1<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
2<install product="GtkRadiant-1.M4_VER_MAJOR" desc="GtkRadiant M4_VER" version="M4_VER"
3         nouninstall="yes"
4         postinstall="sh setup.data/postinstall.sh $*">
5ifdef(`M4_OSX', `  <install_drop_list>
6    /sw/games
7    /Applications
8  </install_drop_list>')
9  <eula>
10    license.txt
11  </eula>
12  <readme required="true">
13    README
14  </readme>
15	<option install="true" required="true">
16	  GtkRadiant editor core and documentation
17		<!-- copies everything including some game pack specific stuff -->
18		<files srcpath="core">
19		  *
20		</files>
21    <binary symlink="radiant">
22      radiant
23    </binary>
24    <binary symlink="q3map2">
25      q3map2
26    </binary>
27    <binary keepdirs="yes">
28      radiant.ifdef(`M4_OSX', `ppc', `x86')
29      q3map2.ifdef(`M4_OSX', `ppc', `x86')
30      modules/archivepak.so
31      modules/archivewad.so
32      modules/archivezip.so
33      modules/entity.so
34      modules/image.so
35      modules/imagehl.so
36      modules/imageq2.so
37      modules/imagepng.so
38      modules/mapq3.so
39      modules/mapxml.so
40      modules/md3model.so
41      modules/model.so
42      modules/shaders.so
43      modules/vfspk3.so
44ifelse(M4_GAME_Q2, `1', `
45      q2/q2map
46      q2/qdata3
47<!--      q2/modules/imagewal.so -->
48<!--      q2/modules/surface_quake2.so -->
49<!--      q2/modules/vfspak.so -->
50	  ')
51ifdef(`M4_OSX', `',`heretic2/qdata3
52      heretic2/q2map
53<!--      heretic2/modules/imagem8.so -->
54<!--      heretic2/modules/surface_heretic2.so -->
55<!--      heretic2/modules/vfspak.so -->
56      libgcc_s.so.1
57      M4_STDC')
58    </binary>
59    <!-- q3 game pack -->
60    <files srcpath="core">
61      q3.game/synapse.config
62    </files>
63    <binary keepdirs="yes">
64ifdef(`M4_OSX', `',`      q3/bspc')
65    </binary>
66    <!-- wolf game pack -->
67    <files srcpath="core">
68      wolf.game/synapse.config
69    </files>
70    <binary keepdirs="yes">
71ifdef(`M4_OSX', `',`      wolf/bspc')
72    </binary>
73	</option>
74	<!-- each of the subcomponent element can be enabled/disabled -->
75	<!-- each option there can have it's own install path -->
76	<subcomponent name="Game Packs" version="M4_VER_MAJOR">
77    <option install="true" default_path="ifdef(`M4_OSX', `/Applications/Quake3/', `/usr/local/games/quake3')">
78      Quake III Arena / Team Arena
79      <files srcpath="q3">
80        *
81      </files>
82			<!-- creates the appropriate .game file -->
83      <script>
84        sh setup.data/config.games.sh q3 $*
85      </script>
86    </option>
87    <option install="true" default_path="ifdef(`M4_OSX', `/Applications/RTCW/', `/usr/local/games/wolfenstein')">
88      Return to Castle Wolfenstein
89      <files srcpath="wolf">
90        *
91      </files>
92      <script>
93        sh setup.data/config.games.sh wolf $*
94      </script>
95    </option>
96    ifelse(M4_GAME_ET, `1', `
97    <option install="true" default_path="/usr/local/games/enemy-territory">
98      Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
99      <files srcpath="et">
100        *
101      </files>
102      <script>
103        sh setup.data/config.games.sh et $*
104      </script>
105    </option>
106    ')
107    ifelse(M4_GAME_DOOM3, `1', `
108    <option install="true" default_path="/usr/local/games/doom3">
109      Doom 3
110<!--      <files srcpath="doom3">
111        *
112      </files> -->
113      <script>
114        sh setup.data/config.games.sh doom3 $*
115      </script>
116    </option>
117    ')
118	ifelse(M4_GAME_Q2, `1', `
119    <option install="true" default_path="ifdef(`M4_OSX', `/Applications/Quake2/', `/usr/local/games/quake2')">
120      Quake 2
121      <files srcpath="q2">
122        *
123      </files>
124      <script>
125        sh setup.data/config.games.sh q2 $*
126      </script>
127    </option>
128	')
129    ifdef(`M4_OSX', `',`    <option install="true" default_path="ifdef(`M4_OSX', `/Applications/Heretic2/', `/usr/local/games/heretic2')">
130      Heretic 2
131      <files srcpath="heretic2">
132        *
133      </files>
134      <script>
135        sh setup.data/config.games.sh heretic2 $*
136      </script>
137    </option>')
138	</subcomponent>