1 /*******************************************************************************
2 *																			   *
3 *	Define size independent data types and operations.						   *
4 *																			   *
5 *   The following types must be supported by all platforms:					   *
6 *																			   *
7 *	UINT8  - Unsigned 8-bit Integer		INT8  - Signed 8-bit integer           *
8 *	UINT16 - Unsigned 16-bit Integer	INT16 - Signed 16-bit integer          *
9 *	UINT32 - Unsigned 32-bit Integer	INT32 - Signed 32-bit integer          *
10 *	UINT64 - Unsigned 64-bit Integer	INT64 - Signed 64-bit integer          *
11 *																			   *
12 *																			   *
13 *   The macro names for the artithmatic operations are composed as follows:    *
14 *																			   *
15 *   XXX_R_A_B, where XXX - 3 letter operation code (ADD, SUB, etc.)			   *
16 *					 R   - The type	of the result							   *
17 *					 A   - The type of operand 1							   *
18 *			         B   - The type of operand 2 (if binary operation)		   *
19 *																			   *
20 *				     Each type is one of: U8,8,U16,16,U32,32,U64,64			   *
21 *																			   *
22 *******************************************************************************/
25 #ifndef OSD_CPU_H
26 #define OSD_CPU_H
28 typedef unsigned char						UINT8;
29 typedef unsigned short						UINT16;
30 typedef unsigned int						UINT32;
31 typedef unsigned long long	UINT64;
32 typedef signed char 						INT8;
33 typedef signed short						INT16;
34 typedef signed int							INT32;
35 typedef signed long long		INT64;
37 /* Combine two 32-bit integers into a 64-bit integer */
38 #define COMBINE_64_32_32(A,B)     ((((UINT64)(A))<<32) | (UINT32)(B))
39 #define COMBINE_U64_U32_U32(A,B)  COMBINE_64_32_32(A,B)
41 /* Return upper 32 bits of a 64-bit integer */
42 #define HI32_32_64(A)		  (((UINT64)(A)) >> 32)
43 #define HI32_U32_U64(A)		  HI32_32_64(A)
45 /* Return lower 32 bits of a 64-bit integer */
46 #define LO32_32_64(A)		  ((A) & 0xffffffff)
47 #define LO32_U32_U64(A)		  LO32_32_64(A)
49 #define DIV_64_64_32(A,B)	  ((A)/(B))
50 #define DIV_U64_U64_U32(A,B)  ((A)/(UINT32)(B))
52 #define MOD_32_64_32(A,B)	  ((A)%(B))
53 #define MOD_U32_U64_U32(A,B)  ((A)%(UINT32)(B))
55 #define MUL_64_32_32(A,B)	  ((A)*(INT64)(B))
56 #define MUL_U64_U32_U32(A,B)  ((A)*(UINT64)(UINT32)(B))
59 /******************************************************************************
60  * Union of UINT8, UINT16 and UINT32 in native endianess of the target
61  * This is used to access bytes and words in a machine independent manner.
62  * The upper bytes h2 and h3 normally contain zero (16 bit CPU cores)
63  * thus PAIR.d can be used to pass arguments to the memory system
64  * which expects 'int' really.
65  ******************************************************************************/
66 typedef union {
67 #ifdef MSB_FIRST
68 	struct { UINT8 h3,h2,h,l; } b;
69 	struct { UINT16 h,l; } w;
70 #else
71 	struct { UINT8 l,h,h2,h3; } b;
72 	struct { UINT16 l,h; } w;
73 #endif
74 	UINT32 d;
75 }	PAIR;
77 #endif	/* defined OSD_CPU_H */