1var screenAirportMain = {
2    pos: nil,
3    apt_coord: nil,
4    apt: nil,
5    searched: 0,
6    oaci: nil,
7    search: func {
8	me.apt = me.oaci != nil ? airportinfo(me.oaci) : airportinfo();
9	if (me.apt != nil) {
10	    #glide_slope_tunnel.complement_runways(me.apt);
11	    return 1;
12	}
13	else
14	    return 0;
15    },
16    right : func {
17    },
18    enter : func { #add to route
19	add_waypoint(me.apt.id, me.apt.name, "APT",
20		    [me.apt_coord.lat(), me.apt_coord.lon(),
21		    me.apt_coord.alt()*alt_conv[1][0]]);
22    },
23    escape : func {
24	me.searched = 0;
25	me.oaci = nil;
26    },
27    start : func {  #add bookmark, enter turnpoint mode
28	add_bookmark(me.apt.id, me.apt.name, "APT",
29		    [me.apt_coord.lat(), me.apt_coord.lon(),
30		    me.apt_coord.alt()*alt_conv[1][0]]);
31	screenTurnpointSelect.selected = screenTurnpointSelect.n - 1;
32	screenTurnpointSelect.start();
33    },
34    lines : func {
35	if (me.search() == 1) { #FIXME: THE SEARCH SHOULD BE DONE ONLY ONE TIME,
37				#       I DON'T KNOW YET WHY... :/
38	    var rwy = glide_slope_tunnel.best_runway(me.apt);
39	    me.pos = geo.Coord.new(geo.aircraft_position());
40	    me.apt_coord = geo.Coord.new().set_latlon(rwy.lat, rwy.lon);
41	    var ac_to_apt = [me.pos.distance_to(me.apt_coord), me.pos.course_to(me.apt_coord)];
42	    var ete = ac_to_apt[0] / getprop("instrumentation/gps/indicated-ground-speed-kt") * 3600 * 1852;
43	    display([
44	    sprintf("%s APT: %s", me.searched != 0 ? "SEARCHED" : "NEAREST", me.apt.id),
45	    sprintf("ELEV: %d %s", me.apt.elevation * alt_conv[1][alt_unit],alt_unit_short_name[alt_unit]),
46	    sprintf("DIST: %d %s",ac_to_apt[0] * dist_conv[2][dist_unit],dist_unit_short_name[dist_unit]),
47	    sprintf("BRG: %d°    RWY: %02d",ac_to_apt[1], int(rwy.heading) / 10),
48	    sprintf("ETE: %s",seconds_to_string(ete))
49	    ]);
50	}
51	else
52	    display([
53	    "",
54	    " ! ERROR !",
55	    "NO  AIRPORT",
56	    "   FOUND",
57	    ""
58	    ]);
59    }
62var screenAirportInfos = {
63    page : 0,
64    rwylist: [],
65    right : func {
66	np = int(size(me.rwylist) / 4) + (math.mod(size(me.rwylist),4) ? 1 : 0);
67	me.page = cycle(np, me.page, arg[0]);
68    },
69    enter : func {
70    },
71    escape : func {
72    },
73    start : func {
74    },
75    lines : func {
76	me.rwylist = [];
77	foreach (var r; keys(screenAirportMain.apt.runways)) {
78	    string.isdigit(r[0]) or continue;
79	    var number = math.mod(num(substr(r, 0, 2)) + 18, 36);
80	    var side = substr(r, 2, 1);
81	    var comp = sprintf("%02d%s", number, side == "R" ? "L" : side == "L" ? "R" : side);
82	    append(me.rwylist, [r, comp,
83				screenAirportMain.apt.runways[r].length,
84				screenAirportMain.apt.runways[r].width]);
85	}
86	line[0].setValue(sprintf("%s", screenAirportMain.apt.name)); #TODO check length to truncate if too long
87	rwyindex = me.page * 4;
88	for (var l = 1; l < LINES; l += 1) {
89	    rwyindex += 1;
90	    if (rwyindex < size(me.rwylist))
91		line[l].setValue(sprintf("%s - %s [%dm / %dm]",
92					me.rwylist[rwyindex][0],
93					me.rwylist[rwyindex][1],
94					me.rwylist[rwyindex][2],
95					me.rwylist[rwyindex][3]));
96	    else
97		line[l].setValue("");
98	}
99    }
102var screenSearchAirport = {
103    right : func {
104    },
105    enter : func {
106    },
107    escape : func {
108    },
109    start : func {
110	screenAirportMain.oaci = arg[0];
111	var found = screenAirportMain.search();
112	if (found != 0) {
113	    screenAirportMain.searched = 1;
114	    screenEdit.previous_page = 0;
115	    return 1;
116	}
117	else
118	    return 0;
119    },
120    lines : func {
121	EditMode(4, "AIRPORT CODE", "SEARCH");
122    }