1 #include "../std.h"
3 object dwarf;
5 #undef EXTRA_MOVE1
6 #define EXTRA_MOVE1\
7     if (dwarf && present(dwarf)) {\
8 	write("The dwarf bars the way !\n");\
9 	return 1;\
10     }
11 #undef EXTRA_RESET
12 #define EXTRA_RESET\
13     if (!dwarf || !living(dwarf)) {\
14 	dwarf = clone_object("obj/monster");\
15 	dwarf->set_name("dwarf");\
16 	dwarf->set_level(10);\
17 	dwarf->set_al(-100);\
18 	dwarf->set_short("A short and sturdy dwarf");\
19 	dwarf->set_wc(10);\
20 	dwarf->set_aci(1);\
21 	move_object(dwarf, this_object());\
22     }
23 TWO_EXIT("room/mine/tunnel17", "north",
24 	 "room/mine/tunnel15", "west",
25 	 "Tunnel",
26 	 "In the tunnel into the mines.\n", 0)