1 #ifndef RL_TILE_H
2 #define RL_TILE_H
4 #include <rl_userdata.h>
6 #include <stdint.h>
7 #include <stddef.h>
9 /*
10 A tile is a rectangular area of 100% opaque pixels pixels. A tileset is a
11 collection of tiles that share the same dimensions.
12 */
14 typedef struct
15 {
16   rl_userdata_t ud;
18   int width;     /* the width of each tile */
19   int height;    /* the height of each tile */
20   int size;      /* width * height */
21   int num_tiles; /* the number of tiles in this tileset */
23   const uint16_t data[ 0 ]; /* the tiles' pixels */
24 }
25 rl_tileset_t;
27 /* Creates a tileset given the data produced by rltileset. */
28 rl_tileset_t* rl_tileset_create( const void* data, size_t size );
29 /* Destroys a tileset. */
30 #define rl_tileset_destroy( tileset) do { rl_free( tileset ); } while ( 0 )
32 /* Blits a tile from a tileset onto the background. */
33 void rl_tileset_blit_nobg( const rl_tileset_t* tileset, int index, int x, int y );
34 /* Blits a tile from a tileset onto the background, saving overwritten pixels in bg. */
35 uint16_t* rl_tileset_blit( const rl_tileset_t* tileset, int index, int x, int y, uint16_t* bg );
36 /* Erases a tile from a tileset from the background, restoring overwritten pixels from bg. */
37 void rl_tileset_unblit( const rl_tileset_t* tileset, int x, int y, const uint16_t* bg );
39 /* Blits a tile onto the background. */
40 void rl_tile_blit_nobg( int width, int height, const uint16_t* pixels, int x, int y );
41 /* Blits a tile onto the background, saving overwritten pixels in bg. */
42 uint16_t* rl_tile_blit( int width, int height, const uint16_t* pixels, int x, int y, uint16_t* bg );
43 /* Erases a tile from the background, restoring overwritten pixels from bg. */
44 void rl_tile_unblit( int width, int height, int x, int y, const uint16_t* bg );
46 #endif /* RL_TILE_H */