2id: "civ_board",
3hitpoints: 2,
4zorder: -11,
5no_compile_image: "experimental/civ-tile.png",
6properties: {
7	tile_side_name: "def(name) switch(name.animation, 'normal', ~White~, 'gold', ~Gold~, 'black', ~Black~, 'silver', ~Silver~, ~Mysterious Stranger~)",
8	tile_name: "def(tile) switch(tile.type, 'civ-tile_mine', ~mine~, 'civ-tile_farm', ~farm~, 'civ-tile_settle', ~settlement~, 'civ-tile_war', ~warrior camp~, ~claim~)",
10	#returns the pixel size of the board
11	#
12	board_size: "def() consts.tile_size*consts.tiles",
14	#returns the pixels of the board coordinate passed in.
15	#
16	tile_at: "def (coord) [x+consts.tile_size+x_in*consts.tile_size*2,y+consts.tile_size+y_in*consts.tile_size*2] where x_in = coord[0] where y_in = coord[1]",
18	#returns the tile number at level coord if available
19	#
20	on_tile: "def(coords)
21			if(not loc in map(vars.play, 'vp', vp.vars.gridloc), loc) where loc = on_any_tile(coords)",
23	#returns tile number at level coord
24	on_any_tile: "def(coords)
25			if(mx > x and mx < x+board_size()*2 and my > y and my < y+board_size()*2,
26				[tx, ty])
27			where tx = (mx-x)/(consts.tile_size*2)
28			where ty = (my-y)/(consts.tile_size*2)
29			where mx = coords[0] where my = coords[1]",
31	#returns the played tile at the level coord
32	on_piece: "def(coords) find(vars.play, 'vp', vp.vars.gridloc = on_any_tile(coords))",
34	#Returns the tile the mouse is on.
35	#
36	mouse_on_tile: "def() on_any_tile(level.player.vars.mouse.pos)",
38	#Takes player (0) and a spot in the hand to deal to.
39	#
40	dealt_hand_loc: "def(player, spot) if(player = 0,
41		[x - consts.tile_size + margin + step * spot, y + board_size()*2 + space_beneath]
42		where step = ((board_size() - margin) * 2) / (vars.hand_size - 1)
43		where margin = 125
44		where space_beneath = 20
45		)",
47	#Takes x,y board coordinate, returns terrain name there.
48	#
49	get_terrain: "def(coords) switch(vars.land[coords[0] + coords[1]*consts.tiles], 0, 'ocean_grid', 1, 'plains_grid', 2, 'hill_grid', 3, 'ore_grid', 'ocean_grid')",
51	#Can coords tile have food for obj?
52	#
53	has_food: "def(obj, coords)
54			has_food_with(obj, coords, [-1,-1])",
56	#list of vectors for adjacent tiles
57	#
58	adjacents: "[[-1,0],[0,-1],[1,0],[0,1]]",
60	#returns objects in play adjacent to coords
61	#
62	adjacent_objs: "def(coords) filter(map(adjacents, 'adjv', find(vars.play, 'tile', tile.vars.gridloc = [coords[0]+adjv[0], coords[1]+adjv[1]])), 'list', list != null)",
64	#same as has_food, but without taking to account tile at less.
65	#
66	has_food_with: "def(obj, coords, less)
67			if(1 in map(adjacents, 'offset',
68				if(get_terrain([coords[0]+offset[0],coords[1]+offset[1]]) = 'plains_grid'
69				and find(vars.play, 't', t.midpoint_x = tile_at([coords[0]+offset[0], coords[1]+offset[1]])[0]
70				and t.midpoint_y = tile_at([coords[0]+offset[0], coords[1]+offset[1]])[1]) = null,
71					if([coords[0]+offset[0],coords[1]+offset[1]] = less, 0, 1),
72					0)
73				)
74			or (get_terrain([coords[0], coords[1]]) = 'plains_grid' and cache[consts.tile_types_side[obj.animation]] = 1),
75				1,
76				0)
77			or obj.search_adjacent_connected_to_farm(tile_at(coords)[0], tile_at(coords)[1], obj.animation)
78		#	or 'civ-tile_farm' in map(k_group(tile_at(coords), obj.animation), 'k_tile', k_tile.type)
79		#",
81	#Well, bother. This bit doesn't work here - a corner case(specifically, the lower right one) is broken.
82	#returns a list of the tiles which will starve if coord is filled with obj. needs work. adjs is the tiles adjacent to coords.
83	#
84	starve: "def(obj, coords) filter(adjacent_objs(coords), 'adjs', not has_food_with(obj, adjs.vars.gridloc, coords))",
86	#Is coords tile a valid spot to add obj?
87	#
88	is_valid_addition: "def(obj, coords)
89			switch(obj.type,
90			'civ-tile_farm',	if(get_terrain(coords) = 'plains_grid' and (not played(coords))
91								and (not went_to_war),
92									1, 0),
93			'civ-tile_mine',	if(get_terrain(coords) in ['hill_grid', 'ore_grid']
94								and (not went_to_war)
95								and has_food(obj, coords) and (not played(coords))
96								and ((not find(starve(obj, coords), 'dead', dead.animation = obj.animation))
97									or obj.search_adjacent_connected_to_farm(tile_at(coords)[0], tile_at(coords)[1], obj.animation)),
98									1, 0),
99			'civ-tile_settle',	if(get_terrain(coords) and (not get_terrain(coords) in ['ocean_grid', 'ore_grid'])
100								and (not went_to_war)
101								and has_food(obj, coords)
102								and (not played(coords))
103								and ((not find(starve(obj, coords), 'dead', dead.animation = obj.animation))
104									or obj.search_adjacent_connected_to_farm(tile_at(coords)[0], tile_at(coords)[1], obj.animation)),
105									1, 0),
106			'civ-tile_war',		if(get_terrain(coords) and (not get_terrain(coords) in ['ocean_grid', 'ore_grid']) and has_food(obj, coords)
107								and ((not went_to_war) or played(coords))
108								and (not find(vars.play, 'tile', tile.gridloc = coords and tile.animation = context.consts.tile_types[turn]))
109								and ((not find(starve(obj, coords), 'dead', dead.animation = obj.animation))
110									or obj.search_adjacent_connected_to_farm(tile_at(coords)[0], tile_at(coords)[1], obj.animation)),
111									1, 0),
112			0)",
114	#Returns the tile which was played at coords.
115	#
116	played: "def(coords) find(vars.play, 'tile', tile.gridloc = coords)",
118	#Darkens invalid positions for obj to be placed at.
119	#
120	draw_blackout: "def(tile) map(range(consts.tiles), 'cX', map(range(consts.tiles), 'cY',
121			if(not is_valid_addition(tile,[cX, cY]) and 'human' = vars.players[vars.turn],
122				if(not	my_valid_bldg_at(tile_at(list_subtract([cX,cY],[0,0])), tile, my_bldg_spots) or
123						my_valid_bldg_at(tile_at(list_subtract([cX,cY],[1,0])), tile, my_bldg_spots) or
124						my_valid_bldg_at(tile_at(list_subtract([cX,cY],[0,1])), tile, my_bldg_spots) or
125						my_valid_bldg_at(tile_at(list_subtract([cX,cY],[1,1])), tile, my_bldg_spots),
126					spawn('civ_board.no', tile_at([cX,cY])[0], tile_at([cX, cY])[1], facing),
127					if(my_valid_bldg_at(tile_at(list_subtract([cX,cY],[0,0])), tile, my_bldg_spots),
128						[add_object(blackout),
129						set(blackout.animation, 'big'),
130						] where blackout = object('civ_board.no', tile_at([cX,cY])[0], tile_at([cX, cY])[1], facing)
131						)
132					)
133				)
134			))",
136	#Removes all blacked out tiles.
137	#
138	clear_blackout: "map(level.chars, 'obj', if(obj.type = 'civ_board.no', fire_event(obj, 'nix')))",
139	mouse: "level.player.vars.mouse.pos",
140	war_defeat_tile: "def(tile) schedule(2, [
141			set(vars.play, filter(vars.play, 'vp', vp != tile)),
142			fire_event(tile, 'nix'),
143			[add_object(war_obj),
144			set(war_obj.midpoint_x, tile.midpoint_x),
145			set(war_obj.midpoint_y, tile.midpoint_y)
146			] where war_obj = object('civ_war', x, y, facing),
147			])",
149	#Uncached kingdom group functions. k_group returns the /side/ kingdom near /level coords/.
150	k_group: "def(coords, side) _k_grow(on_any_tile(coords), filter(vars.play, 'vp', vp.animation=side), [])",
151	_k_grow: "def(gridLocation, potential_tiles, approved_tiles)
152			if(touching,
153				_k_grow(touching[0].gridloc, filter(new_potential, 'np', not np in grew), new_approved + grew)
154					where grew = _k_grow(gridLocation, filter(new_potential, 'np', np != touching[0]), []),
155				new_approved
156			)where new_potential = filter(potential_tiles, 'pt', pt.gridloc != gridLocation)
157			where new_approved = approved_tiles + filter(potential_tiles, 'pt', pt.gridloc = gridLocation)
158			where touching = _k_touching(gridLocation, potential_tiles)",
159	_k_touching: "def(coords, potential_tiles)
160			filter(
161				map(adjacents, 'adjv',
162					find(potential_tiles, 'tile',
163						tile.vars.gridloc = [coords[0]+adjv[0], coords[1]+adjv[1]])),
164				'list', list != null)",
166	#returns true if coords is adjacent to a
167	is_adjacent_to_side: "def(coord, side)
168			1 in map(adjacents, 'adj',
169				if(
170					filter(vars.play, 'vp',
171						vp.gridloc = list_add(coord, adj)
172						and context.consts.tile_types_side[vp.animation] = side
173						),
174					1,0
175					)
176				)",
178	#set the help text to string
179	#
180	help: "def(string) vars.help_obj.set_text(string)",
182	#Add a tile at board coordinates to the game data. Doesn't create tile.
183	#
184	add_tile: "def(tile, coords) [
185			set(tile.vars.gridloc, coords),
186			set(tile.midpoint_x, tile_at(coords)[0]),
187			set(tile.midpoint_y, tile_at(coords)[1]),
188			set(vars.play, vars.play + [tile]),]",
190	#Like above, but creates the tile too.
191	#
192	place_tile: "def(tile, coords, team) [
193			add_object(tile),
194			set(tile.animation, consts.tile_types[team]),
195			add_tile(tile, coords)
196			]",
198	#input is a list of place tile signatures, eg, [[tileA,[1,1],0], [tileB,[1,2],1]]
199	#
200	place_tiles: "def(inputs) [
201			map(inputs, 'input', place_tile(input[0], input[1], input[2])),
202			set(vars.play, vars.play + map(inputs, 'input', input[0])),
203			]",
205	#the list of current player's potential buildings
206	my_bldg_spots: "bldg_spots[turn]",
208	#returns the quad (a list of four buildings) which could support the current tile as an addition.
209	my_valid_bldg: "def(tile, list_of_quads)
210			my_valid_bldg_at([tile.midpoint_x, tile.midpoint_y], tile, list_of_quads)",
211	my_valid_bldg_at: "def(coords, tile, list_of_quads)
212			find(list_of_quads, 'quad',
213				quad[0].gridloc = on_any_tile([coords[0]-consts.tile_size, coords[1]-consts.tile_size])
214				and bldg_codes[tile.type]
215				and 1 in map(range(size(bldg_codes[tile.type])), 'index',
216					pair_off(
217						map(quad, 'l2', l2.type),
218						map(bldg_codes[tile.type][index][0], 'l1', l1.type)
219						)
220					)
221				)",
223	#matches pairs elements in the two lists passed in and returns true if it can pair off all elements in at least one list.. It accepts the string 'wild' as a wildcard, but will not attempt to optimise this card's use in any way. To make the wildcard the last resort, put it at the end of the list. Wild cards only accepted in second list.
224	#
225	pair_off: "def(list1, list2) #current bug: pair_off([1,1,'wild','wild'], [5,4,5,1]) matches and shouldn't. Vica-versa is fine.#
226			if(size(list1)=0 and size(list2)=0,
227				1,
228				if((not (size(list1)=0 or size(list2)=0)) and pair,
229					#I think the below filter is off.#
230					pair_off(list1[1:size(list1)#add +1 here to break#], list2[0:index_to_nix] + list2[index_to_nix+1:size(list2)] where index_to_nix = find(map(range(size(list2)), 'index', if(list2[index] = list1[0] or list2[index] = 'wild' or list1[0] = 'wild', index, -1)), 'num', num >= 0)),
231					0
232					) where pair = list1[0] in list2 or 'wild' in (list2 + list1)
233				)",
235	#'draw' is a tile object, such as civ-tile_settle, to be evaluated for placement on the board. Map returns a 2D list of boolean values for placement, while the list version returns a 1D list of point coordinates for placement.
236	#
237	tile_placement_map: "def(draw) map(range(consts.tiles), 'tY', map(range(consts.tiles), 'tX', is_valid_addition(draw, [tX,tY])))",
238	tile_placement_list: "def(draw) filter(flatten(map(range(consts.tiles),'pY', map(range(consts.tiles),'pX',
239					if(tpm[pY][pX],	#This gets the x,y locations of all the 'true' occurences in putMap.#
240						[pX,pY])))),						#While this could be done in one function, exposing the map allows for much easier debugging.#
241				'coords', coords)
242			where tpm = tile_placement_map(draw)",
244vars: {
245	players: ["human","ai_die","simple_ai"],
247	#types are: 'human', 'ai_die', 'simple_ai', 'bunker'
248	land: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,2,3,2,2,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,2,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
250	#land: See is_valid_addition for types.
251	#
252	next_level: "undefined.cfg",
254	#
255	ore_to_win: 1,
257	#
258	ai_targets: [[],[],[],[]],
260	# contains a list of each side's target board coordinates
261	round: 0,
263	# number of rounds played (One round counts as all players having played.)
264	hand: [],
266	# tiles in hand
267	play: [],
269	# tiles in play
270	cache_version: 0,
272	# version of the cache that tiles have
273	turn: 0,
275	# current side's turn
276	hand_size: 6,
278	# number of tiles in hand
279	camera_pos: [0,0,0,0],
281	# initial location of the camera in the level
282	help_text_pos: [50,575],
284	# the location of the help text controller
285	recruited: [],
287	# warriors which have been selected to go to battle, but have not done so yet?
288	camped: [],
290	# encamped warriors, to be unencamped next turn
291	not_refilled_when_played: [],
293	# list of tiles in hand which can be refilled
294	max_tiles_to_replace: 6,
296	#
297	bldg_spots: [[],[],[],[]],
299	# a list of tile quads available for bulding superstructures on
300	bldg_codes: {
301"civ-tile_settle": [
302    [
303      [
304        "civ-tile_farm",
305        "civ-tile_farm",
306        "civ-tile_farm",
307        "civ-tile_farm"
308      ],
309      "cache"
310    ],
311    [
312      [
313        "civ-tile_farm",
314        "civ-tile_farm",
315        "civ-tile_settle",
316        "civ-tile_settle"
317      ],
318      "farm_house"
319    ],
320    [
321      [
322        "civ-tile_farm",
323        "civ-tile_farm",
324        "civ-tile_mine",
325        "civ-tile_mine"
326      ],
327      "pottery"
328    ],
329    [
330      [
331        "civ-tile_farm",
332        "civ-tile_farm",
333        "civ-tile_war",
334        "civ-tile_war"
335      ],
336      "milita"
337    ],
338    [
339      [
340        "civ-tile_settle",
341        "civ-tile_settle",
342        "civ-tile_settle",
343        "civ-tile_settle"
344      ],
345      "great_hall"
346    ],
347    [
348      [
349        "civ-tile_settle",
350        "civ-tile_settle",
351        "civ-tile_mine",
352        "civ-tile_mine"
353      ],
354      "quarry"
355    ],
356    [
357      [
358        "civ-tile_settle",
359        "civ-tile_settle",
360        "civ-tile_war",
361        "civ-tile_war"
362      ],
363      "embassy"
364    ],
365    [
366      [
367        "civ-tile_mine",
368        "civ-tile_mine",
369        "civ-tile_mine",
370        "civ-tile_mine"
371      ],
372      "furnace"
373    ],
374    [
375      [
376        "civ-tile_mine",
377        "civ-tile_mine",
378        "civ-tile_war",
379        "civ-tile_war"
380      ],
381      "shop"
382    ],
383    [
384      [
385        "civ-tile_war",
386        "civ-tile_war",
387        "civ-tile_war",
388        "civ-tile_war"
389      ],
390      "barracks"
391    ]
392  ]
394	cache: [0,0,0,0],
396	# the status of the bonus buildings, for each team
397	farm_house: [0,0,0,0],
398	pottery: [0,0,0,0],
399	militia: [0,0,0,0],
400	great_hall: [0,0,0,0],
401	quarry: [0,0,0,0],
402	quarry_bldg: [0,0,0,0],
403	embassy: [0,0,0,0],
404	furnace: [0,0,0,0],
405	barracks: [0,0,0,0],
406	ai_counter: 0,
408consts: {
409	tiles: 14,
411	# number of tiles on board
412	#
413	tile_size: 16,
415	# size of tile image
416	#
417	tile_types: ["normal","gold","black","silver"],
418	tile_types_side: {
419"black": 2,
420"gold": 1,
421"normal": 0,
422"silver": 3
425on_create: "[
426		set(draw_area, [0, 0, board_size(), board_size()]),
427		set(vars.camera_pos, level.camera_position),
428		[set(new_bag.vars.spawner, self),
429		add_object(new_bag),
430		set(vars.bag, new_bag),
431		]where new_bag = object('civ-tile_bag', x + board_size()*2 + right_column_offset, y+((board_size()*5)/3), facing),
433		if(size(vars.land) = consts.tiles*consts.tiles,
434			map(range(size(vars.land)), 'land_index', spawn(self.type + '.' + ltype, lcoord[0], lcoord[1], facing) where lcoord = tile_at([land_index%consts.tiles, land_index/consts.tiles]) where ltype = switch(vars.land[land_index], 0, 'ocean_grid', 1, 'plain_grid', 2, 'hill_grid', 3, 'ore_grid', 'ocean_grid')),
435			debug(size(vars.land), ' does not equal ', consts.tiles*consts.tiles, ', failed creating map tiles from land data.')),
437		spawn('civ_logo', x + board_size()*2 + right_column_offset, y+((board_size()*2)/4), facing),
439		if(vars.players[0] != 'human' ,[set(vars.turn, -1), schedule(2, fire_event('end_turn'))]),
441		schedule(3, fire_event('find_buttons')),
443		[set(vars.help_obj, hobj),
444		hobj.set_text('Drag a tile to the board to play. Right-click for help.'),
445		add_object(hobj),
446		] where hobj = object('text_controller',help_text_pos[0],help_text_pos[1],0),
448		schedule(2, [
449			fire_event('recalculate_end_turn_button_state'),
450			fire_event('tiles_in_play_modified'),
451			]),
453		[set(vars.turn_indicator, blankTile),
454		add_object(blankTile),
455		spawn('text_controller', blankTile.midpoint_x+41, blankTile.midpoint_y+8, 0, [set(txt, ~'s Turn~)]),
456		] where blankTile = object('civ-tile_blank', x + board_size()*2 + right_column_offset - 40, y+(board_size()), facing),
458		set(level.player.vars.board, self),
459		] where right_column_offset = 125
460		where camera = get_object(level, 'logic')",
461on_find_buttons: "[set(vars.turn_button, bag.turn_button), set(vars.fight_button, get_object(level, 'fight')), set(get_object(level, 'fight').board, self)]",
462on_replace: "if(size(not_refilled_when_played) < max_tiles_to_replace, [
463			set(vars.replace, 1),
464			help(~Select up to {str(num_to_replace)} {if(num_to_replace = 1, 'tile', 'tiles')} to replace, then press the end turn button.~) where num_to_replace = max_tiles_to_replace - size(not_refilled_when_played),
465			set(vars.trigger_replace, 1),
466		],[
467			map(range(max_tiles_to_replace-1), 'tilenum',
468				schedule(tilenum*5, [
469					set(vars.bag.vars.on_deal_tile, not_refilled_when_played[tilenum].vars.hand_pos),
470					fire_event(vars.bag, 'deal_p1')])),
471			add(bag.turn_button.x, 300),
472			schedule(max_tiles_to_replace*5+5, [fire_event('end_turn'), add(bag.turn_button.x, -300)]),
473			set(not_refilled_when_played, not_refilled_when_played[max_tiles_to_replace: size(not_refilled_when_played)]),
474			help(~Drew additional {str(max_tiles_to_replace)} tile{if(max_tiles_to_replace != 1, 's', '')} to hand to replace warriors.~),
475			]
476		)",
477on_deal_replace: "[
478		set(vars.freeze, 1),
479		help(~Replaced {size(toReplace)} tile{if(size(toReplace) != 1, 's', '')}{if(size(not_refilled_when_played) = 0, '.', ', and replaced warriors.')}~),
480		set(vars.hand, filter(vars.hand, 'vh', not vh in allReplace)),
481		map(range(size(allReplace)), 'ind', schedule(2+size(allReplace)*5+35+ind*4, [
482			set(vars.bag.vars.on_deal_tile, allReplace[ind].vars.hand_pos),
483			fire_event(vars.bag, 'deal_p1'),
484			])),
486		map(allReplace, 'ar', [set(ar.red, 256), set(ar.blue, 256)]),
488		if(not shop,
489			schedule(2+size(allReplace)*5+35+size(allReplace)*4+20, [
490				fire_event('end_turn'),
491				add(bag.turn_button.x, -300),
492				]),
493			[set(shop, 0),
494			add(bag.turn_button.x, -300),
495			set(vars.replace, 0),
496			set(max_tiles_to_replace, 6),
497			fire_event('recalculate_end_turn_button_state'),
498			]),
500		set(not_refilled_when_played, []),
501		set(toReplace, []),
502		set(vars.bag.vars.piles, list_replace_elements(vars.bag.vars.piles, turn, [vars.bag.vars.piles[turn] + toReplace])),
504		map(range(size(toReplace)), 'torp', schedule((torp+2)*2, [
505			schedule(frames, remove_object(toReplace[torp])),
506			toReplace[torp].go_to_over([replaceTo.x,replaceTo.y], frames),
507		] where frames = 25)),
508		] where allReplace = not_refilled_when_played + vars.toReplace
509		where replaceTo = bag.spawn_point",
510on_refresh_warrior_selected_text: "get_object(level, 'strength').set_text(~Armies:~ + '\n' + str(strengths[0]+defending_barracks_bonus) + ~(+?) VS ~ + str(strengths[1]+attacking_barracks_bonus) + ~(+~ + str(size(recruited)) + ~)~)",
511on_rmb_down: "[help(~Try the board or the tiles. Sorry. :(~),
512		#debug(mouse_on_tile()),#
513		if(mouse_on_tile(),
514			help(
515				switch(get_terrain(mouse_on_tile()),
516				'ocean_grid', ~This is an ocean space. Nothing can be built here.~,
517				'plains_grid', ~This rich plain is capable of supporting a farm or a nearby tile.~,
518				'hill_grid', ~The mountains are barren, windswept, and not much use.~,
519				'ore_grid', ~Valuable minerals! Build a mine here to control this resource.~)
520				)
521			),
522		map(vars.hand + vars.play, 'tile', if(help_txt, help(help_txt)) where help_txt = tile.help(level.player.vars.mouse)),
523		]",
524on_lmb_down: "if('human' = vars.players[vars.turn] and (not freeze), [
525		fire_event(vars.turn_button, 'lmb_hold', level.player.vars.mouse),
526		fire_event(vars.fight_button, 'lmb_hold', level.player.vars.mouse),
527		if(not war, [
528			if(not replace, [
529				map(vars.hand, 'tile', fire_event(tile, 'lmb_down', level.player.vars.mouse)),
530				],
531				map(vars.hand, 'tile', fire_event(tile, 'replace_select', level.player.vars.mouse)),
532			)],
533			map(vars.hand, 'tile', fire_event(tile, 'war_select', level.player.vars.mouse)),
534		)])",
535on_lmb_hold: "if(not war or replace, [
536		#debug('tile:', mouse_on_tile())#
537		if(ot,
538			[set(tmp.old_ot, ot),
539			if(tmp.old_ot != ot,
540				[set(tmp.tile_highlight, hlt),
541				add_object(hlt),
542				remove_object(tmp.tile_highlight),
543				] where hlt = object('civ_board.tile', tile_at(ot)[0], tile_at(ot)[1], facing),
544				),
545				#object('civ_board.tile', tile_at(ot)[0]-consts.tiles, tile_at(ot)[1]-consts.tiles, facing)#
546			],
547			[set(tmp.old_ot, 0),
548			remove_object(tmp.tile_highlight),
549			])
550		where ot = mouse_on_tile(),
552		fire_event(vars.turn_button, 'lmb_hold', level.player.vars.mouse),
553		fire_event(vars.fight_button, 'lmb_hold', level.player.vars.mouse),
554		])",
555on_lmb_up: "[
556		remove_object(tmp.tile_highlight),
557		fire_event(vars.turn_button, 'lmb_up', level.player.vars.mouse),
558		fire_event(vars.fight_button, 'lmb_up', level.player.vars.mouse),
559		]",
560on_release_tile: "if(mouse_on_tile() and vars.players[vars.turn] = 'human',
561			[set(arg.midpoint_x, tile_at(mouse_on_tile())[0]),
562			set(arg.midpoint_y, tile_at(mouse_on_tile())[1]),
563			#debug(my_valid_bldg(arg, my_bldg_spots)),#
564			fire_event('release_tile_internal', arg)],
565			fire_event('fail_release_tile', arg))",
566on_release_tile_internal: "if(not vars.war or vars.replace,
567	    [#debug(tile_at(mouse_on_tile())),#
568		if(mot and is_valid_addition(arg, mouse_on_tile()) and (not arg.type = 'civ-tile_war' and (played(mouse_on_tile()))), #add a tile normally#
569			[set(arg.vars.gridloc, mot),
570			set(arg.midpoint_x, tile_at(mot)[0]),
571			set(arg.midpoint_y, tile_at(mot)[1]),
572			set(vars.play, vars.play + [arg]), #Setting arg.midpoint_s before this function avoids a [] crash.#
573			set(vars.bag.vars.on_deal_tile, arg.vars.hand_pos),
574			set(arg.animation, consts.tile_types[vars.turn]),
575			set(vars.hand, filter(vars.hand, 'vh', vh != arg)),
576			if(arg.type = 'civ-tile_mine' and get_terrain(mot) = 'ore_grid', fire_event('ore_mine')),
577			if(not arg.type = 'civ-tile_mine' and furnace[turn] = 1, [
578				fire_event(vars.bag, 'deal_p1'),
579				if(size(vars.bag.vars.piles[vars.turn]) < 6, debug('Game Over'), fire_event('check_cache_bonus')),
580				],[
581				set(not_refilled_when_played, not_refilled_when_played + [arg]),
582				]),
583			],
584			fire_event('fail_release_tile', arg))
585			where mot = mouse_on_tile(),
586		])",
587on_fail_release_tile: "if(quad, schedule(2,
588			[fire_event(find(vars.bldg_codes[arg.type], 'blueprints', pair_off(map(quad, 'q', q.type), blueprints[0]))[1], arg),
589			schedule(2, set(arg.zorder, arg.zorder-9)),
590			set(arg.midpoint_x, quad[3].x),
591			set(arg.midpoint_y, quad[3].y),
592			set(vars.bag.vars.on_deal_tile, arg.vars.hand_pos),
593			fire_event(vars.bag, 'deal_p1'),
594			map(quad, 'quad_tile', set(quad_tile.bldg_status, arg)),
595			]),
596			if((not on_piece(mouse).animation != arg.animation) or arg.type != 'civ-tile_war' or (not on_any_tile(mouse)),
597				fire_event('rehand_tile', arg),
598				if(is_valid_addition(arg, mouse_on_tile()), #WAR!#
599					[#set(arg.midpoint_x, mouse[0]),
600					set(arg.midpoint_y, mouse[1]),#
602					fire_event('war', arg),
603					#war_defeat_tile(on_piece(mouse)),#
604					fire_event('release_tile_internal', arg),
606					],
607					fire_event('rehand_tile', arg),)
608				)
609			) where quad = my_valid_bldg_at(mouse, arg, my_bldg_spots)",
610on_recalculate_end_turn_button_state: "if(not went_to_war,
611			bag.turn_button.set_state('replace'),
612			bag.turn_button.set_state('normal'),
613		)",
614on_war: "[ #set up the war#
615		set(vars.war, 1),
616		set(vars.help_obj.x, vars.help_obj.x - 220),
617		set(vars.hand, filter(vars.hand, 'vh', vh != arg)),
618		help('Select additional warrior tiles from hand for one-time use.'),
619		set(level.lock_screen, [vars.camera_pos[0]+vars.camera_pos[2]/2-220,vars.camera_pos[1]+vars.camera_pos[3]/2]),
620		set(arg.zorder, arg.zorder + 1), #doesn't work#
621		fire_event('make_blink', on_piece(mouse)),
622		schedule(20, fire_event('make_blink', arg)),
623		get_object(level, 'vs').set_text(tile_side_name(on_piece(mouse)) + ~ VS ~ + tile_side_name(arg.animation)),
624		[	get_object(level, 'strength').set_text(~Armies:~ + '\n' + str(strengths[0]+dbar) + ~(+?) VS ~ + str(strengths[1]+abar) + ~(+0)~),
625			set(attacking_barracks_bonus, abar),
626			set(defending_barracks_bonus, dbar),
627		] where dbar = barracks[consts.tile_types_side[on_piece(mouse).animation]]*4
628		where abar = barracks[consts.tile_types_side[arg.animation]]*4,
629		set(vars.strengths, strengths),
630		set(vars.war_arg, arg), set(vars.war_on, on_piece(mouse)),
631		] where strengths = [size(filter(k_group(mouse, on_piece(mouse).animation), 'tile', tile.type = 'civ-tile_war')), size(filter(k_group(mouse, arg.animation), 'tile', tile.type = 'civ-tile_war'))+1]",
632on_fight: "map(range(size(actions)), 'index', schedule(index * 10, actions[index]))
633		where actions = if(size(recruited) > 0, map(range(size(recruited)), 'rind', [
634			map(range(res), 'delay', schedule(delay, [
635				set(recruited[rind].x, (recruited[rind].x*(res-delay) + war_arg.x*delay)/res),
636				set(recruited[rind].y, (recruited[rind].y*(res-delay) + war_arg.y*delay)/res)])) where res = 20,
637			schedule(21, fire_event(recruited[rind], 'nix'))
638			]))
639		+ [schedule(if(size(recruited) > 0, 15, 0), [ #finish the fight#
640		set(vars.war, 0),
641		set(vars.went_to_war, 1),
642		set(vars.help_obj.x, vars.help_obj.x + 220),
643		set(level.lock_screen, [vars.camera_pos[0]+vars.camera_pos[2]/2,vars.camera_pos[1]+vars.camera_pos[3]/2]),
644		set(vars.war_arg.zorder, arg.zorder - 1),
645		schedule(60*farm_house[turn], if(strengths[0] + AIStrength + defBarracks >= strengths[1] + size(recruited) + attBarracks,
646			[war_defeat_tile(vars.war_arg),
647			help(tile_side_name(vars.war_arg) + ~'s warriors have fled! (~ + str(strengths[0]+AIStrength+ defBarracks) + ~ to ~ + str(strengths[1]+size(recruited) + attBarracks) + ~)~),
648			],
649			[war_defeat_tile(vars.war_on),
650			add_tile(vars.war_arg, on_any_tile([vars.war_arg.midpoint_x,vars.war_arg.midpoint_y])),
651			set(vars.camped, vars.camped + [vars.war_arg]),
652			help(~A ~ + tile_side_name(vars.war_on) + ' ' + tile_name(vars.war_on) + ~ was destroyed by ~ + tile_side_name(vars.war_arg) + ~'s warriors! (~ + str(strengths[0]+AIStrength+defBarracks) + ~ to ~ + str(strengths[1]+size(recruited)+attBarracks) + ~)~),
653			schedule(3, set(vars.play, filter(vars.play, 'vp', vp != context.vars.war_on) + [vars.war_arg])),
654			])) where defBarracks = defending_barracks_bonus
655			where attBarracks = attacking_barracks_bonus
656			where AIStrength = 0,
657		#schedule(2, [
658			set(vars.bag.vars.on_deal_tile, vars.war_arg.vars.hand_pos),
659			fire_event(vars.bag, 'deal_p1'),
660		]),#
661		set(recruited, []),
662		set(not_refilled_when_played, not_refilled_when_played + recruited + [vars.war_arg]),
663		#debug(recruited),#
664		#schedule(30,
665			if(size(vars.bag.vars.piles[vars.turn]) = 1,
666				debug('Game over, no more tiles.'),
667				fire_event('check_cache_bonus')
668			)
669		),#
670		schedule(15, fire_event('recalculate_end_turn_button_state')),
671		])]",
672on_make_blink: "[set(arg.alpha, 0), schedule(20, [set(arg.alpha, 256), schedule(20, if(vars.war, fire_event('make_blink', arg)))])]",
673on_rehand_tile: "arg.go_to(dealt_hand_loc(0,arg.vars.hand_pos))",
674on_tiles_in_play_modified: "[add(vars.cache_version, 1),
675		map(vars.play, 'p', [
676			fire_event(p, 'calculate_surroundings'),
677			fire_event(p, 'calculate_kingdom', context)
678			]),
679		set(vars.bldg_spots,  map(consts.tile_types, 'ttype', #for each side, a list of quads of tiles available for building on#
680			#'\n' + size(sideTiles) + 'x side ' + ttype#
681			filter(map(sideTiles, 'sideTile',
682				if(not null in tileQuad, tileQuad)
683				where tileQuad = [
684					sideTile,
685					find(sideTiles, 'st', st.gridloc = list_add(sideTile.gridloc,[1,0])),
686					find(sideTiles, 'st', st.gridloc = list_add(sideTile.gridloc,[0,1])),
687					find(sideTiles, 'st', st.gridloc = list_add(sideTile.gridloc,[1,1]))
688					]
689				), 'quads', quads != null)
690			where sideTiles = filter(vars.play, 'inPlay', inPlay.animation = ttype and (not inPlay.bldg_status))
691			)),
692		#debug(bldg_spots),#
693		]",
694on_end_turn: "if(vars.trigger_replace = 1, [
695		fire_event('deal_replace'),
696		set(vars.trigger_replace, 0),
697		add(bag.turn_button.x, 300),
698		],[
699		[map(to_decamp, 'camp', [fire_event(camp, 'nix')]),
700		set(vars.play, filter(vars.play, 'in_play', not in_play in context.to_decamp)),
701		set(vars.camp, filter(vars.camp, 'a_camp', not a_camp in context.to_decamp)),
702		] where to_decamp = filter(vars.camped, 'camp', camp.animation = context.consts.tile_types[nt]),
703		schedule(2, fire_event('tiles_in_play_modified')), #update the cache#
704		schedule(2, fire_event('tiles_in_play_modified')), #for some reason, calling this twice to prevents erronious starves when two 'kingdoms' joined#
705		schedule(3, fire_event('end_turn_compute_starves')),
706	]) where nt = (vars.turn+1)%size(vars.players)",
707on_end_turn_compute_starves: "[
708		#if(turn=0, help(' ')),# #timing issues regarding bonus building text#
709		schedule(1, fire_event('recalculate_end_turn_button_state')),
710		set(ai_counter, 0),
711		set(vars.replace, 0),
712		set(vars.went_to_war, 0),
713		set(max_tiles_to_replace, 6),
714		[schedule(15, [
715		switch(vars.players[nt],
716			'human', [],
717			[fire_event(vars.players[nt] + '_turn')]
718			),
719		#debug(str(tile.animation) + ' ' + str(tile.type) + ' at ' + str(tile.vars.gridloc)) where tile = vars.play[size(vars.play)-1],#
720		]),
721		set(vars.turn, nt),
722		if(nt != vars.turn+1, add(vars.round, 1)),
723		set(turn_indicator.animation, consts.tile_types[nt]),
724		] where nt = (vars.turn+1)%size(vars.players),
725		map(vars.play, 'tile',
726			if(not (has_food(tile, tile.vars.gridloc) or tile.type = 'civ-tile_farm'),
727				if(pottery[consts.tile_types_side[tile.animation]] = 0 or (tile.noPots=1 and consts.tile_types_side[tile.animation] = turn),
728					if(not size(defect) > 0, [
729						fire_event('hack_remove_play_obj', tile),
730						fire_event(tile, 'nix'),
731						add_starve_object,
732						],[
733						set(tile.animation, defect[(1d(size(defect)))-1]),
734						add_starve_object,
735						]
736					) where defect = filter(map(adjacent_objs(tile.gridloc), 'adjs', adjs.animation), 'aa', aa != tile.animation and embassy[consts.tile_types_side[aa]] = 1)
737					where add_starve_object =
738						[add_object(starve_obj),
739						set(starve_obj.midpoint_x, tile.midpoint_x),
740						set(starve_obj.midpoint_y, tile.midpoint_y)
741						] where starve_obj = object('civ_starve', x, y, facing),
742					[
743					set(tile.noPots, 1),
744					[add_object(starve_obj),
745					set(starve_obj.midpoint_x, tile.midpoint_x),
746					set(starve_obj.midpoint_y, tile.midpoint_y)
747					] where starve_obj = object('civ_warning', x, y, facing),
748				]),
749					set(tile.noPots, 0)
750				)
751			),
752		#debug(farm_house),#
753		set(vars.freeze, 0),
754	]",
755on_hack_remove_play_obj: "set(vars.play, filter(vars.play, 'in_play', in_play != arg))",
757#Simple_AI - demonstrating the use of some common ai calls. (AI_die was written before
758#these were produced, so it modifies raw data.) This AI is restricted to building
759#adjacent to itself. (At least one tile must be placed via scenario FML to start this
760#process.) You can set vars.ai_targets to a list of grid locations for this AI to
761#try to build to.
762on_simple_ai_turn: "[#debug(~Put map for {draw[0].type}:\n  {map(putMap, 'pt', pt + ['\n'])}Put list: {putList}.~),#
763		if(size(putList) = 0,
764			if(ai_counter > max_retries,
765				schedule(2, fire_event('end_turn')),
766				[add(ai_counter, 1),
767				schedule(2,  fire_event('simple_ai_turn'))]
768			),[
769			if(not played(spotToAdd), #War#
770				schedule(2, place_tile(draw[0], spotToAdd, turn)),
771				if(att_strength <= def_strength, [
772					help(~{tile_side_name(defender.animation)} repelled an attack from {tile_side_name(consts.tile_types[turn])}. ({def_strength} vs {att_strength})~),
773					[add_object(war_obj),
774					set(war_obj.midpoint_x, tile_at(spotToAdd)[0]),
775					set(war_obj.midpoint_y, tile_at(spotToAdd)[1])
776					] where war_obj = object('civ_war', x, y, facing)
777					],[
778					help(~{tile_side_name(defender.animation)}'s {tile_name(defender)} was overran by {tile_side_name(consts.tile_types[turn])}'s warriors, {def_strength} to {att_strength}.~),
779					#debug(map(filter(k_group(tile_at(spotToAdd), defender.animation), 'kg', kg.type = 'civ-tile_war'), 'kg', '{kg.type} at {kg.gridloc}')),#
780					#debug(size(k_group(tile_at(spotToAdd), defender.animation))),#
781					remove_object(defender),
782					schedule(4, set(vars.play, filter(vars.play, 'vp', vp != defender) + [draw[0]])),
783					set(vars.camped, vars.camped + [draw[0]]),
784					schedule(3, place_tile(draw[0], spotToAdd, turn)),
785					]
786					)where att_strength = size(filter(k_group(tile_at(spotToAdd), consts.tile_types[turn]), 'kg', kg.type = 'civ-tile_war')) + 1d3
787					where def_strength = size(filter(k_group(tile_at(spotToAdd), defender.animation), 'kg', kg.type = 'civ-tile_war'))
788					where defender = find(vars.play, 'vp', vp.gridloc = spotToAdd)
789			),
790			draw[1],	#This removes the drawn tile from the bag.#
791			schedule(5, fire_event('end_turn'))
792			] where spotToAdd = if(ai_counter < max_retries-3 and size(target) > 0 and size(putList) > 0,		#This is where you add strategy.#
793				sort(putList, length(a[0], a[1], target[0][0], target[0][1]) < length(b[0], b[1], target[0][0], target[0][1]))[0],
794				list_get_random(putList),
795				) where target = filter(vars.ai_targets[turn], 'targets', not targets in map(context.vars.play, 'vp', vp.gridloc))
796		)
797		] where putList = filter(tile_placement_list(draw[0]), 'spot', is_adjacent_to_side(spot, turn))
798		where putMap = tile_placement_map(draw[0])
799		where draw = vars.bag.extract(vars.turn)
800		where max_retries = 10",
802#bunker: It will not expand, but it will attack when appropriate.
804on_bunker_turn: "[
805		if(size(putList) = 0,
806			if(ai_counter > max_retries,
807				schedule(2, fire_event('end_turn')),
808				[add(ai_counter, 1),
809				schedule(2,  fire_event('bunker_turn'))]
810			),[#debug(putList),#
811			if(not played(spotToAdd), #War#
812				schedule(2, place_tile(draw, spotToAdd, turn)),
813				if(att_strength <= def_strength, [
814					help(~{tile_side_name(defender.animation)} repelled an attack from {tile_side_name(consts.tile_types[turn])}. ({def_strength} vs {att_strength})~),
815					[add_object(war_obj),
816					set(war_obj.midpoint_x, tile_at(spotToAdd)[0]),
817					set(war_obj.midpoint_y, tile_at(spotToAdd)[1])
818					] where war_obj = object('civ_war', x, y, facing)
819					],[
820					help(~{tile_side_name(defender.animation)}'s {tile_name(defender)} was overran by {tile_side_name(consts.tile_types[turn])}'s warriors, {def_strength} to {att_strength}.~),
821					#debug(map(filter(k_group(tile_at(spotToAdd), defender.animation), 'kg', kg.type = 'civ-tile_war'), 'kg', '{kg.type} at {kg.gridloc}')),#
822					#debug(size(k_group(tile_at(spotToAdd), defender.animation))),#
823					remove_object(defender),
824					schedule(4, set(vars.play, filter(vars.play, 'vp', vp != defender) + [draw])),
825					set(vars.camped, vars.camped + [draw]),
826					schedule(3, place_tile(draw, spotToAdd, turn)),
827					]
828					)where att_strength = size(filter(k_group(tile_at(spotToAdd), consts.tile_types[turn]), 'kg', kg.type = 'civ-tile_war')) + 1d3
829					where def_strength = size(filter(k_group(tile_at(spotToAdd), defender.animation), 'kg', kg.type = 'civ-tile_war'))
830					where defender = find(vars.play, 'vp', vp.gridloc = spotToAdd)
831			),
832			schedule(5, fire_event('end_turn'))
833			] where spotToAdd = if(ai_counter < max_retries-3 and size(target) > 0 and size(putList) > 0,		#This is where you add strategy.#
834				sort(putList, length(a[0], a[1], target[0][0], target[0][1]) < length(b[0], b[1], target[0][0], target[0][1]))[0],
835				list_get_random(putList),
836				) where target = filter(vars.ai_targets[turn], 'targets', not targets in map(context.vars.play, 'vp', vp.gridloc))
837		)
838		] where putList = filter(tile_placement_list(draw), 'spot', is_adjacent_to_side(spot, turn) and spot in map(context.vars.play, 'vp', vp.gridloc))
839		where putMap = tile_placement_map(draw)
840		where draw = object('civ-tile_war', bag_x, bag_y, facing)
841		where max_retries = 0",
844#The logic for the Die AI. This sequence performs the actions every AI should do. Each
845#AI must fire_event('end_turn') when it is done. (This is the 'next turn' button.)
846#Tiles need to be placed manually (by setting an x, y), and each tile played needs
847#to be added to vars.play. -excised bit about cache-
848#A note, vars.bag.extract(vars.turn) returns a list containing the tile
849#object (index 0), which we see, but it also returns a series of instructions (index 1)
850#to remove the object from the tile bag. Make sure to run these instructions, or the
851#bag will never empty.
853on_ai_die_turn: "[
854		if(size(validity2d) > 0, [
855			set(tile_to_place[0].midpoint_x, tile_at(validity2d[eY][eX])[0]), #set tile pos to grid we chose#
856			set(tile_to_place[0].midpoint_y, tile_at(validity2d[eY][eX])[1]),
857			set(tile_to_place[0].animation, consts.tile_types[vars.turn]), #set the animation to the current side#
858			set(tile_to_place[0].vars.gridloc, validity2d[eY][eX]), #set the grid location of the tile#
859			set(vars.play, vars.play+[tile_to_place[0]]), #add the tile to the list of tiles in play#
860			add_object(tile_to_place[0]),
861			tile_to_place[1], #actually remove the object from it's bag#
862			] where eX = (1d (size(validity2d[eY])))-1 #eX and eY are now valid locations coordinates.#
863			where eY = (1d (size(validity2d)))-1,
864			fire_event('ai_die_turn'),
865			)
866		where validity2d = filter(
867			map(range(consts.tiles), 'cX',
868				filter(
869					map(range(consts.tiles), 'cY',
870						if(is_valid_addition(tile,[cX, cY])
871						and (not [cX, cY] in map(vars.play, 'tile', tile.vars.gridloc)
872						and ((not find(starve(tile, [cX, cY]), 'dead', dead.animation = tile.animation))
873						  or tile.search_adjacent_connected_to_farm(tile_at([cX, cY])[0], tile_at([cX, cY])[1], consts.tile_types[vars.turn])))
874						and has_food(tile, [cX, cY]),
875							[cX,cY]
876							)
877						),
878					'add', add != null)
879				),
880			'add', add != [])
881		where tile = tile_to_place[0],
883		#debug('ended die`s turn'),# fire_event('end_turn'),
884		] where tile_to_place = vars.bag.extract(vars.turn)",
885on_check_cache_bonus: "[if(farm_house[turn] = 1, [
886		set(max_tiles_to_replace, 1),
887		schedule(2, fire_event('replace')),
888		bag.turn_button.set_state('normal'),
889		], [
890		schedule(5, fire_event('end_turn'))
891		])]",
892on_check_ore: "[if(quarry[turn] >= ore_to_win,
893		schedule(30, teleport(next_level, 'camera', 'fade'))),
894		help('Quarry: +1 ore towards victory. You have {quarry[turn]} {if(quarry[turn]=1, ~ore~, ~ores~)} of {ore_to_win}.')
895		]",
896on_ore_mine: "[set(quarry, list_replace_elements(quarry, turn, [quarry[turn]+1])),
897		schedule(2, fire_event('check_ore')),
898		]",
899on_cache: "[set(cache, list_replace_elements(cache, turn, [1])),
900		help('Cache: All friendly tiles on plains are fed.'),
901		schedule(25, fire_event('end_turn'))]",
902on_farm_house: "[set(farm_house, list_replace_elements(farm_house, turn, [1])),
903		help('Farmhouse: Trade one tile each turn for free.'),
904		schedule(25, fire_event('end_turn'))]",
905on_pottery: "[set(pottery, list_replace_elements(pottery, turn, [1])),
906		help('Pottery: Grants one turn of warning before a starves.'),
907		schedule(25, fire_event('end_turn'))]",
908on_milita: "[set(militia, list_replace_elements(militia, turn, [1])),
909		help('Militia: Play farm tiles as warriors during battle.'),
910		schedule(25, fire_event('end_turn'))]",
911on_great_hall: "[set(great_hall, list_replace_elements(great_hall, turn, [great_hall[turn]+1])),
912		if(vars.hand_size+great_hall[turn]*2 < 14, [
913			[set(vars.bag.vars.on_deal_tile, -great_hall[turn]-1),
914			fire_event(vars.bag, 'deal_p1'),],
915			[set(vars.bag.vars.on_deal_tile, vars.hand_size-1+great_hall[turn]+1),
916			fire_event(vars.bag, 'deal_p1'),],
917			help('Great Hall: +2 tiles held in hand, up to 14 total.')
918		],
919			help('Great Hall: You can`t fit any more tiles in your hand.')
920		),
921		schedule(25, fire_event('end_turn'))]",
922on_quarry: "[set(quarry_bldg, list_replace_elements(quarry_bldg, turn, [1])),
923		if(quarry_bldg[turn], help('You built a deep quarry, but you already have one.'), fire_event('ore_mine')),
924		schedule(25, fire_event('end_turn')),]",
925on_embassy: "[set(embassy, list_replace_elements(embassy, turn, [1])),
926		help('Embassy: Get an opponent`s starving tiles bordering your tiles.'),
927		schedule(25, fire_event('end_turn'))]",
928on_furnace: "[set(furnace, list_replace_elements(furnace, turn, [1])),
929		help('Furnace: Building a mine does not end the turn.'),
930		schedule(25, fire_event('end_turn'))]",
931on_shop: "[set(shop, 1),
932		set(max_tiles_to_replace, 14),
933		schedule(2, bag.turn_button.set_state('normal')),
934		fire_event('replace'),
935		help('Shop: Immediately replace all tiles without ending the turn.')]",
936on_barracks: "[set(barracks, list_replace_elements(barracks, turn, [1])),
937		help('Having barracks grants +4 to army strength. (Does not stack.)'),
938		schedule(25, fire_event('end_turn'))]",
939on_end_anim: "animation('normal')",
940editor_info: {
941	category: "crazy-stuff",
943animation: {
944	id: "normal",
945	image: "experimental/civ-tile.png",
946	x: 0,
947	y: 0,
948	w: 16,
949	h: 16,
950	pad: -1,
951	frames: 1,
952	duration: 6541,
953	surface_area: "all",
955object_type: [
956	{
957		id: "tile",
958		hitpoints: 2,
959		zorder: -8,
960		on_create: "[
961			set(alpha, tint),
962			] where tint = 75",
963		animation: {
964			id: "normal",
965			image: "experimental/civ-stuff.png",
966			x: 11,
967			y: 10,
968			w: 16,
969			h: 16,
970			pad: -1,
971			frames: 1,
972			duration: 5541,
973			surface_area: "all",
974		},
975	},
976	{
977		id: "no",
978		hitpoints: 2,
979		zorder: 9,
980		on_create: "[
981			set(alpha, tint),
982			] where tint = 75",
983		on_nix: "die()",
984		animation: [
985			{
986				id: "normal",
987				image: "experimental/civ-stuff.png",
988				x: 30,
989				y: 10,
990				w: 16,
991				h: 16,
992				pad: -1,
993				frames: 1,
994				duration: 6541,
995				surface_area: "all",
996			},
997			{
998				id: "big",
999				image: "experimental/civ-stuff.png",
1000				x: 117,
1001				y: 418,
1002				w: 32,
1003				h: 32,
1004				pad: -1,
1005				frames: 1,
1006				duration: 6542,
1007				surface_area: "all",
1008			},
1009		],
1010	},
1011	{
1012		id: "ocean_grid",
1013		hitpoints: 2,
1014		zorder: -10,
1015		animation: {
1016			id: "normal",
1017			image: "experimental/civ-stuff.png",
1018			x: 14,
1019			y: 85,
1020			w: 16,
1021			h: 16,
1022			pad: -1,
1023			frames: 1,
1024			duration: 542,
1025			surface_area: "all",
1026		},
1027	},
1028	{
1029		id: "plain_grid",
1030		hitpoints: 2,
1031		zorder: -10,
1032		animation: {
1033			id: "normal",
1034			image: "experimental/civ-stuff.png",
1035			x: 14,
1036			y: 108,
1037			w: 16,
1038			h: 16,
1039			pad: -1,
1040			frames: 1,
1041			duration: 543,
1042			surface_area: "all",
1043		},
1044	},
1045	{
1046		id: "hill_grid",
1047		hitpoints: 2,
1048		zorder: -10,
1049		animation: {
1050			id: "normal",
1051			image: "experimental/civ-stuff.png",
1052			x: 14,
1053			y: 153,
1054			w: 16,
1055			h: 16,
1056			pad: -1,
1057			frames: 1,
1058			duration: 544,
1059			surface_area: "all",
1060		},
1061	},
1062	{
1063		id: "ore_grid",
1064		hitpoints: 2,
1065		zorder: -10,
1066		animation: [
1067			{
1068				id: "normal",
1069				image: "experimental/civ-stuff.png",
1070				x: 33,
1071				y: 153,
1072				w: 16,
1073				h: 16,
1074				pad: -1,
1075				frames: 1,
1076				duration: 999999999,
1077				surface_area: "all",
1078			},
1079			{
1080				id: "normal",
1081				image: "experimental/civ-stuff.png",
1082				x: 52,
1083				y: 153,
1084				w: 16,
1085				h: 16,
1086				pad: -1,
1087				frames: 1,
1088				duration: 999999999,
1089				surface_area: "all",
1090			},
1091			{
1092				id: "normal",
1093				image: "experimental/civ-stuff.png",
1094				x: 71,
1095				y: 153,
1096				w: 16,
1097				h: 16,
1098				pad: -1,
1099				frames: 1,
1100				duration: 999999999,
1101				surface_area: "all",
1102			},
1103		],
1104	},