (input_stream) {
4407 #else
4408   sprintf(crafty_rc_file_spec, "%s/crafty.rc", rc_path);
4409   if ((input_stream = fopen(crafty_rc_file_spec, "r"))) {
4410 #endif
4411     while (1) {
4412       readstat = Read(1, buffer);
4413       if (readstat < 0)
4414         break;
4415       if (strstr(buffer, "path"))
4416         continue;
4417       result = Option(tree);
4418       if (result == 0)
4419         Print(2048, "ERROR \"%s\" is unknown rc-file option\n", buffer);
4420       if (input_stream == stdin)
4421         break;
4422     }
4423   }
4424   input_stream = stdin;
4425 #if defined(UNIX)
4426   if (xboard)
4427     signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
4428 #endif
4429   if (smp_max_threads)
4430     Print(32, "\nCrafty v%s (%d threads)\n\n", version, smp_max_threads);
4431   else
4432     Print(32, "\nCrafty v%s\n\n", version);
4433   if (hardware_processors > 0)
4434     Print(32, "machine has %d processors\n\n", hardware_processors);
4436 /*
4437  ************************************************************
4438  *                                                          *
4439  *  Check to see if we can find a "crafty.cpf" personality  *
4440  *  file which contains the default personality settings to *
4441  *  be used unless overridden by the user.                  *
4442  *                                                          *
4443  ************************************************************
4444  */
4445   if ((personality = fopen("crafty.cpf", "r"))) {
4446     fclose(personality);
4447     Print(-1, "using default personality file \"crafty.cpf\"\n");
4448     sprintf(buffer, "personality load crafty.cpf");
4449     Option(tree);
4450   }
4451 /*
4452  ************************************************************
4453  *                                                          *
4454  *  This is the "main loop" that never ends unless the user *
4455  *  tells Crafty to "quit".  We read commands/moves,        *
4456  *  execute them, and when a move is entered we change      *
4457  *  sides and execute a search to find a reply.  We repeat  *
4458  *  this until the game ends or the opponent gets tired and *
4459  *  tells us to terminate the engine.                       *
4460  *                                                          *
4461  *  Prompt user and read input string for processing.  As   *
4462  *  long as Option() returns a non-zero value, continue     *
4463  *  reading lines and calling Option().  When Option()      *
4464  *  fails to recogize a command, then try InputMove() to    *
4465  *  determine if this is a legal move.                      *
4466  *                                                          *
4467  *  While we are waiting on a move, we call Ponder() which  *
4468  *  will find a move that it assumes the opponent will      *
4469  *  make, and then it will call Iterate() to find a reply   *
4470  *  for that move while we are waiting to see what is       *
4471  *  actually played in the game.  Ponder() will return one  *
4472  *  of the following "results" (stored in "presult"):       *
4473  *                                                          *
4474  *  (0) This indicates that Ponder() did not run, either    *
4475  *      because pondering is disabled, or we are not in a   *
4476  *      state where pondering is allowed, such as using the *
4477  *      xboard "force" command to set up a game that will   *
4478  *      be continued.                                       *
4479  *                                                          *
4480  *  (1) This indicates that we pondered a move, the         *
4481  *      opponent actually played this move, and we were     *
4482  *      able to complete a normal search for the proper     *
4483  *      amount of time and have a move ready to use.        *
4484  *                                                          *
4485  *  (2) This indicates that we pondered a move, but that    *
4486  *      for some reason, we did not need to continue until  *
4487  *      time ran out.  For example, we found a forced mate  *
4488  *      and further searching is not needed.  The search is *
4489  *      not "in progress" but we still have a valid move    *
4490  *      to play here.                                       *
4491  *                                                          *
4492  *  (3) We pondered, but the opponent either played a       *
4493  *      different move, or else entered a command that      *
4494  *      forces us to unwind the search so that the command  *
4495  *      can be executed.  In this case, we will re-start    *
4496  *      pondering, otherwise we make the correct move and   *
4497  *      then start a normal search.                         *
4498  *                                                          *
4499  ************************************************************
4500  */
4501 /*
4502  ************************************************************
4503  *                                                          *
4504  *  From this point forward, we are in a state where it is  *
4505  *                                                          *
4506  *             O P P O N E N T ' S turn to move.            *
4507  *                                                          *
4508  ************************************************************
4509  */
4510   while (1) {
4511     presult = 0;
4512     do {
4513       opponent_start_time = ReadClock();
4514       input_status = 0;
4515       display = tree->position;
4516       move = 0;
4517       presult = 0;
4518       if (xboard_done == 0 && xboard) {
4519         xboard_done = 1;
4520         Print(-1, "feature done=1\n");
4521       }
4522       do {
4523         if (presult != 2)
4524           presult = 0;
4525         result = 0;
4526         if (pong) {
4527           Print(-1, "pong %d\n", pong);
4528           pong = 0;
4529         }
4530         display = tree->position;
4531         if (presult != 2 && (move_number != 1 || !game_wtm))
4532           presult = Ponder(game_wtm);
4533         if (presult == 1)
4534           value = last_root_value;
4535         else if (presult == 2)
4536           value = ponder_value;
4537         if (presult == 0 || presult == 2) {
4538           if (!xboard) {
4539             printf("%s(%d): ", SideToMove(game_wtm), move_number);
4540             fflush(stdout);
4541           }
4542           readstat = Read(1, buffer);
4543           if (log_file)
4544             fprintf(log_file, "%s(%d): %s\n", SideToMove(game_wtm),
4545                 move_number, buffer);
4546           if (readstat < 0 && input_stream == stdin) {
4547             strcpy(buffer, "end");
4548             Option(tree);
4549           }
4550         }
4551         if (presult == 1)
4552           break;
4553         opponent_end_time = ReadClock();
4554         result = Option(tree);
4555         if (result == 0) {
4556           nargs = ReadParse(buffer, args, " \t;");
4557           move = InputMove(tree, 0, game_wtm, 0, 0, args[0]);
4558           result = !move;
4559           if (move)
4560             last_pv.path[1] = 0;
4561         } else {
4562           input_status = 0;
4563           if (result == 3)
4564             presult = 0;
4565         }
4566       } while (result > 0);
4567       if (presult == 1)
4568         move = ponder_move;
4569 /*
4570  ************************************************************
4571  *                                                          *
4572  *  We have a move.  Make the move (returned by InputMove)  *
4573  *  and then change the side on move (wtm).                 *
4574  *                                                          *
4575  ************************************************************
4576  */
4577       if (result == 0) {
4578         fseek(history_file, ((move_number - 1) * 2 + 1 - game_wtm) * 10,
4579             SEEK_SET);
4580         fprintf(history_file, "%9s\n", OutputMove(tree, 0, game_wtm, move));
4581         MakeMoveRoot(tree, game_wtm, move);
4582         tree->curmv[0] = move;
4583         time_used_opponent = opponent_end_time - opponent_start_time;
4584         if (!force)
4585           Print(1, "              time used: %s\n",
4586               DisplayTime(time_used_opponent));
4587         TimeAdjust(game_wtm, time_used_opponent);
4588         game_wtm = Flip(game_wtm);
4589         if (game_wtm)
4590           move_number++;
4591         move_actually_played = 1;
4592         last_opponent_move = move;
4593 /*
4594  ************************************************************
4595  *                                                          *
4596  *  From this point forward, we are in a state where it is  *
4597  *                                                          *
4598  *              C R A F T Y ' S turn to move.               *
4599  *                                                          *
4600  ************************************************************
4601  */
4602 /*
4603  ************************************************************
4604  *                                                          *
4605  *  We have made the indicated move, before we do a search  *
4606  *  we need to determine if the present position is a draw  *
4607  *  by rule.  If so, Crafty allowed it to happen and must   *
4608  *  be satisfied with a draw, so we will claim it and end   *
4609  *  the current game.                                       *
4610  *                                                          *
4611  ************************************************************
4612  */
4613         if ((draw_type = Repeat3x(tree)) == 1) {
4614           Print(1, "I claim a draw by 3-fold repetition.\n");
4615           value = DrawScore(game_wtm);
4616           if (xboard)
4617             Print(-1, "1/2-1/2 {Drawn by 3-fold repetition}\n");
4618         }
4619         if (draw_type == 2) {
4620           if (!Mated(tree, 0, game_wtm)) {
4621             Print(1, "I claim a draw by the 50 move rule.\n");
4622             value = DrawScore(game_wtm);
4623             if (xboard)
4624               Print(-1, "1/2-1/2 {Drawn by 50-move rule}\n");
4625           }
4626         }
4627         if (Drawn(tree, last_search_value) == 2) {
4628           Print(1, "I claim a draw due to insufficient material.\n");
4629           if (xboard)
4630             Print(-1, "1/2-1/2 {Insufficient material}\n");
4631         }
4632       } else
4633         presult = 0;
4634 #if defined(DEBUG)
4635       ValidatePosition(tree, 0, move, "Main(1)");
4636 #endif
4637     } while (force);
4638 /*
4639  ************************************************************
4640  *                                                          *
4641  *  Now call Iterate() to compute a move for the current    *
4642  *  position.  (Note this is not done if Ponder() has al-   *
4643  *  ready computed a move.)                                 *
4644  *                                                          *
4645  ************************************************************
4646  */
4647     crafty_is_white = game_wtm;
4648     if (presult == 2) {
4649       if (From(ponder_move) == From(move) && To(ponder_move) == To(move)
4650           && Piece(ponder_move) == Piece(move)
4651           && Captured(ponder_move) == Captured(move)
4652           && Promote(ponder_move) == Promote(move)) {
4653         presult = 1;
4654         if (!book_move)
4655           predicted++;
4656       } else
4657         presult = 0;
4658     }
4659     ponder_move = 0;
4660     thinking = 1;
4661     if (presult != 1) {
4662       strcpy(kibitz_text, "n/a");
4663       last_pv.pathd = 0;
4664       last_pv.pathl = 0;
4665       display = tree->position;
4666       tree->status[1] = tree->status[0];
4667       value = Iterate(game_wtm, think, 0);
4668     }
4669 /*
4670  ************************************************************
4671  *                                                          *
4672  *  We've now completed a search and need to handle a       *
4673  *  pending draw offer based on what the search found.      *
4674  *                                                          *
4675  *  When we get a draw offer, we make a note, but we do not *
4676  *  accept it until after we have a chance to see what      *
4677  *  happens after making the opponent's move that came with *
4678  *  the draw offer.  If he played a blunder, we are not     *
4679  *  going to mistakenly accept a draw when we are now       *
4680  *  winning.  We make this decision to accept or decline    *
4681  *  since we have completed as search and now have a real   *
4682  *  score.                                                  *
4683  *                                                          *
4684  ************************************************************
4685  */
4686     if (draw_offer_pending) {
4687       int drawsc = abs_draw_score;
4689       draw_offer_pending = 0;
4690       if (move_number < 40 || !accept_draws)
4691         drawsc = -300;
4692       if (value <= drawsc && (tc_increment != 0 ||
4693               tc_time_remaining[Flip(game_wtm)] >= 1000)) {
4694         if (xboard)
4695           Print(-1, "offer draw\n");
4696         else {
4697           Print(1, "Draw accepted.\n");
4698           if (audible_alarm)
4699             printf("%c", audible_alarm);
4700           if (speech) {
4701             strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
4702             strcat(announce, "Drawaccept");
4703             v = system(announce);
4704             if (v != 0)
4705               perror("main() system() error: ");
4706           }
4707         }
4708         Print(-1, "1/2-1/2 {Draw agreed}\n");
4709         strcpy(pgn_result, "1/2-1/2");
4710       } else {
4711         if (!xboard) {
4712           Print(1, "Draw declined.\n");
4713           if (speech) {
4714             strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
4715             strcat(announce, "Drawdecline");
4716             v = system(announce);
4717             if (v != 0)
4718               perror("main() system() error: ");
4719           }
4720         }
4721       }
4722     }
4723 /*
4724  ************************************************************
4725  *                                                          *
4726  *  If the last_pv.path is null, then we were either        *
4727  *  checkmated or stalemated.  We need to determine which   *
4728  *  and end the game appropriately.                         *
4729  *                                                          *
4730  *  If we do have a PV, we will also check to see if it     *
4731  *  leads to mate and make the proper announcement if so.   *
4732  *                                                          *
4733  ************************************************************
4734  */
4735     last_pv = tree->pv[0];
4736     last_value = value;
4737     if (MateScore(last_value))
4738       last_mate_score = last_value;
4739     thinking = 0;
4740     if (!last_pv.pathl) {
4741       if (Check(game_wtm)) {
4742         over = 1;
4743         if (game_wtm) {
4744           Print(-1, "0-1 {Black mates}\n");
4745           strcpy(pgn_result, "0-1");
4746         } else {
4747           Print(-1, "1-0 {White mates}\n");
4748           strcpy(pgn_result, "1-0");
4749         }
4750         if (speech) {
4751           strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
4752           strcat(announce, "Checkmate");
4753           v = system(announce);
4754           if (v != 0)
4755             perror("main() system() error: ");
4756         }
4757       } else {
4758         over = 1;
4759         if (!xboard) {
4760           Print(1, "stalemate\n");
4761           if (speech) {
4762             strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
4763             strcat(announce, "Stalemate");
4764             v = system(announce);
4765             if (v != 0)
4766               perror("main() system() error: ");
4767           }
4768         } else
4769           Print(-1, "1/2-1/2 {stalemate}\n");
4770       }
4771     } else {
4772       if (value > 32000 && value < MATE - 2) {
4773         Print(1, "\nmate in %d moves.\n\n", (MATE - value) / 2);
4774         Kibitz(1, game_wtm, 0, 0, (MATE - value) / 2, tree->nodes_searched, 0,
4775             0, " ");
4776       } else if (-value > 32000 && -value < MATE - 1) {
4777         Print(1, "\nmated in %d moves.\n\n", (MATE + value) / 2);
4778         Kibitz(1, game_wtm, 0, 0, -(MATE + value) / 2, tree->nodes_searched,
4779             0, 0, " ");
4780       }
4781 /*
4782  ************************************************************
4783  *                                                          *
4784  *  See if we want to offer a draw based on the recent      *
4785  *  scores that have been returned.  See resign.c for more  *
4786  *  details, but this is where we offer a draw, or resign,  *
4787  *  if appropriate.  This has nothing to do with claiming a *
4788  *  draw by rule, which is done later.                      *
4789  *                                                          *
4790  ************************************************************
4791  */
4792       tree->status[MAXPLY] = tree->status[0];
4793       ResignOrDraw(tree, value);
4794 /*
4795  ************************************************************
4796  *                                                          *
4797  *  Now output the move chosen by the search, and the       *
4798  *  "result" string if this move checkmates our opponent.   *
4799  *                                                          *
4800  ************************************************************
4801  */
4802       if (speech) {
4803         char *moveptr = OutputMove(tree, 0, game_wtm, last_pv.path[1]);
4805         strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
4806         strcat(announce, moveptr);
4807         strcat(announce, " &");
4808         v = system(announce);
4809         if (v != 0)
4810           perror("main() system() error: ");
4811       }
4812       if (!xboard && audible_alarm)
4813         printf("%c", audible_alarm);
4814       Print(1, "%s(%d): %s\n", SideToMove(game_wtm), move_number,
4815           OutputMove(tree, 0, game_wtm, last_pv.path[1]));
4816       if (xboard)
4817         printf("move %s\n", OutputMove(tree, 0, game_wtm, last_pv.path[1]));
4818       fflush(stdout);
4819       if (value == MATE - 2) {
4820         if (game_wtm) {
4821           Print(-1, "1-0 {White mates}\n");
4822           strcpy(pgn_result, "1-0");
4823         } else {
4824           Print(-1, "0-1 {Black mates}\n");
4825           strcpy(pgn_result, "0-1");
4826         }
4827       }
4828       time_used = program_end_time - program_start_time;
4829       Print(1, "              time used: %s\n", DisplayTime(time_used));
4830       TimeAdjust(game_wtm, time_used);
4831       fseek(history_file, ((move_number - 1) * 2 + 1 - game_wtm) * 10,
4832           SEEK_SET);
4833       fprintf(history_file, "%9s\n", OutputMove(tree, 0, game_wtm,
4834               last_pv.path[1]));
4835       last_search_value = value;
4836       if (kibitz) {
4837         if (kibitz_depth)
4838           Kibitz(2, game_wtm, kibitz_depth, end_time - start_time, value,
4839               tree->nodes_searched, busy_percent, tree->egtb_hits,
4840               kibitz_text);
4841         else
4842           Kibitz(4, game_wtm, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, kibitz_text);
4843       }
4844       MakeMoveRoot(tree, game_wtm, last_pv.path[1]);
4845       tree->curmv[0] = move;
4846 /*
4847  ************************************************************
4848  *                                                          *
4849  *  From this point forward, we are in a state where it is  *
4850  *                                                          *
4851  *          O P P O N E N T ' S turn to move.               *
4852  *                                                          *
4853  *  We have made the indicated move, we need to determine   *
4854  *  if the present position is a draw by rule.  If so, we   *
4855  *  need to send the appropriate game result to xboard      *
4856  *  and/or inform the operator/opponent.                    *
4857  *                                                          *
4858  ************************************************************
4859  */
4860       game_wtm = Flip(game_wtm);
4861       if (game_wtm)
4862         move_number++;
4863       move_actually_played = 1;
4864       if ((draw_type = Repeat3x(tree)) == 1) {
4865         Print(1, "I claim a draw by 3-fold repetition after my move.\n");
4866         if (xboard)
4867           Print(-1, "1/2-1/2 {Drawn by 3-fold repetition}\n");
4868         value = DrawScore(game_wtm);
4869       }
4870       if (draw_type == 2 && last_search_value < 32000) {
4871         Print(1, "I claim a draw by the 50 move rule after my move.\n");
4872         if (xboard)
4873           Print(-1, "1/2-1/2 {Drawn by 50-move rule}\n");
4874         value = DrawScore(game_wtm);
4875       }
4876       if (Drawn(tree, last_search_value) == 2) {
4877         Print(1,
4878             "I claim a draw due to insufficient material after my move.\n");
4879         if (xboard)
4880           Print(-1, "1/2-1/2 {Insufficient material}\n");
4881       }
4882 #if !defined(TEST)
4883       if (time_limit > 300)
4884 #endif
4885         if (log_file)
4886           DisplayChessBoard(log_file, tree->position);
4887 /*
4888  ************************************************************
4889  *                                                          *
4890  *  Save the ponder_move from the current principal         *
4891  *  variation, then shift it left two moves to use as the   *
4892  *  starting point for the next search.  Adjust the depth   *
4893  *  to start the next search at the right iteration.        *
4894  *                                                          *
4895  ************************************************************
4896  */
4897       if (last_pv.pathl > 2 && VerifyMove(tree, 0, game_wtm, last_pv.path[2])) {
4898         ponder_move = last_pv.path[2];
4899         for (i = 1; i < (int) last_pv.pathl - 2; i++)
4900           last_pv.path[i] = last_pv.path[i + 2];
4901         last_pv.pathl = (last_pv.pathl > 2) ? last_pv.pathl - 2 : 0;
4902         last_pv.pathd -= 2;
4903         if (last_pv.pathd > last_pv.pathl)
4904           last_pv.pathd = last_pv.pathl;
4905         if (last_pv.pathl == 0)
4906           last_pv.pathd = 0;
4907         tree->pv[0] = last_pv;
4908       } else {
4909         last_pv.pathd = 0;
4910         last_pv.pathl = 0;
4911         ponder_move = 0;
4912         tree->pv[0] = last_pv;
4913       }
4914     }
4915 #if defined(TEST)
4916     strcpy(buffer, "score");
4917     Option(tree);
4918 #endif
4919     if ((i = GameOver(game_wtm))) {
4920       if (i == 1)
4921         Print(-1, "1/2-1/2 {stalemate}\n");
4922     }
4923     if (book_move) {
4924       moves_out_of_book = 0;
4925       predicted++;
4926       if (ponder_move)
4927         sprintf(book_hint, "%s", OutputMove(tree, 0, game_wtm, ponder_move));
4928     } else
4929       moves_out_of_book++;
4930 #if defined(DEBUG)
4931     ValidatePosition(tree, 0, last_pv.path[1], "Main(2)");
4932 #endif
4933 /*
4934  ************************************************************
4935  *                                                          *
4936  *  Now execute LearnValue() to record the scores for the   *
4937  *  first N searches out of book.  see learn.c for details  *
4938  *  on how this is used and when.                           *
4939  *                                                          *
4940  ************************************************************
4941  */
4942     if (learning && moves_out_of_book && !learn_value)
4943       LearnValue(last_value, last_pv.pathd + 2);
4944     if (learn_positions_count < 63) {
4945       learn_seekto[learn_positions_count] = book_learn_seekto;
4946       learn_key[learn_positions_count] = book_learn_key;
4947       learn_nmoves[learn_positions_count++] = book_learn_nmoves;
4948     }
4949     if (mode == tournament_mode) {
4950       strcpy(buffer, "clock");
4951       Option(tree);
4952       Print(32, "if clocks are wrong, use 'settc' command to adjust them\n");
4953     }
4954   }
4955 }