1text -1 10 Welcome to Lincity
3text -1 30 To get started, build something like this:
5icon 76 158 trackdr.csi
6icon 92 158 trackldr.csi
7icon 108 158 tracklr.csi
8icon 124 158 tracklr.csi
9icon 140 158 tracklr.csi
10icon 156 158 trackldr.csi
11icon 172 158 trackldr.csi
12icon 188 158 tracklr.csi
13icon 204 158 tracklr.csi
14icon 220 158 tracklr.csi
15icon 236 158 tracklr.csi
16icon 252 158 trackld.csi
18icon 204 126 market-med.csi
19icon 140 126 pottery4.csi
20icon 140 62 farm11.csi
21icon 204 78 resmedlow.csi
23icon 92 174 commune8.csi
24icon 76 174 trackur.csi
25icon 172 174 commune8.csi
26icon 156 174 trackur.csi
27icon 253 174 oremine2.csi
30tbutton 260 96 residential.hlp Residences
31tbutton 72 136 pottery.hlp Pottery
32tbutton 96 96 farm.hlp Farm
33tbutton 244 136 market.hlp Market
34tbutton 130 245 commune.hlp Communes
35tbutton 254 245 oremine.hlp Ore mine
36tbutton 16 160 track.hlp Tracks
38#text -1 295 Click in the boxes to find more about
39#text -1 305 a particular area.
41tcolour 226 80
42tbutton -1 280 openload.hlp === Load - built in or saved scene ===
43tbutton -1 300 return0 === New Game - with random village ===
44tbutton -1 320 return1 ===== New Game - with bare board =====
45#tbutton -1 340 return2 ======= Connect - network game =======
46tcolour -1 -1
48text -1 363 Right mouse button will often get you help
49#text -1 370 all sorts of help while playing.
50text -1 380 Enjoy the game - and good luck...