1 /* -*- c++ -*-
2 FILE: Polymgr.cpp
3 RCS REVISION: $Revision: 1.23 $
5 COPYRIGHT: (c) 1999 -- 2003 Melinda Green, Don Hatch, and Jay Berkenbilt - Superliminal Software
7 LICENSE: Free to use and modify for non-commercial purposes as long as the
8     following conditions are adhered to:
9     1) Obvious credit for the source of this code and the designs it embodies
10        are clearly made, and
11     2) Ports and derived versions of 4D Magic Cube programs are not distributed
12        without the express written permission of the authors.
15     Implementation of the PolygonManager4D class
16 */
18 #include "MagicCube.h"
19 #include "Polymgr.h"
20 #include "Math4d.h"
21 #include "Preferences.h"
22 #include <stdio.h>
24 static int  length = LENGTH;
25 // FIX THIS-- need consistent initializion method
26 static real tilt = DTOR(TILT), twirl = DTOR(TWIRL);
29 static real bbox[2][2] = { {0} };
31 static      real
sine_interp(real x)32 sine_interp(real x)
33 {
34     return (sin((x - .5) * PI) + 1) / 2;
35 }
37 #define are_CCW(v0,v1,v2) (twice_triangle_area(v0,v1,v2) > 0)
38 #define are_CW(v0,v1,v2) (twice_triangle_area(v0,v1,v2) < 0)
39 /* HA! the following are reversed from the above, since we inverted Y */
40 #define ushort_are_CCW(v0,v1,v2) (ushort_twice_triangle_area(v0,v1,v2) < 0)
41 #define ushort_are_CW(v0,v1,v2) (ushort_twice_triangle_area(v0,v1,v2) > 0)
42 static      real
twice_triangle_area(real v0[2],real v1[2],real v2[2])43 twice_triangle_area(real v0[2], real v1[2], real v2[2])
44 {
45     real        edge1[2], edge2[2];
46     VMV2(edge1, v1, v0);
47     VMV2(edge2, v2, v0);
48     return VXV2(edge1, edge2);
49 }
50 static long
ushort_twice_triangle_area(unsigned short v0[2],unsigned short v1[2],unsigned short v2[2])51 ushort_twice_triangle_area(unsigned short v0[2],
52                            unsigned short v1[2], unsigned short v2[2])
53 {
54     int         edge1[2], edge2[2];
55     VMV2(edge1, v1, v0);
56     VMV2(edge2, v2, v0);
57     return VXV2(edge1, edge2);
58 }
61 static void
get_triangle_normal(real v0[2],real v1[2],real v2[2],real nrml[3])62 get_triangle_normal(real v0[2], real v1[2], real v2[2], real nrml[3])
63 {
64     real        edge1[3], edge2[3], tomultiplyby;
65     VMV3(edge1, v1, v0);
66     VMV3(edge2, v2, v0);
67     VXV3(nrml, edge1, edge2);
68     /* normalize */
69     tomultiplyby = 1 / sqrt(NORMSQRD3(nrml));
70     VXS3(nrml, nrml, tomultiplyby);
71 }
74 static void
getrotmat(int ax,real angle,real mat3[3][3])75 getrotmat(int ax, real angle, real mat3[3][3])
76 {
77     real        c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle);
78     int         fromax = (ax + 1) % 3, toax = (ax + 2) % 3;
80     ZEROMAT3(mat3);
81     mat3[ax][ax] = 1;
82     mat3[fromax][fromax] = c;
83     mat3[fromax][toax] = s;
84     mat3[toax][fromax] = -s;
85     mat3[toax][(ax + 2) % 3] = c;
86 }
87 /*
88  * Comparison function for qsort
89  */
90 static int
zcmp(const void * a,const void * b)91 zcmp(const void *a, const void *b)
92 {
93     const real **A = (const real **)a;
94     const real **B = (const real **)b;
95     return **A < **B ? -1 : **A > **B ? 1 : 0;
96 }
PolygonManager4D(Preferences & prefs)99 PolygonManager4D::PolygonManager4D(Preferences& prefs) :
100     preferences(prefs)
101 {
102     tilt = DTOR(prefs.getRealProperty(M4D_TILT, TILT));
103     twirl = DTOR(prefs.getRealProperty(M4D_TWIRL, TWIRL));
104     faceshrink = prefs.getRealProperty(M4D_FACESHRINK, FACESHRINK);
105     stickershrink = prefs.getRealProperty(M4D_STICKERSHRINK, STICKERSHRINK);
106     nframes_90 = prefs.getIntProperty(M4D_NFRAMES_90, NFRAMES_90);
107     nframes_120 = prefs.getIntProperty(M4D_NFRAMES_120, NFRAMES_120);
108     nframes_180 = prefs.getIntProperty(M4D_NFRAMES_180, NFRAMES_180);
110     reset(prefs.getLength());
111 }
reset(int new_length)113 void PolygonManager4D::reset(int new_length)
114 {
115     if (new_length != -1)
116     {
117         length = new_length;
119         bbox[0][0] = 0;
120         n_untwisted_verts4 = getUntwistedVerts4(untwisted_verts4, faceshrink, stickershrink);
122         calc3DFrameInfo(
123             (struct stickerspec *)NULL,
124             CCW,
125             0, /* slicesmask-- so everything else is ignored */
126             0.,
127             sine_interp,
128             n_untwisted_verts4,
129             untwisted_verts4,
130             preferences.getRealProperty(M4D_EYEW, EYEW),
131             !preferences.getBoolProperty(M4D_NOCULLCELLS), /* cullcells */
132             &n_untwisted_verts3,
133             untwisted_verts3,
134             &n_untwisted_quads3,
135             untwisted_quads3,
136             untwisted_stickerids3,
137             NULL);
138     }
139 }
setShrinkers(real face_val,real sticker_val)141 void PolygonManager4D::setShrinkers(real face_val, real sticker_val)
142 {
143     faceshrink = face_val;
144     stickershrink = sticker_val;
145     n_untwisted_verts4 =
146         getUntwistedVerts4(untwisted_verts4,
147                                      faceshrink, stickershrink);
148 }
calc3DTo2DFrameInfo(int nverts3,real verts3[][3],int nquads3,int quads3[][4],int stickerids3[],real tilt,real twirl,real eyez,real sunvec[3],int sunvec_is_in_objspace,int cullverts,int cullbackfaces,int zsort,int * Nverts2,real verts2[][2],int * Nquads2,int quads2[][4],int quadids2[],real brightnesses[])150 void PolygonManager4D::calc3DTo2DFrameInfo(
151     /* INPUTS */
152     int nverts3, real verts3[][3], int nquads3,
153     int quads3[][4], int stickerids3[], real tilt,
154     real twirl, real eyez, real sunvec[3],
155     int sunvec_is_in_objspace, int cullverts,
156     int cullbackfaces, int zsort,
157     /* OUTPUTS */
158     int *Nverts2, real verts2[][2], int *Nquads2,
159     int quads2[][4], int quadids2[],
160     real brightnesses[])
161 {
162     int         i;
163     real        twirlmat[3][3], tiltmat[3][3], viewingmat[3][3];
164     real        objspace_sunvec[3], triangle_normal[3];
165     real        tomultiplyby, norm;
166     int         nverts2, nquads2;   /* set *Nverts2 and *Nquads2 to these at
167                                        end */
168     real        transformed_verts3[MAXVERTS][3];
171     /*
172      * make a viewing matrix that tilts and twirls
173      */
174     getrotmat(Y, twirl, twirlmat);
175     getrotmat(X, tilt, tiltmat);
176     MXM3(viewingmat, twirlmat, tiltmat);
178     /*
179      * get normalized sunvec in object space
180      * (it's more efficient to transform the light vector to object space
181      * than to transform all the face normals to world space)
182      */
183     if (sunvec && brightnesses)
184     {
185         if (sunvec_is_in_objspace)
186             SET3(objspace_sunvec, sunvec);
187         else                    /* apply inverse of viewingmat to sunvec to
188                                    get objspace_sunvec */
189             MXV3(objspace_sunvec, viewingmat, sunvec);
190         norm = sqrt(NORMSQRD3(objspace_sunvec));
191         VDS3(objspace_sunvec, objspace_sunvec, norm);
192     }
194     /*
195      * transform verts
196      */
197     for (i = 0; i < nverts3; ++i)
198     {
199         VXM3(transformed_verts3[i], verts3[i], viewingmat);
200         tomultiplyby = 1. / (eyez - transformed_verts3[i][Z]);
201         VXS2(verts2[i], transformed_verts3[i], tomultiplyby);
202     }
204     /*
205      * Copy quads3 to quads2
206      * and stickerids3 to quadids2,
207      * discarding back faces
208      */
209     nquads2 = 0;
210     for (i = 0; i < nquads3; ++i)
211     {
212         if (cullbackfaces && !are_CCW(verts2[quads3[i][0]],
213                                       verts2[quads3[i][1]],
214                                       verts2[quads3[i][2]]))
215         {
216             continue;
217         }
218         SET4(quads2[nquads2], quads3[i]);
219         quadids2[nquads2] = (stickerids3[quads3[i][0] / 8]) * 6 + (i % 6);
220         if (sunvec && brightnesses)
221         {
222             get_triangle_normal(verts3[quads3[i][0]],
223                                 verts3[quads3[i][1]],
224                                 verts3[quads3[i][2]], triangle_normal);
225             brightnesses[nquads2] = DOT3(triangle_normal, objspace_sunvec);
226             if (brightnesses[nquads2] < 0)
227                 brightnesses[nquads2] = 0;
228         }
229         nquads2++;
230     }
232     nverts2 = nverts3;
234     /*
235      * Zsort the quads, quadids and brighnesses, from least to greatest z
236      */
237     if (zsort)
238     {
239         real        quadzs[MAXQUADS];
240         real       *qsortbuf[MAXQUADS];
241         int         tempquads[MAXQUADS][4];
242         int         tempquadids[MAXQUADS];
243         real        tempbrightnesses[MAXQUADS];
244         for (i = 0; i < nquads2; ++i)
245         {
246             quadzs[i] = transformed_verts3[quads2[i][0]][Z]
247                 + transformed_verts3[quads2[i][2]][Z];
248             qsortbuf[i] = &quadzs[i];
249         }
250         qsort((char *)qsortbuf, nquads2, sizeof(*qsortbuf), zcmp);
251         for (i = 0; i < nquads2; ++i)
252         {
253             SET4(tempquads[i], quads2[qsortbuf[i] - quadzs]);
254             tempquadids[i] = quadids2[qsortbuf[i] - quadzs];
255             tempbrightnesses[i] = brightnesses[qsortbuf[i] - quadzs];
256         }
257         for (i = 0; i < nquads2; ++i)
258         {
259             SET4(quads2[i], tempquads[i]);
260             quadids2[i] = tempquadids[i];
261             brightnesses[i] = tempbrightnesses[i];
262         }
263     }
265     if (cullverts)
266     {
267         /*
268          * FIX THIS-- should discard unused vertices here if we are
269          * planning to store the frame in a file or something.
270          */
271     }
274     *Nverts2 = nverts2;
275     *Nquads2 = nquads2;
276 }
getTwistTotalAngle(int dim,int dir)279 real PolygonManager4D::getTwistTotalAngle(int dim, int dir)
280 {
281     switch (dim)
282     {
283     case 0:                 /* vertex; 120 degrees */
284         return 2 * PI / 3 * dir;
285         break;
286     case 1:                 /* edge; 180 degrees */
287         return 2 * PI / 2 * dir;
288         break;
289     case 2:                 /* face; 90 degrees */
290         return 2 * PI / 4 * dir;
291         break;
292     default:
293         assert(INRANGE(0 <=, dim, <2));
294         break;
295     }
296     return 2 * PI;              /* this never happens */
297 }
getTwistNFrames(struct stickerspec * grip)299 int PolygonManager4D::getTwistNFrames(struct stickerspec *grip)
300 {
301     switch (grip->dim)
302     {
303     case 0:                 /* vertex; 120 degrees */
304         return nframes_120;
305         break;
306     case 1:                 /* edge; 180 degrees */
307         return nframes_180;
308         break;
309     case 2:                 /* face; 90 degrees */
310         return nframes_90;
311         break;
312     default:
313         assert(INRANGE(0 <=, grip->dim, <2));
314         break;
315     }
316     return nframes_90;          /* this never happens */
317 }
320 /*
321  * This procedure is hopelessly confusing, but it works.
322  * Note there are two functions here that are almost identical.
323  */
makeRangesReal(int slicesmask,int,int sgn,real ranges[MAXLENGTH][2])324 int PolygonManager4D::makeRangesReal(int slicesmask, int,    // whichaxis,
325                 int sgn, real ranges[MAXLENGTH][2])
326 {
327     int         i, nranges;
328     real        temp;
330     nranges = 0;
331     for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
332     {
333         if (BIT(&slicesmask, i))
334         {
335             if (i == 0 || !BIT(&slicesmask, i - 1))
336                 ranges[nranges++][0] = (length - 2 * i) * faceshrink;
337             ranges[nranges - 1][1] = (length - 2 * (i + 1)) * faceshrink;
338         }
339     }
340     if (BIT(&slicesmask, 0))
341         ranges[0][0] += 2 * length; /* bigger than any vertex */
342     if (BIT(&slicesmask, length - 1))
343         ranges[nranges - 1][1] -= 2 * length;   /* smaller than any vertex */
345     if (sgn > 0)                /* then the ranges are right but in the wrong
346                                    order */
347         for (i = 0; i < nranges; ++i)
348         {
349             SWAP(ranges[i][0], ranges[nranges - 1 - i][1], temp);
350         }
351     else                        /* the signs of the ranges are wrong */
352         for (i = 0; i < nranges; ++i)
353             VXS2(ranges[i], ranges[i], -1);
355     return nranges;
356 }
makeRangesInt(int slicesmask,int,int sgn,int ranges[MAXLENGTH][2])358 int PolygonManager4D::makeRangesInt(int slicesmask, int, // whichaxis,
359                int sgn, int ranges[MAXLENGTH][2])
360 {
361     int         i, nranges;
362     int         temp;
364     nranges = 0;
365     for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
366     {
367         if (BIT(&slicesmask, i))
368         {
369 #if sgi
370             /* work around N32 compiler optimizer problem */
371             if (length < 0)
372                 printf("foo\n");
373 #endif
374             if (i == 0 || !BIT(&slicesmask, i - 1))
375                 ranges[nranges++][0] = (length - 2 * i);
376             ranges[nranges - 1][1] = (length - 2 * (i + 1));
377         }
378     }
379     if (BIT(&slicesmask, 0))
380         ranges[0][0] += 2 * length; /* bigger than any vertex */
381     if (BIT(&slicesmask, length - 1))
382         ranges[nranges - 1][1] -= 2 * length;   /* smaller than any vertex */
384     if (sgn > 0)                /* then the ranges are right but in the wrong
385                                    order */
386         for (i = 0; i < nranges; ++i)
387         {
388             SWAP(ranges[i][0], ranges[nranges - 1 - i][1], temp);
389         }
390     else                        /* the signs of the ranges are wrong */
391         for (i = 0; i < nranges; ++i)
392             VXS2(ranges[i], ranges[i], -1);
394     return nranges;
395 }
397 /*
398  * The following is pretty arbitrary... there might be a more natural way.
399  */
400 /* the iris doesn't seem to like the following being chars */
401 int         facetoaxis[8] = { W, Z, Y, X, X, Y, Z, W };
402 int         facetosign[8] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
403 int         axis_and_sign_to_face[4][2] = { {3, 4}, {2, 5}, {1, 6}, {0, 7} };
405 #define FACETOAXIS(f)   facetoaxis[f]
406 #define FACETOSIGN(f)   facetosign[f]
407 #define AXIS_AND_SIGN_TO_FACE(a,s) axis_and_sign_to_face[a][((s)+1)/2]
oppositeFace(int f)409 int PolygonManager4D::oppositeFace(int f)
410 {
411     return NFACES - 1 - f;
412 }
faceOfGrip(int id)414 int PolygonManager4D::faceOfGrip(int id)
415 {
416     struct stickerspec grip;
417     grip.id_within_cube = id;
418     PolygonManager4D::fillStickerspecFromIdAndLength(&grip, 3);
419     return grip.face;
420 }
fillStickerspecFromIdAndLength(struct stickerspec * sticker,int length)422 void PolygonManager4D::fillStickerspecFromIdAndLength(struct stickerspec *sticker,
423                                             int length)
424 {
425     int         i, ax, sgn, id, face0coords[4], mat[4][4];
426     sticker->id_within_face =
427         sticker->id_within_cube % intpow(length, NDIMS - 1);
428     sticker->face = sticker->id_within_cube / intpow(length, NDIMS - 1);
429     ax = FACETOAXIS(sticker->face);
430     sgn = FACETOSIGN(sticker->face);
431     Math4d::getCanonicalMatThatTakesAxisToMinusW(ax, sgn, mat);
432     TRANSPOSE4i(mat, mat);      /* want to go in the opposite direction */
433     id = sticker->id_within_face;
434     face0coords[X] = -(length - 1) + 2 * (id % length);
435     face0coords[Y] = -(length - 1) + 2 * ((id / length) % length);
437     face0coords[Z] = -(length - 1) + 2 * ((id / length / length) % length);
438     face0coords[W] = -length;
439     VXM4(sticker->coords, face0coords, mat);
440     assert(sticker->coords[ax] == sgn * length);
442     /* sticker->depth = 0; */
443     sticker->dim = NDIMS - 1;
444     for (i = 0; i < NDIMS; ++i)
445     {
446         if (ABS(sticker->coords[i]) == length - 1)
447             sticker->dim--;
448         /* sticker->depth = MAX(sticker->depth,
449            length-1-ABS(sticker->coords[i])); */
450     }
451 }
fillStickerspecFromId(struct stickerspec * sticker)453 void PolygonManager4D::fillStickerspecFromId(struct stickerspec *sticker)
454 {
455     fillStickerspecFromIdAndLength(sticker, length);
456 }
fillStickerspecFromFaceAndIdAndLength(struct stickerspec * sticker,int length)458 void PolygonManager4D::fillStickerspecFromFaceAndIdAndLength(struct stickerspec
459                                                      *sticker, int length)
460 {
461     int         face = sticker->face;
462     int         id_within_face = sticker->id_within_face;
463     sticker->id_within_cube =
464         face * length * length * length + id_within_face;
465     fillStickerspecFromIdAndLength(sticker, length);
466     assert(sticker->face == face);
467     assert(sticker->id_within_face == id_within_face);
468 }
fillStickerspecFromFaceAndId(struct stickerspec * sticker)470 void PolygonManager4D::fillStickerspecFromFaceAndId(struct stickerspec *sticker)
471 {
472     fillStickerspecFromFaceAndIdAndLength(sticker, length);
473 }
fillStickerspecFromCoordsAndLength(struct stickerspec * sticker,int length)475 void PolygonManager4D::fillStickerspecFromCoordsAndLength(struct stickerspec *sticker,
476                                                 int length)
477 {
478     int         i, ax = 0, sgn, mat[4][4], newcoords[4];
480     sticker->dim = NDIMS - 1;
481     /* sticker->depth = 0; */
482     for (i = 0; i < NDIMS; ++i)
483     {
484         if (ABS(sticker->coords[i]) == length)
485             ax = i;
486         else if (ABS(sticker->coords[i]) == length - 1)
487             sticker->dim--;
488         /* sticker->depth = MAX(sticker->depth,
489            length-1-ABS(sticker->coords[i])); */
490     }
491     assert(INRANGE(X <=, ax, <=W));
492     sgn = SGN(sticker->coords[ax]);
493     sticker->face = AXIS_AND_SIGN_TO_FACE(ax, sgn);
494     Math4d::getCanonicalMatThatTakesAxisToMinusW(ax, sgn, mat);
495     VXM4(newcoords, sticker->coords, mat);
496     assert(newcoords[W] == -length);
498     sticker->id_within_face = 0;
499     for (i = NDIMS - 2; i >= 0; --i)
500     {
501         sticker->id_within_face *= length;
502         sticker->id_within_face += (newcoords[i] + length - 1) / 2;
503     }
504     assert(INRANGE
505            (0 <=, sticker->id_within_face, <intpow(length, NDIMS - 1)));
506     sticker->id_within_cube =
507         sticker->face * intpow(length, NDIMS - 1) + sticker->id_within_face;
508 }
fillStickerspecFromCoords(struct stickerspec * sticker)510 void PolygonManager4D::fillStickerspecFromCoords(struct stickerspec *sticker)
511 {
512     fillStickerspecFromCoordsAndLength(sticker, length);
513 }
516 /*
517  * Get a sticker for which a CCW twist is the same transformation
518  * as the given face-to-center rotation.
519  * returns 1 if legal rot, 0 otherwise.
520  */
facetocenterToGrip(int facetocenter,struct stickerspec * sticker)521 int PolygonManager4D::facetocenterToGrip(int facetocenter, struct stickerspec *sticker)
522 {
523     int         ax = FACETOAXIS(facetocenter);
524     int         sgn = FACETOSIGN(facetocenter);
525     if (!INRANGE(X <=, ax, <=Z))
526         return 0;
528     sticker->coords[ax] = 0;
529     sticker->coords[(ax + 1) % 3] = 3;  /* axis of face on which sticker lies
530                                          */
531     sticker->coords[(ax + 2) % 3] = sgn * -(3 - 1); /* it's magic */
532     sticker->coords[W] = 0;
534     fillStickerspecFromCoordsAndLength(sticker, 3);
536     return 1;
537 }
calc2DFrameInfo(struct stickerspec * sticker,int dir,int slicesmask,real frac,real (* interp)(real),int nverts4,real untwisted_verts4[][4],real eyew,int cullcells,real tilt,real twirl,real eyez,real sunvec[3],int sunvec_is_in_objspace,int cullverts,int cullbackfaces,int zsort,int * Nverts2,real verts2[][2],int * Nquads2,int quads2[][4],int quadids[],real brightnesses[])539 void PolygonManager4D::calc2DFrameInfo(
540     /* INPUTS */
541     struct stickerspec *sticker, int dir,
542     int slicesmask, real frac, real(*interp) (real),
543     int nverts4, real untwisted_verts4[][4],
544     real eyew, int cullcells, real tilt, real twirl,
545     real eyez, real sunvec[3],
546     int sunvec_is_in_objspace, int cullverts,
547     int cullbackfaces, int zsort,
548     /* OUTPUTS */
549     int *Nverts2, real verts2[][2], int *Nquads2,
550     int quads2[][4], int quadids[],
551     real brightnesses[])  /* brightnesses not
552                              calculated if NULL */
553 {
554     int         nverts3, nquads3;
555     real        verts3[MAXVERTS][3];
556     int         quads3[MAXQUADS][4];
557     int         stickerids3[MAXSTICKERS];
559     if (slicesmask)
560         calc3DFrameInfo(sticker, dir, slicesmask, frac, interp,
561             nverts4, untwisted_verts4, eyew, cullcells,
562             &nverts3, verts3, &nquads3, quads3,
563             stickerids3, NULL);
564     else
565     {
566         int         i;
567         /* FIX THIS-- this copying shouldn't be necessary */
568         nverts3 = n_untwisted_verts3;
569         for (i = 0; i < nverts3; ++i)
570             SET3(verts3[i], untwisted_verts3[i]);
571         for (i = 0; i < nverts3 / 8; ++i)
572             stickerids3[i] = untwisted_stickerids3[i];
573         nquads3 = n_untwisted_quads3;
574         for (i = 0; i < nquads3; ++i)
575             SET4(quads3[i], untwisted_quads3[i]);
576     }
578     calc3DTo2DFrameInfo(nverts3, verts3, nquads3, quads3, stickerids3,
579         tilt, twirl, eyez,
580         sunvec, sunvec_is_in_objspace,
581         cullverts, cullbackfaces, zsort,
582         Nverts2, verts2, Nquads2, quads2, quadids,
583         brightnesses);
584 }
586 /*
587  * "grip" is equal to the sticker id
588  * if length=3; otherwise
589  * it's equal to the stickerid on the 3x3x3x3 puzzle
590  * that corresponds to the twist.
591  * returns 1 if landed on a sticker, 0 otherwise.
592  * NOTE: this is mostly the same as pick().
593  */
pickGrip(int x,int y,struct frame * frame,struct stickerspec * sticker)594 int PolygonManager4D::pickGrip(int x, int y,
595         struct frame *frame, struct stickerspec *sticker)
596 {
597     int checking_bbox = !preferences.getBoolProperty(M4D_DONT_CHECK_BBOX);
598     unsigned short (*verts)[2] = frame->verts;
599     unsigned short (*quads)[4] = frame->quads;
600     int         i, j;
601     unsigned short thispoint[2];
602     thispoint[0] = x;
603     thispoint[1] = y;
605     for (i = frame->nquads - 1; i >= 0; --i)
606     {
608         if (checking_bbox)
609         {
610             for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
611                 if (x <= verts[quads[i][j]][0])
612                     break;
613             if (j == 4)
614                 continue;
616             for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
617                 if (x >= verts[quads[i][j]][0])
618                     break;
619             if (j == 4)
620                 continue;
622             for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
623                 if (y <= verts[quads[i][j]][1])
624                     break;
625             if (j == 4)
626                 continue;
628             for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
629                 if (y >= verts[quads[i][j]][1])
630                     break;
631             if (j == 4)
632                 continue;
633         }
636         for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
637             if (!ushort_are_CCW(verts[quads[i][j]],
638                                 verts[quads[i][(j + 1) % 4]], thispoint))
639                 break;
640         if (j == 4)
641         {                       /* they were all CCW, so we hit a quad */
643             sticker->id_within_cube = frame->quadids[i] / 6;
644             fillStickerspecFromId(sticker);
646             if (length == 2)
647             {
648                 int ax, sgn, face0coords[4], M[4][4];
649                 ax = frame->quadids[i] % 3;
650                 sgn = (frame->quadids[i] % 6) < 3 ? -1 : 1;
652                 /* invent a nonexistent sticker at the appropriate axis */
653                 face0coords[ax] = sgn * (length - 1);
654                 face0coords[(ax + 1) % 3] = 0;
655                 face0coords[(ax + 2) % 3] = 0;
656                 face0coords[3] = -length;
657                 Math4d::getCanonicalMatThatTakesAxisToMinusW(
658                     FACETOAXIS(sticker->face), FACETOSIGN(sticker->face), M);
659                 /* apply inv of that matrix to face0coords */
660                 MXV4(sticker->coords, M, face0coords);
661                 sticker->dim = 2;
662             }
664             /*
665              * Now we know the coordinates of the sticker.
666              * "Straighten it out" to the coords of the appropriate grip.
667              * I.e. change everything < length-1 to 0,
668              * change length-1 to 2 and change length to 3.
669              */
670             for(j=0; j<4; ++j)
671             {
672                 if (ABS(sticker->coords[j]) < length - 1)
673                     sticker->coords[j] = 0;
674                 else
675                     sticker->coords[j] = SGN(sticker->coords[j]) *
676                         (ABS(sticker->coords[j]) - length + 3);
677             }
678             fillStickerspecFromCoordsAndLength(sticker, 3);
680             return 1;
681         }
682     }
683     return 0;
684 }
pick(int x,int y,struct frame * frame,struct stickerspec * sticker)686 int PolygonManager4D::pick(int x, int y, struct frame *frame, struct stickerspec *sticker)
687 {
688     int checking_bbox = !preferences.getBoolProperty(M4D_DONT_CHECK_BBOX);
689     unsigned short (*verts)[2] = frame->verts;
690     unsigned short (*quads)[4] = frame->quads;
691     int i, j;
692     unsigned short thispoint[2];
693     thispoint[0] = x;
694     thispoint[1] = y;
696     for (i = frame->nquads - 1; i >= 0; --i)
697     {
699         if (checking_bbox)
700         {
701             for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
702                 if (x <= verts[quads[i][j]][0])
703                     break;
704             if (j == 4)
705                 continue;
707             for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
708                 if (x >= verts[quads[i][j]][0])
709                     break;
710             if (j == 4)
711                 continue;
713             for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
714                 if (y <= verts[quads[i][j]][1])
715                     break;
716             if (j == 4)
717                 continue;
719             for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
720                 if (y >= verts[quads[i][j]][1])
721                     break;
722             if (j == 4)
723                 continue;
724         }
727         for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
728             if (!ushort_are_CCW(verts[quads[i][j]],
729                                 verts[quads[i][(j + 1) % 4]], thispoint))
730                 break;
731         if (j == 4)
732         {                       /* they were all CCW, so we hit a quad */
734             sticker->id_within_cube = frame->quadids[i] / 6;
735             fillStickerspecFromId(sticker);
737             return 1;
738         }
739     }
740     return 0;
741 }
getUntwistedFrame(struct frame * frame)743 void PolygonManager4D::getUntwistedFrame(struct frame *frame)
744 {
745     struct stickerspec sticker;
746     sticker.id_within_cube = 0;
747     fillStickerspecFromId(&sticker);
748     getFrame(&sticker, CCW, 0, 0, 1, frame);
749 }
getFrame(struct stickerspec * sticker,int dir,int slicesmask,int seqno,int outof,struct frame * frame)751 void  PolygonManager4D::getFrame(struct stickerspec *sticker,
752                   int dir, int slicesmask, int seqno, int outof,
753                   struct frame *frame)
754 {
755     /*
756      * The frame calculation routines use different types from the
757      * struct frame, so we must translate
758      */
759     int         nverts, nquads;
760     real        verts[MAXVERTS][2];
761     int         quads[MAXQUADS][4];
762     int         quadids[MAXQUADS];
763     real        brightnesses[MAXQUADS];
764     int         i;
765     static real sunvec[3] = { .82, 1.55, 3.3 }; /* FIX THIS--- figure out where
766                                                to put it */
768     calc2DFrameInfo(sticker, dir, slicesmask, (real) seqno / outof,
769                     sine_interp,
770                     n_untwisted_verts4, untwisted_verts4,
771                     preferences.getRealProperty(M4D_EYEW, EYEW),
772                     !preferences.getBoolProperty(M4D_NOCULLCELLS), /* cullcells */
773                     tilt,
774                     twirl,
775                     preferences.getRealProperty(M4D_EYEZ, EYEZ),
776                     sunvec, 0, /* sunvec_is_in_objspace */
777                     preferences.getBoolProperty(M4D_CULLVERTS), /* cullverts */
778                     !preferences.getBoolProperty(M4D_NOCULLFACES), /* cullbackfaces */
779                     !preferences.getBoolProperty(M4D_NOZSORT), /* zsort */
780                     &nverts, verts, &nquads, quads,
781                     quadids, brightnesses);
783     frame->nverts = nverts;
784     if (!bbox[0][0])
785     {
786         /*
787          * It is assumed that the first time this function is called,
788          * it is with the untwisted frame.  The bounding box
789          * of this frame is the one that will always be used.
790          */
791         real        ctr[2], rad;
792         ZEROMAT2(bbox);
793         for (i = 0; i < nverts; ++i)
794         {
795             bbox[0][0] = MIN(bbox[0][0], verts[i][0]);
796             bbox[0][1] = MIN(bbox[0][1], verts[i][1]);
797             bbox[1][0] = MAX(bbox[1][0], verts[i][0]);
798             bbox[1][1] = MAX(bbox[1][1], verts[i][1]);
799         }
800         LERP2(ctr, bbox[0], bbox[1], .5);
801         rad = MAX(bbox[1][0] - ctr[0], bbox[1][1] - ctr[1]);
802         /* make bbox a square twice or so as big as it was */
803         bbox[0][0] = ctr[0] - 1.2 * rad;
804         bbox[0][1] = ctr[1] - 1.2 * rad;
805         bbox[1][0] = ctr[0] + 1.2 * rad;
806         bbox[1][1] = ctr[1] + 1.2 * rad;
807     }
808     for (i = 0; i < nverts; ++i)
809     {
810         frame->verts[i][0] =
811             (unsigned short)((verts[i][0] - bbox[0][0]) /
812                              (bbox[1][0] - bbox[0][0]) * ((1 << 16) - 1));
813         frame->verts[i][1] =
814             (unsigned short)((bbox[1][1] - verts[i][1]) /
815                              (bbox[1][1] - bbox[0][1]) * ((1 << 16) - 1));
816     }
817     frame->nquads = nquads;
818     for (i = 0; i < nquads; ++i)
819     {
820         SET4(frame->quads[i], quads[i]);
821         frame->quadids[i] = quadids[i];
822         frame->brightnesses[i] = brightnesses[i];
823     }
824 }
calc3DFrameInfo(struct stickerspec * grip,int dir,int slicesmask,real frac,real (* interp)(real),int nverts4,real uv4[][4],real eyew,int cullcells,int * Nverts3,real verts3[][3],int * Nquads3,int quads3[][4],int stickerids3[],int stickers_inverted[])827 void PolygonManager4D::calc3DFrameInfo(
828     /* INPUTS */
829     struct stickerspec *grip, int dir,
830     int slicesmask, real frac, real(*interp) (real),
831     int nverts4, real uv4[][4], real eyew,
832     int cullcells,
833     /* OUTPUTS */
834     int *Nverts3, real verts3[][3],
835     int *Nquads3, int quads3[][4],
836     int stickerids3[], int stickers_inverted[])
837 {
838     int         i, j, k;
839     int         whichax = 0, sgn;
840     real        total_angle;
841     real        center[4], real_stickercoords[4], mat[4][4];
842     int         nranges = 0;
843     real        ranges[MAXLENGTH][2];
844     real        toverts4[MAXVERTS][4];
845     int         nverts3, nquads3;
846     real        tomultiplyby, orientationmat[3][3];
847     /*
848      * NOTE: Don't change the order here.
849      * the miserable little hack in polymgr_pick_grip
850      * depends on the assumption that cubequads[i] is on axis i%3
851      * in direction (i<3 ? -1 : 1).
852      */
853     static int  cubequads[6][4] = {
854         {0, 4, 6, 2},
855         {0, 1, 5, 4},
856         {0, 2, 3, 1},
857         {7, 5, 1, 3},
858         {7, 3, 2, 6},
859         {7, 6, 4, 5},
860     };
862     if (0 == nverts4 || NULL == uv4)
863     {
864         nverts4 = n_untwisted_verts4;
865         uv4 = untwisted_verts4;
866     }
869     if (slicesmask)
870     {
871         /*
872          * Calculate rotation center; it's the center of the face containing
873          * the grip
874          */
875         whichax = -1;
876         for (i = 0; i < NDIMS; ++i)
877         {
878             if (ABS(grip->coords[i]) == 3)
879             {
880                 center[i] = grip->coords[i];
881                 whichax = i;
882             }
883             else
884                 center[i] = 0;
885         }
886         assert(INRANGE(0 <=, whichax, <NDIMS));
888         total_angle = getTwistTotalAngle(grip->dim, dir);
889         SET4(real_stickercoords, grip->coords);
891         Math4d::get4dRotMatrix(center, real_stickercoords,
892                                interp(frac) * total_angle, mat);
893         sgn = SGN(center[whichax]);
894         nranges = makeRangesReal(slicesmask, whichax, sgn, ranges);
895     }
897     /*
898      * Transform the vertices
899      */
900     nverts3 = 0;
901     for (i = 0; i < nverts4; ++i)
902     {
903         if (i % 8 == 0)
904             stickerids3[nverts3 / 8] = i / 8;
905         if (slicesmask)
906         {
907             /*
908              * Transform the vertex in 4-space
909              */
910             for (j = 0; j < nranges; ++j)
911             {
912                 if (INRANGE(ranges[j][0] <=, untwisted_verts4[i][whichax],
913                             <=ranges[j][1]))
914                 {
915                     VXM4(toverts4[i], untwisted_verts4[i], mat);
916                     break;
917                 }
918             }
919             if (j == nranges)
920                 SET4(toverts4[i], untwisted_verts4[i]);
921         }
922         else
923         {
924             SET4(toverts4[i], untwisted_verts4[i]);
925         }
927         /*
928          * W-divide to get 3d coords
929          */
930         tomultiplyby = 1 / (eyew - toverts4[i][3]);
931         VXS3(verts3[nverts3], toverts4[i], tomultiplyby);
932         nverts3++;
933         if ((cullcells || stickers_inverted) && i % 8 == 4)
934         {
935             int         is_inverted;
936             /* got enough verts to determine whether to cull */
937             j = (nverts3 / 8) * 8;  /* round down to start of sticker */
938             VMV3(orientationmat[0], verts3[j + 1], verts3[j]);
939             VMV3(orientationmat[1], verts3[j + 2], verts3[j]);
940             VMV3(orientationmat[2], verts3[j + 4], verts3[j]);
941             is_inverted = DET3(orientationmat) <= 0;
942             if (stickers_inverted)
943                 stickers_inverted[i / 8] = is_inverted;
944             if (cullcells && is_inverted)
945             {
946                 i = ROUNDUP(i, 8) - 1;  /* skip rest of this sticker's verts */
947                 nverts3 = j;
948             }
949         }
950     }
952     /*
953      * Now we have nverts3 and verts3;
954      * set quads.
955      */
956     nquads3 = 0;
957     for (i = 0; i < nverts3 / 8; ++i)   // for each sticker
958         for (j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
959         {                       // for each sticker face
960             for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) // for each face vertex
961                 quads3[nquads3][k] = 8 * i + cubequads[j][k];
962             nquads3++;
963         }
965     *Nverts3 = nverts3;
966     *Nquads3 = nquads3;
967 }
getUntwistedVerts4(real verts4[][4],real faceshrink,real stickershrink)969 int PolygonManager4D::getUntwistedVerts4(real verts4[][4],
970                              real faceshrink, real stickershrink)
971 {
972     real        sticker_centers_3d[MAXLENGTH][MAXLENGTH][MAXLENGTH][NDIMS - 1];
973     real        face0verts[MAXLENGTH][MAXLENGTH][MAXLENGTH][2][2][2][NDIMS];
974     int         i, j, k, ii, jj, kk, f;
975     int         mat[4][4];
976     int         nverts4;
978     for (k = 0; k < length; ++k)
979         for (j = 0; j < length; ++j)
980             for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
981             {
982                 sticker_centers_3d[i][j][k][X] = -length + 2 * i + 1;
983                 sticker_centers_3d[i][j][k][Y] = -length + 2 * j + 1;
984                 sticker_centers_3d[i][j][k][Z] = -length + 2 * k + 1;
985                 for (kk = 0; kk < 2; ++kk)
986                     for (jj = 0; jj < 2; ++jj)
987                         for (ii = 0; ii < 2; ++ii)
988                         {
989                             face0verts[i][j][k][ii][jj][kk][X] =
990                                 -length + 2 * (i + ii);
991                             face0verts[i][j][k][ii][jj][kk][Y] =
992                                 -length + 2 * (j + jj);
993                             face0verts[i][j][k][ii][jj][kk][Z] =
994                                 -length + 2 * (k + kk);
995                             face0verts[i][j][k][ii][jj][kk][W] = -length;
997                             LERP3(face0verts[i][j][k][ii][jj][kk],
998                                   sticker_centers_3d[i][j][k],
999                                   face0verts[i][j][k][ii][jj][kk],
1000                                   stickershrink);
1001                             VXS3(face0verts[i][j][k][ii][jj][kk],
1002                                  face0verts[i][j][k][ii][jj][kk], faceshrink);
1003                         }
1004             }
1006     nverts4 = 0;
1007     for (f = 0; f < NFACES; ++f)
1008     {
1009         Math4d::getCanonicalMatThatTakesAxisToMinusW(
1010             FACETOAXIS(f), FACETOSIGN(f), mat);
1011         for (k = 0; k < length; ++k)
1012             for (j = 0; j < length; ++j)
1013                 for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
1014                     for (kk = 0; kk < 2; ++kk)
1015                         for (jj = 0; jj < 2; ++jj)
1016                             for (ii = 0; ii < 2; ++ii)
1017                             {
1018                                 assert(nverts4 < MAXVERTS);
1019                                 /*
1020                                  * want to take -W to the axis, so we apply the inverse,
1021                                  * i.e. apply the transpose, i.e. multiply by the matrix on
1022                                  * the left
1023                                  */
1024                                 MXV4(verts4[nverts4], mat,
1025                                      face0verts[i][j][k][ii][jj][kk]);
1026                                 nverts4++;
1027                             }
1028     }
1029     return nverts4;
1030 }
incTilt(real inc)1033 void PolygonManager4D::incTilt(real inc)
1034 {
1035     tilt += inc;
1036     /* restrict to range [-pi/2, pi/2] */
1037     if (tilt > PI / 2)
1038         tilt = PI / 2;
1039     if (tilt < -PI / 2)
1040         tilt = -PI / 2;
1041     // printf("Tilt = %g degrees\n", RTOD(tilt));
1042 }
incTwirl(real inc)1044 void PolygonManager4D::incTwirl(real inc)
1045 {
1046     twirl += inc;
1047     // printf("Twirl = %g degrees\n", RTOD(twirl));
1048 }
1050 // Local Variables:
1051 // c-basic-offset: 4
1052 // c-comment-only-line-offset: 0
1053 // c-file-offsets: ((defun-block-intro . +) (block-open . 0) (substatement-open . 0) (statement-cont . +) (statement-case-open . +4) (arglist-intro . +) (arglist-close . +) (inline-open . 0))
1054 // indent-tabs-mode: nil
1055 // End: