1/* GCompris - ActivityInfo.qml
2 *
3 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Holger Kaelberer <holger.k@elberer.de>
4 *
5 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
6 */
7import GCompris 1.0
9ActivityInfo {
10  name: "superbrain/Superbrain.qml"
11  difficulty: 2
12  icon: "superbrain/superbrain.svg"
13  author: "Holger Kaelberer &lt;holger.k@elberer.de&gt;"
14  //: Activity title
15  title: qsTr("Super brain")
16  //: Help title
17  description: qsTr("Tux has hidden several items. Find them in the correct order.")
18  //intro: "Find out the right combination of colors. A dot framed in a black square means that you found the correct colour in the correct position, while a dot framed in a white square means it's the correct colour, but in the wrong position."
19  //: Help goal
20  goal: qsTr("Tux has hidden several items. Find them in the correct order.")
21  //: Help prerequisite
22  prerequisite: ""
23  //: Help manual
24  manual: qsTr("Click on the items until you find what you think is the correct answer. Then, click on the OK button. A black dot means that you found the correct item in the correct position, while a white dot means an item is correct but in the wrong position. At lower levels, Tux also gives you an indication with a black square on correct items in the correct position, and a white square on the correct items in the wrong position. In the levels 4 and 8 an item may be hidden several times.<br/>You can use the right mouse button to flip the items in the opposite order, or the item chooser to directly pick an item from the list. Press two seconds on an item to automatically choose the last item selected in this position. Double click on a previously selected item in your guess history to mark it as 'correct'. Such marked items are automatically selected in your current and future guesses until you un-mark them, by double clicking on them again.")
25  credit: ""
26  section: "discovery logic"
27  createdInVersion: 4000