1 #include <array>
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <exception>
4 #include <stdexcept>
5 #include <windows.h>
6 #include <rpc.h>
8 #include <dbghelp.h>
9 #endif
10 #include "vers_id.h"
12 using path_buffer = std::array<wchar_t, MAX_PATH>;
13 void d_set_exception_handler();
15 namespace {
17 class RAII_Windows_FILE_HANDLE
18 {
19 	const HANDLE m_h;
20 public:
22 		m_h(h)
23 	{
24 	}
26 	{
27 		if (*this)
28 			CloseHandle(m_h);
29 	}
30 	RAII_Windows_FILE_HANDLE(const RAII_Windows_FILE_HANDLE &) = delete;
31 	RAII_Windows_FILE_HANDLE &operator=(const RAII_Windows_FILE_HANDLE &) = delete;
operator bool() const32 	explicit operator bool() const
33 	{
34 		return m_h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
35 	}
operator HANDLE() const36 	operator HANDLE() const
37 	{
38 		return m_h;
39 	}
40 };
42 class RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject
43 {
44 	HMODULE m_h;
RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject(HMODULE && h)45 	RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject(HMODULE &&h) :
46 		m_h(h)
47 	{
48 	}
LoadInternal(std::array<wchar_t,MAX_PATH> & pathbuf,const unsigned lws,const wchar_t * const filename)49 	static RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject LoadInternal(std::array<wchar_t, MAX_PATH> &pathbuf, const unsigned lws, const wchar_t *const filename)
50 	{
51 		wcscpy(&pathbuf[lws], filename);
52 		return LoadLibraryW(pathbuf.data());
53 	}
54 public:
~RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject()55 	~RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject()
56 	{
57 		if (*this)
58 			FreeLibrary(m_h);
59 	}
60 	RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject(const RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject &) = delete;
61 	RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject &operator=(const RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject &) = delete;
62 	RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject(RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject &&) = default;
operator bool() const63 	explicit operator bool() const
64 	{
65 		return m_h;
66 	}
67 	/*
68 	 * This leaks the loaded library.  It is used to ensure the library
69 	 * will still be loaded when the termination handler runs, long
70 	 * after this object has gone out of scope.
71 	 */
release()72 	void release()
73 	{
74 		m_h = nullptr;
75 	}
76 	template <std::size_t N>
Load(std::array<wchar_t,MAX_PATH> & pathbuf,const unsigned lws,const wchar_t (& filename)[N])77 		static RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject Load(std::array<wchar_t, MAX_PATH> &pathbuf, const unsigned lws, const wchar_t (&filename)[N])
78 		{
79 			if (lws >= MAX_PATH - N)
80 				return nullptr;
81 			return LoadInternal(pathbuf, lws, filename);
82 		}
83 	template <typename T>
GetProc(const char * const proc) const84 		T *GetProc(const char *const proc) const
85 		{
86 			union {
87 				FARPROC gpa;
88 				T *result;
89 			};
90 			gpa = GetProcAddress(m_h, proc);
91 			return result;
92 		}
93 };
95 struct dxx_trap_context
96 {
97 	EXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord;
98 	CONTEXT ContextRecord;
99 	/* Pointer to the first inaccessible byte above the stack. */
100 	const uint8_t *end_sp;
101 };
103 }
105 #define DXX_REPORT_TEXT_FORMAT_UUID	"Format UUID: 0f7deda4-1122-4be8-97d5-afc91b7803d6"
106 #define DXX_REPORT_TEXT_LEADER_VERSION_PREFIX	"Rebirth version: x"
107 #define DXX_REPORT_TEXT_LEADER_BUILD_DATETIME	"Rebirth built: "
108 #define DXX_REPORT_TEXT_LEADER_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE	 "Exception message: "
110 constexpr unsigned dump_stack_bytes = 2048 * sizeof(void *);
111 constexpr unsigned dump_stack_stride = 16;
113 /*
114  * This includes leading text describing the UUID, so it must be bigger
115  * than a bare UUID would require.
116  */
117 static std::array<char, 54> g_strctxuuid;
118 /*
119  * These labels are defined in asm() statements to record the address at
120  * which special instructions are placed.  The array size must match the
121  * size of the assembly instruction.  See `vectored_exception_handler`
122  * for how these are used.
123  */
124 extern const char dxx_rebirth_veh_ud2[2], dxx_rebirth_veh_sp[2];
126 /*
127  * 64 bit registers use an R prefix; 32 bit registers use an E prefix.
128  * For this handler, they can be treated the same.  Use a macro to
129  * expand to the proper name.
130  *
131  * Win32 uses a leading underscore on names, relative to the C name.
132  * Win64 does not.  Use a macro to cover that difference.
133  */
134 #ifdef WIN64
135 #define DXX_NT_CONTEXT_REGISTER(n)	R##n
136 #define DXX_ASM_LABEL(L)	"" L
137 #define DXX_WINDOWS_HOST_ARCH_W	L"64"
139 #else
140 #define DXX_NT_CONTEXT_REGISTER(n)	E##n
141 #define DXX_ASM_LABEL(L)	"_" L
142 #define DXX_WINDOWS_HOST_ARCH_W	L"86"
144 #endif
vectored_exception_handler(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * const ep)146 static LONG CALLBACK vectored_exception_handler(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *const ep)
147 {
148 	const auto ctx = ep->ContextRecord;
149 	auto &ip = ctx->DXX_NT_CONTEXT_REGISTER(ip);
150 	auto &ax = ctx->DXX_NT_CONTEXT_REGISTER(ax);
151 	const auto t = reinterpret_cast<dxx_trap_context *>(ax);
152 	/*
153 	 * If the fault address is dxx_rebirth_veh_ud2, this is an expected
154 	 * fault forced solely to capture register context.  This fault must
155 	 * always happen.
156 	 */
157 	if (ip == reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dxx_rebirth_veh_ud2))
158 	{
159 		/*
160 		 * Copy the captured data into the faulting function's local
161 		 * variable.  The address of that local was loaded into ax before
162 		 * triggering the fault.
163 		 */
164 		t->ExceptionRecord = *ep->ExceptionRecord;
165 		t->ContextRecord = *ctx;
166 		/* Step past the faulting instruction. */
167 		ip += sizeof(dxx_rebirth_veh_ud2);
169 	}
170 	/*
171 	 * If the fault address is dxx_rebirth_veh_sp, this is an expected
172 	 * fault triggered by scanning up off the top of the stack.  This
173 	 * fault usually happens, but might not if the exception happened
174 	 * with a sufficiently deep stack.
175 	 */
176 	else if (ip == reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dxx_rebirth_veh_sp))
177 	{
178 		/*
179 		 * The faulting function arranged for ax to hold the terminating
180 		 * address of the search and for bx to hold the currently tested
181 		 * address.  When the fault happens, bx points to an
182 		 * inaccessible byte.  Set ax to point to that byte.  Decrement
183 		 * bx to counter the guaranteed increment in the faulting
184 		 * function.  The combination of these changes ensures that the
185 		 * (current != end) test fails, terminating the loop without
186 		 * provoking an additional fault.
187 		 */
188 		ax = ctx->DXX_NT_CONTEXT_REGISTER(bx)--;
189 		/* Step past the faulting instruction. */
190 		ip += sizeof(dxx_rebirth_veh_sp);
192 	}
194 }
196 /* Ensure gcc does not clone the inline labels */
197 __attribute__((__noinline__,__noclone__,__warn_unused_result__))
capture_exception_context(dxx_trap_context & dtc,const uint8_t * const sp)198 static void *capture_exception_context(dxx_trap_context &dtc, const uint8_t *const sp)
199 {
200 	const auto handler = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1, &vectored_exception_handler);
201 	if (handler)
202 	{
203 		dtc = {};
204 		/*
205 		 * This block guarantees at least one and at most two faults to
206 		 * occur.  Run it only if an exception handler was successfully
207 		 * added to catch these faults.
208 		 */
209 		asm volatile(
210 DXX_ASM_LABEL("dxx_rebirth_veh_ud2") ":\n"
211 /*
212  * Force a fault by executing a guaranteed undefined instruction.  The
213  * fault handler will capture register context for a minidump, then step
214  * past this instruction.
215  *
216  * Before the fault, store the address of the `dxx_trap_context`
217  * instance `dtc` into ax for easy access by the fault handler.  The
218  * fault handler then initializes dtc from the captured data.  Mark
219  * memory as clobbered to prevent any speculative caching of `dtc`
220  * across the asm block.  A narrower clobber could be used, but "memory"
221  * is sufficient and this code is not performance critical.
222  */
223 "	ud2\n"
224 			:: "a" (&dtc) : "memory"
225 		);
226 		auto p = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sp);
227 		for (auto e = p + dump_stack_bytes; p != e; ++p)
228 			asm volatile(
229 DXX_ASM_LABEL("dxx_rebirth_veh_sp") ":\n"
230 /*
231  * Force a read of the address pointed at by [sp].  This must be done in
232  * assembly, not through a volatile C read, because the vectored
233  * exception handler must know the specific address of the read
234  * instruction.
235  *
236  * This may fault if the stack is not sufficiently deep.  If a fault
237  * happens, the fault handler will adjust `e` and `p`, then step past
238  * the compare (although stepping past is not strictly necessary).  On
239  * resume from the fault, the loop will find that the adjusted values
240  * make `++p` == `e`, causing the loop to terminate.
241  */
242 "	cmpb %%al,(%[sp])\n"
243 				: "+a" (e),
244 				[sp] "+b" (p)
245 				:: "cc"
246 			);
247 		/*
248 		 * Save the address of the first inaccessible byte, rounded down
249 		 * to the nearest paragraph.
250 		 */
251 		dtc.end_sp = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(p & -dump_stack_stride);
252 		RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(handler);
253 	}
254 	return handler;
255 }
256 #undef DXX_ASM_LABEL
258 /*
259  * Initialize `path` with a path suitable to be used to write a minidump
260  * for the exception.  Initialize `filename` to point to the first
261  * character in the filename (bypassing the directories).
262  */
prepare_exception_log_path(path_buffer & path,wchar_t * & filename,const unsigned pid)263 static unsigned prepare_exception_log_path(path_buffer &path, wchar_t *&filename, const unsigned pid)
264 {
265 	const auto l = GetTempPathW(path.size(), path.data());
266 	SYSTEMTIME st{};
267 	GetSystemTime(&st);
268 	/*
269 	 * Subsecond precision is not required.  The program will terminate
270 	 * after writing this dump.  No user is likely to be able to restart
271 	 * the game, and provoke a second dump, and on the same PID, within
272 	 * the same second.
273 	 */
274 	const auto r = l + _snwprintf(filename = path.data() + l, path.size() - l, L"%.4u-%.2u-%.2u-%.2u-%.2u-%.2u x" DXX_WINDOWS_HOST_ARCH_W L" P%u %hs.elog", st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, pid, g_descent_version);
275 	const auto extension = path.data() + r - 5;
276 	wchar_t *p;
277 	/*
278 	 * NTFS does not allow star in filenames.  The expected content of
279 	 * this part of the filename will never contain an 's', so replace
280 	 * '*' with 's'.  The filename will contain at most one star, but
281 	 * possibly none if the version string reported no unstaged changes.
282 	 * The position of the star varies depending on whether the version
283 	 * string also included a plus to report staged uncommitted changes.
284 	 */
285 	if (*(p = &extension[-1]) == '*' ||
286 		*(p = &extension[-2]) == '*')
287 		*p = 's';
288 	return r;
289 }
292 using MiniDumpWriteDump_type = decltype(MiniDumpWriteDump);
293 static MiniDumpWriteDump_type *g_pMiniDumpWriteDump;
295 /*
296  * Write a minidump to the open file `h`, reported as being from pid
297  * `pid` with context from `dtc`.  If `what` is not empty, include it as
298  * a comment stream.  The caller uses this to pass the exception text
299  * (as returned by `std::exception::what()`) so that it will be easy to
300  * find in the debugger.
301  */
write_exception_dump(dxx_trap_context & dtc,const unsigned pid,const std::string & what,const HANDLE h,const MiniDumpWriteDump_type * const pMiniDumpWriteDump)302 static void write_exception_dump(dxx_trap_context &dtc, const unsigned pid, const std::string &what, const HANDLE h, const MiniDumpWriteDump_type *const pMiniDumpWriteDump)
303 {
307 	ep.ContextRecord = &dtc.ContextRecord;
308 	ep.ExceptionRecord = &dtc.ExceptionRecord;
309 	mei.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
310 	mei.ExceptionPointers = &ep;
311 	mei.ClientPointers = 0;
312 	std::array<MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM, 5> mus;
313 	std::array<char, 92> musTextVersion;
314 	std::array<char, 44> musTextDateTime;
315 	std::array<char, 512> musTextExceptionMessage;
316 	unsigned UserStreamCount = 0;
317 	{
318 		auto &m = mus[UserStreamCount++];
319 		m.Type = MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE::CommentStreamA;
320 		static char leader[] = DXX_REPORT_TEXT_FORMAT_UUID;
321 		m.BufferSize = sizeof(leader);
322 		m.Buffer = leader;
323 	}
324 	{
325 		auto &m = mus[UserStreamCount++];
326 		m.Type = MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE::CommentStreamA;
327 		m.BufferSize = g_strctxuuid.size();
328 		m.Buffer = g_strctxuuid.data();
329 	}
330 	{
331 		auto &m = mus[UserStreamCount++];
332 		m.Type = MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE::CommentStreamA;
333 		m.Buffer = musTextVersion.data();
334 		m.BufferSize = 1 + std::snprintf(musTextVersion.data(), musTextVersion.size(), DXX_REPORT_TEXT_LEADER_VERSION " %s", g_descent_version);
335 	}
336 	{
337 		auto &m = mus[UserStreamCount++];
338 		m.Type = MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE::CommentStreamA;
339 		m.Buffer = musTextDateTime.data();
340 		m.BufferSize = 1 + std::snprintf(musTextDateTime.data(), musTextDateTime.size(), DXX_REPORT_TEXT_LEADER_BUILD_DATETIME "%s", g_descent_build_datetime);
341 	}
342 	if (!what.empty())
343 	{
344 		auto &m = mus[UserStreamCount++];
345 		m.Type = MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE::CommentStreamA;
346 		m.Buffer = musTextExceptionMessage.data();
347 		m.BufferSize = 1 + std::snprintf(musTextExceptionMessage.data(), musTextExceptionMessage.size(), DXX_REPORT_TEXT_LEADER_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE "%s", what.c_str());
348 	}
349 	musi.UserStreamCount = UserStreamCount;
350 	musi.UserStreamArray = mus.data();
351 	(*pMiniDumpWriteDump)(GetCurrentProcess(), pid, h, MiniDumpWithFullMemory, &mei, &musi, nullptr);
352 }
354 /*
355  * Open the file named by `path` for write.  On success, call
356  * `write_exception_dump` above with that handle.  On failure, clear the
357  * path so that the later UI code does not tell the user about a file
358  * that does not exist.
359  */
write_exception_dump(dxx_trap_context & dtc,const unsigned pid,const std::string & what,path_buffer & path,const MiniDumpWriteDump_type * const pMiniDumpWriteDump)360 static void write_exception_dump(dxx_trap_context &dtc, const unsigned pid, const std::string &what, path_buffer &path, const MiniDumpWriteDump_type *const pMiniDumpWriteDump)
361 {
363 		write_exception_dump(dtc, pid, what, h, pMiniDumpWriteDump);
364 	else
365 		path.front() = 0;
366 }
367 #endif
369 /*
370  * Write a plain text dump of metadata and a hex dump of the faulting
371  * stack.
372  */
write_exception_stack(const wchar_t * const filename,const unsigned pid,const uint8_t * const begin_sp,const dxx_trap_context & dtc,const std::string & what,const HANDLE h)373 static void write_exception_stack(const wchar_t *const filename, const unsigned pid, const uint8_t *const begin_sp, const dxx_trap_context &dtc, const std::string &what, const HANDLE h)
374 {
375 	std::array<char, 4096> buf;
376 	buf = {};
377 	const auto len_header_text = std::snprintf(buf.data(), buf.size(),
378 "Rebirth exception printed context\n"
380 "%.50s\n"
383 "Rebirth PID: %u\n"
384 "Report date-time: %.19ls\n"
386 "UD2 IP: %p\n"
387 "SP: %p\n"
388 "\n"
389 , g_strctxuuid.data(), g_descent_version, g_descent_build_datetime, pid, filename, what.c_str(), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(dtc.ContextRecord.DXX_NT_CONTEXT_REGISTER(ip)), begin_sp
390 );
391 	/*
392 	 * end_sp is rounded down to a paragraph boundary.
393 	 * Round sp the same way so that there will exist an integer N such
394 	 * that (`sp` + (N * `dump_stack_stride`)) == `end_sp`.
395 	 */
396 	const auto sp = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(begin_sp) & -dump_stack_stride);
397 	DWORD dwWritten;
398 	WriteFile(h, buf.data(), len_header_text, &dwWritten, 0);
399 	const auto end_sp = dtc.end_sp;
400 	for (unsigned i = 0; i < dump_stack_bytes; i += dump_stack_stride)
401 	{
402 		char hexdump[dump_stack_stride + 1];
403 		const auto base_paragraph_pointer = &sp[i];
404 		if (base_paragraph_pointer == end_sp)
405 			break;
406 		hexdump[dump_stack_stride] = 0;
407 		for (unsigned j = dump_stack_stride; j--;)
408 		{
409 			const uint8_t c = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(base_paragraph_pointer)[j];
410 			hexdump[j] = (c >= ' ' && c <= '~') ? c : '.';
411 		}
412 		buf = {};
413 #define FORMAT_PADDED_UINT8_4	" %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x "
414 #define VAR_PADDED_UINT8_4(I)	sp[I], sp[I + 1], sp[I + 2], sp[I + 3]
415 		const auto len_line_text = std::snprintf(buf.data(), buf.size(),
417 , base_paragraph_pointer, VAR_PADDED_UINT8_4(i), VAR_PADDED_UINT8_4(i + 4), VAR_PADDED_UINT8_4(i + 8), VAR_PADDED_UINT8_4(i + 12), hexdump);
418 #undef VAR_PADDED_UINT8_4
419 #undef FORMAT_PADDED_UINT8_4
420 		WriteFile(h, buf.data(), len_line_text, &dwWritten, 0);
421 	}
422 }
write_exception_stack(const wchar_t * const filename,const unsigned pid,const uint8_t * const sp,const dxx_trap_context & dtc,const std::string & what,path_buffer & path)424 static void write_exception_stack(const wchar_t *const filename, const unsigned pid, const uint8_t *const sp, const dxx_trap_context &dtc, const std::string &what, path_buffer &path)
425 {
427 		write_exception_stack(filename, pid, sp, dtc, what, h);
428 	else
429 		path.front() = 0;
430 }
432 /*
433  * Prevent moving the large `dxx_trap_context` into the caller.
434  * The caller captures the stack pointer before this function begins.
435  * The captured value should exclude the locals of this function, so
436  * that the data printed from the captured value covers the stack used
437  * prior to the throw which triggered the terminate handler.  If this
438  * function were inlined into the caller, the captured stack pointer
439  * would include the locals of this function.
440  */
441 __attribute__((__noinline__,__noclone__))
write_exception_logs(const uint8_t * const sp)442 static void write_exception_logs(const uint8_t *const sp)
443 {
444 	std::string what;
445 	try {
446 		/*
447 		 * Rethrow the faulting exception, then catch it to extract its
448 		 * explanatory text.
449 		 */
450 		std::rethrow_exception(std::current_exception());
451 	} catch (const std::exception &ee) {
452 		what = ee.what();
453 	} catch (...) {
454 	}
456 	path_buffer path_dump;
457 #define DXX_PATH_DUMP_FORMAT_STRING	L"%s%s\n"
459 	, path_dump.front() ? L"If possible, make available the binary file:\n  " : L"No dump file could be generated."	\
460 	, path_dump.data()
461 #else
463 	L"Dump file generation is not enabled in this build.\n"
465 #endif
466 	path_buffer path_stack;
467 	dxx_trap_context dtc;
468 	if (capture_exception_context(dtc, sp))
469 	{
470 		const unsigned pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
471 		wchar_t *filename;
472 		const auto pl = prepare_exception_log_path(path_stack, filename, pid);
474 		path_dump = path_stack;
475 		wcscpy(&path_dump[pl - 4], L"mdmp");
476 		if (const auto pMiniDumpWriteDump = g_pMiniDumpWriteDump)
477 			write_exception_dump(dtc, pid, what, path_dump, pMiniDumpWriteDump);
478 		else
479 			path_dump.front() = 0;
480 #else
481 		(void)pl;
482 #endif
483 		write_exception_stack(filename, pid, sp, dtc, what, path_stack);
484 	}
485 	else
486 	{
488 		path_dump.front() = 0;
489 #endif
490 		path_stack.front() = 0;
491 	}
492 	std::array<wchar_t, 1024> msg;
493 	_snwprintf(msg.data(), msg.size(),
494 L"Rebirth encountered a fatal error.  Please report this to the developers.\n"
495 L"\nInclude in your report:\n"
496 L"%s%hs%s"
497 L"* The level(s) played this session, including download URLs for any add-on missions\n"
498 L"%s%s\n\n"
500 L"\nTo the extent possible, provide steps to reproduce, starting from the game main menu.",
501 what.empty() ? L"" : L"* The exception message text:\n  \"", what.c_str(), what.empty() ? L"" : L"\"\n",
502 path_stack.front() ? L"* The contents of the text file:\n  " : L"", path_stack.data()
504 );
507 	MessageBoxW(NULL, msg.data(), L"Rebirth - Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_TOPMOST | MB_TASKMODAL);
508 }
510 [[noreturn]]
terminate_handler()511 static void terminate_handler()
512 {
513 	const uint8_t *sp;
514 	asm(
515 #ifdef WIN64
516 		"movq %%rsp, %[sp]"
517 #else
518 		"movl %%esp, %[sp]"
519 #endif
520 		: [sp] "=rm" (sp));
521 	write_exception_logs(sp);
522 	ExitProcess(0);
523 }
d_set_exception_handler()525 void d_set_exception_handler()
526 {
527 	std::set_terminate(&terminate_handler);
528 	std::array<wchar_t, MAX_PATH> ws;
529 	if (const auto lws = GetSystemDirectoryW(ws.data(), ws.size()))
530 	{
531 		if (auto &&rpcrt4 = RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject::Load(ws, lws, L"\\rpcrt4.dll"))
532 		{
533 			if (const auto pUuidCreate = rpcrt4.GetProc<decltype(UuidCreate)>("UuidCreate"))
534 			{
535 				UUID ctxuuid;
536 				/*
537 				 * Create a UUID specific to this run.
538 				 */
539 				if (SUCCEEDED((*pUuidCreate)(&ctxuuid)))
540 				{
541 					std::snprintf(g_strctxuuid.data(), g_strctxuuid.size(), "Context UUID: %08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", ctxuuid.Data1, ctxuuid.Data2, ctxuuid.Data3, ctxuuid.Data4[0], ctxuuid.Data4[1], ctxuuid.Data4[2], ctxuuid.Data4[3], ctxuuid.Data4[4], ctxuuid.Data4[5], ctxuuid.Data4[6], ctxuuid.Data4[7]);
542 				}
543 			}
544 		}
546 		if (auto &&dbghelp = RAII_Windows_DynamicSharedObject::Load(ws, lws, L"\\dbghelp.dll"))
547 		{
548 			if ((g_pMiniDumpWriteDump = dbghelp.GetProc<decltype(MiniDumpWriteDump)>("MiniDumpWriteDump")))
549 				dbghelp.release();
550 		}
551 #endif
552 	}
553 }