2id: "bat_black_pf",
3activation_border: 1000,
4prototype: ["ant_flying"],
5solid_dimensions: [],
6properties: {
7	fly_height_adjust: "(wave(cycle*5+1000)/50)",
9	new_path: "[spawn('pathfinding_experiment',midpoint_x,midpoint_y,0, [set(x_1,midpoint_x),set(y_1,midpoint_y),set(x_2,vars.init_x),set(y_2,vars.init_y),set(parent,me)]),  set(vars.path_node,0), set(vars.path_x,[0]),set(vars.path_y,[0])]",
10	should_dive: "if(animation = 'cling' and
11						cycle - vars.last_clung > 100 and
12						level.player.y > y + 50 and level.player.y < vars.dive_height and
13						level.player.midpoint_x > vars.x_bound and
14						level.player.midpoint_x < vars.x2_bound, 1, 0)",
15	should_climb: "if(midpoint_y > vars.dive_height or midpoint_y < vars.desired_height-20 or midpoint_x > vars.x2_bound or midpoint_x < vars.x_bound, 1, 0)",
16	should_cling: "if(abs(midpoint_x - vars.init_x) < 10 and abs(midpoint_y - vars.init_y) < 10, 1, 0)",
17	begin_dive: "def() [		animation('wake'),
18								if(level.player.midpoint_x > midpoint_x, facing(1), facing(-1)),
19								set(vars.behavior, 'dive'),
20								set(vars.target_x, level.player.midpoint_x),
21								set(vars.target_y, level.player.y),
22								add(velocity_y,200)]",
23	begin_climb: "def() [	set(vars.behavior, 'climb')]",
24	begin_cling: "def() [	animation('cling'),
25								set(vars.last_clung, cycle),
26								set(vars.behavior, ''),
27								set(velocity_x,0),
28								set(velocity_y,0)]",
29	process_dive: "def() [	if(level.player.midpoint_y > midpoint_y, add(velocity_y, 8),add(velocity_y,-8) ),
30								if(level.player.midpoint_x > midpoint_x, [try_facing(1),add(velocity_x, 12)],[try_facing(-1),add(velocity_x,-12)] ),
31							   	if(should_climb, begin_climb() )]",
32	goal_x: "if(vars.path_node < vars.path_x.size, path_x[vars.path_node],init_x)",
33	goal_y: "if(vars.path_node < vars.path_y.size, path_y[vars.path_node],init_y)",
34	should_move_to_next_path_node: "if(abs(midpoint_x - goal_x) < 20 and abs(midpoint_y - goal_y) < 20, 1, 0)",
35	next_path_node: "def() if(path_node < (vars.path_x.size + 1), add(path_node,1))",
36	process_climb: "def() [	if(cycle-vars.path_age > 300, [set(vars.path_age,cycle),new_path]),
37								debug(vars.path_x.size),
38								debug('path_node = '+ vars.path_node),
39								#debug('goal_x = '+ goal_x),
40								debug('goal_y = '+ goal_y),#
41								debug([path_x,path_y]),
43								if(midpoint_x < goal_x, [try_facing(1),add(velocity_x, 5)],[try_facing(-1),add(velocity_x,-5)] ),
44								if(midpoint_y < goal_y, add(velocity_y, 8),add(velocity_y,-8) ),
45									[if(should_move_to_next_path_node, next_path_node()),
46									if(should_cling, begin_cling())]
47									]",
48	try_facing: "def(direction) if(direction != facing,fire_event('turn'))",
50vars: {
51	points_value: 14,
52	path_x: [0],
53	path_y: [0],
54	path_age: -200,
55	path_node: 0,
57consts: {
58	basic_type: "bat_black",
59	thrown_type: "bat_black.thrown",
60	basic_animation: "fly",
64#set(vars.path_x, child.vars.Xpoints)
66on_child_spawned: "[	schedule(2,fire_event(child, 'communicate_path')),
67							schedule(40,fire_event(child, 'seppuku'))]",
68on_create: "[	set(vars.behavior,''),
69						animation('cling'),
70						set(vars.init_y, midpoint_y),
71						set(vars.init_x, midpoint_x)
72					]",
73on_end_anim: "if(animation in ['cling'], animation('cling'),animation('fly'))",
75#on_process="debug(animation + vars.behavior),"
77#Note:  the proto will set our y velocity for regular soaring.  We only override this if we're busy diving or climbing.
78on_process_cling: "if(should_dive, begin_dive())",
79on_process_fly: "switch(vars.behavior,
80							'dive', process_dive(),
81							'climb', process_climb(),
82							'regular', [proto_event('ant_flying', 'process_fly'), if(should_dive, begin_dive())])",
83on_process_turn: "fire_event('process_fly')",
84on_lose_wings: "#don't lose wings#",
85animation: [
86	{
87		image: "enemies/bat-black.png",
88		pad: 3,
89		body_area: "all",
90		accel_y: 0,
91		id: "cling",
92		rect: [1,1,18,28],
93		frames: 2,
94		duration: 16,
95		accel_x: 0,
96	},
97	{
98		image: "enemies/bat-black.png",
99		pad: 3,
100		body_area: "all",
101		accel_y: 0,
102		id: "wake",
103		rect: [43,1,60,28],
104		frames: 1,
105		duration: 6,
106		accel_x: 0,
107	},
108	{
109		image: "enemies/bat-black.png",
110		pad: 3,
111		body_area: "all",
112		accel_y: 0,
113		id: "fly",
114		rect: [1,32,26,70],
115		frames: 4,
116		duration: 4,
117		accel_x: 0,
118	},
119	{
120		image: "enemies/bat-black.png",
121		pad: 3,
122		body_area: "all",
123		accel_y: 0,
124		id: "spring",
125		rect: [1,32,26,70],
126		frames: 1,
127		duration: 3,
128	},
129	{
130		image: "enemies/bat-black.png",
131		pad: 3,
132		body_area: "all",
133		accel_y: 0,
134		id: "turn",
135		rect: [1,74,26,112],
136		frames: 2,
137		duration: 3,
138	},
139	{
140		image: "enemies/bat-black.png",
141		pad: 3,
142		body_area: "all",
143		accel_y: 0,
144		id: "hurt",
145		rect: [120,32,145,70],
146	},
148object_type: {
149	id: "thrown",
150	prototype: ["throwable_small_enemy"],
151	solid_dimensions: ["enemy","common"],
152	consts: {
153		basic_type: "bat_black",
154		thrown_type: "bat_black.thrown",
155		basic_animation: "fly",
156	},
157	on_spat: "[proto_event('throwable_small_enemy', 'spat'), set(vars.bomb, null), set(attached_objects, [])]",
158	animation: [
159		{
160			image: "enemies/bat-black.png",
161			id: "thrown",
162			thrown_area: "all",
163			duration: 60,
164			rect: [149,32,174,70],
165			frames: 1,
166			body_area: null,
167		},
168		{
169			image: "enemies/bat-black.png",
170			id: "on_back",
171			rect: [149,32,174,70],
172			frames: 2,
173			duration: 5,
174			body_area: "all",
175		},
176	],