1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\
2  * This is GNU Go, a Go program. Contact gnugo@gnu.org, or see       *
3  * http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/ for more information.          *
4  *                                                                   *
5  * Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,   *
6  * 2008 and 2009 by the Free Software Foundation.                    *
7  *                                                                   *
8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     *
9  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as    *
10  * published by the Free Software Foundation - version 3 or          *
11  * (at your option) any later version.                               *
12  *                                                                   *
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   *
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    *
16  * GNU General Public License in file COPYING for more details.      *
17  *                                                                   *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         *
19  * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free        *
20  * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,       *
21  * Boston, MA 02111, USA.                                            *
22 \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
25 /* This file contains functions that deals with threats and,
26  * especially, combinations of threats.
27  */
29 #include "gnugo.h"
31 #include <string.h>
33 #include "liberty.h"
34 #include "gg_utils.h"
35 #include "patterns.h"
38 static void find_double_threats(int color);
40 /* Generate move reasons for combination attacks and defenses against
41  * them.
42  *
43  * This is one of the move generators called from genmove().
44  */
46 void
combinations(int color)47 combinations(int color)
48 {
49   int save_verbose;
50   int attack_point;
51   signed char defense_points[BOARDMAX];
52   int other = OTHER_COLOR(color);
53   int aa_val;
55   /* Find intersections with multiple threats. */
56   find_double_threats(color);
58   save_verbose = verbose;
59   if (verbose > 0)
60     verbose--;
62   if (save_verbose)
63     gprintf("\nlooking for combination attacks ...\n");
65   aa_val = atari_atari(color, &attack_point, NULL, save_verbose);
66   if (aa_val > 0) {
67     if (save_verbose)
68       gprintf("Combination attack for %C with size %d found at %1m\n",
69 	      color, aa_val, attack_point);
70     add_my_atari_atari_move(attack_point, aa_val);
71   }
73   aa_val = atari_atari(other, &attack_point, defense_points, save_verbose);
74   if (aa_val > 0) {
75     int pos;
76     if (save_verbose)
77       gprintf("Combination attack for %C with size %d found at %1m\n",
78 	      other, aa_val, attack_point);
80     for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) {
81       if (ON_BOARD(pos) && defense_points[pos]) {
82 	add_your_atari_atari_move(pos, aa_val);
83 	if (save_verbose)
84 	  gprintf("- defense at %1m\n", pos);
85       }
86     }
87   }
88   verbose = save_verbose;
89 }
92 #define MAX_THREATENED_STRINGS  10  /* Should be enough for one intersection */
94 static void
find_double_threats(int color)95 find_double_threats(int color)
96 {
97   int ii;
98   int k;
99   int l;
101   for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) {
102     int num_a_threatened_groups;
103     int a_threatened_groups[MAX_THREATENED_STRINGS];
104 #if 0
105     int num_d_threatened_groups;
106     int d_threatened_groups[MAX_THREATENED_STRINGS];
107 #endif
109     if (!ON_BOARD(ii))
110       continue;
112     /* Generate an EITHER_MOVE move reasons for each pair of the
113      * threatened strings.  We must also remove the threats, because
114      * otherwise we would get followup points for them as well.
115      *
116      * FIXME:
117      *   - This is perhaps not the best way to do it, but realistically
118      *     it will be seldom that more than two strings are threatened
119      *     at the same point.  Still, we should find a better way.
120      *   - EITHER_MOVE should be generalized to more than two strings.
121      */
122     num_a_threatened_groups = get_attack_threats(ii, MAX_THREATENED_STRINGS,
123 						 a_threatened_groups);
124     if (num_a_threatened_groups > 1) {
125       if (trymove(ii, color, "find_double_threats-A", ii)) {
126 	for (k = 0; k < num_a_threatened_groups - 1; ++k)
127 	  for (l = k + 1; l < num_a_threatened_groups; ++l) {
128 	    /* Note: If we used attack_either() here instead of trymove()
129 	     *       and !defend_both(), we would not make use of the fact
130 	     *       that we already know of a common threat point for
131 	     *       the two strings.
132 	     * Besides, attack_either is currently (3.1.11) not very good.
133 	     *
134 	     * The call to attack() is intended to detect the case
135 	     * where the move at ii is a snapback capture.
136 	     */
137 	    if (board[a_threatened_groups[k]] == EMPTY
138 		|| board[a_threatened_groups[l]] == EMPTY) {
139 	      if (!attack(ii, NULL)) {
140 		TRACE("Double threat at %1m, either %1m or %1m attacked.\n",
141 		      ii, a_threatened_groups[k], a_threatened_groups[l]);
142 		add_either_move(ii, ATTACK_STRING, a_threatened_groups[k],
143 				ATTACK_STRING, a_threatened_groups[l]);
144 		remove_attack_threat_move(ii, a_threatened_groups[k]);
145 		remove_attack_threat_move(ii, a_threatened_groups[l]);
146 	      }
147 	    }
148 	    else if (!defend_both(a_threatened_groups[k],
149 				  a_threatened_groups[l])) {
150 	      TRACE("Double threat at %1m, either %1m or %1m attacked.\n",
151 		    ii, a_threatened_groups[k], a_threatened_groups[l]);
152 	      add_either_move(ii, ATTACK_STRING, a_threatened_groups[k],
153 			      ATTACK_STRING, a_threatened_groups[l]);
154 	      remove_attack_threat_move(ii, a_threatened_groups[k]);
155 	      remove_attack_threat_move(ii, a_threatened_groups[l]);
156 	    }
157 	  }
158 	popgo();
159       }
160     }
161   }
164   /* FIXME:
165    *   TODO:
166    *     - defense threats
167    *     - combinations of owl threats and other threats
168    *     - combinations of threats to cut and connect
169    *     - combinations of breakins into enemy territory
170    */
171 }
174 /* ================================================================ */
175 /*                       Combination attacks                        */
176 /* ================================================================ */
179 /* atari_atari(color, *move) looks for a series of ataris on
180  * strings of the other color culminating in the capture of
181  * a string which is thought to be invulnerable by the reading
182  * code. Such a move can be missed since it may be that each
183  * string involved individually can be rescued, but nevertheless
184  * one of them can be caught. The simplest example is a double
185  * atari. The return value is the size of the smallest opponent
186  * worm.
187  *
188  * One danger with this scheme is that the first atari
189  * tried might be irrelevant to the actual combination.
190  * To detect this possibility, once we've found a combination,
191  * we mark that first move as forbidden, then try again. If
192  * no combination of the same size or larger turns up, then
193  * the first move was indeed essential.
194  *
195  * For the purpose of the move generation, returns the
196  * size of the smallest of the worms under attack.
197  */
199 /* Local struct to keep track of atari_atari attack moves and what
200  * they threat.
201  */
204 #define MAX_AA_DIST 5
206 struct aa_move {
207   int move;
208   int target[AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE];
209 };
212 static int aa_status[BOARDMAX]; /* ALIVE, DEAD or CRITICAL */
213 static int forbidden[BOARDMAX];
214 static int aa_values[BOARDMAX];
215 static void compute_aa_status(int color,
216 			      const signed char safe_stones[BOARDMAX]);
217 static void compute_aa_values(int color);
218 static int get_aa_status(int pos);
219 static int do_atari_atari(int color, int *attack_point, int *defense_point,
220 			  signed char all_potential_defenses[BOARDMAX],
221 			  int last_friendly, int save_verbose, int minsize,
222 			  signed char goal[BOARDMAX]);
223 static int atari_atari_succeeded(int color, int *attack_point,
224                                 int *defense_point, int last_friendly,
225                                 int save_verbose, int minsize);
226 static void atari_atari_find_attack_moves(int color, int minsize,
227 					  struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES],
228 					  signed char goal[BOARDMAX]);
229 static void atari_atari_attack_patterns(int color, int minsize,
230 					struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES],
231 					signed char goal[BOARDMAX]);
232 static void atari_atari_attack_callback(int anchor, int color,
233 					struct pattern *pattern,
234 					int ll, void *data);
235 static int atari_atari_find_defense_moves(int targets[AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE],
236 					  int moves[AA_MAX_MOVES]);
237 static int get_aa_value(int str);
238 static int update_aa_goal(signed char goal[BOARDMAX],
239 			  signed char new_goal[BOARDMAX],
240 			  int apos, int color);
241 static void aa_init_moves(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES]);
242 static void aa_add_move(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES],
243 			int move, int target);
244 static int aa_move_known(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES],
245 			 int move, int target);
246 static void aa_sort_moves(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES]);
248 /* Set to 1 if you want verbose traces from this function. */
250 int
atari_atari(int color,int * attack_move,signed char defense_moves[BOARDMAX],int save_verbose)251 atari_atari(int color, int *attack_move, signed char defense_moves[BOARDMAX],
252 	    int save_verbose)
253 {
254   int other = OTHER_COLOR(color);
255   int apos;
256   int dpos;
257   int aa_val;
258   signed char saved_defense_moves[BOARDMAX];
260   /* Collect worm statuses of opponent's worms. We need to
261    * know this because we only want to report unexpected
262    * results. For example, we do not want to report success
263    * if we find we can kill a worm which is already dead.
264    * The worm status of empty points is set to UNKNOWN to signal
265    * that stones added along the way need special attention.
266    */
267   if (aa_depth < 2)
268     return 0;
269   memset(forbidden, 0, sizeof(forbidden));
271   compute_aa_status(color, NULL);
272   compute_aa_values(color);
274   if (defense_moves)
275     memset(defense_moves, 0, BOARDMAX);
276   aa_val = do_atari_atari(color, &apos, &dpos, defense_moves, NO_MOVE,
277 			  save_verbose, 0, NULL);
279   if (aa_val == 0)
280     return 0;
282   /* We try excluding the first atari found and see if the
283    * combination still works. Repeat until failure.
284    */
285   while (1) {
286     int new_aa_val;
288     if (attack_move)
289       *attack_move = apos;
291     forbidden[apos] = 1;
292     if (defense_moves) {
293       memcpy(saved_defense_moves, defense_moves, BOARDMAX);
294       memset(defense_moves, 0, BOARDMAX);
295     }
296     new_aa_val = do_atari_atari(color, &apos, &dpos, defense_moves, NO_MOVE,
297 				save_verbose, aa_val, NULL);
299     /* The last do_atari_atari call fails. When do_atari_atari fails,
300      * it does not change the value of (apos), so these correspond
301      * to a move that works and is necessary.
302      */
303     if (new_aa_val == 0)
304       break;
305     else
306       aa_val = new_aa_val;
307   }
309   if (defense_moves) {
310     int pos;
311     memcpy(defense_moves, saved_defense_moves, BOARDMAX);
312     /* defense_moves[] contains potential defense moves. Now we
313      * examine which of them really work.
314      */
315     forbidden[apos] = 0;
316     for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) {
317       if (!ON_BOARD(pos) || !defense_moves[pos])
318 	continue;
320       if (!trymove(pos, other, "atari_atari", NO_MOVE)) {
321 	defense_moves[pos] = 0;
322 	if (save_verbose)
323 	  gprintf("%1m deleted defense point, illegal\n", pos);
324 	continue;
325       }
327       if (attack(pos, NULL)) {
328 	defense_moves[pos] = 0;
329 	popgo();
330 	if (save_verbose)
331 	  gprintf("%1m deleted defense point, unsafe\n", pos);
332 	continue;
333       }
335       if (do_atari_atari(color, &apos, &dpos, NULL, NO_MOVE,
336 			 save_verbose, aa_val, NULL) > 0) {
337 	if (save_verbose)
338 	  gprintf("%1m deleted defense point, didn't work\n", pos);
339 	defense_moves[pos] = 0;
340       }
342       popgo();
343     }
344   }
345   return aa_val;
346 }
349 /* Wrapper around atari_atari_blunder_size. Check whether a
350  * combination attack of size at least minsize appears after move
351  * at (move) has been made.
352  * The arrays saved_dragons[] and saved_worms[] should be one for
353  * stones belonging to dragons or worms respectively, which are
354  * supposedly saved by (move).
355  *
356  * FIXME: We probably want to change the calling convention of this
357  *        function to return all defense moves.
358  */
359 int
atari_atari_confirm_safety(int color,int move,int * defense,int minsize,const signed char saved_dragons[BOARDMAX],const signed char saved_worms[BOARDMAX])360 atari_atari_confirm_safety(int color, int move, int *defense, int minsize,
361 			   const signed char saved_dragons[BOARDMAX],
362 			   const signed char saved_worms[BOARDMAX])
363 {
364   signed char safe_stones[BOARDMAX];
365   signed char defense_moves[BOARDMAX];
366   int pos;
367   int blunder_size;
369   mark_safe_stones(color, move, saved_dragons, saved_worms, safe_stones);
370   blunder_size = atari_atari_blunder_size(color, move, defense_moves,
371 					  safe_stones);
373   if (defense) {
374     /* Return one arbitrary defense move. */
375     *defense = NO_MOVE;
376     for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++)
377       if (ON_BOARD(pos) && defense_moves[pos]) {
378 	*defense = pos;
379 	break;
380       }
381   }
383   return blunder_size >= minsize;
384 }
387 /* This function checks whether any new combination attack appears after
388  * move at (move) has been made, and returns its size (in points).
389  * safe_stones marks which of our stones are supposedly safe after this move.
390  */
391 int
atari_atari_blunder_size(int color,int move,signed char defense_moves[BOARDMAX],const signed char safe_stones[BOARDMAX])392 atari_atari_blunder_size(int color, int move,
393 			 signed char defense_moves[BOARDMAX],
394 			 const signed char safe_stones[BOARDMAX])
395 {
396   int apos;
397   int defense_point = NO_MOVE;
398   int aa_val, after_aa_val;
399   int other = OTHER_COLOR(color);
400   signed char defense_points[BOARDMAX];
401   int last_forbidden = NO_MOVE;
403   /* If aa_depth is too small, we can't see any combination attacks,
404    * so in this respect the move is safe enough.
405    */
406   if (aa_depth < 2)
407     return 0;
409   memset(forbidden, 0, sizeof(forbidden));
410   memset(defense_points, 0, sizeof(defense_points));
412   compute_aa_status(other, safe_stones);
413   compute_aa_values(other);
415   /* Accept illegal ko capture here. */
416   if (!tryko(move, color, NULL))
417     /* Really shouldn't happen. */
418     abortgo(__FILE__, __LINE__, "trymove", move);
420   increase_depth_values();
422   aa_val = do_atari_atari(other, &apos, &defense_point, defense_points,
423 			  NO_MOVE, 0, 0, NULL);
424   after_aa_val = aa_val;
426   if (aa_val == 0 || defense_point == NO_MOVE) {
428     /* No sufficiently large combination attack, so the move is safe from
429      * this danger.
430      *
431      * On rare occasions do_atari_atari might find a combination
432      * but no defense. In this case we assume that the combination
433      * is illusory.
434      */
436     popgo();
437     decrease_depth_values();
438     return 0;
439   }
441   while (aa_val >= after_aa_val && defense_point != NO_MOVE) {
442     /* Try dropping moves from the combination and see if it still
443      * works. What we really want is to get the proper defense move
444      * into (*defense).
445      */
446     forbidden[apos] = 1;
447     last_forbidden = apos;
448     aa_val = do_atari_atari(other, &apos, &defense_point, NULL,
449 			    NO_MOVE, 0, aa_val, NULL);
450   }
452   popgo();
453   decrease_depth_values();
454   /* We know that a combination exists, but we don't know if
455    * the original move at (aa) was really relevant. So we
456    * try omitting it and see if a combination is still found.
457    */
458   compute_aa_status(other, NULL);
459   compute_aa_values(other);
460   forbidden[last_forbidden] = 0;
461   aa_val = do_atari_atari(other, NULL, NULL, NULL, NO_MOVE, 0, 0, NULL);
462   if (aa_val >= after_aa_val)
463     return 0;
465   /* Try the potential defense moves to see which are effective. */
466   if (defense_moves) {
467     int pos;
468     /* defense_points[] contains potential defense moves. Now we
469      * examine which of them really work.
470      */
472     /* FIXME: Maybe these should be moved after the tryko() below? */
473     compute_aa_status(other, safe_stones);
474     compute_aa_values(other);
476     memcpy(defense_moves, defense_points, sizeof(defense_points));
477     for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) {
478       if (!ON_BOARD(pos) || !defense_moves[pos] || pos == move)
479 	continue;
481       if (!trymove(pos, color, "atari_atari", NO_MOVE)) {
482 	defense_moves[pos] = 0;
483 	continue;
484       }
485       increase_depth_values();
487       if (attack(pos, NULL)) {
488 	defense_moves[pos] = 0;
489 	decrease_depth_values();
490 	popgo();
491 	continue;
492       }
494       /* Accept illegal ko capture here. */
495       if (!tryko(move, color, NULL))
496 	/* Really shouldn't happen. */
497 	abortgo(__FILE__, __LINE__, "trymove", move);
498       increase_depth_values();
500       if (do_atari_atari(other, &apos, &defense_point, NULL, NO_MOVE,
501 			 0, after_aa_val, NULL) >= after_aa_val)
502 	defense_moves[pos] = 0;
504       decrease_depth_values();
505       popgo();
506       decrease_depth_values();
507       popgo();
508     }
509   }
511   return after_aa_val - aa_val;
512 }
515 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
516 /*                Helper functions for atari_atari.                 */
517 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
520 /* Helper function for computing the aa_status for all opponent's strings.
521  * If safe_stones is given, we just copy the information from there.
522  * If called at stackp > 0, safe_stones must be provided since the
523  * dragon_data is not valid then.
524  */
526 static void
compute_aa_status(int color,const signed char safe_stones[BOARDMAX])527 compute_aa_status(int color, const signed char safe_stones[BOARDMAX])
528 {
529   int other = OTHER_COLOR(color);
530   int pos;
531   SGFTree *save_sgf_dumptree = sgf_dumptree;
532   int save_count_variations = count_variations;
533   int save_verbose = verbose;
535   gg_assert(safe_stones || stackp == 0);
537   sgf_dumptree = NULL;
538   count_variations = 0;
539   if (verbose)
540     verbose--;
542   /* Collect worm statuses of opponent's worms. We need to
543    * know this because we only want to report unexpected
544    * results. For example, we do not want to report success
545    * if we find we can kill a worm which is already dead.
546    * The worm status of empty points is set to UNKNOWN to signal
547    * that stones added along the way need special attention.
548    */
549   for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) {
550     if (board[pos] == other) {
551       if (safe_stones) {
552 	if (safe_stones[pos])
553 	  aa_status[pos] = ALIVE;
554 	else
555 	  aa_status[pos] = DEAD;
556       }
557       else {
558 	if (dragon[pos].status == DEAD)
559 	  aa_status[pos] = DEAD;
560 	else if (dragon[pos].status == CRITICAL)
561 	  aa_status[pos] = CRITICAL;
562 	else if (worm[pos].attack_codes[0] != 0) {
563 	  if (worm[pos].defense_codes[0] != 0)
564 	    aa_status[pos] = CRITICAL;
565 	  else
566 	    aa_status[pos] = DEAD;
567 	}
568 	else
569 	  aa_status[pos] = ALIVE;
570       }
571     }
572     else if (ON_BOARD(pos))
573       aa_status[pos] = UNKNOWN;
574   }
576   /* reclassify a worm with 2 liberties as INSUBSTANTIAL if capturing
577    * it does not result in a live group.
578    */
579   for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) {
580     if (board[pos] == other
581 	&& find_origin(pos) == pos
582 	&& countlib(pos) == 2
583 	&& aa_status[pos] == ALIVE) {
584       int libs[2];
585       findlib(pos, 2, libs);
586       /* Don't waste time running owl_substantial() if we can't safely
587        * atari anyway.
588        */
589       if (is_self_atari(libs[0], color)
590 	  && is_self_atari(libs[1], color))
591 	continue;
593       if (!owl_substantial(pos)) {
594 	int pos2;
595 	for (pos2 = BOARDMIN; pos2 < BOARDMAX; pos2++)
596 	  if (board[pos2] == other && find_origin(pos2) == pos)
597 	    aa_status[pos2] = INSUBSTANTIAL;
598       }
599     }
600   }
602   if (debug & DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI) {
603     gprintf("compute_aa_status() for %C\n", color);
604     gprintf("aa_status: (ALIVE worms not listed)\n");
605     for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) {
606       if (board[pos] == other && is_worm_origin(pos, pos)) {
607 	const char *status = "UNKNOWN (shouldn't happen)";
608 	if (aa_status[pos] == DEAD)
609 	  status = "DEAD";
610 	else if (aa_status[pos] == CRITICAL)
611 	  status = "CRITICAL";
612 	else if (aa_status[pos] == INSUBSTANTIAL)
613 	  status = "INSUBSTANTIAL";
615 	if (aa_status[pos] != ALIVE)
616 	  gprintf("%1M: %s\n", pos, status);
617       }
618     }
619   }
621   sgf_dumptree = save_sgf_dumptree;
622   count_variations = save_count_variations;
623   verbose = save_verbose;
624 }
627 /* Helper function for retrieving the aa_status for a string. We can't
628  * reliably do this simply by looking up aa_status[pos] since this is
629  * only valid at vertices which were non-empty at the start of the
630  * reading. For later added stones, we need to find their aa_status by
631  * locating a part of the string which was a worm at the beginning of
632  * the reading.
633  */
635 static int
get_aa_status(int pos)636 get_aa_status(int pos)
637 {
638   int stones[MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD];
639   int num_stones;
640   int k;
642   if (aa_status[pos] != UNKNOWN)
643     return aa_status[pos];
645   num_stones = findstones(pos, MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD, stones);
646   for (k = 0; k < num_stones; k++)
647     if (aa_status[stones[k]] != UNKNOWN)
648       return aa_status[stones[k]];
650   return UNKNOWN;
651 }
655 /* Helper function for atari_atari. Here worms is the number of
656  * opponent worms involved in the combination, and (last_friendly) is
657  * the location of the last friendly move played. Moves marked
658  * with the forbidden array are not tried. If no move is found,
659  * the values of *attack_point and *defense_point are not changed.
660  *
661  * If not NULL, *attack_point is left pointing to the location of the
662  * attacking move, and *defense_point points to a move defending the
663  * combination. In rare cases a defensive move might not be found. If
664  * a non-static function calling do_atari_atari gets a return value of
665  * 1 but NO_MOVE as the defense point, this should be treated as
666  * equivalent to a return value of 0.
667  *
668  * The goal array limits where we are allowed to consider threats.
669  * Only strings for which goal is set to 1 may be threatened. If goal
670  * is NULL, anything may be attacked. Thus goal is typically NULL when
671  * do_atari_atari() is called from an external function. After the
672  * first threat has been made, the goal array is set to one in a
673  * neighborhood of the move and after subsequent threats it is
674  * expanded with neighborhoods of those moves. The details of this can
675  * be found in the function update_aa_goal().
676  */
678 static int
do_atari_atari(int color,int * attack_point,int * defense_point,signed char all_potential_defenses[BOARDMAX],int last_friendly,int save_verbose,int minsize,signed char goal[BOARDMAX])679 do_atari_atari(int color, int *attack_point, int *defense_point,
680 	       signed char all_potential_defenses[BOARDMAX], int last_friendly,
681 	       int save_verbose, int minsize, signed char goal[BOARDMAX])
682 {
683   int other = OTHER_COLOR(color);
684   int k;
685   struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES];
686   int num_defense_moves;
687   int defense_moves[AA_MAX_MOVES];
688   int pos;
689   SGFTree *save_sgf_dumptree;
690   int save_count_variations;
692   if (debug & DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI) {
693     gprintf("%odo_atari_atari: ");
694     dump_stack();
695     gprintf("%oforbidden moves: ");
696     for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++)
697       if (ON_BOARD(pos) && forbidden[pos])
698 	gprintf("%o%1m ", pos);
699     gprintf("\n");
700     gprintf("%ogoal: ");
701     if (!goal)
702       gprintf("none");
703     else {
704       for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++)
705 	if (ON_BOARD(pos) && goal[pos])
706 	  gprintf("%o%1m ", pos);
707     }
708     gprintf("\n");
709   }
711   /* First look for strings adjacent to the last friendly move played
712    * (or to another stone in the same string) which can be
713    * unexpectedly attacked.  If so, the combination attack
714    * has succeeded.
715    */
716   if (last_friendly != NO_MOVE) {
717     int retval;
718     save_sgf_dumptree = sgf_dumptree;
719     save_count_variations = count_variations;
720     sgf_dumptree = NULL;
721     count_variations = 0;
722     retval = atari_atari_succeeded(color, attack_point, defense_point,
723 				   last_friendly, save_verbose, minsize);
724     sgf_dumptree = save_sgf_dumptree;
725     count_variations = save_count_variations;
726     if (retval != 0) {
727       if (sgf_dumptree)
728 	/* FIXME: Better message. */
729 	sgftreeAddComment(sgf_dumptree, "attack found");
730       return retval;
731     }
732   }
734   if (stackp > aa_depth)
735     return 0;
737   /* Find attack moves. These are typically ataris but may also be
738    * more general.
739    */
740   save_sgf_dumptree = sgf_dumptree;
741   save_count_variations = count_variations;
742   sgf_dumptree = NULL;
743   count_variations = 0;
744   atari_atari_find_attack_moves(color, minsize, attacks, goal);
745   sgf_dumptree = save_sgf_dumptree;
746   count_variations = save_count_variations;
748   /* Try the attacking moves and let the opponent defend. Then call
749    * ourselves recursively.
750    */
751   for (k = 0; attacks[k].move != NO_MOVE; k++) {
752     int aa_val;
753     int str = attacks[k].target[0];
754     int apos = attacks[k].move;
755     int bpos;
756     int r;
758     if (!trymove(apos, color, "do_atari_atari-A", str))
759       continue;
761     if (all_potential_defenses) {
762       all_potential_defenses[apos] = 1;
763       if (countlib(apos) <= 2) {
764 	int libs[2];
765 	int num_libs = findlib(apos, 2, libs);
766 	all_potential_defenses[libs[0]] = 1;
767 	if (num_libs == 2)
768 	  all_potential_defenses[libs[1]] = 1;
769       }
770     }
772     if (!IS_STONE(board[str])) {
773       /* Error situation. This could be caused by a wrong matcher status. */
774       if (save_verbose || (debug & DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI))
775 	gprintf("%oError condition found by atari_atari\n");
776       popgo();
777       return 0;
778     }
780     /* Try to defend the stone (str) which is threatened. */
781     aa_val = get_aa_value(str);
783     /* Pick up defense moves. */
784     save_sgf_dumptree = sgf_dumptree;
785     save_count_variations = count_variations;
786     sgf_dumptree = NULL;
787     count_variations = 0;
788     num_defense_moves = atari_atari_find_defense_moves(attacks[k].target,
789 						       defense_moves);
790     sgf_dumptree = save_sgf_dumptree;
791     count_variations = save_count_variations;
793     for (r = 0; r < num_defense_moves; r++) {
794       bpos = defense_moves[r];
796       if (all_potential_defenses)
797 	all_potential_defenses[bpos] = 1;
799       if (trymove(bpos, other, "do_atari_atari-B", str)) {
800 	int new_aa_val;
801 	signed char new_goal[BOARDMAX];
802 	/* These moves may have been irrelevant for later
803 	 * reading, so in order to avoid horizon problems, we
804 	 * need to temporarily increase the depth values.
805 	 */
806 	modify_depth_values(2);
807 	update_aa_goal(goal, new_goal, apos, color);
808 	new_aa_val = do_atari_atari(color, NULL, defense_point,
809 				    all_potential_defenses,
810 				    apos, save_verbose, minsize, new_goal);
811 	modify_depth_values(-2);
812 	if (new_aa_val < aa_val)
813 	  aa_val = new_aa_val;
814 	popgo();
815       }
817       /* Defense successful, no need to try any further. */
818       if (aa_val == 0)
819 	break;
820     }
822     /* Undo the attacking move. */
823     popgo();
825     if (aa_val == 0)
826       continue;
828     /* atari_atari successful */
829     if (num_defense_moves == 0) {
830       if (save_verbose || (debug & DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI)) {
831 	gprintf("%oThe worm %1m can be attacked at %1m after ", str, apos);
832 	dump_stack();
833       }
834       if (sgf_dumptree)
835 	/* FIXME: Better message. */
836 	sgftreeAddComment(sgf_dumptree, "attack found");
837     }
839     if (attack_point)
840       *attack_point = apos;
842     if (defense_point) {
843       save_sgf_dumptree = sgf_dumptree;
844       save_count_variations = count_variations;
845       sgf_dumptree = NULL;
846       count_variations = 0;
848       if (!find_defense(str, defense_point))
849 	*defense_point = NO_MOVE;
851       /* If no defense point is known and (apos) is a safe
852        * move for other, it probably defends the combination.
853        */
854       if ((*defense_point == NO_MOVE || !safe_move(*defense_point, other))
855 	  && safe_move(apos, other))
856 	*defense_point = apos;
858       sgf_dumptree = save_sgf_dumptree;
859       count_variations = save_count_variations;
860     }
862     DEBUG(DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI, "%oreturn value:%d (%1m)\n", aa_val, str);
863     return aa_val;
864   }
866   /* No atari_atari attack. */
867   return 0;
868 }
871 static int
atari_atari_succeeded(int color,int * attack_point,int * defense_point,int last_friendly,int save_verbose,int minsize)872 atari_atari_succeeded(int color, int *attack_point, int *defense_point,
873 		      int last_friendly, int save_verbose, int minsize)
874 {
875   int pos;
876   int apos;
877   int other = OTHER_COLOR(color);
879   for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) {
880     if (board[pos] != other)
881       continue;
883     if (pos != find_origin(pos))
884       continue;
886     if (minsize > 0
887 	&& get_aa_value(pos) < minsize)
888       continue;
890     if (get_aa_status(pos) != ALIVE)
891       continue;
893     if (board[last_friendly] != EMPTY
894 	&& !adjacent_strings(last_friendly, pos))
895       continue;
897     if (board[last_friendly] == EMPTY
898 	&& !liberty_of_string(last_friendly, pos))
899       continue;
901     if (debug & DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI)
902       gprintf("Considering attack of %1m. depth = %d.\n", pos, depth);
904     if (attack(pos, &apos) && !forbidden[apos]) {
905       if (save_verbose || (debug & DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI)) {
906 	gprintf("%oThe worm %1m can be attacked at %1m after ", pos, apos);
907 	dump_stack();
908       }
909       if (attack_point)
910 	*attack_point = apos;
912       /* We look for a move defending the combination.
913        * Normally this is found by find_defense but failing
914        * that, if the attacking move is a safe move for color,
915        * it probably defends.
916        */
917       if (defense_point) {
918 	if (!find_defense(pos, defense_point)) {
919 	  if (safe_move(apos, other))
920 	    *defense_point = apos;
921 	  else
922 	    *defense_point = NO_MOVE;
923 	}
924       }
926       DEBUG(DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI, "%oreturn value:%d (%1m)\n",
927 	    get_aa_value(pos), pos);
928       return get_aa_value(pos);
929     }
930   }
932   return 0;
933 }
937 static void
atari_atari_find_attack_moves(int color,int minsize,struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES],signed char goal[BOARDMAX])938 atari_atari_find_attack_moves(int color, int minsize,
939 			      struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES],
940 			      signed char goal[BOARDMAX])
941 {
942   int k;
943   int r;
945   aa_init_moves(attacks);
947   atari_atari_attack_patterns(color, minsize, attacks, goal);
949   /* Sort the attack moves. */
950   aa_sort_moves(attacks);
952   if (debug & DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI) {
953     gprintf("Attack moves:");
954     for (k = 0; k < AA_MAX_MOVES && attacks[k].move != NO_MOVE; k++) {
955       gprintf("%o %1m(", attacks[k].move);
956       for (r = 0; r < AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE; r++) {
957 	if (attacks[k].target[r] == NO_MOVE)
958 	  break;
959 	gprintf("%o%s%1m", r == 0 ? "" : ",", attacks[k].target[r]);
960       }
961       gprintf("%o)");
962     }
963     gprintf("%o\n");
964   }
965 }
967 /* FIXME: Move these to a struct and pass to callback through the
968  * *data parameter.
969  */
970 static int current_minsize;
971 static struct aa_move *current_attacks;
972 static int conditional_attack_point[BOARDMAX];
974 static void
atari_atari_attack_patterns(int color,int minsize,struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES],signed char goal[BOARDMAX])975 atari_atari_attack_patterns(int color, int minsize,
976 			    struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES],
977 			    signed char goal[BOARDMAX])
978 {
979   signed char revised_goal[BOARDMAX];
980   current_minsize = minsize;
981   current_attacks = attacks;
982   memset(conditional_attack_point, 0, sizeof(conditional_attack_point));
984   /* If goal is NULL and there are forbidden moves we need to compute
985    * a new goal around the forbidden moves.
986    */
987   if (goal == NULL && update_aa_goal(goal, revised_goal, NO_MOVE, color))
988     goal = revised_goal;
990 #if 0
991   if (goal != NULL) {
992     int pos;
993     gprintf("goal:");
994     for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++)
995       if (ON_BOARD(pos) && goal[pos])
996 	gprintf("%o %1m", pos);
997     gprintf("%o\n");
998   }
999 #endif
1001   matchpat(atari_atari_attack_callback, color, &aa_attackpat_db, NULL, goal);
1002 }
1004 /* Try to attack every X string in the pattern, whether there is an attack
1005  * before or not. Only exclude already known attacking moves.
1006  */
1007 static void
atari_atari_attack_callback(int anchor,int color,struct pattern * pattern,int ll,void * data)1008 atari_atari_attack_callback(int anchor, int color,
1009 			    struct pattern *pattern, int ll, void *data)
1010 {
1011   int move;
1012   int k;
1013   UNUSED(data);
1015   move = AFFINE_TRANSFORM(pattern->move_offset, ll, anchor);
1017   if (forbidden[move])
1018     return;
1020   /* If the pattern has a constraint, call the autohelper to see
1021    * if the pattern must be rejected.
1022    */
1023   if (pattern->autohelper_flag & HAVE_CONSTRAINT)
1024     if (!pattern->autohelper(ll, move, color, 0))
1025       return;
1027   /* If the pattern has a helper, call it to see if the pattern must
1028    * be rejected.
1029    */
1030   if (pattern->helper)
1031     if (!pattern->helper(pattern, ll, move, color))
1032       return;
1034   /* Loop through pattern elements in search of X strings to
1035    * threaten to attack.
1036    */
1037   for (k = 0; k < pattern->patlen; ++k) { /* match each point */
1038     if (pattern->patn[k].att == ATT_X) {
1039       /* transform pattern real coordinate */
1040       int str = find_origin(AFFINE_TRANSFORM(pattern->patn[k].offset,
1041 					     ll, anchor));
1043       if (current_minsize > 0
1044 	  && get_aa_value(str) < current_minsize)
1045 	continue;
1047       if (aa_move_known(current_attacks, move, str))
1048 	continue;
1050       if (get_aa_status(str) != ALIVE)
1051 	continue;
1053       /* Usually we don't want to play self atari. However, if we
1054        * capture in snapback it's okay. For s class patterns we don't
1055        * have this requirement.
1056        */
1057       if (!(pattern->class & CLASS_s) && is_self_atari(move, color)) {
1058 	if (countlib(str) > 2)
1059 	  continue;
1061 	if (!safe_move(move, color))
1062 	  continue;
1063       }
1065       /*
1066        * Play (move) and see if there is an attack.
1067        */
1068       if (trymove(move, color, "attack_callback", str)) {
1069 	int acode;
1070 	int attack_point = NO_MOVE;
1072 	if (!board[str])
1073 	  acode = WIN;
1074 	else
1075 	  acode = attack(str, &attack_point);
1077 	popgo();
1079 	if (acode != 0) {
1080 	  if ((pattern->class & CLASS_c)
1081 	      && !aa_move_known(current_attacks, move, NO_MOVE)) {
1082 	    /* Conditional pattern. */
1084 		  "aa_attack pattern %s+%d (conditional) found threat on %1m at %1m with code %d\n",
1085 		  pattern->name, ll, str, move, acode);
1086 	    if (conditional_attack_point[move] == NO_MOVE)
1087 	      conditional_attack_point[move] = str;
1088 	    else if (conditional_attack_point[move] != str) {
1089 	      aa_add_move(current_attacks, move,
1090 			  conditional_attack_point[move]);
1091 	      aa_add_move(current_attacks, move, str);
1092 	    }
1093 	  }
1094 	  else {
1095 	    aa_add_move(current_attacks, move, str);
1097 		  "aa_attack pattern %s+%d found threat on %1m at %1m with code %d\n",
1098 		  pattern->name, ll, str, move, acode);
1099 	  }
1100 	}
1101       }
1102     }
1103   }
1104 }
1107 static int
atari_atari_find_defense_moves(int targets[AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE],int moves[AA_MAX_MOVES])1108 atari_atari_find_defense_moves(int targets[AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE],
1109 			       int moves[AA_MAX_MOVES])
1110 {
1111   int num_moves = 0;
1112   int move;
1113   int k;
1114   int liberties;
1115   int libs[4];
1116   int neighbors;
1117   int adjs[MAXCHAIN];
1118   int mx[BOARDMAX];
1119   int r, s;
1121   memset(mx, 0, sizeof(mx));
1123   for (r = 0; r < AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE && targets[r] != NO_MOVE; r++) {
1124     int str = targets[r];
1126     /* If the attack move happened to remove (str), there's no defense. */
1127     if (board[str] == EMPTY)
1128       continue;
1130     /* Because we know (str) is threatened there is an
1131      * attack and we can be sure find_defense() will give a
1132      * useful defense point if it returns non-zero. Usually we
1133      * would need to call attack_and_defend() to be certain of
1134      * this.
1135      */
1136     if (!find_defense(str, &move))
1137       continue;
1138     moves[num_moves++] = move;
1139     if (num_moves == AA_MAX_MOVES)
1140       return num_moves;
1141     mx[move] = 1;
1143     /* Consider all moves to attack a neighbor or to play on a liberty. */
1144     liberties = findlib(str, 4, libs);
1145     for (k = 0; k < liberties; k++) {
1146       if (!mx[libs[k]]
1147 	  && trymove(libs[k], board[str], "aa_defend-A", str)) {
1148 	if (attack(str, NULL) == 0) {
1149 	  moves[num_moves++] = libs[k];
1150 	  mx[libs[k]] = 1;
1151 	}
1152 	popgo();
1153 	if (num_moves == AA_MAX_MOVES)
1154 	  return num_moves;
1155       }
1156     }
1158     neighbors = chainlinks(str, adjs);
1159     for (k = 0; k < neighbors; k++) {
1160       int attack_point;
1161       if (attack(adjs[k], &attack_point) == WIN
1162 	  && !mx[attack_point]) {
1163 	moves[num_moves++] = attack_point;
1164 	if (num_moves == AA_MAX_MOVES)
1165 	  return num_moves;
1166 	mx[attack_point] = 1;
1167       }
1169       /* If the neighbor has at most three liberties, try all of them
1170        * for defense, except self-ataris.
1171        */
1172       liberties = findlib(adjs[k], 3, libs);
1173       if (liberties <= 3) {
1174 	for (s = 0; s < liberties; s++) {
1175 	  if (!mx[libs[s]]
1176 	      && !is_self_atari(libs[s], board[str])
1177 	      && trymove(libs[s], board[str], "aa_defend-B", str)) {
1178 	    if (attack(str, NULL) == 0) {
1179 	      moves[num_moves++] = libs[s];
1180 	      mx[libs[s]] = 1;
1181 	    }
1182 	    popgo();
1183 	    if (num_moves == AA_MAX_MOVES)
1184 	      return num_moves;
1185 	  }
1186 	}
1187       }
1188     }
1190     if (debug & DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI) {
1191       gprintf("Defense moves for %1m:", str);
1192       for (k = 0; k < num_moves; k++)
1193 	gprintf("%o %1m", moves[k]);
1194       gprintf("%o\n");
1195     }
1196   }
1198   return num_moves;
1199 }
1202 /* Try to guess the value of the strings. We do this by adding twice
1203  * the number of stones to the number of liberties and second order
1204  * liberties within the moyo around the string. This is of course
1205  * quite crude since it doesn't take into account any strategic
1206  * effects, e.g. a string being cutting stones.
1207  */
1208 static void
compute_aa_values(int color)1209 compute_aa_values(int color)
1210 {
1211   int other = OTHER_COLOR(color);
1212   int pos;
1213   int value;
1214   int liberties;
1215   int libs[MAXLIBS];
1216   int mx[BOARDMAX];
1217   int r, k;
1219   for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) {
1220     if (board[pos] != other
1221 	|| pos != find_origin(pos)
1222 	|| aa_status[pos] != ALIVE) {
1223       aa_values[pos] = 0;
1224       continue;
1225     }
1227     memset(mx, 0, sizeof(mx));
1228     liberties = findlib(pos, MAXLIBS, libs);
1229     value = 2 * countstones(pos);
1231     for (r = 0; r < liberties; r++) {
1232       if (!mx[libs[r]]
1233 	  && (whose_moyo(&initial_black_influence, libs[r]) == other
1234 	      || whose_moyo(&initial_white_influence, libs[r]) == other)) {
1235 	mx[libs[r]] = 1;
1236 	value++;
1237       }
1238       for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
1239 	int librd = libs[r] + delta[k];
1240 	if (!ON_BOARD1(librd) || mx[librd])
1241 	  continue;
1242 	mx[librd] = 1;
1243 	if (board[librd] == EMPTY
1244 	    && (whose_moyo(&initial_black_influence, librd) == other
1245 		|| (whose_moyo(&initial_white_influence, librd) == other)))
1246 	  value++;
1247       }
1248     }
1250     aa_values[pos] = value;
1251     if (1)
1252       DEBUG(DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI, "aa_value for %1m = %d\n", pos, value);
1253   }
1254 }
1256 /* The aa_value for a string is the sum of the aa_values for all
1257  * included strings in the original position. This will systematically
1258  * overvalue strings which consist of multiple original strings, but
1259  * this is okay since the defender very rarely should defend a string
1260  * first and then sacrifice it later.
1261  */
1262 static int
get_aa_value(int str)1263 get_aa_value(int str)
1264 {
1265   int stones[MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD];
1266   int k;
1267   int num_stones = findstones(str, MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD, stones);
1268   int value = 0;
1270   for (k = 0; k < num_stones; k++)
1271     value += aa_values[stones[k]];
1273   return value;
1274 }
1277 /* update_aa_goal(goal, new_goal, apos, color) extends the goal array
1278  * with vertices in a neighborhood of apos. The algorithm is that
1279  * starting at apos, a distance measure is computed to nearby
1280  * vertices. The distance increases with one for each step through
1281  * empty vertices and by a liberty depending number when passing
1282  * through strings of the attacked color. Strings with 3 or fewer
1283  * liberties are free to pass through while strings with more
1284  * liberties cost (libs - 3) to pass through. Stones with a distance
1285  * of 5 or less are included in the goal.
1286  *
1287  * Additionally neighborhoods of the moves in the forbidden array are
1288  * included in the goal, to make it possible to limit the goal to a
1289  * specific area from the beginning. This is needed when trying to
1290  * decide which moves are relevant to the combination.
1291  */
1293 #define ENQUEUE(pos, dist) \
1294     do { \
1295       if ((dist) <= MAX_AA_DIST) { \
1296         if (dists[pos] == 0) { \
1297           queue[queue_end++] = (pos); \
1298           dists[pos] = (dist); \
1299         } \
1300         else if (dists[pos] < (dist)) \
1301           dists[pos] = (dist); \
1302       } \
1303     } while (0);
1305 static int
update_aa_goal(signed char goal[BOARDMAX],signed char new_goal[BOARDMAX],int apos,int color)1306 update_aa_goal(signed char goal[BOARDMAX], signed char new_goal[BOARDMAX],
1307 	       int apos, int color)
1308 {
1309   int other = OTHER_COLOR(color);
1310   int dists[BOARDMAX];
1311   int queue[MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD];
1312   int queue_end = 0;
1313   int k, r, s;
1314   int pos;
1316   if (goal == NULL)
1317     memset(new_goal, 0, BOARDMAX);
1318   else
1319     memcpy(new_goal, goal, BOARDMAX);
1321   memset(dists, 0, sizeof(dists));
1323   if (apos != NO_MOVE) {
1324     dists[apos] = 1;
1325     queue[queue_end++] = apos;
1326   }
1328 #if 0
1329   /* Disabled for now, since it does nothing but break atari_atari:16
1330    * and trevorc:1540. It could be reactivated when the rest of the
1331    * function would be modified in order to garanty that a forbidden
1332    * move is strictly equivalent to a played move in terms of goal
1333    * mapping. I doubt it would be anything worth though...
1334    */
1335   for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) {
1336     if (ON_BOARD(pos) && forbidden[pos]) {
1337       dists[pos] = 1;
1338       queue[queue_end++] = pos;
1339     }
1340   }
1341 #endif
1343   if (queue_end == 0)
1344     return 0;
1346   for (r = 0; r < queue_end; r++) {
1347     int smallest_dist = MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD;
1348     int best_index = -1;
1350     gg_assert(queue_end < MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD);
1352     for (k = r; k < queue_end; k++) {
1353       if (dists[queue[k]] < smallest_dist) {
1354 	smallest_dist = dists[queue[k]];
1355 	best_index = k;
1356       }
1357     }
1359     if (best_index != r) {
1360       int tmp = queue[r];
1361       queue[r] = queue[best_index];
1362       queue[best_index] = tmp;
1363     }
1365     pos = queue[r];
1366     if (board[pos] == other)
1367       new_goal[pos] = 1;
1369     /* FIXME: We shouldn't let dead opponent stones stop the
1370      * propagation of distance.
1371      *
1372      * As a partial fix we include pos == apos in a test below.
1373      */
1374     for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
1375       int pos2 = pos + delta[k];
1376       if (!ON_BOARD(pos2))
1377        continue;
1378       if ((board[pos] != color || pos == apos) && board[pos2] == EMPTY) {
1379         ENQUEUE(pos2, dists[pos] + 1);
1380       }
1381       else if (board[pos] != other && board[pos2] == other) {
1382 	int stones[MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD];
1383 	int size = findstones(pos2, MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD, stones);
1384 	int libs = countlib(pos2);
1385 	int deltadist = libs - 3;
1386 	if (deltadist < 0)
1387 	  deltadist = 0;
1388 	for (s = 0; s < size; s++)
1389 	  ENQUEUE(stones[s], dists[pos] + deltadist);
1390       }
1391     }
1392   }
1393   return 1;
1394 }
1396 /* Initialize an array with atari_atari attacks. The convention is that
1397  * the array ends when a NO_MOVE is encountered in the move field.
1398  */
1399 static void
aa_init_moves(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES])1400 aa_init_moves(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES])
1401 {
1402   attacks[0].move = NO_MOVE;
1403 }
1406 /* Add an atari_atari attack move to a struct aa_move array. If the
1407  * move already is included in the array, we check whether the target
1408  * also is known for that move and add it if not.
1409  */
1410 static void
aa_add_move(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES],int move,int target)1411 aa_add_move(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES], int move, int target)
1412 {
1413   int k;
1414   int r;
1416   for (k = 0; k < AA_MAX_MOVES; k++)
1417     if (attacks[k].move == move || attacks[k].move == NO_MOVE)
1418       break;
1420   /* If the array is full, give up. */
1421   if (k == AA_MAX_MOVES)
1422     return;
1424   target = find_origin(target);
1426   /* New move. */
1427   if (attacks[k].move == NO_MOVE) {
1428     attacks[k].move = move;
1429     attacks[k].target[0] = target;
1430     if (AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE > 0)
1431       attacks[k].target[1] = NO_MOVE;
1433     if (k < AA_MAX_MOVES - 1)
1434       attacks[k+1].move = NO_MOVE;
1436     return;
1437   }
1439   /* Known move, maybe new target. */
1440   for (r = 0; r < AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE; r++)
1441     if (attacks[k].target[r] == target || attacks[k].target[r] == NO_MOVE)
1442       break;
1444   /* No place for more targets. */
1445   if (r == AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE)
1446     return;
1448   /* Target known. */
1449   if (attacks[k].target[r] == target)
1450     return;
1452   /* Add target. */
1453   attacks[k].target[r] = target;
1454   if (r < AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE - 1)
1455     attacks[k].target[r + 1] = NO_MOVE;
1456 }
1458 /* Check whether an atari_atari attack move is included in an struct
1459  * aa_move array. If target is not NO_MOVE, we also require that the
1460  * target is known for the move.
1461  */
1462 static int
aa_move_known(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES],int move,int target)1463 aa_move_known(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES], int move, int target)
1464 {
1465   int k;
1466   int r;
1468   for (k = 0; k < AA_MAX_MOVES; k++)
1469     if (attacks[k].move == move || attacks[k].move == NO_MOVE)
1470       break;
1472   /* If the array is full, give up and claim the move to be known. */
1473   if (k == AA_MAX_MOVES)
1474     return 1;
1476   /* Unknown move. */
1477   if (attacks[k].move == NO_MOVE)
1478     return 0;
1480   /* Move known, but how about the target?
1481    * If no target specified, just return 1.
1482    */
1483   if (target == NO_MOVE)
1484     return 1;
1486   target = find_origin(target);
1487   for (r = 0; r < AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE; r++)
1488     if (attacks[k].target[r] == target || attacks[k].target[r] == NO_MOVE)
1489       break;
1491   /* No place for more targets. Give up and claim the target to be known. */
1492   if (r == AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE)
1493     return 1;
1495   /* Target known. */
1496   if (attacks[k].target[r] == target)
1497     return 1;
1499   /* Unknown target. */
1500   return 0;
1501 }
1504 /* Auxiliary function for aa_sort_moves(). */
1505 static int
target_comp_func(const void * a,const void * b)1506 target_comp_func(const void *a, const void *b)
1507 {
1508   int asize = get_aa_value(*((const int *) a));
1509   int bsize = get_aa_value(*((const int *) b));
1510   return asize - bsize;
1511 }
1514 /* Auxiliary function for aa_sort_moves(). */
1515 static int
move_comp_func(const void * a,const void * b)1516 move_comp_func(const void *a, const void *b)
1517 {
1518   const struct aa_move *aa = a;
1519   const struct aa_move *bb = b;
1520   int asize = get_aa_value(aa->target[0]);
1521   int bsize = get_aa_value(bb->target[0]);
1522   return asize - bsize;
1523 }
1525 /* Sort the attack moves. For each move the targets are sorted in
1526  * decreasing size. Then the moves are sorted with increasing size
1527  * of their first target.
1528  */
1529 static void
aa_sort_moves(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES])1530 aa_sort_moves(struct aa_move attacks[AA_MAX_MOVES])
1531 {
1532   int k;
1533   int r;
1534   int number_of_attacks;
1535   int number_of_targets;
1537   for (k = 0; k < AA_MAX_MOVES && attacks[k].move != NO_MOVE; k++) {
1538     for (r = 0; r < AA_MAX_TARGETS_PER_MOVE; r++)
1539       if (attacks[k].target[r] == NO_MOVE)
1540 	break;
1541     number_of_targets = r;
1542     gg_sort(attacks[k].target, number_of_targets,
1543 	    sizeof(attacks[k].target[0]), target_comp_func);
1544   }
1545   number_of_attacks = k;
1546   gg_sort(attacks, number_of_attacks, sizeof(attacks[0]), move_comp_func);
1547 }
1550 #if 0
1552 /* Returns true if a move by (color) at (pos) is atari on something.
1553  * Currently unused.
1554  */
1556 static int
1557 is_atari(int pos, int color)
1558 {
1559   int other = OTHER_COLOR(color);
1561   if (!is_legal(pos, color))
1562     return 0;
1564   if (board[SOUTH(pos)] == other
1565       && countlib(SOUTH(pos)) == 2)
1566     return 1;
1568   if (board[WEST(pos)] == other
1569       && countlib(WEST(pos)) == 2)
1570     return 1;
1572   if (board[NORTH(pos)] == other
1573       && countlib(NORTH(pos)) == 2)
1574     return 1;
1576   if (board[EAST(pos)] == other
1577       && countlib(EAST(pos)) == 2)
1578     return 1;
1580   return 0;
1581 }
1583 #endif
1586 /*
1587  * Local Variables:
1588  * tab-width: 8
1589  * c-basic-offset: 2
1590  * End:
1591  */