2   Copyright 2008,2011 by Mark Weyer
3   Maintenance modifications 2010,2011 by the cuyo developers
5   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8   (at your option) any later version.
10   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13   GNU General Public License for more details.
15   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
20open Farbe
21open Graphik
22open Vektorgraphik
23open Helfer
25open Male_mit_aa
27let male breite hoehe bild =
28  male bild (1.0/.32.0) (monochrom durchsichtig breite hoehe)
30let raus gric name bild = gib_xpm_aus (rgb_grau 1.0) name (berechne gric bild)
32let bogen (x,y) winkel laenge kruemmung =
33  let cw,sw = cos winkel, sin winkel  in
34  let pos = kruemmung > 0.0  in
35  let w' = if pos  then winkel-.pi/.2.0  else winkel+.pi/.2.0  in
36  Bogen ((x-.kruemmung*.sw,y+.kruemmung*.cw),
37    (if pos  then kruemmung  else -.kruemmung),
38    pos, w', w'+.laenge/.kruemmung)
41let arm_dicke1 = 1.0/.30.0
42let arm_dicke2 = 1.0/.45.0
44let octopus (a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) farbe1 farbe2 =
45  let arm nummer kruemmung =
46    let winkel = (float_of_int (nummer+2))*.pi/.4.0  in
47    [match kruemmung with
48    | None -> Strecke ((0.5,0.5),(0.5+.cos winkel,0.5+.sin winkel))
49    | Some r -> bogen (0.5,0.5) (winkel-.1.0/.7.0/.r) (3.0/.7.0) r
50    ]  in
51  let arme = konvertiere_polygon
52    ((arm 0 a0) @ (arm 1 a1) @ (arm 2 a2) @ (arm 3 a3) @
53    (arm 4 a4) @ (arm 5 a5) @ (arm 6 a6) @ (arm 7 a7))  in
54  let kopfrad = 1.0/.4.0  in
55  let kopfh = kopfrad*.3.0/.4.0  in
56  let halsy = 0.5-.kopfrad*.(2.0-.sqrt(3.0))  in
57  let kopfy = halsy+.kopfh  in
58  let kopf = konvertiere_polygon [
59    Bogen ((0.5,kopfy), kopfrad, true, 0.0, pi);
60    Strecke ((0.5-.kopfrad, kopfy), (0.5-.kopfrad, halsy));
61    Bogen ((0.5, halsy+.kopfrad*.sqrt(3.0)), 2.0*.kopfrad,
62      true, pi*.4.0/.3.0, pi*.5.0/.3.0);
63    Strecke ((0.5+.kopfrad, halsy), (0.5+.kopfrad, kopfy))
64  ]  in
65  let blesse = konvertiere_polygon
66    [Bogen ((0.5,kopfy), kopfrad*.3.0/.4.0, true,
67      pi*.2.0/.5.0, pi*.3.0/.4.0)]  in
68  let augerad = kopfrad/.3.0  in
69  let augey = kopfy  in
70  let augend = augerad*.3.0  in
71  let puprad = kopfrad/.5.0  in
72  let pupy = augey-.puprad/.2.0  in
73  let augepup t =
74    let x = 0.5+.augend*.t/.2.0  in
75      [Kreis ((x,augey),augerad)],
76      [Kreis ((x,pupy),puprad)]  in
77  let auge1,pup1 = augepup (-1.0)  in
78  let auge2,pup2 = augepup (1.0)  in
79  let auge = konvertiere_polygon (auge1@auge2)  in
80  let pup = konvertiere_polygon (pup1@pup2)  in
81  male 1 1 (erzeuge_vektorbild [
82      Dicker_Strich (farbe1, 1.0/.30.0, [arme]);
83      Dicker_Strich (farbe2, 1.0/.45.0, [arme]);
84      Strich (farbe1, [kopf]);
85      Flaechen ([| farbe1; weiss; schwarz |], [
86        kopf, 0, None;
87        auge, 1, Some 0;
88        pup, 2, Some 1;
89      ]);
90      Dicker_Strich (farbe2, kopfrad/.7.0, [blesse]);
91    ])
93let octopus (k0,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7) ad a0 a2 a4 a6 =
94  octopus (
95    (if a0  then None  else Some k0),
96    (if ad  then None  else Some k1),
97    (if a2  then None  else Some k2),
98    (if ad  then None  else Some k3),
99    (if a4  then None  else Some k4),
100    (if ad  then None  else Some k5),
101    (if a6  then None  else Some k6),
102    (if ad  then None  else Some k7))
104let schema_mitte farbe1 farbe2 =
105  let raute = konvertiere_polygon [
106    Strecke ((-0.5,0.5),(0.5,-0.5));
107    Strecke ((0.5,-0.5),(1.5,0.5));
108    Strecke ((1.5,0.5),(0.5,1.5));
109    Strecke ((0.5,1.5),(-0.5,0.5));
110  ]  in
111  male 1 1 (erzeuge_vektorbild [
112    Dicker_Strich (farbe1, arm_dicke1, [raute]);
113    Dicker_Strich (farbe2, arm_dicke2, [raute]);
114  ])
116let octopi farbe1 farbe2 kruemmungen =
117  let octopus = octopus kruemmungen  in
118  kombiniere_bildchen 3 3
119    (List.map (fun (x,y,b) -> (x,y,b farbe1 farbe2)) [
120      0,0,octopus false true  true  false false;
121      1,0,octopus true  false false true  true;
122      2,0,octopus false false true  true  false;
123      0,1,octopus true  false true  true  false;
124      1,1,schema_mitte;
125      2,1,octopus true  true  false false true;
126      0,2,octopus false true  false false true;
127      1,2,octopus true  true  true  false false;
128      2,2,octopus false false false true  true;
129    ])
131let octopi_daten = [|
132    rgbrgb 0.79 0.06 0.79, rgbrgb 0.95 0.37 0.96,
133      ( 3.0, -1.0,  0.5,  1.5, -0.3, -2.0,  0.4,  0.7);
134    rgb_grau 0.2, rgb_grau 0.6,
135      (-2.0, -1.5, -1.5,  0.8,  1.0, -1.0,  0.6, -1.0);
136    rgbrgb 0.2 0.2 0.8, rgbrgb 0.5 0.5 1.0,
137      (-2.5,  1.0,  0.7, -0.5, -0.5,  0.6, -1.0,  1.5);
138    rgbrgb 0.6 0.61 0.1, rgbrgb 0.8 0.83 0.3,
139      ( 3.0,  0.7,  1.0, -0.3,  0.8,  0.3, -2.0, -1.0);
140    rgbrgb 0.8 0.5 0.1, rgbrgb 0.9 0.7 0.4,
141      ( 2.0,  1.5, -0.3, -1.0, -2.0,  0.5,  1.0,  1.0);
142  |]
144let octopi gric command outname =
145  let nummer = int_of_string (suffix command 1) - 1  in
146  let farbe1,farbe2,kruemmungen = octopi_daten.(nummer)  in
147  raus gric outname (octopi (von_rgb farbe1) (von_rgb farbe2) kruemmungen)
151let welle w d x y = cos ((x*.cos w +. y*.sin w)/.d)
153let anemone w1 w2 =
154  let num = 50  in
155  let g = (sqrt 5.0 -. 1.0)*.pi  in
156  let num_ = float_of_int num  in
157  let farbe1 = von_rgb (rgbrgb 1.0 0.7 0.7)  in
158  let farbe2 = von_rgb (rgbrgb 1.0 0.3 0.7)  in
159  let farbe3 = von_rgb (rgbrgb 1.0 1.0 0.7)  in
160  let farbe4 = von_rgb (rgbrgb 0.8 0.8 0.2)  in
161  let faeden = Array.init num
162    (fun i ->
163      let i = float_of_int i  in
164      let w = g *. i  in
165      let r = sqrt (i/.num_)/.4.0  in
166      (r*.cos w, r*.sin w))  in
167  Array.sort
168    (fun (x1,y1) -> fun (x2,y2) -> Pervasives.compare y2 y1)
169    faeden;
170  male 1 1 (erzeuge_vektorbild (List.concat (List.map
171    (fun (x,y) ->
172      let r2 = x*.x +. y*.y  in
173      let mitte = 31.0*.r2 < 1.0  in
174      let strich = konvertiere_polygon
175        [bogen (0.5+.x, 0.25+.y/.2.0) (pi/.2.0 -. x)
176          ((if mitte  then 0.3  else 0.4)
177            -. 3.0*.r2 +. (welle w1 0.1 x y)/.29.0 +. y/.3.0)
178          (0.4/.((welle w2 0.1 x y)/.2.0 -. 5.0*.x))]  in
179      [Dicker_Strich ((if mitte  then farbe4  else farbe2),
180          1.0/.29.0, [strich]);
181        Strich ((if mitte  then farbe3  else farbe1), [strich]);
182      ])
183    (Array.to_list faeden))))
185let anemonen gric outname =
186  raus gric outname (kombiniere_bildchen 4 1
187    (List.map (fun (x,w1,w2) -> (x,0,anemone w1 w2)) [
188      0, 4.0, 1.0;
189      1, 8.0, 6.0;
190      2, 7.0, 5.0;
191      3, 2.0, 3.0;
192    ]))
195let fisch gric outname =
196  let blau1 = von_rgb (rgbrgb 0.45 0.55 1.0)  in
197  let blau2 = von_rgb (rgbrgb 0.5 0.7 1.0)  in
198  let blau3 = von_rgb (rgbrgb 0.3 0.4 0.8)  in
199  let koerper_p = (0.55,0.5)  in
200  let koerper = konvertiere_polygon [Kreis (koerper_p,0.35)]  in
201  let auge_p = (0.75,0.6)  in
202  let dreieck p1 p2 p3 = konvertiere_polygon
203    [Strecke (p1,p2); Strecke (p2,p3); Strecke (p3,p1)]  in
204  let ruecken = dreieck (0.5,0.9) (0.6,0.8) (0.5,0.8)  in
205  let schwanz = dreieck (0.2,0.5) (0.1,0.7) (0.1,0.3)  in
206  let bein = dreieck (0.35,0.25) (0.35,0.15) (0.4,0.2)  in
207  let arm = dreieck (0.7,0.25) (0.75,0.15) (0.75,0.3)  in
208  let flosse umriss =
209    [Strich (blau3,[umriss]); Flaechen ([| blau3 |],[umriss,0,None])]  in
210  let fisch =
211    (flosse ruecken) @ (flosse schwanz) @ (flosse bein) @
212    [
213    Strich (blau1,[koerper]);
214    Flaechen ([| blau1; weiss; schwarz |], [
215      koerper,0,None;
216      konvertiere_polygon [Kreis (auge_p,0.09)], 1, Some 0;
217      konvertiere_polygon [Kreis (auge_p,0.03)], 2, Some 1;
218      ]);
219    Dicker_Strich (blau2, 0.04, [konvertiere_polygon
220      [Bogen (koerper_p,0.25,true,pi*.2.0/.5.0, pi*.6.0/.7.0)]])
221    ] @
222    (flosse arm)  in
223  raus gric outname (male 1 1 (erzeuge_vektorbild fisch))
228let gric,command,outname = Gen_common.parse_args ()  in
230match command with
231| "moAnemone" -> anemonen gric outname
232| "moFisch" -> fisch gric outname
233| _ -> octopi gric command outname