1 #include "chess.h"
2 #include "data.h"
3 #if defined(SYZYGY)
4 #  include "tbprobe.h"
5 #endif
6 /* last modified 08/03/16 */
7 /*
8  *******************************************************************************
9  *                                                                             *
10  *   Search() is the recursive routine used to implement the alpha/beta        *
11  *   negamax search (similar to minimax but simpler to code.)  Search() is     *
12  *   called whenever there is "depth" remaining so that all moves are subject  *
13  *   to searching.  Search() recursively calls itself so long as there is at   *
14  *   least one ply of depth left, otherwise it calls Quiesce() instead.        *
15  *                                                                             *
16  *******************************************************************************
17  */
Search(TREE * RESTRICT tree,int ply,int depth,int wtm,int alpha,int beta,int in_check,int do_null)18 int Search(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int ply, int depth, int wtm, int alpha,
19     int beta, int in_check, int do_null) {
20   int repeat = 0, value = 0, pv_node = alpha != beta - 1, n_depth;
21   int searched[256];
23 /*
24  ************************************************************
25  *                                                          *
26  *  Timeout.  Check to see if we have searched enough nodes *
27  *  that it is time to peek at how much time has been used, *
28  *  or if is time to check for operator keyboard input.     *
29  *  This is usually enough nodes to force a time/input      *
30  *  check about once per second, except when the target     *
31  *  time per move is very small, in which case we try to    *
32  *  check the time more frequently.                         *
33  *                                                          *
34  *  Note that we check input or time-out in thread 0.  This *
35  *  makes the code simpler and eliminates some problematic  *
36  *  race conditions.                                        *
37  *                                                          *
38  ************************************************************
39  */
40 #if defined(NODES)
41   if (search_nodes && --temp_search_nodes <= 0) {
42     abort_search = 1;
43     return 0;
44   }
45 #endif
46   if (tree->thread_id == 0) {
47     if (--next_time_check <= 0) {
48       next_time_check = nodes_between_time_checks;
49       if (TimeCheck(tree, 1)) {
50         abort_search = 1;
51         return 0;
52       }
53       if (CheckInput()) {
54         Interrupt(ply);
55         if (abort_search)
56           return 0;
57       }
58     }
59   }
60   if (ply >= MAXPLY - 1)
61     return beta;
62 /*
63  ************************************************************
64  *                                                          *
65  *  Draws.  Check for draw by repetition, which includes    *
66  *  50 move draws also.  This is the quickest way to get    *
67  *  out of further searching, with minimal effort.  This    *
68  *  and the next four steps are skipped for moves at the    *
69  *  root (ply = 1).                                         *
70  *                                                          *
71  ************************************************************
72  */
73   if (ply > 1) {
74     if ((repeat = Repeat(tree, ply))) {
75       if (repeat == 2 || !in_check) {
76         value = DrawScore(wtm);
77         if (value < beta)
78           SavePV(tree, ply, repeat);
79 #if defined(TRACE)
80         if (ply <= trace_level)
81           printf("draw by %s detected, ply=%d.\n",
82               (repeat == 3) ? "50-move" : "repetition", ply);
83 #endif
84         return value;
85       }
86     }
87 /*
88  ************************************************************
89  *                                                          *
90  *  Mate distance pruning.  If we have found a mate, we can *
91  *  stop if we are too deep to find a shorter mate.  This   *
92  *  only affects the size of the tree in positions where    *
93  *  there are forced mates.  It does not change the outcome *
94  *  of the search at all, just the time it takes.           *
95  *                                                          *
96  ************************************************************
97  */
98     alpha = Max(alpha, -MATE + ply - 1);
99     beta = Min(beta, MATE - ply);
100     if (alpha >= beta)
101       return alpha;
102 /*
103  ************************************************************
104  *                                                          *
105  *  Trans/Ref.  Check the transposition/refutation (hash)   *
106  *  table to see if we have searched this position          *
107  *  previously and still have the results available.  We    *
108  *  might get a real score, or a bound, or perhaps only a   *
109  *  good move to try first.  The possible results are:      *
110  *                                                          *
111  *  1. HashProbe() returns "HASH_HIT".  This terminates the *
112  *  search instantly and we simply return the value found   *
113  *  in the hash table.  This value is simply the value we   *
114  *  found when we did a real search in this position        *
115  *  previously, and ProbeTransRef() verifies that the value *
116  *  is useful based on draft and current bounds.            *
117  *                                                          *
118  *  2. HashProbe() returns "AVOID_NULL_MOVE" which means    *
119  *  the hashed score/bound was no good, but it indicated    *
120  *  that trying a null-move in this position would be a     *
121  *  waste of time since it will likely fail low, not high.  *
122  *                                                          *
123  *  3. HashProbe() returns "HASH_MISS" when forces us to do *
124  *  a normal search to resolve this node.                   *
125  *                                                          *
126  ************************************************************
127  */
128     switch (HashProbe(tree, ply, depth, wtm, alpha, beta, &value)) {
129       case HASH_HIT:
130         return value;
131       case AVOID_NULL_MOVE:
132         do_null = 0;
133       case HASH_MISS:
134         break;
135     }
136 /*
137  ************************************************************
138  *                                                          *
139  *  EGTBs.  Now it's time to try a probe into the endgame   *
140  *  tablebase files.  This is done if we notice that there  *
141  *  are 6 or fewer pieces left on the board AND the 50 move *
142  *  counter is zero which enables probing the WDL EGTBs     *
143  *  correctly.  Probing after a capture won't work as it is *
144  *  possible that there is a necessary pawn push here and   *
145  *  there to reset the 50 move counter, otherwise we could  *
146  *  think we were following a winning path but heading to a *
147  *  draw.                                                   *
148  *                                                          *
149  *  This is another way to get out of the search quickly,   *
150  *  but not as quickly as the previous steps since this can *
151  *  result in an I/O operation.                             *
152  *                                                          *
153  *  Note that in "swindle mode" this can be turned off by   *
154  *  Iterate() setting "EGTB_use = 0" so that we won't probe *
155  *  the EGTBs since we are searching only the root moves    *
156  *  that lead to a draw and we want to play the move that   *
157  *  makes the draw more difficult to reach by the opponent  *
158  *  to give him a chance to make a mistake.                 *
159  *                                                          *
160  *  Another special case is that we slightly fudge the      *
161  *  score for draws.  The scores are -0.03 for a "blessed   *
162  *  loss", 0.0 for a pure draw, and +0.03 for a "cursed     *
163  *  win".  These are then modified by adding 0.01 if the    *
164  *  side on move is ahead in material, and subtracting 0.01 *
165  *  if the side on move is behind material.  This creates   *
166  *  the following inequality:                               *
167  *                                                          *
168  *     BL- < BL= < BL+ < D- < D= < D+ < CW- < CW= <CW+      *
169  *                                                          *
170  *  Where BL=blessed loss, D = draw, and CW = cursed win,   *
171  *  and - means behind in material, = means equal material, *
172  *  and + means ahead in material.                          *
173  *                                                          *
174  ************************************************************
175  */
176 #if defined(SYZYGY)
177     if (depth > EGTB_depth && TotalAllPieces <= EGTB_use &&
178         !Castle(ply, white) && !Castle(ply, black) && Reversible(ply) == 0) {
179       int tb_result;
181       tree->egtb_probes++;
182       tb_result =
183           tb_probe_wdl(Occupied(white), Occupied(black),
184           Kings(white) | Kings(black), Queens(white) | Queens(black),
185           Rooks(white) | Rooks(black), Bishops(white) | Bishops(black),
186           Knights(white) | Knights(black), Pawns(white) | Pawns(black),
187           Reversible(ply), 0, EnPassant(ply), wtm, HashKey);
188       if (tb_result != TB_RESULT_FAILED) {
189         tree->egtb_hits++;
190         switch (tb_result) {
191           case TB_LOSS:
192             alpha = -TBWIN;
193             break;
194           case TB_BLESSED_LOSS:
195             alpha = -3;
196             break;
197           case TB_DRAW:
198             alpha = 0;
199             break;
200           case TB_CURSED_WIN:
201             alpha = 3;
202             break;
203           case TB_WIN:
204             alpha = TBWIN;
205             break;
206         }
207         if (tb_result != TB_LOSS && tb_result != TB_WIN) {
208           if (MaterialSTM(wtm) > 0)
209             alpha += 1;
210           else if (MaterialSTM(wtm) < 0)
211             alpha -= 1;
212         }
213         if (alpha < beta)
214           SavePV(tree, ply, 4);
215         return alpha;
216       }
217     }
218 #endif
219 /*
220  ************************************************************
221  *                                                          *
222  *  Null-move.  We now know there is no quick way to get    *
223  *  out of here, which leaves one more possibility,         *
224  *  although it does require a search, but to a reduced     *
225  *  depth.  We try a null move to see if we can get a quick *
226  *  cutoff with only a little work.  This operates as       *
227  *  follows.  Instead of making a legal move, the side on   *
228  *  move passes and does nothing.  The resulting position   *
229  *  is searched to a shallower depth than normal (see       *
230  *  below).  This will result in a cutoff if our position   *
231  *  is very good, but it produces the cutoff much quicker   *
232  *  since the search is far shallower than a normal search  *
233  *  that would also be likely to fail high.                 *
234  *                                                          *
235  *  The reduction amount starts off at null_depth (normally *
236  *  set to 3 but the user can change this via the crafty    *
237  *  personality command) but is then increased as follows:  *
238  *                                                          *
239  *     R = null_depth + depth / null_divisor                *
240  *                                                          *
241  *  null_divisor defaults to 6, but this can also be set    *
242  *  by the user to try more/less aggressive settings.       *
243  *                                                          *
244  *  This is skipped for any of the following reasons:       *
245  *                                                          *
246  *  1. The side on move is in check.  The null move         *
247  *     results in an illegal position.                      *
248  *  2. No more than one null move can appear in succession  *
249  *     as all this does is burn 2x plies of depth.          *
250  *  3. The side on move has only pawns left, which makes    *
251  *     zugzwang positions more likely.                      *
252  *  4. The transposition table probe found an entry that    *
253  *     indicates that a null-move search will not fail      *
254  *     high, so we avoid the wasted effort.                 *
255  *                                                          *
256  ************************************************************
257  */
259     tree->last[ply] = tree->last[ply - 1];
260     n_depth = (TotalPieces(wtm, occupied) > 9 || n_root_moves > 17 ||
261         depth > 3) ? 1 : 3;
262     if (do_null && !pv_node && depth > n_depth && !in_check &&
263         TotalPieces(wtm, occupied)) {
264       uint64_t save_hash_key;
265       int R = null_depth + depth / null_divisor;
267       tree->curmv[ply] = 0;
268 #if defined(TRACE)
269       if (ply <= trace_level)
270         Trace(tree, ply, depth, wtm, value - 1, value, "SearchNull", serial,
271             NULL_MOVE, 0);
272 #endif
273       tree->status[ply + 1] = tree->status[ply];
274       Reversible(ply + 1) = 0;
275       save_hash_key = HashKey;
276       if (EnPassant(ply + 1)) {
277         HashEP(EnPassant(ply + 1));
278         EnPassant(ply + 1) = 0;
279       }
280       tree->null_done[Min(R, 15)]++;
281       if (depth - R - 1 > 0)
282         value =
283             -Search(tree, ply + 1, depth - R - 1, Flip(wtm), -beta, -beta + 1,
284             0, NO_NULL);
285       else
286         value = -Quiesce(tree, ply + 1, Flip(wtm), -beta, -beta + 1, 1);
287       HashKey = save_hash_key;
288       if (abort_search || tree->stop)
289         return 0;
290       if (value >= beta) {
291         HashStore(tree, ply, depth, wtm, LOWER, value, tree->hash_move[ply]);
292         return value;
293       }
294     }
295 /*
296  ************************************************************
297  *                                                          *
298  *  IID.  This step is rarely executed.  It is used when    *
299  *  there is no best move from the hash table, and this is  *
300  *  a PV node, since we need a good move to search first.   *
301  *  While killers moves are good, they are not quite good   *
302  *  enough.  the simplest solution is to try a shallow      *
303  *  search (depth-2) to get a move.  note that when we call *
304  *  Search() with depth-2, it, too, will not have a hash    *
305  *  move, and will therefore recursively continue this      *
306  *  process, hence the name "internal iterative deepening." *
307  *                                                          *
308  ************************************************************
309  */
310     tree->next_status[ply].phase = HASH;
311     if (!tree->hash_move[ply] && depth >= 6 && do_null && ply > 1 && pv_node) {
312       tree->curmv[ply] = 0;
313       if (depth - 2 > 0)
314         value =
315             Search(tree, ply, depth - 2, wtm, alpha, beta, in_check, DO_NULL);
316       else
317         value = Quiesce(tree, ply, wtm, alpha, beta, 1);
318       if (abort_search || tree->stop)
319         return 0;
320       if (value > alpha) {
321         if (value < beta) {
322           if ((int) tree->pv[ply - 1].pathl > ply)
323             tree->hash_move[ply] = tree->pv[ply - 1].path[ply];
324         } else
325           tree->hash_move[ply] = tree->curmv[ply];
326         tree->last[ply] = tree->last[ply - 1];
327         tree->next_status[ply].phase = HASH;
328       }
329     }
330   }
331 /*
332  ************************************************************
333  *                                                          *
334  *  Search moves.  Now we call SearchMoveList() to interate *
335  *  through the move list and search each new position.     *
336  *  Note that this is done in a separate procedure because  *
337  *  this is also the code that is used to do the parallel   *
338  *  search.                                                 *
339  *                                                          *
340  ************************************************************
341  */
342   searched[0] = 0;
343   value =
344       SearchMoveList(tree, ply, depth, wtm, alpha, beta, searched, in_check,
345       repeat, serial);
346   return value;
347 }
349 /* last modified 08/03/16 */
350 /*
351  *******************************************************************************
352  *                                                                             *
353  *   SearchMoveList() is the recursive routine used to implement the main      *
354  *   search loop.  This code is responsible for iterating through the move     *
355  *   list until it encounters a condition that ends the search at this ply.    *
356  *   At that point it simply returns the current negamax value to the caller   *
357  *   to handle as necessary.                                                   *
358  *                                                                             *
359  *   The "mode" flag indicates which of the following conditions apply here    *
360  *   which directly controls parts of the search.                              *
361  *                                                                             *
362  *      mode = serial   ->  this is a serial search.                           *
363  *                                                                             *
364  *      mode = parallel ->  this is a parallel search, which implies that this *
365  *                          is a partial search which means we do NOT want to  *
366  *                          do any trans/ref updating and we also need to take *
367  *                          care about locking things that are being updated   *
368  *                          by more than one thread in parallel.               *
369  *                                                                             *
370  *   When mode = parallel, this code performs the same function as the old     *
371  *   SearchParallel() code, except that it is the main search loop for the     *
372  *   program, there is no longer any duplicated code.  This is called by the   *
373  *   normal Search() function and by ThreadWait() where idle processes wait    *
374  *   for work and then call this procedure to search a subset of the moves at  *
375  *   this ply (in parallel with other threads).                                *
376  *                                                                             *
377  *******************************************************************************
378  */
SearchMoveList(TREE * RESTRICT tree,int ply,int depth,int wtm,int alpha,int beta,int searched[],int in_check,int repeat,int mode)379 int SearchMoveList(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int ply, int depth, int wtm,
380     int alpha, int beta, int searched[], int in_check, int repeat, int mode) {
381   TREE *current;
382   int extend, reduce, check, original_alpha = alpha, t_beta;
383   int i, j, value = 0, pv_node = alpha != beta - 1, search_result, order;
384   int moves_done = 0, bestmove, type;
386 /*
387  ************************************************************
388  *                                                          *
389  *  Basic initialization before we begin the loop through   *
390  *  the move list.  If this is a parallel search, we have   *
391  *  already searched one move, so we set t_beta to alpha+1  *
392  *  to set up for a normal PVS search (for moves 2-n)       *
393  *  instead of using alpha,beta for the first move as we do *
394  *  in a normal search.  Also, if this is a serial search,  *
395  *  we are fixing to search the first move so we set the    *
396  *  searched move counter to zero, where in a parallel      *
397  *  search this has already been done and we leave it alone *
398  *  here.                                                   *
399  *                                                          *
400  *  We also set <current> to tree for a serial search, and  *
401  *  to tree->parent for a parallel search since we need to  *
402  *  share the move list at split nodes.                     *
403  *                                                          *
404  ************************************************************
405  */
406   tree->next_status[ply].phase = HASH;
407   if (mode == parallel) {
408     current = tree->parent;
409     t_beta = alpha + 1;
410   } else {
411     current = tree;
412     t_beta = beta;
413   }
414 /*
415  ************************************************************
416  *                                                          *
417  *  Iterate.  Now iterate through the move list and search  *
418  *  the resulting positions.  Note that Search() culls any  *
419  *  move that is not legal by using Check().  The special   *
420  *  case is that we must find one legal move to search to   *
421  *  confirm that it's not a mate or draw.                   *
422  *                                                          *
423  *  We call NextMove() which will generate moves in the     *
424  *  normal way (captures, killers, etc) or it will use the  *
425  *  GenerateEvasions() generator if we are in check.  For   *
426  *  the special case of ply=1, we use NextRootMove() since  *
427  *  the ply=1 move list has been generated and the order is *
428  *  updated as each search iteration is executed.           *
429  *                                                          *
430  ************************************************************
431  */
432   while (1) {
433     if (ply == 1 && moves_done == 1 && alpha == original_alpha &&
434         mode == serial)
435       break;
436     if (mode == parallel)
437       Lock(current->lock);
438     order = (ply > 1) ? NextMove(current, ply, depth, wtm, in_check)
439         : NextRootMove(current, tree, wtm);
440     if (mode == parallel) {
441       tree->curmv[ply] = current->curmv[ply];
442       Unlock(current->lock);
443     }
444     if (!order)
445       break;
446 #if defined(TRACE)
447     if (ply <= trace_level)
448       Trace(tree, ply, depth, wtm, alpha, beta, "SearchMoveList", mode,
449           current->phase[ply], order);
450 #endif
451     MakeMove(tree, ply, wtm, tree->curmv[ply]);
452     tree->nodes_searched++;
453     search_result = ILLEGAL;
454     if (in_check || !Check(wtm))
455       do {
456         searched[0]++;
457         moves_done++;
458         search_result = LEGAL;
459         searched[searched[0]] = tree->curmv[ply];
460 /*
461  ************************************************************
462  *                                                          *
463  *  Check.  If the move to be made checks the opponent,     *
464  *  then we need to remember that he's in check and also    *
465  *  extend the depth by one ply for him to get out.         *
466  *                                                          *
467  *  We do not extend unsafe checking moves (as indicated by *
468  *  the SEE algorithm), since these are usually a waste of  *
469  *  time and simply blow up the tree search space.          *
470  *                                                          *
471  *  Note that extending here disables any potential foward  *
472  *  pruning or reductions for this move.                    *
473  *                                                          *
474  ************************************************************
475  */
476         extend = 0;
477         reduce = 0;
478         if (Check(Flip(wtm))) {
479           check = 1;
480           if (SEEO(tree, wtm,
481                   tree->curmv[ply]) - pcval[Captured(tree->curmv[ply])] <=
482               0) {
483             extend = check_depth;
484             tree->extensions_done++;
485           }
486         } else
487           check = 0;
488 /*
489  ************************************************************
490  *                                                          *
491  *  Futility.  First attempt at forward pruning based on    *
492  *  the futility idea.                                      *
493  *                                                          *
494  *  We have an array of pruning margin values that are      *
495  *  indexed by depth (remaining plies left until we drop    *
496  *  into the quiescence search) and which increase with     *
497  *  depth since more depth means a greater chance of        *
498  *  bringing the score back up to alpha or beyond.  If the  *
499  *  current material + the bonus is less than alpha, we     *
500  *  simply avoid searching this move at all, and skip to    *
501  *  the next move without expending any more effort.  Note  *
502  *  that this is classic forward-pruning and can certainly  *
503  *  introduce errors into the search.  However, cluster     *
504  *  testing has shown that this improves play in real       *
505  *  games.  The current implementation only prunes in the   *
506  *  last 6 plies before quiescence, although this can be    *
507  *  tuned with the "eval" command changing the "pruning     *
508  *  depth" value to something other than 7 (test is for     *
509  *  depth < pruning depth, current value is 7 which prunes  *
510  *  in last 6 plies only).  Testing shows no benefit in     *
511  *  larger values than 7, although this might change in     *
512  *  future versions as other things are modified.           *
513  *                                                          *
514  *  Exception:                                              *
515  *                                                          *
516  *    We do not prune if we are safely pushing a passed     *
517  *    pawn to the 6th rank, where it becomes very dangerous *
518  *    since it can promote in two more moves.               *
519  *                                                          *
520  *  All pruning and reduction code is skipped if any of the *
521  *  following are true:                                     *
522  *                                                          *
523  *  (1) side on move is in check.                           *
524  *                                                          *
525  *  (2) move has not already been flagged for a search      *
526  *      extension.                                          *
527  *                                                          *
528  *  (3) this is not the first move at this ply.             *
529  *                                                          *
530  ************************************************************
531  */
532         if (!in_check && (!extend || !pv_node) && order > 1 &&
533             !(PawnPush(wtm, tree->curmv[ply]))) {
534           if (depth < FP_depth && !check &&
535               MaterialSTM(wtm) + FP_margin[depth] <= alpha && !pv_node) {
536             tree->moves_fpruned++;
537             break;
538           }
539 /*
540  ************************************************************
541  *                                                          *
542  *  LMP.  Final attempt at forward pruning based on the     *
543  *  "late move pruning" idea (a take-off on LMR).           *
544  *                                                          *
545  *  The basic idea here is that once we have searched a     *
546  *  significant number of moves at a ply, it becomes less   *
547  *  and less likely that any of the moves left will produce *
548  *  a cutoff.  If the move appears to be simple (not a      *
549  *  check, etc) then we simply skip it, once the move count *
550  *  has been satisfied.  At present, we only do this in the *
551  *  last 16 plies although this might be changed in the     *
552  *  future.  If you look at the LMP array after it has been *
553  *  initialized, you will notice that it is unlikely that   *
554  *  LMP can be triggered much beyond depth 8 as you have to *
555  *  have a BUNCH of moves to search to reach those limits.  *
556  *                                                          *
557  ************************************************************
558  */
559           if (order > LMP[depth] && depth < LMP_depth && !pv_node && !check &&
560               alpha > -MATE + 300 && !CaptureOrPromote(tree->curmv[ply])) {
561             tree->moves_mpruned++;
562             break;
563           }
564 /*
565  ************************************************************
566  *                                                          *
567  *  LMR.  Now it's time to try to reduce the search depth   *
568  *  if the move appears to be "poor" because it appears     *
569  *  later in the move list.                                 *
570  *                                                          *
571  *  The reduction is variable and is done via a table look- *
572  *  up that uses a function based on remaining depth (more  *
573  *  depth remaining, the larger the reduction) and the      *
574  *  number of moves searched (more moves searched, the      *
575  *  larger the reduction).  The "shape" of this reduction   *
576  *  formula is user-settable via the "lmr" command.         *
577  *                                                          *
578  ************************************************************
579  */
580           reduce = LMR[Min(depth, 31)][Min(order, 63)];
581           if (reduce && (pv_node || extend))
582             reduce--;
583           tree->LMR_done[reduce]++;
584         }
585 /*
586  ************************************************************
587  *                                                          *
588  *  Now do the PVS search on the current move.              *
589  *                                                          *
590  *  Note that we do the usual alpha/beta cutoff tests here  *
591  *  but we only set an indicator that is used after we have *
592  *  called Unmake().  This cleaned up the exit from search  *
593  *  and makes it easier to understand when there is only    *
594  *  one point where this is done, without needing multiple  *
595  *  Unmake() calls when there are different exit points.    *
596  *                                                          *
597  **************************************************************
598  */
599         value =
600             SearchMove(tree, ply, depth, wtm, alpha, t_beta, beta, extend,
601             reduce, check);
602         if (value > alpha) {
603           search_result = IN_WINDOW;
604           if (value >= beta)
605             search_result = FAIL_HIGH;
606           if (mode == parallel && ply == 1)
607             search_result = FAIL_HIGH;
608         }
609       } while (0);
610     UnmakeMove(tree, ply, wtm, tree->curmv[ply]);
611     if (abort_search || tree->stop)
612       break;
613 /*
614  ************************************************************
615  *                                                          *
616  *  Test 1.  When we get here, we have made a move,         *
617  *  searched it (and re-searched if necessary/appropriate), *
618  *  and the move has been unmade so that the board is in a  *
619  *  correct state.                                          *
620  *                                                          *
621  *  If search_result = FAIL_HIGH, the search failed high.   *
622  *  The first thing to handle is the case where we are at   *
623  *  ply=1, which is a special case.  If we are going to     *
624  *  fail high here and terminate the search immediately, we *
625  *  need to build the fail-high PV to back up to Iterate()  *
626  *  so it will produce the correct output and widen the     *
627  *  alpha/beta window.                                      *
628  *                                                          *
629  *  We then check to see if this is a parallel search.  If  *
630  *  so then we are done here, but we need to tell all of    *
631  *  the siblings that are helping at this split point that  *
632  *  they should immediately stop searching here since we    *
633  *  don't need their results.                               *
634  *                                                          *
635  *  Otherwise we update the killer moves and history        *
636  *  counters and store the fail-high information in the     *
637  *  trans/ref table for future use if we happen to reach    *
638  *  this position again.                                    *
639  *                                                          *
640  ************************************************************
641  */
642     if (search_result == FAIL_HIGH) {
643       if (ply == 1) {
644         if (!tree->stop) {
645           tree->pv[1].path[1] = tree->curmv[1];
646           tree->pv[1].pathl = 2;
647           tree->pv[1].pathh = 0;
648           tree->pv[1].pathd = iteration;
649           tree->pv[0] = tree->pv[1];
650         }
651       }
652 #if (CPUS > 1)
653       if (mode == parallel) {
654         Lock(lock_smp);
655         Lock(tree->parent->lock);
656         if (!tree->stop) {
657           int proc;
659           parallel_aborts++;
660           for (proc = 0; proc < smp_max_threads; proc++)
661             if (tree->parent->siblings[proc] && proc != tree->thread_id)
662               ThreadStop(tree->parent->siblings[proc]);
663         }
664         Unlock(tree->parent->lock);
665         Unlock(lock_smp);
666         return beta;
667       }
668 #endif
669       tree->fail_highs++;
670       if (order == 1)
671         tree->fail_high_first_move++;
672       HashStore(tree, ply, depth, wtm, LOWER, value, tree->curmv[ply]);
673       History(tree, ply, depth, wtm, tree->curmv[ply], searched);
674       return beta;
675 /*
676  ************************************************************
677  *                                                          *
678  *  Test 2.  If search_result = IN_WINDOW, this is a search *
679  *  that improved alpha without failing high.  We simply    *
680  *  update alpha and continue searching moves.              *
681  *                                                          *
682  *  Special case:  If ply = 1 in a normal search, we have   *
683  *  a best move and score that just changed.  We need to    *
684  *  update the root move list by adding the PV and the      *
685  *  score, and then we look to make sure this new "best     *
686  *  move" is not actually worse than the best we have found *
687  *  so far this iteration.  If it is worse, we restore the  *
688  *  best move and score from the real best move so our      *
689  *  search window won't be out of whack, which would let    *
690  *  moves with scores in between this bad move and the best *
691  *  move fail high, cause re-searches, and waste time.  We  *
692  *  also need to restore the root move list so that the     *
693  *  best move (the one we just used to replace the move     *
694  *  with a worse score) is first so it is searched first on *
695  *  the next iteration.                                     *
696  *                                                          *
697  *  If this is ply = 1, we display the PV to keep the user  *
698  *  informed.                                               *
699  *                                                          *
700  ************************************************************
701  */
702     } else if (search_result == IN_WINDOW) {
703       alpha = value;
704       if (ply == 1 && mode == serial) {
705         int best;
707        //
708        // update path/score for this move
709        //
710         tree->pv[1].pathv = value;
711         tree->pv[0] = tree->pv[1];
712         for (best = 0; best < n_root_moves; best++)
713           if (root_moves[best].move == tree->pv[1].path[1]) {
714             root_moves[best].path = tree->pv[1];
715             root_moves[best].path.pathv = alpha;
716             break;
717           }
718        //
719        // if this move is not #1 in root list, move it there
720        //
721         if (best != 0) {
722           ROOT_MOVE t;
723           t = root_moves[best];
724           for (i = best; i > 0; i--)
725             root_moves[i] = root_moves[i - 1];
726           root_moves[0] = t;
727         }
728        //
729        // if a better score has already been found then move that
730        // move to the front of the list and update alpha bound.
731        //
732         for (i = 0; i < n_root_moves; i++) {
733           if (value <= root_moves[i].path.pathv) {
734             ROOT_MOVE t;
735             value = root_moves[i].path.pathv;
736             alpha = value;
737             tree->pv[0] = root_moves[i].path;
738             tree->pv[1] = tree->pv[0];
739             t = root_moves[i];
740             for (j = i; j > 0; j--)
741               root_moves[j] = root_moves[j - 1];
742             root_moves[0] = t;
743           }
744         }
745         Output(tree);
746         failhi_delta = 16;
747         faillo_delta = 16;
748       }
749     }
750 /*
751  ************************************************************
752  *                                                          *
753  *  Test 3.  If search_result = ILLEGAL, this search was    *
754  *  given an illegal move and no search was done, we skip   *
755  *  any updating and simply select the next move to search. *
756  *                                                          *
757  ************************************************************
758  */
759     else if (search_result == ILLEGAL)
760       continue;
761     t_beta = alpha + 1;
762 /*
763  ************************************************************
764  *                                                          *
765  *  SMP.  If are doing an SMP search, and we have idle      *
766  *  processors, now is the time to get them involved.  We   *
767  *  have now satisfied the "young brothers wait" condition  *
768  *  since we have searched at least one move.  All that is  *
769  *  left is to check the split constraints to see if this   *
770  *  is an acceptable split point.                           *
771  *                                                          *
772  *    (1) We can't split within N plies of the frontier     *
773  *        nodes to avoid excessive split overhead.          *
774  *                                                          *
775  *    (2) We can't split until at least N nodes have been   *
776  *        searched since this thread was last split, to     *
777  *        avoid splitting too often, mainly in endgames.    *
778  *                                                          *
779  *    (3) We have to have searched one legal move to avoid  *
780  *        splitting at a node where we have no legal moves  *
781  *        (the first move tried might have been illegal as  *
782  *        in when we encounter a stalemate).                *
783  *                                                          *
784  *    (4) If we are at ply=1, we can't split unless the     *
785  *        smp_split_at_root flag is set to 1, AND the next  *
786  *        move in the ply=1 move list is not flagged as     *
787  *        "do not search in parallel" which happens when    *
788  *        this move was a best move in the last couple of   *
789  *        searches and we want all processors on it at once *
790  *        to get a score back quicker.                      *
791  *                                                          *
792  *    (5) if the variable smp_split is != 0, we have idle   *
793  *        threads that can help, which means we want to get *
794  *        them involved quickly, OR if this node is an      *
795  *        acceptable "gratuitous-split" point by being far  *
796  *        enough from the tips of the tree to avoid         *
797  *        excessive overhead.                               *
798  *                                                          *
799  *  We use this code recursively to perform a parallel      *
800  *  search at this ply.  But when we finish a partial piece *
801  *  of the search in parallel, we don't need to update any  *
802  *  search data structures, we will defer that until all of *
803  *  parallel threads complete and return back into this     *
804  *  code after the parallel search has been collapsed back  *
805  *  to one instance of search at this ply.                  *
806  *                                                          *
807  *  Special case:  we do not split if we are at ply=1 and   *
808  *  alpha == original_alpha.  That means the first move     *
809  *  failed low, and we are going to exit search and return  *
810  *  to Iterate() to report this.                            *
811  *                                                          *
812  *  In Generation II, multiple threads can reach this point *
813  *  at the same time.  We allow multiple threads to split   *
814  *  at the same time, but then the idle threads will choose *
815  *  to join the thread with the most attractive split point *
816  *  rather than just taking pot-luck.  The only limitation  *
817  *  on a thread adding a split point here is that if the    *
818  *  thread already has enough joinable split points that    *
819  *  have not been joined yet, we do not incur the overhead  *
820  *  of creating another split point until one of the        *
821  *  existing split points has been completed or a thread    *
822  *  joins at at one of those available split points.        *
823  *                                                          *
824  *  We do not lock anything here, as the split operation    *
825  *  only affects thread-local data.  When the split is done *
826  *  then the ThreadJoin() function will acquire the lock    *
827  *  needed to avoid race conditions during the join op-     *
828  *  eration.                                                *
829  *                                                          *
830  ************************************************************
831  */
832 #if (CPUS > 1)
833     if (mode == serial && moves_done && smp_threads &&
834         ThreadSplit(tree, ply, depth, alpha, original_alpha, moves_done))
835       do {
836         tree->alpha = alpha;
837         tree->beta = beta;
838         tree->value = alpha;
839         tree->wtm = wtm;
840         tree->ply = ply;
841         tree->depth = depth;
842         tree->in_check = in_check;
843         tree->searched = searched;
844         if (Split(tree)) {
845           if (abort_search || tree->stop)
846             return 0;
847           value = tree->value;
848           if (value > alpha) {
849             if (ply == 1)
850               tree->pv[0] = tree->pv[1];
851             if (value >= beta) {
852               HashStore(tree, ply, depth, wtm, LOWER, value, tree->cutmove);
853               return value;
854             }
855             alpha = value;
856             break;
857           }
858         }
859       } while (0);
860 #endif
861   }
862 /*
863  ************************************************************
864  *                                                          *
865  *  SMP Cleanup.  If we are doing an SMP search, there are  *
866  *  no "end-of-search" things to do.  We have searched all  *
867  *  the remaining moves at this ply in parallel, and now    *
868  *  return and let the original search that started this    *
869  *  sub-tree clean up, do the tests for mate/stalemate,     *
870  *  update the hash table, etc.                             *
871  *                                                          *
872  *  As we return, we end back up in Thread() where we       *
873  *  started, which then copies the best score/etc back to   *
874  *  the parent thread.                                      *
875  *                                                          *
876  ************************************************************
877  */
878   if (abort_search || tree->stop || mode == parallel)
879     return alpha;
880 /*
881  ************************************************************
882  *                                                          *
883  *  Search completed.  All moves have been searched.  If    *
884  *  none were legal, return either MATE or DRAW depending   *
885  *  on whether the side to move is in check or not.         *
886  *                                                          *
887  ************************************************************
888  */
889   if (moves_done == 0) {
890     value = (Check(wtm)) ? -(MATE - ply) : DrawScore(wtm);
891     if (value >= alpha && value < beta) {
892       SavePV(tree, ply, 0);
893 #if defined(TRACE)
894       if (ply <= trace_level)
895         printf("Search() no moves!  ply=%d\n", ply);
896 #endif
897     }
898     return value;
899   } else {
900     bestmove =
901         (alpha ==
902         original_alpha) ? tree->hash_move[ply] : tree->pv[ply].path[ply];
903     type = (alpha == original_alpha) ? UPPER : EXACT;
904     if (repeat == 2 && alpha != -(MATE - ply - 1)) {
905       value = DrawScore(wtm);
906       if (value < beta)
907         SavePV(tree, ply, 3);
908 #if defined(TRACE)
909       if (ply <= trace_level)
910         printf("draw by 50 move rule detected, ply=%d.\n", ply);
911 #endif
912       return value;
913     } else if (alpha != original_alpha) {
914       tree->pv[ply - 1] = tree->pv[ply];
915       tree->pv[ply - 1].path[ply - 1] = tree->curmv[ply - 1];
916     }
917     HashStore(tree, ply, depth, wtm, type, alpha, bestmove);
918     return alpha;
919   }
920 }
922 /* last modified 08/03/16 */
923 /*
924  *******************************************************************************
925  *                                                                             *
926  *   SearchMove() implements the PVS search and returns the value.  We do a    *
927  *   null-window search with the window (alpha, t_beta) and if that fails high *
928  *   we repeat the search with the window {alpha, beta} assuming that beta !=  *
929  *   t_beta.                                                                   *
930  *                                                                             *
931  *******************************************************************************
932  */
SearchMove(TREE * RESTRICT tree,int ply,int depth,int wtm,int alpha,int t_beta,int beta,int extend,int reduce,int check)933 int SearchMove(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int ply, int depth, int wtm, int alpha,
934     int t_beta, int beta, int extend, int reduce, int check) {
935   int value;
936 /*
937  ************************************************************
938  *                                                          *
939  *  PVS search.  We have determined whether the depth is to *
940  *  be changed by an extension or a reduction.  If we get   *
941  *  to this point, then the move is not being pruned.  So   *
942  *  off we go to a recursive search/quiescence call to work *
943  *  our way toward a terminal node.                         *
944  *                                                          *
945  *  There is one special-case to handle.  If the depth was  *
946  *  reduced, and Search() returns a value >= beta then      *
947  *  accepting that is risky (we reduced the move as we      *
948  *  thought it was bad and expected it to fail low) so we   *
949  *  repeat the search using the original (non-reduced)      *
950  *  depth to see if the fail-high happens again.            *
951  *                                                          *
952  ************************************************************
953  */
954   if (depth + extend - reduce - 1 > 0) {
955     value =
956         -Search(tree, ply + 1, depth + extend - reduce - 1, Flip(wtm),
957         -t_beta, -alpha, check, DO_NULL);
958     if (value > alpha && reduce) {
959       value =
960           -Search(tree, ply + 1, depth - 1, Flip(wtm), -t_beta, -alpha, check,
961           DO_NULL);
962     }
963   } else
964     value = -Quiesce(tree, ply + 1, Flip(wtm), -t_beta, -alpha, 1);
965   if (abort_search || tree->stop)
966     return 0;
967 /*
968  ************************************************************
969  *                                                          *
970  *  PVS re-search.  This is the PVS re-search code.  If we  *
971  *  reach this point and value > alpha and value < beta,    *
972  *  then this can not be a null-window search.  We have to  *
973  *  re-search the position with the original beta value     *
974  *  to see if it still fails high before we treat this as a *
975  *  real fail-high and back up the value to the previous    *
976  *  ply.                                                    *
977  *                                                          *
978  ************************************************************
979  */
980   if (value > alpha && value < beta && t_beta < beta) {
981     if (ply == 1)
982       return beta;
983     if (depth + extend - 1 > 0)
984       value =
985           -Search(tree, ply + 1, depth + extend - 1, Flip(wtm), -beta, -alpha,
986           check, DO_NULL);
987     else
988       value = -Quiesce(tree, ply + 1, Flip(wtm), -beta, -alpha, 1);
989     if (abort_search || tree->stop)
990       return 0;
991   }
992   return value;
993 }