4Effects describe the graphical appearance of 3d objects and scenery in
5FlightGear. The main motivation for effects is to support OpenGL
6shaders and to provide different implementations for graphics hardware
7of varying capabilities. Effects are similar to DirectX effects files
8and Ogre3D material scripts.
10An effect is a property list. The property list syntax is extended
11with new "vec3d" and "vec4d" types to support common computer graphics
12values. Effects are read from files with a ".eff" extension or can be
13created on-the-fly by FlightGear at runtime.  An effect consists of a
14"parameters" section followed by "technique" descriptions.  The
15"parameters" section is a tree of values that describe, abstractly,
16the graphical characteristics of objects that use the effect. Techniques
17refer to these parameters and use them to set OpenGL state or to set
18parameters for shader programs. The names of properties in the
19parameter section can be whatever the effects author chooses, although
20some standard parameters  are set by FlightGear itself. On the other
21hand, the properties in the techniques section are all defined by the
27A technique can contain a predicate that describes the OpenGL
28functionality required to support the technique. The first
29technique with a valid predicate in the list of techniques is used
30to set up the graphics state of the effect. A technique with no
31predicate is always assumed to be valid. The predicate is written in a
32little expression language that supports the following primitives:
34and, or, equal, less, less-equal
35glversion - returns the version number of OpenGL
36extension-supported - returns true if an OpenGL extension is supported
37property - returns the boolean value of a property
38float-property - returns the float value of a property, useful inside equal, less
39                or less-equal nodes
40shader-language - returns the version of GLSL supported, or 0 if there is none.
42The proper way to test whether to enable a shader-based technique is:
43  <predicate>
44    <and>
45    <property>/sim/rendering/shader-effects</property>
46    <less-equal>
47      <value type="float">1.0</value>
48      <shader-language/>
49    </less-equal>
50    </and>
51  </predicate>
53There is also a property set by the user to indicate what is the level
54of quality desired. This level of quality can be checked in the predicate
55like this :
56    <predicate>
57      <and>
58        <property>/sim/rendering/shader-effects</property>
59  <less-equal>
60    <value type="float">2.0</value>
61    <float-property>/sim/rendering/quality-level</float-property>
62  </less-equal>
63  <!-- other predicate conditions -->
64      </and>
65    </predicate>
67The range of /sim/rendering/quality-level is [0..5]
68 * 2.0 is the threshold for relief mapping effects,
69 * 4.0 is the threshold for geometry shader usage.
71A technique can consist of several passes. A pass is basically an Open
72Scene Graph StateSet. Ultimately all OpenGL and OSG modes and state
73attributes  will be accessable in techniques. State attributes -- that
74is, technique properties that have children and are not just boolean
75modes -- have an <active> parameter which enables or disables the
76attribute. In this way a technique can declare parameters it needs,
77but not enable the attribute at all if it is not needed; the decision
78can be based on a parameter in the parameters section of the
79effect. For example, effects that support transparent and opaque
80geometry could have as part of a technique:
82    <blend>
83    <active><use>blend/active</use></active>
84    <source>src-alpha</source>
85    <destination>one-minus-src-alpha</destination>
86    </blend>
88So if the blend/active parameter is true blending will be activated
89using the usual blending equation; otherwise blending is disabled.
91Values of Technique Attributes
94Values are assigned to technique properties in several ways:
96  * They can appear directly in the techniques section as a
97    constant. For example:
98    <uniform>
99      <name>ColorsTex</name>
100      <type>sampler-1d</type>
101      <value type="int">2</value>
102    </uniform>
103    * The name of a property in the parameters section can be
104    referenced using a "use" clause. For example, in the technique
105    section:
106    <material>
107      <ambient><use>material/ambient</use></ambient>
108    </material>
109    Then, in the parameters section of the effect:
110    <parameters>
111      <material>
112        <ambient type="vec4d">0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0</ambient>
113      </material>
114    </parameters>
116    It's worth pointing out that the "material" property in a
117    technique specifies part of OpenGL's state, whereas "material"
118    in the parameters section is just a name, part of a
119    hierarchical namespace.
121    * A property in the parameters section doesn't need to contain
122    a constant value; it can also contain a "use" property. Here
123    the value of the use clause is the name of a node in an
124    external property tree which will be used as the source of a
125    value. If the name begins with '/', the node is in
126    FlightGear's global property tree; otherwise, it is in a local
127    property tree, usually belonging to a model [NOT IMPLEMENTED
128    YET]. For example:
129    <parameters>
130      <chrome-light><use>/rendering/scene/chrome-light</use></chrome-light>
131    </parameters>
132    The type is determined by what is expected by the technique
133    attribute that will ultimately receive the value. [There is
134    no way to get vector values out of the main property system
135    yet; this will be fixed shortly.] Values that are declared
136    this way are dynamically updated if the property node
137    changes.
139OpenGL Attributes
142The following attributes are currently implemented in techiques:
143alpha-test - children: active, comparison, reference
144     Valid values for comparision:
145       never, less, equal, lequal, greater, notequal, gequal,
146       always
148alpha-to-coverage - true, false
150blend - children: active, source, destination, source-rgb,
151     source-alpha, destination-rgb, destination-alpha
152     Each operand can have the following values:
153       dst-alpha, dst-color, one, one-minus-dst-alpha,
154       one-minus-dst-color, one-minus-src-alpha,
155       one-minus-src-color, src-alpha, src-alpha-saturate,
156       src-color, constant-color, one-minus-constant-color,
157       constant-alpha, one-minus-constant-alpha, zero
159cull-face - front, back, front-back
161lighting - true, false
163material - children: active, ambient, ambient-front, ambient-back, diffuse,
164     diffuse-front, diffuse-back, specular, specular-front,
165     specular-back, emissive, emissive-front, emissive-back, shininess,
166     shininess-front, shininess-back, color-mode
168polygon-mode - children: front, back
169    Valid values:
170        fill, line, point
173    vertex-shader
174    geometry-shader
175    fragment-shader
176    attribute
177    geometry-vertices-out - integer, max number of vertices emitted by geometry
178                            shader
179    geometry-input-type - points, lines, lines-adjacency, triangles,
180                          triangles-adjacency
181    geometry-output-type - points, line-strip, triangle-strip
183render-bin - (OSG) children: bin-number, bin-name
185rendering-hint - (OSG) opaque, transparent
187shade-model - flat, smooth
189texture-unit - has several child properties:
190  unit - The number of an OpenGL texture unit
191  point-sprite - true, false - Whether this should rendered as a point-sprite
192  type - This is either an OpenGL texture type or the name of a
193    builtin texture. Currently supported OpenGL types are 1d, 2d,
194    3d which have the following common parameters:
195      image (file name)
196      filter - nearest, linear, [nearest|linear]-mipmap-[nearest|linear]
197      mag-filter - nearest, linear, [nearest|linear]-mipmap-[nearest|linear]
198      wrap-s - clamp, clamp-to-border, clamp-to-edge, mirror, repeat
199      wrap-t - clamp, clamp-to-border, clamp-to-edge, mirror, repeat
200      wrap-r - clamp, clamp-to-border, clamp-to-edge, mirror, repeat
201      mipmap-control - control the mipmap on a per-channel basis.  Children:
202        function-r - auto, average, sum, product, min, max
203        function-g - auto, average, sum, product, min, max
204        function-b - auto, average, sum, product, min, max
205        function-a - auto, average, sum, product, min, max
207    The following built-in types are supported:
208      white - 1 pixel white texture
209      noise - a 3d noise texture. (size parameter defines size of texture)
210      light-sprite - a procedurally generated sprite suitable for point lights
211      cubemap - build a cube-map.  Children:
212        images - build from 6 images. Children: [positive|negative]-[x|y|z]
213        image - build from a single cross-image
215  environment
216    mode - add, blend, decal, modulate, replace
217    color
219  texenv-combine
220    combine-[rgb|alpha] - replace, modulate, add, add-signed, interpolate, subtract, dot3-rgb, dot3-rgba
221    source[0|1|2]-[rgb|alpha] - constant, primary_color, previous, texture, texture[0-7]
222    operand[0|1|2]-[rgb|alpha] -src-color, one-minus-src-color, src-alpha, one-minus-src-alpha
223    scale-[rgb|alpha]
224    constant-color
226  texgen
227    mode - object-linear, eye-linear, sphere-map, normal-map, reflection-map
228    planes - s, t, r, q
231    name
232    type - float, float-vec3, float-vec4, sampler-1d, sampler-2d,
233    sampler-3d
235vertex-program-two-side - true, false
237vertex-program-point-size - true, false
242One feature not fully illustrated in the sample below is that
243effects can inherit from each other. The parent effect is listed in
244the "inherits-from" form. The child effect's property tree is
245overlaid over that of the parent. Nodes that have the same name and
246property index -- set by the "n=" attribute in the property tag --
247are recursively merged. Leaf property nodes from the child have
248precedence.  This means that effects that inherit from the example
249effect below could be very short, listing just new
250parameters and adding nothing to the techniques section;
251alternatively, a technique could be altered or customized in a
252child, listing (for example) a different shader program. An example
253showing inheritance Effects/crop.eff, which inherits some if its
254values from Effects/terrain-default.eff.
256FlightGear directly uses effects inheritance to assign effects to 3D
257models and terrain. As described below, at runtime small effects are
258created that contain material and texture values in a "parameters"
259section. These effects inherit from another effect which references
260those parameters in its "techniques" section. The derived effect
261overrides any default values that might be in the base effect's
262parameters section.
267Often shader effects need tangent vectors to work properly. These
268tangent vectors, usually called tangent and binormal, are computed
269on the CPU and given to the shader as vertex attributes. These
270vectors are computed on demand on the geometry using the effect if
271the 'generate' clause is present in the effect file. Exemple :
273  <generate>
274    <tangent type="int">6</tangent>
275    <binormal type="int">7</binormal>
276    <normal type="int">8</normal>
277  </generate>
279Valid subnodes of 'generate' are 'tangent', 'binormal' or 'normal'.
280The integer value of these subnode is the index of the attribute
281that will hold the value of the vec3 vector.
283The generate clause is located under PropertyList in the xml file.
285In order to be available for the vertex shader, these data should
286be bound to an attribute in the program clause, like this :
288  <program>
289    <vertex-shader>my_vertex_shader</vertex-shader>
290    <attribute>
291      <name>my_tangent_attribute</name>
292      <index>6</index>
293    </attribute>
294    <attribute>
295      <name>my_binormal_attribute</name>
296      <index>7</index>
297    </attribute>
298  </program>
300attribute names are whatever the shader use. The index is the one
301declared in the 'generate' clause. So because generate/tangent has
302value 6 and my_tangent_attribute has index 6, my_tangent_attribute
303holds the tangent value for the vertex.
305Default Effects in Terrain Materials and Models
308Effects for terrain work in this way: for each material type in
309materials.xml an effect is created that inherits from a single default
310terrain effect, Effects/terrain-default.eff. The parameters section of
311the effect is filled in using the ambient, diffuse, specular,
312emissive, shininess, and transparent fields of the material. The
313parameters image, filter, wrap-s, and wrap-t are also initialized from
314the material xml. Seperate effects are created for each texture
315variant of a material.
317Model effects are created by walking the OpenSceneGraph scene graph
318for a model and replacing nodes (osg::Geode) that have state sets with
319node that uses an effect instead. Again, a small effect is created
320with parameters extracted from OSG objects; this effect inherits, by
321default, from Effects/model-default.eff. A larger set of parameters is
322created for model effects than for terrain because there is more
323variation possible from the OSG model loaders than from the terrain
324system. The parameters created are:
326  * material active, ambient, diffuse, specular, emissive,
327    shininess, color mode
328    * blend active, source, destination
329    * shade-model
330    * cull-face
331  * rendering-hint
332  * texture type, image, filter, wrap-s, wrap-t
334Specifying Custom Effects
337You can specify the effects that will be used by FlightGear as the
338base effect when it creates terrain and model effects.
340In the terrain materials.xml, an "effect" property specifies the name
341of the model to use.
343In model .xml files, A richer syntax is supported. [TO BE DETERMINED]
345Material animations will be implemented by creating a new effect
346that inherits from one in a model, overriding the parameters that
347will be animated.
352The Effects directory contains the effects definitions; look there for
353examples. Effects/crop.eff is a good example of a complex effect.
358To apply an effect to a model or part of a model use:
360  <effect>
361    <inherits-from>Effects/light-cone</inherits-from>
362    <object-name>Cone</object-name>
363  </effect>
365where <inherits-from> </inherits-from> contains the path to the effect you want to
366apply. The effect does not need the file extension.
370Chrome, although now implemented as an effect, still retains the old method of
373  <animation>
374      <type>shader</type>
375      <shader>chrome</shader>
376      <texture>glass_shader.png</texture>
377      <object-name>windscreen</object-name>
378  </animation>
380in order to maintain backward compatibility.
382Model Hierarchy
385There are a large number of techniques used by the models, with complex
386inheritance.  Here is a handy list of the techniques, what they are for, and
387where the base technique is defined
391# Where Defined                Summary
3924 model-combined.xml           ALS, quality>0, model>0
3935 model-defaults.xml           Base ALS
3947 model-combined-deferred.xml  Rembrandt, model>0
3959  model-combined.xml          quality>0, model>0
39610 model-defaults.xml          Base Rembrandt
39711 model-defaults.xml          Generic shaders, quality>0
39813 model-defaults.xml          Fallback - no predicate
403# Where Defined                Summary
4044 model-combined.xml          quality>0, model>0
4057 model-combined.xml          ALS, quality>0, model>0
4068 model-default.xml          generic>0, quality>0
4079 model-default.xml          Fallback - no predicate
40819 model-default.xml         ALS, basic
411Scenery Hierarchy
416# Where defined          Summary
4178 terrain-default.xml    quality>0, generic>0
4189 terrain-default.xml    Fallback - no predicate
41917 terrain-default.xml   ALS, landmass=6, transition=6
42018 terrain-default.xml   ALS, landmass>3, transition>2
42119 terrain-default.xml   ALS, basic