1 /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
3  Header:       FGTrimAxis.cpp
4  Author:       Tony Peden
5  Date started: 7/3/00
7  --------- Copyright (C) 1999  Anthony K. Peden (apeden@earthlink.net) ---------
9  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
10  the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
11  Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
12  version.
14  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
16  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
17  details.
19  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
20  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
21  Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
23  Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be found on
24  the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
28 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 7/3/00   TP   Created
31 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
33 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/
35 #ifdef _MSC_VER
36 #  pragma warning (disable : 4786)
37 #endif
39 #include <string>
40 #include <cstdlib>
41 #include <iomanip>
42 #include "FGFDMExec.h"
43 #include "models/FGAtmosphere.h"
44 #include "FGInitialCondition.h"
45 #include "FGTrimAxis.h"
46 #include "models/FGPropulsion.h"
47 #include "models/FGAerodynamics.h"
48 #include "models/FGFCS.h"
49 #include "models/propulsion/FGEngine.h"
50 #include "models/FGAuxiliary.h"
51 #include "models/FGGroundReactions.h"
52 #include "models/FGPropagate.h"
53 #include "models/FGAccelerations.h"
55 using namespace std;
57 namespace JSBSim {
59 /*****************************************************************************/
FGTrimAxis(FGFDMExec * fdex,FGInitialCondition * ic,State st,Control ctrl)61 FGTrimAxis::FGTrimAxis(FGFDMExec* fdex, FGInitialCondition* ic, State st,
62                        Control ctrl) {
64   fdmex=fdex;
65   fgic=ic;
66   state=st;
67   control=ctrl;
68   max_iterations=10;
69   control_value=0;
70   its_to_stable_value=0;
71   total_iterations=0;
72   total_stability_iterations=0;
73   state_convert=1.0;
74   control_convert=1.0;
75   state_value=0;
76   state_target=0;
77   switch(state) {
78     case tUdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; break;
79     case tVdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; break;
80     case tWdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; break;
81     case tQdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE / 10; break;
82     case tPdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE / 10; break;
83     case tRdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE / 10; break;
84     case tHmgt: tolerance = 0.01; break;
85     case  tNlf: state_target=1.0; tolerance = 1E-5; break;
86     case tAll: break;
87   }
89   solver_eps=tolerance;
90   switch(control) {
91   case tThrottle:
92     control_min=0;
93     control_max=1;
94     control_value=0.5;
95     break;
96   case tBeta:
97     control_min=-30*degtorad;
98     control_max=30*degtorad;
99     control_convert=radtodeg;
100     break;
101   case tAlpha:
102     control_min=fdmex->GetAerodynamics()->GetAlphaCLMin();
103     control_max=fdmex->GetAerodynamics()->GetAlphaCLMax();
104     if(control_max <= control_min) {
105       control_max=20*degtorad;
106       control_min=-5*degtorad;
107     }
108     control_value= (control_min+control_max)/2;
109     control_convert=radtodeg;
110     solver_eps=tolerance/100;
111     break;
112   case tPitchTrim:
113   case tElevator:
114   case tRollTrim:
115   case tAileron:
116   case tYawTrim:
117   case tRudder:
118     control_min=-1;
119     control_max=1;
120     state_convert=radtodeg;
121     solver_eps=tolerance/100;
122     break;
123   case tAltAGL:
124     control_min=0;
125     control_max=30;
126     control_value=ic->GetAltitudeAGLFtIC();
127     solver_eps=tolerance/100;
128     break;
129   case tTheta:
130     control_min=ic->GetThetaRadIC() - 5*degtorad;
131     control_max=ic->GetThetaRadIC() + 5*degtorad;
132     state_convert=radtodeg;
133     break;
134   case tPhi:
135     control_min=ic->GetPhiRadIC() - 30*degtorad;
136     control_max=ic->GetPhiRadIC() + 30*degtorad;
137     state_convert=radtodeg;
138     control_convert=radtodeg;
139     break;
140   case tGamma:
141     solver_eps=tolerance/100;
142     control_min=-80*degtorad;
143     control_max=80*degtorad;
144     control_convert=radtodeg;
145     break;
146   case tHeading:
147     control_min=ic->GetPsiRadIC() - 30*degtorad;
148     control_max=ic->GetPsiRadIC() + 30*degtorad;
149     state_convert=radtodeg;
150     break;
151   }
154   Debug(0);
155 }
157 /*****************************************************************************/
~FGTrimAxis(void)159 FGTrimAxis::~FGTrimAxis(void)
160 {
161   Debug(1);
162 }
164 /*****************************************************************************/
getState(void)166 void FGTrimAxis::getState(void) {
167   switch(state) {
168   case tUdot: state_value=fdmex->GetAccelerations()->GetUVWdot(1)-state_target; break;
169   case tVdot: state_value=fdmex->GetAccelerations()->GetUVWdot(2)-state_target; break;
170   case tWdot: state_value=fdmex->GetAccelerations()->GetUVWdot(3)-state_target; break;
171   case tQdot: state_value=fdmex->GetAccelerations()->GetPQRdot(2)-state_target;break;
172   case tPdot: state_value=fdmex->GetAccelerations()->GetPQRdot(1)-state_target; break;
173   case tRdot: state_value=fdmex->GetAccelerations()->GetPQRdot(3)-state_target; break;
174   case tHmgt: state_value=computeHmgt()-state_target; break;
175   case tNlf:  state_value=fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetNlf()-state_target; break;
176   case tAll: break;
177   }
178 }
180 /*****************************************************************************/
182 //States are not settable
getControl(void)184 void FGTrimAxis::getControl(void) {
185   switch(control) {
186   case tThrottle:  control_value=fdmex->GetFCS()->GetThrottleCmd(0); break;
187   case tBeta:      control_value=fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->Getbeta(); break;
188   case tAlpha:     control_value=fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->Getalpha();  break;
189   case tPitchTrim: control_value=fdmex->GetFCS() -> GetPitchTrimCmd(); break;
190   case tElevator:  control_value=fdmex->GetFCS() -> GetDeCmd(); break;
191   case tRollTrim:
192   case tAileron:   control_value=fdmex->GetFCS() -> GetDaCmd(); break;
193   case tYawTrim:
194   case tRudder:    control_value=fdmex->GetFCS() -> GetDrCmd(); break;
195   case tAltAGL:    control_value=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetDistanceAGL();break;
196   case tTheta:     control_value=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(eTht); break;
197   case tPhi:       control_value=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(ePhi); break;
198   case tGamma:     control_value=fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetGamma();break;
199   case tHeading:   control_value=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(ePsi); break;
200   }
201 }
203 /*****************************************************************************/
computeHmgt(void)205 double FGTrimAxis::computeHmgt(void) {
206   double diff;
208   diff   = fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(ePsi) -
209              fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetGroundTrack();
211   if( diff < -M_PI ) {
212      return (diff + 2*M_PI);
213   } else if( diff > M_PI ) {
214      return (diff - 2*M_PI);
215   } else {
216      return diff;
217   }
219 }
221 /*****************************************************************************/
setControl(void)224 void FGTrimAxis::setControl(void) {
225   switch(control) {
226   case tThrottle:  setThrottlesPct(); break;
227   case tBeta:      fgic->SetBetaRadIC(control_value); break;
228   case tAlpha:     fgic->SetAlphaRadIC(control_value);  break;
229   case tPitchTrim: fdmex->GetFCS()->SetPitchTrimCmd(control_value); break;
230   case tElevator:  fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDeCmd(control_value); break;
231   case tRollTrim:
232   case tAileron:   fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDaCmd(control_value); break;
233   case tYawTrim:
234   case tRudder:    fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDrCmd(control_value); break;
235   case tAltAGL:    fgic->SetAltitudeAGLFtIC(control_value); break;
236   case tTheta:     fgic->SetThetaRadIC(control_value); break;
237   case tPhi:       fgic->SetPhiRadIC(control_value); break;
238   case tGamma:     fgic->SetFlightPathAngleRadIC(control_value); break;
239   case tHeading:   fgic->SetPsiRadIC(control_value); break;
240   }
241 }
243 /*****************************************************************************/
Run(void)245 void FGTrimAxis::Run(void) {
247   double last_state_value;
248   int i;
249   setControl();
250   //cout << "FGTrimAxis::Run: " << control_value << endl;
251   i=0;
252   bool stable=false;
253   while(!stable) {
254     i++;
255     last_state_value=state_value;
256     fdmex->Initialize(fgic);
257     fdmex->Run();
258     getState();
259     if(i > 1) {
260       if((fabs(last_state_value - state_value) < tolerance) || (i >= 100) )
261         stable=true;
262     }
263   }
265   its_to_stable_value=i;
266   total_stability_iterations+=its_to_stable_value;
267   total_iterations++;
268 }
270 /*****************************************************************************/
setThrottlesPct(void)272 void FGTrimAxis::setThrottlesPct(void) {
273   double tMin,tMax;
274   for(unsigned i=0;i<fdmex->GetPropulsion()->GetNumEngines();i++) {
275       tMin=fdmex->GetPropulsion()->GetEngine(i)->GetThrottleMin();
276       tMax=fdmex->GetPropulsion()->GetEngine(i)->GetThrottleMax();
278       // Both the main throttle setting in FGFCS and the copy of the position
279       // in the Propulsion::Inputs structure need to be set at this time.
280       fdmex->GetFCS()->SetThrottleCmd(i,tMin+control_value*(tMax-tMin));
281       fdmex->GetPropulsion()->in.ThrottlePos[i] = tMin +control_value*(tMax - tMin);
283       fdmex->Initialize(fgic);
284       fdmex->Run(); //apply throttle change
285       fdmex->GetPropulsion()->GetSteadyState();
286   }
287 }
289 /*****************************************************************************/
AxisReport(void)291 void FGTrimAxis::AxisReport(void) {
292   // Save original cout format characteristics
293   std::ios_base::fmtflags originalFormat = cout.flags();
294   std::streamsize originalPrecision = cout.precision();
295   std::streamsize originalWidth = cout.width();
296   cout << "  " << setw(20) << GetControlName() << ": ";
297   cout << setw(6) << setprecision(2) << GetControl()*control_convert << ' ';
298   cout << setw(5) << GetStateName() << ": ";
299   cout << setw(9) << setprecision(2) << scientific << GetState()+state_target;
300   cout << " Tolerance: " << setw(3) << setprecision(0) << scientific << GetTolerance();
302   if( fabs(GetState()+state_target) < fabs(GetTolerance()) )
303      cout << "  Passed" << endl;
304   else
305      cout << "  Failed" << endl;
306   // Restore original cout format characteristics
307   cout.flags(originalFormat);
308   cout.precision(originalPrecision);
309   cout.width(originalWidth);
310 }
312 /*****************************************************************************/
GetAvgStability(void)314 double FGTrimAxis::GetAvgStability( void ) {
315   if(total_iterations > 0) {
316     return double(total_stability_iterations)/double(total_iterations);
317   }
318   return 0;
319 }
321 /*****************************************************************************/
322 //    The bitmasked value choices are as follows:
323 //    unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print
324 //       out the normally expected messages, essentially echoing
325 //       the config files as they are read. If the environment
326 //       variable is not set, debug_lvl is set to 1 internally
327 //    0: This requests JSBSim not to output any messages
328 //       whatsoever.
329 //    1: This value explicity requests the normal JSBSim
330 //       startup messages
331 //    2: This value asks for a message to be printed out when
332 //       a class is instantiated
333 //    4: When this value is set, a message is displayed when a
334 //       FGModel object executes its Run() method
335 //    8: When this value is set, various runtime state variables
336 //       are printed out periodically
337 //    16: When set various parameters are sanity checked and
338 //       a message is printed out when they go out of bounds
Debug(int from)340 void FGTrimAxis::Debug(int from)
341 {
343   if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;
344   if (debug_lvl & 1 ) { // Standard console startup message output
345     if (from == 0) { // Constructor
347     }
348   }
349   if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification
350     if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGTrimAxis" << endl;
351     if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed:    FGTrimAxis" << endl;
352   }
353   if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects
354   }
355   if (debug_lvl & 8 ) { // Runtime state variables
356   }
357   if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking
358   }
359   if (debug_lvl & 64) {
360     if (from == 0) { // Constructor
361     }
362   }
363 }
364 }