1# Hexen v1.0 - Intermissions and Finales
3# For further information on the InFine system, script syntax
4# and semantics see:
6#   http://dengine.net/dew/?title=InFine_script_reference
9Header { Version = 5; }
11# The Hexen v1.0 IWAD does not have the CLUS*MSG and WIN*MSG lumps,
12# so we must define the intermission texts here in the scripts.
16  ID = "title";
17  Script {
18    # There is no skipping during the titlescreen loop.
19    NoSkip
21    # Any event shows the menu.
22    Trigger
24    MARKER title_loop
26    # Step 1.
27    Image back "TITLE"
28    Music "hexen"
29    Wait 7
31    # Step 2.
32    Patch advice 4 160 "ADVISOR"
33    In 0 Alpha advice 0
34    In 1 Alpha advice 1
35    Wait 7
37    # Step 3.
38    PlayDemo "demo1.cdm"
40    # Step 4.
41    DelPic advice
42    Image back "CREDIT"
43    Wait 5.714  # Original is 200 tics.
45    # Step 5.
46    PlayDemo "demo2.cdm"
48    # Step 6.
49    Wait 5.714  # Original is 200 tics.
51    # Step 7.
52    PlayDemo "demo3.cdm"
54    GOTO title_loop
55  };
58InFine {
59  ID = "help";
60  Script {
61    NoTrigger; NoFlat;
63    Image back "HELP1"
64    Pause
66    Del back
67    Image back "HELP2"
68    Pause
70    Del back
71    Image back "CREDIT"
72    Pause
73  };
76# First Hub: The Seven Portals
79  After = "MAP02";
80  Script
81  {
82    # Only show this after the hub has been completed.
83    ifnot leavehub end;
84    # Don't show this in deathmatch.
85    if deathmatch end;
86    music "hub";
87    image back INTERPIC;
88    wait 0.5; # Originally 10 tics.
89    text msg 10 5
90      "having passed the seven portals\n
91      which sealed this realm, a vast\n
92      domain of harsh wilderness stretches\n
93      before you. fire, ice and steel have\n
94      tested you, but greater challenges\n
95      remain ahead. the dense tangle of\n
96      forest surely hides hostile eyes,\n
97      but what lies beyond will be worse.\n\n
98      barren desert, dank swamps and\n
99      musty caverns bar your way, but you\n
100      cannot let anything keep you from\n
101      your fate, even if you might come\n
102      to wish that it would.\n\n
103      and beyond, flickering in the\n
104      distance, the ever-shifting walls\n
105      of the hypostyle seem to mock\n
106      your every effort.";
107    waittext msg;
108    wait 5; # Original TEXTWAIT is 140+10 tics.
109  };
112# Second Hub: The Shadowwood (exit from The Hypostyle)
115  After = "MAP12";
116  Script
117  {
118    # Only show this after the hub has been completed.
119    ifnot leavehub end;
120    # Don't show this in deathmatch.
121    if deathmatch end;
122    music "hub";
123    image back INTERPIC;
124    wait 0.5; # Originally 10 tics.
125    text msg 10 5
126      "your mind still reeling from your\n
127      encounters within the hypostyle, you\n
128      stagger toward what you hope is\n
129      a way out. things seem to move faster\n
130      and faster, your vision blurs and\n
131      begins to fade...\n
132      as the world collapses around you,\n
133      the brightness of a teleportal\n
134      engulfs you. a flash of light, and then\n
135      you climb wearily to your feet.\n\n
136      you stand atop a high tower, and\n
137      from below come the screams of the\n
138      damned. you step forward, and\n
139      instantly the sound of demonic\n
140      chanting chills your blood.\n
141      by all the gods of death! what place\n
142      have you come to? by all the gods of\n
143      pain, how will you ever find your\n
144      way out?";
145    waittext msg;
146    wait 5; # Original TEXTWAIT is 140+10 tics.
147  };
150# Third Hub: Heresiarch's Seminary
153  After = "MAP27";
154  Script
155  {
156    # Only show this after the hub has been completed.
157    ifnot leavehub end;
158    # Don't show this in deathmatch.
159    if deathmatch end;
160    music "hub";
161    image back INTERPIC;
162    wait 0.5; # Originally 10 tics.
163    text msg 10 5
164      "the mightiest weapons and artifacts\n
165      of the ancients barely sufficed to\n
166      defeat the heresiarch and his\n
167      minions, but now their foul remains\n
168      lie strewn at your feet. gathering\n
169      the last of your strength, you\n
170      prepare to enter the portal which\n
171      leads from the heresiarch's inner\n
172      sanctum.\n\n
173      above you, the ramparts of an\n
174      immense castle loom. silent towers\n
175      and bare walls surround a single\n
176      spire of black stone, which squats\n
177      in the center of the castle like a\n
178      brooding giant. fire and shadow\n
179      twist behind gaping windows, dozens\n
180      of baleful eyes glaring down upon\n
181      you.\n
182      somewhere within, your enemies are\n
183      waiting...";
184    waittext msg;
185    wait 5; # Original TEXTWAIT is 140+10 tics.
186  };
189# Fourth Hub: The Castle of Grief (exit from Gibbet)
192  After = "MAP23";
193  Script
194  {
195    # Only show this after the hub has been completed.
196    ifnot leavehub end;
197    # Don't show this in deathmatch.
198    if deathmatch end;
199    music "hub";
200    image back INTERPIC;
201    wait 0.5; # Originally 10 tics.
202    text msg 10 5
203      \"... and he shall journey into the\n
204      realms of the dead, and contest with\n
205      the forces therein, unto the very\n
206      gates of despair. but whether he\n
207      shall return again to the world of\n
208      light, no man knows.\"\n
209      \_                     \n
210      \_                     \n
211      \_                     \n
212      \_                     \n
213      \_                     \n
214      damn.";
215    waittext msg;
216    wait 5; # Original TEXTWAIT is 140+10 tics.
217  };
220# Fifth Hub: The Necropolis (ends in Dark Crucible)
223  After = "MAP40";
224  Script
225  {
226    # This is the real finale of the game.
227    noskip; # No more levels after this, disallow skipping.
228    musiconce "hall";
229    # Setup the first screen.
230    image back FINALE1;
231    # Fade into the first screen.
232    filter 0 0 0 1; in 2 filter 0 0 0 0; wait 2;
233    text msg 20 5
234      "with a scream of agony you are\n
235      wrenched from this world into\n
236      another, every part of your body\n
237      wreathed in mystic fire.  when your\n
238      vision clears, you find yourself\n
239      standing in a great hall, filled\n
240      with ghostly echoes and menacing\n
241      shadows.  in the distance you can\n
242      see a raised dais, and upon it the\n
243      only source of light in this world.";
244    waittext msg;
245    wait 7; # Original TEXTWAIT is 250 tics.
247    # Second screen: the Orb.
248    musiconce "orb";
249    image back FINALE2;
250    deltext msg;
251    wait 0.5;
252    text msg 20 5
253      "this can only be the chaos sphere,\n
254      the source of korax's power.  with\n
255      this, you can create worlds...  or\n
256      destroy them.  by rights of battle\n
257      and conquest it is yours, and with\n
258      trembling hands you reach to grasp\n
259      it.  perhaps, now, a new player will\n
260      join the cosmic game of power.  like\n
261      the pawn who is promoted to queen,\n
262      suddenly the very reaches of the\n
263      board seem to be within your grasp.";
264    waittext msg;
265    wait 7; # Original TEXTWAIT is 250 tics.
266    # Fade out.
267    in 2 filter 0 0 0 1; wait 2;
268    deltext msg;
270    # Setup the last screen: the Chess.
271    music "chess";
272    image back FINALE3;
273    # Choose the right player patch (no patch=fighter).
274    if netgame patch pl 20 0 CHESSALL;
275    if netgame goto m;
276    if cleric patch pl 60 0 CHESSC;
277    if mage patch pl 60 0 CHESSM;
278    marker m;
279    # Fade in.
280    filter 0 0 0 0; wait 2;
281    text msg 20 135
282      "                                    \n
283      but there are other players mightier\n
284      than you, and who can know their\n
285      next moves?";
286  };