1 #include "chess.h"
2 #include "data.h"
3 /* last modified 01/09/15 */
4 /*
5  *******************************************************************************
6  *                                                                             *
7  *   Test() is used to test the program against a suite of test positions to   *
8  *   measure its performance on a particular machine, or to evaluate its skill *
9  *   after modifying it in some way.                                           *
10  *                                                                             *
11  *   The test is initiated by using the "test <filename>" command to read in   *
12  *   the suite of problems from file <filename>.  The format of this file is   *
13  *   as follows:                                                               *
14  *                                                                             *
15  *   Setboard <forsythe-string>:  This sets the board position using the usual *
16  *   forsythe notation (see module SetBoard() in setc for a full ex-           *
17  *   planation of the syntax).                                                 *
18  *                                                                             *
19  *   Solution <move1> <move2> ... <moven>:  this provides a solution move (or  *
20  *   set of solution moves if more than one is correct).  If the search finds  *
21  *   one of these moves, then the prblem is counted as correct, otherwise it   *
22  *   is counted wrong.                                                         *
23  *                                                                             *
24  *   After reading these two lines, the program then searches to whatever time *
25  *   or depth limit has been set, when it reaches the end-of-file condition or *
26  *   when it reads a record containing the string "end" it then displays the   *
27  *   number correct and the number missed.                                     *
28  *                                                                             *
29  *   There are two test modules here.  Test() handles the specific Crafty test *
30  *   data format (dates back to Cray Blitz days) while TestEPD() handles the   *
31  *   EPD-style test positions which is more concise.  Other than the parsing   *
32  *   differences, these are identical modules.                                 *
33  *                                                                             *
34  *******************************************************************************
35  */
Test(char * filename,FILE * unsolved,int screen,int margin)36 void Test(char *filename, FILE * unsolved, int screen, int margin) {
37   TREE *const tree = block[0];
38   FILE *test_input;
39   uint64_t nodes = 0;
40   int i, move, right = 0, wrong = 0, correct, time = 0, len, nfailed = 0;
41   float avg_depth = 0.0;
42   char failed[8][4096], *eof, *delim;
44 /*
45  ************************************************************
46  *                                                          *
47  *  Read in the position and then the solutions.  After     *
48  *  executing a search to find the best move (according to  *
49  *  the program, anyway) compare it against the list of     *
50  *  solutions and count it right or wrong.                  *
51  *                                                          *
52  ************************************************************
53  */
54   if (!(test_input = fopen(filename, "r"))) {
55     printf("file %s does not exist.\n", filename);
56     return;
57   }
58   Print(4095, "\n");
59   eof = fgets(buffer, 4096, test_input);
60   if (!strstr(buffer, "title")) {
61     fclose(test_input);
62     TestEPD(filename, unsolved, screen, margin);
63     return;
64   }
65   if (book_file) {
66     fclose(book_file);
67     book_file = 0;
68   }
69   if (books_file) {
70     fclose(books_file);
71     books_file = 0;
72   }
73   fclose(test_input);
74   test_input = fopen(filename, "r");
75   while (FOREVER) {
76     eof = fgets(buffer, 4096, test_input);
77     strcpy(failed[nfailed++], buffer);
78     if (eof) {
79       delim = strchr(buffer, '\n');
80       if (delim)
81         *delim = 0;
82       delim = strchr(buffer, '\r');
83       if (delim)
84         *delim = ' ';
85     } else
86       break;
87     nargs = ReadParse(buffer, args, " \t;");
88     if (!strcmp(args[0], "end"))
89       break;
90     else if (!strcmp(args[0], "title")) {
91       Print(4095,
92           "=============================================="
93           "========================\n");
94       Print(4095, "! ");
95       len = 0;
96       for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++) {
97         Print(4095, "%s ", args[i]);
98         len += strlen(args[i]) + 1;
99         if (len > 65)
100           break;
101       }
102       for (i = len; i < 67; i++)
103         printf(" ");
104       Print(4095, "!\n");
105       Print(4095,
106           "=============================================="
107           "========================\n");
108     } else if (strcmp(args[0], "solution")) {
109       Option(tree);
110     } else {
111       number_of_solutions = 0;
112       solution_type = 0;
113       Print(4095, "solution ");
114       for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++) {
115         if (args[i][strlen(args[i]) - 1] == '?') {
116           solution_type = 1;
117           args[i][strlen(args[i]) - 1] = '\0';
118         } else if (*(args + i)[strlen(args[i]) - 1] == '!') {
119           solution_type = 0;
120           args[i][strlen(args[i]) - 1] = '\0';
121         }
122         move = InputMove(tree, 0, game_wtm, 0, 0, args[i]);
123         if (move) {
124           solutions[number_of_solutions] = move;
125           Print(4095, "%d. %s", (number_of_solutions++) + 1, OutputMove(tree,
126                   0, game_wtm, move));
127           if (solution_type == 1)
128             Print(4095, "? ");
129           else
130             Print(4095, "  ");
131         } else
132           DisplayChessBoard(stdout, tree->position);
133       }
134       Print(4095, "\n");
135       InitializeHashTables(0);
136       last_pv.pathd = 0;
137       thinking = 1;
138       tree->status[1] = tree->status[0];
139       Iterate(game_wtm, think, 0);
140       thinking = 0;
141       nodes += tree->nodes_searched;
142       avg_depth += (float) iteration;
143       time += (end_time - start_time);
144       correct = solution_type;
145       for (i = 0; i < number_of_solutions; i++) {
146         if (!solution_type) {
147           if (solutions[i] == (tree->pv[1].path[1] & 0x001fffff))
148             correct = 1;
149         } else if (solutions[i] == (tree->pv[1].path[1] & 0x001fffff))
150           correct = 0;
151       }
152       if (correct) {
153         right++;
154         Print(4095, "----------------------> solution correct (%d/%d).\n",
155             right, right + wrong);
156       } else {
157         wrong++;
158         Print(4095, "----------------------> solution incorrect (%d/%d).\n",
159             right, right + wrong);
160         if (unsolved)
161           for (i = 0; i < nfailed; i++)
162             fputs(failed[i], unsolved);
163       }
164       nfailed = 0;
165     }
166   }
167 /*
168  ************************************************************
169  *                                                          *
170  *  Now print the results.                                  *
171  *                                                          *
172  ************************************************************
173  */
174   if (right + wrong) {
175     Print(4095, "\n\n\n");
176     Print(4095, "test results summary:\n\n");
177     Print(4095, "total positions searched..........%12d\n", right + wrong);
178     Print(4095, "number right......................%12d\n", right);
179     Print(4095, "number wrong......................%12d\n", wrong);
180     Print(4095, "percentage right..................%12d\n",
181         right * 100 / (right + wrong));
182     Print(4095, "percentage wrong..................%12d\n",
183         wrong * 100 / (right + wrong));
184     Print(4095, "total nodes searched..............%12" PRIu64 "\n", nodes);
185     Print(4095, "average search depth..............%12.1f\n",
186         avg_depth / (right + wrong));
187     Print(4095, "nodes per second..................%12" PRIu64 "\n",
188         nodes * 100 / Max(time, 1));
189     Print(4095, "total time........................%12s\n",
190         DisplayTime(time));
191   }
192   input_stream = stdin;
193   early_exit = 99;
194   fclose(test_input);
195 }
197 /* last modified 06/26/15 */
198 /*
199  *******************************************************************************
200  *                                                                             *
201  *   TestEPD() is used to test the program against a suite of test positions   *
202  *   to measure its performance on a particular machine, or to evaluate its    *
203  *   skill after modifying it in some way.                                     *
204  *                                                                             *
205  *   The test is initiated by using the "test <filename>" command to read in   *
206  *   the suite of problems from file <filename>.  The format of this file is   *
207  *   as follows:                                                               *
208  *                                                                             *
209  *   <forsythe-string>  am/bm move1 move2 etc; title "xxx"                     *
210  *                                                                             *
211  *   Am means "avoid move" and bm means "best move".  Each test position may   *
212  *   have multiple moves to avoid or that are best, but both am and bm may not *
213  *   appear on one position.                                                   *
214  *                                                                             *
215  *   The title is just a comment that is given in the program output to make   *
216  *   it easier to match output to specific positions.                          *
217  *                                                                             *
218  *   One new addition is the ability to take a set of EPD records and run a    *
219  *   search on each one.  If the final evaluation is within some window, then  *
220  *   the input record is written out to a second file.  This is used to screen *
221  *   cluster-testing starting positions to weed out those that are so badly    *
222  *   unbalanced that one side always wins.                                     *
223  *                                                                             *
224  *******************************************************************************
225  */
TestEPD(char * filename,FILE * unsolved,int screen,int margin)226 void TestEPD(char *filename, FILE * unsolved, int screen, int margin) {
227   TREE *const tree = block[0];
228   FILE *test_input, *test_output = 0;
229   uint64_t nodes = 0;
230   int i, move, right = 0, wrong = 0, correct, time = 0, len, culled = 0, r =
231       0;
232   float avg_depth = 0.0;
233   char *eof, *mvs, *title, tbuffer[512], failed[4096];
235 /*
236  ************************************************************
237  *                                                          *
238  *  Read in the position and then the solutions.  After     *
239  *  executing a search to find the best move (according to  *
240  *  the program, anyway) compare it against the list of     *
241  *  solutions and count it right or wrong.                  *
242  *                                                          *
243  ************************************************************
244  */
245   if (!(test_input = fopen(filename, "r"))) {
246     printf("file %s does not exist.\n", filename);
247     return;
248   }
249   if (screen) {
250     char outfile[256];
252     strcpy(outfile, filename);
253     strcat(outfile, ".screened");
254     if (!(test_output = fopen(outfile, "w"))) {
255       printf("file %s cannot be opened for write.\n", filename);
256       return;
257     }
258   }
259   if (book_file) {
260     fclose(book_file);
261     book_file = 0;
262   }
263   if (books_file) {
264     fclose(books_file);
265     books_file = 0;
266   }
267   while (FOREVER) {
268     eof = fgets(buffer, 4096, test_input);
269     strcpy(failed, buffer);
270     Print(4095, "%s\n", buffer);
271     strcpy(tbuffer, buffer);
272     if (eof) {
273       char *delim;
275       delim = strchr(buffer, '\n');
276       if (delim)
277         *delim = 0;
278       delim = strchr(buffer, '\r');
279       if (delim)
280         *delim = ' ';
281     } else
282       break;
283     r++;
284     mvs = strstr(buffer, " sd ");
285     if (mvs) {
286       search_depth = atoi(mvs + 3);
287       *(mvs - 1) = 0;
288       Print(4095, "search depth %d\n", search_depth);
289     }
290     mvs = strstr(buffer, " bm ");
291     if (!mvs)
292       mvs = strstr(buffer, " am ");
293     if (!mvs && !screen)
294       Print(4095, "Warning. am/bm field missing, input string follows\n%s\n",
295           buffer);
296     if (mvs)
297       mvs++;
298     title = strstr(buffer, "id");
299     if (mvs)
300       *(mvs - 1) = 0;
301     if (title)
302       *(title - 1) = 0;
303     if (title) {
304       title = strchr(title, '\"') + 1;
305       if (title) {
306         if (strchr(title, '\"')) {
307           *strchr(title, '\"') = 0;
308         }
309       }
310       Print(4095,
311           "=============================================="
312           "========================\n");
313       Print(4095, "! ");
314       Print(4095, "%s ", title);
315       len = 66 - strlen(title);
316       for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
317         printf(" ");
318       Print(4095, "!\n");
319       Print(4095,
320           "=============================================="
321           "========================\n");
322     }
323     Option(tree);
324     if (mvs) {
325       nargs = ReadParse(mvs, args, " \t;");
326       number_of_solutions = 0;
327       solution_type = 0;
328       if (!strcmp(args[0], "am"))
329         solution_type = 1;
330       Print(4095, "solution ");
331       for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++) {
332         if (!strcmp(args[i], "c0"))
333           break;
334         move = InputMove(tree, 0, game_wtm, 0, 0, args[i]);
335         if (move) {
336           solutions[number_of_solutions] = move;
337           Print(4095, "%d. %s", (number_of_solutions++) + 1, OutputMove(tree,
338                   0, game_wtm, move));
339           if (solution_type == 1)
340             Print(4095, "? ");
341           else
342             Print(4095, "  ");
343         } else
344           DisplayChessBoard(stdout, tree->position);
345       }
346     }
347     Print(4095, "\n");
348     InitializeHashTables(0);
349     last_pv.pathd = 0;
350     thinking = 1;
351     tree->status[1] = tree->status[0];
352     Iterate(game_wtm, think, 0);
353     if (screen) {
354       if (Abs(last_root_value) < margin)
355         fwrite(tbuffer, 1, strlen(tbuffer), test_output);
356       else
357         culled++;
358       printf("record #%d,  culled %d, score=%s          \r", r, culled,
359           DisplayEvaluation(last_root_value, game_wtm));
360       fflush(stdout);
361     }
362     thinking = 0;
363     nodes += tree->nodes_searched;
364     avg_depth += (float) iteration;
365     time += (end_time - start_time);
366     if (!screen) {
367       correct = solution_type;
368       for (i = 0; i < number_of_solutions; i++) {
369         if (!solution_type) {
370           if (solutions[i] == (tree->pv[1].path[1] & 0x001fffff))
371             correct = 1;
372         } else if (solutions[i] == (tree->pv[1].path[1] & 0x001fffff))
373           correct = 0;
374       }
375       if (correct) {
376         right++;
377         Print(4095, "----------------------> solution correct (%d/%d).\n",
378             right, right + wrong);
379       } else {
380         wrong++;
381         Print(4095, "----------------------> solution incorrect (%d/%d).\n",
382             right, right + wrong);
383         if (unsolved)
384           fputs(failed, unsolved);
385       }
386     }
387   }
388 /*
389  ************************************************************
390  *                                                          *
391  *  Now print the results.                                  *
392  *                                                          *
393  ************************************************************
394  */
395   if (r) {
396     Print(4095, "\n\n\n");
397     Print(4095, "test results summary:\n\n");
398     Print(4095, "total positions searched..........%12d\n", r);
399     if (!screen) {
400       Print(4095, "number right......................%12d\n", right);
401       Print(4095, "number wrong......................%12d\n", wrong);
402       Print(4095, "percentage right..................%12d\n",
403           right * 100 / (right + wrong));
404       Print(4095, "percentage wrong..................%12d\n",
405           wrong * 100 / (right + wrong));
406     } else
407       Print(4095, "records excluded..................%12d\n", culled);
409     Print(4095, "total nodes searched..............%12" PRIu64 "\n", nodes);
410     Print(4095, "average search depth..............%12.1f\n", avg_depth / r);
411     Print(4095, "nodes per second..................%12" PRIu64 "\n",
412         nodes * 100 / Max(1, time));
413     Print(4095, "total time........................%12s\n",
414         DisplayTime(time));
415   }
416   input_stream = stdin;
417   early_exit = 99;
418   fclose(test_input);
419 }