1mario = class:new()
3function mario:init(x, y, i, animation, size, t)
4	self.playernumber = i or 1
5	if bigmario then
6		self.size = 1
7	else
8		self.size = size or 1
9	end
10	self.t = t or "portal"
13	self.speedx = 0
14	self.speedy = 0
15	self.x = x
16	self.width = 12/16
17	self.height = 12/16
19	if bigmario then
20		self.width = self.width*scalefactor
21		self.height = self.height*scalefactor
22	end
24	self.y = y+1-self.height
25	self.static = false
26	self.active = true
27	self.category = 3
28	self.mask = {	true,
29					false, true, false, false, false,
30					false, true, false, false, false,
31					false, true, false, false, false,
32					false, false, false, false, false,
33					false, false, false, false, false,
34					false, false, false, false, false}
36	if playercollisions then
37		self.mask[3] = false
38	end
40	self.emancipatecheck = true
43	self.smallgraphic = {}
44	if playertype == "minecraft" then
45		for j = 0, 3 do
46			self.smallgraphic[j] = minecraftanimations[j]
47		end
48	else
49		for j = 0, 3 do
50			self.smallgraphic[j] = marioanimations[j]
51		end
52	end
54	self.biggraphic = {}
55	if playertype == "minecraft" then
56		for j = 0, 3 do
57			self.biggraphic[j] = bigminecraftanimations[j]
58		end
59	else
60		for j = 0, 3 do
61			self.biggraphic[j] = bigmarioanimations[j]
62		end
63	end
65	self.drawable = true
66	self.quad = marioidle[3]
67	self.colors = mariocolors[self.playernumber]
68	if self.size == 1 then
69		self.offsetX = 6
70		self.offsetY = 3
71		self.quadcenterX = 11
72		self.quadcenterY = 10
74		self.graphic = self.smallgraphic
75	else
76		self.graphic = self.biggraphic
78		self.quadcenterY = 20
79		self.quadcenterX = 9
80		self.offsetY = -3
81		self.offsetX = 6
83		self.y = self.y - 12/16
84		self.height = 24/16
86		if self.size == 3 then
87			self.colors = flowercolor
88		end
89	end
91	if bigmario then
92		self.offsetX = self.offsetX*scalefactor
93		self.offsetY = self.offsetY*-scalefactor
94	end
96	--hat
97	self.hats = mariohats[self.playernumber]
98	self.drawhat = true
100	--Change height according to hats
102	--for i = 1, #self.hats do
103		--self.height = self.height + (hat[self.hats[i]].height/16)
104		--self.y = self.y - (hat[self.hats[i]].height/16)
105		--self.offsetY = self.offsetY - hat[self.hats[i]].height
106	--end
108	self.customscissor = nil
111	if players == 1 then
112		self.portal1color = {60, 188, 252}
113		self.portal2color = {232, 130, 30}
114	else
115		self.portal1color = portalcolor[self.playernumber][1]
116		self.portal2color = portalcolor[self.playernumber][2]
117	end
120	self.controlsenabled = true
122	self.runframe = 3
123	self.swimframe = 1
124	self.climbframe = 1
125	self.runanimationprogress = 1
126	self.swimanimationprogress = 1
127	self.animationstate = "idle" --idle, running, jumping, falling, swimming, sliding, climbing, dead
128	self.animationdirection = "right" --left, right. duh
129	self.platform = false
130	self.combo = 1
131	self.portal1X = false
132	self.portal1Y = false
133	self.portal2X = false
134	self.portal2Y = false
135	self.portal1facing = nil
136	self.portal2facing = nil
137	self.rotation = 0 --for portals
138	self.portaldotstimer = 0
139	self.pointingangle = -math.pi/2
140	self.passivemoved = false
141	self.ducking = false
142	self.invincible = false
143	self.rainboomallowed = true
145	self.animation = animation --pipedown, piperight, pipeup, flag, vine, intermission
146	self.animationx = nil
147	self.animationy = nil
148	self.animationtimer = 0
150	self.falling = false
151	self.jumping = false
152	self.starred = false
153	self.dead = false
154	self.vine = false
155	self.spring = false
156	self.startimer = mariostarduration
157	self.starblinktimer = mariostarblinkrate
158	self.starcolori = 1
159	self.fireballcount = 0
160	self.fireanimationtimer = fireanimationtime
162	self.mazevar = 0
164	self.bubbletimer = 0
165	self.bubbletime = bubblestime[math.random(#bubblestime)]
167	if underwater then
168		self.gravity = uwgravity
169	end
171	self.controlsoverwrite = {}
173	if self.animation == "intermission" and editormode then
174		self.animation = nil
175	end
177	if mariolivecount ~= false and mariolives[self.playernumber] <= 0 then
178		self.dead = true
179		self.drawable = false
180		self.active = false
181		self.static = true
182		self.controlsenabled = false
183		self.animation = nil
184	end
186	if self.animation == "pipeup" then
187		self.controlsenabled = false
188		self.active = false
189		self.animationx = x
190		self.animationy = y
191		self.customscissor = {x-2.5, y-4, 6, 4}
192		self.y = self.animationy + 20/16
194		self.animationstate = "idle"
195		self:setquad()
197		if self.size > 1 then
198			self.animationy = y - 12/16
199		end
200	elseif self.animation == "intermission" then
201		self.controlsenabled = false
202		self.active = true
203		self.gravity = mariogravity
204		self.animationstate = "running"
205		self.speedx = 2.61
206		self.pointingangle = -math.pi/2
207	elseif self.animation == "vinestart" then
208		self.controlsenabled = false
209		self.active = false
210		self.pointingangle = -math.pi/2
211		self.climbframe = 2
212		self.animationstate = "climbing"
213		self:setquad()
214		self.x = 4-3/16
215		self.y = 15+0.4*(self.playernumber-1)
216		self.vineanimationclimb = false
217		self.vineanimationdropoff = false
218		self.vinemovetimer = 0
219		playsound(vinesound)
221		if #objects["vine"] == 0 then
222			table.insert(objects["vine"], vine:new(5, 16, "start"))
223		end
224	end
226	self:setquad()
229function mario:update(dt)
230	self.passivemoved = false
231	--rotate back to 0 (portals)
232	self.rotation = math.mod(self.rotation, math.pi*2)
234	if self.rotation < -math.pi then
235		self.rotation = self.rotation + math.pi*2
236	elseif self.rotation > math.pi then
237		self.rotation = self.rotation - math.pi*2
238	end
240	if self.rotation > 0 then
241		self.rotation = self.rotation - portalrotationalignmentspeed*dt
242		if self.rotation < 0 then
243			self.rotation = 0
244		end
245	elseif self.rotation < 0 then
246		self.rotation = self.rotation + portalrotationalignmentspeed*dt
247		if self.rotation > 0 then
248			self.rotation = 0
249		end
250	end
252	if self.startimer < mariostarduration and not self.dead then
253		self.startimer = self.startimer + dt
254		self.starblinktimer = self.starblinktimer + dt
256		local lmariostarblinkrate = mariostarblinkrate
257		if self.startimer >= mariostarduration-mariostarrunout then
258			lmariostarblinkrate = mariostarblinkrateslow
259		end
261		while self.starblinktimer > lmariostarblinkrate do
262			self.starcolori = self.starcolori + 1
263			if self.starcolori > 4 then
264				self.starcolori = self.starcolori - 4
265			end
266			self.colors = starcolors[self.starcolori]
268			self.starblinktimer = self.starblinktimer - lmariostarblinkrate
269		end
271		if self.startimer >= mariostarduration-mariostarrunout and self.startimer-dt < mariostarduration-mariostarrunout then
272			--check if another starman is playing
273			local starstill = false
274			for i = 1, players do
275				if i ~= self.playernumber and objects["player"][i].starred then
276					starstill = true
277				end
278			end
280			if not starstill and not levelfinished then
281				playmusic()
282				music:stop("starmusic")
283			end
284		end
286		if self.startimer >= mariostarduration then
287			if self.size == 3 then --flower colors
288				self.colors = flowercolor
289			else
290				self.colors = mariocolors[self.playernumber]
291			end
292			self.starred = false
293			self.startimer = mariostarduration
294		end
295	end
298	if self.animation == "pipedown" then
299		self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
300		if self.animationtimer < pipeanimationtime then
301			self.y = self.animationy - 28/16 + self.animationtimer/pipeanimationtime*pipeanimationdistancedown
302		else
303			self.y = self.animationy - 28/16 + pipeanimationdistancedown
305			if self.animationtimer >= pipeanimationtime+pipeanimationdelay then
306				updatesizes()
307				if type(self.animationmisc) == "number" then --sublevel
308					levelscreen_load("sublevel", self.animationmisc)
309				else --warpzone
310					warpzone(tonumber(string.sub(self.animationmisc, 5, 5)))
311				end
312			end
313		end
314		return
315	elseif self.animation == "pipeup" then
316		self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
317		if self.animationtimer < pipeupdelay then
319		elseif self.animationtimer < pipeanimationtime+pipeupdelay then
320			self.y = self.animationy + 20/16 - (self.animationtimer-pipeupdelay)/pipeanimationtime*pipeanimationdistancedown
321		else
322			self.y = self.animationy + 20/16 - pipeanimationdistancedown
324			if self.animationtimer >= pipeanimationtime then
325				self.active = true
326				self.controlsenabled = true
327				self.animation = nil
328				self.customscissor = nil
329			end
330		end
331		return
332	elseif self.animation == "piperight" then
333		self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
334		if self.animationtimer < pipeanimationtime then
335			self.x = self.animationx - 28/16 + self.animationtimer/pipeanimationtime*pipeanimationdistanceright
337			--Run animation
338			if self.animationstate == "running" then
339				self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress + (math.abs(pipeanimationrunspeed)+4)/5*dt*7
340				while self.runanimationprogress >= 4 do
341					self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress - 3
342				end
343				self.runframe = math.floor(self.runanimationprogress)
344				self:setquad()
345			end
346		else
347			self.x = self.animationx - 28/16 + pipeanimationdistanceright
349			if self.animationtimer >= pipeanimationtime+pipeanimationdelay then
350				updatesizes()
351				if type(self.animationmisc) == "number" then --sublevel
352					levelscreen_load("sublevel", self.animationmisc)
353				else --warpzone
354					warpzone(tonumber(string.sub(self.animationmisc, 5, 5)))
355				end
356			end
357		end
358		return
359	elseif self.animation == "flag" then
360		if self.animationtimer < flagdescendtime then
361			flagimgy = 49/16 + flagydistance * (self.animationtimer/flagdescendtime)
362			self.y = self.y + flagydistance/flagdescendtime * dt
364			self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
366			if self.y > 68/16 + flagydistance-self.height then
367				self.y = 68/16 + flagydistance-self.height
368				self.climbframe = 2
369			else
370				if math.mod(self.animationtimer, flagclimbframedelay*2) >= flagclimbframedelay then
371					self.climbframe = 1
372				else
373					self.climbframe = 2
374				end
375			end
377			self.animationstate = "climbing"
378			self:setquad()
380			if self.animationtimer >= flagdescendtime then
381				flagimgy = 49/16 + flagydistance
382				self.pointingangle = math.pi/2
383				self.x = flagx + 6/16
384			end
385			return
386		elseif self.animationtimer < flagdescendtime+flaganimationdelay then
387			self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
389			if self.animationtimer >= flagdescendtime+flaganimationdelay then
390				self.active = true
391				self.gravity = mariogravity
392				self.animationstate = "running"
393				self.speedx = 4.27
394				self.pointingangle = -math.pi/2
395			end
396		else
397			self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
398		end
400		local add = 6
402		if self.x >= flagx + add and self.active then
403			self.drawable = false
404			self.active = false
405			if mariotime > 0 then
406				playsound(scoreringsound)
407				subtractscore = true
408				subtracttimer = 0
409			else
410				castleflagmove = true
411			end
412		end
414		if subtractscore == true and mariotime >= 0 then
415			subtracttimer = subtracttimer + dt
416			while subtracttimer > scoresubtractspeed do
417				subtracttimer = subtracttimer - scoresubtractspeed
418				if mariotime > 0 then
419					mariotime = math.ceil(mariotime - 1)
420					marioscore = marioscore + 50
421				end
423				if mariotime <= 0 then
424					subtractscore = false
425					scoreringsound:stop()
426					castleflagmove = true
427					mariotime = 0
428				end
429			end
430		end
432		if castleflagmove then
433			if self.animationtimer < castlemintime then
434				castleflagtime = self.animationtimer
435				return
436			end
437			castleflagy = castleflagy - castleflagspeed*dt
439			if castleflagy <= 0 then
440				castleflagy = 0
441				castleflagmove = false
442				firework = true
443				castleflagtime = self.animationtimer
444			end
445		end
447		if firework then
448			local timedelta = self.animationtimer - castleflagtime
449			for i = 1, fireworkcount do
450				local fireworktime = i*fireworkdelay
451				if timedelta >= fireworktime and timedelta - dt < fireworktime then
452					table.insert(fireworks, fireworkboom:new(flagx+6))
453				end
454			end
456			if timedelta > fireworkcount*fireworkdelay+endtime then
457				nextlevel()
458				return
459			end
460		end
462		--500 points per firework, appear at 1 3 and 6 (Who came up with this?)
464		--Run animation
465		if self.animationstate == "running" then
466			self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress + (math.abs(self.speedx)+4)/5*dt*runanimationspeed
467			while self.runanimationprogress >= 4 do
468				self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress - 3
469			end
470			self.runframe = math.floor(self.runanimationprogress)
472			self:setquad()
473		end
474		return
476	elseif self.animation == "axe" then
477		self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
479		if not bowserfall and self.animationtimer - dt < castleanimationchaindisappear and self.animationtimer >= castleanimationchaindisappear then
480			bridgedisappear = true
481		end
483		if bridgedisappear then
484			local v = objects["bowser"][1]
485			if v then
486				v.walkframe = round(math.mod(self.animationtimer, castleanimationbowserframedelay*2)*(1/(castleanimationbowserframedelay*2)))+1
487			end
488			self.animationtimer2 = self.animationtimer2 + dt
489			while self.animationtimer2 > castleanimationbridgedisappeardelay do
490				self.animationtimer2 = self.animationtimer2 - castleanimationbridgedisappeardelay
491				if inmap(self.animationbridgex, self.animationbridgey) and map[self.animationbridgex][self.animationbridgey][1] == 11 then
492					map[self.animationbridgex][self.animationbridgey][1] = 1
493					objects["tile"][self.animationbridgex .. "-" .. self.animationbridgey] = nil
494					if map[self.animationbridgex][self.animationbridgey-1][1] == 10 then
495						map[self.animationbridgex][self.animationbridgey-1][1] = 1
496					end
497					generatespritebatch()
498					playsound(bridgebreaksound)
499					self.animationbridgex = self.animationbridgex - 1
500				else
501					bowserfall = true
502					bridgedisappear = false
503				end
504			end
505		end
507		if bowserfall then
508			local v = objects["bowser"][1]
509			if v and not v.fall then
510				v.fall = true
511				v.speedx = 0
512				v.speedy = 0
513				v.active = true
514				v.gravity = 27.5
515				playsound(bowserfallsound)
516				self.animationtimer = 0
517				return
518			end
519		end
521		if bowserfall and self.animationtimer - dt < castleanimationmariomove and self.animationtimer >= castleanimationmariomove then
522			self.active = true
523			self.gravity = mariogravity
524			self.animationstate = "running"
525			self.speedx = 4.27
526			self.pointingangle = -math.pi/2
528			love.audio.stop()
529			playsound(castleendsound)
530		end
532		if self.speedx > 0 and self.x >= mapwidth - 8 then
533			self.x = mapwidth - 8
534			self.animationstate = "idle"
535			self:setquad()
536			self.speedx = 0
537		end
539		if levelfinishedmisc2 == 1 then
540			if self.animationtimer - dt < castleanimationtextfirstline and self.animationtimer >= castleanimationtextfirstline then
541				levelfinishedmisc = 1
542			end
544			if self.animationtimer - dt < castleanimationtextsecondline and self.animationtimer >= castleanimationtextsecondline then
545				levelfinishedmisc = 2
546			end
548			if self.animationtimer - dt < castleanimationnextlevel and self.animationtimer >= castleanimationnextlevel then
549				nextlevel()
550			end
551		else
552			if self.animationtimer - dt < endanimationtextfirstline and self.animationtimer >= endanimationtextfirstline then
553				levelfinishedmisc = 1
554			end
556			if self.animationtimer - dt < endanimationtextsecondline and self.animationtimer >= endanimationtextsecondline then
557				levelfinishedmisc = 2
558				love.audio.stop()
559				music:play("princessmusic")
560			end
562			if self.animationtimer - dt < endanimationtextthirdline and self.animationtimer >= endanimationtextthirdline then
563				levelfinishedmisc = 3
564			end
566			if self.animationtimer - dt < endanimationtextfourthline and self.animationtimer >= endanimationtextfourthline then
567				levelfinishedmisc = 4
568			end
570			if self.animationtimer - dt < endanimationtextfifthline and self.animationtimer >= endanimationtextfifthline then
571				levelfinishedmisc = 5
572			end
574			if self.animationtimer - dt < endanimationend and self.animationtimer >= endanimationend then
575				endpressbutton = true
576			end
577		end
579		--Run animation
580		if self.animationstate == "running" and self.animationtimer >= castleanimationmariomove then
581			self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress + (math.abs(self.speedx)+4)/5*dt*runanimationspeed
582			while self.runanimationprogress >= 4 do
583				self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress - 3
584			end
585			self.runframe = math.floor(self.runanimationprogress)
587			self:setquad()
588		end
589		return
591	elseif self.animation == "death" or self.animation == "deathpit" then
592		self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
593		self.animationstate = "dead"
594		self:setquad()
596		if self.animation == "death" then
597			if self.animationtimer > deathanimationjumptime then
598				if self.animationtimer - dt < deathanimationjumptime then
599					self.speedy = -deathanimationjumpforce
600				end
601				self.speedy = self.speedy + deathgravity*dt
602				self.y = self.y + self.speedy*dt
603			end
604		end
606		if self.animationtimer > deathtotaltime then
607			if self.animationmisc == "everyonedead" then
608				levelscreen_load("death")
609			elseif not everyonedead then
610				self:respawn()
611			end
612		end
614		return
615	elseif self.animation == "intermission" then
616		--Run animation
617		if self.animationstate == "running" then
618			self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress + (math.abs(pipeanimationrunspeed)+4)/5*dt*7
619			while self.runanimationprogress >= 4 do
620				self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress - 3
621			end
622			self.runframe = math.floor(self.runanimationprogress)
623			self:setquad()
624		end
626		return
628	elseif self.animation == "vine" then
629		self.y = self.y - vinemovespeed*dt
631		self.vinemovetimer = self.vinemovetimer + dt
633		self.climbframe = math.ceil(math.mod(self.vinemovetimer, vineframedelay*2)/vineframedelay)
634		self.climbframe = math.max(self.climbframe, 1)
635		self:setquad()
637		if self.y < -4 then
638			levelscreen_load("vine", self.animationmisc)
639		end
640		return
641	elseif self.animation == "vinestart" then
642		self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
643		if self.vineanimationdropoff == false and self.animationtimer - dt <= vineanimationmariostart and self.animationtimer > vineanimationmariostart then
644			self.vineanimationclimb = true
645		end
647		if self.vineanimationclimb then
648			self.vinemovetimer = self.vinemovetimer + dt
650			self.climbframe = math.ceil(math.mod(self.vinemovetimer, vineframedelay*2)/vineframedelay)
651			self.climbframe = math.max(self.climbframe, 1)
653			self.y = self.y - vinemovespeed*dt
654			if self.y <= 15-vineanimationgrowheight+vineanimationstop+0.4*(self.playernumber-1) then
655				self.vineanimationclimb = false
656				self.vineanimationdropoff = true
657				self.animationtimer = 0
658				self.y = 15-vineanimationgrowheight+vineanimationstop+0.4*(self.playernumber-1)
659				self.climbframe = 2
660				self.pointingangle = math.pi/2
661				self.x = self.x+9/16
662			end
663			self:setquad()
664		end
666		if self.vineanimationdropoff and self.animationtimer - dt <= vineanimationdropdelay and self.animationtimer > vineanimationdropdelay then
667			self.active = true
668			self.controlsenabled = true
669			self.x = self.x + 7/16
670			self.animation = false
671		end
673		return
675	elseif self.animation == "shrink" then
676		self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
677		--set frame lol
678		local frame = math.ceil(math.mod(self.animationtimer, growframedelay*3)/shrinkframedelay)
679		self:updateangle()
681		if frame == 1 then
682			self.graphic = self.biggraphic
683			self:setquad("idle", 2)
684			self.quadcenterY = 32
685			self.quadcenterX = 9
686			self.offsetY = -3
687			self.animationstate = "idle"
688		else
689			self.graphic = self.smallgraphic
690			self.quadcenterX = 11
691			self.offsetY = 3
692			if frame == 2 then
693				self.animationstate = "grow"
694				self:setquad("grow")
695				self.quadcenterY = 16
696			else
697				self.animationstate = "idle"
698				self:setquad()
699				self.quadcenterY = 10
700			end
701		end
703		local invis = math.ceil(math.mod(self.animationtimer, invicibleblinktime*2)/invicibleblinktime)
705		if invis == 1 then
706			self.drawable = true
707		else
708			self.drawable = false
709		end
711		if self.animationtimer - dt < shrinktime and self.animationtimer > shrinktime then
712			self.animationstate = self.animationmisc
713			self.animation = "invincible"
714			self.invincible = true
715			noupdate = false
716			self.quadcenterY = 10
717			self.graphic = self.smallgraphic
718			self.animationtimer = 0
719			self.quadcenterX = 11
720			self.offsetY = 3
721			self.drawable = true
722		end
723		return
724	elseif self.animation == "invincible" then
725		self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
727		local invis = math.ceil(math.mod(self.animationtimer, invicibleblinktime*2)/invicibleblinktime)
729		if invis == 1 then
730			self.drawable = true
731		else
732			self.drawable = false
733		end
735		if self.animationtimer - dt < invincibletime and self.animationtimer > invincibletime then
736			self.animation = false
737			self.invincible = false
738			self.drawable = true
739		end
741	elseif self.animation == "grow1" then
742		self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
743		--set frame lol
744		local frame = math.ceil(math.mod(self.animationtimer, growframedelay*3)/growframedelay)
745		self:updateangle()
747		if frame == 3 then
748			self.animationstate = "idle"
749			self.graphic = self.biggraphic
750			self:setquad("idle")
751			self.quadcenterY = 20
752			self.quadcenterX = 9
753			self.offsetY = -3
754		else
755			self.graphic = self.smallgraphic
756			self.quadcenterX = 11
757			self.offsetY = 3
758			if frame == 2 then
759				self.animationstate = "grow"
760				self:setquad("grow", 1)
761				self.quadcenterY = 4
762			else
763				self.animationstate = "idle"
764				self:setquad(nil, 1)
765				self.quadcenterY = -2
766			end
767		end
769		if self.animationtimer - dt < growtime and self.animationtimer > growtime then
770			self.animationstate = self.animationmisc
771			self.animation = false
772			noupdate = false
773			self.quadcenterY = 20
774			self.graphic = self.biggraphic
775			self.animationtimer = 0
776			self.quadcenterX = 9
777			self.offsetY = -3
778		end
779		return
781	elseif self.animation == "grow2" then
782		self.animationtimer = self.animationtimer + dt
783		--set frame lol
784		local frame = math.ceil(math.mod(self.animationtimer, growframedelay*3)/growframedelay)
785		self:updateangle()
787		self.colors = starcolors[frame]
789		if self.animationtimer - dt < growtime and self.animationtimer > growtime then
790			self.animation = false
791			noupdate = false
792			self.animationtimer = 0
793		end
794		return
795	end
797	if noupdate then
798		return
799	end
801	if self.fireanimationtimer < fireanimationtime then
802		self.fireanimationtimer = self.fireanimationtimer + dt
803		if self.fireanimationtimer > fireanimationtime then
804			self.fireanimationtimer = fireanimationtime
805		end
806	end
808	--vine controls and shit
809	if self.vine then
811		self.animationstate = "climbing"
812		if upkey(self.playernumber) then
813			self.vinemovetimer = self.vinemovetimer + dt
815			self.climbframe = math.ceil(math.mod(self.vinemovetimer, vineframedelay*2)/vineframedelay)
816			self.climbframe = math.max(self.climbframe, 1)
818			self.y = self.y-vinemovespeed*dt
820			local t = checkrect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, {"tile", "portalwall"})
821			if #t ~= 0 then
822				self.y = objects[t[1]][t[2]].y + objects[t[1]][t[2]].height
823				self.climbframe = 2
824			end
825		elseif downkey(self.playernumber) then
826			self.vinemovetimer = self.vinemovetimer + dt
828			self.climbframe = math.ceil(math.mod(self.vinemovetimer, vineframedelaydown*2)/vineframedelaydown)
829			self.climbframe = math.max(self.climbframe, 1)
831			checkportalHOR(self, self.y+vinemovedownspeed*dt)
833			self.y = self.y+vinemovedownspeed*dt
835			local t = checkrect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, {"tile", "portalwall"})
836			if #t ~= 0 then
837				self.y = objects[t[1]][t[2]].y - self.height
838				self.climbframe = 2
839			end
840		else
841			self.climbframe = 2
842			self.vinemovetimer = 0
843		end
845		if self.y+self.height <= vineanimationstart then
846			self:vineanimation()
847		end
849		--check if still on vine
850		local t = checkrect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, {"vine"})
851		if #t == 0 then
852			self:dropvine(self.vineside)
853		end
855		self:setquad()
856		return
857	end
859	--springs
860	if self.spring then
861		self.x = self.springx
862		self.springtimer = self.springtimer + dt
863		self.y = self.springy - self.height - 31/16 + springytable[self.springb.frame]
864		if self.springtimer > springtime then
865			self:leavespring()
866		end
867		return
868	end
870	--coins
871	if not editormode then
872		local x = math.floor(self.x+self.width/2)+1
873		local y = math.floor(self.y+self.height)+1
874		if inmap(x, y) and tilequads[map[x][y][1]].coin then
875			collectcoin(x, y)
876		end
877		local y = math.floor(self.y+self.height/2)+1
878		if inmap(x, y) and tilequads[map[x][y][1]].coin then
879			collectcoin(x, y)
880		end
881		if self.size > 1 then
882			if inmap(x, y-1) and tilequads[map[x][y-1][1]].coin then
883				collectcoin(x, y-1)
884			end
885		end
886	end
888	--mazegate
889	local x = math.floor(self.x+self.width/2)+1
890	local y = math.floor(self.y+self.height/2)+1
891	if inmap(x, y) and map[x][y][2] and entityquads[map[x][y][2]].t == "mazegate" then
892		if map[x][y][3] == self.mazevar + 1 then
893			self.mazevar = self.mazevar + 1
894		elseif map[x][y][3] == self.mazevar then
896		else
897			self.mazevar = 0
898		end
899	end
901	--axe
902	local x = math.floor(self.x+self.width/2)+1
903	local y = math.floor(self.y+self.height/2)+1
905	if axex and x == axex and y == axey then
906		self:axe()
907	end
909	if self.controlsenabled then
910		if self.jumping then
911			if underwater then
912				self.gravity = uwyaccelerationjumping
913			else
914				self.gravity = yaccelerationjumping
915			end
917			if self.speedy > 0 then
918				self.jumping = false
919				self.falling = true
920			end
921		else
922			if underwater then
923				self.gravity = uwyacceleration
924			else
925				self.gravity = yacceleration
926			end
927		end
929		--check for pipe pipe pipe�
930		if inmap(math.floor(self.x+30/16), math.floor(self.y+self.height+20/16)) and downkey(self.playernumber) and self.falling == false and self.jumping == false then
931			local t2 = map[math.floor(self.x+30/16)][math.floor(self.y+self.height+20/16)][2]
932			if t2 and entityquads[t2].t == "pipe" then
933				self:pipe(math.floor(self.x+30/16), math.floor(self.y+self.height+20/16), "down", tonumber(map[math.floor(self.x+30/16)][math.floor(self.y+self.height+20/16)][3]))
934				return
935			elseif t2 and entityquads[t2].t == "warppipe" then
936				self:pipe(math.floor(self.x+30/16), math.floor(self.y+self.height+20/16), "down", "pipe" .. map[math.floor(self.x+30/16)][math.floor(self.y+self.height+20/16)][3])
937				return
938			end
939		end
941		self:updateangle()
943		--Portaldots
944		self.portaldotstimer = self.portaldotstimer + dt
945		while self.portaldotstimer > portaldotstime do
946			self.portaldotstimer = self.portaldotstimer - portaldotstime
947		end
949		if self.falling == false and self.jumping == false and self.size > 1 then
950			if downkey(self.playernumber) then
951				if self.ducking == false then
952					self:duck(true)
953				end
954			else
955				if self.ducking then
956					self:duck(false)
957				end
958			end
959		end
961		if not underwater then
962			self:movement(dt)
963		else
964			self:underwatermovement(dt)
965		end
967		if self.y >= 15 then
968			self:die("pit")
969		elseif flagx and self.x+self.width >= flagx+6/16 and self.y > 2.2 then
970			self:flag()
971		end
973		if firestartx and self.x >= firestartx - 1 then
974			firestarted = true
975		end
977		if flyingfishstartx and self.x >= flyingfishstartx - 1 then
978			flyingfishstarted = true
979		end
981		if flyingfishendx and self.x >= flyingfishendx - 1 then
982			flyingfishstarted = false
983		end
985		if bulletbillstartx and self.x >= bulletbillstartx - 1 then
986			bulletbillstarted = true
987		end
989		if bulletbillendx and self.x >= bulletbillendx - 1 then
990			bulletbillstarted = false
991		end
993		if lakitoendx and self.x >= lakitoendx then
994			lakitoend = true
995		end
996	end
998	--checkpoints
999	local checkx = checkpoints[checkpointi+1]
1000	if checkx then
1001		if self.x > checkx then
1002			checkpointi = checkpointi + 1
1003			checkpointx = checkpoints[checkpointi]
1004		end
1005	end
1007	--drains
1008	local x = math.floor(self.x+self.width/2)+1
1010	if inmap(x, 15) and #map[x][15] > 1 and entityquads[map[x][15][2]].t == "drain" then
1011		if self.speedy < drainmax then
1012			self.speedy = math.min( drainmax, self.speedy + drainspeed*dt)
1013		end
1014	end
1016	self:setquad()
1019function mario:updateangle()
1021	if self.playernumber == mouseowner then
1022		local scale = scale
1023		if shaders and shaders.scale then scale = shaders.scale end
1024		self.pointingangle = math.atan2(self.x+6/16-xscroll-(love.mouse.getX()/16/scale), (self.y+6/16-.5)-(love.mouse.getY()/16/scale))
1025	elseif #controls[self.playernumber]["aimx"] > 0 then
1026		local x, y
1028		local s = controls[self.playernumber]["aimx"]
1029		if s[1] == "joy" then
1030			x = -love.joystick.getAxis(s[2], s[4])
1031			if s[5] == "neg" then
1032				x = -x
1033			end
1034		end
1036		s = controls[self.playernumber]["aimy"]
1037		if s[1] == "joy" then
1038			y = -love.joystick.getAxis(s[2], s[4])
1039			if s[5] == "neg" then
1040				y = -y
1041			end
1042		end
1044		if not x or not y then
1045			return
1046		end
1048		if math.abs(x) > joystickaimdeadzone or math.abs(y) > joystickaimdeadzone then
1049			self.pointingangle = math.atan2(x, y)
1050			if self.pointingangle == 0 then
1051				self.pointingangle = 0 --this is really silly, but will crash the game if I don't do this. It's because it's -0 or something. I'm not good with computers.
1052			end
1053		end
1054	end
1057function mario:movement(dt)
1058	local maxrunspeed = maxrunspeed
1059	local maxwalkspeed = maxwalkspeed
1060	local runacceleration = runacceleration
1061	local walkacceleration = walkacceleration
1062	--Orange gel
1063	--not in air
1064	if self.falling == false and self.jumping == false then
1065		--bottom on grid
1066		if math.mod(self.y+self.height, 1) == 0 then
1067			local x = round(self.x+self.width/2+.5)
1068			local y = self.y+self.height+1
1069			--x and y in map
1070			if inmap(x, y) then
1071				--top of block orange
1072				if map[x][y]["gels"]["top"] == 2 then
1073					maxrunspeed = gelmaxrunspeed
1074					maxwalkspeed = gelmaxwalkspeed
1075					runacceleration = gelrunacceleration
1076					walkacceleration = gelwalkacceleration
1077				end
1078			end
1079		end
1080	end
1082	--Run animation
1083	if self.animationstate == "running" then
1084		self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress + (math.abs(self.speedx)+4)/5*dt*runanimationspeed
1085		while self.runanimationprogress >= 4 do
1086			self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress - 3
1087		end
1088		self.runframe = math.floor(self.runanimationprogress)
1089	end
1092	if runkey(self.playernumber) then --RUNNING
1093		if rightkey(self.playernumber) then --MOVEMENT RIGHT
1094			if self.jumping or self.falling then --IN AIR
1095				if self.speedx < maxwalkspeed then
1096					if self.speedx < 0 then
1097						self.speedx = self.speedx + runaccelerationair*dt*airslidefactor
1098					else
1099						self.speedx = self.speedx + runaccelerationair*dt
1100					end
1102					if self.speedx > maxwalkspeed then
1103						self.speedx = maxwalkspeed
1104					end
1105				elseif self.speedx > maxwalkspeed and self.speedx < maxrunspeed then
1106					if self.speedx < 0 then
1107						self.speedx = self.speedx + runaccelerationair*dt*airslidefactor
1108					else
1109						self.speedx = self.speedx + runaccelerationair*dt
1110					end
1112					if self.speedx > maxrunspeed then
1113						self.speedx = maxrunspeed
1114					end
1115				end
1117			elseif self.ducking == false then --ON GROUND
1118				if self.speedx < 0 then
1119					if self.speedx > maxrunspeed then
1120						self.speedx = self.speedx + superfriction*dt + runacceleration*dt
1121					else
1122						self.speedx = self.speedx + friction*dt + runacceleration*dt
1123					end
1124					self.animationstate = "sliding"
1125					self.animationdirection = "right"
1126				else
1127					self.speedx = self.speedx + runacceleration*dt
1128					self.animationstate = "running"
1129					self.animationdirection = "right"
1130				end
1132				if self.speedx > maxrunspeed then
1133					self.speedx = maxrunspeed
1134				end
1135			end
1137		elseif leftkey(self.playernumber) then --MOVEMENT LEFT
1138			if self.jumping or self.falling then --IN AIR
1139				if self.speedx > -maxwalkspeed then
1140					if self.speedx > 0 then
1141						self.speedx = self.speedx - runaccelerationair*dt*airslidefactor
1142					else
1143						self.speedx = self.speedx - runaccelerationair*dt
1144					end
1146					if self.speedx < -maxwalkspeed then
1147						self.speedx = -maxwalkspeed
1148					end
1149				elseif self.speedx < -maxwalkspeed and self.speedx > -maxrunspeed then
1150					if self.speedx > 0 then
1151						self.speedx = self.speedx - runaccelerationair*dt*airslidefactor
1152					else
1153						self.speedx = self.speedx - runaccelerationair*dt
1154					end
1156					if self.speedx < -maxrunspeed then
1157						self.speedx = -maxrunspeed
1158					end
1159				end
1161			elseif self.ducking == false then --ON GROUND
1162				if self.speedx > 0 then
1163					if self.speedx < -maxrunspeed then
1164						self.speedx = self.speedx - superfriction*dt - runacceleration*dt
1165					else
1166						self.speedx = self.speedx - friction*dt - runacceleration*dt
1167					end
1168					self.animationstate = "sliding"
1169					self.animationdirection = "left"
1170				else
1171					self.speedx = self.speedx - runacceleration*dt
1172					self.animationstate = "running"
1173					self.animationdirection = "left"
1174				end
1176				if self.speedx < -maxrunspeed then
1177					self.speedx = -maxrunspeed
1178				end
1179			end
1181		end
1182		if (not rightkey(self.playernumber) and not leftkey(self.playernumber)) or (self.ducking and self.falling == false and self.jumping == false) then  --NO MOVEMENT
1183			if self.jumping or self.falling then
1184				if self.speedx > 0 then
1185					self.speedx = self.speedx - frictionair*dt
1186					if self.speedx < minspeed then
1187						self.speedx = 0
1188						self.runframe = 1
1189					end
1190				else
1191					self.speedx = self.speedx + frictionair*dt
1192					if self.speedx > -minspeed then
1193						self.speedx = 0
1194						self.runframe = 1
1195					end
1196				end
1197			else
1198				if self.speedx > 0 then
1199					if self.speedx > maxrunspeed then
1200						self.speedx = self.speedx - superfriction*dt
1201					else
1202						self.speedx = self.speedx - friction*dt
1203					end
1204					if self.speedx < minspeed then
1205						self.speedx = 0
1206						self.runframe = 1
1207						self.animationstate = "idle"
1208					end
1209				else
1210					if self.speedx < -maxrunspeed then
1211						self.speedx = self.speedx + superfriction*dt
1212					else
1213						self.speedx = self.speedx + friction*dt
1214					end
1215					if self.speedx > -minspeed then
1216						self.speedx = 0
1217						self.runframe = 1
1218						self.animationstate = "idle"
1219					end
1220				end
1221			end
1222		end
1224	else --WALKING
1226		if rightkey(self.playernumber) then --MOVEMENT RIGHT
1227			if self.jumping or self.falling then --IN AIR
1228				if self.speedx < maxwalkspeed then
1229					if self.speedx < 0 then
1230						self.speedx = self.speedx + walkaccelerationair*dt*airslidefactor
1231					else
1232						self.speedx = self.speedx + walkaccelerationair*dt
1233					end
1235					if self.speedx > maxwalkspeed then
1236						self.speedx = maxwalkspeed
1237					end
1238				end
1239			elseif self.ducking == false then --ON GROUND
1240				if self.speedx < maxwalkspeed then
1241					if self.speedx < 0 then
1242						if self.speedx < -maxrunspeed then
1243							self.speedx = self.speedx + superfriction*dt + runacceleration*dt
1244						else
1245							self.speedx = self.speedx + friction*dt + runacceleration*dt
1246						end
1247						self.animationstate = "sliding"
1248						self.animationdirection = "right"
1249					else
1250						self.speedx = self.speedx + walkacceleration*dt
1251						self.animationstate = "running"
1252						self.animationdirection = "right"
1253					end
1255					if self.speedx > maxwalkspeed then
1256						self.speedx = maxwalkspeed
1257					end
1258				else
1259					self.speedx = self.speedx - friction*dt
1260					if self.speedx < maxwalkspeed then
1261						self.speedx = maxwalkspeed
1262					end
1263				end
1264			end
1266		elseif leftkey(self.playernumber) then --MOVEMENT LEFT
1267			if self.jumping or self.falling then --IN AIR
1268				if self.speedx > -maxwalkspeed then
1269					if self.speedx > 0 then
1270						self.speedx = self.speedx - walkaccelerationair*dt*airslidefactor
1271					else
1272						self.speedx = self.speedx - walkaccelerationair*dt
1273					end
1275					if self.speedx < -maxwalkspeed then
1276						self.speedx = -maxwalkspeed
1277					end
1278				end
1279			elseif self.ducking == false then --ON GROUND
1280				if self.speedx > -maxwalkspeed then
1281					if self.speedx > 0 then
1282						if self.speedx > maxrunspeed then
1283							self.speedx = self.speedx - superfriction*dt - runacceleration*dt
1284						else
1285							self.speedx = self.speedx - friction*dt - runacceleration*dt
1286						end
1287						self.animationstate = "sliding"
1288						self.animationdirection = "left"
1289					else
1290						self.speedx = self.speedx - walkacceleration*dt
1291						self.animationstate = "running"
1292						self.animationdirection = "left"
1293					end
1295					if self.speedx < -maxwalkspeed then
1296						self.speedx = -maxwalkspeed
1297					end
1298				else
1299					self.speedx = self.speedx + friction*dt
1300					if self.speedx > -maxwalkspeed then
1301						self.speedx = -maxwalkspeed
1302					end
1303				end
1304			end
1306		end
1307		if (not rightkey(self.playernumber) and not leftkey(self.playernumber)) or (self.ducking and self.falling == false and self.jumping == false) then --no movement
1308			if self.jumping or self.falling then
1309				if self.speedx > 0 then
1310					self.speedx = self.speedx - frictionair*dt
1311					if self.speedx < 0 then
1312						self.speedx = 0
1313						self.runframe = 1
1314					end
1315				else
1316					self.speedx = self.speedx + frictionair*dt
1317					if self.speedx > 0 then
1318						self.speedx = 0
1319						self.runframe = 1
1320					end
1321				end
1322			else
1323				if self.speedx > 0 then
1324					if self.speedx > maxrunspeed then
1325						self.speedx = self.speedx - superfriction*dt
1326					else
1327						self.speedx = self.speedx - friction*dt
1328					end
1329					if self.speedx < 0 then
1330						self.speedx = 0
1331						self.runframe = 1
1332						self.animationstate = "idle"
1333					end
1334				else
1335					if self.speedx < -maxrunspeed then
1336						self.speedx = self.speedx + superfriction*dt
1337					else
1338						self.speedx = self.speedx + friction*dt
1339					end
1340					if self.speedx > 0 then
1341						self.speedx = 0
1342						self.runframe = 1
1343						self.animationstate = "idle"
1344					end
1345				end
1346			end
1347		end
1348	end
1351function mario:underwatermovement(dt)
1352	if self.jumping or self.falling then
1353		--Swim animation
1354		if self.animationstate == "jumping" or self.animationstate == "falling" then
1355			self.swimanimationprogress = self.swimanimationprogress + runanimationspeed*dt
1356			while self.swimanimationprogress >= 3 do
1357				self.swimanimationprogress = self.swimanimationprogress - 2
1358			end
1359			self.swimframe = math.floor(self.swimanimationprogress)
1360		end
1361	else
1362		--Run animation
1363		if self.animationstate == "running" then
1364			self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress + (math.abs(self.speedx)+4)/5*dt*runanimationspeed
1365			while self.runanimationprogress >= 4 do
1366				self.runanimationprogress = self.runanimationprogress - 3
1367			end
1368			self.runframe = math.floor(self.runanimationprogress)
1369		end
1370	end
1372	--bubbles
1373	self.bubbletimer = self.bubbletimer + dt
1374	while self.bubbletimer > self.bubbletime do
1375		self.bubbletimer = self.bubbletimer - self.bubbletime
1376		self.bubbletime = bubblestime[math.random(#bubblestime)]
1377		table.insert(bubbles, bubble:new(self.x+8/12, self.y+2/12))
1378	end
1381	if rightkey(self.playernumber) then --MOVEMENT RIGHT
1382		if self.jumping or self.falling then --IN AIR
1383			if self.speedx < uwmaxairwalkspeed then
1384				if self.speedx < 0 then
1385					self.speedx = self.speedx + uwwalkaccelerationair*dt*uwairslidefactor
1386				else
1387					self.speedx = self.speedx + uwwalkaccelerationair*dt
1388				end
1390				if self.speedx > uwmaxairwalkspeed then
1391					self.speedx = uwmaxairwalkspeed
1392				end
1393			end
1394		elseif self.ducking == false then --ON GROUND
1395			if self.speedx < uwmaxwalkspeed then
1396				if self.speedx < 0 then
1397					if self.speedx < -uwmaxrunspeed then
1398						self.speedx = self.speedx + uwsuperfriction*dt + uwrunacceleration*dt
1399					else
1400						self.speedx = self.speedx + uwfriction*dt + uwrunacceleration*dt
1401					end
1402					self.animationstate = "sliding"
1403					self.animationdirection = "right"
1404				else
1405					self.speedx = self.speedx + uwwalkacceleration*dt
1406					self.animationstate = "running"
1407					self.animationdirection = "right"
1408				end
1410				if self.speedx > uwmaxwalkspeed then
1411					self.speedx = uwmaxwalkspeed
1412				end
1413			else
1414				self.speedx = self.speedx - uwfriction*dt
1415				if self.speedx < uwmaxwalkspeed then
1416					self.speedx = uwmaxwalkspeed
1417				end
1418			end
1419		end
1421	elseif leftkey(self.playernumber) then --MOVEMENT LEFT
1422		if self.jumping or self.falling then --IN AIR
1423			if self.speedx > -uwmaxairwalkspeed then
1424				if self.speedx > 0 then
1425					self.speedx = self.speedx - uwwalkaccelerationair*dt*uwairslidefactor
1426				else
1427					self.speedx = self.speedx - uwwalkaccelerationair*dt
1428				end
1430				if self.speedx < -uwmaxairwalkspeed then
1431					self.speedx = -uwmaxairwalkspeed
1432				end
1433			end
1434		elseif self.ducking == false then --ON GROUND
1435			if self.speedx > -uwmaxwalkspeed then
1436				if self.speedx > 0 then
1437					if self.speedx > uwmaxrunspeed then
1438						self.speedx = self.speedx - uwsuperfriction*dt - uwrunacceleration*dt
1439					else
1440						self.speedx = self.speedx - uwfriction*dt - uwrunacceleration*dt
1441					end
1442					self.animationstate = "sliding"
1443					self.animationdirection = "left"
1444				else
1445					self.speedx = self.speedx - uwwalkacceleration*dt
1446					self.animationstate = "running"
1447					self.animationdirection = "left"
1448				end
1450				if self.speedx < -uwmaxwalkspeed then
1451					self.speedx = -uwmaxwalkspeed
1452				end
1453			else
1454				self.speedx = self.speedx + uwfriction*dt
1455				if self.speedx > -uwmaxwalkspeed then
1456					self.speedx = -uwmaxwalkspeed
1457				end
1458			end
1459		end
1461	else --NO MOVEMENT
1462		if self.jumping or self.falling then
1463			if self.speedx > 0 then
1464				self.speedx = self.speedx - uwfrictionair*dt
1465				if self.speedx < 0 then
1466					self.speedx = 0
1467					self.runframe = 1
1468				end
1469			else
1470				self.speedx = self.speedx + uwfrictionair*dt
1471				if self.speedx > 0 then
1472					self.speedx = 0
1473					self.runframe = 1
1474				end
1475			end
1476		else
1477			if self.speedx > 0 then
1478				if self.speedx > uwmaxrunspeed then
1479					self.speedx = self.speedx - uwsuperfriction*dt
1480				else
1481					self.speedx = self.speedx - uwfriction*dt
1482				end
1483				if self.speedx < 0 then
1484					self.speedx = 0
1485					self.runframe = 1
1486					self.animationstate = "idle"
1487				end
1488			else
1489				if self.speedx < -uwmaxrunspeed then
1490					self.speedx = self.speedx + uwsuperfriction*dt
1491				else
1492					self.speedx = self.speedx + uwfriction*dt
1493				end
1494				if self.speedx > 0 then
1495					self.speedx = 0
1496					self.runframe = 1
1497					self.animationstate = "idle"
1498				end
1499			end
1500		end
1501	end
1503	if self.y+self.height < uwmaxheight then
1504		self.speedy = uwpushdownspeed
1505	end
1508function mario:setquad(anim, s)
1509	local angleframe = getAngleFrame(self.pointingangle+self.rotation)
1511	local animationstate = anim or self.animationstate
1512	local size = s or self.size
1514	if size == 1 then
1515		if underwater and (self.animationstate == "jumping" or self.animationstate == "falling") then
1516			self.quad = marioswim[angleframe][self.swimframe]
1517		elseif animationstate == "running" or animationstate == "falling" then
1518			self.quad = mariorun[angleframe][self.runframe]
1519		elseif animationstate == "idle" then
1520			self.quad = marioidle[angleframe]
1521		elseif animationstate == "sliding" then
1522			self.quad = marioslide[angleframe]
1523		elseif animationstate == "jumping" then
1524			self.quad = mariojump[angleframe]
1525		elseif animationstate == "climbing" then
1526			self.quad = marioclimb[angleframe][self.climbframe]
1527		elseif animationstate == "dead" then
1528			self.quad = mariodie[angleframe]
1529		elseif animationstate == "grow" then
1530			self.quad = mariogrow[angleframe]
1531		end
1532	elseif size > 1 then
1533		if underwater and (self.animationstate == "jumping" or self.animationstate == "falling") then
1534			self.quad = bigmarioswim[angleframe][self.swimframe]
1535		elseif self.ducking then
1536			self.quad = bigmarioduck[angleframe]
1537		elseif self.fireanimationtimer < fireanimationtime then
1538			self.quad = bigmariofire[angleframe]
1539		else
1540			if animationstate == "running" or animationstate == "falling" then
1541				self.quad = bigmariorun[angleframe][self.runframe]
1542			elseif animationstate == "idle" then
1543				self.quad = bigmarioidle[angleframe]
1544			elseif animationstate == "sliding" then
1545				self.quad = bigmarioslide[angleframe]
1546			elseif animationstate == "climbing" then
1547				self.quad = bigmarioclimb[angleframe][self.climbframe]
1548			elseif animationstate == "jumping" then
1549				self.quad = bigmariojump[angleframe]
1550			end
1551		end
1552	end
1555function mario:jump()
1556	if not noupdate and self.controlsenabled then
1557		if not underwater then
1558			if self.spring then
1559				self.springhigh = true
1560				return
1561			end
1563			if self.falling == false then
1564				if self.size == 1 then
1565					playsound(jumpsound)
1566				else
1567					playsound(jumpbigsound)
1568				end
1570				local force = -jumpforce - (math.abs(self.speedx) / maxrunspeed)*jumpforceadd
1571				force = math.max(-jumpforce - jumpforceadd, force)
1573				self.speedy = force
1574				self.jumping = true
1575				self.animationstate = "jumping"
1576				self:setquad()
1577			end
1578		else
1579			if self.ducking then
1580				self:duck(false)
1581			end
1582			playsound(swimsound)
1584			self.speedy = -uwjumpforce - (math.abs(self.speedx) / maxrunspeed)*uwjumpforceadd
1585			self.jumping = true
1586			self.animationstate = "jumping"
1587			self:setquad()
1588		end
1589	end
1592function mario:stopjump()
1593	if self.controlsenabled then
1594		if self.jumping == true then
1595			self.jumping = false
1596			self.falling = true
1597		end
1598	end
1601function mario:rightkey()
1602	if self.controlsenabled and self.vine then
1603		if self.vineside == "left" then
1604			self.x = self.x + 8/16
1605			self.pointingangle = math.pi/2
1606			self.vineside = "right"
1607		else
1608			self:dropvine("right")
1609		end
1610	end
1613function mario:leftkey()
1614	if self.controlsenabled and self.vine then
1615		if self.vineside == "right" then
1616			self.x = self.x - 8/16
1617			self.pointingangle = -math.pi/2
1618			self.vineside = "left"
1619		else
1620			self:dropvine("left")
1621		end
1622	end
1625function mario:grow()
1626	self.animationmisc = self.animationstate
1627	if self.animation and self.animation ~= "invincible" then
1628		return
1629	end
1630	addpoints(1000, self.x+self.width/2, self.y)
1631	playsound(mushroomeatsound)
1633	if bigmario then
1634		return
1635	end
1637	if self.size > 2 then
1639	else
1640		self.size = self.size + 1
1641		if self.size == 2 then
1642			self.y = self.y - 12/16
1643			self.height = 24/16
1644		elseif self.size == 3 then
1645			self.colors = flowercolor
1646		end
1648		if self.size == 2 then
1649			self.animation = "grow1"
1650		else
1651			self.animation = "grow2"
1652		end
1654		self.drawable = true
1655		self.invincible = false
1656		self.animationtimer = 0
1657		noupdate = true
1658	end
1661function mario:shrink()
1662	self.animationmisc = self.animationstate
1663	if self.animation then
1664		return
1665	end
1666	if self.ducking then
1667		self:duck(false)
1668	end
1669	playsound(shrinksound)
1671	self.size = 1
1673	self.colors = mariocolors[self.playernumber]
1675	self.animation = "shrink"
1676	self.drawable = true
1677	self.invincible = true
1678	self.animationtimer = 0
1680	self.y = self.y + 12/16
1681	self.height = 12/16
1683	noupdate = true
1686function mario:floorcollide(a, b)
1687	self.rainboomallowed = true
1688	if self.jumping and (a == "platform" or a == "seesawplatform") and self.speedy < -jumpforce + 0.1 then
1689		return false
1690	end
1692	local anim = self.animationstate
1693	local jump = self.jumping
1694	local fall = self.falling
1696	if self:globalcollide(a, b) then
1697		return false
1698	end
1700	if a == "spring" then
1701		self:hitspring(b)
1702		return false
1703	end
1705	if self.speedx == 0 then
1706		self.animationstate = "idle"
1707	else
1708		if self.animationstate ~= "sliding" then
1709			self.animationstate = "running"
1710		end
1711	end
1712	self:setquad()
1714	if a == "tile" then
1715		local x, y = b.cox, b.coy
1716		if bigmario and self.speedy > 2 then
1717			destroyblock(x, y)
1718			self.speedy = self.speedy/10
1719		end
1721		--check for invisible block
1722		if tilequads[map[x][y][1]].invisible then
1723			self.jumping = jump
1724			self.falling = fall
1725			self.animationstate = anim
1726			return false
1727		end
1728	end
1730	--star logic
1731	if self.starred or bigmario then
1732		if self:starcollide(a, b) then
1733			return false
1734		end
1735	end
1737	self.falling = false
1738	self.jumping = false
1740	--Make mario snap to runspeed if at walkspeed.
1741	--[[if leftkey(self.playernumber) then
1742		if runkey(self.playernumber) then
1743			if self.speedx <= -maxwalkspeed then
1744				self.speedx = -maxrunspeed
1745				self.animationdirection = "left"
1746			end
1747		end
1748	elseif rightkey(self.playernumber) then
1749		if runkey(self.playernumber) then
1750			if self.speedx >= maxwalkspeed then
1751				self.speedx = maxrunspeed
1752				self.animationdirection = "right"
1753			end
1754		end
1755	end--]]
1757	if a == "mushroom" or a == "oneup" or a == "star" or a == "flower" then
1758		self.falling = true
1759		return false
1760	elseif (a == "goomba" and b.t == "goomba") or a == "bulletbill" or a == "flyingfish" or a == "lakito" or a == "hammerbro" or a == "koopa" then
1761		self:stompenemy(a, b)
1762		return false
1763	elseif a == "tile" then
1764		local x, y = b.cox, b.coy
1766		if map[x][y]["gels"] then
1767			if downkey(self.playernumber) == false and map[x][y]["gels"]["top"] == 1 and self.speedy > gdt*yacceleration*10 then
1768				self.speedy = -self.speedy
1769				self.falling = true
1770				self.animationstate = "jumping"
1771				self:setquad()
1772				self.speedy = self.speedy + self.gravity*gdt
1774				return false
1775			end
1776		end
1777	elseif a == "plant" or a == "bowser" or a == "cheep" or a == "upfire" or (a == "goomba" and b.t ~= "goomba") or a == "squid" or a == "hammer" then --KILL
1778		if self.invincible then
1779			self.jumping = jump
1780			self.falling = fall
1781			self.animationstate = anim
1782			return false
1783		else
1784			self:die("Enemy (floorcollide)")
1785			return false
1786		end
1787	elseif a == "castlefirefire" or a == "fire" then
1788		if self.invincible then
1789			self.jumping = jump
1790			self.falling = fall
1791			self.animationstate = anim
1792			return false
1793		else
1794			self:die("castlefirefire")
1795			return false
1796		end
1797	end
1799	self.combo = 1
1802function mario:stompenemy(a, b)
1803	local bounce = false
1804	if a == "koopa" then
1805		if b.small then
1806			playsound(shotsound)
1807			if b.speedx == 0 then
1808				addpoints(500, b.x, b.y)
1809				self.combo = 1
1810			end
1811		else
1812			playsound(stompsound)
1813		end
1815		b:stomp(self.x, self)
1817		if b.speedx == 0 or ((b.t == "redflying" or b.t == "flying") and b.small == false) then
1818			addpoints(mariocombo[self.combo], self.x, self.y)
1819			if self.combo < #mariocombo then
1820				self.combo = self.combo + 1
1821			end
1823			local grav = self.gravity or yacceleration
1825			local bouncespeed = math.sqrt(2*grav*bounceheight)
1827			self.speedy = -bouncespeed
1829			self.falling = true
1830			self.animationstate = "jumping"
1831			self:setquad()
1832			self.y = b.y - self.height-1/16
1833		elseif b.x > self.x then
1834			b.x = self.x + b.width + self.speedx*gdt + 0.05
1835			local col = checkrect(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height, {"tile"})
1836			if #col > 1 then
1837				b.x = objects[col[1]][col[2]].x-b.width
1838				bounce = true
1839			end
1840		else
1841			b.x = self.x - b.width + self.speedx*gdt - 0.05
1842			local col = checkrect(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height, {"tile"})
1843			if #col > 1 then
1844				b.x = objects[col[1]][col[2]].x+1
1845				bounce = true
1846			end
1847		end
1848	else
1849		b:stomp()
1850		if self.combo < #mariocombo then
1851			addpoints(mariocombo[self.combo], self.x, self.y)
1852			if a ~= "bulletbill" then
1853				self.combo = self.combo + 1
1854			end
1855		else
1856			if mariolivecount ~= false then
1857				mariolives[self.playernumber] = mariolives[self.playernumber]+1
1858			end
1859			table.insert(scrollingscores, scrollingscore:new("1up", self.x, self.y))
1860			playsound(oneupsound)
1861		end
1862		playsound(stompsound)
1864		bounce = true
1865	end
1867	if bounce then
1868		local grav = self.gravity or yacceleration
1870		local bouncespeed = math.sqrt(2*grav*bounceheight)
1872		self.animationstate = "jumping"
1873		self.falling = true
1874		self:setquad()
1875		self.speedy = -bouncespeed
1876	end
1879function mario:rightcollide(a, b)
1880	if self:globalcollide(a, b) then
1881		return false
1882	end
1884	--star logic
1885	if self.starred or bigmario then
1886		if self:starcollide(a, b) then
1887			return false
1888		end
1889	end
1891	if a == "mushroom" or a == "oneup" or a == "star" or a == "flower" or (a == "platform" and (b.dir == "right" or b.dir == "justright")) then
1892		return false
1893	elseif self.speedy > 2 and ((a == "goomba" and b.t == "goomba") or a == "bulletbill" or a == "flyingfish" or a == "lakito" or a == "hammerbro" or a == "koopa") then
1894		self:stompenemy(a, b)
1895		return false
1896	elseif a == "castlefirefire" or a == "fire" or a == "koopa" or a == "goomba" or a == "bulletbill" or a == "plant" or a == "bowser" or a == "cheep" or a == "flyingfish" or a == "upfire" or a == "lakito" or a == "squid" or a == "hammer" or a == "hammerbro" then --KILLS
1897		if self.invincible then
1898			if a == "koopa" and b.small and b.speedx == 0 then
1899				b:stomp(self.x)
1900				playsound(shotsound)
1901				addpoints(500, b.x, b.y)
1902			end
1903			return false
1904		else
1905			if a == "koopa" and b.small and b.speedx == 0 then
1906				b:stomp(self.x)
1907				playsound(shotsound)
1908				addpoints(500, b.x, b.y)
1909				return false
1910			end
1912			self:die("Enemy (rightcollide)")
1913			return false
1914		end
1915	elseif a == "tile" then
1916		local x, y = b.cox, b.coy
1918		if map[x][y]["gels"] then
1919			if downkey(self.playernumber) == false and map[x][y]["gels"]["left"] == 1 and (self.falling or self.jumping) then
1920				if self.speedx > horbounceminspeedx then
1921					self.speedx = math.min(-horbouncemaxspeedx, -self.speedx*horbouncemul)
1922					self.speedy = math.min(self.speedy, -horbouncespeedy)
1924					return false
1925				end
1926			end
1927		end
1929		--check for invisible block
1930		if tilequads[map[x][y][1]].invisible then
1931			return false
1932		end
1934		--Check if it's a pipe with pipe pipe.
1935		if self.falling == false and self.jumping == false and (rightkey(self.playernumber) or intermission) then --but only on ground and rightkey
1936			local t2 = map[x][y][2]
1937			if t2 and entityquads[t2].t == "pipe" then
1938				self:pipe(x, y, "right", tonumber(map[x][y][3]))
1939				return
1940			else
1941				if inmap(x, y+1) then
1942					t2 = map[x][y+1][2]
1943					if t2 and entityquads[t2].t == "pipe" then
1944						self:pipe(x, y+1, "right", tonumber(map[x][y+1][3]))
1945						return
1946					end
1947				end
1948			end
1949		end
1951		--Check if mario should run across a gap.
1952		if inmap(x, y-1) and tilequads[map[x][y-1][1]].collision == false and self.speedy > 0 and self.y+self.height+1 < y+spacerunroom then
1953			self.y = b.y - self.height
1954			self.speedy = 0
1955			self.x = b.x-self.width+0.0001
1956			self.falling = false
1957			self.animationstate = "running"
1958			self:setquad()
1959			return false
1960		end
1962		if bigmario then
1963			destroyblock(x, y)
1964			return false
1965		end
1966	elseif a == "box" then
1967		if self.speedx > maxwalkspeed/2 then
1968			self.speedx = self.speedx - self.speedx * 6 * gdt
1969		end
1971		--check if box can even move
1972		local out = checkrect(b.x+self.speedx*gdt, b.y, b.width, b.height, {"exclude", b}, true)
1973		if #out == 0 then
1974			b.speedx = self.speedx
1975			return false
1976		end
1977	elseif a == "button" then
1978		self.y = b.y - self.height
1979		self.x = b.x - self.width+0.001
1980		if self.speedy > 0 then
1981			self.speedy = 0
1982		end
1983		return false
1984	end
1986	if self.falling == false and self.jumping == false then
1987		self.animationstate = "idle"
1988		self:setquad()
1989	end
1992function mario:leftcollide(a, b)
1993	if self:globalcollide(a, b) then
1994		return false
1995	end
1997	--star logic
1998	if self.starred or bigmario then
1999		if self:starcollide(a, b) then
2000			return false
2001		end
2002	end
2004	if a == "mushroom" or a == "oneup" or a == "star" or a == "flower" or (a == "platform" and (b.dir == "right" or b.dir == "justright")) then --NOTHING
2005		return false
2006	elseif self.speedy > 2 and ((a == "goomba" and b.t == "goomba") or a == "bulletbill" or a == "flyingfish" or a == "lakito" or a == "hammerbro" or a == "koopa") then
2007		self:stompenemy(a, b)
2008		return false
2009	elseif a == "castlefirefire" or a == "fire" or a == "koopa" or a == "goomba" or a == "bulletbill" or a == "plant" or a == "bowser" or a == "cheep" or a == "flyingfish" or a == "upfire" or a == "lakito" or a == "squid" or a == "hammer" or a == "hammerbro" then --KILLS
2010		if self.invincible then
2011			if a == "koopa" and b.small and b.speedx == 0 then
2012				b:stomp(self.x)
2013				playsound(shotsound)
2014				addpoints(500, b.x, b.y)
2015			end
2016			return false
2017		else
2018			if a == "koopa" and b.small and b.speedx == 0 then
2019				b:stomp(self.x)
2020				playsound(shotsound)
2021				addpoints(500, b.x, b.y)
2022				return false
2023			end
2025			self:die("Enemy (leftcollide)")
2026			return false
2027		end
2028	elseif a == "tile" then
2029		local x, y = b.cox, b.coy
2031		if map[x][y]["gels"] then
2032			if downkey(self.playernumber) == false and map[x][y]["gels"]["right"] == 1 and (self.falling or self.jumping) then
2033				if self.speedx < -horbounceminspeedx then
2034					self.speedx = math.min(horbouncemaxspeedx, -self.speedx*horbouncemul)
2035					self.speedy = math.min(self.speedy, -horbouncespeedy)
2037					return false
2038				end
2039			end
2040		end
2042		--check for invisible block
2043		if tilequads[map[x][y][1]].invisible then
2044			return false
2045		end
2047		if inmap(x, y-1) and tilequads[map[x][y-1][1]].collision == false and self.speedy > 0 and self.y+1+self.height < y+spacerunroom then
2048			self.y = b.y - self.height
2049			self.speedy = 0
2050			self.x = b.x+1-0.0001
2051			self.falling = false
2052			self.animationstate = "running"
2053			self:setquad()
2054			return false
2055		end
2057		if bigmario then
2058			destroyblock(x, y)
2059			return false
2060		end
2061	elseif a == "box" then
2062		if self.speedx < -maxwalkspeed/2 then
2063			self.speedx = self.speedx - self.speedx * 6 * gdt
2064		end
2066		--check if box can even move
2067		local out = checkrect(b.x+self.speedx*gdt, b.y, b.width, b.height, {"exclude", b}, true)
2068		if #out == 0 then
2069			b.speedx = self.speedx
2070			return false
2071		end
2072	elseif a == "button" then
2073		self.y = b.y - self.height
2074		self.x = b.x + b.width - 0.001
2075		if self.speedy > 0 then
2076			self.speedy = 0
2077		end
2078		return false
2079	end
2081	if self.falling == false and self.jumping == false then
2082		self.animationstate = "idle"
2083		self:setquad()
2084	end
2087function mario:ceilcollide(a, b)
2088	if self:globalcollide(a, b) then
2089		return false
2090	end
2092	--star logic
2093	if self.starred or bigmario then
2094		if self:starcollide(a, b) then
2095			return false
2096		end
2097	end
2099	if a == "mushroom" or a == "oneup" or a == "star" or a == "flower" then --STUFF THAT SHOULDN'T DO SHIT
2100		return false
2101	elseif a == "castlefirefire" or a == "fire" or a == "plant" or a == "goomba" or a == "koopa" or a == "bulletbill" or a == "bowser" or a == "cheep" or a == "flyingfish" or a == "upfire" or a == "lakito" or a == "squid" or a == "hammer" or a == "hammerbro" then --STUFF THAT KILLS
2102		if self.invincible then
2103			return false
2104		else
2105			self:die("Enemy (Ceilcollided)")
2106			return false
2107		end
2108	elseif a == "tile" then
2109		local x, y = b.cox, b.coy
2110		local r = map[x][y]
2112		--check if it's an invisible block
2113		if tilequads[map[x][y][1]].invisible then
2114			if self.y-self.speedy <= y-1 then
2115				return false
2116			end
2117		else
2118			if bigmario then
2119				destroyblock(x, y)
2120				return false
2121			end
2123			--Check if it should bounce the block next to it, or push mario instead (Hello, devin hitch!)
2125			if self.x < x-22/16 then
2126				--check if block left of it is a better fit
2127				if x > 1 and tilequads[map[x-1][y][1]].collision == true then
2128					x = x - 1
2129				else
2130					local col = checkrect(x-28/16, self.y, self.width, self.height, {"exclude", self}, true)
2131					if #col == 0 then
2132						self.x = x-28/16
2133						if self.speedx > 0 then
2134							self.speedx = 0
2135						end
2136						return false
2137					end
2138				end
2139			elseif self.x > x-6/16 then
2140				--check if block right of it is a better fit
2141				if x < mapwidth and tilequads[map[x+1][y][1]].collision == true then
2142					x = x + 1
2143				else
2144					local col = checkrect(x, self.y, self.width, self.height, {"exclude", self}, true)
2145					if #col == 0 then
2146						self.x = x
2147						if self.speedx < 0 then
2148							self.speedx = 0
2149						end
2150						return false
2151					end
2152				end
2153			end
2154		end
2156		hitblock(x, y, self)
2157	end
2159	self.jumping = false
2160	self.falling = true
2161	self.speedy = headforce
2164function mario:globalcollide(a, b)
2165	if a == "screenboundary" then
2166		if self.x+self.width/2 > b.x then
2167			self.x = b.x
2168		else
2169			self.x = b.x-self.width
2170		end
2171		self.speedx = 0
2172		return true
2173	elseif a == "vine" then
2174		if self.vine == false then
2175			self:grabvine(b)
2176		end
2178		return true
2179	end
2182function mario:passivecollide(a, b)
2183	if self:globalcollide(a, b) then
2184		return false
2185	end
2187	if a == "platform" or a == "seesawplatform" or a == "portalwall" then
2188		return false
2189	elseif a == "box" then
2190		if self.speedx < 0 then
2191			if self.speedx < -maxwalkspeed/2 then
2192				self.speedx = self.speedx - self.speedx * 0.1
2193			end
2195			--check if box can even move
2196			local out = checkrect(b.x+self.speedx*gdt, b.y, b.width, b.height, {"exclude", b})
2197			if #out == 0 then
2198				b.speedx = self.speedx
2199				return false
2200			end
2201		else
2202			if self.speedx > maxwalkspeed/2 then
2203				self.speedx = self.speedx - self.speedx * 6 * gdt
2204			end
2206			--check if box can even move
2207			local out = checkrect(b.x+self.speedx*gdt, b.y, b.width, b.height, {"exclude", b})
2208			if #out == 0 then
2209				b.speedx = self.speedx
2210				return false
2211			end
2212		end
2213	end
2214	if self.passivemoved == false then
2215		self.passivemoved = true
2216		if a == "tile" then
2217			local x, y = b.cox, b.coy
2219			--check for invisible block
2220			if inmap(x, y) and tilequads[map[x][y][1]].invisible then
2221				return false
2222			end
2224			if self.pointingangle < 0 then
2225				self.x = self.x - passivespeed*gdt
2226			else
2227				self.x = self.x + passivespeed*gdt
2228			end
2229			self.speedx = 0
2230		else
2231			--nothing, lol.
2232		end
2233	end
2236	self:rightcollide(a, b)
2239function mario:starcollide(a, b)
2240	--enemies that die
2241	if a == "goomba" or a == "koopa" or a == "plant" or a == "bowser" or a == "squid" or a == "cheep" or a == "hammerbro" or a == "lakito" or a == "bulletbill" or a == "flyingfish" then
2242		b:shotted("right")
2243		if a ~= "bowser" then
2244			addpoints(firepoints[a], self.x, self.y)
2245		end
2246		return true
2247	--enemies (and stuff) that don't do shit
2248	elseif a == "upfire" or a == "fire" or a == "hammer" or a == "fireball" or a == "castlefirefire" then
2249		return true
2250	end
2253function mario:hitspring(b)
2254	b:hit()
2255	self.springb = b
2256	self.springx = self.x
2257	self.springy = b.coy
2258	self.speedy = 0
2259	self.spring = true
2260	self.springhigh = false
2261	self.springtimer = 0
2262	self.gravity = 0
2263	self.mask[19] = true
2264	self.animationstate = "idle"
2265	self:setquad()
2268function mario:leavespring()
2269	self.y = self.springy - self.height-31/16
2270	if self.springhigh then
2271		self.speedy = -springhighforce
2272	else
2273		self.speedy = -springforce
2274	end
2275	self.animationstate = "falling"
2276	self:setquad()
2277	self.gravity = yacceleration
2278	self.falling = true
2279	self.spring = false
2280	self.mask[19] = false
2283function mario:dropvine(dir)
2284	if dir == "right" then
2285		self.x = self.x + 7/16
2286	else
2287		self.x = self.x - 7/16
2288	end
2289	self.animationstate = "falling"
2290	self:setquad()
2291	self.gravity = mariogravity
2292	self.vine = false
2293	self.mask[18] = false
2296function mario:grabvine(b)
2297	self.ducking = false
2298	if insideportal(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) then
2299		return
2300	end
2301	self.mask[18] = true
2302	self.vine = true
2303	self.gravity = 0
2304	self.speedx = 0
2305	self.speedy = 0
2306	self.animationstate = "climbing"
2307	self.climbframe = 2
2308	self.vinemovetimer = 0
2309	self:setquad()
2310	self.vinex = b.cox
2311	self.viney = b.coy
2312	if b.x > self.x then --left of vine
2313		self.x = b.x+b.width/2-self.width+2/16
2314		self.pointingangle = -math.pi/2
2315		self.vineside = "left"
2316	else --right
2317		self.x = b.x+b.width/2 - 2/16
2318		self.pointingangle = math.pi/2
2319		self.vineside = "right"
2320	end
2323function hitblock(x, y, t)
2324	for i = 1, players do
2325		local x1 = objects["player"][i].portal1X
2326		local y1 = objects["player"][i].portal1Y
2328		local x2 = objects["player"][i].portal2X
2329		local y2 = objects["player"][i].portal2Y
2331		local x3 = x1
2332		local y3 = y1
2334		if objects["player"][i].portal1facing == "up" then
2335			x3 = x3+1
2336		elseif objects["player"][i].portal1facing == "right" then
2337			y3 = y3+1
2338		elseif objects["player"][i].portal1facing == "down" then
2339			x3 = x3-1
2340		elseif objects["player"][i].portal1facing == "left" then
2341			y3 = y3-1
2342		end
2344		local x4 = x2
2345		local y4 = y2
2347		if objects["player"][i].portal2facing == "up" then
2348			y4 = y4-1
2349		elseif objects["player"][i].portal2facing == "right" then
2350			x4 = x4+1
2351		elseif objects["player"][i].portal2facing == "down" then
2352			y4 = y4+1
2353		elseif objects["player"][i].portal2facing == "left" then
2354			x4 = x4-1
2355		end
2357		if (x == x1 and y == y1) or (x == x2 and y == y2) or (x == x3 and y == y3) or (x == x4 and y == y4) then
2358			return
2359		end
2360	end
2363	if editormode then
2364		return
2365	end
2367	if not inmap(x, y) then
2368		return
2369	end
2371	local r = map[x][y]
2372	playsound(blockhitsound)
2374	if tilequads[r[1]].breakable == true or tilequads[r[1]].coinblock == true then --Block should bounce!
2375		table.insert(blockbouncetimer, 0.000000001) --yeah it's a cheap solution to a problem but screw it.
2376		table.insert(blockbouncex, x)
2377		table.insert(blockbouncey, y)
2378		generatespritebatch()
2379		if #r > 1 and entityquads[r[2]].t ~= "manycoins" then --block contained something!
2380			table.insert(blockbouncecontent, entityquads[r[2]].t)
2381			table.insert(blockbouncecontent2, t.size)
2382			if tilequads[r[1]].invisible then
2383				if spriteset == 1 then
2384					map[x][y][1] = 113
2385				elseif spriteset == 2 then
2386					map[x][y][1] = 118
2387				else
2388					map[x][y][1] = 112
2389				end
2390			else
2391				if spriteset == 1 then
2392					map[x][y][1] = 113
2393				elseif spriteset == 2 then
2394					map[x][y][1] = 114
2395				else
2396					map[x][y][1] = 117
2397				end
2398			end
2399			if entityquads[r[2]].t == "vine" then
2400				playsound(vinesound)
2401			else
2402				playsound(mushroomappearsound)
2403			end
2404		else
2405			table.insert(blockbouncecontent, false)
2406			table.insert(blockbouncecontent2, t.size)
2408			if t and t.size > 1 and tilequads[r[1]].coinblock == false and (#r == 1 or entityquads[r[2]].t ~= "manycoins") then --destroy block!
2409				destroyblock(x, y)
2410			end
2411		end
2413		if #r == 1 and tilequads[r[1]].coinblock then --coinblock
2414			playsound(coinsound)
2415			if tilequads[r[1]].invisible then
2416				if spriteset == 1 then
2417					map[x][y][1] = 113
2418				elseif spriteset == 2 then
2419					map[x][y][1] = 118
2420				else
2421					map[x][y][1] = 112
2422				end
2423			else
2424				if spriteset == 1 then
2425					map[x][y][1] = 113
2426				elseif spriteset == 2 then
2427					map[x][y][1] = 114
2428				else
2429					map[x][y][1] = 117
2430				end
2431			end
2432			if #r == 1 then
2433				table.insert(coinblockanimations, coinblockanimation:new(x-0.5, y-1))
2434				mariocoincount = mariocoincount + 1
2435				if mariocoincount == 100 then
2436					if mariolivecount ~= false then
2437						for i = 1, players do
2438							mariolives[i] = mariolives[i] + 1
2439							respawnplayers()
2440						end
2441					end
2442					mariocoincount = 0
2443					playsound(oneupsound)
2444				end
2445				addpoints(200)
2446			end
2447		end
2449		if #r > 1 and entityquads[r[2]].t == "manycoins" then --block with many coins inside! yay $_$
2450			playsound(coinsound)
2451			table.insert(coinblockanimations, coinblockanimation:new(x-0.5, y-1))
2452			mariocoincount = mariocoincount + 1
2454			if mariocoincount == 100 then
2455				if mariolivecount ~= false then
2456					for i = 1, players do
2457						mariolives[i] = mariolives[i] + 1
2458						respawnplayers()
2459					end
2460				end
2461				mariocoincount = 0
2462				playsound(oneupsound)
2463			end
2464			addpoints(200)
2466			local exists = false
2467			for i = 1, #coinblocktimers do
2468				if x == coinblocktimers[i][1] and y == coinblocktimers[i][2] then
2469					exists = i
2470				end
2471			end
2473			if not exists then
2474				table.insert(coinblocktimers, {x, y, coinblocktime})
2475			elseif coinblocktimers[exists][3] <= 0 then
2476				if spriteset == 1 then
2477					map[x][y][1] = 113
2478				elseif spriteset == 2 then
2479					map[x][y][1] = 114
2480				else
2481					map[x][y][1] = 117
2482				end
2483			end
2484		end
2486		--kill enemies on top
2487		for i, v in pairs(enemies) do
2488			if objects[v] then
2489				for j, w in pairs(objects[v]) do
2490					local centerX = w.x + w.width/2
2491					if inrange(centerX, x-1, x, true) and y-1 == w.y+w.height then
2492						--get dir
2493						local dir = "right"
2494						if w.x+w.width/2 < x-0.5 then
2495							dir = "left"
2496						end
2498						if w.shotted then
2499							w:shotted(dir)
2500							addpoints(100, w.x+w.width/2, w.y)
2501						end
2502					end
2503				end
2504			end
2505		end
2507		--make items jump
2508		for i, v in pairs(jumpitems) do
2509			for j, w in pairs(objects[v]) do
2510				local centerX = w.x + w.width/2
2511				if inrange(centerX, x-1, x, true) and y-1 == w.y+w.height then
2512					if w.jump then
2513						w:jump(x)
2514					end
2515				end
2516			end
2517		end
2519		--check for coin on top
2520		if inmap(x, y-1) and tilequads[map[x][y-1][1]].coin then
2521			collectcoin(x, y-1)
2522			table.insert(coinblockanimations, coinblockanimation:new(x-0.5, y-1))
2523		end
2524	end
2527function destroyblock(x, y)
2528	for i = 1, players do
2529		local x1 = objects["player"][i].portal1X
2530		local y1 = objects["player"][i].portal1Y
2532		local x2 = objects["player"][i].portal2X
2533		local y2 = objects["player"][i].portal2Y
2535		local x3 = x1
2536		local y3 = y1
2538		if objects["player"][i].portal1facing == "up" then
2539			x3 = x3+1
2540		elseif objects["player"][i].portal1facing == "right" then
2541			y3 = y3+1
2542		elseif objects["player"][i].portal1facing == "down" then
2543			x3 = x3-1
2544		elseif objects["player"][i].portal1facing == "left" then
2545			y3 = y3-1
2546		end
2548		local x4 = x2
2549		local y4 = y2
2551		if objects["player"][i].portal2facing == "up" then
2552			y4 = y4-1
2553		elseif objects["player"][i].portal2facing == "right" then
2554			x4 = x4+1
2555		elseif objects["player"][i].portal2facing == "down" then
2556			y4 = y4+1
2557		elseif objects["player"][i].portal2facing == "left" then
2558			x4 = x4-1
2559		end
2561		if (x == x1 and y == y1) or (x == x2 and y == y2) or (x == x3 and y == y3) or (x == x4 and y == y4) then
2562			return
2563		end
2564	end
2566	map[x][y][1] = 1
2567	objects["tile"][x .. "-" .. y] = nil
2568	map[x][y]["gels"] = {}
2569	playsound(blockbreaksound)
2570	addpoints(50)
2572	table.insert(blockdebristable, blockdebris:new(x-.5, y-.5, 3.5, -23))
2573	table.insert(blockdebristable, blockdebris:new(x-.5, y-.5, -3.5, -23))
2574	table.insert(blockdebristable, blockdebris:new(x-.5, y-.5, 3.5, -14))
2575	table.insert(blockdebristable, blockdebris:new(x-.5, y-.5, -3.5, -14))
2577	generatespritebatch()
2580function mario:faithplate(dir)
2581	self.animationstate = "jumping"
2582	self.falling = true
2583	self:setquad()
2586function mario:startfall()
2587	if self.falling == false then
2588		self.falling = true
2589		self.animationstate = "falling"
2590		self:setquad()
2591	end
2594function mario:die(how)
2595	print("Death cause: " .. how)
2597	if how ~= "pit" and how ~= "time" then
2598		if self.size > 1 then
2599			self:shrink()
2600			return
2601		end
2602	elseif how ~= "time" then
2603		if bonusstage then
2604			levelscreen_load("sublevel", 0)
2605			return
2606		end
2607	end
2609	if editormode then
2610		self.y = 0
2611		self.speedy = 0
2612		return
2613	end
2614	self.dead = true
2616	everyonedead = true
2617	for i = 1, players do
2618		if not objects["player"][i].dead then
2619			everyonedead = false
2620		end
2621	end
2623	self.animationmisc = nil
2624	if everyonedead then
2625		self.animationmisc = "everyonedead"
2626		love.audio.stop()
2627	end
2629	playsound(deathsound)
2631	if how == "time" then
2632		noupdate = false
2633		self.quadcenterY = 10
2634		self.graphic = self.smallgraphic
2635		self.size = 1
2636		self.quadcenterX = 11
2637		self.offsetY = 3
2638		self.drawable = true
2639	end
2641	if how == "pit" then
2642		self.animation = "deathpit"
2643		self.size = 1
2644		self.drawable = false
2645		self.invincible = false
2646	else
2647		self.animation = "death"
2648		self.drawable = true
2649		self.invincible = false
2650		self.animationstate = "dead"
2651		self:setquad()
2652		self.speedy = 0
2653	end
2655	self.y = self.y - 1/16
2657	self.animationx = self.x
2658	self.animationy = self.y
2659	self.animationtimer = 0
2660	self.controlsenabled = false
2661	self.active = false
2662	prevsublevel = nil
2664	if not levelfinished and not testlevel and not infinitelives and mariolivecount ~= false then
2665		mariolives[self.playernumber] = mariolives[self.playernumber] - 1
2666	end
2668	return
2671function mario:laser(dir)
2672	if self.pickup then
2673		if dir == "right" and self.pointingangle < 0 then
2674			return
2675		elseif dir == "left" and self.pointingangle > 0 then
2676			return
2677		elseif dir == "up" and self.pointingangle > -math.pi/2 and self.pointingangle < math.pi/2 then
2678			return
2679		elseif dir == "down" and (self.pointingangle > math.pi/2 or self.pointingangle < -math.pi/2) then
2680			return
2681		end
2682	end
2683	self:die("Laser")
2686function getAngleFrame(angle)
2687	local mouseabs = math.abs(angle)
2688	local angleframe
2690	if mouseabs < math.pi/8 then
2691		angleframe = 1
2692	elseif mouseabs >= math.pi/8 and mouseabs < math.pi/8*3 then
2693		angleframe = 2
2694	elseif mouseabs >= math.pi/8*3 and mouseabs < math.pi/8*5 then
2695		angleframe = 3
2696	elseif mouseabs >= math.pi/8*5 and mouseabs < math.pi/8*7 then
2697		angleframe = 4
2698	elseif mouseabs >= math.pi/8*7 then
2699		angleframe = 4
2700	end
2702	return angleframe
2705function mario:emancipate(a)
2706	self:removeportals()
2708	local delete = {}
2710	for i, v in pairs(portalprojectiles) do
2711		if v.payload[1] == self.playernumber then
2712			table.insert(delete, i)
2713		end
2714	end
2716	table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end)
2718	for i, v in pairs(delete) do
2719		table.remove(portalprojectiles, v) --remove
2720	end
2723function mario:removeportals(i)
2724	if self.portal1X or self.portal2X then
2725		playsound(portalfizzlesound)
2726	end
2728	moveoutportal(1)
2729	moveoutportal(2)
2731	if i ~= 2 then
2733		if self.portal1facing == "up" then
2734			modifyportaltiles(self.portal1X, self.portal1Y, 1, 0, self.playernumber, 1, "add")
2735		elseif self.portal1facing == "down" then
2736			modifyportaltiles(self.portal1X, self.portal1Y, -1, 0, self.playernumber, 1, "add")
2737		elseif self.portal1facing == "left" then
2738			modifyportaltiles(self.portal1X, self.portal1Y, 0, -1, self.playernumber, 1, "add")
2739		elseif self.portal1facing == "right" then
2740			modifyportaltiles(self.portal1X, self.portal1Y, 0, 1, self.playernumber, 1, "add")
2741		end
2742		self.portal1X, self.portal1Y = false, false
2744		objects["portalwall"][self.playernumber .. "-1-1"] = nil
2745		objects["portalwall"][self.playernumber .. "-1-2"] = nil
2746		objects["portalwall"][self.playernumber .. "-1-3"] = nil
2747	end
2749	if i ~= 1 then
2751		if self.portal2facing == "up" then
2752			modifyportaltiles(self.portal2X, self.portal2Y, 1, 0, self.playernumber, 2, "add")
2753		elseif self.portal2facing == "down" then
2754			modifyportaltiles(self.portal2X, self.portal2Y, -1, 0, self.playernumber, 2, "add")
2755		elseif self.portal2facing == "left" then
2756			modifyportaltiles(self.portal2X, self.portal2Y, 0, -1, self.playernumber, 2, "add")
2757		elseif self.portal2facing == "right" then
2758			modifyportaltiles(self.portal2X, self.portal2Y, 0, 1, self.playernumber, 2, "add")
2759		end
2760		self.portal2X, self.portal2Y  = false, false
2762		objects["portalwall"][self.playernumber .. "-2-1"] = nil
2763		objects["portalwall"][self.playernumber .. "-2-2"] = nil
2764		objects["portalwall"][self.playernumber .. "-2-3"] = nil
2765	end
2767	if i ~= 2 then
2768		self.portal1facing = nil
2769	end
2770	if i ~= 1 then
2771		self.portal2facing = nil
2772	end
2774	for i, v in pairs(objects["lightbridge"]) do
2775		v:updaterange()
2776	end
2778	for i, v in pairs(objects["laser"]) do
2779		v:updaterange()
2780	end
2783function mario:use()
2784	if self.pickup then
2785		if self.pickup.destroying then
2786			self.pickup = false
2787		else
2788			self:dropbox()
2789			return
2790		end
2791	end
2792	local xcenter = self.x + 6/16 - math.sin(self.pointingangle)*userange
2793	local ycenter = self.y + 6/16 - math.cos(self.pointingangle)*userange
2795	local col = userect(xcenter-usesquaresize/2, ycenter-usesquaresize/2, usesquaresize, usesquaresize)
2796	if #col > 0 then
2797		col[1]:used(self.playernumber)
2798	end
2801function mario:pickupbox(box)
2802	self.pickup = box
2805function mario:dropbox()
2806	self.pickup:dropped()
2808	local set = false
2810	local boxx = self.x+math.sin(-self.pointingangle)*0.3
2811	local boxy = self.y-math.cos(-self.pointingangle)*0.3
2813	if self.pointingangle < 0 then
2814		if #checkrect(self.x+self.width, self.y+self.height-12/16, 12/16, 12/16, {"exclude", self.pickup}, true) == 0 then
2815			self.pickup.x = self.x+self.width
2816			self.pickup.y = self.y+self.height-12/16
2817			set = true
2818		end
2819	else
2820		if #checkrect(self.x-12/16, self.y+self.height-12/16, 12/16, 12/16, {"exclude", self.pickup}, true) == 0 then
2821			self.pickup.x = self.x-12/16
2822			self.pickup.y = self.y+self.height-12/16
2823			set = true
2824		end
2825	end
2827	if set == false then
2828		if #checkrect(self.x+self.width, self.y+self.height-12/16, 12/16, 12/16, {"exclude", self.pickup}, true) == 0 then
2829			self.pickup.x = self.x+self.width
2830			self.pickup.y = self.y+self.height-12/16
2831		elseif #checkrect(self.x-12/16, self.y+self.height-12/16, 12/16, 12/16, {"exclude", self.pickup}, true) == 0 then
2832			self.pickup.x = self.x-12/16
2833			self.pickup.y = self.y+self.height-12/16
2834		elseif #checkrect(self.x, self.y+self.height, 12/16, 12/16, {"exclude", self.pickup}, true) == 0 then
2835			self.pickup.x = self.x
2836			self.pickup.y = self.y+self.height
2837		elseif #checkrect(self.x, self.y-12/16, 12/16, 12/16, {"exclude", self.pickup}, true) == 0 then
2838			self.pickup.x = self.x
2839			self.pickup.y = self.y-12/16
2840		else
2841			self.pickup.x = self.x
2842			self.pickup.y = self.y
2843		end
2844	end
2846	for h, u in pairs(emancipationgrills) do
2847		if u.dir == "hor" then
2848			if inrange(self.pickup.x+6/16, u.startx-1, u.endx, true) and inrange(u.y-14/16, boxy, self.pickup.y, true) then
2849				self.pickup:emancipate(h)
2850			end
2851		else
2852			if inrange(self.pickup.y+6/16, u.starty-1, u.endy, true) and inrange(u.x-14/16, boxx, self.pickup.x, true) then
2853				self.pickup:emancipate(h)
2854			end
2855		end
2856	end
2857	self.pickup = nil
2860function mario:cubeemancipate()
2861	self.pickup = nil
2864function mario:duck(ducking) --goose
2865	self.ducking = ducking
2866	if self.ducking then
2867		self.y = self.y + 12/16
2868		self.height = 12/16
2869		self.quadcenterY = 22
2870		self.offsetY = 7
2871	else
2872		self.y = self.y - 12/16
2873		self.height = 24/16
2874		self.quadcenterY = 20
2875		self.offsetY = -3
2876	end
2879function mario:pipe(x, y, dir, i)
2880	self.active = false
2881	self.animation = "pipe" .. dir
2882	self.invincible = false
2883	self.drawable = true
2884	self.animationx = x
2885	self.animationy = y
2886	self.animationtimer = 0
2887	self.animationmisc = i
2888	self.controlsenabled = false
2889	playsound(pipesound)
2891	if intermission then
2892		respawnsublevel = i
2893	end
2895	if dir == "down" then
2896		if self.size > 1 then
2897			self.animationy = y - self.height + 12/16
2898		end
2899		self.animationstate = "idle"
2900		self.customscissor = {x-2, y-3, 2, 2}
2901	else
2902		if self.size == 1 then
2903			self.y = self.animationy-1/16 - self.height
2904		else
2905			self.y = self.animationy-1/16 - self.height
2906		end
2907		self.animationstate = "running"
2908		self.customscissor = {x-2, y-3, 1, 4}
2909	end
2911	self:setquad()
2914function mario:flag()
2915	if levelfinished then
2916		return
2917	end
2918	self.ducking = false
2919	self.animation = "flag"
2920	self.invincible = false
2921	self.drawable = true
2922	self.controlsenabled = false
2923	self.animationstate = "climbing"
2924	self.pointingangle = -math.pi/2
2925	self.animationtimer = 0
2926	self.speedx = 0
2927	self.speedy = 0
2928	self.x = flagx-2/16
2929	self.gravity = 0
2930	self.climbframe = 2
2931	self.active = false
2932	self:setquad()
2933	levelfinished = true
2934	levelfinishtype = "flag"
2935	subtractscore = false
2936	firework = false
2937	castleflagy = castleflagstarty
2938	objects["screenboundary"]["flag"].active = false
2940	--get score
2941	flagscore = flagscores[1]
2942	for i = 1, #flagvalues do
2943		if self.y < flagvalues[i] then
2944			flagscore = flagscores[i+1]
2945		else
2946			break
2947		end
2948	end
2950	addpoints(flagscore)
2952	--get firework count
2953	fireworkcount = tonumber(string.sub(math.ceil(mariotime), -1, -1))
2954	if fireworkcount ~= 1 and fireworkcount ~= 3 and fireworkcount ~= 6 then
2955		fireworkcount = 0
2956	end
2958	if portalbackground then
2959		fireworkcount = 0
2960	end
2962	love.audio.stop()
2965	playsound(levelendsound)
2968function mario:axe()
2969	if levelfinished then
2970		return
2971	end
2972	self.ducking = false
2973	for i = 1, players do
2974		objects["player"][i]:removeportals()
2975	end
2977	for i, v in pairs(objects["platform"]) do
2978		objects["platform"][i] = nil
2979	end
2981	self.animation = "axe"
2982	self.invincible = false
2983	self.drawable = true
2984	self.animationx = axex
2985	self.animationy = axey
2986	self.animationbridgex = axex-1
2987	self.animationbridgey = axey+2
2988	self.controlsenabled = false
2989	self.animationtimer = 0
2990	self.speedx = 0
2991	self.speedy = 0
2992	self.gravity = 0
2993	self.active = false
2994	levelfinished = true
2995	levelfinishtype = "castle"
2996	levelfinishedmisc = 0
2997	levelfinishedmisc2 = 1
2998	if marioworld == 8 then
2999		levelfinishedmisc2 = 2
3000	end
3001	bridgedisappear = false
3002	self.animationtimer2 = castleanimationbridgedisappeardelay
3003	bowserfall = false
3004	objects["screenboundary"]["axe"] = nil
3006	if objects["bowser"][1] and not objects["bowser"][1].shot then
3007		local v = objects["bowser"][1]
3008		v.speedx = 0
3009		v.speedy = 0
3010		v.active = false
3011		v.gravity = 0
3012		v.category = 1
3013	else
3014		self.animationtimer = castleanimationmariomove
3015		self.active = true
3016		self.gravity = mariogravity
3017		self.animationstate = "running"
3018		self.speedx = 4.27
3019		self.pointingangle = -math.pi/2
3021		love.audio.stop()
3022		playsound(castleendsound)
3023	end
3025	axex = false
3026	axey = false
3029function mario:vineanimation()
3030	self.animation = "vine"
3031	self.invincible = false
3032	self.drawable = true
3033	self.controlsenabled = false
3034	self.animationx = self.x
3035	self.animationy = vineanimationstart
3036	self.animationmisc = map[self.vinex][self.viney][3]
3037	self.active = false
3038	self.vine = false
3041function mario:star()
3042	addpoints(1000)
3043	self.startimer = 0
3044	self.colors = starcolors[1]
3045	self.starred = true
3046	stopmusic()
3047	music:play("starmusic")
3050function mario:fire()
3051	if not noupdate and self.controlsenabled and self.size == 3 and self.ducking == false then
3052		if self.fireballcount < maxfireballs then
3053			local dir = "right"
3054			if self.pointingangle > 0 then
3055				dir = "left"
3056			end
3057			table.insert(objects["fireball"], fireball:new(self.x+.5, self.y, dir, self))
3058			self.fireballcount = self.fireballcount + 1
3059			self.fireanimationtimer = 0
3060			self:setquad()
3061			playsound(fireballsound)
3062		end
3063	end
3066function mario:fireballcallback()
3067	self.fireballcount = self.fireballcount - 1
3070function collectcoin(x, y)
3071	map[x][y][1] = 1
3072	addpoints(200)
3073	playsound(coinsound)
3074	mariocoincount = mariocoincount + 1
3075	if mariocoincount == 100 then
3076		if mariolivecount ~= false then
3077			for i = 1, players do
3078				mariolives[i] = mariolives[i] + 1
3079				respawnplayers()
3080			end
3081		end
3082		mariocoincount = 0
3083		playsound(oneupsound)
3084	end
3087function mario:portaled(dir)
3088	if self.pickup then
3089		self.pickup:portaled()
3090	end
3091	if not sonicrainboom or not self.rainboomallowed then
3092		return
3093	end
3095	local didrainboom = false
3097	if dir == "up" then
3098		if self.speedy < -rainboomspeed then
3099			didrainboom = true
3100		end
3101	elseif dir == "left" then
3102		if self.speedx < -rainboomspeed then
3103			didrainboom = true
3104		end
3105	elseif dir == "right" then
3106		if self.speedx > rainboomspeed then
3107			didrainboom = true
3108		end
3109	end
3111	if didrainboom then
3112		table.insert(rainbooms, rainboom:new(self.x+self.width/2, self.y+self.height/2, dir))
3113		earthquake = rainboomearthquake
3114		self.rainboomallowed = false
3115		playsound(rainboomsound)
3117		for i, v in pairs(enemies) do
3118			if objects[v] then
3119				for j, w in pairs(objects[v]) do
3120					w:shotted()
3121					if v ~= "bowser" then
3122						addpoints(firepoints[v], w.x, w.y)
3123					else
3124						for i = 1, 6 do
3125							w:shotted()
3126						end
3127					end
3128				end
3129			end
3130		end
3132		self.hats = {33}
3133	end
3136function mario:shootgel(i)
3137	table.insert(objects["gel"], gel:new(self.x+self.width/2+8/16, self.y+self.height/2+6/16, i))
3139	local xspeed = math.cos(-self.pointingangle-math.pi/2)*gelcannonspeed
3140	local yspeed = math.sin(-self.pointingangle-math.pi/2)*gelcannonspeed
3142	objects["gel"][#objects["gel"]].speedy = yspeed
3143	objects["gel"][#objects["gel"]].speedx = xspeed
3146function mario:respawn()
3147	if mariolivecount ~= false and (mariolives[self.playernumber] == 0 or levelfinished) then
3148		return
3149	end
3151	local i = 1
3152	while i <= players and (objects["player"][i].dead or self.playernumber == i) do
3153		i = i + 1
3154	end
3156	fastestplayer = objects["player"][i]
3158	for i = 2, players do
3159		if objects["player"][i].x > fastestplayer.x and not objects["player"][i].dead then
3160			fastestplayer = objects["player"][i]
3161		end
3162	end
3164	self.colors = mariocolors[self.playernumber]
3165	self.speedy = 0
3166	self.speedx = 0
3167	self.dead = false
3168	self.quadcenterY = 10
3169	self.height = 12/16
3170	self.graphic = self.smallgraphic
3171	self.size = 1
3172	self.quadcenterX = 11
3173	self.offsetY = 3
3174	self.drawable = true
3175	self.animationstate = "idle"
3176	self:setquad()
3178	self.animation = "invincible"
3179	self.invincible = true
3180	self.animationtimer = 0
3182	self.y = fastestplayer.y + fastestplayer.height-12/16
3183	self.x = fastestplayer.x
3185	self.jumping = false
3186	self.falling = true
3188	self.controlsenabled = true
3189	self.active = true