1 #include "chess.h"
2 #include "data.h"
3 /* last modified 12/29/15 */
4 /*
5  *******************************************************************************
6  *                                                                             *
7  *   NextMove() is used to select the next move from the current move list.    *
8  *                                                                             *
9  *   The "excluded move" code below simply collects any moves that were        *
10  *   searched without being generated (hash move and up to 4 killers).  We     *
11  *   save them in the NEXT structure and make sure to exclude them when        *
12  *   searching after a move generation to avoid the duplicated effort.         *
13  *                                                                             *
14  *******************************************************************************
15  */
NextMove(TREE * RESTRICT tree,int ply,int depth,int side,int in_check)16 int NextMove(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int ply, int depth, int side, int in_check) {
17   unsigned *movep, *bestp;
18   int hist, bestval, possible;
20 /*
21  ************************************************************
22  *                                                          *
23  *  The following "big switch" controls the finate state    *
24  *  machine that selects moves.  The "phase" value in the   *
25  *  next_status[ply] structure is always set after a move   *
26  *  is selected, and it defines the next state of the FSM   *
27  *  so select the next move in a sequenced order.           *
28  *                                                          *
29  ************************************************************
30  */
31   switch (tree->next_status[ply].phase) {
32 /*
33  ************************************************************
34  *                                                          *
35  *  First, try the transposition table move (which will be  *
36  *  the principal variation move as we first move down the  *
37  *  tree) or the best move found in this position during a  *
38  *  prior search.                                           *
39  *                                                          *
40  ************************************************************
41  */
42     case HASH:
43       tree->next_status[ply].order = 0;
44       tree->next_status[ply].exclude = &tree->next_status[ply].done[0];
45       tree->next_status[ply].phase = GENERATE_CAPTURES;
46       if (tree->hash_move[ply]) {
47         tree->curmv[ply] = tree->hash_move[ply];
48         *(tree->next_status[ply].exclude++) = tree->curmv[ply];
49         if (ValidMove(tree, ply, side, tree->curmv[ply])) {
50           tree->phase[ply] = HASH;
51           return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
52         }
53 #if defined(DEBUG)
54         else
55           Print(2048, "ERROR:  bad move from hash table, ply=%d\n", ply);
56 #endif
57       }
58 /*
59  ************************************************************
60  *                                                          *
61  *  Generate captures and sort them based on the simple     *
62  *  MVV/LVA ordering where we try to capture the most       *
63  *  valuable victim piece possible, using the least         *
64  *  valuable attacking piece possible.  Later we will test  *
65  *  to see if the capture appears to lose material and we   *
66  *  will defer searching it until later.                    *
67  *                                                          *
68  *  Or, if in check, generate all the legal moves that      *
69  *  escape check by using GenerateCheckEvasions().  After   *
70  *  we do this, we sort them using MVV/LVA to move captures *
71  *  to the front of the list in the correct order.          *
72  *                                                          *
73  ************************************************************
74  */
76       tree->next_status[ply].phase = CAPTURES;
77       if (!in_check)
78         tree->last[ply] =
79             GenerateCaptures(tree, ply, side, tree->last[ply - 1]);
80       else
81         tree->last[ply] =
82             GenerateCheckEvasions(tree, ply, side, tree->last[ply - 1]);
83 /*
84  ************************************************************
85  *                                                          *
86  *  Now make a pass over the moves to assign the sort value *
87  *  for each.  We simply use MVV/LVA move order here.  A    *
88  *  simple optimization is to use the pre-computed array    *
89  *  MVV_LVA[victim][attacker] which returns a simple value  *
90  *  that indicates MVV/LVA order.                           *
91  *                                                          *
92  ************************************************************
93  */
94       tree->next_status[ply].remaining = 0;
95       for (movep = tree->last[ply - 1]; movep < tree->last[ply]; movep++)
96         if (*movep == tree->hash_move[ply]) {
97           *movep = 0;
98           tree->next_status[ply].exclude = &tree->next_status[ply].done[0];
99         } else {
100           *movep += MVV_LVA[Captured(*movep)][Piece(*movep)];
101           tree->next_status[ply].remaining++;
102         }
103       NextSort(tree, ply);
104       tree->next_status[ply].last = tree->last[ply - 1];
105       if (in_check)
106         goto remaining_moves;
107 /*
108  ************************************************************
109  *                                                          *
110  *  Try the captures moves, which are in order based on     *
111  *  MVV/LVA ordering.  If a larger-valued piece captures a  *
112  *  lesser-valued piece, and SEE() says it loses material,  *
113  *  this capture will be deferred until later.              *
114  *                                                          *
115  *  If we are in check, we jump down to the history moves   *
116  *  phase (we don't need to generate any more moves as      *
117  *  GenerateCheckEvasions has already generated all legal   *
118  *  moves.                                                  *
119  *                                                          *
120  ************************************************************
121  */
122     case CAPTURES:
123       while (tree->next_status[ply].remaining) {
124         tree->curmv[ply] = Move(*(tree->next_status[ply].last++));
125         if (!--tree->next_status[ply].remaining)
126           tree->next_status[ply].phase = KILLER1;
127         if (pcval[Piece(tree->curmv[ply])] <=
128             pcval[Captured(tree->curmv[ply])]
129             || SEE(tree, side, tree->curmv[ply]) >= 0) {
130           *(tree->next_status[ply].last - 1) = 0;
131           tree->phase[ply] = CAPTURES;
132           return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
133         }
134       }
135 /*
136  ************************************************************
137  *                                                          *
138  *  Now, try the killer moves.  This phase tries the two    *
139  *  killers for the current ply without generating moves,   *
140  *  which saves time if a cutoff occurs.  After those two   *
141  *  killers are searched, we try the killers from two plies *
142  *  back since they have greater depth and might produce a  *
143  *  cutoff if the current two do not.                       *
144  *                                                          *
145  ************************************************************
146  */
147     case KILLER1:
148       possible = tree->killers[ply].move1;
149       if (!Exclude(tree, ply, possible) &&
150           ValidMove(tree, ply, side, possible)) {
151         tree->curmv[ply] = possible;
152         *(tree->next_status[ply].exclude++) = possible;
153         tree->next_status[ply].phase = KILLER2;
154         tree->phase[ply] = KILLER1;
155         return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
156       }
157     case KILLER2:
158       possible = tree->killers[ply].move2;
159       if (!Exclude(tree, ply, possible) &&
160           ValidMove(tree, ply, side, possible)) {
161         tree->curmv[ply] = possible;
162         *(tree->next_status[ply].exclude++) = possible;
163         tree->next_status[ply].phase = (ply < 3) ? COUNTER_MOVE1 : KILLER3;
164         tree->phase[ply] = KILLER2;
165         return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
166       }
167     case KILLER3:
168       possible = tree->killers[ply - 2].move1;
169       if (!Exclude(tree, ply, possible) &&
170           ValidMove(tree, ply, side, possible)) {
171         tree->curmv[ply] = possible;
172         *(tree->next_status[ply].exclude++) = possible;
173         tree->next_status[ply].phase = KILLER4;
174         tree->phase[ply] = KILLER3;
175         return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
176       }
177     case KILLER4:
178       possible = tree->killers[ply - 2].move2;
179       if (!Exclude(tree, ply, possible) &&
180           ValidMove(tree, ply, side, possible)) {
181         tree->curmv[ply] = possible;
182         *(tree->next_status[ply].exclude++) = possible;
183         tree->next_status[ply].phase = COUNTER_MOVE1;
184         tree->phase[ply] = KILLER4;
185         return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
186       }
187 /*
188  ************************************************************
189  *                                                          *
190  *  Now, before we give up and generate moves, try the      *
191  *  counter-move which was a move that failed high in the   *
192  *  past when the move at the previous ply was played.      *
193  *                                                          *
194  ************************************************************
195  */
196     case COUNTER_MOVE1:
197       possible = tree->counter_move[tree->curmv[ply - 1] & 4095].move1;
198       if (!Exclude(tree, ply, possible) &&
199           ValidMove(tree, ply, side, possible)) {
200         tree->curmv[ply] = possible;
201         *(tree->next_status[ply].exclude++) = possible;
202         tree->next_status[ply].phase = COUNTER_MOVE2;
203         tree->phase[ply] = COUNTER_MOVE1;
204         return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
205       }
206     case COUNTER_MOVE2:
207       possible = tree->counter_move[tree->curmv[ply - 1] & 4095].move2;
208       if (!Exclude(tree, ply, possible) &&
209           ValidMove(tree, ply, side, possible)) {
210         tree->curmv[ply] = possible;
211         *(tree->next_status[ply].exclude++) = possible;
212         tree->next_status[ply].phase = MOVE_PAIR1;
213         tree->phase[ply] = COUNTER_MOVE2;
214         return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
215       }
216 /*
217  ************************************************************
218  *                                                          *
219  *  Finally we try paired moves, which are simply moves     *
220  *  that were good when played after the other move in the  *
221  *  pair was played two plies back.                         *
222  *                                                          *
223  ************************************************************
224  */
225     case MOVE_PAIR1:
226       possible = tree->move_pair[tree->curmv[ply - 2] & 4095].move1;
227       if (!Exclude(tree, ply, possible) &&
228           ValidMove(tree, ply, side, possible)) {
229         tree->curmv[ply] = possible;
230         *(tree->next_status[ply].exclude++) = possible;
231         tree->next_status[ply].phase = MOVE_PAIR2;
232         tree->phase[ply] = MOVE_PAIR1;
233         return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
234       }
235     case MOVE_PAIR2:
236       possible = tree->move_pair[tree->curmv[ply - 2] & 4095].move2;
237       if (!Exclude(tree, ply, possible) &&
238           ValidMove(tree, ply, side, possible)) {
239         tree->curmv[ply] = possible;
240         *(tree->next_status[ply].exclude++) = possible;
241         tree->next_status[ply].phase = GENERATE_QUIET;
242         tree->phase[ply] = MOVE_PAIR2;
243         return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
244       }
245 /*
246  ************************************************************
247  *                                                          *
248  *  Now, generate all non-capturing moves, which get added  *
249  *  to the move list behind any captures we did not search. *
250  *                                                          *
251  ************************************************************
252  */
253     case GENERATE_QUIET:
254       if (!in_check)
255         tree->last[ply] =
256             GenerateNoncaptures(tree, ply, side, tree->last[ply]);
257       tree->next_status[ply].last = tree->last[ply - 1];
258 /*
259  ************************************************************
260  *                                                          *
261  *  Now, try the history moves.  This phase takes the       *
262  *  complete move list, and passes over them in a classic   *
263  *  selection-sort, choosing the move with the highest      *
264  *  history score.  This phase is only done one time, as it *
265  *  also purges the hash, killer, counter and paired moves  *
266  *  from the list.                                          *
267  *                                                          *
268  ************************************************************
269  */
270       tree->next_status[ply].remaining = 0;
271       tree->next_status[ply].phase = HISTORY;
272       bestval = -99999999;
273       bestp = 0;
274       for (movep = tree->last[ply - 1]; movep < tree->last[ply]; movep++)
275         if (*movep) {
276           if (Exclude(tree, ply, *movep))
277             *movep = 0;
278           else if (depth >= 6) {
279             tree->next_status[ply].remaining++;
280             hist = history[HistoryIndex(side, *movep)];
281             if (hist > bestval) {
282               bestval = hist;
283               bestp = movep;
284             }
285           }
286         }
287       tree->next_status[ply].remaining /= 2;
288       if (bestp) {
289         tree->curmv[ply] = Move(*bestp);
290         *bestp = 0;
291         tree->phase[ply] = HISTORY;
292         return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
293       }
294       goto remaining_moves;
295 /*
296  ************************************************************
297  *                                                          *
298  *  Now, continue with the history moves, but since one     *
299  *  pass has been made over the complete move list, there   *
300  *  are no hash/killer moves left in the list, so the tests *
301  *  for these can be avoided.                               *
302  *                                                          *
303  ************************************************************
304  */
305     case HISTORY:
306       if (depth >= 6) {
307         bestval = -99999999;
308         bestp = 0;
309         for (movep = tree->last[ply - 1]; movep < tree->last[ply]; movep++)
310           if (*movep) {
311             hist = history[HistoryIndex(side, *movep)];
312             if (hist > bestval) {
313               bestval = hist;
314               bestp = movep;
315             }
316           }
317         if (bestp) {
318           tree->curmv[ply] = Move(*bestp);
319           *bestp = 0;
320           if (--(tree->next_status[ply].remaining) <= 0) {
321             tree->next_status[ply].phase = REMAINING;
322             tree->next_status[ply].last = tree->last[ply - 1];
323           }
324           tree->phase[ply] = HISTORY;
325           return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
326         }
327       }
328 /*
329  ************************************************************
330  *                                                          *
331  *  Then we try the rest of the set of moves, and we do not *
332  *  use Exclude() function to skip any moves we have        *
333  *  already searched (hash or killers) since the history    *
334  *  phase above has already done that.                      *
335  *                                                          *
336  ************************************************************
337  */
338     remaining_moves:
339       tree->next_status[ply].phase = REMAINING;
340       tree->next_status[ply].last = tree->last[ply - 1];
341     case REMAINING:
342       for (; tree->next_status[ply].last < tree->last[ply];
343           tree->next_status[ply].last++)
344         if (*tree->next_status[ply].last) {
345           tree->curmv[ply] = Move(*tree->next_status[ply].last++);
346           tree->phase[ply] = REMAINING;
347           return ++tree->next_status[ply].order;
348         }
349       return NONE;
350     default:
351       Print(4095, "oops!  next_status.phase is bad! [phase=%d]\n",
352           tree->next_status[ply].phase);
353   }
354   return NONE;
355 }
357 /* last modified 07/03/14 */
358 /*
359  *******************************************************************************
360  *                                                                             *
361  *   NextRootMove() is used to select the next move from the root move list.   *
362  *                                                                             *
363  *   There is one subtle trick here that must not be broken.  Crafty does LMR  *
364  *   at the root, and the reduction amount is dependent on the order in which  *
365  *   a specific move is searched.  With the recent changes dealing with this   *
366  *   issue in non-root moves, NextRootMove() now simply returns the move's     *
367  *   order within the move list.  This might be a problem if the last move in  *
368  *   the list fails high, because it would be reduced on the re-search, which  *
369  *   is something we definitely don't want.  The solution is found in the code *
370  *   inside Iterate().  When a move fails high, it is moved to the top of the  *
371  *   move list so that (a) it is searched first on the re-search (more on this *
372  *   in a moment) and (b) since its position in the move list is now #1, it    *
373  *   will get an order value of 1 which is never reduced.  The only warning is *
374  *   that Iterate() MUST re-sort the ply-1 move list after a fail high, even   *
375  *   though it seems like a very tiny computational waste.                     *
376  *                                                                             *
377  *   The other reason for doing the re-sort has to do with the parallel search *
378  *   algorithm.  When one thread fails high at the root, it stops the others.  *
379  *   they have to carefully undo the "this move has been searched" flag since  *
380  *   these incomplete searches need to be re-done after the fail-high move is  *
381  *   finished.  But it is possible some of those interrupted moves appear      *
382  *   before the fail high move in the move list.  Which would lead Crafty to   *
383  *   fail high, then produce a different best move's PV.  By re-sorting, now   *
384  *   the fail-high move is always searched first since here we just start at   *
385  *   the top of the move list and look for the first "not yet searched" move   *
386  *   to return.  It solves several problems, but if that re-sort is not done,  *
387  *   things go south quickly.  The voice of experience is all I will say here. *
388  *                                                                             *
389  *******************************************************************************
390  */
NextRootMove(TREE * RESTRICT tree,TREE * RESTRICT mytree,int side)391 int NextRootMove(TREE * RESTRICT tree, TREE * RESTRICT mytree, int side) {
392   uint64_t total_nodes;
393   int which, i, t;
395 /*
396  ************************************************************
397  *                                                          *
398  *  First, we check to see if we only have one legal move.  *
399  *  If so, and we are not pondering, we stop after a short  *
400  *  search, saving time, but making sure we have something  *
401  *  to ponder.                                              *
402  *                                                          *
403  ************************************************************
404  */
405   if (!annotate_mode && !pondering && !booking && n_root_moves == 1 &&
406       iteration > 10) {
407     abort_search = 1;
408     return NONE;
409   }
410 /*
411  ************************************************************
412  *                                                          *
413  *  For the moves at the root of the tree, the list has     *
414  *  already been generated and sorted.                      *
415  *                                                          *
416  *  We simply have to find the first move that has a zero   *
417  *  "already searched" flag and choose that one.  We do set *
418  *  the "already searched" flag for this move before we     *
419  *  return so that it won't be searched again in another    *
420  *  thread.                                                 *
421  *                                                          *
422  ************************************************************
423  */
424   for (which = 0; which < n_root_moves; which++) {
425     if (!(root_moves[which].status & 8)) {
426       if (search_move) {
427         if (root_moves[which].move != search_move) {
428           root_moves[which].status |= 8;
429           continue;
430         }
431       }
432       tree->curmv[1] = root_moves[which].move;
433       root_moves[which].status |= 8;
434 /*
435  ************************************************************
436  *                                                          *
437  *  We have found a move to search.  If appropriate, we     *
438  *  display this move, along with the time and information  *
439  *  such as which move this is in the list and how many     *
440  *  are left to search before this iteration is done, and   *
441  *  a "status" character that shows the state of the        *
442  *  current search ("?" means we are pondering, waiting on  *
443  *  a move to be entered, "*" means we are searching and    *
444  *  our clock is running).  We also display the NPS for     *
445  *  the search, simply for information about how fast the   *
446  *  machine is running.                                     *
447  *                                                          *
448  ************************************************************
449  */
450       if (ReadClock() - start_time > noise_level && display_options & 16) {
451         sprintf(mytree->remaining_moves_text, "%d/%d", which + 1,
452             n_root_moves);
453         end_time = ReadClock();
454         Lock(lock_io);
455         if (pondering)
456           printf("         %2i   %s%7s?  ", iteration,
457               Display2Times(end_time - start_time),
458               mytree->remaining_moves_text);
459         else
460           printf("         %2i   %s%7s*  ", iteration,
461               Display2Times(end_time - start_time),
462               mytree->remaining_moves_text);
463         printf("%d. ", move_number);
464         if (Flip(side))
465           printf("... ");
466         strcpy(mytree->root_move_text, OutputMove(tree, 1, side,
467                 tree->curmv[1]));
468         total_nodes = block[0]->nodes_searched;
469         for (t = 0; t < smp_max_threads; t++)
470           for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
471             if (!(thread[t].blocks & SetMask(i)))
472               total_nodes += block[t * 64 + 1 + i]->nodes_searched;
473         nodes_per_second = total_nodes * 100 / Max(end_time - start_time, 1);
474         i = strlen(mytree->root_move_text);
475         i = (i < 8) ? i : 8;
476         strncat(mytree->root_move_text, "          ", 8 - i);
477         printf("%s", mytree->root_move_text);
478         printf("(%snps)             \r", DisplayKMB(nodes_per_second, 0));
479         fflush(stdout);
480         Unlock(lock_io);
481       }
482 /*
483  ************************************************************
484  *                                                          *
485  *  Bit of a tricky exit.  If the move is not flagged as    *
486  *  "OK to search in parallel or reduce" then we return     *
487  *  "DO_NOT_REDUCE" which will prevent Search() from        *
488  *  reducing the move (LMR).  Otherwise we return the more  *
489  *  common "REMAINING" value which allows LMR to be used on *
490  *  those root moves.                                       *
491  *                                                          *
492  ************************************************************
493  */
494       if (root_moves[which].status & 4)
495         tree->phase[1] = DO_NOT_REDUCE;
496       else
497         tree->phase[1] = REMAINING;
498       return which + 1;
499     }
500   }
501   return NONE;
502 }
504 /* last modified 11/13/14 */
505 /*
506  *******************************************************************************
507  *                                                                             *
508  *   NextRootMoveParallel() is used to determine if the next root move can be  *
509  *   searched in parallel.  If it appears to Iterate() that one of the moves   *
510  *   following the first move might become the best move, the 'no parallel'    *
511  *   flag is set to speed up finding the new best move.  This flag is set if   *
512  *   this root move has an "age" value > 0 which indicates this move was the   *
513  *   "best move" within the previous 3 search iterations.  We want to search   *
514  *   such moves as quickly as possible, prior to starting a parallel search at *
515  *   the root, in case this move once again becomes the best move and provides *
516  *   a better alpha bound.                                                     *
517  *                                                                             *
518  *******************************************************************************
519  */
NextRootMoveParallel(void)520 int NextRootMoveParallel(void) {
521   int which;
523 /*
524  ************************************************************
525  *                                                          *
526  *  Here we simply check the root_move status flag that is  *
527  *  set in Iterate() after each iteration is completed.  A  *
528  *  value of "1" indicates this move has to be searched by  *
529  *  all processors together, splitting at the root must     *
530  *  wait until we have searched all moves that have been    *
531  *  "best" during the previous three plies.                 *
532  *                                                          *
533  *  The root move list has a flag, bit 3, used to indicate  *
534  *  that this move has been best recently.  If this bit is  *
535  *  set, we are forced to use all processors to search this *
536  *  move so that it is completed quickly rather than being  *
537  *  searched by just one processor, and taking much longer  *
538  *  to get a score back.  We do this to give the search the *
539  *  best opportunity to fail high on this move before we    *
540  *  run out of time.                                        *
541  *                                                          *
542  ************************************************************
543  */
544   for (which = 0; which < n_root_moves; which++)
545     if (!(root_moves[which].status & 8))
546       break;
547   if (which < n_root_moves && !(root_moves[which].status & 4))
548     return 1;
549   return 0;
550 }
552 /* last modified 09/11/15 */
553 /*
554  *******************************************************************************
555  *                                                                             *
556  *   Exclude() searches the list of moves searched prior to generating a move  *
557  *   list to exclude those that were searched via a hash table best move or    *
558  *   through the killer moves for the current ply and two plies back.          *
559  *                                                                             *
560  *   The variable next_status[].excluded is the total number of non-generated  *
561  *   moves we searched.  next_status[].remaining is initially set to excluded, *
562  *   but each time an excluded move is found, the counter is decremented.      *
563  *   Once all excluded moves have been found, we avoid running through the     *
564  *   list of excluded moves on each call and simply return.                    *
565  *                                                                             *
566  *******************************************************************************
567  */
Exclude(TREE * RESTRICT tree,int ply,int move)568 int Exclude(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int ply, int move) {
569   unsigned *i;
571   if (tree->next_status[ply].exclude > &tree->next_status[ply].done[0])
572     for (i = &tree->next_status[ply].done[0];
573         i < tree->next_status[ply].exclude; i++)
574       if (move == *i)
575         return 1;
576   return 0;
577 }
579 /* last modified 05/20/15 */
580 /*
581  *******************************************************************************
582  *                                                                             *
583  *   NextSort() is used to sort the move list.  This is a list of 32 bit       *
584  *   values where the rightmost 21 bits is the compressed move, and the left-  *
585  *   most 11 bits are the sort key (MVV/LVA values).                           *
586  *                                                                             *
587  *******************************************************************************
588  */
NextSort(TREE * RESTRICT tree,int ply)589 void NextSort(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int ply) {
590   unsigned temp, *movep, *tmovep;
592 /*
593  ************************************************************
594  *                                                          *
595  *  This is a simple insertion sort algorithm.              *
596  *                                                          *
597  ************************************************************
598  */
599   if (tree->last[ply] > tree->last[ply - 1] + 1) {
600     for (movep = tree->last[ply - 1] + 1; movep < tree->last[ply]; movep++) {
601       temp = *movep;
602       tmovep = movep - 1;
603       while (tmovep >= tree->last[ply - 1] && SortV(*tmovep) < SortV(temp)) {
604         *(tmovep + 1) = *tmovep;
605         tmovep--;
606       }
607       *(tmovep + 1) = temp;
608     }
609   }
610 }