2	Fixed bug where pass markers are not cleared after an all-pass event
3		(thanks to an unknown euchre lover on sourceforge...)
4	Added previous tricks dialog and the view menu items to access it
7	Fixed bug where a non-trump 9 could not win a trick
8	Moved up card into the playing area instead of on the side
9	Added bid markers to indicate who has passed
10	Got rid of auction pop up and integrated the auction buttons into
11	  the main gui window.
12	Added pixmaps indicating who won the auction and what suit is trump.
13	  These are placed next to the dealer's name.
14	Removed some old widgets that were no longer in use
15	Added stick the dealer option
16	Changed up the preferences dialog into multiple tabbed pages
17	Added a couple of other optional card backs (more are always
18	  welcome, they should be 72x96 -- i'll convert them to xpm if
19	  they aren't already.  mine obviously suck so i won't be too picky)
23	Fixed bug if the partner of the person to the left of the dealer
24	 went loner the first trick played would be messed up (thanks to
25	 Glen Sanft and Scott Allen for pointing this out)
26	Fixed bug when the auction window was closed or killed the game be
27	 stuck (thanks to Scott Allen for this one as well)
28	Added no-partner-loner option
29	Fixed bug when you hit "new-game" in the middle of a game it will
30	 sometimes cause problems (once more thanks to Scott Allen)
33	Couple of compile fixes for different boxes (thanks to Mike Cheng and
34	 Bruce Momjian and Kevin Erickson for pointing them out)
35	Added hard level ai
36	Decreased number of aggression levels
37	Added "End deal as soon as possible" option (thanks to Glen Sanft
38	 for suggesting this)
39	Updated README to have info on what the different options do
42	Removed dependencies on gnome
43	Changed auction windows to one integrated window with bids integrated
44	 as well
45	Added some coloration (dealer name is always in red, whoever's turn to
46	 play/bid is always in blue, if dealer and dealer's turn to play/bid
47	 then purple [red+blue])
48	Fixed bug in delay logic after the first auction ends
49	moved interface.cpp to interface.c to remove some compile warnings
50	 from g++ but not gcc (there is still something wacky in the way
51	 glade is generating the interface.c file as the syntax for strings
52	 is always messed up)
53	As there is still no hard level api, changed hard to give a medium
54	 level instead of easy
55	Added itty-bitty pixmaps for the suits
58	Added logic for loner bids and loaner game play
59	Added ability for game to auto-play for human players (default off)
60	Added optional delay between bids bid cards played by
61	 players (default on)
62	Rewrote some of the core game driver.  Removed the recursive
63	 elements in favor of an event driven design.
64	Modified callbacks to play well with the new game driver logic
65	Changed from cout to env var to enable debug output (EUCHRE_DEBUG=1)
66	Added new card pixmaps shamelessly stolen from kpoker
67	Preferences are now saved off in $HOME/.euchrerc
70	initial release