1# - Dummy module containing information about these modules for the HELP file
2# This file documents a snapshot of the cmake-modules available from
3# http://github.com/rpavlik/cmake-modules/
4# The latest version of these modules can always be found there.
5# Additionally, you can find instructions on how to integrate these modules
6# into your own project either in the README.markdown file in this directory,
7# or on the GitHub page listed above (scroll to the bottom to see the README
8# rendered attractively).
10# In short: Modules of the form "FindSomeName.cmake" are considered to be
11# "find modules", and are intended to be used indirectly by calling find_package,
12# not by calling include.  Thus, you'll want to do something like:
13#  find_package(SomeName)
14# They define a number of variables allowing you to use whatever software
15# they search for, such as include directories and libraries. A few also
16# define some functions for your use.
18# All other modules provide functionality, either immediately upon including
19# them, or by defining functions that perform some task of varying utility
20# that you can use any time after including them. Note that if a module
21# has the filename, for example, cmake/BoostTestTargets.cmake, you only
22# need to call:
23#  include(BoostTestTargets)
25# For more information, see the documentation for individual modules, the
26# cmake-modules github page, and/or the upstream CMake documentation at
27# http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/cmake-2-8-docs.html
30# Copyright Iowa State University 2009-2010.
31# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
32# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
33# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)